[GRASS-SVN] r45456 - grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/icons

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Thu Feb 24 07:42:09 EST 2011

Author: martinl
Date: 2011-02-24 04:42:09 -0800 (Thu, 24 Feb 2011)
New Revision: 45456

unmaintained grass and silk icon sets removed (step 2)

Deleted: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/icons/grass_icons.py
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/icons/grass_icons.py	2011-02-24 12:34:18 UTC (rev 45455)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/icons/grass_icons.py	2011-02-24 12:42:09 UTC (rev 45456)
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-Original GRASS icon set from old TCL/TK GUI
-import os
-import wx
-import globalvar
-iconpath = os.path.join(globalvar.ETCDIR, "gui", "icons", "grass")
-iconpath_vdigit  = os.path.join(globalvar.ETCDIR, "gui", "icons", "grass", "vdigit")
-IconsGrass = {
-    # map display
-    "displaymap" : 'gui-display.gif',
-    "rendermap"  : 'gui-redraw.gif',
-    "erase"      : 'gui-erase.gif',
-    "pointer"    : 'gui-pointer.gif',
-    "zoom_in"    : 'gui-zoom_in.gif',
-    "zoom_out"   : 'gui-zoom_out.gif',
-    "pan"        : 'gui-pan.gif',
-    "query"      : 'gui-query.gif',
-    "zoom_back"  : 'gui-zoom_back.gif',
-    "zoommenu"   : 'gui-mapzoom.gif',
-    "zoom_extent" : wx.ART_ERROR, # FIXME
-    "savefile"   : 'file-save.gif',
-    "printmap"   : 'file-print.gif',
-    "overlay"    : 'gui-overlay.gif',
-    # digit
-    ## add feature
-    "digAddPoint": 'new.point.gif',
-    "digAddLine" : 'new.line.gif',
-    "digAddBoundary": 'new.boundary.gif',
-    "digAddCentroid": 'new.centroid.gif',
-    "digAddArea": wx.ART_ERROR,
-    ## vertex
-    "digAddVertex" : 'add.vertex.gif',
-    "digMoveVertex" : 'move.vertex.gif',
-    "digRemoveVertex" : 'rm.vertex.gif',
-    "digSplitLine" : 'split.line.gif',
-    ## edit feature
-    "digEditLine" : 'edit.line.gif',
-    "digMoveLine" : 'move.line.gif',
-    "digDeleteLine" : 'delete.line.gif',
-    ## cats
-    "digCopyCats" : 'copy.cats.gif',
-    "digDispCats" : 'display.cats.gif',
-    ## attributes
-    "digDispAttr" : 'display.attributes.gif',
-    ## general
-    "digUndo" : wx.ART_ERROR, # FIXME
-    "digAdditionalTools" : wx.ART_ERROR, # FIXME
-    # layer manager
-    "newdisplay" : 'gui-startmon.gif',
-    "fileNew"    : 'file-new.gif',
-    "fileLoad"   : 'file-new.gif', 
-    "fileOpen"   : 'file-open.gif',
-    "fileSave"   : 'file-save.gif',
-    "fileImport" : 'file-new.gif',
-    "addrast"    : 'element-cell.gif',
-    "rastmisc"   : 'module-d.shadedmap.gif',
-    "addrast3d"  : 'element-grid3.gif',
-    "addvect"    : 'element-vector.gif',
-    "vectmisc"   : 'module-d.vect.thematic.gif',
-    "addcmd"     : 'gui-cmd.gif',
-    "addgrp"     : 'gui-group.gif',
-    "addovl"     : 'module-d.grid.gif',
-    "delcmd"     : 'edit-cut.gif',
-    "attrtable"  : 'db-values.gif',
