[GRASS-SVN] r45431 - grass/branches/develbranch_6/mswindows/osgeo4w

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Fri Feb 18 10:11:11 EST 2011

Author: martinl
Date: 2011-02-18 07:11:11 -0800 (Fri, 18 Feb 2011)
New Revision: 45431

remove unused file

Deleted: grass/branches/develbranch_6/mswindows/osgeo4w/gdal-1.6.diff
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/mswindows/osgeo4w/gdal-1.6.diff	2011-02-18 15:07:17 UTC (rev 45430)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/mswindows/osgeo4w/gdal-1.6.diff	2011-02-18 15:11:11 UTC (rev 45431)
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-Index: nmake.opt
---- nmake.opt	(revision 17458)
-+++ nmake.opt	(working copy)
-@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
- # 1200 = 6.0
- #
--#assume msvc 7.1
-+#assume msvc 9.0
- ###############################################################################
-@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@
- # But the paths *should* be absolute (relative paths mess up in submakefiles).
--GDAL_HOME = "C:\warmerda\bld"
- PLUGINDIR = $(BINDIR)\gdalplugins
--PY_INST_DIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\pymod
-+PY_INST_DIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\apps\Python25\lib\site-packages
- INCDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\include
-@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
- # Set this to the installed directory containing python.  If you don't
- # have python just let it point to a directory that does not exist (as now).
--PYDIR   =	"C:\Software\Python24"
-+PYDIR = $(OSGEO4W_ROOT)\apps\Python25
- # Set the location of your SWIG installation
-@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
- !IF $(MSVC_VER) >= 1400
-Index: ogr/ogrsf_frmts/grass/ogrgrassdatasource.cpp
---- ogr/ogrsf_frmts/grass/ogrgrassdatasource.cpp	(revision 17458)
-+++ ogr/ogrsf_frmts/grass/ogrgrassdatasource.cpp	(working copy)
-@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@
- #include "cpl_conv.h"
- #include "cpl_string.h"
-+#ifdef WIN32
-+#include <fcntl.h>
- CPL_CVSID("$Id$");
- /************************************************************************/
-@@ -187,6 +191,9 @@
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-     Vect_set_fatal_error ( GV_FATAL_PRINT ); // Print error and continue
-     Vect_set_open_level (2);
-+#ifdef WIN32
-+    _set_fmode(_O_BINARY);
-     int level = Vect_open_old ( &map, pszMap, pszMapset);
-     if ( level < 2 ) {
-Index: ogr/ogrsf_frmts/grass/makefile.vc
---- ogr/ogrsf_frmts/grass/makefile.vc	(revision 0)
-+++ ogr/ogrsf_frmts/grass/makefile.vc	(revision 0)
-@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
-+GRASS_BASE     = $(OSGEO4W_ROOT)\apps\grass\grass-$(GRASS_VERSION)
-+SRC            = ogrgrassdriver.cpp ogrgrassdatasource.cpp ogrgrasslayer.obj
-+OBJ            = ogrgrassdriver.obj ogrgrassdatasource.obj ogrgrasslayer.obj
-+PLUGIN_DLL     = ogr_GRASS.dll
-+                       -I $(OSGEO4W_ROOT)/apps/gdal-16/include \
-+                       -I $(OSGEO4W_ROOT)/include -I $(GRASS_BASE)/include \
-+                       -D GRASS_GISBASE=\"$(OSGEO4W_ROOT)\\apps\\grass\\grass-$(GRASS_VERSION)\"
-+GRASS_LIBS     = /LIBPATH:$(GRASS_BASE)/lib $(OSGEO4W_ROOT)/apps/gdal-16/lib/gdal_i.lib grass_gis.lib grass_vect.lib grass_dbmibase.lib grass_dbmiclient.lib grass_gproj.lib
-+PLUGIN_DIR     = $(OSGEO4W_ROOT)\apps\gdal-16\bin\gdalplugins
-+#GRASS_LIBS    = /LIBPATH:$(GRASS_BASE)/lib /LIBPATH:$(OSGEO4W_ROOT)/lib gdal_i.lib grass_gis.lib grass_vect.lib grass_dbmibase.lib grass_dbmiclient.lib grass_gproj.lib
