[GRASS-SVN] r49148 - in grass/trunk: db/db.columns db/db.connect db/db.copy db/db.createdb db/db.drivers db/db.execute db/db.login db/db.select db/db.tables display/d.barscale display/d.colorlist display/d.colors display/d.colortable display/d.erase display/d.font display/d.fontlist display/d.geodesic display/d.graph display/d.grid display/d.his display/d.histogram display/d.info display/d.labels display/d.legend display/d.linegraph display/d.measure display/d.mon display/d.path display/d.rast display/d.rast.arrow display/d.rast.num display/d.rgb display/d.rhumbline display/d.text display/d.thematic.area display/d.title display/d.vect display/d.what.rast display/d.what.vect display/d.where display/d.zoom doc/vector general/g.access general/g.copy general/g.filename general/g.findetc general/g.findfile general/g.gisenv general/g.gui general/g.list general/g.mapsets general/g.message general/g.mkfontcap general/g.mlist general/g.mremove general/g.parser general/g.pnmcat general/g. proj general/g.region general/g.remove general/g.rename general/g.setproj general/g.tempfile general/g.version imagery/i.albedo imagery/i.aster.toar imagery/i.atcorr imagery/i.biomass imagery/i.cca imagery/i.class imagery/i.cluster imagery/i.eb.eta imagery/i.eb.evapfr imagery/i.eb.netrad imagery/i.eb.soilheatflux imagery/i.emissivity imagery/i.evapo.mh imagery/i.evapo.pm imagery/i.evapo.pt imagery/i.evapo.time imagery/i.fft imagery/i.gensig imagery/i.gensigset imagery/i.group imagery/i.his.rgb imagery/i.ifft imagery/i.landsat.acca imagery/i.landsat.toar imagery/i.latlong imagery/i.maxlik imagery/i.modis.qc imagery/i.pca imagery/i.points imagery/i.rectify imagery/i.rgb.his imagery/i.smap imagery/i.sunhours imagery/i.target imagery/i.vi imagery/i.vpoints imagery/i.zc lib/cairodriver lib/htmldriver lib/init lib/pngdriver lib/psdriver lib/vector misc/m.cogo misc/m.measure misc/m.nviz.image misc/m.nviz.script misc/m.transform ps/ps.map raster/r.basins.fill raster/r.bitpattern ras ter/r.buffer raster/r.category raster/r.circle raster/r.clump raster/r.coin raster/r.colors raster/r.colors.out raster/r.composite raster/r.compress raster/r.cost raster/r.covar raster/r.cross raster/r.describe raster/r.digit raster/r.distance raster/r.drain raster/r.external raster/r.external.out raster/r.fill.dir raster/r.flow raster/r.grow raster/r.grow.distance raster/r.gwflow raster/r.his raster/r.horizon raster/r.in.arc raster/r.in.ascii raster/r.in.bin raster/r.in.gdal raster/r.in.gridatb raster/r.in.lidar raster/r.in.mat raster/r.in.png raster/r.in.poly raster/r.in.xyz raster/r.info raster/r.kappa raster/r.lake raster/r.li raster/r.los raster/r.mapcalc raster/r.mfilter raster/r.mode raster/r.neighbors raster/r.null raster/r.out.arc raster/r.out.ascii raster/r.out.bin raster/r.out.gdal raster/r.out.gridatb raster/r.out.mpeg raster/r.out.png raster/r.out.pov raster/r.out.ppm raster/r.out.ppm3 raster/r.out.tiff raster/r.out.vrml raster/r.param.scale raster/r.patch raste r/r.profile raster/r.proj raster/r.quant raster/r.quantile raster/r.random raster/r.random.cells raster/r.random.surface raster/r.reclass raster/r.recode raster/r.region raster/r.regression.line raster/r.report raster/r.resamp.bspline raster/r.resamp.filter raster/r.resamp.interp raster/r.resamp.rst raster/r.resamp.stats raster/r.resample raster/r.ros raster/r.series raster/r.slope.aspect raster/r.solute.transport raster/r.spread raster/r.spreadpath raster/r.statistics raster/r.statistics3 raster/r.stats raster/r.sun raster/r.sunmask raster/r.support raster/r.surf.area raster/r.surf.contour raster/r.surf.fractal raster/r.surf.gauss raster/r.surf.idw raster/r.surf.idw2 raster/r.surf.random raster/r.terraflow raster/r.texture raster/r.thin raster/r.timestamp raster/r.to.vect raster/r.topidx raster/r.topmodel raster/r.transect raster/r.univar raster/r.uslek raster/r.usler raster/r.volume raster/r.walk raster/r.water.outlet raster/r.what raster/r.what.color raster3d/r3.cross.ras t raster3d/r3.gwflow raster3d/r3.in.ascii raster3d/r3.in.v5d raster3d/r3.mask raster3d/r3.mkdspf raster3d/r3.out.ascii raster3d/r3.out.v5d raster3d/r3.out.vtk raster3d/r3.showdspf raster3d/r3.stats raster3d/r3.timestamp scripts/d.correlate scripts/d.out.gpsdrive scripts/d.polar scripts/d.rast.edit scripts/d.rast.leg scripts/d.redraw scripts/d.shadedmap scripts/d.vect.thematic scripts/db.dropcolumn scripts/db.droptable scripts/db.in.ogr scripts/db.out.ogr scripts/db.test scripts/g.extension scripts/i.fusion.brovey scripts/i.in.spotvgt scripts/i.landsat.rgb scripts/i.oif scripts/i.tasscap scripts/m.proj scripts/r.blend scripts/r.buffer scripts/r.colors.stddev scripts/r.fillnulls scripts/r.grow scripts/r.in.srtm scripts/r.in.wms scripts/r.mapcalculator scripts/r.mask scripts/r.out.xyz scripts/r.pack scripts/r.plane scripts/r.shaded.relief scripts/r.tileset scripts/r.unpack scripts/r3.mapcalculator scripts/v.build.all scripts/v.centroids scripts/v.convert.all scripts/v.db.addcol umn scripts/v.db.addtable scripts/v.db.dropcolumn scripts/v.db.droptable scripts/v.db.join scripts/v.db.reconnect.all scripts/v.db.renamecolumn scripts/v.db.univar scripts/v.db.update scripts/v.dissolve scripts/v.in.geonames scripts/v.in.gns scripts/v.in.gps scripts/v.in.lines scripts/v.in.mapgen scripts/v.in.sites.all scripts/v.in.wfs scripts/v.krige scripts/v.out.gps scripts/v.rast.stats scripts/v.report scripts/v.what.vect scripts/wxpyimgview sites/s.in.ascii sites/s.out.ascii vector/v.buffer vector/v.build vector/v.build.polylines vector/v.category vector/v.class vector/v.clean vector/v.colors vector/v.colors.out vector/v.convert vector/v.db.connect vector/v.db.select vector/v.delaunay vector/v.distance vector/v.drape vector/v.edit vector/v.external vector/v.external.out vector/v.extract vector/v.extrude vector/v.generalize vector/v.hull vector/v.in.ascii vector/v.in.db vector/v.in.dwg vector/v.in.dxf vector/v.in.lidar vector/v.in.ogr vector/v.info vector/v.kcv vector/v. kernel vector/v.label vector/v.label.sa vector/v.lidar.edgedetection vector/v.lrs vector/v.mkgrid vector/v.neighbors vector/v.net vector/v.net.alloc vector/v.net.allpairs vector/v.net.bridge vector/v.net.centrality vector/v.net.components vector/v.net.connectivity vector/v.net.distance vector/v.net.flow vector/v.net.iso vector/v.net.path vector/v.net.salesman vector/v.net.spanningtree vector/v.net.steiner vector/v.net.timetable vector/v.net.visibility vector/v.normal vector/v.out.ascii vector/v.out.dxf vector/v.out.ogr vector/v.out.svg vector/v.out.vtk vector/v.outlier vector/v.overlay vector/v.parallel vector/v.patch vector/v.perturb vector/v.proj vector/v.qcount vector/v.random vector/v.reclass vector/v.sample vector/v.segment vector/v.select vector/v.support vector/v.surf.bspline vector/v.surf.idw vector/v.surf.rst vector/v.to.3d vector/v.to.db vector/v.to.points vector/v.to.rast vector/v.to.rast3 vector/v.transform vector/v.type vector/v.univar vector/v.vect.stats vector /v.vol.rst vector/v.voronoi vector/v.what vector/v.what.rast visualization/wximgview visualization/xganim visualization/ximgview

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Tue Nov 8 16:24:20 EST 2011

Author: neteler
Date: 2011-11-08 13:24:20 -0800 (Tue, 08 Nov 2011)
New Revision: 49148

avoid caps HTML tags

Modified: grass/trunk/db/db.columns/db.columns.html
--- grass/trunk/db/db.columns/db.columns.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/db/db.columns/db.columns.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -17,14 +17,12 @@
 <em>If database parameters are already set</em><br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 db.columns table=markveggy
 <em>List columns from Shape file with DBF attribute table</em><br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 db.columns table=network driver=dbf database=/daten/grassdata/fire/PERMANENT/dbf/

Modified: grass/trunk/db/db.connect/db.connect.html
--- grass/trunk/db/db.connect/db.connect.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/db/db.connect/db.connect.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -9,14 +9,11 @@
 Values are stored in the mapset's <tt>VAR</tt> file;
 the connection is not tested for validity.
-The <b>-p</b> flag will display the current connection parameters. 
-The <b>-c</b> flag will silently check if the connection parameters have
+<p>The <b>-p</b> flag will display the current connection parameters. 
+<p>The <b>-c</b> flag will silently check if the connection parameters have
 been set, and if not will set them to use GRASS's default values.
 (useful in scripts before you attempt to create a new database table)
-To connect a vector map to a database table, use <em>v.db.connect</em>
+<p>To connect a vector map to a database table, use <em>v.db.connect</em>
 or <em>v.db.addtable</em>.
@@ -42,8 +39,7 @@
 db.connect -p
 db.tables -p
-The SQLite database is created automatically when used the first time.
+<p>The SQLite database is created automatically when used the first time.
@@ -122,5 +118,4 @@
 Radim Blazek, ITC-Irst, Trento, Italy
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/db/db.copy/db.copy.html
--- grass/trunk/db/db.copy/db.copy.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/db/db.copy/db.copy.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -71,5 +71,4 @@
 Radim Blazek, ITC-irst, Trento, Italy
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/db/db.createdb/db.createdb.html
--- grass/trunk/db/db.createdb/db.createdb.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/db/db.createdb/db.createdb.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
 <em>Create a new PostgreSQL database (if PostgreSQL connection is established
 through pg driver)</em><br>
 <div class="code"><pre>

Modified: grass/trunk/db/db.drivers/db.drivers.html
--- grass/trunk/db/db.drivers/db.drivers.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/db/db.drivers/db.drivers.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
 Show all installed GRASS database drivers:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 db.drivers -p

Modified: grass/trunk/db/db.execute/db.execute.html
--- grass/trunk/db/db.execute/db.execute.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/db/db.execute/db.execute.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,18 +6,15 @@
 <em>db.execute</em> only executes SQL statements and does not return 
 any data. If you need data returned from the database, use <em>db.select</em>.
-If parameters for database connection are already set with 
+<p>If parameters for database connection are already set with 
 <a href="db.connect.html">db.connect</a>, they are taken as default values and
 do not need to be specified each time.
-If you have a large number of SQL commands to process, it is much much faster
+<p>If you have a large number of SQL commands to process, it is much much faster
 to place all the SQL statements into a text file and use <em>db.execute</em>'s
 <b>input</b> file parameter than it is to process each statement individually
 in a loop. If multiple instruction lines are given, each SQL line must end
 with a semicolon.
-Please see the individual <a href="sql.html">sql driver</a> pages for how to create
+<p>Please see the individual <a href="sql.html">sql driver</a> pages for how to create
 a new database.
@@ -27,63 +24,53 @@
 echo 'create table soils (cat integer, soiltype varchar(10) )' | db.execute
-<em>Create a new table using a file with SQL statements:</em><br>
+<p><em>Create a new table using a file with SQL statements:</em><br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 db.execute driver=odbc database=g60test input=file.sql
-<em>Insert new row into attribute table:</em><br>
+<p><em>Insert new row into attribute table:</em><br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 echo "INSERT INTO nobugs (id,name,east_gb,north_gb) values (30,'Ala',1657340,5072301)" | db.execute
-<em>Update attribute entries to new value based on SQL rule:</em><br>
+<p><em>Update attribute entries to new value based on SQL rule:</em><br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 echo "UPDATE roads SET travelcost=5 WHERE cat=1" | db.execute
-<em>Update attribute entries to new value based on SQL rule:</em><br>
+<p><em>Update attribute entries to new value based on SQL rule:</em><br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 echo "UPDATE dourokukan SET testc=50 WHERE testc is NULL" | db.execute
-<em>Delete selected rows from attribute table:</em><br>
+<p><em>Delete selected rows from attribute table:</em><br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 echo "DELETE FROM gsod_stationlist WHERE latitude < -91" | db.execute
-<em>Add new column to attribute table:</em><br>
+<p><em>Add new column to attribute table:</em><br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 echo "ALTER TABLE roads ADD COLUMN length double" | db.execute
-<em>Column type conversion - update new column from existing column (all drivers except for DBF):</em><br>
+<p><em>Column type conversion - update new column from existing column (all drivers except for DBF):</em><br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 # 'z_value' is varchar and 'z' is double precision:
 echo "update geodetic_pts SET z = CAST(z_value AS numeric)" | db.execute
-<em>Drop column from attribute table:</em><br>
+<p><em>Drop column from attribute table:</em><br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 echo "ALTER TABLE roads DROP COLUMN length" | db.execute
-<em>Drop table (not supported by all drivers)</em><br>
+<p><em>Drop table (not supported by all drivers)</em><br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 echo "DROP TABLE fmacopy" | db.execute
-<em>Update attribute with multiple SQL instructions in file (e.g., file.sql,
+<p><em>Update attribute with multiple SQL instructions in file (e.g., file.sql,
     instruction line must end with a semicolon):</em><br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 UPDATE roads SET travelcost=5 WHERE cat=1;
@@ -92,8 +79,7 @@
 cat file.sql | db.execute
-<em>Join table 'myroads' into table 'extratab' based on common 'cat' column values (not supported by DBF driver):</em><br>
+<p><em>Join table 'myroads' into table 'extratab' based on common 'cat' column values (not supported by DBF driver):</em><br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 echo "UPDATE extratab SET names=(SELECT label FROM myroads WHERE extratab.cat=myroads.cat);" | db.execute

Modified: grass/trunk/db/db.login/db.login.html
--- grass/trunk/db/db.login/db.login.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/db/db.login/db.login.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -17,16 +17,14 @@
 db.login user=bacava
-Example 2: Username and password specified (note that the command
+<p>Example 2: Username and password specified (note that the command
 lines history will store the password in this way):
 <div class="code"><pre>
 db.login user=bacava pass=secret
-Example 3: Username and empty password specified (note that the command
+<p>Example 3: Username and empty password specified (note that the command
 lines history will store the password in this way):
 <div class="code"><pre>

Modified: grass/trunk/db/db.select/db.select.html
--- grass/trunk/db/db.select/db.select.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/db/db.select/db.select.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -22,28 +22,24 @@
 <em>Select all from table roads</em><br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 db.select -c driver=odbc database=g51test table=roads input=file.sql > result.csv
 <em>Select some string attribute, exclude others:</em><br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 echo "SELECT * FROM archsites WHERE str1 &lt;&gt; 'No Name'" | db.select
 <em>Select some string attribute with ZERO length:</em><br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 echo "SELECT * FROM archsites WHERE str1 IS NULL" | db.select
 <em>Select coordinates from PostGIS table:</em><br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 echo "SELECT x(geo),y(geo) FROM localizzazione" | db.select

Modified: grass/trunk/db/db.tables/db.tables.html
--- grass/trunk/db/db.tables/db.tables.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/db/db.tables/db.tables.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 <em>List all tables of existing dbf database</em><br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 db.tables driver=dbf database=/home/user/grassdata/fire/PERMANENT/dbf

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.barscale/d.barscale.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.barscale/d.barscale.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.barscale/d.barscale.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -17,17 +17,16 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="d.graph.html">d.graph</A><br>
-<a href="d.grid.html">d.grid</A><br>
-<a href="d.legend.html">d.legend</A><br>
-<a href="d.measure.html">d.measure</A><br>
-<a href="d.where.html">d.where</A><br>  
-<a href="g.region.html">g.region</A><br>
+<a href="d.graph.html">d.graph</a><br>
+<a href="d.grid.html">d.grid</a><br>
+<a href="d.legend.html">d.legend</a><br>
+<a href="d.measure.html">d.measure</a><br>
+<a href="d.where.html">d.where</a><br>  
+<a href="g.region.html">g.region</a><br>
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.colorlist/d.colorlist.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.colorlist/d.colorlist.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.colorlist/d.colorlist.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="d.colors.html">d.colors</A></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.colors.html">d.colors</a></em><br>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.colors/d.colors.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.colors/d.colors.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.colors/d.colors.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,16 +6,14 @@
 raster map to the graphics monitor and then running the program
-Any color changes made using <em>d.colors</em> will not immediately be
+<p>Any color changes made using <em>d.colors</em> will not immediately be
 shown on the graphics display; however, any color changes saved will
 still alter the map's color table and will appear next time the raster
-map layer is redisplayed (see <em><a href="d.colortable.html">d.colortable</A></em>).
+map layer is redisplayed (see <em><a href="d.colortable.html">d.colortable</a></em>).
-The user must first display the relevant raster map layer to the
+<p>The user must first display the relevant raster map layer to the
 active frame on the graphics monitor (e.g., using
-<em><a href="d.rast.html">d.rast</A></em>) before running
+<em><a href="d.rast.html">d.rast</a></em>) before running
 <em>d.colors</em>. The user can then either enter the name of the
 raster map layer whose color table is to be changed on the command
 line (e.g., by typing: <tt>d.colors map=soils</tt>), or type
@@ -24,11 +22,10 @@
 <em>d.colors</em> will ask the user to enter the name of an existing
 raster map layer using the standard GRASS interface.
-In either case, the user is then presented with the <em>d.colors</em>
+<p>In either case, the user is then presented with the <em>d.colors</em>
 command menu, shown below.
 <!-- This menu is the same as the category and color
-changing portion of the <em><a href="d.display.html">d.display</A></em>
+changing portion of the <em><a href="d.display.html">d.display</a></em>
 menu. -->
 The <em>d.colors</em> commands are listed beneath the Category
 Pointer Movement, Color Modification, Replotting Screen, and Quitting
@@ -86,7 +83,6 @@
 current color. 
 Changing colors - The color associated with the current category can be 
 changed with the 
 <b>"R, r, G, g, B,"</b>
@@ -107,7 +103,6 @@
 intensities are listed on the text screen in as percentages. 
 Keys <b>I</b> and <b>i</b> increase and decrease the
 percentage change that each keystroke of one of the color
 keys (<em>R, r, G, g, B, b</em>) causes in its respective
@@ -116,7 +111,6 @@
 red component of the current category by 10%.
 Highlight - The 
 key toggles between the current category color and the current 
@@ -130,14 +124,12 @@
 at any one time. 
 Saving the current color table - 
 Pressing the <b>c</b> key will save the current color table as you have 
 modified it. This table will then be used next time you 
 display or paint this raster map layer. 
 Color table toggle - Different types of color tables are suitable for 
 different raster map layers. 
 The key 
@@ -146,7 +138,6 @@
 scale; smooth changing color wave; random colors; and the saved color table. 
 Color table shift - The entire table is shifted up and down using the 
@@ -154,7 +145,6 @@
 Quitting the <em>d.colors</em> program - Pressing the
 <b>Q</b> key will cause you to quit the <em>d.colors</em>
 program.  If colors have been modified but not saved,
@@ -172,7 +162,6 @@
 The map whose color table is to be altered with
 <em>d.colors</em> must already be on display in the active
 display frame on the graphics monitor before
@@ -180,8 +169,7 @@
 command <em><a href="d.rast.html">d.rast</a> map=name</em> (where <em>name</em> is a raster map
 layer whose color table the user wishes to alter).
-Some color monitors may not support the full range of colors required 
+<p>Some color monitors may not support the full range of colors required 
 to display all of the map's categories listed in the map's color table. 
 However, regardless of whether the user can see the color changes he is 
 effecting to a map's color table, any changes to a map's color table 
@@ -190,9 +178,9 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="d.colortable.html">d.colortable</A>,
-<a href="d.rast.html">d.rast</A>,
-<a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</A>
+<a href="d.colortable.html">d.colortable</a>,
+<a href="d.rast.html">d.rast</a>,
+<a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</a>
@@ -200,6 +188,5 @@
 James Westervelt, U.S. Army Construction Engineering 
 Research Laboratory
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.colortable/d.colortable.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.colortable/d.colortable.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.colortable/d.colortable.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,16 +6,14 @@
 an available raster map layer in the user's current mapset search path 
 and location. 
-If the <em>values</em> of both <em>lines</em> and <em>cols</em> are
+<p>If the <em>values</em> of both <em>lines</em> and <em>cols</em> are
 not specified by the user, <em>d.colortable</em> 
 divides the active frame equally among the number of categories 
 present in the named raster map layer. If one option is specified, 
 the other is automatically set to accommodate all categories. 
 If both are specified, as many categories as possible are displayed. 
-If the user specifies the name of a map on the command line but does not 
+<p>If the user specifies the name of a map on the command line but does not 
 specify the values of other parameters, parameter default values will be used. 
 Alternately, if the user types simply <em>d.colortable</em> on the command line 
 without any program arguments, the program will prompt the user for parameter 
@@ -55,24 +53,22 @@
 (a total of six cells), 
 only six of the ten map categories will be displayed. 
-The user should run the GRASS program 
-<em><a href="d.erase.html">d.erase</A></em> between 
+<p>The user should run the GRASS program 
+<em><a href="d.erase.html">d.erase</a></em> between 
 runs of <em>d.colortable</em> to avoid confusion. 
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="d.colors.html">d.colors</A><br>
-<a href="d.erase.html">d.erase</A><br>
-<a href="d.legend.html">d.legend</A><br>
-<a href="d.rast.html">d.rast</A>
+<a href="d.colors.html">d.colors</a><br>
+<a href="d.erase.html">d.erase</a><br>
+<a href="d.legend.html">d.legend</a><br>
+<a href="d.rast.html">d.rast</a>
 James Westervelt, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.erase/d.erase.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.erase/d.erase.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.erase/d.erase.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -18,5 +18,4 @@
 James Westervelt, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.font/d.font.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.font/d.font.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.font/d.font.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,25 +1,22 @@
 <em>d.font</em> allows the user to select use of a specific text font for 
 display of text on the graphics monitor. 
 The GRASS program 
-<em><a href="../html/show.fonts.sh.html">show.fonts.sh</A></em>
+<em><a href="../html/show.fonts.sh.html">show.fonts.sh</a></em>
 is a UNIX Bourne shell macro which 
 names and displays the fonts that can be selected using <em>d.font</em>.
 If the user does not specify a font when using other GRASS programs 
 that display text, the font type <em>romans</em> is used by default. 
-The user can run this program either non-interactively or interactively. 
+<p>The user can run this program either non-interactively or interactively. 
 If the user specifies a font type name on the command line the program will 
 run non-interactively. 
 Alternately, the user can simply type <b>d.font</b> on the command line; 
 in this case, the program will prompt the user for a display 
 text font type.
 <dd>Name of a font type, from among the font types italicized below. 
@@ -56,16 +53,15 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="d.text.html">d.text</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.title.html">d.title</A></em>
+<em><a href="d.text.html">d.text</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.title.html">d.title</a></em>
 James Westervelt, U.S. Army Construction Engineering 
 Research Laboratory
-<em>d.font</em> uses the public domain version of the Hershey Fonts created 
+<p><em>d.font</em> uses the public domain version of the Hershey Fonts created 
 by Dr. A.V. Hershey while working at the U.S. National Bureau of 

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.fontlist/d.fontlist.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.fontlist/d.fontlist.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.fontlist/d.fontlist.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="d.text.html">d.text</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="parser.html">parser</A></em>
+<em><a href="d.text.html">d.text</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="parser.html">parser</a></em>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.geodesic/d.geodesic.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.geodesic/d.geodesic.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.geodesic/d.geodesic.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -15,13 +15,11 @@
 to be drawn. The default line color (black) and text color (red) 
 will be used. 
-Alternately, the user can specify the starting and ending coordinates 
+<p>Alternately, the user can specify the starting and ending coordinates 
 of the geodesic, line color, and text color on the command line, 
 and run the program non-interactively. 
-Once the user indicates the starting and ending coordinates 
+<p>Once the user indicates the starting and ending coordinates 
 of the geodesic, the line and its length (in miles) are displayed to 
 the user's graphics monitor. If the text color is set to <em>none</em>,
 the great circle distance is not displayed.
@@ -35,8 +33,7 @@
 d.geodesic coor=55:58W,33:18S,26:43E,60:37N lcolor=yellow tcolor=red
 <img src="d_geodesic.png" border=1><br>
 <i>Geodesic line (great circle line)</i>
@@ -48,7 +45,7 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="d.rhumbline.html">d.rhumbline</A></em>
+<em><a href="d.rhumbline.html">d.rhumbline</a></em>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.graph/d.graph.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.graph/d.graph.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.graph/d.graph.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
 Coordinates are given either as a percentage of frame height and width
 (default) or in geographic coordinates (with the <b>-m</b> flag).
 The program can be run interactively or non-interactively. 
 The user can run the program completely non-interactively 
 by specifying the name of a graphics file containing the 
@@ -22,15 +21,13 @@
 graphics commands from standard input (i.e., the keyboard) and 
 will (silently) prompt the user for these graphics commands. 
-Alternately, the user can simply type <b>d.graph</b> on the command line, 
+<p>Alternately, the user can simply type <b>d.graph</b> on the command line, 
 and be prompted for the values of all parameters<!-- (the user can still 
 input graphics commands from either an input file or standard input 
 using this form)-->. In this case, the user is presented with the standard 
 GRASS GUI interface.
-The default coordinate system used is 0-100 percent of the active frame 
+<p>The default coordinate system used is 0-100 percent of the active frame 
 in x and similarly 0-100 in y,
 regardless of the graphics monitor display frame size and aspect. 
 The (0,0) location is the lower left corner of the active graphics 
@@ -40,8 +37,7 @@
-The graphics language is simple, and uses the following commands: 
+<p>The graphics language is simple, and uses the following commands: 
@@ -172,8 +168,7 @@
 Note that the coordinates in the <em><a href="grass_logo.txt">grass_logo.txt</a></em> file were 
 taken directly off an image drawn by hand on graph paper. 
 <!-- formerly names "grass.logo.sh" in GRASS 5 code. -->
-A dynamic example can be found in the <em>d.polar</em> shell script.
+<p>A dynamic example can be found in the <em>d.polar</em> shell script.
 <h3>Draw a "star" symbol at a given map coordinate</h3>
@@ -222,14 +217,14 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="d.font.html">d.font</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.frame.html">d.frame</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.labels.html">d.labels</A></em><br>
-<!-- <em><a href="d.mapgraph.html">d.mapgraph</A></em><br> superseded by -m -->
-<em><a href="d.polar.html">d.polar</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.text.html">d.text</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.where.html">d.where</A></em><br>
-<!-- <em><a href="grass.logo.sh.html">grass.logo.sh</A></em><br> -->
+<em><a href="d.font.html">d.font</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.frame.html">d.frame</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.labels.html">d.labels</a></em><br>
+<!-- <em><a href="d.mapgraph.html">d.mapgraph</a></em><br> superseded by -m -->
+<em><a href="d.polar.html">d.polar</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.text.html">d.text</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.where.html">d.where</a></em><br>
+<!-- <em><a href="grass.logo.sh.html">grass.logo.sh</a></em><br> -->

