[GRASS-SVN] r46419 - grass/trunk/vector/v.in.lidar
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Wed May 25 05:18:04 EDT 2011
Author: mmetz
Date: 2011-05-25 02:18:04 -0700 (Wed, 25 May 2011)
New Revision: 46419
new module to import LiDAR LAS format
Copied: grass/trunk/vector/v.in.lidar/v.in.lidar.html (from rev 46418, grass/trunk/vector/v.in.lidar/v.in.ogr.html)
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.in.lidar/v.in.lidar.html (rev 0)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.in.lidar/v.in.lidar.html 2011-05-25 09:18:04 UTC (rev 46419)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+<em>v.in.lidar</em> converts LiDAR point clouds in LAS format to a GRASS
+vector, using the <a href="http://www.liblas.org">libLAS</a> library.
+The typical file extensions for the LAS format are .las and .laz (compressed).
+The created vector is true 3D with x, y, z coordinates.
+For larger datasets, it is recommended to not build topology (-b flag).
+Also, creating a table with attributes can take some time for larger datasets.
+The optional <b>spatial</b> parameter defines spatial query extents.
+This parameter allows the user to restrict the region to a spatial subset
+while importing the data. All LiDAR points falling into this rectangle
+subregion are imported. The <b>-r</b> current region flag is identical,
+but uses the current region settings as the spatial bounds
+(see <em><a href="g.region.html">g.region</a></em>).
+<H2>Location Creation</H2>
+<em>v.in.lidar</em> attempts to preserve projection information when importing
+datasets if the source format includes projection information, and if
+the LAS driver supports it. If the projection of the source dataset does
+not match the projection of the current location <em>v.in.lidar</em> will
+report an error message ("<tt>Projection of dataset does not appear to
+match current location</tt>") and then report the PROJ_INFO parameters of
+the source dataset.
+If the user wishes to ignore the difference between the apparent coordinate
+system of the source data and the current location, they may pass the
+<b>-o</b> flag to override the projection check.
+If the user wishes to import the data with the full projection definition,
+it is possible to have <em>v.in.lidar</em> automatically create a new location based
+on the projection and extents of the file being read. This is accomplished
+by passing the name to be used for the new location via the <b>location</b>
+parameter. Upon completion of the command, a new location will have been
+created (with only a PERMANENT mapset), and the vector map will have been
+imported with the indicated <b>output</b> name into the PERMANENT mapset.
+<a href="http://www.asprs.org/a/society/committees/standards/lidar_exchange_format.html">
+ASPRS LAS format</a><br>
+<a href="http://www.liblas.org/">LAS library</a> <br>
+<a href="http://test.liblas.org/doxygen/liblas_8h.htm">LAS library C API</a> documentation
+Markus Metz
+based on v.in.ogr
+<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
Deleted: grass/trunk/vector/v.in.lidar/v.in.ogr.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.in.lidar/v.in.ogr.html 2011-05-25 09:16:36 UTC (rev 46418)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.in.lidar/v.in.ogr.html 2011-05-25 09:18:04 UTC (rev 46419)
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-<em>v.in.ogr</em> converts
-<a href="http://www.gdal.org/ogr/">OGR</a> vectors to GRASS.
-OGR (Simple Features Library) is part of the
-<a href="http://www.gdal.org">GDAL</a> library, so you need to
-install GDAL to use <em>v.in.ogr</em>.
-If the <b>layer</b> parameter is not given, all available layers
-are imported as separate GRASS layers into one GRASS vector map. If
-several OGR layer names are given, all these layers are imported as
-separate GRASS layers into one GRASS vector map.
-The optional <b>spatial</b> parameter defines spatial query extents.
-This parameter allows the user to restrict the region to a spatial subset
-while importing the data. All vector features completely or partially
-falling into this rectangle subregion are imported.
-The <b>-r</b> current region flag is identical, but uses the current region
-settings as the spatial bounds (see <em><a href="g.region.html">g.region</a></em>).
-Topology cleaning on areas is automatically performed, but may fail in
-special cases (then use <a href="v.clean.html">v.clean</a>).
-The <b>min_area</b> threshold value is being specified as area size
-in map units with the exception of latitude-longitude locations in which
-it is being specified solely in square meters.
-<h3>Supported OGR Vector Formats</h3>
-<a href="http://www.gdal.org/ogr/drv_shapefile.html">ESRI
-<a href="http://www.gdal.org/ogr/drv_mitab.html">Mapinfo File</a>
-Further available drivers such as UK .NTF, SDTS, TIGER, IHO S-57 (ENC),
-DGN, GML, AVCBin, REC, Memory, OGDI, and PostgreSQL depend on the local
-installation (OGR library), for details see
-<a href="http://www.gdal.org/ogr/ogr_formats.html">OGR web site</a>.
-<H2>Location Creation</H2>
-<em>v.in.ogr</em> attempts to preserve projection information when importing
-datasets if the source format includes projection information, and if
-the OGR driver supports it. If the projection of the source dataset does
-not match the projection of the current location <em>v.in.ogr</em> will
-report an error message ("<tt>Projection of dataset does not appear to
-match current location</tt>") and then report the PROJ_INFO parameters of
-the source dataset.
-If the user wishes to ignore the difference between the apparent coordinate
-system of the source data and the current location, they may pass the
-<b>-o</b> flag to override the projection check.
-If the user wishes to import the data with the full projection definition,
-it is possible to have <em>v.in.ogr</em> automatically create a new location based
-on the projection and extents of the file being read. This is accomplished
-by passing the name to be used for the new location via the <b>location</b>
-parameter. Upon completion of the command, a new location will have been
-created (with only a PERMANENT mapset), and the vector map will have been
-imported with the indicated <b>output</b> name into the PERMANENT mapset.