-+#PLUGIN_DIR    = $(OSGEO4W_ROOT)\bin\gdalplugins
-+plugin: $(PLUGIN_DLL)
-+       link /debug /dll $(LDEBUG) /out:$(PLUGIN_DLL) $(OBJ) $(GDALLIB) $(GRASS_LIBS)
-+       if exist $(PLUGIN_DLL).manifest mt -manifest $(PLUGIN_DLL).manifest -outputresource:$(PLUGIN_DLL);2
-+       xcopy $(PLUGIN_DLL) $(PLUGIN_DIR) /y
-+       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.cpp
-+default:       $(OBJ)
-+       xcopy /D  /Y *.obj ..\o
-+       -del *.obj
-+plugin-install: $(PLUGIN_DLL)
-+       -mkdir $(PLUGINDIR)
-Index: ogr/ogrfeature.cpp
---- ogr/ogrfeature.cpp	(revision 17458)
-+++ ogr/ogrfeature.cpp	(working copy)
-@@ -976,8 +976,7 @@
- const char *OGRFeature::GetFieldAsString( int iField )
- {
--#define TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE 80
--    char         szTempBuffer[TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE];
-+    char szTempBufferSize[80];
-     CPLFree(m_pszTmpFieldValue);
-     m_pszTmpFieldValue = NULL;            
-@@ -989,7 +988,7 @@
-         switch (iSpecialField)
-         {
-           case SPF_FID:
--            snprintf( szTempBuffer, TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE, "%ld", GetFID() );
-+            snprintf( szTempBuffer, sizeof szTempBufferSize, "%ld", GetFID() );
-             return m_pszTmpFieldValue = CPLStrdup( szTempBuffer );
-           case SPF_OGR_GEOMETRY:
-@@ -1038,7 +1037,7 @@
-     }
-     else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTInteger )
-     {
--        snprintf( szTempBuffer, TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE,
-+        snprintf( szTempBuffer, sizeof szTempBufferSize,
-                   "%d", pauFields[iField].Integer );
-         return m_pszTmpFieldValue = CPLStrdup( szTempBuffer );
-     }
-@@ -1054,14 +1053,14 @@
-         else
-             strcpy( szFormat, "%.15g" );
--        snprintf( szTempBuffer, TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE,
-+        snprintf( szTempBuffer, sizeof szTempBufferSize,
-                   szFormat, pauFields[iField].Real );
-         return m_pszTmpFieldValue = CPLStrdup( szTempBuffer );
-     }
-     else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTDateTime )
-     {
--        snprintf( szTempBuffer, TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE,
-+        snprintf( szTempBuffer, sizeof szTempBufferSize,
-                   "%04d/%02d/%02d %2d:%02d:%02d", 
-                   pauFields[iField].Date.Year,
-                   pauFields[iField].Date.Month,
-@@ -1086,17 +1085,17 @@
-             if( nMinutes == 0 )
-                 snprintf( szTempBuffer+strlen(szTempBuffer), 
--                          TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE-strlen(szTempBuffer), "%02d", nHours );
-+                          sizeof szTempBufferSize-strlen(szTempBuffer), "%02d", nHours );
-             else
-                 snprintf( szTempBuffer+strlen(szTempBuffer), 
--                          TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE-strlen(szTempBuffer), "%02d%02d", nHours, nMinutes );
-+                          sizeof szTempBufferSize-strlen(szTempBuffer), "%02d%02d", nHours, nMinutes );
-         }
-         return m_pszTmpFieldValue = CPLStrdup( szTempBuffer );
-     }
-     else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTDate )
-     {
--        snprintf( szTempBuffer, TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE, "%04d/%02d/%02d",
-+        snprintf( szTempBuffer, sizeof szTempBufferSize, "%04d/%02d/%02d",