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.grid/d.grid.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.grid/d.grid.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.grid/d.grid.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
 the contents of the active display frame.
 <em>d.grid</em> can be run non-interactively or
 interactively.  If the user specifies the grid
 <em>size</em> and (optionally) the grid <em>color</em> on
@@ -26,25 +25,21 @@
 of <em>d.grid</em>; multiple invocations of <em>d.grid</em>
 will therefore result in the drawing of multiple grids
 inside the active graphics frame.  (A command like 
-<em><a href="d.erase.html">d.erase</A></em>, which erases the
+<em><a href="d.erase.html">d.erase</a></em>, which erases the
 entire contents of the active display frame, must be run to
 erase previously drawn grids from the display frame.)
-If the user provides a 
+<p>If the user provides a 
 <em>-g</em> flag a geographic (projected) grid 
 will be drawn. With the <em>-g</em> flag the <em>size</em> 
 argument accepts both decimal degrees and colon separated 
 ddd:mm:ss coordinates (eg. <tt>00:30:00</tt> for half of a degree).
-A geographic grid cannot be drawn for a <em>latitude/longitude</em> 
+<p>A geographic grid cannot be drawn for a <em>latitude/longitude</em> 
 or <em>XY</em> projection.
-Colors may be standard named GRASS colors (red, green, aqua, etc.) or
+<p>Colors may be standard named GRASS colors (red, green, aqua, etc.) or
 a numerical R:G:B triplet, where component values range from 0-255.<br>
-The grid drawing may be turned off by using the <em>-n</em> flag.<br>
+<p>The grid drawing may be turned off by using the <em>-n</em> flag.<br>
 The border drawing may be turned off by using the <em>-b</em> flag.<br>
 The coordinate text may be turned off by using the <em>-t</em> flag.<br>
@@ -67,13 +62,13 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="d.barscale.html">d.barscale</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.legend.html">d.legend</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.geodesic.html">d.geodesic</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.rhumbline.html">d.rhumbline</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.erase.html">d.erase</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.frame.html">d.frame</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.rast.html">d.rast</A></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.barscale.html">d.barscale</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.legend.html">d.legend</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.geodesic.html">d.geodesic</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.rhumbline.html">d.rhumbline</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.erase.html">d.erase</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.frame.html">d.frame</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.rast.html">d.rast</a></em><br>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.his/d.his.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.his/d.his.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.his/d.his.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
 map layers.
 The human brain automatically interprets the vast amount of
 visual information available according to basic rules. 
 Color, or <em>hue</em>, is used to categorize objects. 
@@ -31,7 +30,6 @@
 Alternately, the user can run the program interactively by
 typing <b>d.his</b> without naming parameter values on the
 command line.  In this case, the program will prompt the
@@ -39,7 +37,6 @@
 GUI interface.
 While any raster map layer can be used to represent the hue
 information, map layers with a few very distinct colors
 work best.  Only raster map layers representing
@@ -48,7 +45,6 @@
 intensity and saturation information.
 For example, a visually pleasing image can be
 made by using a watershed map for the <em>hue</em> factor,
 an aspect map for the <em>intensity</em> factor, and an
@@ -58,8 +54,7 @@
 an aircraft looking at a terrain on a sunny day with a bit
 of haze in the valleys.
-The <b>brighten</b> option does not truly represent a percentage,
+<p>The <b>brighten</b> option does not truly represent a percentage,
 but calling it that makes the option easy to understand, and it
 sounds better than <i>Normalized Scaling Factor</i>.
@@ -74,8 +69,8 @@
 should have an appropriate gray-scale color table
 associated with it. You can ensure this by using the color
 manipulation capabilities of
-<em><a href="d.colors.html">d.colors</A></em> or
-<em><a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</A></em>.
+<em><a href="d.colors.html">d.colors</a></em> or
+<em><a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</a></em>.
 Finally, the color is made somewhat gray-based on the
 <em>red</em> intensity of that cell in the
@@ -99,16 +94,14 @@
 Either (but not both) of the intensity or the saturation
 map layers may be omitted. This means that it is possible
 to produce output images that represent combinations of
 <em>his, hi,</em> or <em>hs</em>.
-Users wishing to store the result in new raster map layers
+<p>Users wishing to store the result in new raster map layers
 instead of displaying it on the monitor should use the
-program <em><a href="r.his.html">r.his</A></em>.
+program <em><a href="r.his.html">r.his</a></em>.
@@ -125,19 +118,18 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="d.colors.html">d.colors</A>,
-<a href="d.colortable.html">d.colortable</A>,
-<a href="d.frame.html">d.frame</A>,
-<a href="d.rgb.html">d.rgb</A>,
-<a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</A>,
-<a href="r.his.html">r.his</A>,
-<a href="i.his.rgb.html">i.his.rgb</A>,
-<a href="i.rgb.his.html">i.rgb.his</A>
+<a href="d.colors.html">d.colors</a>,
+<a href="d.colortable.html">d.colortable</a>,
+<a href="d.frame.html">d.frame</a>,
+<a href="d.rgb.html">d.rgb</a>,
+<a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</a>,
+<a href="r.his.html">r.his</a>,
+<a href="i.his.rgb.html">i.his.rgb</a>,
+<a href="i.rgb.his.html">i.rgb.his</a>
 James Westervelt, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.histogram/d.histogram.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.histogram/d.histogram.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.histogram/d.histogram.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -12,8 +12,7 @@
 <em>d.histogram</em> respects the current geographic region settings 
 and the current MASK (if one exists). 
-<em>d.histogram</em> uses the colors in the map's color look-up table
+<p><em>d.histogram</em> uses the colors in the map's color look-up table
 (i.e., the map's <em>colr</em> or <em>colr2</em> file).
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
@@ -36,5 +35,4 @@
 <br> 10560 Arrowhead Drive 
 <br> Fairfax, Virginia 22030
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.info/d.info.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.info/d.info.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.info/d.info.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@
 Where four numbers are given the format is: left, right, top, bottom.
 Note: GRASS display pixel coordinates are measured from the top left.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.labels/d.labels.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.labels/d.labels.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.labels/d.labels.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 active display frame on the graphics monitor. Each label has components 
 which determine the text, the location of the text on the image, its 
 size, and the background for the text. This file can be generated with 
-the <em><a href="v.label.html">v.label</A></em> program or simply created 
+the <em><a href="v.label.html">v.label</a></em> program or simply created 
 by the user as an ASCII file (using a text editor) and placed in the 
 appropriate directory under the user's current mapset and location 
 (i.e. <tt>$MAPSET/paint/labels/</tt>).
@@ -16,21 +16,20 @@
 <!-- The unused information found in a label file is printed to standard 
 output. -->
 This extra information is used by such programs as 
-<em><a href="ps.map.html">ps.map</A></em>.
+<em><a href="ps.map.html">ps.map</a></em>.
-This module was formerly known as <em>d.paint.labels</em>.
+<p>This module was formerly known as <em>d.paint.labels</em>.
 The the old version of <em>d.labels</em> from GRASS 5, which provided
 interactive placement and modification of paint labels, still needs to 
 have its functionality merged into this module.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="d.font.html">d.font</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.text.html">d.text</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.title.html">d.title</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="ps.map.html">ps.map</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="v.label.html">v.label</A></em>
+<em><a href="d.font.html">d.font</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.text.html">d.text</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.title.html">d.title</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="ps.map.html">ps.map</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="v.label.html">v.label</a></em>
@@ -39,5 +38,4 @@
 U.S. Army Construction Engineering 
 Research Laboratory
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.legend/d.legend.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.legend/d.legend.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.legend/d.legend.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 raster map layer in the active frame on the graphics
 The user can run <em>d.legend</em> either non-interactively
 or interactively.  If the user specifies the name of a
 raster <b>map</b> layer on the command line, the program
@@ -13,7 +12,6 @@
 the user specifies other values on the command line.
 Alternately, the user can simply type <b>d.legend</b> on the command line; 
 in this case, the program will prompt the user for parameter values 
 using the standard GRASS GUI interface.
@@ -23,49 +21,40 @@
 The legend's default size is based on the dimensions of the
 active frame, specifically its height.  <em>d.legend</em> will only
 obscure those portions of the active frame that directly underlie the legend.
-When using the mouse or <b>at</b> to size &amp; place the legend, a user may
+<p>When using the mouse or <b>at</b> to size &amp; place the legend, a user may
 create a horizontal legend by making the box wider than it is tall.
-Raster maps based on floating point values will display smoothed, from greatest
+<p>Raster maps based on floating point values will display smoothed, from greatest
 to smallest value, while categorial raster maps will display in order, from
 top to bottom. Horizontal legends will always be smoothed. If the box is defined
 with inverted y-values or an inverted <b>range</b>, the legend will automatically
 flip. If this is not the desired result, the <b>-f</b> flag may be used to flip
 it back.
-If the user attempts to display a very long legend in a relatively short 
+<p>If the user attempts to display a very long legend in a relatively short 
 display frame, the legend may appear in unreadably small text, or even revert
 to a smooth gradient legend. Use the <b>lines</b>, <b>thin</b>, <b>use</b>, <b>range</b>,
 and/or <b>-n</b> options to reduce the number of categories to be displayed,
 or the <b>-s</b> flag to force a smooth gradient legend.
-The <b>lines</b> option will display the first number of categories, as defined
+<p>The <b>lines</b> option will display the first number of categories, as defined
 by <em>value</em>, contained in the raster map. When used with the <b>-n</b> flag,
 it takes on a new meaning: "up to category #". When used with both
 <b>thin</b> and the <b>-n</b> flag, its meaning becomes more obscure. When
 using <b>lines</b>, auto-scaled text similar to "4 of 16 categories" will be placed at 
 the bottom of the legend.
-The <b>thin</b> option sets the thinning factor. For raster maps with a 0th
+<p>The <b>thin</b> option sets the thinning factor. For raster maps with a 0th
 category, <b>thin=</b><em>10</em> gives cats [0,10,20,...]. For raster maps 
 starting at category 1, <b>thin=</b><em>10</em> gives cats [1,11,21,...].
-The <b>use</b> option lets the user create a legend made up of arbitrary category
+<p>The <b>use</b> option lets the user create a legend made up of arbitrary category
 values. e.g.&nbsp;<b>use=</b><em>1000,100,10,0,-10,-100,-1000</em>
-The <b>range</b> option lets the user define the minimum and maximum categories
+<p>The <b>range</b> option lets the user define the minimum and maximum categories
 to be used in the legend. It may also be used to define the limits of a smooth
 gradient legend created from a raster containing floating point values. Note
 the color scale will remain faithful to the category values as defined with
-<em><a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</A></em>, and the <b>range</b> may be
-extended to the limits defined by the <em><a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</A></em>
+<em><a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</a></em>, and the <b>range</b> may be
+extended to the limits defined by the <em><a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</a></em>
 color map.
-The flag <b>-n</b> is useful for categorial maps, as it suppresses the
+<p>The flag <b>-n</b> is useful for categorial maps, as it suppresses the
 drawing of non-existing categories (otherwise the full range is shown).
-Vertical legends produced with <em>d.legend</em> will place text labels to the
+<p>Vertical legends produced with <em>d.legend</em> will place text labels to the
 right of the legend box, horizontal legends will place text below. This text
 will be auto-scaled to fit within the frame, reducing the size of the legend
 if necessary. Legends positioned with the mouse or with the <b>at</b> option
@@ -74,17 +63,14 @@
 height of the box. The <b>-c</b> and <b>-v</b> flags may be used to suppress the
 display of category numbers and labels respectively, or used together to 
 suppress all text of categorial raster maps.
-The text produced from floating-point raster maps will automatically create
+<p>The text produced from floating-point raster maps will automatically create
 output with a meaningful number of significant digits. For very small values,
 numbers will be expressed in scientific notation, e.g.&nbsp;"1.7e-9".
-Legends placed with the mouse are not saved to the display window's history
+<p>Legends placed with the mouse are not saved to the display window's history
 for automatic redraw. By setting the Debug level to 1 (see 
-<em><a href="g.gisenv.html">g.gisenv</A></em>) the corresponding <b>at</b>
+<em><a href="g.gisenv.html">g.gisenv</a></em>) the corresponding <b>at</b>
 setting can be determined.
-Note that old scripts which relied on setting <b>lines</b> greater than the
+<p>Note that old scripts which relied on setting <b>lines</b> greater than the
 number of categories to scale the legend may no longer produce the desired
 output, although the auto-scaling should still produce something that looks 
 good in this case.
@@ -92,20 +78,20 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="d.barscale.html">d.barscale</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.colors.html">d.colors</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.colortable.html">d.colortable</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.erase.html">d.erase</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.font.html">d.font</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.grid.html">d.grid</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.rast.html">d.rast</A></em><br>
-<!-- <em><a href="d.rast.labels.html">d.rast.labels</A></em><br> -->
-<em><a href="d.rast.leg.html">d.rast.leg</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.text.html">d.text</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.vect.thematic.html">d.vect.thematic</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.what.rast.html">d.what.rast</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="g.gisenv.html">g.gisenv</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="r.reclass.html">r.reclass</A></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.barscale.html">d.barscale</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.colors.html">d.colors</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.colortable.html">d.colortable</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.erase.html">d.erase</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.font.html">d.font</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.grid.html">d.grid</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.rast.html">d.rast</a></em><br>
+<!-- <em><a href="d.rast.labels.html">d.rast.labels</a></em><br> -->
+<em><a href="d.rast.leg.html">d.rast.leg</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.text.html">d.text</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.vect.thematic.html">d.vect.thematic</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.what.rast.html">d.what.rast</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="g.gisenv.html">g.gisenv</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="r.reclass.html">r.reclass</a></em><br>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.linegraph/d.linegraph.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.linegraph/d.linegraph.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.linegraph/d.linegraph.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
 <em>d.linegraph</em> is a primitive program to draw simple x,y line graphs
 based on numerical data contained in separate files.
-Data file format<br>
+<p>Data file format<br>
 The X and Y data files for the graph are essentially a column of numbers in
 each file, with one input number per line.  The program expects that each X
 value will have a corresponding Y value, therefore the number of lines in
@@ -17,8 +16,7 @@
 with dissimilar units, the graph produced comparing the two will be
 <dd>Path to the directory where the input files are located. If this option
 is not used, the <em>d.linegraph</em> looks for files in the current directory.
@@ -64,18 +62,15 @@
 Since the command line parser is not amiable to multiple word inputs, to
 input titles of more than one word, use the underscore character ("") to
 represent spaces (" ").
-Example: "titleCensusdata1990" would be printed over the graph as "Census
+<p>Example: "titleCensusdata1990" would be printed over the graph as "Census
 data 1990".
-The way the program locates and labels tic marks is less than perfect: 1)
+<p>The way the program locates and labels tic marks is less than perfect: 1)
 although distances between Y tics is proportional to the value, they are
 not proportional on the X axis; 2) decimal values between -1 and 1 can be
 printed on the X axis, but not on Y. (With respect to the later, the input
 for Y values can all be multiplied by a factor of 10 before graphing).
-It might be easier to use a 3rd party tool such as xgraph or GNUplot instead
+<p>It might be easier to use a 3rd party tool such as xgraph or GNUplot instead
 of <em>d.linegraph</em>.
 (You can make GNUplot output pretty by using its SVG or PostScript output
@@ -83,13 +78,12 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="d.frame.html">d.frame</A>,
-<a href="d.text.html">d.text</A>,
-<a href="v.label.html">v.label</A>
+<a href="d.frame.html">d.frame</a>,
+<a href="d.text.html">d.text</a>,
+<a href="v.label.html">v.label</a>
 Chris Rewerts, Agricultural Engineering, Purdue University
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.measure/d.measure.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.measure/d.measure.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.measure/d.measure.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
 overlay (not overwrite) whatever display currently appears
 in the active frame on the graphics monitor.  The user can,
 for example, run 
-<em><a href="d.rast.html">d.rast</A></em> or 
-<em><a href="d.vect.html">d.vect</A></em> prior to running
+<em><a href="d.rast.html">d.rast</a></em> or 
+<em><a href="d.vect.html">d.vect</a></em> prior to running
 <em>d.measure</em>, and use raster and/or vector maps as a backdrop.
@@ -43,12 +43,12 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="d.frame.html">d.frame</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.graph.html">d.graph</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.rast.html">d.rast</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.vect.html">d.vect</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.where.html">d.where</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="g.proj.html">g.proj</A></em>
+<em><a href="d.frame.html">d.frame</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.graph.html">d.graph</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.rast.html">d.rast</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.vect.html">d.vect</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.where.html">d.where</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="g.proj.html">g.proj</a></em>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.mon/d.mon.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.mon/d.mon.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.mon/d.mon.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -14,14 +14,12 @@
 <em><a href="variables.html">variables</a></em> or the specific
 <em><a href="variables.html#rendering">driver documentation</a></em>.
-When a monitor is <em>started</em>, it is therefore also
+<p>When a monitor is <em>started</em>, it is therefore also
 (automatically) <em>selected</em> for output, unless the
 <b>-s</b> flag is set by the user; the user can also
 explictly <b>select</b> a monitor that has been started.
-The desired monitor should be started once and need not be restarted
+<p>The desired monitor should be started once and need not be restarted
 unless it is stopped for some reason. A monitor may continue to run
 for any length of time, even when no GRASS session is being run.
@@ -43,8 +41,7 @@
 explictly selecting the monitor for output. Only running monitors can
 be selected for graphics output.
-The user can run multiple graphics monitors by simply starting each of
+<p>The user can run multiple graphics monitors by simply starting each of
 the graphics monitors he wishes to direct output to.
 <h3>Release a monitor</h3>
@@ -109,12 +106,10 @@
   <a href="d.vect.html">d.vect</a>
-  See also <em><a href="variables.html">variables</a></em> list
+<p>  See also <em><a href="variables.html">variables</a></em> list
 Martin Landa, Czech Republic
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.path/d.path.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.path/d.path.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.path/d.path.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@
 if the <b>coor</b> option is used they can be specified non-interactively.
 The actions bound to the mouse buttons are described in the terminal
 window when running the command.
-To calculate shortest path non-interactively and save the path to a new vector
+<p>To calculate shortest path non-interactively and save the path to a new vector
 map, use the <em>v.net.path</em> module.
@@ -41,5 +40,4 @@
 Radim Blazek, ITC-Irst, Trento, Italy
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.rast/d.rast.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.rast/d.rast.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.rast/d.rast.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -19,5 +19,4 @@
 U.S. Army Construction Engineering 
 Research Laboratory
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.rast.arrow/d.rast.arrow.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.rast.arrow/d.rast.arrow.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.rast.arrow/d.rast.arrow.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -10,15 +10,13 @@
 This allows the arrows to be drawn over any other maps already displayed
 on the graphics monitor.
 <em>d.rast.arrow</em> will draw an arrow over each displayed cell
 to indicate in which direction the cell slopes. If the aspect
 layer has a category value denoting locations of "unknown" aspect,
 <em>d.rast.arrow</em> draws a question mark over the displayed cells
 of that category.
 Cells containing null data will be marked with an "X".
-If you specify the <em>magnitude_map</em> option, arrow lengths 
+<p>If you specify the <em>magnitude_map</em> option, arrow lengths 
 denoting magnitude will be extracted from the cell values of the specified 
 map. In this case the tail of the arrow will be centered on the source cell.
 You may adjust the overall scale using the <em>scale</em> option.
@@ -28,21 +26,18 @@
 the magnitude map to suit your needs (absolute value, inverted direction and 
 so on). 
 By default, arrows are drawn at the size of a cell and cannot be seen if 
 the raster map is relatively close in scale. You can use the <em>skip</em> 
 option to draw arrows every n-th cell in both directions if you are working 
 with relatively high resolutions. It may be useful to disable the grid in
 this case, which is accomplished by setting its color to "<tt>none</tt>".
-For GRASS and Compass type aspect maps, the cell values of the aspect map
+<p>For GRASS and Compass type aspect maps, the cell values of the aspect map
 will determine the corresponding direction in 360 degrees. ANSWERS type
 aspect maps will be plotted in multiples of 15 degrees, and AGNPS type
 aspect maps will be displayed in D8 representation, i.e. the eight multiples 
 of 45 degrees.
-GRASS aspect maps are measured using Cartesian conventions, i.e. in degrees 
+<p>GRASS aspect maps are measured using Cartesian conventions, i.e. in degrees 
 counterclockwise from east. e.g.:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -53,10 +48,8 @@
 They can be created from a raster elevation map with <em>r.slope.aspect</em>.
-Compass type aspect maps are measured in degrees clockwise from north.
-This module uses oceanographic conventions, i.e. arrows point downslope or 
+<p>Compass type aspect maps are measured in degrees clockwise from north.
+<p>This module uses oceanographic conventions, i.e. arrows point downslope or 
 direction "to", as opposed to atmospheric conventions (direction "from").
@@ -73,12 +66,12 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="d.frame.html">d.frame</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.rast.html">d.rast</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.rast.edit.html">d.rast.edit</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.rast.num.html">d.rast.num</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="g.region.html">g.region</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="r.slope.aspect.html">r.slope.aspect</A></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.frame.html">d.frame</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.rast.html">d.rast</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.rast.edit.html">d.rast.edit</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.rast.num.html">d.rast.num</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="g.region.html">g.region</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="r.slope.aspect.html">r.slope.aspect</a></em><br>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.rast.num/d.rast.num.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.rast.num/d.rast.num.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.rast.num/d.rast.num.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -8,12 +8,10 @@
 to fit within a single cell. A grid outlining each map cell will also 
 be overlain in a user-specified color, unless it has been set to "none".
-If no grid color is given the default will be used. If no map layer
+<p>If no grid color is given the default will be used. If no map layer
 is specified, the program will use whatever raster map layer is
 currently displayed in the active frame on the graphics monitor.
-If the <b>-f</b> flag is given the displayed number will take on the color 
+<p>If the <b>-f</b> flag is given the displayed number will take on the color 
 of the base map in that cell.
@@ -27,7 +25,6 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
 <em><a href="d.frame.html">d.frame</a></em>,
 <em><a href="d.grid.html">d.grid</a></em>,
 <em><a href="d.rast.html">d.rast</a></em>,

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.rgb/d.rgb.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.rgb/d.rgb.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.rgb/d.rgb.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
@@ -50,11 +50,9 @@
 if the graphics device does not have a reasonable sampling
 of the RGB color-space.
 If color quality of satellite image color composites seems to appear poor,
-run <em><a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</A></em> on the selected satellite 
+run <em><a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</a></em> on the selected satellite 
 <dd><b>r.info -r</b> <em>image.1</em><br>
@@ -74,18 +72,18 @@
 To write out the color composite to a R/G/B raster maps, use 
-<em><a href="r.composite.html">r.composite</A></em>.
+<em><a href="r.composite.html">r.composite</a></em>.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="d.colors.html">d.colors</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.colortable.html">d.colortable</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.his.html">d.his</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="r.blend.html">r.blend</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="r.composite.html">r.composite</A></em>
+<em><a href="d.colors.html">d.colors</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.colortable.html">d.colortable</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.his.html">d.his</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="r.blend.html">r.blend</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="r.composite.html">r.composite</a></em>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.rhumbline/d.rhumbline.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.rhumbline/d.rhumbline.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.rhumbline/d.rhumbline.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -12,8 +12,7 @@
 coordinate locations must fall within the boundaries of the
 user's current geographic region.
-The user has to specify the starting and ending
+<p>The user has to specify the starting and ending
 longitude/latitude coordinates of the rhumbline and
 (optionally) the color in which the rhumbline will be
 displayed; in this case, the program will run
@@ -28,8 +27,7 @@
 d.rhumbline coor=55:58W,33:18S,26:43E,60:37N lcolor=yellow tcolor=red
 <img src="d_rhumbline.png" border=1><br>
 <i>Rhumbline (loxodrome)</i>
@@ -41,7 +39,7 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="d.geodesic.html">d.geodesic</A></em>
+<em><a href="d.geodesic.html">d.geodesic</a></em>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.text/d.text.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.text/d.text.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.text/d.text.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 line, and then assigns values to these options on lines
 within the standard input).
@@ -35,17 +35,16 @@
 allow the drawing of 20 lines, and 50 would allow the
 drawing of 2 lines.
-<dt><b>.F</b> <em>font</em>
+<p><dt><b>.F</b> <em>font</em>
 (where <em>font</em> is one of the fonts known by the GRASS program 
-<em><a href="d.font.html">d.font</A></em>) manipulates
+<em><a href="d.font.html">d.font</a></em>) manipulates
 the font type. Available fonts are listed in the GRASS manual entry for 
-<em><a href="d.font.html">d.font</A></em>. 
+<em><a href="d.font.html">d.font</a></em>. 
 The default font type used (if unspecified by the user) 
 is <em>romans</em>.
 <!-- Run the GRASS macro 
-<em><A  HREF="show.fonts.sh.html">show.fonts.sh</A></em> 
+<em><A  HREF="show.fonts.sh.html">show.fonts.sh</a></em> 
 to see what these fonts look like. -->
 <dt><b>.R </b> <em>rotation</em>
@@ -71,7 +70,6 @@
 active frame's vertical space per line:
 <b>d.text</b> << EOF
 .C yellow
@@ -89,20 +87,19 @@
 Note that the GRASS command 
-<em><a href="d.title.html">d.title</A></em> creates map TITLEs in a format 
+<em><a href="d.title.html">d.title</a></em> creates map TITLEs in a format 
 suitable for input to <em>d.text</em>.
 <em>d.text</em> needs escape sequences that can be used
 within lines to change colors, boldness, and perhaps size.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="d.font.html">d.font</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.title.html">d.title</A></em><br>
-<!-- <em><a href="show.fonts.sh.html">show.fonts.sh</A></em><br> -->
-<em><a href="d.labels.html">d.labels</A></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.font.html">d.font</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.title.html">d.title</a></em><br>
+<!-- <em><a href="show.fonts.sh.html">show.fonts.sh</a></em><br> -->
+<em><a href="d.labels.html">d.labels</a></em><br>
@@ -110,7 +107,6 @@
 James Westervelt, 
 U.S. Army Construction Engineering 
 Research Laboratory
-Updates by Huidae Cho
+<p>Updates by Huidae Cho
 <p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.thematic.area/d.thematic.area.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.thematic.area/d.thematic.area.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.thematic.area/d.thematic.area.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="v.class.html">v.class</A></em>
-<em><a href="d.vect.html">d.vect</A></em>
-<em><a href="d.graph.html">d.graph</A></em>
-<em><a href="v.univar.html">v.univar</A></em>
+<em><a href="v.class.html">v.class</a></em>
+<em><a href="d.vect.html">d.vect</a></em>
+<em><a href="d.graph.html">d.graph</a></em>
+<em><a href="v.univar.html">v.univar</a></em>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.title/d.title.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.title/d.title.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.title/d.title.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 <em>d.title</em> generates to standard output a string which can be used by
-<em><a href="d.text.html">d.text</A></em> to draw a TITLE for the raster map
+<em><a href="d.text.html">d.text</a></em> to draw a TITLE for the raster map
 layer <em>name</em> in the active display frame on the graphics monitor. 
 Output created by <em>d.title</em> can be redirected into a file, or piped
-directly into <em><a href="d.text.html">d.text</A></em> to display the map
+directly into <em><a href="d.text.html">d.text</a></em> to display the map
 TITLE created by <em>d.title</em>.  The map TITLE created will include the
 map layer's name, TITLE, MAPSET, LOCATION_NAME, geographic region boundary
 coordinates, and cell resolution.
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 The text created with 
-<em><a href="d.text.html">d.text</A></em> 
+<em><a href="d.text.html">d.text</a></em> 
 will not necessarily fit within the 
 active display frame on the graphics monitor; 
 the user should choose a text size appropriate to this frame. 
@@ -29,28 +29,27 @@
 active display frame on the graphics monitor might type the following: 
 <dd> <b>d.title map=</b><em>soils</em> <b>color=</b><em>red</em> <b>size=</b><em>5</em> <b>&gt; TITLE.file</b>
-<dd> <b><a href="d.text.html">d.text</A> &lt; TITLE.file</b> 
+<dd> <b><a href="d.text.html">d.text</a> &lt; TITLE.file</b> 
 Alternately, the user might pipe <em>d.title</em> output directly 
-into <em><a href="d.text.html">d.text</A>:</em> 
+into <em><a href="d.text.html">d.text</a>:</em> 
 <b>d.title map=</b><em>soils</em> <b>color=</b><em>red</em> <b>size=</b><em>5</em> | 
-<a href="d.text.html">d.text</A>
+<a href="d.text.html">d.text</a>
-A file created by <em>d.title</em> can be displayed 
-with <em><a href="d.text.html">d.text</A></em>.
+<p>A file created by <em>d.title</em> can be displayed 
+with <em><a href="d.text.html">d.text</a></em>.
 Information contained in this file takes precedence over the 
 <em>color</em> and <em>size</em> parameters for 
-<em><a href="d.text.html">d.text</A></em>.
+<em><a href="d.text.html">d.text</a></em>.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="d.font.html">d.font</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.text.html">d.text</A></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.font.html">d.font</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.text.html">d.text</a></em><br>
@@ -58,5 +57,4 @@
 U.S. Army Construction Engineering 
 Research Laboratory
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.vect/d.vect.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.vect/d.vect.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.vect/d.vect.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -10,26 +10,22 @@
 which allow the user to specify vector type, colors, data fields, SQL
 queries, label size and justification, etc.
-By default <em>d.vect</em> fills in holes in polygons (islands). If
+<p>By default <em>d.vect</em> fills in holes in polygons (islands). If
 you only want to show active areas limit the features with, e.g.,
 <div class="code"><pre>
 d.vect map=vector_map cats=1-999999
-In order to display attributes in the map, <tt>display=attr</tt> must be
+<p>In order to display attributes in the map, <tt>display=attr</tt> must be
 specified in addition to the column name (<b>attrcolumn</b> parameter).
-Colors may be specified
+<p>Colors may be specified
 by <em><a href="v.colors.html">v.colors</a></em> as a color table or
 in an attribute table column named 'GRASSRGB' (which is
 a <tt>varchar(11)</tt> column containing <tt>RRR:GGG:BBB</tt> values),
 see the flag <b>-a</b>.
-A table for a vector map might look like this:
+<p>A table for a vector map might look like this:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 db.select sql="select * from testisola"
@@ -42,29 +38,24 @@
-To add the GRASSRGB color column, use <em><a href="v.db.addcolumn.html">v.db.addcolumn</a></em>:
+<p>To add the GRASSRGB color column, use <em><a href="v.db.addcolumn.html">v.db.addcolumn</a></em>:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.db.addcolumn map=testisola columns="GRASSRGB varchar(11)"
-To add/change a color, use <em><a href="v.db.update.html">v.db.update</a></em>:
+<p>To add/change a color, use <em><a href="v.db.update.html">v.db.update</a></em>:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.db.update map=testisola column=GRASSRGB value="123:45:237" where="cat=139"
-A much simpler method of color coding is by using the <b>-c</b> flag
+<p>A much simpler method of color coding is by using the <b>-c</b> flag
 which displays vector elements of like category number with a random
-This module can use FreeType/TrueType fonts if they have already been selected with
+<p>This module can use FreeType/TrueType fonts if they have already been selected with
 <em><a href="d.font.html">d.font</a></em>.
-Parameter <b>width</b> is set by default to '0'. XDRIVER specifies the
+<p>Parameter <b>width</b> is set by default to '0'. XDRIVER specifies the
 precise behaviour for non-zero line width, but drivers have some
 freedom as to how zero-width lines are handled, so they can use the
 hardware's &quot;thin line&quot; drawing primitive, if it has one. A
@@ -87,8 +78,7 @@
 d.vect -c map=soils where="label='VBF'" display=shape,attr attrcolumn=label
-3D points, 3D lines and 3D polygons colorized according to z height:
+<p>3D points, 3D lines and 3D polygons colorized according to z height:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 g.region rast=elevation.10m
 r.random input=elevation.10m n=5000 vector=random3d -d
@@ -127,5 +117,4 @@
 Support for color tables by Martin Landa, Czech Technical University in Prague (8/2011)<br>
 and many other GRASS developers
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.what.rast/d.what.rast.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.what.rast/d.what.rast.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.what.rast/d.what.rast.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
 user-named raster map layer(s).
 The program will query the contents of raster map layer(s)
 named by the user on the command line. These map layers
 must exist in the user's current mapset search path.  If
@@ -15,7 +14,6 @@
 active frame on the graphics monitor.
 The program activates the mouse, and expects the user to
 indicate the cell location(s) to be queried by depressing a
 mouse button over desired location(s) within the current
@@ -31,18 +29,14 @@
 output below.
 <dt><b>d.rast map=</b><em>soils</em>
-<dd>To first display the <em>soils</em> map in the active frame.</dd>
+<p><dd>To first display the <em>soils</em> map in the active frame.</dd>
 <dt><b>d.what.rast map=</b><em>soils,aspect</em><br>
-<dd>User then moves the mouse to desired location on the
+<p><dd>User then moves the mouse to desired location on the
 displayed <em>soils</em> map layer, and presses the left
 mouse button to query the category contents of the
 <em>soils</em> and <em>aspect</em> maps at this geographic
@@ -56,21 +50,18 @@
 aspect in PERMANENT (20)15 degrees north of west 
-The first line of output gives the easting (E) and northing (N) coordinates 
+<p>The first line of output gives the easting (E) and northing (N) coordinates 
 of the geographic location at which the user clicked the mouse. 
 Subsequent lines give the selected map(s) name and mapset, map category value 
 (within parentheses), and map category label corresponding to this 
 user-selected map location. 
 The query may be repeated as often as desired using the
 left mouse button.  The right button on the mouse is used
 to quit the <em>d.what.rast</em> session.
 Users can set the <b>-t</b> flag to obtain a terse output
 from <em>d.what.rast</em>.  This is useful when the user
 wishes output to be parsed by another program (like
@@ -81,11 +72,9 @@
 <dt><b>d.what.rast -t map=</b><em>soils,aspect</em>
-<dd> produces output in the form shown below. The first line of
+<p><dd> produces output in the form shown below. The first line of
 output gives the easting, northing, and the mouse button
 return value (see NOTES below).  Each
 subsequent line gives the map name and its mapset, the
@@ -102,7 +91,6 @@
 Users can also use this program inside of shell scripts
 that require as input a map category value and a mouse
 button depressed.  Users can choose an option to run
@@ -118,28 +106,23 @@
 3 indicates that the right mouse button was pressed.
 <em>d.what.rast</em> will always print its output to the
 terminal screen.  <em>d.what.rast</em> output can be
 redirected into a file; however, if it is, the output will
 go both to the screen and to the file.  For example:
 <dt><b>d.what.rast map=</b><em>soils,aspect</em><b> &gt; what.out</b> 
-<dd>will both send <em>d.what.rast</em> output to the screen
+<p><dd>will both send <em>d.what.rast</em> output to the screen
 and capture its output in the file named
 The maximum number of raster map layers that can be queried at one time is 15.
 <em><a href="d.what.vect.html">d.what.vect</a></em>
 allows the user to interactively query the category
 contents of multiple vector map layers at user-specified

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.what.vect/d.what.vect.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.what.vect/d.what.vect.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.what.vect/d.what.vect.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -4,15 +4,13 @@
 outputs the category value(s) associated with user-specified location(s) 
 in user-specified vector map layer(s). 
-The program activates the mouse, and expects the user to indicate the 
+<p>The program activates the mouse, and expects the user to indicate the 
 location(s) to be queried by depressing a mouse button over desired location(s) 
 within the current geographic region in the active display frame on the 
 graphic monitor. Query results from map(s) are by default displayed in a new 
 monitor, where label values can be added or changed. Using parameter <b>-x</b> 
 informations will be displayed as plain text to terminal window.
-This module always reports standard acres, even when the location uses
+<p>This module always reports standard acres, even when the location uses
 US Survey feet as the map unit.
@@ -23,13 +21,9 @@
-<b>d.vect map=</b><em>roads</em><p>
-Displays the <em>roads</em> vector map layer on the graphics monitor. 
+<b>d.vect map=</b><em>roads</em><p>Displays the <em>roads</em> vector map layer on the graphics monitor. 
-<b>d.what.vect map=</b><em>roads,geology</em><p>
-After typing this, the user moves the mouse to a desired location 
+<b>d.what.vect map=</b><em>roads,geology</em><p>After typing this, the user moves the mouse to a desired location 
 on the displayed <em>roads</em> map layer, and presses the left mouse 
 button to query the category value of the <em>roads</em> and the
 <em>geology</em> vector map at this location. 
@@ -38,7 +32,6 @@
 to this user-selected map location, for the vector map queried by the user. 
 The query may be repeated as often as desired using the left mouse button. The 
 middle mouse button toggles the flash color.
 The right button on the mouse is used to quit the <em>d.what.vect</em> session. 
@@ -61,5 +54,4 @@
 Upgrades by Dennis Finch, National Park Service
  and Radim Blazek, ITC-Irst, Trento, Italy
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.where/d.where.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.where/d.where.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.where/d.where.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,22 +1,19 @@
 <em>d.where</em> is an <em>interactive</em> program that
 allows the user, using the pointing device (mouse), to
 identify the geographic coordinates associated with point
 locations within the current geographic region in the
 active display frame on the graphics monitor.
-Each mouse click will output the easting and northing of the point
+<p>Each mouse click will output the easting and northing of the point
 currently located beneath the mouse pointer. 
 A mouse-button menu is presented so the user knows which
 mouse buttons to use. The output is always printed to the
 terminal screen; if the output is redirected into a file,
 it will be written to the file as well.
-Mouse buttons:
+<p>Mouse buttons:
      Left:   where am i
@@ -44,11 +41,11 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="d.what.rast.html">d.what.rast</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.what.vect.html">d.what.vect</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="g.region.html">g.region</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="v.what.rast.html">v.what.rast</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="v.what.vect.html">v.what.vect</A></em>
+<em><a href="d.what.rast.html">d.what.rast</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.what.vect.html">d.what.vect</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="g.region.html">g.region</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="v.what.rast.html">v.what.rast</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="v.what.vect.html">v.what.vect</a></em>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.zoom/d.zoom.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.zoom/d.zoom.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.zoom/d.zoom.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@
 or pan the region. The graphics display is updated by the module.
 After the user types the command <b>d.zoom</b> a mouse-button menu will appear
 directing the user.
 Additionally the region settings can be modified by
 running <em><a href="g.region.html">g.region</a></em>. 

Modified: grass/trunk/doc/vector/v.modules.html
--- grass/trunk/doc/vector/v.modules.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/doc/vector/v.modules.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,16 +1,14 @@
-<TITLE>GRASS 5.1/7 Vector - Modules Status</TITLE>
-<H1>GRASS 5.1/7 Vector - Modules Status</H1>
+<title>GRASS 5.1/7 Vector - Modules Status</title>
+<p><H1>GRASS 5.1/7 Vector - Modules Status</H1>
 This document describes the status of update from vector 4.0 (GRASS 4.0 and 5.0) to vector 5.0 (GRASS 5.1/7) format 
 and sites (GRASS 5.0) to vector 5.0 (GRASS 5.1/7) format.
-You are welcome to upgrade some modules. To avoid duplicate work please send
-information to <a href=mailto:blazek at itc.it>blazek at itc.it</A>
+<p>You are welcome to upgrade some modules. To avoid duplicate work please send
+information to <a href=mailto:blazek at itc.it>blazek at itc.it</a>
 before you start.

Modified: grass/trunk/doc/vector/vector.html
--- grass/trunk/doc/vector/vector.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/doc/vector/vector.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,33 +1,28 @@
-<TITLE>GRASS 5.7/6 Vector Format and API</TITLE>
-<H1>GRASS 5.7/6 Vector Format and API</H1>
+<title>GRASS 5.7/6 Vector Format and API</title>
+<p><H1>GRASS 5.7/6 Vector Format and API</H1>
 The API is described in
+<p><a href="http://grass.itc.it/devel/index.php#prog">GRASS 6 Programmer's Manual</a>
-<a href="http://grass.itc.it/devel/index.php#prog">GRASS 6 Programmer's Manual</a>
 source code file:<br>
-<h2><A NAME="ascii">Vector ASCII Format Specification</A></h2>
+<h2><A NAME="ascii">Vector ASCII Format Specification</a></h2>
 <i>format notes here are outdated and to be merged into<br>
-The ASCII format in the new version contains support for categories,
+<p>The ASCII format in the new version contains support for categories,
 z-coordinates, and the new types centroid, face, and kernel.
 Points and centroids are saved as one coordinate pair instead of two.
 File is saved in old dig_ascii directory but the name will be probably changed.
 The head of the file is similar as the head file of vector binary
 format but contains bounding box also. Key words are:<br>
@@ -46,7 +41,7 @@
 The body begins with the row:
@@ -95,11 +90,11 @@
-<h2><A NAME="example">Vector module programming example</A></h2>
+<h2><A NAME="example">Vector module programming example</a></h2>
 <a href=v.example/>Vector module C programming example</a>
-<h2><A NAME="status">Vector module upgrade status</A></h2>
+<h2><A NAME="status">Vector module upgrade status</a></h2>
 <a href=v.modules.html>Vector upgrade status</a> (partially outdated)

Modified: grass/trunk/general/g.access/g.access.html
--- grass/trunk/general/g.access/g.access.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/general/g.access/g.access.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
 current mapset.
 The user may, for example, allow only users in the same
 UNIX group to read data files in the mapset, or restrict
 the mapset to personal use only.
@@ -24,8 +23,7 @@
 under the PERMANENT mapset directory.  The <em>g.access</em> command,
 therefore, will not allow you to restrict access to the PERMANENT mapset.
-The <em><a href="g.mapsets.html">g.mapsets</A></em> command isn't smart
+<p>The <em><a href="g.mapsets.html">g.mapsets</a></em> command isn't smart
 enough to tell if access to a specified mapset is restricted, and the user
 is therefore allowed to include the names of restricted mapsets in his
 search path.  However, the data in a restricted mapset is still protected;
@@ -36,7 +34,7 @@
 UNIX manual entries for <em>chmod</em> and <em>group</em> 
-<em><a href="g.mapsets.html">g.mapsets</A></em> 
+<em><a href="g.mapsets.html">g.mapsets</a></em> 

Modified: grass/trunk/general/g.copy/g.copy.html
--- grass/trunk/general/g.copy/g.copy.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/general/g.copy/g.copy.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -18,13 +18,11 @@
 called <em>rds.old</em>, the user could type:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 g.copy rast=soils,soils.ph vect=roads,rds.old
 Data files can also be specified by their mapsets.  For
 example, the below command copies the raster map named
 <em>soils</em> from the mapset <em>wilson</em> to a new
@@ -32,13 +30,11 @@
 current mapset:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 g.copy rast='soils at wilson',soils
 If no mapset name is specified, <em>g.copy</em> searches
 for the named <em>from</em> map in each of the mapset
 directories listed in the user's current mapset search path
@@ -60,7 +56,6 @@
 If a file has support files (e.g., as do raster data
 files), these support files will also be copied.