-    "vdigit"     :  wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "addrgb"     : 'module-d.rgb.gif',
-    "addhis"     : 'channel-his.gif',
-    "addshaded"  : 'module-d.shadedmap.gif',
-    "addrarrow"  : 'module-d.rast.arrow.gif',
-    "addrnum"    : 'module-d.rast.num.gif',
-    "addthematic": 'module-d.vect.thematic.gif',
-    "addchart"   : 'module-d.vect.chart.gif',
-    "addgrid"    : 'module-d.grid.gif',
-    "addgeodesic": 'module-d.geodesic.gif',
-    "addrhumb"   : 'module-d.rhumbline.gif',
-    "addlabels"  : 'module-d.labels.gif',
-    "addtext"    : 'module-d.text.gif',
-    "addbarscale": 'module-d.barscale.gif',
-    "addlegend"  : 'module-d.legend.gif',
-    "quit"       : 'gui-exit.gif',
-    "modeler"    : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    # analyze raster
-    "analyze"    : 'gui-rastanalyze.gif',
-    "measure"    : 'gui-measure.gif',
-    "font"       : 'gui-font.gif',
-    "histogram"  : 'module-d.histogram.gif',
-    "color"      : 'edit-color.gif',
-    "layeropts"  : 'gui-layeroptions.gif',
-    # profile 
-    "profile"    : 'gui-profile.gif',
-    "transect"   : 'gui-profiledefine.gif',
-    "profiledraw" : 'gui-display.gif',
-    "profileopt" : 'gui-profileopt.gif',
-    # georectify
-    'grGcpClear'   : 'gui-gcperase.gif',
-    'grGcpSet'     : 'gui-gcpset.gif',
-    'grGeorect'    : 'gui-georect.gif',
-    'grGcpRms'     : 'gui-rms.gif',
-    "grGcpSave"    : 'file-save.gif', 
-    "grGcpAdd"     : wx.ART_NEW, # FIXME
-    "grGcpDelete"  : wx.ART_DELETE, # FIXME
-    "grGcpReload"  : 'gui-redraw.gif',
-    # modeler
-    "modelActionAdd" : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "modelDataAdd"   : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "modelRelation"  : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "modelRun"       : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "modelValidate"  : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "imageSave"      : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "pythonSave"     : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "modelProperties" : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "modelVariables" : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    # 3d view
-    "nvizView"       : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "nvizSurface"    : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "nvizVector"     : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "nvizVolume"     : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "nvizLight"      : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "nvizFringe"     : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    # various
-    "settings"       : 'edit-color.gif',
-    "redraw"         : 'gui-display.gif',
-    "help"           : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "psScript"       : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "psExport"       : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    }