-                   pauFields[iField].Date.Year,
-                   pauFields[iField].Date.Month,
-                   pauFields[iField].Date.Day );
-@@ -1105,7 +1104,7 @@
-     }
-     else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTTime )
-     {
--        snprintf( szTempBuffer, TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE, "%2d:%02d:%02d", 
-+        snprintf( szTempBuffer, sizeof szTempBufferSize, "%2d:%02d:%02d", 
-                   pauFields[iField].Date.Hour,
-                   pauFields[iField].Date.Minute,
-                   pauFields[iField].Date.Second );
-@@ -1117,7 +1116,7 @@
-         char    szItem[32];
-         int     i, nCount = pauFields[iField].IntegerList.nCount;
--        snprintf( szTempBuffer, TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE, "(%d:", nCount );
-+        snprintf( szTempBuffer, sizeof szTempBufferSize, "(%d:", nCount );
-         for( i = 0; i < nCount; i++ )
-         {
-             snprintf( szItem, sizeof(szItem), "%d",
-@@ -1155,7 +1154,7 @@
-         else
-             strcpy( szFormat, "%.16g" );
--        snprintf( szTempBuffer, TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE, "(%d:", nCount );
-+        snprintf( szTempBuffer, sizeof szTempBufferSize, "(%d:", nCount );
-         for( i = 0; i < nCount; i++ )
-         {
-             snprintf( szItem, sizeof(szItem), szFormat,
-@@ -1183,7 +1182,7 @@
-     {
-         int     i, nCount = pauFields[iField].StringList.nCount;
--        snprintf( szTempBuffer, TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE, "(%d:", nCount );
-+        snprintf( szTempBuffer, sizeof szTempBufferSize, "(%d:", nCount );
-         for( i = 0; i < nCount; i++ )
-         {
-             const char  *pszItem = pauFields[iField].StringList.paList[i];
-@@ -1228,7 +1227,6 @@
-     }
-     else
-         return "";
- }
- /************************************************************************/
-Index: frmts/grass/makefile.vc
---- frmts/grass/makefile.vc	(revision 0)
-+++ frmts/grass/makefile.vc	(revision 0)
-@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
-+SRC            = grass57dataset.cpp
-+OBJ            = grass57dataset.obj
-+PLUGIN_DLL     = gdal_GRASS.dll
-+LDEBUG         = /debug 
-+CFLAGS         = -I $(OSGEO4W_ROOT)\apps\grass\grass-$(GRASS_VERSION)\include -I $(OSGEO4W_ROOT)\apps\gdal-16\include -I $(OSGEO4W_ROOT)\include /MD /EHsc
-+GRASS_LIBS     = /LIBPATH:$(OSGEO4W_ROOT)\apps\grass\grass-$(GRASS_VERSION)\lib $(OSGEO4W_ROOT)\apps\gdal-16\lib\gdal_i.lib grass_gis.lib grass_i.lib grass_gproj.lib
-+PLUGINDIR      = $(OSGEO4W_ROOT)\apps\gdal-16\bin\gdalplugins
-+#CFLAGS        = -I $(OSGEO4W_ROOT)\include -I $(OSGEO4W_ROOT)\apps\grass\grass-$(GRASS_VERSION)\include /MD /EHsc /Od /Zi /DNDEBUG /Fdgdal_GRASS.pdb
-+#GRASS_LIBS    = /LIBPATH:c:/OSGeo4W/apps/grass/grass-$(GRASS_VERSION)/lib /LIBPATH:C:/OSGeo4W/lib gdal_i.lib grass_gis.lib grass_i.lib grass_gproj.lib
-+#PLUGINDIR     = $(OSGEO4W_ROOT)\bin\gdalplugins
-+plugin: $(PLUGIN_DLL)
-+	link /dll $(LDEBUG) /out:$(PLUGIN_DLL) $(OBJ) $(GDALLIB) $(GRASS_LIBS)
-+	if exist $(PLUGIN_DLL).manifest mt -manifest $(PLUGIN_DLL).manifest -outputresource:$(PLUGIN_DLL);2
-+	xcopy $(PLUGIN_DLL) $(PLUGINDIR) /y
-+$(OBJ): $(SRC)
-+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $(SRC)
-+default:       $(OBJ)
-+	xcopy /D  /Y *.obj ..\o
-+       -del *.obj *.manifest *.dll *.lib *.exp *.pdb
-+plugin-install: $(PLUGIN_DLL)
-+       -mkdir $(PLUGINDIR)

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