Modified: grass/trunk/general/g.filename/g.filename.html
--- grass/trunk/general/g.filename/g.filename.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/general/g.filename/g.filename.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,11 +3,9 @@
 <em>g.filename</em> is designed for Bourne shell scripts that need to know 
 the full file name, including it's path, for mapset elements, like raster,
 vector and site maps, region definitions and imagery groups.
-The list of element names to search for is not fixed; any subdirectory of the
+<p>The list of element names to search for is not fixed; any subdirectory of the
 mapset directory is a valid element name.
-However, the user can find the list of standard GRASS element names in
+<p>However, the user can find the list of standard GRASS element names in
 the file $GISBASE/etc/element_list. This is the file which
 g.remove/g.rename/g.copy use to determine which files need to be
 deleted/renamed/copied for a given entity type.
@@ -15,7 +13,7 @@
 <!-- unused
@@ -64,7 +62,6 @@
 base files as well as use existing ones.
 If the mapset is the current mapset, <em>g.filename</em>
 automatically creates the <em>element</em> specified if it
 doesn't already exist.  This makes it easy to add new files
@@ -73,17 +70,16 @@
 program will not create a new mapset, however, if that
 specified does not currently exist.)
-The program exits with a 0 if everything is ok;  it exits
+<p>The program exits with a 0 if everything is ok;  it exits
 with a non-zero value if there is an error, in which case
 file=<em>'full_file_pathname'</em> is not output.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="g.ask.html">g.ask</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="g.findfile.html">g.findfile</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="g.gisenv.html">g.gisenv</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="parser.html">parser</A></em>
+<em><a href="g.ask.html">g.ask</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="g.findfile.html">g.findfile</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="g.gisenv.html">g.gisenv</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="parser.html">parser</a></em>

Modified: grass/trunk/general/g.findetc/g.findetc.html
--- grass/trunk/general/g.findetc/g.findetc.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/general/g.findetc/g.findetc.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,19 +6,18 @@
 is designed for addon scripts that are installed outside the GRASS application
 directory, such as a user's home or a system addon directory.
 <em>g.findetc</em> writes the full path to the file or directory to standard output
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="g.ask.html">g.ask</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="g.filename.html">g.filename</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="g.findfile.html">g.findfile</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="g.gisenv.html">g.gisenv</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="g.mapsets.html">g.mapsets</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="parser.html">parser</A></em>
+<em><a href="g.ask.html">g.ask</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="g.filename.html">g.filename</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="g.findfile.html">g.findfile</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="g.gisenv.html">g.gisenv</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="g.mapsets.html">g.mapsets</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="parser.html">parser</a></em>

Modified: grass/trunk/general/g.findfile/g.findfile.html
--- grass/trunk/general/g.findfile/g.findfile.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/general/g.findfile/g.findfile.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -4,11 +4,9 @@
 that need to search for mapset <em>elements</em>, including: raster,
 vector maps, region definitions
 and <em><a href="i.group.html">imagery</a></em> groups.
-The list of <b>element</b> names to search for is not fixed; any
+<p>The list of <b>element</b> names to search for is not fixed; any
 subdirectory of the mapset directory is a valid <b>element</b> name.
-However, the user can find the list of standard GRASS <b>element</b>
+<p>However, the user can find the list of standard GRASS <b>element</b>
 names in the file <tt>$GISBASE/etc/element_list</tt>. This is the file
 which <em><a href="g.remove.html">g.remove</a></em>, <em><a href="g.rename.html">g.rename</a></em>
 and <em><a href="g.copy.html">g.copy</a></em> use to determine which files
@@ -35,8 +33,7 @@
 <div class="code"><pre>
 eval `g.findfile element=name mapset=name file=name`
-For example (raster map):
+<p>For example (raster map):
 <div class="code"><pre>
 eval `g.findfile element=cell file=elevation`
@@ -84,5 +81,4 @@
 Michael Shapiro,
 U.S.Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/general/g.gisenv/g.gisenv.html
--- grass/trunk/general/g.gisenv/g.gisenv.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/general/g.gisenv/g.gisenv.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -24,15 +24,13 @@
 user's current mapset (i.e., <tt>$MAPSET</tt>)
 is <tt>/opt/grassdata/spearfish/PERMANENT</tt>.
-If the user specifies a <em>variable_name</em> on the command line
+<p>If the user specifies a <em>variable_name</em> on the command line
 (e.g., <tt>g.gisenv MAPSET</tt>), only the value for that particular
 GRASS variable is output to standard output. Possible variable names
 depend on the user's system, see <em><a href="variables.html">variables
 list</a></em> for details.
-While other variables may be associated with each GRASS session (e.g.,
+<p>While other variables may be associated with each GRASS session (e.g.,
 GRASS_GUI, GIS_LOCK, and other variables), those stated below
 are essential.
@@ -84,8 +82,7 @@
 stored under the <em>current mapset</em> (specified by the
 variable <tt>$MAPSET</tt>).
-Each &quot;mapset&quot; stores GRASS data base elements (i.e., the
+<p>Each &quot;mapset&quot; stores GRASS data base elements (i.e., the
 directories in which GRASS data files are stored).  Any maps created
 or modified by the user in the current GRASS session will be stored
 here. The <tt>$MAPSET</tt> directory <tt>PERMANENT</tt> is generally
@@ -104,8 +101,7 @@
 <tt>$MAPSET</tt>), but may <em>use</em> data available under other
 mapsets under the same <tt>$LOCATION_NAME</tt>.
-All of these names must be legal names on the user's current system.
+<p>All of these names must be legal names on the user's current system.
 <!--For UNIX users, names less than 14 characters and containing no
 non-printing or space codes are permissible.  Examples of permissible
 names include: <em>one</em>, <em>mymap</em>, <em>VeGe_map</em>, and
@@ -169,5 +165,4 @@
 Michael Shapiro,
 U.S.Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/general/g.gui/g.gui.html
--- grass/trunk/general/g.gui/g.gui.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/general/g.gui/g.gui.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
-This program allows user to start a selected graphical user interface (GUI)
+<p>This program allows user to start a selected graphical user interface (GUI)
 from the command line prompt.
-GRASS 7 has a new GUI based on wxWidgets, written in Python:
+<p>GRASS 7 has a new GUI based on wxWidgets, written in Python:
 <li><b>wxpython</b> - New wxPython based GUI aka
@@ -13,8 +11,7 @@
 The old <em>gis.m</em> and <em>d.m</em> Tcl/Tk GUIs from GRASS 6 have been removed.
-If the <b>-u</b> update flag is given or the <em>g.gisenv</em>
+<p>If the <b>-u</b> update flag is given or the <em>g.gisenv</em>
 <tt>GUI</tt> variable is missing, then the <tt>GUI</tt> variable is
 permanently changed and the selected GUI will be used as the default
 UI from then on.
@@ -45,5 +42,4 @@
 Martin Landa, FBK-irst, Trento, Italy<br>
 Hamish Bowman, Otago University, Dunedin, New Zealand (fine tuning)

Modified: grass/trunk/general/g.list/g.list.html
--- grass/trunk/general/g.list/g.list.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/general/g.list/g.list.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@
 find out which mapsets are in the cuurent search path, use 
 <em><a href="g.mapsets.html">'g.mapsets</a> -p'</em>.
-If the <b>mapset</b> option is set to "." then only maps from the
+<p>If the <b>mapset</b> option is set to "." then only maps from the
 current mapset will be displayed.
-If the user requests that files from a mapset to which
+<p>If the user requests that files from a mapset to which
 access has been restricted (see
 <em><a href="g.access.html">g.access</a></em>)
 be listed, no files from this mapset will be listed.
@@ -31,7 +29,6 @@
 List all raster and vector maps from mapset &quot;user&quot;:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -52,5 +49,4 @@
 U.S.Army Construction Engineering 
 Research Laboratory
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/general/g.mapsets/g.mapsets.html
--- grass/trunk/general/g.mapsets/g.mapsets.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/general/g.mapsets/g.mapsets.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
 For basic information about Grass <em>mapset</em>, <em>location</em>
 and <em>data base</em> refer to <a href="helptext.html">GRASS Quickstart</a>.
-A <em>mapset</em> holds a distinct set of data layers,
+<p>A <em>mapset</em> holds a distinct set of data layers,
 each relevant to the same (or a subset of the same) geographic region,
 and each drawn in the same map coordinate system.
 At the outset of every GRASS session, the user identifies a
@@ -17,8 +16,7 @@
  <em><a href="g.gisenv.html">g.gisenv</a></em> for changing the mapset
  with a session)
-The user can add, modify, and delete data layers that exist
+<p>The user can add, modify, and delete data layers that exist
 under his <em>current mapset</em>.  Although the user can
 also <em>access</em> (i.e., use) data that are stored under
 <em>other</em> mapsets in the same GRASS location using the
@@ -40,8 +38,7 @@
 be called in such a manner.
-<em>g.mapsets</em> shows the user available mapsets under
+<p><em>g.mapsets</em> shows the user available mapsets under
 the current GRASS location, lists mapsets to which the user
 currently has access, and lists the order in which
 accessible mapsets will be accessed by GRASS programs
@@ -50,8 +47,7 @@
 path, or modify the order in which mapsets will be
-When the user specifies the name of a data base element file
+<p>When the user specifies the name of a data base element file
 (e.g., a particular vector map, raster map, 
 <a href="i.group.html">imagery</a> group file, etc.)
 to a GRASS program, the program searches for the named file
@@ -70,8 +66,7 @@
 ensures that a new file named <em>my.soils</em> is to be a copy of
 the file <em>soils.file</em> from the mapset PERMANENT.)
-It is common for a user to have the special mapset
+<p>It is common for a user to have the special mapset
 <b>PERMANENT</b> included in his mapset search path, as
 this mapset typically contains finished base maps relevant
 to many applications.  Often, other mapsets which contain
@@ -83,8 +78,7 @@
 <em>Soil_Maps</em> should then be included in the user's
 <em>search path</em> variable.
-The <em>mapset search path</em> is saved as part of the
+<p>The <em>mapset search path</em> is saved as part of the
 current mapset.  When the user works with that mapset in
 subsequent GRASS sessions, the previously saved mapset
 search path will be used (and will continue to be used
@@ -101,12 +95,10 @@
 list available mapsets, and prompt the user for a new
 mapset search path listing.
-The <em>addmapset</em> parameter allows for extending an existing
+<p>The <em>addmapset</em> parameter allows for extending an existing
 <em>mapset search path</em>.
-Users can restrict others' access to their mapset files
+<p>Users can restrict others' access to their mapset files
 through use of the GRASS program
 <em><a href="g.access.html">g.access</a></em>.  
@@ -130,9 +122,7 @@
 Michael Shapiro,
 U.S.Army Construction Engineering 
 Research Laboratory
-Greg Koerper, 
+<p>Greg Koerper, 
 ManTech Environmental Technology, Inc.
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/general/g.message/g.message.html
--- grass/trunk/general/g.message/g.message.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/general/g.message/g.message.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
-This program is to be used in shell/perl/python scripts, so the author does not
+<p>This program is to be used in shell/perl/python scripts, so the author does not
 need to use the <tt>echo</tt> program. The advantage of <em>g.message</em> is
 that it formats messages just like other GRASS modules do and that its
 functionality is influenced by the <tt>GRASS_VERBOSE</tt> and
 <tt>GRASS_MESSAGE_FORMAT</tt> environment variables.
-The program can be used for standard informative messages as well as warnings 
+<p>The program can be used for standard informative messages as well as warnings 
 (<b>-w</b> flag) and fatal errors (<b>-e</b> flag). For debugging
 purposes, the <b>-d</b> flag will cause <em>g.message</em> to print a debugging
 message at the given level.
@@ -18,32 +16,25 @@
 Messages containing "<tt>=</tt>" must use the full <b>message=</b> syntax so
 the parser doesn't get confused.
-If you want a long message (multi-line) to be dealt with as a single
+<p>If you want a long message (multi-line) to be dealt with as a single
 paragraph, use a single call to <em>g.message</em> with text split in the
 script using the backslash as the last character. (In shell scripts don't
 close the "quote")
-A blank line may be obtained with: <tt>g.message ""</tt>
-Redundant whitespace will be stripped away.
-It's advisable to single quote the messages that are to be printed literally.
+<p>A blank line may be obtained with: <tt>g.message ""</tt>
+<p>Redundant whitespace will be stripped away.
+<p>It's advisable to single quote the messages that are to be printed literally.
 It prevents a number of characters (most notably, space and the dollar sign
 '<tt>$</tt>') from being treated specifically by the Shell.
-When it is necessary to include, for example, a variable's value as part of
+<p>When it is necessary to include, for example, a variable's value as part of
 the message, the double quotes may be used, which do not deprive the
 dollar sign of its special variable-expansion powers.
-While it is known that the interactive Bash instances may treat the
+<p>While it is known that the interactive Bash instances may treat the
 exclamation mark '<tt>!</tt>' character specifically (making single quoting
 of it necessary), it shouldn't be the case for the non-interactive
 instances of Bash. None the less, to avoid context-based confusion later on
 you are enouraged to single-quote messages that do not require
 <tt>$VARIABLE</tt> expansion.
 Controlled by the "<tt>GRASS_VERBOSE</tt>" environment variable. Typically this
 is set using the <tt>--quiet</tt> or <tt>--verbose</tt> command line options.
@@ -77,5 +68,4 @@
 Jachym Cepicky
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/general/g.mkfontcap/g.mkfontcap.html
--- grass/trunk/general/g.mkfontcap/g.mkfontcap.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/general/g.mkfontcap/g.mkfontcap.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-<em>g.mkfontcap</em> is a utilty to generate a GRASS font configuration file
+<p><em>g.mkfontcap</em> is a utilty to generate a GRASS font configuration file
 ("fontcap") containing details of the fonts available on the current system.
 If <a href="http://freetype.sourceforge.net/">Freetype</a> is not installed,
 the font list will be limited to the set of Hershey stroke fonts supplied
@@ -17,15 +16,13 @@
-These correspond to directories where fonts can be found on some common
+<p>These correspond to directories where fonts can be found on some common
 operating systems. Extra directories to search can easily by added using the
 <em>extradirs</em> parameter, which accepts a comma-separated list. An extra
 directory may optionally contain an environment variable <em>at the start</em> 
 of the string, if enclosed in ${xxx} syntax (see examples above).
-The module will normally write to the standard fontcap file location,
+<p>The module will normally write to the standard fontcap file location,
 <tt>$GISBASE/etc/fontcap</tt>. If the environment variable
 <strong>GRASS_FONT_CAP</strong> is set, the output will instead be written 
 to the file specified by that variable. This is useful if you don't have
@@ -39,12 +36,10 @@
-to create a personal copy and then to make GRASS use that file
+<p>to create a personal copy and then to make GRASS use that file
 instead of the system copy.
-The output list of fonts is sorted first by type (Stroke fonts first,
+<p>The output list of fonts is sorted first by type (Stroke fonts first,
 followed by Freetype) and within each type by the short name of the font.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>

Modified: grass/trunk/general/g.mlist/g.mlist.html
--- grass/trunk/general/g.mlist/g.mlist.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/general/g.mlist/g.mlist.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
 <em>g.mlist</em> searches for data files matching a pattern given by
 wildcards or POSIX Extended Regular Expressions.
-See the <em>g.list</em> help page for discussion of module options.
+<p>See the <em>g.list</em> help page for discussion of module options.
@@ -83,8 +82,7 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
 <em><a href="g.list.html">g.list</a></em>
-<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression">Regular expressions</a>
+<p><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression">Regular expressions</a>
 (aka regex) -  from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
@@ -93,5 +91,4 @@
 Huidae Cho<br>
 grass4u at gmail.com
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/general/g.mremove/g.mremove.html
--- grass/trunk/general/g.mremove/g.mremove.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/general/g.mremove/g.mremove.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -15,8 +15,7 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
 <em><a href="g.remove.html">g.remove</a></em>
-<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression">Regular expression</a> (from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
+<p><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression">Regular expression</a> (from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Modified: grass/trunk/general/g.parser/g.parser.html
--- grass/trunk/general/g.parser/g.parser.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/general/g.parser/g.parser.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -44,11 +44,9 @@
 and the value of flag with key <b>f</b> will be available in variable
-For flags, the value will be "1" if the flag was given, and "0" otherwise.
+<p>For flags, the value will be "1" if the flag was given, and "0" otherwise.
-If the <b>-s</b> switch is used, the options and flags are written to
+<p>If the <b>-s</b> switch is used, the options and flags are written to
 stdout in the form <em>opt_&lt;name&gt;=&lt;value&gt;</em> and
 <em>flag_&lt;name&gt;=&lt;value&gt;</em>, preceded by the string
 <b>@ARGS_PARSED@</b>. If this string doesn't appear as the first line
@@ -57,8 +55,7 @@
 <em>g.parser</em> to stdout should be copied to the script's stdout
-Typical header definitions are as follows:
+<p>Typical header definitions are as follows:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -96,23 +93,20 @@
-A "<tt>guisection</tt>" field may be added to each option and flag to specify
+<p>A "<tt>guisection</tt>" field may be added to each option and flag to specify
 that the options should appear in multiple tabs in the auto-generated GUI.
 Any options without a <tt>guisection</tt> field go into the "Options" tab.
 For example:
 <pre>#% guisection: tabname</pre>
 would put that option in a tab named <i>tabname</i>.
-A "<tt>key_desc</tt>" field may be added to each option to specify the text that
+<p>A "<tt>key_desc</tt>" field may be added to each option to specify the text that
 appears in the module's usage help section. For example:
 <pre>#% key_desc: filename</pre>
 added to an <b>input</b> option would create the usage summary
-If a script is run with --o, G_parser() will
+<p>If a script is run with --o, G_parser() will
 set <tt>GRASS_OVERWRITE=1</tt>, which has the same effect as passing
 --o to every module which is run from the script. Similarly, passing
 --q or --v will set <tt>GRASS_VERBOSE</tt> to 0 or 3 respectively,
@@ -420,15 +414,13 @@
 and the <tt>SUBMITTING_SCRIPTS</tt> file in the GRASS source code.
-Related Wiki pages: 
+<p>Related Wiki pages: 
 <a href="http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/Category:Linking_to_other_languages">Using GRASS with other programming languages</a>
 Glynn Clements
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/general/g.pnmcat/g.pnmcat.html
--- grass/trunk/general/g.pnmcat/g.pnmcat.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/general/g.pnmcat/g.pnmcat.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,16 +1,12 @@
-Concatenate PNM tiles into a single image.
-This module is for use by NVIZ' "Maximum resolution PPM" option.
-It concatenates a grid of &lt;rows&gt; x &lt;cols&gt; binary PPM
+<p>Concatenate PNM tiles into a single image.
+<p>This module is for use by NVIZ' "Maximum resolution PPM" option.
+<p>It concatenates a grid of &lt;rows&gt; x &lt;cols&gt; binary PPM
 images into a single image. The images must all be named
 &lt;base&gt;_&lt;row&gt;_&lt;col&gt;.ppm, where &lt;row&gt; and
 &lt;col&gt; start from one, with row one being the bottom row, and
 where &lt;base&gt; is the value of the <em>base=</em> option.
-All images within a row must have the same height, and the widths must
+<p>All images within a row must have the same height, and the widths must
 sum to the value of the <em>width=</em> option. The heights of the individual
 rows must sum to the value of the <em>height=</em> option. All images must be
 in "P6" (binary PPM) format.

Modified: grass/trunk/general/g.proj/g.proj.html
--- grass/trunk/general/g.proj/g.proj.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/general/g.proj/g.proj.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 <p><em>g.proj</em> provides a means of converting a co-ordinate system
 description (i.e. projection information) between various formats.
-If compiled without <a href="http://www.gdal.org/ogr/">OGR</A> present, the 
+If compiled without <a href="http://www.gdal.org/ogr/">OGR</a> present, the 
 functionality is limited to:
 <li>Reporting the projection information for the current location, 
@@ -105,31 +105,27 @@
 g.proj -p
-Create a '.prj' file in ESRI format corresponding to the current location:<br>
+<p>Create a '.prj' file in ESRI format corresponding to the current location:<br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 g.proj -wef > irish_grid.prj
-Read the projection information from a geotiff file and print it in PROJ.4
+<p>Read the projection information from a geotiff file and print it in PROJ.4
 <div class="code"><pre>
 g.proj -jf georef=ASTER_DEM20020508161837.tif
-Convert the PROJ.4 projection description contained in a text file to WKT
+<p>Convert the PROJ.4 projection description contained in a text file to WKT
 <div class="code"><pre>
 cat proj4.description | g.proj -w proj4=-
-Create a new location with the co-ordinate system referred to by EPSG code
+<p>Create a new location with the co-ordinate system referred to by EPSG code
 4326 (Latitude-Longitude/WGS84), without explicitly specifiying datum
 transformation parameters:<br>
@@ -137,47 +133,41 @@
 g.proj -c epsg=4326 location=latlong
-Create a new location with the co-ordinate system referred to by ESRI-EPSG code
+<p>Create a new location with the co-ordinate system referred to by ESRI-EPSG code
 900913 (<a href="http://spatialreference.org/ref/user/6/">Google Mercator Projection</a>)<br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 g.proj -c epsg=900913 loc=google
-Create a new location with the co-ordinate system referred to by EPSG code
+<p>Create a new location with the co-ordinate system referred to by EPSG code
 29900 (Irish Grid), selecting datum transformation parameter set no. 2:<br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 g.proj -c epsg=29900 datumtrans=2 location=irish_grid
-Create a new location with the same co-ordinate system as the current
+<p>Create a new location with the same co-ordinate system as the current
 location, but forcing a change to datum transformation parameter set no. 1:<br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 g.proj -c location=newloc -t datumtrans=1
-List the possible datum transformation parameters for the current location:<br>
+<p>List the possible datum transformation parameters for the current location:<br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 g.proj -t datumtrans=-1
-Create a new location with the co-ordinate system from a WKT definition
+<p>Create a new location with the co-ordinate system from a WKT definition
 stored in a text file:<br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 g.proj -c wkt=irish_grid.prj location=irish_grid
-Reproject external raster map to current GRASS projection (does not always make sense!)
+<p>Reproject external raster map to current GRASS projection (does not always make sense!)
 using the GDAL 'gdalwarp' tool. We recommend to use the ERDAS/Img format and not
 to use the ESRI style of WKT:<br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -185,8 +175,7 @@
 gdalwarp -of HFA -tr 30 30 -t_srs "`g.proj -wf`" aster.img aster_tmerc.img
-Reproject external vector map to current GRASS projection
+<p>Reproject external vector map to current GRASS projection
 using the OGR 'ogr2ogr' tool:<br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 ogr2ogr -t_srs "`g.proj -wf`" polbnda_italy_GB_ovest.shp polbnda_italy_LL.shp
@@ -199,8 +188,7 @@
 <a href="http://www.gdal.org">GDAL raster library and toolset</a><br>
 <a href="http://www.gdal.org/ogr/">OGR vector library and toolset</a>
-<b>Further reading</b>
+<p><b>Further reading</b>
 <li> <a href="http://www.asprs.org/resources/grids/">ASPRS Grids and Datum</a>
 <li> <a href="http://www.mapref.org">MapRef - The Collection of Map Projections and Reference Systems for Europe</a>

Modified: grass/trunk/general/g.region/g.region.html
--- grass/trunk/general/g.region/g.region.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/general/g.region/g.region.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
 The region's boundaries are given as the northernmost,
 southernmost, easternmost, and westernmost points that
 define its extent (cell edges).  The north and south boundaries
@@ -35,7 +34,6 @@
 boundaries are called <em>eastings</em>.
 The region's cell resolution defines the size of the
 smallest piece of data recognized (imported, analyzed,
 displayed, stored, etc.) by GRASS modules affected by the
@@ -43,8 +41,7 @@
 resolutions need not be the same, thus allowing non-square
 data cells to exist.
-Typically all raster and display modules are affected by the current
+<p>Typically all raster and display modules are affected by the current
 region settings, but not vector modules.
 Some special modules diverge from this rule, for example raster import
 modules and <em>v.in.region</em>.
@@ -96,14 +93,12 @@
 north/south resolution and that the east/west distance is a
 multiple of the east/west resolution.
-With the <b>-a</b> flag all four boundaries are adjusted 
+<p>With the <b>-a</b> flag all four boundaries are adjusted 
 to be even multiples of the resolution, aligning the region to the
 resolution supplied by the user. The default is to
 align the region resolution to match the region boundaries.
-The <b>-m</b> flag will report the region resolution in meters. The
+<p>The <b>-m</b> flag will report the region resolution in meters. The
 resolution is calculated by averaging the resolution at the region
 boundaries. This resolution is calculated by dividing the geodesic 
 distance in meters at the boundary by the number of rows or columns.
@@ -119,12 +114,10 @@
-The <b>-p</b> (or <b>-g</b>) option is recognized
+<p>The <b>-p</b> (or <b>-g</b>) option is recognized
 last.  This means that all changes are applied to the
 region settings before printing occurs.
-The <b>-g</b> flag prints the current region settings in shell script style.
+<p>The <b>-g</b> flag prints the current region settings in shell script style.
 This format can be given back to <em>g.region</em> on its command line.
 This may also be used to save region settings as shell environment variables
 with the UNIX eval command, "<tt>eval `g.region -g`</tt>".
@@ -145,8 +138,7 @@
 layer that fall inside the user's current region. In this
 way you can tightly zoom in on isolated clumps within a
 bigger map.
-If the user also includes the <b>rast=</b><em>name</em>
+<p>If the user also includes the <b>rast=</b><em>name</em>
 option on the command line, <b>zoom=</b><em>name</em> will
 set the current region settings to the smallest region
 encompassing all non-NULL data in the named <b>zoom</b> map
@@ -179,7 +171,6 @@
 cell resolutions unchanged.
 <dt><span class="code"><tt>
 g.region n=51:36:05N e=10:10:05E s=51:29:55N w=9:59:55E res=0:00:01
@@ -189,7 +180,6 @@
 (decimal degrees and degrees with decimal minutes can also be used).
 <dt><span class="code"><tt>
 g.region -dp s=698000
@@ -199,7 +189,6 @@
 698000, and then print the result.
 <dt><span class="code"><tt>
 g.region n=n+1000 w=w-500
@@ -214,7 +203,6 @@
 decreased by 500 units.
 <dt><span class="code"><tt>
 g.region n=s+1000 e=w+1000
@@ -228,7 +216,6 @@
 corresponding forms s=n-<em>value</em> and
 w=e-<em>value</em> may be used to set the values of the
 region's southern and western boundaries, relative to the
 northern and eastern boundary values.
@@ -244,7 +231,6 @@
 <dt><span class="code"><tt>
 g.region rast=soils zoom=soils
@@ -261,7 +247,6 @@
 <dt><span class="code"><tt>
 g.region -up rast=soils
@@ -273,7 +258,6 @@
 without changing the current region settings.
 <dt><span class="code"><tt>
 g.region -up zoom=soils save=soils
@@ -286,7 +270,6 @@
 <dt><span class="code"><tt>
 g.region b=0 t=3000 tbres=200 res3=100
 g.region -p3
@@ -298,7 +281,6 @@
 is defined.
 <dt><span class="code"><tt>
 g.region -p
@@ -321,7 +303,6 @@
 <dt><span class="code"><tt>
 g.region -p3
@@ -353,7 +334,6 @@
 <dt><span class="code"><tt>
 g.region -g
@@ -373,7 +353,6 @@
 <dt><span class="code"><tt>
 g.region -bg
@@ -398,7 +377,6 @@
 <dt><span class="code"><tt>
 g.region -l
@@ -418,7 +396,6 @@
 <dt><span class="code"><tt>
 g.region -pm
@@ -443,8 +420,7 @@
-Usage example of <em>g.region</em> in a shell with external software:<br>
+<p>Usage example of <em>g.region</em> in a shell with external software:<br>
 <!-- why not 'v.in.ogr spatial=' ?? -->
 Extract spatial subset of external vector map 'soils.shp' to new external
 vector map 'soils_cut.shp' using the OGR 'ogr2ogr' tool:<br>
@@ -457,8 +433,7 @@
 This requires that the location/SHAPE file projection match.
-Usage example of <em>g.proj</em> and <em>g.region</em> in a shell with external software:<br>
+<p>Usage example of <em>g.proj</em> and <em>g.region</em> in a shell with external software:<br>
 Extract spatial subset of external raster map 'p016r035_7t20020524_z17_nn30.tif'
 to new external raster map'p016r035_7t20020524_nc_spm_wake_nn30.tif using the GDAL
 'gdalwarp' tool:<br>
@@ -493,5 +468,4 @@
 U.S.Army Construction Engineering 
 Research Laboratory
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/general/g.remove/g.remove.html
--- grass/trunk/general/g.remove/g.remove.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/general/g.remove/g.remove.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
 files along with the data base element file specified.
 The user can only use <em>g.remove</em> to remove data
 files existing under the user's <em>current mapset</em>.

Modified: grass/trunk/general/g.rename/g.rename.html
--- grass/trunk/general/g.rename/g.rename.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/general/g.rename/g.rename.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 Users can also simply type <em>g.rename -help</em> without
 arguments on the command line, to receive a menu of
 existing data base element types and files from which to
@@ -42,7 +41,6 @@
 also are renamed.
 If the user attempts to rename a file to itself by setting
 the <em>new</em> file name equal to the <em>old</em> file
 name (e.g., <b>g.rename rast=soils,soils</b>),
@@ -52,8 +50,7 @@
 will allow the user to overwrite other existing files in
 the current mapset by making the <em>new</em> file name
 that of an already existing file.
-For portability reasons, <em>g.rename</em> is ignoring case of
+<p>For portability reasons, <em>g.rename</em> is ignoring case of
 names. To change the case of a map name, first rename the map
 to a name which differs by more than case, then rename it to
 the intended name.

Modified: grass/trunk/general/g.setproj/g.setproj.html
--- grass/trunk/general/g.setproj/g.setproj.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/general/g.setproj/g.setproj.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 <p>The user will be prompted for the projection name. 
 Most projections are supported. The 
-<a href="http://proj.maptools.org/">PROJ.4</A> abbreviations for the names are
+<a href="http://proj.maptools.org/">PROJ.4</a> abbreviations for the names are
 used with two exceptions, viz. 'll', for latitude / longitude geographic
 co-ordinates, and 'stp', for the State Plane Co-ordinate system (used in the
@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@
 the various other parameters required to define it.
 The projections of aea, lcc, merc, leae, leac, and 
 tmerc will generate a request to the user for the prime meridian and standard 
 parallel for the output map. 
@@ -64,14 +63,13 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="g.proj.html">g.proj</A></em>,
-<em><a href="m.proj.html">m.proj</A></em>,
-<em><a href="r.proj.html">r.proj</A></em>,
-<em><a href="v.proj.html">v.proj</A></em>,
-<em><a href="http://proj.maptools.org">PROJ.4</A></em>
+<em><a href="g.proj.html">g.proj</a></em>,
+<em><a href="m.proj.html">m.proj</a></em>,
+<em><a href="r.proj.html">r.proj</a></em>,
+<em><a href="v.proj.html">v.proj</a></em>,
+<em><a href="http://proj.maptools.org">PROJ.4</a></em>
-<b>Further reading</b>
+<p><b>Further reading</b>
 <li> A guide to <a href="http://erg.usgs.gov/isb/pubs/MapProjections/projections.html">Map Projections</a> by USGS
 <li> <a href="http://www.asprs.org/resources/grids/">ASPRS Grids and Datum</a>
@@ -87,8 +85,7 @@
 Morten Hulden, morten at untamo.net - rewrote module and added 121 projections <br>
 Andreas Lange, andreas.lange at rhein-main.de - added prelimnary map datum support
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/general/g.tempfile/g.tempfile.html
--- grass/trunk/general/g.tempfile/g.tempfile.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/general/g.tempfile/g.tempfile.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
 by programs that failed to remove them before terminating. 
 creates an unique file and prints the name. The user is required to provide 
 a process-id which will be used as part of the name of the file. 