Deleted: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/icons/silk_icons.py
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/icons/silk_icons.py	2011-02-24 12:34:18 UTC (rev 45455)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/icons/silk_icons.py	2011-02-24 12:42:09 UTC (rev 45456)
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-Silk icon set, v1.3
-__author__ = "Mark James"
-__version__ = "1.3"
-import os
-import wx
-import globalvar
-iconpath = os.path.join(globalvar.ETCDIR, "gui", "icons", "silk")
-IconsSilk = {
-    # map display
-    "displaymap" : 'map_go.png',
-    "rendermap"  : 'arrow_refresh.png',
-    "erase"      : 'cross.png',
-    "pointer"    : 'cursor.png',
-    "query"      : 'information.png',
-    "savefile"   : 'picture_save.png',
-    "printmap"   : 'printer.png',
-    "pan"        : 'arrow_out.png', 
-    # zoom (mapdisplay)
-    "zoom_in"    : 'zoom_in.png',
-    "zoom_out"   : 'zoom_out.png',
-    "zoom_back"  : 'zoom_back.png',
-    "zoommenu"   : 'zoom.png',
-    "zoom_extent" : 'zoom_extent.png',
-    # analyze raster (mapdisplay)
-    "analyze"    : 'application_lightning.png',
-    "measure"    : 'sum.png',
-    "profile"    : 'wand.png',
-    "histogram"  : 'chart_bar.png',
-    "font"       : 'font.png',
-    # overlay (mapdisplay)
-    "overlay"    : 'overlays.png',
-    "addtext"    : 'textfield_add.png',
-    "addbarscale": 'page_white_picture.png',
-    "addlegend"  : 'page_green.png',
-    "quit"       : 'door_in.png',
-    # digit
-    ## add feature
-    "digAddPoint": 'bullet_add.png',
-    "digAddLine" : 'vector_add.png',
-    "digAddBoundary": 'shape_handles.png',
-    "digAddCentroid": 'shape_square_add.png',
-    "digAddArea": wx.ART_ERROR,
-    ## vertex
-    "digAddVertex" : 'chart_line_add.png',
-    "digMoveVertex" : 'chart_line.png',
-    "digRemoveVertex" : 'chart_line_delete.png',
-    "digSplitLine" : 'chart_line_link.png',
-    ## edit feature
-    "digEditLine" : 'chart_line_edit.png',
-    "digMoveLine" : 'bullet_go.png',
-    "digDeleteLine" : 'vector_delete.png',
-    ## cats
-    "digDispCats" : 'chart_organisation.png',
-    "digCopyCats" : 'chart_organisation_add.png',
-    ## attributes
-    "digDispAttr" : 'table.png',
-    ## general
-    "digUndo" : 'arrow_undo.png',
-    "digAdditionalTools" : 'plugin.png',
-    # layer manager
-    "newdisplay" : 'application_add.png',
-    "fileNew"    : 'page_white.png',
-    "fileLoad"   : 'page_white_get.png',
-    "fileOpen"   : 'folder.png',
-    "fileSave"   : 'page_save.png',
-    "fileImport" : 'page_white_get.png',
-    "addrast"    : 'image_add.png',
-    "rastmisc"   : 'picture_empty.png',
-    "addrast3d"  : 'bricks.png',
-    "addshaded"  : 'picture_empty.png',
-    "addrarrow"  : 'arrow_inout.png',
-    "addrnum"    : 'color_swatch.png',
-    "addvect"    : 'map_add.png',
-    "vectmisc"   : 'thematic.png',
-    "addcmd"     : 'cog_add.png',
-    "addgrp"     : 'folder_add.png',
-    "addovl"     : 'images.png',
-    "addgrid"    : 'application_view_icons.png',
-    "addlabels"  : 'tag_blue_add.png',
-    "delcmd"     : 'bin_closed.png',
-    "attrtable"  : 'application_view_columns.png',
-    "vdigit"     : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "addrgb"     : 'rgb.png',
-    "addhis"     : 'his.png',
-    "addthematic": 'thematic.png',
-    "addchart"   : 'chart_bar.png',
-    "layeropts"  : 'map_edit.png',
-    "modeler"    : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    # profile analysis
-    "transect"   : 'image_edit.png',
-    "profiledraw"  : 'arrow_refresh.png',
-    "profileopt"   : 'color_swatch.png',
-    # georectify
-    "grGcpSet"     : 'bullet_add.png',
-    'grGcpClear'   : 'cross.png',
-    'grGeorect'    : 'application_lightning.png',
-    'grGcpRms'     : 'error.png',
-    "grGcpSave"    : 'picture_save.png',
-    "grGcpAdd"     : 'bullet_add.png', 
-    "grGcpDelete"  : 'bullet_delete.png',
-    "grGcpReload"  : 'arrow_refresh.png',
-    # modeler
-    "modelActionAdd" : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "modelDataAdd"   : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "modelRelation"  : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "modelRun"       : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "modelValidate"  : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "imageSave"      : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "pythonSave"     : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "modelProperties" : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "modelVariables" : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    # 3d view
-    "nvizView"       : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "nvizSurface"    : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "nvizVector"     : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "nvizVolume"     : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "nvizLight"      : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "nvizFringe"     : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    # various
-    "settings"       : 'color_swatch.png',
-    "redraw"         : 'arrow_refresh.png',
-    "help"           : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "psScript"       : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    "psExport"       : wx.ART_ERROR,
-    }

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