-The command imports various vector formats:
-<li><B>SHAPE files</B>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-v.in.ogr dsn=/home/user/shape_data/test_shape.shp output=grass_map
-Alternate method:
-<div class="code"><pre>
-v.in.ogr dsn=/home/user/shape_data layer=test_shape output=grass_map
-<li><B>MapInfo files</B>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-v.in.ogr dsn=./ layer=mapinfo_test output=grass_map
-<li><B>Arc Coverage</B><BR>
- We import the Arcs and Label points, the module takes care to
- build areas:<br>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-v.in.ogr dsn=gemeinden layer=LAB,ARC type=centroid,boundary output=mymap
-<li><B>E00 file</B> (see also <em><a href="v.in.e00.html">v.in.e00</a></em>)<BR>
- First we have to convert the E00 file to an Arc Coverage with 'avcimport'
- (<a href="http://avce00.maptools.org/avce00/index.html">AVCE00 tools</a>,
- use <em>e00conv</em> first in case that <em>avcimport</em> fails):<br>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-avcimport e00file coverage
-v.in.ogr dsn=coverage layer=LAB,ARC type=centroid,boundary output=mymap
-<li><B>SDTS files</B> (you have to select the CATD file)<BR>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-v.in.ogr dsn=CITXCATD.DDF output=cities
-<li><B>TIGER files</B><BR>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-v.in.ogr dsn=input/2000/56015/ layer=CompleteChain,PIP output=t56015_all \
-type=boundary,centroid snap=-1
-<li><B>PostGIS maps</B> (area example)<BR>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-v.in.ogr dsn="PG:host=localhost dbname=postgis user=postgres" layer=polymap \
-output=polygons type=boundary,centroid
-<li><B>Oracle Spatial maps </B><BR>
-Note that you have to set the environment-variables <tt>ORACLE_BASE,
-ORACLE_SID, ORACLE_HOME</tt> and <tt>TNS_ADMIN</tt> accordingly.
-<div class="code"><pre>
-v.in.ogr dsn=OCI:username/password at database_instance output=grasslayer layer=roads_oci
-<h3>Support of database schema:</h3>
-For schema support, first set a default schema with
-<em><a href="db.connect.html">db.connect</a></em>. If schema support is
-used the schema name must be specified whenever a db.* module is called.
-<div class="code"><pre>
-db.connect driver=pg database=test schema=user1 group=group1
-db.login driver=pg database=test user=user1 password=pwd1
-v.in.ogr dsn=./ layer=river output=river # -> table user1.river
-db.select table=user1.river
-The user can ignore schemas, if desired:
-<div class="code"><pre>
-db.connect driver=pg database=test
-db.login driver=pg database=test user=user1 password=pwd1
-v.in.ogr dsn=./ layer=river output=river # -> table public.river
-db.select table=river
-The characters used for table column names are limited. Supported are:<br>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-This means that SQL neither supports '.' (dots) nor '-' (minus) nor '#' in table
-column names. Also a table name must start with a character, not a number.
-<em>v.in.ogr</em> converts '.', '-' and '#' to '_' (underscore) during import.
-The <em>-w</em> flag changes capital column names to lowercase characters as
-a convenience for SQL usage (lowercase column names avoid the need to quote them
-if the attribute table is stored in a SQL DBMS such as PostgreSQL).
-The <b>cnames</b> parameter is used to define new column names during import.
-The DBF database specification limits column names to 10 characters.
-If the default DB is set to DBF and the input data contains longer
-column/field names, they will be truncated. If this results in multiple
-columns with the same name then <em>v.in.ogr</em> will produce an error.
-In this case you will either have to modify the input data or use
-<em>v.in.ogr</em>'s <b>cnames</b> parameter to rename columns to something
-unique. (hint: copy and modify the list given with the error message).
-Alternatively, change the local DB with
-<em><a href="db.connect.html">db.connect</a></em>.
-If a message like "<tt>WARNING: Area size 1.3e-06, area not imported.</tt>"
-appears, the <b>min_area</b> may be adjusted to a smaller value so that all
-areas are imported. Otherwise tiny areas are filtered out during import
-(useful to polish digitization errors or non-topological data).
-<i>"ERROR: DBMI-DBF driver error:
-SQL parser error: syntax error, unexpected DESC, expecting NAME processing 'DESC'"</i><br>
-indicates that a column name corresponds to a reserved SQL word (here: 'DESC').
-A different column name should be used. The <em>cnames</em> parameter can be used
-to assign different column names on the fly.
-<i>"ERROR: Projection of dataset does not appear to match the current location."</i><br>
-You need to create a location whose projection matches the data you
-wish to import. Try using <em>location</em> parameter to create a new location based
-upon the projection information in the file. If desired, you can then re-project
-it to another location with <em>v.proj</em>.
-<a href="http://www.gdal.org/ogr/">OGR vector library</a> <br>
-<a href="http://www.gdal.org/ogr/ogr__api_8h.html">OGR vector library C API</a> documentation
-<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a HREF="db.connect.html">db.connect</a>,
-<a HREF="v.clean.html">v.clean</a>,
-<a HREF="v.build.polylines.html">v.build.polylines</a>,
-<a HREF="v.edit.html">v.edit</a>,
-<a HREF="v.external.html">v.external</a>,
-<a href="v.in.db.html">v.in.db</a>,
-<a href="v.in.e00.html">v.in.e00</a>,
-<a HREF="v.out.ogr.html">v.out.ogr</a>,<br>
-<a HREF="grass-pg.html">PostGIS driver</a>
-Radim Blazek, ITC-irst, Trento, Italy
-Location and spatial extent support by Markus Neteler and Paul Kelly
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
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