Modified: grass/trunk/general/g.version/g.version.html
--- grass/trunk/general/g.version/g.version.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/general/g.version/g.version.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -52,5 +52,4 @@
 U.S. Army Construction Engineering 
 Research Laboratory
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.albedo/i.albedo.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.albedo/i.albedo.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.albedo/i.albedo.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -23,5 +23,4 @@
 Yann Chemin, International Rice Research Institute, The Philippines
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.aster.toar/i.aster.toar.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.aster.toar/i.aster.toar.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.aster.toar/i.aster.toar.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -29,13 +29,12 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="i.landsat.toar.html">i.landsat.toar</A><br>
-<a href="r.in.aster.html">r.in.aster</A><br>
+<a href="i.landsat.toar.html">i.landsat.toar</a><br>
+<a href="r.in.aster.html">r.in.aster</a><br>
 Yann Chemin, CSU, Australia
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.atcorr/i.atcorr.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.atcorr/i.atcorr.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.atcorr/i.atcorr.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -7,30 +7,25 @@
 <a href="http://modis-sr.ltdri.org/">Land Surface
 Reflectance Science Computing Facility website</a>.
-<em>Important note: Current region settings are ignored!</em> The region is adjusted
+<p><em>Important note: Current region settings are ignored!</em> The region is adjusted
 to cover the input raster map before the atmospheric correction is
 performed. The previous settings are restored afterwards.
-Because using a <b>elevation</b> and/or <b>visibility</b>
+<p>Because using a <b>elevation</b> and/or <b>visibility</b>
 raster map makes execution time much longer, it is advised to use
 the optimization flag <b>-o</b>.
 This flag tells <em>i.atcorr</em> to try and speedup calculations. 
 However, this option will increase memory requirements.
-If flag <b>-r</b> is used, the input raster data are treated as
+<p>If flag <b>-r</b> is used, the input raster data are treated as
 <em>reflectance</em>. Otherwise, the input raster data are treated
 as <em>radiance</em> values and are converted to reflectance at
 the <em>i.atcorr</em> runtime. The output data are always reflectance.
-Note that the satellite overpass time has to be specified in Greenwich
+<p>Note that the satellite overpass time has to be specified in Greenwich
 Mean Time (GMT).
-An example 6S parameters:
+<p>An example 6S parameters:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 8                            - geometrical conditions=Landsat ETM+
@@ -364,8 +359,7 @@
 0.112                        - aerosol optical depth 550 nm
-NOTE: if iaer is 0, enter -1 for visibility.
+<p>NOTE: if iaer is 0, enter -1 for visibility.
 <h3>E. Target altitude (xps), sensor platform (xpp)</h3>
@@ -375,8 +369,7 @@
 in [km], given as negative value
-Sensor platform (xpp, in negative [km] or -1000):
+<p>Sensor platform (xpp, in negative [km] or -1000):
 <br>xpp = -1000 means that the sensor is on board a satellite.
 <br>xpp = 0 means that the sensor is at the ground level.
@@ -384,8 +377,7 @@
  this altitude is given <b>relative to the target</b> altitude as negative value.
-For aircraft simulations only (xpp is neither equal to 0 nor equal to -1000):
+<p>For aircraft simulations only (xpp is neither equal to 0 nor equal to -1000):
 puw,po3 (water vapor content,ozone content between the aircraft and the surface)
 <br>taerp (the aerosol optical thickness at 550nm between the aircraft and the
@@ -436,8 +428,7 @@
-Pre-defined satellite bands:
+<p>Pre-defined satellite bands:
 <table border="1">
@@ -590,7 +581,6 @@
 In this case, we have: SUN_AZIMUTH = 120.8810347, SUN_ELEVATION = 64.7730999.
 If the sun position metadata are unavailable, we can also calculate
 them from the overpass time as follows
 (<em><a href="r.sunmask.html">r.sunmask</a></em>
@@ -601,8 +591,7 @@
 If the overpass time is unknown, use the <a href="http://www-air.larc.nasa.gov/tools/predict.htm">Satellite Overpass Predictor</a>.
-Convert DN (digital number = pixel values) to Radiance at top-of-atmosphere (TOA), using the
+<p>Convert DN (digital number = pixel values) to Radiance at top-of-atmosphere (TOA), using the
 <div class="code"><pre>
    L&lambda; = ((LMAX&lambda; - LMIN&lambda;)/(QCALMAX-QCALMIN)) * (QCAL-QCALMIN) + LMIN&lambda;
@@ -625,8 +614,7 @@
 <a href="http://landsathandbook.gsfc.nasa.gov/handbook/handbook_htmls/chapter11/chapter11.html">Landsat handbook</a>),
 and the maximal DN value (QCALMAX) is 255. QCAL is the DN value for every
 separate pixel in the Landsat image.
-We extract the coefficients and apply them in order to obtain the radiance map:
+<p>We extract the coefficients and apply them in order to obtain the radiance map:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 r.info lsat7_2002_${CHAN}0 -h | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's+ ++g' | tr ':' '\n' | grep "LMIN_BAND${CHAN}\|LMAX_BAND${CHAN}"
@@ -676,8 +664,7 @@
 to compute the initial transform. It is necessary to give a value which could
 be the mean value of the elevation model. For the atmospheric correction then
 the raster elevation values are used from the map.
-Note that the process is computationally intensive.<br>
+<p>Note that the process is computationally intensive.<br>
 Note also, that <em>i.atcorr</em> reports solar elevation angle above horizon rather than solar zenith angle.
 <h2><font color="red">REMAINING DOCUMENTATION ISSUES</font></h2>
@@ -689,8 +676,7 @@
 GRASS Wiki page about 
   <a href="http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/Atmospheric_correction">Atmospheric correction</a>
 <a href="r.info.html">r.info</a>,
 <a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</a>,
 <a href="r.univar.html">r.univar</a>
@@ -738,6 +724,5 @@
 <p><em>VGT1 and VGT2 sensors addition from <a href="http://6s.ltdri.org/">6SV-1.1 sources</a>, addition 07/2011:</em>
 <br>Alfredo Alessandrini, Anne Ghisla
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.biomass/i.biomass.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.biomass/i.biomass.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.biomass/i.biomass.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="i.eb.evapfr">i.eb.evapfr</A><br>
+<a href="i.eb.evapfr">i.eb.evapfr</a><br>
@@ -35,5 +35,4 @@
 Yann Chemin, Bec de Mortagne, France
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.cca/i.cca.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.cca/i.cca.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.cca/i.cca.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -11,9 +11,8 @@
 Typically the user will use the 
-<em><a href="i.class.html">i.class</A></em> 
+<em><a href="i.class.html">i.class</a></em> 
 program to collect a set of signatures and then pass those
 signatures along with the raster band files to
 <em>i.cca</em>.  The raster band file names are specified
@@ -21,23 +20,22 @@
 were used to collect the signatures.
 The output raster map names are built by appending a ".1",
 ".2", etc. to the output raster map name specified on the
 command line.
-<dd>Name of the <a href="i.group.html">imagery</A> group
+<dd>Name of the <a href="i.group.html">imagery</a> group
 to which the 2 to 8 raster band files used belong.
-<dd>Name of the <a href="i.group.html">imagery</A>
+<dd>Name of the <a href="i.group.html">imagery</a>
 subgroup to which the 2 to 8 raster band files used
@@ -64,12 +62,11 @@
 Classification in Remote Sensing</b>,  Academic Press, 1983.
+<em><a href="i.class.html">i.class</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="i.pca.html">i.pca</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="r.covar.html">r.covar</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</a></em>
-<em><a href="i.class.html">i.class</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="i.pca.html">i.pca</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="r.covar.html">r.covar</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</A></em>
 David Satnik, GIS Laboratory, 

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.class/i.class.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.class/i.class.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.class/i.class.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -4,12 +4,11 @@
 performs the first pass in the GRASS two-pass supervised image
 classification process;
 the GRASS program 
-<em><a href="i.maxlik.html">i.maxlik</A></em> executes the second pass.
+<em><a href="i.maxlik.html">i.maxlik</a></em> executes the second pass.
 Both programs must be run to generate a classified map in GRASS
 raster format.
 <em>i.class</em> is an interactive program that allows the user to outline
 a region on the screen and calculate the spectral signature based on the
 cells that are within that region.  During this process the user will be
@@ -21,18 +20,16 @@
 The spectral signatures that result are composed of region means and
 covariance matrices.  These region means and covariance matrices are used in
-the second pass (<em><a href="i.maxlik.html">i.maxlik</A></em>) to classify
+the second pass (<em><a href="i.maxlik.html">i.maxlik</a></em>) to classify
 the image.
 Alternatively, the spectral signatures generated by <em>i.class</em> can be
 used for seed means for the clusters in the
-<em><a href="i.cluster.html">i.cluster</A></em> program.
+<em><a href="i.cluster.html">i.cluster</a></em> program.
 <h2>USER INPUTS</h2>
@@ -41,7 +38,7 @@
 to be displayed during the process of outlining regions.
 Typically, the user will want to enter the name of a color
 composite previously created by
-<em><a href="r.composite.html">r.composite</A></em>.
+<em><a href="r.composite.html">r.composite</a></em>.
 However, the user can enter the name of any existing raster
 map.  This leaves the potential for using a raster map not
@@ -49,9 +46,8 @@
 user can outline the classes of interest.
 The first screen in the program <em>i.class</em> asks the user for the
-<a href="i.group.html">imagery</A> <em>group</em> and <em>subgroup</em>
+<a href="i.group.html">imagery</a> <em>group</em> and <em>subgroup</em>
 to be analyzed:
@@ -69,30 +65,27 @@
 The <em>group</em> should contain the 
 imagery bands that the user wishes
 to classify.  The <em>subgroup</em> is a subset of this group.
 The user must create a group and a subgroup by running the GRASS program
-<em><a href="i.group.html">i.group</A></em> 
+<em><a href="i.group.html">i.group</a></em> 
 before running <em>i.class</em>.  The subgroup should contain
 only the image bands that the user wishes to classify.
 Note that this subgroup must contain more than one band.
 After the first screen, the program asks the user for the name of the
 resulting signature file.  The signature file is both the output file for
 <em>i.class</em> and the required input file for the GRASS 
-<em><a href="i.maxlik.html">i.maxlik</A></em> module.
+<em><a href="i.maxlik.html">i.maxlik</a></em> module.
 It contains the region means and covariance matrices that are used to
-classify an image in  <em><a href="i.maxlik.html">i.maxlik</A></em>.
+classify an image in  <em><a href="i.maxlik.html">i.maxlik</a></em>.
 The signature file will be saved in the
 <tt>$MAPSET/group/$GROUP/subgroup/$SUBGROUP/sig/</tt> directory.
 After entering the resulting signature file name, the user
 is asked to enter the name of a seed signature file.  This
 is optional.  A "seed" signature file is a previously
@@ -105,7 +98,6 @@
 signature file.
 At this point the <em>i.class</em> graphics screen will be
 drawn on the graphics monitor and the user will be directed
 to use the mouse.  From this point on the user will
@@ -156,7 +148,7 @@
 <A NAME="commandmenu"></a>
-<H3>The Command Menu</H3>
+<h3>The Command Menu</h3>
 The Command Menu includes the following selections:
@@ -171,7 +163,6 @@
 indicating what area the Zoom Display Frame shows.
 To outline the rectangular region simply use any mouse button to anchor
 the first corner of the border and then use any button to choose the
 other corner.
@@ -181,7 +172,7 @@
 <dt><em>Define region</em>  
 <dd>This selection takes the user to the
-<a href="#regionmenu">Region Menu</A>.
+<a href="#regionmenu">Region Menu</a>.
 This menu includes the
 options that allow the user to outline a region of interest
 on the displayed raster map.
@@ -191,7 +182,7 @@
 <dd>This selection takes the user to the Redisplay Menu.
-<a href="#redisplaymenu">Redisplay Menu</A> 
+<a href="#redisplaymenu">Redisplay Menu</a> 
 allows the user to redraw map display
@@ -208,7 +199,7 @@
 possible, centered around the mean, will be displayed.
 After the histograms are displayed, the user will be given
-<a href="#signaturemenu">Signature Menu</A>.
+<a href="#signaturemenu">Signature Menu</a>.
 <dd>The user should make this selection 
@@ -217,7 +208,7 @@
 <A NAME="regionmenu"></a>
-<H3>The Region Menu</H3>
+<h3>The Region Menu</h3>
 The Region Menu contains the following selections:
@@ -246,16 +237,16 @@
 currently being drawn.  As noted above, it saves the complete
 region to be restored later, if needed.  Once the user has made a
 complete region, it can be analyzed with the Analyze Region
-selection on the <a href="#commandmenu">Command Menu</A>.
+selection on the <a href="#commandmenu">Command Menu</a>.
 <dd>Use this selection to return to the 
-<a href="#commandmenu">Command Menu</A>.
+<a href="#commandmenu">Command Menu</a>.
 <A NAME="redisplaymenu"></a>
-<H3>The Redisplay Map Menu</H3>
+<h3>The Redisplay Map Menu</h3>
 The Redisplay Map Menu has the following selections, which are useful
 to redraw the raster maps displayed in the Map and Zoom Display Frames.
@@ -278,12 +269,12 @@
 <dd>Use this selection if you do not want to redisplay
 either of the above regions.  The user will be returned to the 
-<a href="#commandmenu">Command Menu</A>.
+<a href="#commandmenu">Command Menu</a>.
 <A NAME="signaturemenu"></a>
-<H3>The Analyze Region Menu</H3>
+<h3>The Analyze Region Menu</h3>
 The Analyze Region Menu contains the Signature Menu, which
 allows the user to set the number of standard deviations
@@ -313,7 +304,6 @@
 Note that the number in parentheses on this
 selection is the current number of standard deviations.
@@ -327,7 +317,6 @@
 selection is made.
 Note that the color in parentheses on this selection is the current
 color for display.
@@ -348,7 +337,7 @@
 he/she will be asked to enter a description for the
 resultant signature file on the text terminal keyboard.
 The saved signature file description will be used by <em>
-<a href="i.maxlik.html">i.maxlik</A></em> to name the
+<a href="i.maxlik.html">i.maxlik</a></em> to name the
 category that is created from the current signature.  After
 either a "No" answer or the signature description is
 entered, the user is returned to the Command Menu.
@@ -363,46 +352,41 @@
 a MASK already exists it will be removed during the
 execution of this program.
-The cell values in the image bands cannot fall outside of
+<p>The cell values in the image bands cannot fall outside of
 the range of 0 to 255.  <em>i.class</em> will report an
 error if they do.
-<em>i.class</em>, like some of the other 
-<a href="imagery.html">imagery</A> programs, does not use the
+<p><em>i.class</em>, like some of the other 
+<a href="imagery.html">imagery</a> programs, does not use the
 standard GRASS display frames.  After running
 <em>i.class</em>, you will need to create a display frame
 (e.g., using
-<em><a href="d.frame.html">d.frame</A></em> or 
+<em><a href="d.frame.html">d.frame</a></em> or 
-<em><a href="d.erase.html">d.erase</A></em>)
+<em><a href="d.erase.html">d.erase</a></em>)
 before you can use most of the GRASS display (d.) commands.
-<em><a href="i.group.html">i.group</A></em>
+<p><em><a href="i.group.html">i.group</a></em>
 must be run before <em>i.class</em> to create an 
-<a href="i.group.html">imagery</A> group and a subgroup
+<a href="i.group.html">imagery</a> group and a subgroup
 containing the image bands to be classified.
-The user can perform a supervised image classification by
+<p>The user can perform a supervised image classification by
 running <em>i.class</em> followed by
-<em><a href="i.maxlik.html">i.maxlik</A></em>.  
+<em><a href="i.maxlik.html">i.maxlik</a></em>.  
 The user can perform an unsupervised classification
 by running 
-<em><a href="i.cluster.html">i.cluster</A></em> followed by 
+<em><a href="i.cluster.html">i.cluster</a></em> followed by 
-<em><a href="i.maxlik.html">i.maxlik</A></em>.
+<em><a href="i.maxlik.html">i.maxlik</a></em>.
-<em>i.class</em> is interactive and requires the user to be running 
-a graphics display monitor (see <em><a href="d.mon.html">d.mon</A></em>)
+<p><em>i.class</em> is interactive and requires the user to be running 
+a graphics display monitor (see <em><a href="d.mon.html">d.mon</a></em>)
 to run this program.
@@ -410,23 +394,21 @@
 The GRASS 4 <em>
 <a href="http://grass.itc.it/gdp/imagery/grass4_image_processing.pdf">Image
-Processing manual</A></em>
+Processing manual</a></em>
-<em><a href="d.frame.html">d.frame</A>, 
-<a href="d.mon.html">d.mon</A>, 
-<a href="g.region.html">g.region</A>, 
-<a href="i.cca.html">i.cca</A>,
-<a href="i.cluster.html">i.cluster</A>, 
-<a href="r.composite.html">r.composite</A>, 
-<a href="i.group.html">i.group</A>, 
-<a href="i.maxlik.html">i.maxlik</A>, 
-<a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</A></em>
+<p><em><a href="d.frame.html">d.frame</a>, 
+<a href="d.mon.html">d.mon</a>, 
+<a href="g.region.html">g.region</a>, 
+<a href="i.cca.html">i.cca</a>,
+<a href="i.cluster.html">i.cluster</a>, 
+<a href="r.composite.html">r.composite</a>, 
+<a href="i.group.html">i.group</a>, 
+<a href="i.maxlik.html">i.maxlik</a>, 
+<a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</a></em>
 David Satnik, 
 Central Washington University
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.cluster/i.cluster.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.cluster/i.cluster.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.cluster/i.cluster.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@
 the second pass. Both programs must be run to complete the unsupervised 
-<em>i.cluster</em> is a clustering algorithm that reads
+<p><em>i.cluster</em> is a clustering algorithm that reads
 through the (raster) imagery data and builds pixel clusters
 based on the spectral reflectances of the pixels (see Figure).
 The pixel clusters are imagery categories that can be related
@@ -18,8 +17,7 @@
 by the user.  The first parameter set by the user is the
 initial number of clusters to be discriminated.
 <img src="landsat_cluster.png" border=1><br>
 <table border=0 width=590>
@@ -28,7 +26,6 @@
 <em>i.cluster</em> starts by generating spectral signatures
 for this number of clusters and "attempts" to end up with
 this number of clusters during the clustering process.  The
@@ -42,7 +39,6 @@
 The cluster spectral signatures that result are composed of
 cluster means and covariance matrices.  These cluster means
 and covariance matrices are used in the second pass 
@@ -75,7 +71,7 @@
 discriminated; any parameter values left unspecified are
 set to their default values.
@@ -88,7 +84,7 @@
@@ -240,7 +236,6 @@
 Processing manual</a></em>
 <a href="i.class.html">i.class</a>,
 <a href="i.group.html">i.group</a>,
@@ -259,5 +254,4 @@
 University of Illinois at 
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.eb.eta/i.eb.eta.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.eb.eta/i.eb.eta.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.eb.eta/i.eb.eta.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="r.sun.html">r.sun</A><br>
-<a href="i.eb.evapfr.html">i.eb.evapfr</A><br>
-<a href="i.eb.netrad.html">i.eb.netrad</A><br>
+<a href="r.sun.html">r.sun</a><br>
+<a href="i.eb.evapfr.html">i.eb.evapfr</a><br>
+<a href="i.eb.netrad.html">i.eb.netrad</a><br>
@@ -45,5 +45,4 @@
 Yann Chemin, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.eb.evapfr/i.eb.evapfr.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.eb.evapfr/i.eb.evapfr.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.eb.evapfr/i.eb.evapfr.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="r.sun.html">r.sun</A><br>
-<a href="i.eb.soilheatflux.html">i.eb.soilheatflux</A><br>
-<a href="i.eb.h_SEBAL01.html">i.eb.h_SEBAL01</A><br>
+<a href="r.sun.html">r.sun</a><br>
+<a href="i.eb.soilheatflux.html">i.eb.soilheatflux</a><br>
+<a href="i.eb.h_SEBAL01.html">i.eb.h_SEBAL01</a><br>
@@ -33,5 +33,4 @@
 Yann Chemin, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.eb.netrad/i.eb.netrad.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.eb.netrad/i.eb.netrad.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.eb.netrad/i.eb.netrad.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="i.eb.soilheatflux.html">i.eb.soilheatflux</A><br>
-<a href="i.eb.h_SEBAL01.html">i.eb.h_SEBAL01</A><br>
-<a href="i.albedo.html">i.albedo</A><br>
+<a href="i.eb.soilheatflux.html">i.eb.soilheatflux</a><br>
+<a href="i.eb.h_SEBAL01.html">i.eb.h_SEBAL01</a><br>
+<a href="i.albedo.html">i.albedo</a><br>
@@ -31,5 +31,4 @@
 Yann Chemin, International Rice Research Institute, The Philippines<br>
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.eb.soilheatflux/i.eb.soilheatflux.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.eb.soilheatflux/i.eb.soilheatflux.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.eb.soilheatflux/i.eb.soilheatflux.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="r.sun.html">r.sun</A><br>
-<a href="i.albedo.html">i.albedo</A><br>
-<a href="i.emissivity.html">i.emissivity</A><br>
-<a href="i.eb.h_SEBAL01.html">i.eb.h_SEBAL01</A><br>
-<a href="i.eb.evapfr.html">i.eb.evapfr</A><br>
+<a href="r.sun.html">r.sun</a><br>
+<a href="i.albedo.html">i.albedo</a><br>
+<a href="i.emissivity.html">i.emissivity</a><br>
+<a href="i.eb.h_SEBAL01.html">i.eb.h_SEBAL01</a><br>
+<a href="i.eb.evapfr.html">i.eb.evapfr</a><br>
@@ -34,5 +34,4 @@
 Yann Chemin, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand<br>
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.emissivity/i.emissivity.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.emissivity/i.emissivity.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.emissivity/i.emissivity.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,18 +3,16 @@
 <em>i.emissivity</em> calculates the emissivity in the longwave radiation
 spectrum, according to the semi-empirical equation related to NDVI by
 Caselles and Colles (1997), valid in the NDVI range of 0.16 to 0.74.
-Estimation in the 8-14 micrometers range for sparse canopy...
+<p>Estimation in the 8-14 micrometers range for sparse canopy...
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="i.eb.netrad.html">i.eb.netrad</A><br>
+<a href="i.eb.netrad.html">i.eb.netrad</a><br>
 Yann Chemin, GRASS Development Team<br>
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.evapo.mh/i.evapo.mh.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.evapo.mh/i.evapo.mh.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.evapo.mh/i.evapo.mh.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -16,18 +16,14 @@
 Hargreaves GL, Hargreaves GH, Riley JP, 1985. Agricultural benefits for
 Senegal River Basin. Journal of Irrigation and Drainange Engineering,
 ASCE, 111(2):113-124.
-Droogers P, Allen RG, 2002. Towards a simplified global reference
+<p>Droogers P, Allen RG, 2002. Towards a simplified global reference
 evapotranspiration equation. Irrigation Science.
-Droogers, P., and R.G. Allen. 2002. Estimating reference evapotranspiration
+<p>Droogers, P., and R.G. Allen. 2002. Estimating reference evapotranspiration
 under inaccurate data conditions. Irrigation and Drainage Systems 16: 33-45.
-Hargreaves and Samani, 1985.
+<p>Hargreaves and Samani, 1985.
 Yann Chemin, GRASS Development team, 2007-2011<br>
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.evapo.pm/i.evapo.pm.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.evapo.pm/i.evapo.pm.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.evapo.pm/i.evapo.pm.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
   <p>[1] Cannata M., 2006. <a href="http://istgis.ist.supsi.ch:8001/geomatica/index.php?id=1">
-  GIS embedded approach for Free & Open Source Hydrological Modelling</A>. PhD thesis, Department of Geodesy and Geomatics, Polytechnic of Milan, Italy.
+  GIS embedded approach for Free & Open Source Hydrological Modelling</a>. PhD thesis, Department of Geodesy and Geomatics, Polytechnic of Milan, Italy.
   <p>[2] Allen, R.G., L.S. Pereira, D. Raes, and M. Smith. 1998. 
   Crop Evapotranspiration: Guidelines for computing crop water requirements. 

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.evapo.pt/i.evapo.pt.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.evapo.pt/i.evapo.pt.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.evapo.pt/i.evapo.pt.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
 RNETD optional output from i.evapo.potrad is giving good results as input
 for net radiation in this module.
-Alpha values:
+<p>Alpha values:
 <li> 1.32 for estimates from vegetated areas as a result of the increase in
 surface roughness (Morton, 1983; Brutsaert and Stricker, 1979)
@@ -36,5 +35,4 @@
 Yann Chemin, GRASS Development team, 2007-08
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.evapo.time/i.evapo.time.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.evapo.time/i.evapo.time.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.evapo.time/i.evapo.time.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -64,5 +64,4 @@
 Yann Chemin, International Rice Research Institute, The Philippines
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.fft/i.fft.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.fft/i.fft.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.fft/i.fft.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 <em>i.fft</em> is an image processing program based on the FFT algorithm
 given by Frigo et al. (1998), that processes a single input raster map layer
 (<b>input_image</b>) and constructs the real and imaginary Fourier
@@ -18,7 +17,6 @@
 The current geographic region and mask settings are respected when
 reading the input file. The presence of nulls or a mask will make the
 resulting fast Fourier transform invalid.
@@ -49,17 +47,15 @@
 <li> John A. Richards, 1986. Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis, Springer-Verlag.
-Personal communication, between progam author and Ali R. Vali,
-Space Research Center, <A HREF="http://www.utexas.edu">University of Texas</A>, Austin, 1990.
+<p>Personal communication, between progam author and Ali R. Vali,
+Space Research Center, <A HREF="http://www.utexas.edu">University of Texas</a>, Austin, 1990.
+<em><a href="i.cca.html">i.cca</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="i.class.html">i.class</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="i.ifft.html">i.ifft</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="i.pca.html">i.pca</a></em>
-<em><a href="i.cca.html">i.cca</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="i.class.html">i.class</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="i.ifft.html">i.ifft</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="i.pca.html">i.pca</A></em>
 David Satnik, GIS Laboratory, 

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.gensig/i.gensig.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.gensig/i.gensig.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.gensig/i.gensig.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
 is a non-interactive method for generating input into 
-<em><a href="i.maxlik.html">i.maxlik</A></em>.
+<em><a href="i.maxlik.html">i.maxlik</a></em>.
 It can be used as the first pass in the GRASS two-pass 
 classification process (instead of 
-<em><a href="i.cluster.html">i.cluster</A></em>
+<em><a href="i.cluster.html">i.cluster</a></em>
-<em><a href="i.class.html">i.class</A></em>).
+<em><a href="i.class.html">i.class</a></em>).
 It reads a raster map layer, called the training map, which
 has some of the pixels or regions already classified.
@@ -16,19 +15,18 @@
 from an image based on the classification of the pixels in
 the training map and make these signatures available to
-<em><a href="i.maxlik.html">i.maxlik</A></em>.
+<em><a href="i.maxlik.html">i.maxlik</a></em>.
 The user would then execute the GRASS program 
-<em><a href="i.maxlik.html">i.maxlik</A></em>
+<em><a href="i.maxlik.html">i.maxlik</a></em>
 to actually create the final classified map.
@@ -37,7 +35,6 @@
 <dd>ground truth training map
 This map must be prepared by the user in advance using vector or
 raster digitizer. Of course other methods could be devised by the user
 for creating this training map - <em>i.gensig</em> makes no assumption
@@ -50,25 +47,22 @@
 <dd>imagery group
 This is the name of the group that contains the band files
 which comprise the image to be analyzed. The <em>
-<a href="i.group.html">i.group</A> </em> command is
+<a href="i.group.html">i.group</a> </em> command is
 used to construct groups of raster layers which comprise an
+<dt><A NAME="subgroup"></a><b>subgroup=</b><em>name</em>
-<dt><A NAME="subgroup"></A><b>subgroup=</b><em>name</em>
 <dd>subgroup containing image files
 This names the subgroup within the group that selects a
 subset of the bands to be analyzed. The <em>
-<a href="i.group.html">i.group</A> </em> command is
+<a href="i.group.html">i.group</a> </em> command is
 also used to prepare this subgroup.  The subgroup mechanism
 allows the user to select a subset of all the band files
 that form an image.
@@ -79,11 +73,10 @@
 <dd>resultant signature file
 This is the resultant signature file (containing the means
 and covariance matrices) for each class in the training map
 that is associated with the band files in the subgroup
-select (see <a href="#subgroup">above</A>).
+select (see <a href="#subgroup">above</a>).
@@ -95,7 +88,6 @@
 It should be noted that interactive mode here only means
 interactive prompting for maps and files.
 It does not mean visualization of the signatures that
@@ -104,26 +96,23 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="i.group.html">i.group</A></em>
+<em><a href="i.group.html">i.group</a></em>
 for creating groups and subgroups.
-<em><a href="wxGUI.Vector_Digitizing_Tool.html">wxGUI vector digitizer</A></em>
+<em><a href="wxGUI.Vector_Digitizing_Tool.html">wxGUI vector digitizer</a></em>
-<em><a href="r.digit.html">r.digit</A></em>
+<em><a href="r.digit.html">r.digit</a></em>
 for interactively  creating the training map.
-<em><a href="i.cluster.html">i.cluster</A></em>
+<em><a href="i.cluster.html">i.cluster</a></em>
 for unsupervised clustering as an alternative to 
 <em>i.gensig</em> to create signatures.
-<em><a href="i.class.html">i.class</A></em>
+<em><a href="i.class.html">i.class</a></em>
 for a graphic/interactive as an alternative to 
 <em>i.gensig</em> to create signatures.

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.gensigset/i.gensigset.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.gensigset/i.gensigset.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.gensigset/i.gensigset.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
 is a non-interactive method for generating input into
-<em><a href="i.smap.html">i.smap</A>.</em>
+<em><a href="i.smap.html">i.smap</a>.</em>
 It is used as the first pass in the a two-pass
 classification process.  It reads a raster map layer,
@@ -14,18 +13,17 @@
 classification of the pixels in the training map and make
 these signatures available to
-<em><a href="i.smap.html">i.smap</A>.</em>
+<em><a href="i.smap.html">i.smap</a>.</em>
 The user would then execute the GRASS program <em>
-<a href="i.smap.html">i.smap</A></em> to create the
+<a href="i.smap.html">i.smap</a></em> to create the
 final classified map.
@@ -35,7 +33,6 @@
 This raster layer, supplied as input by the user, has some
 of its pixels already classified, and the rest (probably
 most) of the pixels unclassified.  Classified means that
@@ -43,25 +40,23 @@
 the pixel has a zero value.
 This map must be prepared by the user in advance.
 The user must use
-<em><a href="r.digit.html">r.digit</A></em>,
+<em><a href="r.digit.html">r.digit</a></em>,
 a combination of
-<em><a href="wxGUI.Vector_Digitizing_Tool.html">wxGUI vector digitizer</A></em>
+<em><a href="wxGUI.Vector_Digitizing_Tool.html">wxGUI vector digitizer</a></em>
-<em><a href="v.to.rast.html">v.to.rast</A></em>,
+<em><a href="v.to.rast.html">v.to.rast</a></em>,
 or some other import/developement process (e.g.,
-<em><a href="v.in.transects.html">v.in.transects</A>)</em>
+<em><a href="v.in.transects.html">v.in.transects</a>)</em>
 to define the areas
 of the classes in the image.
 At present, there is no fully-interactive tool specifically
 designed for producing this layer.
@@ -70,28 +65,25 @@
 <dd>imagery group
 This is the name of the group that contains the band files
 which comprise the image to be analyzed. The
-<em><a href="i.group.html">i.group</A></em>
+<em><a href="i.group.html">i.group</a></em>
 command is used to construct groups of raster layers which
 comprise an image.
 <dd>subgroup containing image files
 This names the subgroup within the group that selects a
 subset of the bands to be analyzed. The
-<em><a href="i.group.html">i.group</A></em>
+<em><a href="i.group.html">i.group</a></em>
 command is also used to prepare this subgroup.  The
 subgroup mechanism allows the user to select a subset of
@@ -103,7 +95,6 @@
 <dd>resultant signature file
 This is the resultant signature file (containing the means
 and covariance matrices) for each class in the training map
 that is associated with the band files in the subgroup
@@ -111,7 +102,6 @@
 <dd>maximum number of sub-signatures in any class
@@ -121,9 +111,8 @@
 default: 10
 The spectral signatures which are produced by this program
-are "mixed" signatures (see <a href="#notes">NOTES</A>).
+are "mixed" signatures (see <a href="#notes">NOTES</a>).
 Each signature contains one or more subsignatures
 (represeting subclasses).  The algorithm in this program
 starts with a maximum number of subclasses and reduces this
@@ -141,7 +130,6 @@
 names of these maps and files.
 It should be noted that interactive mode here only means
 interactive prompting for maps and files.  It does not mean
 visualization of the signatures that result from the
@@ -149,9 +137,8 @@
+<A NAME="notes"></a><h2>NOTES</h2>
-<A NAME="notes"></A><h2>NOTES</h2>
 The algorithm in <em>i.gensigset</em> determines the
 parameters of a spectral class model known as a Gaussian
 mixture distribution.  The parameters are estimated using
@@ -162,7 +149,6 @@
 of the multispectral image.
 The Gaussian mixture class is a useful model because it can
 be used to describe the behavior of an information class
 which contains pixels with a variety of distinct spectral
@@ -176,7 +162,6 @@
 The objective of mixture classes is to improve segmentation
 performance by modeling each information class as a
 probabilistic mixture with a variety of subclasses.  The
@@ -190,61 +175,58 @@
 This clustering algorithm estimates both the number of
 distinct subclasses in each class, and the spectral mean
 and covariance for each subclass.  The number of subclasses
 is estimated using Rissanen's minimum description length
 (MDL) criteria 
-[<a href="#rissanen83">1</A>].  
+[<a href="#rissanen83">1</a>].  
 This criteria attempts to determine
 the number of subclasses which "best" describe the data.
 The approximate maximum likelihood estimates of the mean
 and covariance of the subclasses are computed using the
 expectation maximization (EM) algorithm 
-[<a href="#dempster77">2</A>,<a href="#redner84">3</A>].  
+[<a href="#dempster77">2</a>,<a href="#redner84">3</a>].  
-<LI><A NAME="rissanen83">J. Rissanen,</A>
+<li><A NAME="rissanen83">J. Rissanen,</a>
 "A Universal Prior for Integers and Estimation by Minimum
 Description Length,"
 <em>Annals of Statistics,</em>
 vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 417-431, 1983.
-<LI><A NAME="dempster77">A. Dempster, N. Laird and D. Rubin,</A>
+<li><A NAME="dempster77">A. Dempster, N. Laird and D. Rubin,</a>
 "Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data via the EM Algorithm,"
 <em>J. Roy. Statist. Soc. B,</em>
 vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 1-38, 1977.
-<LI><A NAME="redner84">E. Redner and H. Walker,</A>
+<li><A NAME="redner84">E. Redner and H. Walker,</a>
 "Mixture Densities, Maximum Likelihood and the EM Algorithm,"
 <em>SIAM Review,</em>
 vol. 26, no. 2, April 1984.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="i.group.html">i.group</A></em>
+<em><a href="i.group.html">i.group</a></em>
 for creating groups and subgroups
-<em><a href="wxGUI.Vector_Digitizing_Tool.html">wxGUI vector digitizer</A></em>
+<em><a href="wxGUI.Vector_Digitizing_Tool.html">wxGUI vector digitizer</a></em>
-<em><a href="r.digit.html">r.digit</A></em>
+<em><a href="r.digit.html">r.digit</a></em>
 for interactively creating the training map.
-<em><a href="i.smap.html">i.smap</A></em>
+<em><a href="i.smap.html">i.smap</a></em>
 for creating a final classification layer from the signatures
 generated by <em>i.gensigset.</em>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.group/i.group.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.group/i.group.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.group/i.group.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@
 The <em>i.group</em> options are only available for 
 imagery map layers in the current LOCATION_NAME.
-Subgroup names may not contain more than 12 characters.
+<p>Subgroup names may not contain more than 12 characters.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
@@ -30,8 +29,7 @@
 <a href="http://grass.osgeo.org/gdp/imagery/grass4_image_processing.pdf">Image
 Processing manual</a></em>
 <a href="i.cluster.html">i.cluster</a>,
 <a href="i.maxlik.html">i.maxlik</a>,
 <a href="i.points.html">i.points</a>,
@@ -48,5 +46,4 @@
 Parser support: Bob Covill (Tekmap, Canada)
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.his.rgb/i.his.rgb.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.his.rgb/i.his.rgb.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.his.rgb/i.his.rgb.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 <em>i.his.rgb</em> is an image processing program that
 processes three input raster map layers as hue, intensity
 and saturation components and produces three output raster
@@ -17,7 +16,7 @@
 <em>i.his.rgb</em> and then exactly recover the original
 bands with
-<em><a href="i.rgb.his.html">i.rgb.his</A></em>.  
+<em><a href="i.rgb.his.html">i.rgb.his</a></em>.  
 This is due to loss of precision because of integer
 computations and rounding.  Tests have shown that more than
@@ -28,7 +27,7 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</A></em>
+<em><a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</a></em>
@@ -36,7 +35,6 @@
 Central Washington University
 with acknowledgements to Ali Vali, Univ. of Texas Space Research
 Center, for the core routine.

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.ifft/i.ifft.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.ifft/i.ifft.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.ifft/i.ifft.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
 <em>i.ifft</em> is an image processing program based on the algorithm given
 by Frigo et al. (1998), that converts real and imaginary frequency space
 images (produced by
-<em><a href="i.fft.html">i.fft</A></em>) into a normal image.
+<em><a href="i.fft.html">i.fft</a></em>) into a normal image.
@@ -18,7 +17,7 @@
 specifying the DC point as circle/ring center.
 When <em>i.ifft</em> is executed, it (automatically) uses the same GRASS
 region definition setting that was used during the original transformation
-done with <em><a href="i.fft.html">i.fft</A></em>.
+done with <em><a href="i.fft.html">i.fft</a></em>.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
@@ -28,25 +27,22 @@
 dimensions, of both real and complex data, and of arbitrary input size.
 <b>Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis</b>,
 by John A. Richards,
 Springer-Verlag, 1986.
 Personal communication,
 between program author and Ali R. Vali, Space Research Center,
 University of Texas, Austin, 1990.
+<em><a href="i.cca.html">i.cca</a></em>, 
+<em><a href="i.class.html">i.class</a></em>, 
+<em><a href="i.fft.html">i.fft</a></em>, 
+<em><a href="i.pca.html">i.pca</a></em>, 
+<em><a href="r.circle.html">r.circle</a></em>
-<em><a href="i.cca.html">i.cca</A></em>, 
-<em><a href="i.class.html">i.class</A></em>, 
-<em><a href="i.fft.html">i.fft</A></em>, 
-<em><a href="i.pca.html">i.pca</A></em>, 
-<em><a href="r.circle.html">r.circle</A></em>
 David Satnik, GIS Laboratory, 

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.landsat.acca/i.landsat.acca.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.landsat.acca/i.landsat.acca.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.landsat.acca/i.landsat.acca.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
 band-6 temperature
 with <em><a href="i.landsat.toar.html">i.landsat.toar</a></em>).
-The ACCA algorithm gives good results over most of the planet with the
+<p>The ACCA algorithm gives good results over most of the planet with the
 exception of ice sheets because ACCA operates on the premise that
 clouds are colder than the land surface they cover. The algorithm was
 designed for Landsat-7 ETM+ but because reflectance is used it is also
@@ -57,5 +56,4 @@
 E. Jorge Tizado  (ej.tizado unileon es), Dept. Biodiversity and Environmental Management, University of León, Spain
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.landsat.toar/i.landsat.toar.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.landsat.toar/i.landsat.toar.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.landsat.toar/i.landsat.toar.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,20 +6,17 @@
 TM and ETM+). Optionally, it can be used to calculate the at-surface
 radiance or reflectance with atmospheric correction (DOS method).
-Usually, to do so the production date, the acquisition date, and the
+<p>Usually, to do so the production date, the acquisition date, and the
 solar elevation is needed. Moreover, for Landsat-7 ETM+ it is also
 needed the gain (high or low) of the nine respective bands.
-Optionally, the data can be read from header file (.met) for all
+<p>Optionally, the data can be read from header file (.met) for all
 Landsat MSS, TM and ETM+. However, if the solar elevation or the
 product creation date are given the values of the metfile are
 overwriten. This is necessary when the data in the metfile is
 incorrect or not accurate.
-<b>Attention</b>: Any null value or smaller than QCALmin in the input
+<p><b>Attention</b>: Any null value or smaller than QCALmin in the input
 raster is set to null in the output raster and it is not included in
 the equations.
@@ -33,8 +30,7 @@
 at-sensor radiance, and then to effective at-sensor temperature in
 Kelvin degrees.
-Radiometric calibration converts QCAL to <b>at-sensor radiance</b>, a
+<p>Radiometric calibration converts QCAL to <b>at-sensor radiance</b>, a
 radiometric quantity measured in W/(m&sup2; * sr * &micro;m) using the
@@ -47,8 +43,7 @@
 and <em>QCALmax</em> and <em>QCALmin</em> are the highest and the
 lowest points of the range of rescaled radiance in QCAL.
-Then, to calculate <b>at-sensor reflectance</b> the equations are:
+<p>Then, to calculate <b>at-sensor reflectance</b> the equations are:
   <li> sun_radiance = [Esun * sin(e)] / (PI * d^2)</li>
@@ -73,8 +68,7 @@
   <li> reflectance = radiance / sun_radiance </li>
-<b>Note</b>: Other possibility to avoid negative values is set to zero
+<p><b>Note</b>: Other possibility to avoid negative values is set to zero
 this values (radiance and/or reflectance), but this option is ease
 with uncorrected method
 and <em><a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</a></em>.
@@ -126,14 +120,12 @@
 In verbose mode (flag <b>--verbose</b>), the program write basic
 satellite data and the parameters used in the transformations.
-In L5_MTL mode (flag <b>-t</b>), the Landsat 5TM imagery that has a
+<p>In L5_MTL mode (flag <b>-t</b>), the Landsat 5TM imagery that has a
 _MTL.txt metadata file can be processed. Landsat 7 ETM+ does not need
 a flag since .met and _MTL.txt are sufficient compatible for this
-Production date is not an exact value but it is necessary to apply
+<p>Production date is not an exact value but it is necessary to apply
 correct calibration constants, which were changed in the dates:
   <li>Landsat-1 MSS: never </li>
@@ -218,5 +210,4 @@
 E. Jorge Tizado  (ej.tizado unileon es), Dept. Biodiversity and Environmental Management,
 University of Le&oacute;n, Spain
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.latlong/i.latlong.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.latlong/i.latlong.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.latlong/i.latlong.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-The PROJ.4 <a href="http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/">website</A>.
+The PROJ.4 <a href="http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/">website</a>.
 Datum transform is not implemented, the same datum is taken as output.
@@ -22,5 +22,4 @@
 Yann Chemin, International Rice Research Institute, The Philippines
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.maxlik/i.maxlik.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.maxlik/i.maxlik.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.maxlik/i.maxlik.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
 step in either an unsupervised or a supervised image
-Either image classification methods are performed in two
+<p>Either image classification methods are performed in two
 steps.  The first step in an unsupervised image
 classification is performed by
 <em><a href="i.cluster.html">i.cluster</a></em>; the
@@ -16,8 +15,7 @@
 the second step in the image classification procedure is
 performed by <em>i.maxlik</em>.
-In an unsupervised classification, the maximum-likelihood
+<p>In an unsupervised classification, the maximum-likelihood
 classifier uses the cluster means and covariance matrices
 from the <em><a href="i.cluster.html">i.cluster</a></em>
 signature file to determine to which category (spectral
@@ -31,15 +29,13 @@
 to which category each cell in the image has the highest
 probability of belonging.
-In either case, the raster map layer output by
+<p>In either case, the raster map layer output by
 <em>i.maxlik</em> is a classified image in which each cell
 has been assigned to a spectral class (i.e., a category).
 The spectral classes (categories) can be related to
 specific land cover types on the ground.
-The program will run non-interactively if the user
+<p>The program will run non-interactively if the user
 specifies the names of raster map layers, i.e., group and
 subgroup names, seed signature file name, result
 classification file name, and any combination of
@@ -56,7 +52,6 @@
 where each flag and options have the meanings stated below.
 Alternatively, the user can simply type <em>i.maxlik</em>
 in the command line without program arguments. In this case
 the user will be prompted for the program parameter
@@ -66,7 +61,7 @@
@@ -76,7 +71,7 @@
@@ -145,8 +140,7 @@
 will reject them and display a warning message.
-This program runs interactively if the user types
+<p>This program runs interactively if the user types
 <em>i.maxlik</em> only. If the user types <em>i.maxlik</em>
 along with all required options, it will overwrite the
 classified raster map without prompting if this map
@@ -159,8 +153,7 @@
 <a href="http://grass.osgeo.org/gdp/imagery/grass4_image_processing.pdf">Image
 Processing manual</a></em>
 <a href="i.class.html">i.class</a>,
 <a href="i.cluster.html">i.cluster</a>,
 <a href="i.gensig.html">i.gensig</a>,
@@ -178,5 +171,4 @@
 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.modis.qc/i.modis.qc.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.modis.qc/i.modis.qc.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.modis.qc/i.modis.qc.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -417,5 +417,4 @@
 Yann Chemin
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.pca/i.pca.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.pca/i.pca.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.pca/i.pca.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 <em>i.pca</em> is an image processing program based on the
 algorithm provided by Vali (1990), that processes n
 (n&nbsp;&gt;=&nbsp;2) input raster map layers and produces n output
@@ -15,7 +14,7 @@
 <dd>Name of two or more input raster map layers.
@@ -47,8 +46,7 @@
 Richards (1986) gives a good example of the application of principal
 components analysis (pca) to a time series of LANDSAT images of a burned
 region in Australia.
-Eigenvalue and eigenvector information is stored in the output maps'
+<p>Eigenvalue and eigenvector information is stored in the output maps'
 history files. View with <em>r.info</em>.
@@ -74,37 +72,32 @@
 Springer-Verlag, 1986.
 Vali, Ali R.,
 Personal communication,
 Space Research Center, 
 University of Texas, Austin, 1990.
-<a href="i.cca.html">i.cca</A><br>
-<a href="i.class.html">i.class</A><br>
-<a href="i.fft.html">i.fft</A><br>
-<a href="i.ifft.html">i.ifft</A><br>
-<a href="m.eigensystem.html">m.eigensystem</A><br>
-<a href="r.covar.html">r.covar</A><br>
-<a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</A>
+<a href="i.cca.html">i.cca</a><br>
+<a href="i.class.html">i.class</a><br>
+<a href="i.fft.html">i.fft</a><br>
+<a href="i.ifft.html">i.ifft</a><br>
+<a href="m.eigensystem.html">m.eigensystem</a><br>
+<a href="r.covar.html">r.covar</a><br>
+<a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</a>
 David Satnik, GIS Laboratory
-Major modifications for GRASS 4.1 were made by <br>
+<p>Major modifications for GRASS 4.1 were made by <br>
 Olga Waupotitsch and
 Michael Shapiro,
 U.S.Army Construction Engineering 
 Research Laboratory
-Rewritten for GRASS 6.x and major modifications by <br>
+<p>Rewritten for GRASS 6.x and major modifications by <br>
 Brad Douglas
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.points/i.points.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.points/i.points.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.points/i.points.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
 <em>i.points</em> is an
-<a href="imagery.html">imagery</A> function that enables
+<a href="imagery.html">imagery</a> function that enables
 the user to mark points on a (raster) image to be rectified
 and then input the geographic coordinates of each point for
 calculation of a coordinate transformation matrix.
 <em>i.points</em> must be followed by use of the GRASS
-program <em><a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</A></em>, which
+program <em><a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</a></em>, which
 rectifies the image using the transformation matrix
 coefficients calculated by <em>i.points</em>.
 <em>Rectification</em> is the mapping (transformation) of
 an image from one coordinate system to another.  The
 geometry of an image extracted into a GRASS LOCATION having
@@ -29,38 +28,33 @@
 transformation coefficients is the output file for
-During the process of marking points and entering map
+<p>During the process of marking points and entering map
 coordinates, the user can compute the RMS (root mean
 square) error for each point entered.  <em>i.points</em>
 does this by calculating the transformation equation (the
 same one that is calculated in the GRASS program <em>
-<a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</A></em>), and then
+<a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</a></em>), and then
 plugging these results into an equation for RMS error.
-<em>i.points</em> offers a zoom option to locate precisely
+<p><em>i.points</em> offers a zoom option to locate precisely
 the point to be marked on an image.  This program also
 offers the user the option of acquiring standard
 coordinates for a marked point from a map layer in the
 target data base.
-<em><a href="i.target.html">i.target</A></em> must be
+<p><em><a href="i.target.html">i.target</a></em> must be
 run before running <em>i.points</em> to enable the PLOT
 RASTER option to be used and to identify a target data base
 LOCATION_NAME and MAPSET for the rectified image.  To run
 <em>i.points</em>, a graphics monitor is required.
-The procedure for marking points, entering coordinates, and
+<p>The procedure for marking points, entering coordinates, and
 calculating RMS error is described below.
-The first prompt in the program asks the user for the 
-<a href="i.group.html">imagery group</A> to be
+<p>The first prompt in the program asks the user for the 
+<a href="i.group.html">imagery group</a> to be
 registered.  Note that if 
-<em><a href="i.target.html">i.target</A></em> is not run
+<em><a href="i.target.html">i.target</a></em> is not run
 before <em>i.points</em>, the <em>i.points</em> program
 will display the following error message:
@@ -126,28 +120,27 @@
 Any single raster map layer in the 
-<a href="i.group.html">imagery group</A> may be used on
+<a href="i.group.html">imagery group</a> may be used on
 which to mark points, and the user can mark points on more
 than one raster map layer in the 
-<a href="i.group.html">imagery group</A> to accumulate the
+<a href="i.group.html">imagery group</a> to accumulate the
 suggested minimum number of 12 points.  Any raster map
-layer in the <a href="i.group.html">imagery group</A>
+layer in the <a href="i.group.html">imagery group</a>
 can be rectified (using 
-<em><a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</A></em>) based on the
+<em><a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</a></em>) based on the
 transformation matrix computed from these points.
 The imagery file chosen by
 the user is displayed in the upper left quadrant of the
 To magnify the displayed file, the user must
 place the mouse cross hairs on the word ZOOM.  The following menu
@@ -167,7 +160,7 @@
 menu to guide the user in identifying the corner points of
 the region.
 To mark the points on the image that correspond to the
 points on a standard coordinate system map, the user must
@@ -199,7 +192,7 @@
 RETURN to return control to the mouse;  the marked point
 then disappears.
+<h3>PLOT RASTER</h3>
 In addition to acquiring reference points from a standard
 map, the user has the option of acquiring the reference
@@ -268,7 +261,6 @@
 If the user selects the SCREEN option, then points marked
 on the image will automatically be associated with the
 coordinates from the corresponding points on the target
@@ -304,7 +296,7 @@
 automatically saved as the coordinates corresponding to the
 marked point on the image.
 After a number of points have been marked (4 to 7), the
 user can check the RMS error of the points marked on the
@@ -351,9 +343,8 @@
 displayed in red on the graphics monitor (represented here
 in italics).
-The location of the point marked on the 
-<a href="i.group.html">imagery group</A> file is given
+<p>The location of the point marked on the 
+<a href="i.group.html">imagery group</a> file is given
 under the heading "image" and the subheadings "east" and
 "north".  The location of the point in the target data base
 is given under the heading "target" and the subheadings
@@ -368,7 +359,7 @@
 retrieved within <em>i.points</em> at any time by double
 clicking with the mouse as described above.
 To end the <em>i.points</em> program place the mouse cross
 hairs on the word QUIT;  the marked points (including
@@ -379,39 +370,35 @@
 A good rule of thumb is to mark at least 12 to 15 points
 which are evenly distributed over the entire 
-<a href="i.group.html">imagery group</A> file in order to
+<a href="i.group.html">imagery group</a> file in order to
 obtain an accurate transformation equation for the
 rectification process.  The RMS error may increase with
 more points added, but the transformation equation will be
 more accurate.
-An RMS error of less than or equal to approximately one
+<p>An RMS error of less than or equal to approximately one
 resolution unit (pixel or cell) for the image being
 rectified is generally considered acceptable.
-In order to use a digitizer with <em>i.points</em>, at
+<p>In order to use a digitizer with <em>i.points</em>, at
 least one digitizer driver besides "none" (the on-screen
 digitizer) must be available in the digitcap file.
-This program is interactive.
+<p>This program is interactive.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
 The GRASS 4 <em>
 <a href="http://grass.itc.it/gdp/imagery/grass4_image_processing.pdf">Image
-Processing manual</A></em>
+Processing manual</a></em>
-<a href="g.mapsets.html">g.mapsets</A><br>
-<a href="i.group.html">i.group</A><br>
-<a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</A><br>
-<a href="i.target.html">i.target</A><br>
-<a href="i.vpoints.html">i.vpoints</A>
+<a href="g.mapsets.html">g.mapsets</a><br>
+<a href="i.group.html">i.group</a><br>
+<a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</a><br>
+<a href="i.target.html">i.target</a><br>
+<a href="i.vpoints.html">i.vpoints</a>
 <em><a href="gm_georect.html">gis.m: GEORECTIFY TOOL</a></em>
@@ -420,5 +407,4 @@
 Michael Shapiro,
 U.S.Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.rectify/i.rectify.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.rectify/i.rectify.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.rectify/i.rectify.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 <em>i.rectify</em> uses the control
 points identified in 
 <em><a href="i.points.html">i.points</a></em>
@@ -15,7 +14,6 @@
 system than before it was rectified).
 <em><a href="i.points.html">i.points</a></em>
 <em><a href="i.vpoints.html">i.vpoints</a></em>
@@ -37,8 +35,7 @@
 program is completed. The original unrectified files are not modified
 or removed.
-If the <b>-c</b> flag is used, <em>i.rectify</em> will only rectify that
+<p>If the <b>-c</b> flag is used, <em>i.rectify</em> will only rectify that
 portion of the image or raster map that occurs within the chosen window
 region in the target location, and only that portion of the cell
 file will be relocated in the target database. It is
@@ -46,7 +43,6 @@
 the target LOCATION if the <b>-c</b> flag is used.
 If you are rectifying a file with plans to patch it to
 another file using the GRASS program <em>r.patch</em>,
 choose option number one, the current window in the target
@@ -63,8 +59,7 @@
 <h3>Coordinate transformation</h3>
-The desired order of transformation (1, 2, or 3) is selected with the
+<p>The desired order of transformation (1, 2, or 3) is selected with the
 <b>order</b> option.
 The program will calculate the RMSE and check the required number of points.
@@ -85,7 +80,7 @@
 images, and (2) the terrain or camera distortion effect can
 be ignored.
-<H4>Polynomial Transformation Matrix (2nd, 3d order transformation)</H4>
+<h4>Polynomial Transformation Matrix (2nd, 3d order transformation)</h4>
 <em>i.rectify</em> uses a first, second, or third order transformation
 matrix to calculate the registration coefficients. The number
@@ -107,12 +102,10 @@
 modified Gaussian elimination method.
 <h3>Resampling method</h3>
-The rectified data is resampled with one of seven different methods: 
+<p>The rectified data is resampled with one of seven different methods: 
 <em>nearest</em>, <em>bilinear</em>, <em>cubic</em>, <em>lanczos</em>,
 <em>bilinear_f</em>, <em>cubic_f</em>, or <em>lanczos_f</em>.
-The <em>method=nearest</em> method, which performs a nearest neighbor assignment,
+<p>The <em>method=nearest</em> method, which performs a nearest neighbor assignment,
 is the fastest of the resampling methods. It is primarily used for
 categorical data such as a land use classification, since it will not change
 the values of the data cells. The <em>method=bilinear</em> method determines the new
@@ -122,25 +115,21 @@
 the input map.  The <em>method=lanczos</em> method determines the new value of
 the cell based on a weighted distance average of the 25 surrounding cells in
 the input map.
-The bilinear, cubic and lanczos interpolation methods are most appropriate for
+<p>The bilinear, cubic and lanczos interpolation methods are most appropriate for
 continuous data and cause some smoothing. These options should not be used
 with categorical data, since the cell values will be altered.
-In the bilinear, cubic and lanczos methods, if any of the surrounding cells used to
+<p>In the bilinear, cubic and lanczos methods, if any of the surrounding cells used to
 interpolate the new cell value are NULL, the resulting cell will be NULL, even if
 the nearest cell is not NULL. This will cause some thinning along NULL borders,
 such as the coasts of land areas in a DEM. The bilinear_f, cubic_f and lanczos_f
 interpolation methods can be used if thinning along NULL edges is not desired.
 These methods "fall back" to simpler interpolation methods along NULL borders.
 That is, from lanczos to cubic to bilinear to nearest.
-If nearest neighbor assignment is used, the output map has the same raster
+<p>If nearest neighbor assignment is used, the output map has the same raster
 format as the input map. If any of the other interpolations is used, the
 output map is written as floating point.
 Note: In interactive mode it is possible to define a new file name
 for the target images. This is (currently) not provided in command line
@@ -162,8 +151,7 @@
 <a href="http://grass.osgeo.org/gdp/imagery/grass4_image_processing.pdf">Image
 Processing manual</a></em>
   <a href="m.transform.html">m.transform</a>,
   <a href="r.proj.html">r.proj</a>,
   <a href="v.proj.html">v.proj</a>,
@@ -182,13 +170,11 @@
 Michigan State University,
 Center for Remote Sensing
-Modified for GRASS 5.0 by:<br>
+<p>Modified for GRASS 5.0 by:<br>
 Luca Palmeri (palmeri at ux1.unipd.it)<br>
 Bill Hughes<br>
 Pierre de Mouveaux (pmx at audiovu.com)
 CMD mode by Bob Covill
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.rgb.his/i.rgb.his.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.rgb.his/i.rgb.his.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.rgb.his/i.rgb.his.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 <em>i.rgb.his</em> is an image processing program that
 processes three input raster map layers as red, green, and
 blue components and produces three output raster map layers
@@ -14,7 +13,7 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="i.his.rgb.html">i.his.rgb</A></em>
+<em><a href="i.his.rgb.html">i.his.rgb</a></em>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.smap/i.smap.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.smap/i.smap.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.smap/i.smap.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -10,26 +10,24 @@
 covariance parameters.
 <em>i.smap</em> has two modes of operation.  The first mode
 is the sequential maximum a posteriori (SMAP) mode
-[<a href="#ref1">1</A>,<a href="#ref2">2</A>].  The SMAP
+[<a href="#ref1">1</a>,<a href="#ref2">2</a>].  The SMAP
 segmentation algorithm attempts to improve segmentation
 accuracy by segmenting the image into regions rather than
 segmenting each pixel separately 
-(see <a href="#notes">NOTES</A>).
+(see <a href="#notes">NOTES</a>).
 The second mode is the more conventional maximum likelihood (ML)
 classification which classifies each pixel separately,
 but requires somewhat less computation. This mode is selected with
-the <b>-m</b> flag (see <a href="#mflag.html">below</A>).
+the <b>-m</b> flag (see <a href="#mflag.html">below</a>).
@@ -37,7 +35,7 @@
 <dd>Use maximum likelihood estimation (instead of smap).
 Normal operation is to use SMAP estimation (see
-<a href="#notes">NOTES</A>).
+<a href="#notes">NOTES</a>).
@@ -48,7 +46,7 @@
@@ -69,8 +67,8 @@
 The signature file that contains the spectral signatures (i.e., the
 statistics) for the classes to be identified in the image.
 This signature file is produced by the program
-<em><a href="i.gensigset.html">i.gensigset</A></em>
-(see <a href="#notes">NOTES</A>).
+<em><a href="i.gensigset.html">i.gensigset</a></em>
+(see <a href="#notes">NOTES</a>).
@@ -80,7 +78,6 @@
 reading the image data. 
 This program was written to be nice about memory usage
 without influencing the resultant classification. This
 option allows the user to control how much memory is used.
@@ -89,7 +86,6 @@
 virtual memory the program uses.
 The size of the submatrix used in segmenting the image has
 a principle function of controlling memory usage; however,
 it also can have a subtle effect on the quality of the
@@ -103,7 +99,6 @@
 The submatrix size has no effect on the performance of the
 ML segmentation method.
@@ -123,7 +118,7 @@
 <em>i.smap</em> will interactively prompt for the names of
 the maps and files.
-<A NAME="notes"></A><h2>NOTES</h2>
+<A NAME="notes"></a><h2>NOTES</h2>
 The SMAP algorithm exploits the fact that nearby pixels in
 an image are likely to have the same class.  It works by
@@ -135,7 +130,6 @@
 class which may be useful in some applications.
 The amount of smoothing that is performed in the
 segmentation is dependent of the behavior of the data in
 the image.  If the data suggests that the nearby pixels
@@ -144,12 +138,10 @@
 excessively large regions are not formed.
 The module i.smap does not support MASKed or NULL cells. Therefore 
 it might be necessary to create a copy of the classification results 
 using e.g. r.mapcalc. 
-r.mapcalc  MASKed_map=classification results 
+<p>r.mapcalc  MASKed_map=classification results 
@@ -171,17 +163,15 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="i.group.html">i.group</A></em>
+<em><a href="i.group.html">i.group</a></em>
 for creating groups and subgroups
-<em><a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</A></em>
+<em><a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</a></em>
 to copy classification result in order to cut out MASKed subareas
-<em><a href="i.gensigset.html">i.gensigset</A></em>
+<em><a href="i.gensigset.html">i.gensigset</a></em>
 to generate the signature file required by this program

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.sunhours/i.sunhours.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.sunhours/i.sunhours.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.sunhours/i.sunhours.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,13 +5,11 @@
 as found in the AHAS manual (Parodi, 2000).
-The day of year (1-365) raster map can be created with ...?
+<p>The day of year (1-365) raster map can be created with ...?
   why isn't this just a single integer value?
-The latitude input map can be created with the <em>i.latlong</em>
+<p>The latitude input map can be created with the <em>i.latlong</em>
 module, or with <em>r.mapcalc</em>'s <tt>y()</tt> function in a
 latitude-longitude location (possibly reprojected with <em>r.proj</em>.
@@ -19,8 +17,7 @@
 Iqbal, M., 1983. An Introduction to Solar Radiation. Iqbal, M.,
  Editorial: Academic Press. Toronto, Canada.
-Parodi, G., 2000. AVHRR Hydrological Analysis System. Algorithms
+<p>Parodi, G., 2000. AVHRR Hydrological Analysis System. Algorithms
  and Theory, Version 1.0. WRES - ITC, The Netherlands.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
@@ -35,5 +32,4 @@
 Yann Chemin, GRASS Development Team
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.target/i.target.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.target/i.target.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.target/i.target.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -14,15 +14,13 @@
-The module's first option asks for the name of the
+<p>The module's first option asks for the name of the
 <a href="i.group.html">imagery group</a> that needs a target.
 The imagery group must be present in the user's current mapset.
 An <a href="i.group.html">imagery group</a> may be targeted to any GRASS
-If a group name is given without setting options, the currently targeted
+<p>If a group name is given without setting options, the currently targeted
 group will be displayed.
@@ -32,8 +30,7 @@
 <a href="http://grass.itc.it/gdp/imagery/grass4_image_processing.pdf">Image
 Processing manual</a></em>
 <a href="i.group.html">i.group</a>,
 <a href="i.points.html">i.points</a>,
 <a href="i.vpoints.html">i.vpoints</a>,
@@ -45,8 +42,6 @@
 Michael Shapiro,
-U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory<p>
-Parser support: Bob Covill
+U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory<p>Parser support: Bob Covill
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.vi/i.vi.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.vi/i.vi.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.vi/i.vi.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -22,15 +22,12 @@
 <em>Warning to the new remote sensing users</em>
-Vegetation Indices are often considered the entry point of remote sensing for Earth land monitoring. They are suffering from their success, in terms that often people tend to harvest satellite images from online sources and use them directly in this module.
+<p>Vegetation Indices are often considered the entry point of remote sensing for Earth land monitoring. They are suffering from their success, in terms that often people tend to harvest satellite images from online sources and use them directly in this module.
 <em>If you are in this situation please read the following</em>
-Satellite imagery is often stored in Digital Number (DN) for storage purpose, Landsat is stored in 8bit values (ranging from 0 to 255), other satellites maybe stored in 10 or 16 bits. Get to know about your satellite data. Once you covered this knowledge and that you are sure the data is in DN, this implies that your imagery is not corrected. What this means is that the image is what the satellite sees at its position and altitude in space. This is not the ground reality yet. We call this data at the satellite. Encoded in the 8bits (or more) is the amount of energy sensed by the sensor inside the satellite platform. This energy is called radiance-at-sensor. Generally, satellites image providers encode the radiance-at-sensor into 8bit (or more) through an affine transform equation (y=ax+b). If you are using Landsat imagery, look at the i.landsat.toar for an easy way to transform DN to radiance-at-sensor. If you are using Aster data, try i.aster.toar module.
+<p>Satellite imagery is often stored in Digital Number (DN) for storage purpose, Landsat is stored in 8bit values (ranging from 0 to 255), other satellites maybe stored in 10 or 16 bits. Get to know about your satellite data. Once you covered this knowledge and that you are sure the data is in DN, this implies that your imagery is not corrected. What this means is that the image is what the satellite sees at its position and altitude in space. This is not the ground reality yet. We call this data at the satellite. Encoded in the 8bits (or more) is the amount of energy sensed by the sensor inside the satellite platform. This energy is called radiance-at-sensor. Generally, satellites image providers encode the radiance-at-sensor into 8bit (or more) through an affine transform equation (y=ax+b). If you are using Landsat imagery, look at the i.landsat.toar for an easy way to transform DN to radiance-at-sensor. If you are using Aster data, try i.aster.toar module.
-Finally, once you have the radiance at sensor, you still have the atmosphere between the sensor and the surface vagetation. You need to correct the atmospheric interaction with the sun energy that the vegetation reflects back into space. This can be done in two ways for landsat. The simple way is within i.landsat.toar, look for DOS correction. The more accurate way is by using i.atcorr (which works for many satellite sensors). Get to know this last one if you intend to stay around remote sensing some time. Once you have completed the use of an atmospheric correction on the energy sensed by the satellite, you can call your data by the name of surface reflectance. Surface reflectance is ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 theoretically (and absolutely). This level of data correction is the proper level of correction to use with this Vegetation Index module. 
+<p>Finally, once you have the radiance at sensor, you still have the atmosphere between the sensor and the surface vagetation. You need to correct the atmospheric interaction with the sun energy that the vegetation reflects back into space. This can be done in two ways for landsat. The simple way is within i.landsat.toar, look for DOS correction. The more accurate way is by using i.atcorr (which works for many satellite sensors). Get to know this last one if you intend to stay around remote sensing some time. Once you have completed the use of an atmospheric correction on the energy sensed by the satellite, you can call your data by the name of surface reflectance. Surface reflectance is ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 theoretically (and absolutely). This level of data correction is the proper level of correction to use with this Vegetation Index module. 
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -174,12 +171,10 @@
 Originally from kepler.gps.caltech.edu
-A FAQ on Vegetation in Remote Sensing<br>
+<p>A FAQ on Vegetation in Remote Sensing<br>
 Written by Terrill W. Ray, Div. of Geological and Planetary Sciences,
 California Institute of Technology, email: terrill at mars1.gps.caltech.edu
-Snail Mail:  Terrill Ray<br>
+<p>Snail Mail:  Terrill Ray<br>
 	     Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences<br>
 	     Caltech, Mail Code 170-25<br>
 	     Pasadena, CA  91125
@@ -198,5 +193,4 @@
 Baburao Kamble, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand<br>
 Yann Chemin, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.vpoints/i.vpoints.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.vpoints/i.vpoints.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.vpoints/i.vpoints.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -4,14 +4,13 @@
 vector map or keyboard entry and corresponding points in an image to be
 rectified. The map coordinate values of each point are used to calculate a
 transformation matrix.  The operator may then use the 
-<em><a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</A></em> program to rectify the image using
+<em><a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</a></em> program to rectify the image using
 the transformation matrix coefficients calculated from the control point
 file created in <em>i.vpoints</em>.  The
-<em> <a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</A></em> program performs a first, second or
+<em> <a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</a></em> program performs a first, second or
 third order transformation of the image.
-The first step is to display the unrectified image and
+<p>The first step is to display the unrectified image and
 corresponding vector map data.  The operator would then
 mark corresponding control point locations on the image and
 map. To identify the precise location of a point to be
@@ -35,7 +34,7 @@
 transformation equation (the same one that is calculated in
 the GRASS program
-<a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</A>
+<a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</a>
 2).  Coefficients are
 computed for the equation.  The coefficients are then used in the
 equation along with the x,y coordinates of the marked points.  The
@@ -43,15 +42,13 @@
 interpretation of RMS error is described in the ANALYZE subsection.
-The procedures for marking control points (registration
+<p>The procedures for marking control points (registration
 points), displaying vector map layers,  overlaying vector maps onto
 the raster image, and calculating RMS error are described in the
 following sections .
-To enter the program (the <em>i.vpoints</em> program requires the use of a
+<p>To enter the program (the <em>i.vpoints</em> program requires the use of a
 graphics monitor) type <em>i.vpoints</em>:
@@ -115,26 +112,22 @@
 And the color graphics monitor displays the following
-     Any single file in the imagery group may be used to mark
+<p>     Any single file in the imagery group may be used to mark
 points, and points can be marked on more than one file in the
 imagery group to accumulate the suggested minimum number of points
 (3 for a 1st order transformation, 6 for a 2nd order, and 10 for a
 3rd order).  Any file in the imagery group can be subsequently
-rectified (using <em><a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</A></em>)
+rectified (using <em><a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</a></em>)
 based on the transformation matrix computed from these points.
-     The chosen file is displayed in the upper left quadrant of the
+<p>     The chosen file is displayed in the upper left quadrant of the
 monitor at a default magnification based on the extent of the
 current active window.
-     The raster image option on the menu at the bottom of the
+<p>     The raster image option on the menu at the bottom of the
 window allows the user to display any single file in the imagery
 group in the upper right quadrant of the window screen.  The option
 provides the same file selection pick list as is presented when you
@@ -144,30 +137,24 @@
-     The vector maps option on the menu at the bottom of the screen
+<p>     The vector maps option on the menu at the bottom of the screen
 allows the user to display vector map data in the upper right
 quadrant of the screen.  After selecting the vector map layer to
 display, a menu selection bar appears along the bottom on the
 screen. This pick list is used to select the line color (blue,
 gray, green, red, white, or yellow) for the selected vector data
-     The refresh option on the main menu allows the user to
+<p>     The refresh option on the main menu allows the user to
 "refresh" or re-draw the displayed vector data. This function will
 erase all outlines showing the limits of previously zoomed areas. 
 A "yes/no" roompt will appear:
      Refresh Map ?       NO   YES
-     To enlarge a raster or vector image, place the mouse cross
+<p>     To enlarge a raster or vector image, place the mouse cross
 hairs on the word zoom on the main menu and press the left button. 
 The following menu will be displayed at the bottom. of the screen:
@@ -191,23 +178,17 @@
 The point method for enlarging an image will display a mouse menu
 to guide you in selecting the appropriate enlargement.  To enlarge
 or reduce the magnification factor, place the cursor on the "+" or
 "-" box and press the left button on the mouse.
-You may zoom either the raster or the vector display.
-Upon accepting the new region limits, the raster or vector data are
+<p><p>You may zoom either the raster or the vector display.
+<p>Upon accepting the new region limits, the raster or vector data are
 redisplayed in either the lower left (raster) or lower right
 (vector) windows.
-The extent of the zoomed area is outlined on the unzoomed image in
+<p>The extent of the zoomed area is outlined on the unzoomed image in
 the main window area.
-     While the main menu is displayed,  you can mark
+<p>     While the main menu is displayed,  you can mark
 corrosponding control points on the raster and vector
 images or enter map coordinates from the keyboard.  If you
 are using coordinates taken from a reference map, circle
@@ -218,8 +199,7 @@
 determined the standard coordinates (for example, UTM's) of
 each circled point, you are ready to mark the points on the
 displayed image.
-     To mark the points on the image, that correspond to the points
+<p>     To mark the points on the image, that correspond to the points
 on the standard coordinate map, place the mouse cross hairs on the
 point on the image to be marked (you will probably have to ZOOM to
 find the exact spot) and press the left hand button on the mouse. 
@@ -234,7 +214,6 @@
      After a number of points have been marked (a minimum of 4 for
 a 1st order transformation, 7 for a 2nd order, and 11 for a 3rd
 order), the RMS error of the points marked on the image can be
@@ -280,8 +259,7 @@
 transformation matrix.  However, it can be retrieved within
 <em>i.vpoints</em> at any time by double clicking with the mouse as
 described above.
-The following menu appears at the bottom of the monitor:
+<p>The following menu appears at the bottom of the monitor:
    DONE   PRINT   FILE   OVERLAY   DELETE ON       Transformation -
 -&gt;   1st ORDER   Double click on point to be DELETED
@@ -290,10 +268,8 @@
 toggle option is used to allow the user to physically remove a
 control point from the POINTS file instead of just flagging it as
 an non-active reference point.
-Overlay allows the user to overlay the vector map(s) onto the
+<p>Overlay allows the user to overlay the vector map(s) onto the
 raster image.  Overlay can be used to warp (register) and display
 the selected vector map data on top of the raster image contained
 in the upper left window of the color screen.  An inverse
@@ -309,10 +285,8 @@
 The program will immediately recalculate the RMSE and the number of
 points required.
-     To exit the <em>i.vpoints</em> program, place the mouse cross hairs on
+<p>     To exit the <em>i.vpoints</em> program, place the mouse cross hairs on
 the word QUIT at the bottom of the monitor and all of the marked
 points (including coordinates) will be saved.
@@ -320,15 +294,14 @@
 The GRASS 4 <em>
 <a href="http://grass.itc.it/gdp/imagery/grass4_image_processing.pdf">Image
-Processing manual</A></em>
+Processing manual</a></em>
-<a href="g.mapsets.html">g.mapsets</A><br>
-<a href="i.group.html">i.group</A><br>
-<a href="i.points.html">i.points</A><br>
-<a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</A><br>
-<a href="i.target.html">i.target</A>
+<a href="g.mapsets.html">g.mapsets</a><br>
+<a href="i.group.html">i.group</a><br>
+<a href="i.points.html">i.points</a><br>
+<a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</a><br>
+<a href="i.target.html">i.target</a>
 <em><a href="gm_georect.html">gis.m: GEORECTIFY TOOL</a></em>
@@ -338,5 +311,4 @@
 William R. Enslin, Michigan State University Center for Remote Sensing<br>
 Radim Blazek (update to GRASS 5.7)<br>
 Hamish Bowman (finish GRASS 6 porting)
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.zc/i.zc.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.zc/i.zc.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.zc/i.zc.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 <em>i.zc</em> is an image processing program used for edge
 detection.  The raster map produced shows the location of
 "boundaries" on the input map.  Boundaries tend to be found
@@ -11,7 +10,7 @@
@@ -52,7 +51,7 @@
 cells on the output raster map layer are categorized into
 (similar to the aspect raster map layer produced by the
-<em><a href="r.slope.aspect.html">r.slope.aspect</A></em>
+<em><a href="r.slope.aspect.html">r.slope.aspect</a></em>
 program).  For example, a value of 16 would result in
 detected edges being categorized into one of 16 bins
@@ -71,26 +70,26 @@
 The procedure to find the "edges" in the image is as follows:
-<LI> The Fourier transform of the image is taken, 
-<LI> The Fourier transform of the Laplacian of a two-dimensional 
+<li> The Fourier transform of the image is taken, 
+<li> The Fourier transform of the Laplacian of a two-dimensional 
 Gaussian function is used to filter the transformed image, 
-<LI> The result is run through an inverse Fourier transform,
-<LI> The resulting image is traversed in search of places where the image
+<li> The result is run through an inverse Fourier transform,
+<li> The resulting image is traversed in search of places where the image
 changes from positive to negative or from negative to positive, 
-<LI> Each cell in the map where the value crosses zero
+<li> Each cell in the map where the value crosses zero
 (with a change in value greater than the threshold value)
 is marked as an edge and an orientation is assigned to it.
 The resulting raster map layer is output.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="i.fft.html">i.fft</A></em>,
-<em><a href="i.ifft.html">i.ifft</A></em>,
-<em><a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</A></em>,
-<em><a href="r.mfilter.html">r.mfilter</A></em>,
-<em><a href="r.slope.aspect.html">r.slope.aspect</A></em>
+<em><a href="i.fft.html">i.fft</a></em>,
+<em><a href="i.ifft.html">i.ifft</a></em>,
+<em><a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</a></em>,
+<em><a href="r.mfilter.html">r.mfilter</a></em>,
+<em><a href="r.slope.aspect.html">r.slope.aspect</a></em>

Modified: grass/trunk/lib/cairodriver/cairodriver.html
--- grass/trunk/lib/cairodriver/cairodriver.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/lib/cairodriver/cairodriver.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
- <TITLE>Cairo driver</TITLE>
- <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+ <title>Cairo driver</title>
+ <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="grassdocs.css" type="text/css">
-<BODY bgColor=white>
+<body bgColor=white>
 <img src="grass_logo.png" alt="GRASS logo"><hr align=center size=6 noshade>
@@ -131,19 +131,16 @@
 requires a reasonably recent version of the Cairo libraries
 and a working <tt>pkg-config</tt>.
-Antialiasing is enabled by default for bitmap formats. There is
+<p>Antialiasing is enabled by default for bitmap formats. There is
 currently no way of disabling this.
-The resolution of the output images is defined by current region
+<p>The resolution of the output images is defined by current region
 extents. Use <tt>g.region -p</tt> to get the number of rows and cols
 and use the environment variables to set the image size. If you would
 like a larger image, multiply both rows and cols by the same whole
 number to preserve the aspect ratio.
-Cairo supports true vector format output whenever possible. However,
+<p>Cairo supports true vector format output whenever possible. However,
 if the selected format doesn't support a necessary feature, Cairo may
 fall back on rendering a bitmap representation of the image wrapped in
 the selected vector format.

Modified: grass/trunk/lib/htmldriver/htmldriver.html
--- grass/trunk/lib/htmldriver/htmldriver.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/lib/htmldriver/htmldriver.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
- <TITLE>HTML driver</TITLE>
- <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+ <title>HTML driver</title>
+ <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="grassdocs.css" type="text/css">
-<BODY bgColor=white>
+<body bgColor=white>
 <img src="grass_logo.png" alt="GRASS logo"><hr align=center size=6 noshade>
@@ -21,21 +21,18 @@
 HTML driver can create both client-side image maps embedded into HTML
 files, or server-side image maps used by web server software.
-Polygons can at most have 100 vertices (this limit imposed by HTML
+<p>Polygons can at most have 100 vertices (this limit imposed by HTML
 image map formats, see <b>GRASS_HTMLMAXPOINTS</b> below.) The driver
 will attempt to trim polygons that have more that 100 vertices by
 removing vertices with the least amount of angle to the next
 vertice. Also, any polygon that is entirely bounded by another polygon
 will be discarded.
-Text written to the driver before polygons are used as the HREF tag
+<p>Text written to the driver before polygons are used as the HREF tag
 for all subsequent polygons written. All polygons that exist in a
 vector map will have the same HREF tag.
-The only GRASS display commands that should be used with this driver
+<p>The only GRASS display commands that should be used with this driver
   <li><em><a href="d.text.html">d.text</a></em> - pass href
@@ -181,8 +178,7 @@
-If you create an HTML file with two or more images and image maps, you
+<p>If you create an HTML file with two or more images and image maps, you
 will need to edit the map names. The HTML driver creates its map
 with the name
 <tt>map</tt>. A small sed script can easily change the map name:
@@ -206,5 +202,4 @@
   <a href="d.redraw.html">d.redraw</a>
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/lib/init/grass7.html
--- grass/trunk/lib/init/grass7.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/lib/init/grass7.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+ <title>GRASS 7</title>
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="grassdocs.css" type="text/css">
@@ -25,8 +25,7 @@
-This command is used to launch GRASS GIS. It will parse the command line
+<p>This command is used to launch GRASS GIS. It will parse the command line
 arguments and then initialize GRASS for the user. Since GRASS programs
 require a specific environment, this program must be called before any other
 GRASS program can run. The command line arguments are optional and provide
@@ -36,14 +35,12 @@
-The <em>grass70</em> startup program will remember both the desired user
+<p>The <em>grass70</em> startup program will remember both the desired user
 interface and mapset. Thus, the next time the user runs GRASS, typing
 <em>grass70</em> (without any options) will start GRASS with the previous
 settings for the user interface and mapset selected.
-If you specify a graphical user interface (wxPython) the <em>grass70</em>
+<p>If you specify a graphical user interface (wxPython) the <em>grass70</em>
 program will try to verify that the system you specified exists and that you
 can access it successfully. If any of these checks fail then <em>grass70</em>
 will automatically switch back to the text user interface mode.
@@ -51,10 +48,9 @@
-All command line options are optional.
+<p>All command line options are optional.
@@ -75,7 +71,7 @@
@@ -106,8 +102,7 @@
 with automation and customization. Most users will not need to bother with
-In addition to these shell environment variables GRASS maintains a number of
+<p>In addition to these shell environment variables GRASS maintains a number of
 GIS environment variables in the <tt>$HOME/.grass7/rc</tt> file. User changes
 to this file will be read during the next startup of GRASS. If this file
 becomes corrupted the user may edit it by hand or remove it to start afresh.
@@ -116,17 +111,15 @@
 The rest of this help page will only consider shell environment variables.
-<H3>User Interface Environment Variable</H3>
+<h3>User Interface Environment Variable</h3>
-The <em>grass70</em> program will check for the existence of an environment
+<p>The <em>grass70</em> program will check for the existence of an environment
 variable called GRASS_GUI which indicates the type of user interface for
 GRASS to use. If this variable is not set when <em>grass70</em> is run, then
 it will be created and then saved in the <tt>$HOME/.grass7/rc</tt> file for
 the next time GRASS is run. It can be set to "text" or "wxpython".
-There is an order of precedence in the way <em>grass70</em> determines the user
+<p>There is an order of precedence in the way <em>grass70</em> determines the user
 interface to use. The following is the hierarchy from highest precedence to
@@ -138,10 +131,9 @@
      &bull; Default value - wxpython
-<H3>Python Environment Variables</H3>
+<h3>Python Environment Variables</h3>
-If you choose to use the wxPython interface, then
+<p>If you choose to use the wxPython interface, then
 the following environment variables can be used to override your
 system default <tt>python</tt> command.
@@ -151,48 +143,43 @@
-<H4>Example Use of GRASS Python Environment Variable</H4>
+<h4>Example Use of GRASS Python Environment Variable</h4>
-Suppose your system has Python 2.4 installed and you install a personal
+<p>Suppose your system has Python 2.4 installed and you install a personal
 version of the Python 2.5 binaries under <tt>$HOME/bin</tt>. You can use
 the above variables to have GRASS use the Python 2.5 binaries instead.
-<H4>Example Use of the GRASS Python Environment Variable</H4>
+<h4>Example Use of the GRASS Python Environment Variable</h4>
-<H3>Addon path to extra local GRASS modules</H3>
+<h3>Addon path to extra local GRASS modules</h3>
 This environment variable allows the user to extend the GRASS program search
 paths to include locally developed/installed addon modules which are not
 distributed with the standard GRASS release.
-In this example above path(s) would be added to the standard GRASS path
+<p>In this example above path(s) would be added to the standard GRASS path
-<H3>HTML browser variable</H3>
+<h3>HTML browser variable</h3>
 The GRASS_HTML_BROWSER environment variable allows the user to set the HTML
 web browser to use for dispalying help pages.
-<H3>Location Environment Variables</H3>
+<h3>Location Environment Variables</h3>
-The Synopsis and Options sections above describe options that can be used to
+<p>The Synopsis and Options sections above describe options that can be used to
 set the location and mapset that GRASS will use. These values can also be set
 with environment variables. However, specifying the location and mapset
 variables on the command line will override these environment variables. The
@@ -218,7 +205,7 @@
-<H3>Running non-interactive batch jobs</H3>
+<h3>Running non-interactive batch jobs</h3>
 If the <tt>GRASS_BATCH_JOB</tt> environment variable is set to the <i>full</i>
 path and filename of a shell script then GRASS will be launched in a 
@@ -228,18 +215,16 @@
 The script file must have its executable bit set.
-Note that you will need to set these variables using the appropriate method
+<p>Note that you will need to set these variables using the appropriate method
 required for the UNIX shell that you use. (e.g. in a Bash shell you must
 "export" the variables for them to propogate)
-The following are some examples of how you could start GRASS
+<p>The following are some examples of how you could start GRASS
@@ -266,7 +251,7 @@
-<H3>Other examples</H3>
+<h3>Other examples</h3>
 There are a variety of ways in which the <i>location environment
 variables</i> (see above) can be used to specify the mapset to use.
@@ -362,8 +347,7 @@
 administrator must create an appropriate link to the actual <tt>python</tt>
-Furthermore, if you have more than one version of Python installed, make sure
+<p>Furthermore, if you have more than one version of Python installed, make sure
 that the version you want to use with GRASS is the first version found in
 your <tt>$PATH</tt> variable. GRASS searches your <tt>$PATH</tt> variable
 until it finds the first version of <tt>python</tt>.
@@ -381,10 +365,8 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
 List of <a href=variables.html>implemented GRASS environment variables</a>.
-<a href="http://grass.osgeo.org">GRASS Web site</a>
-<a href="http://download.osgeo.org/grass/grass7_progman/">GRASS 7 Programmer's Manual</a>
+<p><a href="http://grass.osgeo.org">GRASS Web site</a>
+<p><a href="http://download.osgeo.org/grass/grass7_progman/">GRASS 7 Programmer's Manual</a>
 <h2>AUTHORS (of this page)</h2>
@@ -392,11 +374,9 @@
 Markus Neteler<br>
 Hamish Bowman
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
-<a href=index.html>Help Index</a>
+<p><a href=index.html>Help Index</a>

Modified: grass/trunk/lib/init/helptext.html
--- grass/trunk/lib/init/helptext.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/lib/init/helptext.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
- <META name="Author" content="Markus Neteler/GRASS Development Team">
- <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
- <TITLE>GRASS Quickstart</TITLE>
+ <meta name="Author" content="Markus Neteler/GRASS Development Team">
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>GRASS Quickstart</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="grassdocs.css" type="text/css">
-<BODY bgcolor="#ffffff">
+<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
 <img src="grass_logo.png" alt="GRASS logo"><hr align=center size=6 noshade>
@@ -26,8 +26,7 @@
 <h2>1. Startup of GRASS GIS</h2>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<IMG SRC="grass_start.png" ALT="[GRASS start screen]">
+<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<IMG SRC="grass_start.png" ALT="[GRASS start screen]">
 <h3><IMG SRC="circle_1.png" ALT="[(1)]">&nbsp;Selecting the GIS Database directory</h3>
@@ -44,8 +43,7 @@
 LOCATION are created automatically when GRASS is started the first
 time with a new LOCATION. It is important to understand that each
 projection stays in its own LOCATION.
-See <IMG SRC="circle_4.png" ALT="[(4)]">&nbsp; the "Location Wizard" to
+<p>See <IMG SRC="circle_4.png" ALT="[(4)]">&nbsp; the "Location Wizard" to
 easily create a new LOCATION from scratch from a geocoded file, by
 defining the parameters or by selecting the corresponding EPSG projection
@@ -74,12 +72,10 @@
 <h2>2. Background GRASS Location structure</h2>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<IMG SRC="help_loc_struct.png" ALT="[GRASS Location structure]">
+<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<IMG SRC="help_loc_struct.png" ALT="[GRASS Location structure]">
 <i>Fig. 1: GRASS Location structure</i>
 A LOCATION is simply a set of directories which contains the GRASS
 data of a project. Within each LOCATION, a mandatory "PERMANENT"
 MAPSET exists which contains projection information and some
@@ -96,8 +92,7 @@
 MAPSET, each user can also read map layers in other users' MAPSETs,
 but s/he can modify or remove only the map layers in his/her own
-You can learn more about mapsets and how to seamlessly access maps
+<p>You can learn more about mapsets and how to seamlessly access maps
 found in another MAPSET of the same LOCATION in the
 <a href="g.mapsets.html">g.mapsets</a> documentation.
@@ -123,22 +118,20 @@
 To create the GRASS database:
-<LI> Find a place on your disk where you have write access and that
+<li> Find a place on your disk where you have write access and that
     has enough diskspace to hold your spatial data.</LI>
-<LI> Create a subdirectory that will hold the general GRASS database
+<li> Create a subdirectory that will hold the general GRASS database
     (e.g. using a file manager or with <tt>mkdir /data/grassdata</tt> or 
     <tt>mkdir /home/yourlogin/grassdata</tt>).</LI>
-Sample data such as the "Spearfish" or the "North Carolina" sample datasets
+<p>Sample data such as the "Spearfish" or the "North Carolina" sample datasets
 may be downloaded from 
-<a href="http://grass.osgeo.org/download/data.php">http://grass.osgeo.org/download/data.php</A>
+<a href="http://grass.osgeo.org/download/data.php">http://grass.osgeo.org/download/data.php</a>
 and placed in this new database directory.
 <h3>A) Create New Location with wxGUI</h3>
 The <a href="wxGUI.html">wxGUI</a> graphical user interface provides a
 graphical "Location Wizard" instead which let's you easily create a
@@ -154,65 +147,59 @@
 continue by pressing "ESC"-"RETURN" - i.e. press (NOT hold) the ESC key,
 and then press the RETURN key on your keyboard.
-Next you will need to assign parameters to the location such
+<p>Next you will need to assign parameters to the location such
 as the coordinate system and datum you want to use, the project area's
 boundary coordinates, and the default resolution for raster data:
-<LI> Start by chosing between, X,Y, Latitude-Longitude, UTM, or
+<li> Start by chosing between, X,Y, Latitude-Longitude, UTM, or
    "other" coordinate system. This choice depends on your data and the
    use you will make of it.</LI>
-<LI> You are then prompted for a single line of text describing the 
+<li> You are then prompted for a single line of text describing the 
    project area, for example "Topo Map of the Alps".</LI>
-Next you are requested for some more information about the projection.
+<p>Next you are requested for some more information about the projection.
 Note that the prompts vary from projection to projection, an example follows:
-<LI> (if you chose "D - Other Projection") "specify projection name": 
+<li> (if you chose "D - Other Projection") "specify projection name": 
   "list" gives you the list of all available projections, examples are 
   "tmerc" for Transverse Mercator, "lcc" for Lambert Conformal Conic,
   "moll" for Mollweide, etc.
-<LI> specify datum name: again use "list" to get a list of available 
+<li> specify datum name: again use "list" to get a list of available 
   datums, examples are "wgs84", "nad27", "eur79",  etc.
-<LI> Enter Central Parallel: 0 if you want the Equator as the
+<li> Enter Central Parallel: 0 if you want the Equator as the
   central parallel
-<LI> Enter Central Meridian: 0 if you want the Greenwich meridian as
+<li> Enter Central Meridian: 0 if you want the Greenwich meridian as
   central meridian
-<LI> Enter Scale Factor at the Central Meridian
-<LI> Enter plural form of map units: for example, meters
+<li> Enter Scale Factor at the Central Meridian
+<li> Enter plural form of map units: for example, meters
-The next step is the description of the project area's boundary coordinates
+<p>The next step is the description of the project area's boundary coordinates
 and the definition of the default raster resolution:
-The default raster resolution (GRID RESOLUTION) has to be chosen
+<p>The default raster resolution (GRID RESOLUTION) has to be chosen
 according to your needs. Generally, it is advisable to work in steps of
 0.25 (0.25, 0.5, 1.75, 2.00, 12.25 etc.). This resolution does not
 concern vector and site data since these are stored with their exact
 coordinate values. Note that every raster map may have its own
 resolution. You can leave this screen with "ESC"-"RETURN" and then
 if everything is correct accept the list of parameters that appears.
-You will then be back to the startup screen to enter the mapset's
+<p>You will then be back to the startup screen to enter the mapset's
 name (if not already entered). Another "ESC"-"RETURN" will finally
 let you leave this screen. This mapset is created within the new
 location by answering "yes" to the next question. The mapset will
 use the parameters of the location (such as the region and resolution
 definitions) as its default parameters.
-Now the project area, i.e. the location including a mapset, has been
+<p>Now the project area, i.e. the location including a mapset, has been
 created. You have "arrived" in the GRASS system and can start working
 within this new location.
 <h2>Further Reading</h2>
 Please have a look at the GRASS web site for tutorials and books:
-<a href="http://grass.osgeo.org/gdp/index.php">http://grass.osgeo.org/gdp/index.php</A>.
+<a href="http://grass.osgeo.org/gdp/index.php">http://grass.osgeo.org/gdp/index.php</a>.
 <h2>See also</h2>
 <a href="index.html">GRASS 7 Reference Manual</a>

Modified: grass/trunk/lib/init/variables.html
--- grass/trunk/lib/init/variables.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/lib/init/variables.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -74,8 +74,7 @@
 It looks unusual with two equals signs, but <em>g.gisenv</em> serves dual duty for
 getting and setting GRASS variables.
-If the user just specifies a variable name, it defaults to <b>get</b> mode.
+<p>If the user just specifies a variable name, it defaults to <b>get</b> mode.
 For example:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 g.gisenv MAPSET
@@ -452,15 +451,12 @@
   <a href="g.parser.html">g.parser</a>
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
-<a href=index.html>Help Index</a>
-&copy; 2008-2011 <a href="http://grass.osgeo.org">GRASS Development Team</a>
+<p><a href=index.html>Help Index</a>
+<p>&copy; 2008-2011 <a href="http://grass.osgeo.org">GRASS Development Team</a>

Modified: grass/trunk/lib/pngdriver/pngdriver.html
--- grass/trunk/lib/pngdriver/pngdriver.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/lib/pngdriver/pngdriver.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
- <TITLE>PNG driver</TITLE>
- <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+ <title>PNG driver</title>
+ <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="grassdocs.css" type="text/css">
-<BODY bgColor=white>
+<body bgColor=white>
 <img src="grass_logo.png" alt="GRASS logo"><hr align=center size=6 noshade>
@@ -92,15 +92,13 @@
 <a href="http://www.zlib.net">zlib</a> home page), all which needs to
 be installed for the PNG driver to work (it's worth it).
-The resolution of the output images is defined by current region
+<p>The resolution of the output images is defined by current region
 extents. Use <tt>g.region -p</tt> to get the number of rows and cols
 and use the environment variables to set the image size. If you would
 like a larger image, multiply both rows and cols by the same whole
 number to preserve the aspect ratio.
-Further PNG file processing (e.g. quantization to 1 bit for monochrome
+<p>Further PNG file processing (e.g. quantization to 1 bit for monochrome
 images) can be done with <tt>pnmquant</tt> of
 the <a href="http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/">netpbm</a> tools.
@@ -125,5 +123,4 @@
 Rewritten by: Glynn Clements, 2003
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/lib/psdriver/psdriver.html
--- grass/trunk/lib/psdriver/psdriver.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/lib/psdriver/psdriver.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
- <TITLE>PS driver</TITLE>
- <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+ <title>PS driver</title>
+ <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="grassdocs.css" type="text/css">
-<BODY bgColor=white>
+<body bgColor=white>
 <img src="grass_logo.png" alt="GRASS logo"><hr align=center size=6 noshade>
@@ -81,13 +81,11 @@
 like a larger image, multiply both rows and cols by the same whole
 number to preserve the aspect ratio.
-GRASS_TRUECOLOR requires either PostScript level 2 or level 1 plus the
+<p>GRASS_TRUECOLOR requires either PostScript level 2 or level 1 plus the
 colorimage and setrgbcolor operators (this is the case for colour
 printers which pre-date level 2 PostScript).
-Masked images (<tt>d.rast</tt>, <tt>d.rgb</tt>, <tt>d.his -n</tt>)
+<p>Masked images (<tt>d.rast</tt>, <tt>d.rgb</tt>, <tt>d.his -n</tt>)
 require PostScript level 3.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
@@ -108,5 +106,4 @@
 Glynn Clements, 2007
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/lib/vector/vectorascii.html
--- grass/trunk/lib/vector/vectorascii.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/lib/vector/vectorascii.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
 faces, and kernels. The GRASS ASCII vector format may contain also 
 a <i>header</i> with various metadata (see example below).
-The header is similar as the head file of vector binary format but
+<p>The header is similar as the head file of vector binary format but
 contains bounding box also. Key words are:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -26,8 +25,7 @@
-The body begins with the row:
+<p>The body begins with the row:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -47,8 +45,7 @@
 Everything above in <tt>[&nbsp;]</tt> is optional. 
-The primitive codes are as follows:
+<p>The primitive codes are as follows:
   <li>'P': point</li>
   <li>'L': line</li>
@@ -65,8 +62,7 @@
 for multiple layers).  Below that 1 or several lines follow to
 indicate the layer number and the category number (ID).
-The order of coordinates is
+<p>The order of coordinates is
 <div class="code"><pre>
 X Y [Z]
@@ -77,8 +73,7 @@
 Y X
-Latitude/Longitude data may be given in a number of ways.
+<p>Latitude/Longitude data may be given in a number of ways.
 Decimal degrees must be positive or negative instead of using a hemisphere
 letter. Mixed coordinates must use a hemisphere letter. Whole minutes and
 seconds must always contain two digits (example: use <tt>167:03:04.567</tt>;

Modified: grass/trunk/misc/m.cogo/m.cogo.html
--- grass/trunk/misc/m.cogo/m.cogo.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/misc/m.cogo/m.cogo.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
 and X,Y coordinates.  Only simple bearing/distance or coordinate
 pairs are handled. It assumes a cartesian coordinate system.
-Input can be entered via standard input (default) or from the file
+<p>Input can be entered via standard input (default) or from the file
 <b>input=</b><em>name</em>. Specifying the input as "-" also
 specifies standard input, and is useful for using the program in
 a pipeline.  Output will be to standard output unless a file
@@ -13,16 +12,14 @@
 closely adhere to the following format, where up to a 10 character
 label is allowed but not required (see <b>-l</b> flag).
-<b>Example COGO input:</b>
+<p><b>Example COGO input:</b>
 <div class="code"><pre>
    P23 N 23:14:12 W 340
    P24 S 04:18:56 E 230
-The first column may contain a label and you must use the <b>-l</b>
+<p>The first column may contain a label and you must use the <b>-l</b>
 flag so the program knows.  This is followed by a space, and then
 either the character 'N' or 'S' to indicate whether the bearing is
 relative to the north or south directions.  After another space,
@@ -33,18 +30,15 @@
 characters. A space separates the bearing from the distance (which should
 be in appropriate linear units).
-<b>Output of the above input:</b>
+<p><b>Output of the above input:</b>
 <div class="code"><pre>
    -134.140211 312.420236 P23
    -116.832837 83.072345 P24
-Unless specified with the <b>coord</b> option, calculations begin from (0,0).
+<p>Unless specified with the <b>coord</b> option, calculations begin from (0,0).
-For those unfamiliar with the notation for bearings: Picture yourself in the
+<p>For those unfamiliar with the notation for bearings: Picture yourself in the
 center of a circle.  The first hemispere notation tell you whether you should
 face north or south.  Then you read the angle and either turn that many
 degrees to the east or west, depending on the second hemisphere notation.  
@@ -60,7 +54,6 @@
 using the familiar GRASS parser interface.
 This program is very simplistic, and will not handle deviations
@@ -141,5 +134,4 @@
 Eric G. Miller
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/misc/m.measure/m.measure.html
--- grass/trunk/misc/m.measure/m.measure.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/misc/m.measure/m.measure.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -13,5 +13,4 @@
 Derived from d.measure by James Westervelt, Michael Shapiro, U.S. Army
 Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/misc/m.nviz.image/m.nviz.image.html
--- grass/trunk/misc/m.nviz.image/m.nviz.image.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/misc/m.nviz.image/m.nviz.image.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -31,5 +31,4 @@
 Anna Kratochvilova, <a href="http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/WxNviz_GSoC_2011">Google
 Summer of Code 2011</a> (mentor: Martin Landa)
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/misc/m.nviz.script/m.nviz.script.html
--- grass/trunk/misc/m.nviz.script/m.nviz.script.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/misc/m.nviz.script/m.nviz.script.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -10,14 +10,13 @@
 be loaded into the <em>Keyframe Animation</em> panel for fine
 tuning or editing.
-The script generated by <em>m.nviz.script</em> can be run from the NVIZ
+<p>The script generated by <em>m.nviz.script</em> can be run from the NVIZ
 command line (nviz script=script_name) or after NVIZ is started by
 selecting <em>Scripting->Play Script</em>.
 <dd>Intercative mode
@@ -45,7 +44,7 @@
 <dd>The name of the GRASS raster map with elevation data. 
@@ -99,14 +98,11 @@
 <h2>NOTES / HINTS</h2>
 The user must select at least four key-frame locations (points)
  otherwise an error is generated.
-If the GRASS region is changed the <em>m.nviz.script</em> command must be re-run.
-The current GRASS region and the user supplied parameters are included
+<p>If the GRASS region is changed the <em>m.nviz.script</em> command must be re-run.
+<p>The current GRASS region and the user supplied parameters are included
 as a comment at the top of the output script. This information can be
 used to easily re-create the animation.
-The camera position is calculated backwards from the supplied
+<p>The camera position is calculated backwards from the supplied
 position(s). It is possible that the camera position will lie outside
 the current window, in which case a non-fatal error is generated
 (Error: selected point is outside region).  This error can result in
@@ -138,9 +134,9 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="nviz.html">nviz</A></em>
+<em><a href="nviz.html">nviz</a></em>
-<a href="mailto:bcovill at tekmap.ns.ca">Bob Covill</A>
+<a href="mailto:bcovill at tekmap.ns.ca">Bob Covill</a>
 <p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/misc/m.transform/m.transform.html
--- grass/trunk/misc/m.transform/m.transform.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/misc/m.transform/m.transform.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -10,10 +10,8 @@
 <tt>stdin</tt>, the input format is "x y" with one coordinate pair per
-The transformations are:
+<p>The transformations are:
 <div class="code"><pre>
     e = [E0 E1][1].[1]
         [E2  0][e] [n]
@@ -47,14 +45,13 @@
 ["." = dot-product, (AE).N = N'EA.]
-In other words, order=1 and order=2 are equivalent to order=3 with
+<p>In other words, order=1 and order=2 are equivalent to order=3 with
 the higher coefficients equal to zero.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</A></em>
+<em><a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</a></em>
@@ -63,5 +60,4 @@
 Glynn Clements<br>
 Hamish Bowman
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/ps/ps.map/ps.map.html
--- grass/trunk/ps/ps.map/ps.map.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/ps/ps.map/ps.map.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -4,30 +4,25 @@
 hardcopy maps in PostScript format. Output can include a raster map, any
 number of vector overlays, text labels, decorations, and other spatial data.
-A file of mapping instructions that describes the various spatial and textual
+<p>A file of mapping instructions that describes the various spatial and textual
 information to be printed must be prepared prior to running <em>ps.map</em>.
-The order of commands is generally unimportant but may affect how some layers
+<p>The order of commands is generally unimportant but may affect how some layers
 are drawn. For example to plot <b>vpoints</b> above <b>vareas</b> list the
 <b>vpoints</b> entry first. Raster maps are always drawn first, and only a
 single raster map (or 3 if part of a RGB group) may be used.
-The hash character ('<tt>#</tt>') may be used at the beginning of a line
+<p>The hash character ('<tt>#</tt>') may be used at the beginning of a line
 to indicate that the line is a comment. Blank lines will also be ignored.
-Be aware that some mapping instructions require the <i>end</i> command
+<p>Be aware that some mapping instructions require the <i>end</i> command
 and some do not. Any instruction that allows subcommands will require
 it, any instruction that does not allow subcommands will not.
-The resolution and extent of raster maps plotted with <em>ps.map</em> are
+<p>The resolution and extent of raster maps plotted with <em>ps.map</em> are
 controlled by the current region settings via the
 <a href="g.region.html">g.region</a> module. The output filesize is largely
 a function of the region resolution, so special care should be taken
@@ -39,17 +34,14 @@
 output file larger, but with a consumer printer you probably won't be able
 to resolve any better detail in the hardcopy.
-The user can specify negative or greater than 100 percentage values for
+<p>The user can specify negative or greater than 100 percentage values for
 positioning several map decorations and embedded EPS-files, to move them
 outside the current map box region (for example to position a caption,
 barscale, or legend above or below the map box).
-One point ("pixel") is 1/72 of an inch.
+<p>One point ("pixel") is 1/72 of an inch.
-For users wanting to use special characters (such as accented characters) it
+<p>For users wanting to use special characters (such as accented characters) it
 is important to note that <em>ps.map</em> uses <tt>ISO-8859-1</tt> encoding.
 This means that your instructions file will have to be encoded in this
 encoding. If you normally work in a different encoding environment (such as
@@ -62,7 +54,6 @@
 The mapping instructions allow the user to specify various spatial data
@@ -72,7 +63,6 @@
 consist of the main instruction followed by a subsection of one or more
 additional instructions and are terminated with an <i>end</i> instruction.
 <h3>Instruction keywords:</h3>
 <a href="#border">border</a>&nbsp;|
@@ -190,8 +180,7 @@
 <h3>Command usage</h3>
@@ -210,13 +199,11 @@
 or "none". The width is specified in points, unless followed by an "i"
 in which case it is measured in inches.
 The default is a black border box of width 1 point.
-The border can be turned off completely with the
+<p>The border can be turned off completely with the
 &quot;<tt>border&nbsp;n</tt>&quot; instruction. In this case
 the <b>end</b> command should not be given as the
 main command will be treated as a single line instruction.
 This example would create a grey border 0.1&quot; wide.
@@ -227,7 +214,6 @@
 <a name="colortable"></a>
@@ -253,8 +239,7 @@
 the colors for each of a raster map's category values along with its
 associated category label. For a floating point (FCELL or DCELL) map a
 continuous gradient legend will be created.
-If <b>raster</b> is omitted, the colortable defaults to the previously
+<p>If <b>raster</b> is omitted, the colortable defaults to the previously
 registered raster layer.
 The default location for the colortable is immediately below any other
@@ -263,12 +248,10 @@
 Omitting the <b>colortable</b> instruction would result in
 no color table.
-If the colortable is turned off with a &quot;<tt>colortable&nbsp;N</tt>&quot;
+<p>If the colortable is turned off with a &quot;<tt>colortable&nbsp;N</tt>&quot;
 instruction the <b>end</b> command should not be given as the  
 main command will be treated as a single line instruction.
-See also the <a href="#vlegend">vlegend</a> command for creating vector map
+<p>See also the <a href="#vlegend">vlegend</a> command for creating vector map
@@ -283,8 +266,7 @@
 This could result in the printing of an extremely long color table!
 In this situation it is useful to use the <b>discrete N</b> instruction
 to force a continuous color gradient legend.
-Be aware that the color table only includes categories which
+<p>Be aware that the color table only includes categories which
 have a label. You can use the <em>r.category</em> module to add labels.
@@ -313,8 +295,7 @@
-This example would print a color table immediately below any other map legend
+<p>This example would print a color table immediately below any other map legend
 information, starting at the left margin, with 4 columns:
@@ -325,7 +306,6 @@
 <a name="comments"></a>
@@ -340,13 +320,11 @@
 The default location is immediately below the last item item printed,
 starting at the left margin. The default text color is black.
-If you wish to use parentheses spanning multiple lines you will need to
+<p>If you wish to use parentheses spanning multiple lines you will need to
 quote them with a backslash to prevent the PostScript interpreter from 
 getting confused. e.g. '<b><tt>\(</tt></b>' and '<b><tt>\)</tt></b>'
 This example prints in blue
 whatever is in the file <em>veg.comments</em> starting at
 1.5 inches from the left edge of the page and 7.25 inches from the top of
@@ -368,7 +346,6 @@
 such as "This map was created by classifying a LANDSAT TM image".
 <a name="copies"></a>
@@ -377,11 +354,9 @@
 USAGE:	<b>copies</b> n
 Each page will be printed n times.
+<p>This instruction is identical to the <em>copies</em> command line parameter.
-This instruction is identical to the <em>copies</em> command line parameter.
 <a name="eps"></a>
@@ -405,10 +380,9 @@
 (default is 0)
 and whether the point is to be <b>masked</b>
 by the current mask.
-(See manual entry for <em><a href="r.mask.html">r.mask</A></em> 
+(See manual entry for <em><a href="r.mask.html">r.mask</a></em> 
 for more information on the mask.)
 This example would place a EPS file ./epsf/logo.eps
 at the point (E456000 N7890000).  This picture would be
 rotated 20 degrees clockwise, 3 times bigger than
@@ -427,7 +401,6 @@
 <a name="geogrid"></a>
@@ -455,11 +428,9 @@
 black grid lines, unnumbered.
 NOTE: The <b>geogrid</b> draws grid numbers on the east and south borders of the map.
 This example would overlay a blue geographic grid with a spacing of 30 minutes
 onto the output map.  Alternate grid
 lines would be numbered with yellow numbers.
@@ -472,7 +443,6 @@
 <a name="greyrast"></a>
@@ -486,7 +456,6 @@
 <em>greyrast</em> or the <em>raster</em> instruction).
 <a name="grid"></a>
@@ -514,7 +483,6 @@
 The defaults are black grid lines, unnumbered.
 This example would overlay a green grid with a spacing of 10000 meters
 (for a metered database, like UTM) onto the output map.  Alternate grid
 lines would be numbered with red numbers.
@@ -527,7 +495,6 @@
 <a name="group"></a>
@@ -540,7 +507,6 @@
 layers, comprising the red, green and blue bands of the image.
 <a name="header"></a>
@@ -558,8 +524,7 @@
 and the location's description.<!-- PERMANENT/MYNAME -->
 The text will be centered on the page above the map.
 The default text color is black.
-If the <em>file</em> sub-instruction is given the header will consist
+<p>If the <em>file</em> sub-instruction is given the header will consist
 of the text in the text file specified, with some special formatting keys:
@@ -592,7 +557,6 @@
 This example prints (in red) whatever is in the file <em>soils.hdr</em> above
 the map, using a 20/72 inch <tt>Courier</tt> font.
@@ -606,24 +570,21 @@
 <a name="labels"></a>
 Selects a labels file for output (see manual entry for
-<a href="v.label.html">v.label</A>
+<a href="v.label.html">v.label</a>
 USAGE:	<b>labels</b>  labelfile
 	<b>font</b> font name
-NOTE: ps.map can read new option 'ROTATE:' from labels file, which
+<p>NOTE: ps.map can read new option 'ROTATE:' from labels file, which
 specifies counter clockwise rotation in degrees. 
-This example would paint labels from the labels file called
+<p>This example would paint labels from the labels file called
 <em>town.names</em>.  Presumably, these labels would indicate the names of
 towns on the map.
@@ -633,7 +594,6 @@
 <a name="line"></a>
@@ -652,13 +612,12 @@
 The user may also specify line <b>color</b>, <b>width</b>
 in points (1/72"; accepts decimal values as well as integers),
 and if the line is to be <b>masked</b> by the current mask.
-(See manual entry for <em><a href="r.mask.html">r.mask</A>
+(See manual entry for <em><a href="r.mask.html">r.mask</a>
 </em> for more information on the mask.)
 The line <b>width</b> (if given) is measured in points; an <i>i</i>
 directly following the number indicates that the width is given in
 inches instead.
 This example would draw a yellow line from the point x=10% y=80%
 to the point x=30% y=70%.
 This line would be 2 points wide (2/72") and would appear even if
@@ -676,7 +635,6 @@
 <a name="mapinfo"></a>
@@ -696,11 +654,9 @@
 starting at the left edge of the map.
 The default text color is black.
 The default background box color is white.
-<em>border</em> will draw a border around the legend using the specified color.
+<p><em>border</em> will draw a border around the legend using the specified color.
  (see <a href="#NAMED_COLORS">NAMED COLORS</a>)
 This example prints (in brown) the scale, grid and region information
 immediately below the map and starting 1.5 inches from the left edge
 of the page, using a 12/72 inch <tt>Courier</tt> font.
@@ -716,7 +672,6 @@
 <a name="maploc"></a>
@@ -730,7 +685,6 @@
 rescaled, if necessary, to fit.
 This example positions the upper left corner of the map 2.0 inches from
 the left edge and 3.5 inches from the top edge of the map.
@@ -739,7 +693,6 @@
 <a name="maskcolor"></a>
@@ -772,7 +725,6 @@
 layer other than the one currently being painted may be placed on the map.)
 This example would outline the category areas of the
 raster map layer
@@ -787,7 +739,6 @@
 <a name="paper"></a>
@@ -809,14 +760,12 @@
 If the plot is rotated with the <b>-r</b> command line flag, measures
 are applied to the <em>rotated</em> page.
 	<b>paper</b> a3
 	<b>width</b> 10
@@ -829,7 +778,6 @@
 <a name="point"></a>
@@ -852,14 +800,13 @@
 the <b>size</b> of symbol in points,
 the rotation angle (in degrees CCW), 
 and whether the point is to be <b>masked</b> by the current mask.
-(See manual entry for <em> <a href="r.mask.html">r.mask</A>
+(See manual entry for <em> <a href="r.mask.html">r.mask</a>
 </em> for more information on the mask.)
 The symbol line <b>width</b> (if given) is measured in points; an <i>i</i>
 directly following the number indicates that the width is given in inches
 instead. If a <b>width</b> is not given it will be set proportional to the
 symbol size.
-This example would place a purple diamond (from icon file
+<p>This example would place a purple diamond (from icon file
 <em>diamond</em>) at the point (E456000 N7890000).  This diamond would be the 
 the size of a 15 points and would not be masked by the current mask.
@@ -877,14 +824,12 @@
 <a name="psfile"></a>
 Copies a file containing PostScript commands into the output file.
 will not search for this file.  The user must be in the
@@ -900,7 +845,6 @@
 <a name="raster"></a>
@@ -913,16 +857,13 @@
 raster map layer is requested, a completely white map will be
 produced. It can be useful to select no raster map layer in
 order to provide a white background for vector maps.
-Note that an imagery group selected with the <em>group</em>
+<p>Note that an imagery group selected with the <em>group</em>
 option, or a set of three raster layers selected with the
 <em>rgb</em> option, count as a raster map layer for the
 purposes of the preceding paragraph.
-The PostScript file's internal title will be set to the raster map's
+<p>The PostScript file's internal title will be set to the raster map's
 title, which in turn may be set with the <em>r.suppport</em> module.
-This example would paint a map of the raster map layer <em>soils</em>.
+<p>This example would paint a map of the raster map layer <em>soils</em>.
@@ -930,7 +871,6 @@
 <a name="read"></a>
@@ -942,7 +882,6 @@
 will not search for this file.  The user must be in the
@@ -950,7 +889,6 @@
 (Note to /bin/csh users: ~ won't work with this instruction).
 This example reads the UNIX file <em>pmap.roads</em> into <em>ps.map</em>.
 This file may contain all the <em>ps.map</em> instructions for placing
 the vector map layer <em>roads</em> onto the output map.
@@ -965,7 +903,6 @@
 file with the correct instructions.
 <a name="rectangle"></a>
@@ -986,7 +923,7 @@
 <b>color</b>, fill color <b>fcolor</b>, <b>width</b>
 in points (accepts decimal points [floating points] as well as integers),
 and if the rectangle is to be <b>masked</b> by the current mask.
-(See manual entry for <em><a href="r.mask.html">r.mask</A></em>
+(See manual entry for <em><a href="r.mask.html">r.mask</a></em>
 for more information on the mask.)
 The border line <b>width</b> (if given) is measured in points; an <i>i</i>
 directly following the number indicates that the width is given in inches
@@ -994,7 +931,6 @@
 Multiple rectangles may be drawn by using multiple <em>rectangle</em> instructions.
 This example would draw a yellow rectangle filled by green from the point x=10% y=80%
 to the point x=30% y=70%.
 The border line would be 1/16" wide and would appear even if there is a mask.
@@ -1009,7 +945,6 @@
 <a name="region"></a>
@@ -1022,20 +957,18 @@
 Geographic region settings are created and saved using <em> the 
-<a href="g.region.html">g.region</A></em> module.
+<a href="g.region.html">g.region</a></em> module.
 The <em>ps.map</em> <em>region</em> option can be used to show an outline of
 a smaller region which was printed on a separate run of <em>ps.map</em>
 on other user-created maps.
-The user can specify the <b>color</b>
+<p>The user can specify the <b>color</b>
 and the <b>width</b> in point units (accepts decimal points
 [floating points] as well as integers) of the outline.
 The default is a black border of one point width (1/72").
-This example would place a white outline, 2 points wide, of the
+<p>This example would place a white outline, 2 points wide, of the
 geographic region called <em>fire.zones</em> onto the output map.
 This geographic region would have been created and saved using 
-<em><a href="g.region.html">g.region</A></em>.
+<em><a href="g.region.html">g.region</a></em>.
 	<b>region</b> fire.zones
@@ -1045,7 +978,6 @@
 <a name="rgb"></a>
@@ -1057,7 +989,6 @@
 raster map layers instead of a single layer. The three layers
 are composed to form a color image, similar to <em>d.rgb</em>.
 For each layer, only one of the components of the layer's color
 table is used: the red component for the red layer, and so on. 
 This will give the desired result if all of the layers have a
@@ -1065,7 +996,6 @@
 hue appropriate to the layer.
 <a name="scale"></a>
@@ -1088,7 +1018,6 @@
 This example would set the scale of the map to 1 unit = 25000
@@ -1097,7 +1026,6 @@
 <a name="scalebar"></a>
@@ -1128,15 +1056,12 @@
 numbers every n-th segment.
 The <b>background</b> command can turn off the background box for the text.
-The scalebar <b>length</b> is the only required argument. The defaults are a
+<p>The scalebar <b>length</b> is the only required argument. The defaults are a
 fancy scalebar with 4 segments, each segment labeled, and a height of 0.1
 inches. The default location is 2 inches from the top of the page and
 halfway across.
-NOTE: The scalebar is centered on the location given.
-This example draws a simple scalebar 1000 meters (for a metered database,
+<p>NOTE: The scalebar is centered on the location given.
+<p>This example draws a simple scalebar 1000 meters (for a metered database,
 like UTM) long, with tics every 200 meters, labeled every second tic.
 The scalebar is drawn 5 inches from the top and 4 inches from the left
 and is 0.25 inches high.
@@ -1177,7 +1102,6 @@
 "<tt>default</tt>" (i.e. out-of-range) color may also be reassigned.
 <a name="text"></a>
@@ -1207,60 +1131,47 @@
 More than one line of text can be specified by notating the end of a line with
 (e.g. USA<b>\n</b>CERL).
-The user can then specify various text features:
+<p>The user can then specify various text features:
 the PostScript font. Common possibilities are listed at the start of this
 help page. The default is <tt>Helvetica</tt>.
 (see <a href="#NAMED_COLORS">NAMED COLORS</a>);
 of the lines used to draw the text to make thicker letters
 (accepts decimal points [floating points] as well as integers);
-<b>size</b> and <b>fontsize.</b>&nbsp;
+<p><b>size</b> and <b>fontsize.</b>&nbsp;
 <b>size</b> gives the vertical height of the letters in meters on the
 ground (text size will grow or shrink depending on the scale at which
 the map is painted). Alternatively <b>fontsize</b> can set the font
 size directly. If neither <b>size</b> or <b>fontsize</b> is given, a 
 default font size of 10 will be used;
-the highlight color (<b>hcolor</b>) and
+<p>the highlight color (<b>hcolor</b>) and
 the width of the highlight color (<b>hwidth</b>);
-the text-enclosing-box <b>background</b> color;
+<p>the text-enclosing-box <b>background</b> color;
 the text box <b>border</b> color;
 This reference point specifies the text handle - what
 part of the text should be placed on the location specified by the map
 coordinates.  Reference points can refer to:
 [lower|upper|center] [left|right|center] of the text to be printed;
 The default is center center, i.e. the text is centered on the reference point.
 sets the text rotation angle, measured in degrees counter-clockwise.
 which provides finer placement of text by shifting the
 text a vertical distance in points (1/72") from the specified north.
 The vertical offset will shift the location to the south if positive,
 north if negative;
 which shifts the text a horizontal distance in points from
 the specified east The horizontal offset will shift the location east if 
 positive, west if negative;
 whether or not the text should be <b>opaque</b> to vectors.  Entering <b>no</b>
 to the opaque option will allow the user to see any vectors which go
 through the text's background box.  Otherwise, they will end at the box's edge.
 The following example would place the text <em>SPEARFISH LAND COVER</em>
 at the coordinates E650000 N7365000. The text would be a total of
 3 points wide (2 pixels of red text and 1 pixel black highlight), have a white
@@ -1284,7 +1195,6 @@
 <a name="vareas"></a>
@@ -1307,35 +1217,25 @@
 The user can specify:
-<b>color</b> - color of the vector lines or area boundaries;
-<b>fcolor</b> - the area fill color;
-<b>rgbcolumn</b> - name of color definition column used for the area fill color;
-<b>width</b> - width of the vectors lines or area boundaries in points
+<p><b>color</b> - color of the vector lines or area boundaries;
+<p><b>fcolor</b> - the area fill color;
+<p><b>rgbcolumn</b> - name of color definition column used for the area fill color;
+<p><b>width</b> - width of the vectors lines or area boundaries in points
 (accepts decimal points [floating points] as well as integers);
-<b>masked</b> - whether or not the raster map layer is to be masked
+<p><b>masked</b> - whether or not the raster map layer is to be masked
 by the current mask;
-(see manual entry <em><a href="r.mask.html">r.mask</A></em>
+(see manual entry <em><a href="r.mask.html">r.mask</a></em>
 for more information on the mask)
-<b>cats</b> - which categories should be plotted (default is all);
-<b>where</b> - select features using a SQL where statement.
+<p><b>cats</b> - which categories should be plotted (default is all);
+<p><b>where</b> - select features using a SQL where statement.
 For example: <tt>vlastnik = 'Cimrman'</tt>;
-<b>label</b> - for description in <a href="#vlegend">vlegend</a>.
+<p><b>label</b> - for description in <a href="#vlegend">vlegend</a>.
 Default is: map(mapset);
-<b>lpos</b> - position vector is plotted in legend. If lpos is
+<p><b>lpos</b> - position vector is plotted in legend. If lpos is
 0 then this vector is omitted in legend. If more vectors used the 
 same lpos then their symbols in legend are merged and label for
 first vector is used.
-<b>pat</b> - full path to pattern file. The pattern file contains header and
+<p><b>pat</b> - full path to pattern file. The pattern file contains header and
 simple PostScript commands. It is similar to EPS but more limited, meaning that
 while each pattern file is a true EPS file, most EPS files are not useful as pattern
 files because they contain restricted commands. Color <!-- and width --> of patterns
@@ -1360,13 +1260,10 @@
-<b>scale</b> - pattern scale
-<b>pwidth</b> - pattern line width, width is used by pattern until the width is overwritten
+<p><b>scale</b> - pattern scale
+<p><b>pwidth</b> - pattern line width, width is used by pattern until the width is overwritten
 in pattern file.
 	<b>vareas</b> forest
@@ -1378,7 +1275,6 @@
 <a name="vlines"></a>
@@ -1406,41 +1302,29 @@
 The user can specify:
-<b>type</b> - the default is lines only;
-<b>color</b> - color of the vector lines or area boundaries;
-<b>rgbcolumn</b> - name of color definition column used for the vector lines
+<p><b>type</b> - the default is lines only;
+<p><b>color</b> - color of the vector lines or area boundaries;
+<p><b>rgbcolumn</b> - name of color definition column used for the vector lines
 or area boundaries;
-<b>width</b> - width of the vectors lines or area boundaries in points
+<p><b>width</b> - width of the vectors lines or area boundaries in points
 (accepts decimal points [floating points] as well as integers);
-<b>cwidth</b> - width of the vectors lines. If cwidth is used then 
+<p><b>cwidth</b> - width of the vectors lines. If cwidth is used then 
 width of line is equal to cwidth * category value and width is 
 used in legend;
-<b>hcolor</b> - the highlight color for the vector lines;
-<b>hwidth</b> - the width of the highlight color in points;
-<b>offset</b> (experimental) - offset for the vectors lines in points (1/72")
+<p><b>hcolor</b> - the highlight color for the vector lines;
+<p><b>hwidth</b> - the width of the highlight color in points;
+<p><b>offset</b> (experimental) - offset for the vectors lines in points (1/72")
 for plotting parallel lines in distance equal to offset (accepts positive or 
 negative decimal points). Useful to print streets with several parallel lanes;
-<b>coffset</b> (experimental) - offset for the vectors lines. If coffset
+<p><b>coffset</b> (experimental) - offset for the vectors lines. If coffset
 is used then  offset of line is equal to coffset * category value and offset
 is used in legend;
-<b>ref</b> (experimental) - line justification. 
-<b>masked</b> - whether or not the raster map layer is to be masked
+<p><b>ref</b> (experimental) - line justification. 
+<p><b>masked</b> - whether or not the raster map layer is to be masked
 by the current mask;
-(see manual entry <em><a href="r.mask.html">r.mask</A></em>
+(see manual entry <em><a href="r.mask.html">r.mask</a></em>
 for more information on the mask);
-<b>style</b> - the line style allows the vectors to be dashed in different
+<p><b>style</b> - the line style allows the vectors to be dashed in different
 patterns.  This is done by either typing "solid", "dashed", "dotted", or
 "dashdotted", or as a series of 0's and 1's in a desired sequence or pattern.
 The first block of repeated zeros or ones represents "draw", the second
@@ -1448,25 +1332,20 @@
 An even number of blocks will repeat the pattern, an odd number of blocks
 will alternate the pattern.
 The default is "solid";
-<b>linecap</b> - the linecap specifies the look of the ends of the line,
+<p><b>linecap</b> - the linecap specifies the look of the ends of the line,
 or the end of the dashes in a dashed line. The parameters are:
 'butt' for butt caps (default), 'round' for round caps and 'extended_butt'
 for extended butt caps. The shape of the round and the extended butt caps
 is related to the line thickness: for round butts the radius is half the
 linewidth, while for extended butt the line will extend for half the linewidth.  
-<b>cats</b> - which categories should be plotted (default is all);
-<b>label</b> - for description in <a href="#vlegend">vlegend</a>.
+<p><b>cats</b> - which categories should be plotted (default is all);
+<p><b>label</b> - for description in <a href="#vlegend">vlegend</a>.
 Default is: map(mapset);
-<b>lpos</b> - position vector is plotted in legend. If lpos is
+<p><b>lpos</b> - position vector is plotted in legend. If lpos is
 0 then this vector is omitted in legend. If more vectors used the 
 same lpos then their symbols in legend are merged and label for
 first vector is used.
 	<b>vlines</b> streams
@@ -1481,7 +1360,6 @@
 <a name="vpoints"></a>
@@ -1532,7 +1410,6 @@
 <a name="vlegend"></a>
@@ -1555,30 +1432,23 @@
 If the <em>where</em> instruction is present and <em>y</em> is less than or
 equal to zero, the vector legend will be positioned immediately below
 the map, starting <em>x</em> inches from the left edge of the page.
-<em>width</em> is the width in inches of the color symbol (for lines)
+<p><em>width</em> is the width in inches of the color symbol (for lines)
 in front of the legend text. The default is 1/24 * fontsize inches.
-<em>cols</em> is the number of columns to split the legend into. The
+<p><em>cols</em> is the number of columns to split the legend into. The
 default is one column. The maximum number of colums is 10, or equal
 to the number of legend entries if there are less than 10 entries.
-<em>span</em> is the column separation distance between the left edges of
+<p><em>span</em> is the column separation distance between the left edges of
 two columns in a multicolumn legend. It is given in inches.
 The default is automatic scaling based on the left margin and the right
 hand side of the map box.
-<em>border</em> will draw a border around the legend using the specified color.
+<p><em>border</em> will draw a border around the legend using the specified color.
  (see <a href="#NAMED_COLORS">NAMED COLORS</a>)
-Alternatively, the user can create a custom legend by using the 
+<p>Alternatively, the user can create a custom legend by using the 
 <a href="#rectangle">rectangle</a>, <a href="#point">point</a>, and 
 <a href="#text">text</a> instructions.
-See also the <a href="#colortable">colortable</a> command for creating
+<p>See also the <a href="#colortable">colortable</a> command for creating
 raster map legends.
-This example prints the vector legend
+<p>This example prints the vector legend
 immediately below the map and starting 4.5 inches from the left edge
 of the page, using a 12/72 inch Helvetica font.
@@ -1592,7 +1462,6 @@
 <a name="end"></a>
@@ -1604,13 +1473,11 @@
 The following are examples of <em>ps.map</em> script files.
-<h3>Simple example</h3>
+<p><h3>Simple example</h3>
 The file has been named <em>spear.basic</em>:
@@ -1713,21 +1580,19 @@
  ps.map input=spear.soils output=soils.ps
-More examples can be found on the
+<p>More examples can be found on the
 <a href="http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/Ps.map_scripts">GRASS Wiki</a>
 help site.
 <h2>CHANGES BETWEEN VERSION 5.0.x/5.4.x and 6.0</h2>
-<LI>Devices and ps.select do not exist any more. Paper is defined by the
+<li>Devices and ps.select do not exist any more. Paper is defined by the
 <em>paper</em> instruction.</LI> 
-<LI><em>vpoints</em> are used instead of <em>sites</em> (points are read from vector).</LI>
-<LI><em>vector</em> is substituted by <em>vpoints</em>, <em>vlines</em> and <em>vareas</em>.</LI>
-<LI>Symbols are used instead of icons (different format and directory).</LI>
-<LI>Map legend can be printed in columns.</LI>
+<li><em>vpoints</em> are used instead of <em>sites</em> (points are read from vector).</LI>
+<li><em>vector</em> is substituted by <em>vpoints</em>, <em>vlines</em> and <em>vareas</em>.</LI>
+<li>Symbols are used instead of icons (different format and directory).</LI>
+<li>Map legend can be printed in columns.</LI>
@@ -1741,5 +1606,4 @@
 Paul Carlson, USDA, SCS, NHQ-CGIS<br>
 Modifications: Radim Blazek, Glynn Clements, Bob Covill, Hamish Bowman
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.basins.fill/r.basins.fill.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.basins.fill/r.basins.fill.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.basins.fill/r.basins.fill.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 generates a raster map layer depicting subbasins, based 
 on input raster map layers for the coded stream network 
@@ -15,7 +14,6 @@
 (for example, through digitizing done in <em><a href="wxGUI.Vector_Digitizing_Tool.html">wxGUI vector digitizer</a></em>).
 The resulting output raster map layer will 
 code the subbasins with category values matching 
 those of the channel segments passing through them. 
@@ -53,5 +51,4 @@
 Larry Band, Dept. of Geography, University of Toronto, Canada 
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.bitpattern/r.bitpattern.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.bitpattern/r.bitpattern.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.bitpattern/r.bitpattern.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 <em>r.bitpattern</em> performs bit pattern comparisons.
 The module can be used to pixelwise verify a satellite image
 for low quality pixels if a Quality Control Bit Index map is

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.buffer/r.buffer2.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.buffer/r.buffer2.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.buffer/r.buffer2.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
 units</em> parameter: <em>meters, kilometers, feet, miles</em>, and <em>nautmiles</em>
 (nautical miles).
 <!-- ??? is this the real method used or some ancient option ??? -->
 Distances from cells containing the user-specified category values
 are calculated using the "fromcell" method. This method locates each
@@ -52,13 +51,11 @@
 slowly when there are numerous cells containing the
 category values of interest spread throughout the area.
 <em>r.buffer</em> measures distances from center of cell to
 center of cell using Euclidean distance measure for
 planimetric locations (like UTM) and using ellipsoidal
 geodesic distance measure for latitude/longitude locations.
 <em>r.buffer</em> calculates distance zones from all cells having non-NULL 
 category values in the <em>input</em> map. If the user wishes to calculate
 distances from only selected <em>input</em> map layer 
@@ -67,11 +64,9 @@
 <em>r.buffer</em>, to reclass all categories from which distance zones 
 are not desired to be calculated into category NULL. 
 The <b>-z</b> flag can be used to ignore raster values of zero instead of NULL
 values in the input raster map.
 In the following example, the buffer zones would be (in the default units
@@ -113,5 +108,4 @@
 James Westervelt, U.S. Army Construction Engineering 
 Research Laboratory
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.category/r.category.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.category/r.category.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.category/r.category.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
 <em>r.category</em> prints the category values and labels for the raster map
 layer specified by <b>map=</b><em>name</em> to standard output. You can also
 use it to set category labels for a raster map.
 The user can specify all needed parameters on the command line, and run the
 program non-interactively. If the user does not specify any categories
 (e.g., using the optional <b>cats=</b><em>range</em>[,<em>range</em>,...]
@@ -24,7 +22,6 @@
 separate these fields in the output, by default.
 The output is sent to standard output in the form of one category per line,
 with the category value first on the line, then an ASCII TAB character (or
 whatever single character or space is specified using the <b>fs</b>
@@ -34,8 +31,7 @@
 Any ASCII TAB characters which may be in the label are replaced by spaces. 
-The output from <em>r.category</em> can be redirected into a file, or piped into
+<p>The output from <em>r.category</em> can be redirected into a file, or piped into
 another program.
 <h3>Input from a file</h3>
@@ -71,34 +67,26 @@
    15:30  label description
-In the format line
+<p>In the format line
 <li>$1 refers to the value num*5.0+1000 (ie, using the first 2 coefficients)
 <li>$2 refers to the value num*5.0+1005 (ie, using the last 2 coefficients)
   $1.2 will print $1 with 2 decimal places.
-Also, the form $?xxx$yyy$ translates into yyy if the category is 1, xxx 
+<p>Also, the form $?xxx$yyy$ translates into yyy if the category is 1, xxx 
 otherwise. The $yyy$ is optional. Thus
-  $1 meter$?s
-will become: 1 meter (for category 1)<br>
+<p>  $1 meter$?s
+<p>will become: 1 meter (for category 1)<br>
 	     2 meters (for category 2), etc.
-format='Elevation: $1.2 to $2.2 feet'   ## Format Statement
+<p>format='Elevation: $1.2 to $2.2 feet'   ## Format Statement
 coefficients="5.0,1000,5.0,1005"	## Coefficients
-The format and coefficients above would be used to generate the
+<p>The format and coefficients above would be used to generate the
 following statement in creation of the format appropriate category
 string for category "num":
-  sprintf(buff,"Elevation: %.2f to %.2f feet", num*5.0+1000, num*5.0*1005)
+<p>  sprintf(buff,"Elevation: %.2f to %.2f feet", num*5.0+1000, num*5.0*1005)
-Note: while both the format and coefficent lines must be present
+<p>Note: while both the format and coefficent lines must be present
       a blank line for the format string will effectively suppress
       automatic label generation.
@@ -108,18 +96,15 @@
 know that i-th rule maps fp range to i, thus we know for sure
 that cats.labels[i] corresponds to i-th quant rule
-To use a "<tt>$</tt>" in the label without triggering the plural test,
+<p>To use a "<tt>$</tt>" in the label without triggering the plural test,
 put "<tt>$$</tt>" in the format string.
-Use 'single quotes' when using a "<tt>$</tt>" on the command line to
+<p>Use 'single quotes' when using a "<tt>$</tt>" on the command line to
 avoid unwanted shell substitution.
 <dt><span class="code"><tt>
 r.category map=soils
@@ -147,8 +132,7 @@
 <dt>Example output: 
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 10:Dumps, mine, Cc 
 20:Kyle clay, KaA 
@@ -162,8 +146,7 @@
 2:potential presence
-sets the categoy values 1 and 2 to respective text labels.
+<p>sets the categoy values 1 and 2 to respective text labels.
@@ -175,8 +158,7 @@
 UNIX Manual entries for <i>awk</i> and <i>sort</i>
-<em><a href="r.coin.html">r.coin</a></em>,
+<p><em><a href="r.coin.html">r.coin</a></em>,
 <em><a href="r.describe.html">r.describe</a></em>,
 <em><a href="d.what.rast.html">d.what.rast</a></em>,
 <em><a href="r.support.html">r.support</a></em>
@@ -186,5 +168,4 @@
 Michael Shapiro, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory<br>
 Hamish Bowman, University of Otago, New Zealand (label creation options)
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.circle/r.circle.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.circle/r.circle.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.circle/r.circle.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,12 +5,10 @@
 The output cell values increase linearly from the specified center. The <em>min</em> 
 and <em>max</em> parameters control the inner and outer output raster map radii, respectively. 
-The <em>mult</em> parameter can be used to multiply the output raster cells by a common factor.
+<p>The <em>mult</em> parameter can be used to multiply the output raster cells by a common factor.
 Note that this parameter does not affect the output raster position or size; only the z-values
 are changed with this parameter. 
-Binary-output raster maps (solid circles of one value) can be created
+<p>Binary-output raster maps (solid circles of one value) can be created
 with the <b>-b</b> flag. Raster maps so created can be used to create
 binary filters for use in <em>i.ifft</em> (inverse Fourier transformations;
 apply filter with <em>r.mask</em>).
@@ -52,5 +50,4 @@
 Bill Brown, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory<br>
 Additional flag/min/max parameter by Markus Neteler, University of Hannover
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.clump/r.clump.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.clump/r.clump.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.clump/r.clump.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
 The lower right-hand corner of the matrix is grouped with the cells above it, 
 or to the left of it (diagonal cells are not considered.) 
 <em>r.clump</em> works properly with raster map layers that
 contain only "fat" areas (more than a single cell in
 width).  Linear elements (lines that are a single cell

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.coin/r.coin.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.coin/r.coin.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.coin/r.coin.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 region and mask settings.
 tabulates the coincidence of category values among the two
 map layers and prepares the basic table from which the
@@ -20,7 +19,6 @@
 These units are:
 <dt><em>c</em> <dd>cells 
 <dt><em>p</em> <dd>percent cover of region 
@@ -33,7 +31,6 @@
 Note that three of these options give results as percentage
 values:  "p" is based on the grand total number of cells;
 "x" is based on only column totals; and "y" is based on
@@ -49,7 +46,6 @@
 using a different unit of measurement.
 It is <b>not</b> a good idea to run <em>r.coin</em> on a
@@ -61,7 +57,6 @@
 <em>r.coin</em> on the reclassed raster map layer.
 Below is a sample of tabular output produced by
@@ -82,7 +77,6 @@
 to obtain this information. 
 The body of the report is arranged in panels. The map layer
 with the most categories is arranged along the vertical
 axis of the table; the other, along the horizontal axis.
@@ -97,26 +91,21 @@
 of all columns for each row appears in a separate panel.
 Note how the following information may be obtained from the sample report. 
 In the Spearfish data base, in area not owned by the Forest Service, there
 are 50.63 square miles of land not used for roads. Roads make up 9.27 square
 miles of land in this area.
-Of the total 102.70 square miles in Spearfish, 42.80 
+<p>Of the total 102.70 square miles in Spearfish, 42.80 
 square miles is owned by the Forest Service. 
 In total, there are 14.58 square miles of roads. 
-There are more category 2 roads outside Forest Service land 
+<p>There are more category 2 roads outside Forest Service land 
 (2.92 mi. sq.) 
 than there are inside Forest land boundaries (0.72 mi. sq.). 
-Following is a sample report. 
+<p>Following is a sample report. 
@@ -173,7 +162,6 @@
 <em>r.coin</em> calculates the coincidence of two raster
 map layers.  Although <em>r.coin</em> allows the user to
 rerun the report using different units, it is not possible
@@ -200,5 +188,4 @@
 Michael Shapiro, <br>
 U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.colors/r.colors.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.colors/r.colors.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.colors/r.colors.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -4,21 +4,17 @@
 table for a raster map. The raster map (specified on the command line
 by <b>map</b>) must exist in the user's current mapset search path.
-The <b>rast</b> option allows user to specify a raster map <i>name</i>
+<p>The <b>rast</b> option allows user to specify a raster map <i>name</i>
 from which to copy the color map.
-The <b>volume</b> option allows user to specify a volume (3d raster)
+<p>The <b>volume</b> option allows user to specify a volume (3d raster)
 map <i>name</i> from which to copy the color map.
-All color tables are stored in <tt>$GISBASE/etc/colors/</tt>. Further
+<p>All color tables are stored in <tt>$GISBASE/etc/colors/</tt>. Further
 user-defined color tables can also be stored in this directory for
 access from the <em>color</em> parameter.
-The <b>-e</b> flag equalizes the original raster's color table. It can
+<p>The <b>-e</b> flag equalizes the original raster's color table. It can
 preclude the need for <em>grey.eq</em> rule, when used as
 <b>-e color=</b><em>grey</em>. Note however, that this will not yield
 a color table identical to <em>color=grey.eq</em>,
@@ -29,8 +25,7 @@
 used. <b>-e</b> is designed to work with any color table, both the
 floating point and the integer raster maps.
-The <b>-g</b> flag divides the raster's grey value range into 100
+<p>The <b>-g</b> flag divides the raster's grey value range into 100
 logarithmically equal steps (where &quot;step&quot; is a rule with the
 same grey level for the start and end points). It can preclude the
 need for <em>grey.log</em> rule, when used as <b>-g
@@ -43,26 +38,22 @@
 case when the value range includes zero, there's no realistic
-The <b>-e</b> and <b>-g</b> flags are not mutually exclusive.
+<p>The <b>-e</b> and <b>-g</b> flags are not mutually exclusive.
-If the user specifies the <b>-w</b> flag, the current color table file for
+<p>If the user specifies the <b>-w</b> flag, the current color table file for
 the input map will not be overwritten. This means that the color table is
 created only if the <i>map</i> does not already have a color table. If this
 option is not specified, the color table will be created if one does not
 exist, or modified if it does.
-<p>Color table types <i>aspect, grey, grey.eq</i> (histogram-equalized
+<p><p>Color table types <i>aspect, grey, grey.eq</i> (histogram-equalized
 grey scale), <i>byg</i> (blue-yellow-green), <i>byr</i>
 (blue-yellow-red), <i>gyr</i> (green-yellow-red), <i>rainbow, ramp,
 ryg</i> (red-yellow-green), <i>random</i>, and <i>wave</i> are
 pre-defined color tables that <em>r.colors</em> knows how to create
 without any further input.
-In general, tables which associate colors with percentages (aspect, bcyr, byg,
+<p>In general, tables which associate colors with percentages (aspect, bcyr, byg,
 byr, elevation, grey, gyr, rainbow, ramp, ryb, ryg and wave) can be applied to
 any data, while those which use absolute values (aspectcolr, curvature, etopo2,
 evi, ndvi, population, slope, srtm, and terrain) only make sense for data with
@@ -83,13 +74,11 @@
 90 0:0:0
-This is designed for the slope map generated
+<p>This is designed for the slope map generated
 by <em><a href="r.slope.aspect.html">r.slope.aspect</a></em>, where the
 value is a slope angle between 0 and 90 degrees.
-Similarly, the <em>aspectcolr</em> rule:
+<p>Similarly, the <em>aspectcolr</em> rule:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 0 white
@@ -100,31 +89,26 @@
 360 yellow
-is designed for the aspect maps produced
+<p>is designed for the aspect maps produced
 by <em><a href="r.slope.aspect.html">r.slope.aspect</a></em>, where the
 value is a heading between 0 and 360 degrees.
-The <b>rules</b> color table type will cause <i>r.colors</i> to read
+<p>The <b>rules</b> color table type will cause <i>r.colors</i> to read
 color table specifications from standard input (stdin) and will build
 the color table accordingly.
-Using color table type <b>rules</b>, there are <!--three-->two ways to
+<p>Using color table type <b>rules</b>, there are <!--three-->two ways to
 build a color table: <!--by color list,--> by category values and by
 &quot;percent&quot; values.
 <!-- HB: this causes an error in current code, maybe easy to enable functionality from old code??
-Building a customized color table by color list is the simplest of the three
+<p>Building a customized color table by color list is the simplest of the three
 rules methods: just list the colors you wish to appear in the color table in the
 order that you wish them to appear. Use the standard GRASS color names: white,
 black, red, green, blue, yellow, magenta, cyan, aqua, grey, gray, orange, brown,
 purple, violet, and indigo.
-For example, to create a color table for the raster map layer <i>elevation</i>
+<p>For example, to create a color table for the raster map layer <i>elevation</i>
 that assigns greens to low map category values, browns to the next larger
 map category values, and yellows to the still larger map category values,
 one would type:
@@ -137,8 +121,7 @@
-To build a color table by category values' indices, the user should
+<p>To build a color table by category values' indices, the user should
 determine the range of category values in the raster map with which
 the color table will be used. Specific category values will then be
 associated with specific colors. Note that a color does not have to be
@@ -155,14 +138,12 @@
-Each category value must be valid for the raster map, category values
+<p>Each category value must be valid for the raster map, category values
 must be in ascending order and only use standard GRASS color names
 (aqua, black, blue, brown, cyan, gray, green, grey, indigo, magenta,
 orange, purple, red, violet, white, yellow).
-Colors can also be specified by color numbers each in the range
+<p>Colors can also be specified by color numbers each in the range
 0-255. The format of a category value color table specification using
 color numbers instead of color names is as follows:
@@ -175,8 +156,7 @@
-Specifying a color table by &quot;percent&quot; values allows one to
+<p>Specifying a color table by &quot;percent&quot; values allows one to
 treat a color table as if it were numbered from 0 to 100. The format
 of a &quot;percent&quot; value color table specification is the same
 as for a category value color specification, except that the category
@@ -192,8 +172,7 @@
-Using &quot;percent&quot; value color table specification rules,
+<p>Using &quot;percent&quot; value color table specification rules,
 colors can also be specified by color numbers each in the range
 0-255. The format of a percent value color table specification using
 color numbers instead of color names is as follows:
@@ -207,8 +186,7 @@
-Note that you can also mix these <!--three-->two methods of color
+<p>Note that you can also mix these <!--three-->two methods of color
 table specification; for example:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -221,8 +199,7 @@
-To set the NULL (no data) color, use the "nv" parameter:
+<p>To set the NULL (no data) color, use the "nv" parameter:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 0 black
@@ -231,8 +208,7 @@
-To set the color to used for undefined values (beyond the range of the
+<p>To set the color to used for undefined values (beyond the range of the
 color rules) use the "default" parameter:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -258,8 +234,7 @@
-The color table can then by assigned to map <i>threecats</i> by the
+<p>The color table can then by assigned to map <i>threecats</i> by the
 following GRASS commands (two ways are available):
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -270,8 +245,7 @@
 r.colors map=threecats rules=rules.file
-To create a natural looking lookup table (LUT) for true map layer
+<p>To create a natural looking lookup table (LUT) for true map layer
 <i>elevation</i>, use the following rules specification file. It will
 assign light green shades to the lower elevations (first 20% of the
 LUT), and then darker greens (next 15%, and next 20%) and light browns
@@ -289,8 +263,7 @@
 100% 255:255:100
-To invert the current rules: 
+<p>To invert the current rules: 
 <div class="code"><pre>
 r.colors map=current_raster -n rast=current_raster
@@ -311,13 +284,11 @@
   <a href="r3.colors.out.html">r3.colors.out</a>
-See also wiki
+<p>See also wiki
 page <a href="http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/Color_tables">Color
 tables</a> (from GRASS User Wiki)
-<a href="http://colorbrewer.org">ColorBrewer</a> is an online tool designed to
+<p><a href="http://colorbrewer.org">ColorBrewer</a> is an online tool designed to
 help people select good color schemes for maps and other graphics.
@@ -325,5 +296,4 @@
 Michael Shapiro and David Johnson<br>
 Support for 3D rasters by Soeren Gebbert
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.colors/r3.colors.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.colors/r3.colors.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.colors/r3.colors.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -20,5 +20,4 @@
 Support for 3D rasters by Soeren Gebbert
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.colors.out/r.colors.out.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.colors.out/r.colors.out.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.colors.out/r.colors.out.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -20,5 +20,4 @@
 Glynn Clements
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.colors.out/r3.colors.out.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.colors.out/r3.colors.out.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.colors.out/r3.colors.out.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -21,5 +21,4 @@
 Glynn Clements
-<i>Last changed: $Date: 2010-11-01 08:41:16 +0100 (Mo, 01. Nov 2010) $</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date: 2010-11-01 08:41:16 +0100 (Mo, 01. Nov 2010) $</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.composite/r.composite.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.composite/r.composite.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.composite/r.composite.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -15,8 +15,7 @@
 resulting layer with <em><a href="d.rast.html">d.rast</a></em> will
 also be significantly slower.
-Floyd-Steinberg dithering is optionally used with the <b>-d</b> flag.
+<p>Floyd-Steinberg dithering is optionally used with the <b>-d</b> flag.
 Creating a composite RGB raster using 32 color levels per layer, with dithering:
@@ -33,8 +32,7 @@
 <a href="r.blend.html">r.blend</a>,
 <a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</a>
 <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floyd-Steinberg_dithering">Wikipedia Entry: Floyd-Steinberg dithering</a>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.compress/r.compress.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.compress/r.compress.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.compress/r.compress.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 raster map layers.
 During compression, this program reformats raster maps
 using a run-length-encoding (RLE) algorithm.  Raster map
 layers which contain very little information (such as
@@ -21,14 +20,12 @@
 of whichever raster data format consumes less space.
 As an example, the Spearfish data base raster map layer
 <em>owner</em> was originally a size of 26600 bytes.  After
 it was compressed, the raster map became only 1249 bytes
 (25351 bytes smaller).
 Raster files may be decompressed to return them to their
 original format, using the <b>-u</b> flag of 
 <em>r.compress</em>. If <em>r.compress</em> is asked to
@@ -59,7 +56,6 @@
 3 (or more) bytes per cell.
 The <b>decompressed</b> raster map format matches the
 conceptual format.  For example, a raster map with 1 byte
 cells that is 100 rows with 200 cells per row, consists of
@@ -76,7 +72,6 @@
 is broken up into rows of category values.
 The <b>compressed</b> format is not so simple, but is quite
 elegant in its design. It not only requires less disk space
 to store the raster data, but often can result in faster
@@ -93,14 +88,12 @@
 the raster data as compressed. 
 Address array (long) - array (size of the number of rows +
 1) of addresses pointing to the internal start of each row.
 Because each row may be a different size, this array is
 necessary to provide a mapping of the data.
 Row by row, beginning at the northern edge of the data, a
 series of byte groups describes the data.  The number of
 bytes in each group is the number of bytes per cell plus
@@ -114,11 +107,9 @@
 Instead, a field in the cell header is used to indicate compressed format. 
 The address array is the same. 
 The RLE format is the same as the pre-3.0 RLE, except that
 each row of data is preceded by a single byte containing
 the number of bytes per cell for the row, and if
@@ -126,7 +117,6 @@
 than non-run-length-encoding, then the row is not encoded.
 These improvements give better compression than the pre-3.0
 format in 99% of the raster data layers.  The kinds of
 raster data layers which get bigger are those in which each

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.cost/r.cost.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.cost/r.cost.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.cost/r.cost.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -23,8 +23,7 @@
 resultant raster map of cumulative cost. The <b>outdir</b> <em>name</em> is the 
 name of the resultant raster map of movement directions (see <a href="#move">Movement Direction</a>).
-<em>r.cost</em> can be run with three different methods of identifying the
+<p><em>r.cost</em> can be run with three different methods of identifying the
 starting point(s). One or more points (geographic coordinate pairs) can be
 provided as specified <b>coordinate</b>s on the command line, from a vector
 points file, or from a raster map.
@@ -35,8 +34,7 @@
 desired can be entered by the user. These starting points can also be read
 from a vector points file through the <b>start_points</b> option or from a
 raster map through the <b>start_rast</b> option.
-<em>r.cost</em> will stop cumulating costs when either <b>max_cost</b> is reached,
+<p><em>r.cost</em> will stop cumulating costs when either <b>max_cost</b> is reached,
 or one of the stop points given with <b>stop_coordinates</b> is reached.
 Alternatively, the stop points can be read from a vector points file with the
 <b>stop_points</b> option. During execution, once the cumulative cost to all 
@@ -46,8 +44,7 @@
 will be processed.
-The null cells in the <b>input</b> map can be assigned a (positive floating
+<p>The null cells in the <b>input</b> map can be assigned a (positive floating
 point) cost with the <b>null_cost</b> option.
 When input map null cells are given a cost with the <b>null_cost</b>
@@ -55,12 +52,10 @@
 cells. By using the <b>-n</b> flag, the null cells of the input map are
 retained as null cells in the output map.
-As <em>r.cost</em> can run for a very long time, it can be useful to 
+<p>As <em>r.cost</em> can run for a very long time, it can be useful to 
 use the <b>-v</b> verbose flag to track progress.
-The Knight's move (<b>-k</b> flag) may be used to improve the accuracy of
+<p>The Knight's move (<b>-k</b> flag) may be used to improve the accuracy of
 the output. In the diagram below, the center location (<tt>O</tt>) represents a
 grid cell from which cumulative distances are calculated. Those
 neighbors marked with an <tt>X</tt> are always considered for cumulative cost
@@ -98,8 +93,7 @@
 <p>By default null cells in the input raster map are excluded from
 the algorithm, and thus retained in the output map.
-If one wants <b>r.cost</b> to transparently cross any region of null cells,
+<p>If one wants <b>r.cost</b> to transparently cross any region of null cells,
 the <b>null_cost</b>=<tt>0.0</tt> option should be used. Then null cells just
 propagate the adjacent costs. These cells can be retained as null cells in the
 output map by using the <b>-n</b> flag.
@@ -135,14 +129,12 @@
 of selecting the lowest cumulative cost cell, computing costs to the
 neighbors, putting the neighbors on the list and removing the
 originating cell from the list continues until the list is empty.
-The most time consuming aspect of this algorithm is the management of
+<p>The most time consuming aspect of this algorithm is the management of
 the list of cells for which cumulative costs have been at least
 initially computed. <em>r.cost</em> uses a binary tree with an linked list
 at each node in the tree for efficiently holding cells with identical
 cumulative costs.
-<em>r.cost</em>, like most all GRASS raster programs, is also made to be run on
+<p><em>r.cost</em>, like most all GRASS raster programs, is also made to be run on
 maps larger that can fit in available computer memory. As the
 algorithm works through the dynamic list of cells it can move almost
 randomly around the entire area. <em>r.cost</em> divides the entire area
@@ -193,8 +185,7 @@
  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-<!-- ??? are "starting" and "ending" swapped in the following text ??? -->
+<p><!-- ??? are "starting" and "ending" swapped in the following text ??? -->
 The user-provided ending location in the above example is the boxed <b>3</b>
 in the above input map. The costs in the output map represent the total
 cost of moving from each box (&quot;cell&quot;) to one or more (here,
@@ -233,8 +224,7 @@
 <a name="move"></a>
 <h2>Movement Direction</h2>
-The movement direction surface is created to record the sequence of
+<p>The movement direction surface is created to record the sequence of
 movements that created the cost accumulation surface. Without it 
 <em>r.drain</em> would not correctly create a path from an end point 
 back to the start point. The direction shown in each cell points <b>away</b> 
@@ -246,8 +236,7 @@
 202.5  225  270  315  337.5
        247.5     292.5
-Once <em>r.cost</em> computes the cumulative cost map, <em>r.drain</em>
+<p>Once <em>r.cost</em> computes the cumulative cost map, <em>r.drain</em>
 can be used to find the minimum cost path. Make sure to use the <b>-d</b> flag
 and the movement direction raster map when running r.drain to ensure
 the path is computed according to the proper movement directions.

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.covar/r.covar.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.covar/r.covar.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.covar/r.covar.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
 <em>r.covar</em> outputs a covariance/correlation matrix for user-specified
 raster map layer(s).  The output can be printed, or saved by redirecting
 output into a file.
 The output is an N x N symmetric covariance (correlation) matrix, 
 where N is the number of raster map layers specified on the command line. 
@@ -20,7 +18,6 @@
 N real eigen values and N eigen vectors (each composed of N real numbers). 
 The module <em><a href="m.eigensystem.html">m.eigensystem</a></em> in
 src.contrib can be compiled and used to generate the eigen values and

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.cross/r.cross.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.cross/r.cross.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.cross/r.cross.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 and the name of a raster map layer to hold program <em>output</em>.
 With the <b>-z</b> flag zero data values are not crossed. 
 This means that if a zero category value occurs in any input data layer, 
 the combination is assigned to category zero in the resulting map layer, 
@@ -23,13 +22,11 @@
 would cause 3 categories to be generated instead of 5. 
 If the <b>-z</b> flag is not specified, then map layer combinations 
 in which not all category values are zero will be assigned 
 a unique category value in the resulting map layer. 
 Category values in the new <em>output</em> map layer will be the
 cross-product of the category values from these existing <em>input</em> map
@@ -105,5 +102,4 @@
 Michael Shapiro, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.describe/r.describe.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.describe/r.describe.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.describe/r.describe.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 a user-specified raster map layer.
 <em><b>r.describe</b></em> ignores the current geographic region and mask, and
 reads the full extent of the input raster map.  This functionality is useful if the
 user intends to <em>reclassify</em> or <em>rescale</em> the data, 
@@ -13,12 +12,10 @@
 also ignore the current <em>geographic region</em>
 and <em>mask</em>.
-The <em><b>nv</b></em> parameter sets the string to be used to represent <tt>NULL</tt> 
+<p>The <em><b>nv</b></em> parameter sets the string to be used to represent <tt>NULL</tt> 
 values in the module output; the default is '*'.
-The <em><b>nsteps</b></em> parameter sets the number of quantisation steps to divide into 
+<p>The <em><b>nsteps</b></em> parameter sets the number of quantisation steps to divide into 
 the input raster map.
@@ -33,30 +30,25 @@
 report will generally run faster than the full list (the default output).
 The <b>-d</b> flag can be used to force <em>r.describe</em> to respect the current region
 extents when repoting raster map categories. The default behavior is to read the full 
 extent of the input raster map.
-If the <b>-1</b> flag is specified, the output appears with one category value/range per line.
+<p>If the <b>-1</b> flag is specified, the output appears with one category value/range per line.
-The <b>-n</b> flag suppresses the reporting of <tt>NULL</tt> values.
+<p>The <b>-n</b> flag suppresses the reporting of <tt>NULL</tt> values.
 The following examples are from the Spearfish60 sample Location:
 # Print the full list of raster map categories:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 r.describe landcover.30m 
 * 11 21-23 31 32 41-43 51 71 81-83 85 91 92
 # Print the raster range only:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 r.describe -r landcover.30m
@@ -70,7 +62,6 @@
 11 21-23 31 32 41-43 51 71 81-83 85 91 92
 # Print raster map categories, one category per line:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 r.describe -1 geology 
@@ -87,7 +78,6 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
@@ -105,5 +95,4 @@
 Michael Shapiro, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.digit/r.digit.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.digit/r.digit.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.digit/r.digit.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -17,14 +17,12 @@
 instructions is generated.  It is available for use as a
 mask, in analyses, and for display.
-The <b>bgcmd</b> option is intended to be used with display (d.*) commands.
+<p>The <b>bgcmd</b> option is intended to be used with display (d.*) commands.
 If several display commands are to be used to render the background
 they should be separated with the semi-colon ';' character.
 When run from the command line, these display commands will generally
 need to be "quoted" as they will contain spaces (see examples).
-Digitizing is done in a "polygon" method.  Each area is
+<p>Digitizing is done in a "polygon" method.  Each area is
 circumscribed completely.  Two or more overlapping areas and/or lines
 might define a single part of a map.  Each part of the map,
 however, is assigned only the LAST area or line which
@@ -37,7 +35,6 @@
 d.mon x0
 <h4>Digitizing an area based on a existing map; creating a new raster map</h4>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 r.digit out=name_of_new_raster_map bgcmd="d.rast map=name_of_raster"
@@ -59,7 +56,6 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
   <a href="wxGUI.Vector_Digitizing_Tool.html">wxGUI vector digitizer</a>
   <a href="d.graph.html">d.graph</a>,

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.distance/r.distance.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.distance/r.distance.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.distance/r.distance.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 The cell centers are considered for the distance calculation (two
 adjacent grid cells have the distance between their cell centers).
 The output is an ascii list, one line per pair of objects, in the following form:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -33,25 +32,20 @@
 The -l flag outputs the category labels of the matched raster objects at the 
 beginning of the line, if they exist.
 The -o flag reports zero distance if the input rasters are overlapping.
 The output format lends itself to filtering.  For example, to "see" lines
 connecting each of the category pairs in two maps, filter the output using
 awk and then into <em>d.graph</em>:
 <div class="code"><pre>r.distance maps=map1,map2 | \
 awk -F: '{print "move",$4,$5,"\ndraw",$6,$7}' | d.graph -m</pre></div>
-To create a vector map of all the "map1" coordinates, filter the output into
+<p>To create a vector map of all the "map1" coordinates, filter the output into
 awk and then into <em>v.in.ascii</em>:
 <div class="code"><pre>r.distance maps=map1,map2 | \
 <br>awk -F: '{print $4,$5}' | v.in.ascii format=point output=name fs=space</pre></div>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.drain/r.drain.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.drain/r.drain.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.drain/r.drain.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 <em>r.drain</em> traces a flow through a least-cost path in an elevation
 model. If the <b>input</b> surface (a raster map layer) is a cumulative 
 cost map generated by the <em><a href="r.walk.html">r.walk</a></em> or 
@@ -14,8 +13,7 @@
 By default, the <b>output</b> will be an integer CELL map with <tt>1</tt> 
 along the least cost path, and null cells elsewhere.
-With the <b>-c</b> (<em>copy</em>) flag, the input map cell values are
+<p>With the <b>-c</b> (<em>copy</em>) flag, the input map cell values are
 copied verbatim along the path. With the <b>-a</b> (<em>accumulate</em>)
 flag, the accumulated cell value from the starting point up to the current
 cell is written on output. With either the <b>-c</b> or the <b>-a</b> flags, the
@@ -25,15 +23,13 @@
 starting point to the final point.
 The <b>-c</b>, <b>-a</b>, and <b>-n</b> flags are mutually incompatible.
-For an elevation surface, the path is calculated by choosing the steeper 
+<p>For an elevation surface, the path is calculated by choosing the steeper 
 "slope" between adjacent cells. The slope calculation accurately acounts 
 for the variable scale in lat-lon projections. For a cost surface, the path
 is calculated by following the movement direction surface back to the start 
 point given in <em>r.walk</em> or <em>r.cost</em>.
-The <b>coordinate</b> parameter consists of map E and N grid coordinates of
+<p>The <b>coordinate</b> parameter consists of map E and N grid coordinates of
 a starting point. Each x,y pair is the easting and northing (respectively) of
 a starting point from which a least-cost corridor will be developed.
 The <b>vector_points</b> parameter can take multiple vector maps containing 
@@ -54,7 +50,6 @@
 fill in subbasins prior to processing with <em>r.drain</em>.
 <em>r.drain</em> will not give sane results at the region boundary. On outer rows
 and columns bordering the edge of the region, the flow direction is always directly out 
 of the map. In this case, the user could try adjusting the region extents slightly with 
@@ -83,14 +78,12 @@
 The user-provided starting location in the above example is 
 the boxed <b>19</b> in the left-hand map. The path in the output 
 shows the least-cost corridor for moving from the starting 
 box to the lowest (smallest) possible point. This is the path a raindrop 
 would take in this landscape.
 With the <b>-c</b> <em>(copy)</em> flag, you get the following result:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -114,7 +107,6 @@
 With the <b>-a</b> <em>(accumulate)</em> flag, you get the following result:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -136,7 +128,6 @@
 With the <b>-n</b> <em>(number)</em> flag, you get the following result:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -170,11 +161,9 @@
-Sometimes, when the differences among integer cell category values in the
+<p>Sometimes, when the differences among integer cell category values in the
 <em><a href="r.cost.html">r.cost</a></em> cumulative cost surface output are 
 small, this cumulative cost output cannot accurately be used as input to
 <em>r.drain</em> (<em>t.drain</em> will output bad results).
@@ -202,8 +191,7 @@
 Completely rewritten by Roger S. Miller, 2001
-July 2004 at WebValley 2004, error checking and vector points added by
+<p>July 2004 at WebValley 2004, error checking and vector points added by
 Matteo Franchi (Liceo Leonardo Da Vinci, Trento) and
 Roberto Flor (ITC-irst, Trento, Italy)

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.external/r.external.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.external/r.external.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.external/r.external.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -30,5 +30,4 @@
 Glynn Clements
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.external.out/r.external.out.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.external.out/r.external.out.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.external.out/r.external.out.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -39,5 +39,4 @@
 Glynn Clements
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.fill.dir/r.fill.dir.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.fill.dir/r.fill.dir.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.fill.dir/r.fill.dir.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 <em>r.fill.dir</em> filters and generates a depressionless
 elevation map and a flow direction map from a given raster elevation map.
@@ -14,13 +13,11 @@
 at 45 degree increments. The <i>grass</i> format gives the same category
 values as the <em><a href="r.slope.aspect.html">r.slope.aspect</a></em>
 The method adopted to filter the elevation map and rectify it is
 based on the paper titled "Software Tools to Extract Structure from Digital
 Elevation Data for Geographic Information System Analysis" by S.K. Jenson
 and J.O. Domingue (1988).
 The procedure takes an elevation layer as input and initially fills all the
 depressions with one pass across the layer. Next, the flow direction
 algorithm tries to find a unique direction for each cell. If the watershed
@@ -29,7 +26,6 @@
 technique used by the flow direction routine. The final output will be a
 depressionless elevation layer and a unique flow direction layer.
 This (D8) flow algorithm performs as follows: At each raster cell the code
 determines the slope to each of the 8 surrounding cells and assigns the flow
 direction to the highest slope out of the cell.  If there is more than one
@@ -40,14 +36,12 @@
 effectively propagating flow directions from areas where the directions are
 known into the area where the flow direction can't otherwise be resolved.
-The flow direction map can be encoded in either ANSWERS (Beasley et.al,
+<p>The flow direction map can be encoded in either ANSWERS (Beasley et.al,
 1982) or AGNPS (Young et.al, 1985) form, so that it can be readily used as
 input to these hydrologic models. The resulting depressionless elevation
 layer can further be manipulated for deriving slopes and other attributes
 required by the hydrologic models.
 In case of local problems, those unfilled areas can be stored optionally.
 Each unfilled area in this maps is numbered. The <b>-f</b> flag
 instructs the program to fill single-cell pits but otherwise to just find
@@ -59,13 +53,11 @@
 partially-fixed elevation map, identify the remaining problems and fix the
 problems appropriately.
 <em>r.fill.dir</em> is sensitive to the current window setting. Thus 
 the program can be used to generate a flow direction map for any 
 sub-area within the full map layer. Also, <em>r.fill.dir</em> is
 sensitive to any <em>mask</em> in effect.
 In some cases it may be necessary to run r.fill.dir repeatedly (using output
 from one run as input to the next run) before all of problem areas are
@@ -76,8 +68,7 @@
 r.fill.dir input=ansi.elev elevation=ansi.fill.elev direction=ansi.asp
-will create a depressionless (sinkless) elevation map ansi.fill.elev and a flow
+<p>will create a depressionless (sinkless) elevation map ansi.fill.elev and a flow
 direction map ansi.asp for the type "grass".
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
@@ -86,16 +77,12 @@
 <a href="r.fillnulls.html">r.fillnulls</a>,
 <a href="r.slope.aspect.html">r.slope.aspect</a></em>
-Beasley, D.B. and L.F. Huggins. 1982. ANSWERS (areal nonpoint source watershed environmental response simulation): User's manual. U.S. EPA-905/9-82-001, Chicago, IL, 54 p.
-Jenson, S.K., and J.O. Domingue. 1988. Extracting topographic structure from
+<p>Beasley, D.B. and L.F. Huggins. 1982. ANSWERS (areal nonpoint source watershed environmental response simulation): User's manual. U.S. EPA-905/9-82-001, Chicago, IL, 54 p.
+<p>Jenson, S.K., and J.O. Domingue. 1988. Extracting topographic structure from
 digital elevation model data for geographic information system analysis. Photogram. Engr. and Remote Sens. 54: 1593-1600.
-Young, R.A., C.A. Onstad, D.D. Bosch and W.P. Anderson. 1985. Agricultural nonpoint surface pollution models (AGNPS) I and II model documentation. St. Paul: Minn. Pollution control Agency and Washington D.C., USDA-Agricultural Research
+<p>Young, R.A., C.A. Onstad, D.D. Bosch and W.P. Anderson. 1985. Agricultural nonpoint surface pollution models (AGNPS) I and II model documentation. St. Paul: Minn. Pollution control Agency and Washington D.C., USDA-Agricultural Research
 Fortran version:
 Raghavan Srinivasan, Agricultural Engineering Department, Purdue

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.flow/r.flow.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.flow/r.flow.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.flow/r.flow.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -12,12 +12,10 @@
 densities (which are equal upslope contributed areas per unit width, when
 multiplied by resolution).
 Aspect used for input must follow the same rules as aspect computed
 in other GRASS programs (see <a href="v.surf.rst.html">v.surf.rst</a>
 or <a href="r.slope.aspect.html">r.slope.aspect</a>).
 Flowline output is given in a vector map <b>flowline</b>, (flowlines generated
 downhill). The line segments of flowline vectors have endpoints on edges
 of a grid formed by drawing imaginary lines through the centers of the
@@ -31,7 +29,6 @@
 A high <b>skip</b> usually speeds up processing time and often improves
 the readability of a visualization of <b>flowline</b>.
 Flowpath length output is given in a raster map <b>flowlength</b>. The value
 in each grid cell is the sum of the planar lengths of all segments of the
 flowline generated from that cell. If the flag <b>-3</b> is given, elevation
@@ -115,7 +112,6 @@
 <h3><b>Differences between <em>r.flow</em> and <em>r.flowmd</em></b></h3>
 <li> <em>r.flow</em> has an option to compute slope and aspect internally thus making

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.grow/r.grow.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.grow/r.grow.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.grow/r.grow.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 <em>r.grow</em> adds cells around the perimeters of all areas
 in a user-specified raster map layer and stores the output in
 a new raster map layer. The user can use it to grow by one or
@@ -17,7 +16,6 @@
 The <i>Euclidean distance</i> or <i>Euclidean metric</i> is the "ordinary" distance 
 between two points that one would measure with a ruler, which can be 
 proven by repeated application of the Pythagorean theorem. 
@@ -28,8 +26,7 @@
 Cells grown using this metric would form isolines of distance that are
 circular from a given point, with the distance given by the <b>radius</b>.
-The <i>Manhattan metric</i>, or <i>Taxicab geometry</i>, is a form of geometry in 
+<p>The <i>Manhattan metric</i>, or <i>Taxicab geometry</i>, is a form of geometry in 
 which the usual metric of Euclidean geometry is replaced by a new 
 metric in which the distance between two points is the sum of the (absolute) 
 differences of their coordinates. The name alludes to the grid layout of 
@@ -43,15 +40,13 @@
 where cells grown using this metric would form isolines of distance that are
 rhombus-shaped from a given point. 
-The <i>Maximum metric</i> is given by the formula
+<p>The <i>Maximum metric</i> is given by the formula
 <div class="code"><pre>d(dx,dy) = max(abs(dx),abs(dy))</pre></div>
 where the isolines of distance from a point are squares.
-If there are two cells which are equal candidates to grow into an empty space, 
+<p>If there are two cells which are equal candidates to grow into an empty space, 
 <em>r.grow</em> will choose the northernmost candidate; if there are multiple 
 candidates with the same northing, the westernmost is chosen. 
@@ -80,8 +75,7 @@
 <a href="r.patch.html">r.patch</a>
-<em><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_metric">Wikipedia Entry: Euclidean Metric</a></em><br>
+<p><em><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_metric">Wikipedia Entry: Euclidean Metric</a></em><br>
 <em><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manhattan_metric">Wikipedia Entry: Manhattan Metric</a></em>
@@ -89,8 +83,6 @@
 Marjorie Larson, 
 U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
-Glynn Clements
+<p>Glynn Clements
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.grow.distance/r.grow.distance.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.grow.distance/r.grow.distance.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.grow.distance/r.grow.distance.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 <em>r.grow.distance</em> generates raster maps representing the
 distance to the nearest non-null cell in the input map and/or the
 value of the nearest non-null cell.
@@ -12,7 +11,6 @@
 <i>Manhattan</i>, and <i>Maximum</i>.
 The <i>Euclidean distance</i> or <i>Euclidean metric</i> is the "ordinary" distance 
 between two points that one would measure with a ruler, which can be 
 proven by repeated application of the Pythagorean theorem. 
@@ -23,13 +21,11 @@
 Cells grown using this metric would form isolines of distance that are
 circular from a given point, with the distance given by the <b>radius</b>.
-The <i>Squared</i> metric is the <i>Euclidean</i> distance squared,
+<p>The <i>Squared</i> metric is the <i>Euclidean</i> distance squared,
 i.e. it simply omits the square-root calculation. This may be faster,
 and is sufficient if only relative values are required.
 The <i>Manhattan metric</i>, or <i>Taxicab geometry</i>, is a form of geometry in 
 which the usual metric of Euclidean geometry is replaced by a new 
 metric in which the distance between two points is the sum of the (absolute) 
@@ -45,7 +41,6 @@
 rhombus-shaped from a given point. 
 The <i>Maximum metric</i> is given by the formula
 <div class="code"><pre>d(dx,dy) = max(abs(dx),abs(dy))</pre></div>
@@ -71,7 +66,6 @@
 <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_metric">Wikipedia Entry:
     Euclidean Metric</a><br>
@@ -84,5 +78,4 @@
 Glynn Clements
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.gwflow/r.gwflow.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.gwflow/r.gwflow.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.gwflow/r.gwflow.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -4,11 +4,9 @@
 raster maps and the current region settings.
 All initial and boundary conditions must be provided as 
 raster maps. The unit in the location must be meters.
-This module is sensitive to mask settings. All cells which are outside the mask
+<p>This module is sensitive to mask settings. All cells which are outside the mask
 are ignored and handled as no flow boundaries.
 <img src=r_gwflow_concept.png border=0><br>
 <table border=0 width=700>
@@ -17,7 +15,6 @@
 <em>r.gwflow</em> calculates the piezometric head and optionally 
 the water budget and the filter velocity field,
 based on the hydraulic conductivity and the piezometric head. 
@@ -42,12 +39,9 @@
 linear equation system in form of <i>Ax = b</i>, which must be solved. The groundwater flow partial
 differential equation is of the following form:
-(dh/dt)*S = div (K grad h) + q
-In detail for 2 dimensions:
-(dh/dt)*S = Kxx * (d^2h/dx^2) + Kyy * (d^2h/dy^2) + q
+<p>(dh/dt)*S = div (K grad h) + q
+<p>In detail for 2 dimensions:
+<p>(dh/dt)*S = Kxx * (d^2h/dx^2) + Kyy * (d^2h/dy^2) + q
 <li>h -- the piezometric head im [m]</li>
@@ -58,14 +52,11 @@
 <li>q - inner source/sink in meter per second [1/s]</li>
-Confined and unconfined groundwater flow is supported. Be aware that the storativity input parameter
+<p>Confined and unconfined groundwater flow is supported. Be aware that the storativity input parameter
 is handled differently in case of unconfined flow. Instead of the storativity, the effective porosity is expected.
-To compute unconfined groundwater flow, a simple Picard based linearization scheme is used to
+<p>To compute unconfined groundwater flow, a simple Picard based linearization scheme is used to
 solve the resulting non-linear equation system.
-Two different boundary conditions are implemented, 
+<p>Two different boundary conditions are implemented, 
 the Dirichlet and Neumann conditions. By default the calculation area is surrounded by homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions.
 The calculation and boundary status of single cells must be set with a status map, 
 the following states are supportet:
@@ -153,8 +144,7 @@
 S&ouml;ren Gebbert
-This work is based on the Diploma Thesis of S&ouml;ren Gebbert available
+<p>This work is based on the Diploma Thesis of S&ouml;ren Gebbert available
 <a href="http://www.hydrogeologie.tu-berlin.de/fileadmin/fg66/_hydro/Diplomarbeiten/2007_Diplomarbeit_Soeren_Gebbert.pdf">here</a>
 at Technical University Berlin in Germany.

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.his/r.his.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.his/r.his.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.his/r.his.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
 user-specified raster map layers.
 The human brain automatically interprets the vast amount of
 visual information available according to basic rules. 
 Color, or <i>hue</i>, is used to categorize objects. 
@@ -21,7 +20,6 @@
 <i>hue</i>, <i>intensity</i>, and <i>saturation</i>.
 While any raster map layer can be used to represent the hue
 information, map layers with a few very distinct colors
 work best.  Only raster map layers representing
@@ -30,7 +28,6 @@
 intensity and saturation information.
 For example, a visually pleasing image can be made by using
 a watershed map for the <i>hue</i> factor, an aspect map
 for the <i>intensity</i> factor, and an elevation map for
@@ -74,7 +71,6 @@
 Either (but not both) of the intensity or the saturation
 map layers may be omitted. This means that it is possible
 to produce output images that represent combinations of

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.horizon/r.horizon.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.horizon/r.horizon.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.horizon/r.horizon.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@
 height in a specific direction. One raster is created for each direction.
-The directions are given as azimuthal angles (in degrees), with
+<p>The directions are given as azimuthal angles (in degrees), with
 the angle starting with 0 towards East and moving counterclockwise
 (North is 90, etc.). The calculation takes into account the actual
 projection, so the angles are corrected for direction distortions
@@ -27,14 +26,14 @@
 not applied. 
   <dd>Output horizon height in degrees (the default is radians)</dd>
-<H3>Input parameters:</H3>
+<h3>Input parameters:</h3>
 <p>The <I>elevin</I> parameter is an input elevation raster map. If
 the buffer options are used (see below), this raster should extend
 over the area that accommodate the presently defined region plus
@@ -91,8 +90,7 @@
 in the single point mode this option will be ignored. 
-At the moment the elevation and maximum distance must be measured in meters, 
+<p>At the moment the elevation and maximum distance must be measured in meters, 
 even if you use geographical coordinates (longitude/latitude). If your 
 projection is based on distance (easting and northing), these too must 
 be in meters. The buffer parameters must be in the same units as the 
@@ -138,9 +136,9 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="r.sun.html">r.sun</A>,
-<a href="r.sunmask.html">r.sunmask</A>,
-<a href="r.los.html">r.los</A></em>
+<a href="r.sun.html">r.sun</a>,
+<a href="r.sunmask.html">r.sunmask</a>,
+<a href="r.los.html">r.los</a></em>
@@ -153,39 +151,34 @@
 <a href="http://www.isess.org/papers.asp?year=2007">International Symposium on 
 Environmental Software Systems</a>, Prague, 2007
 <p>Neteler M., Mitasova H., 2004. Open Source GIS: A GRASS GIS
-Approach, <a href="http://www.springer.com/geography/gis+cartography/book/978-0-387-35767-6">Springer</A>, New York.
+Approach, <a href="http://www.springer.com/geography/gis+cartography/book/978-0-387-35767-6">Springer</a>, New York.
 ISBN: 1-4020-8064-6, 2nd Edition 2004 (reprinted 2005), 424 pages 
-<p>Project <a href="http://re.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pvgis/">PVGIS</A>, European 
+<p>Project <a href="http://re.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pvgis/">PVGIS</a>, European 
 Commission, DG Joint Research Centre 2001-2007
 <p>Suri M., Hofierka J., 2004.
 A New GIS-based Solar Radiation Model and Its Application for
 Photovoltaic Assessments. <a href="http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/toc.asp?ref=1361-1682">Transactions
-in GIS</A>, 8(2), 175-190
+in GIS</a>, 8(2), 175-190
-Thomas Huld, Joint Research Centre of
+<p>Thomas Huld, Joint Research Centre of
 the European Commission, Ispra, Italy 
-Tomas Cebecauer, Joint Research Centre
+<p>Tomas Cebecauer, Joint Research Centre
 of the European Commission, Ispra, Italy 
-Jaroslav Hofierka, GeoModel s.r.o.,
+<p>Jaroslav Hofierka, GeoModel s.r.o.,
 Bratislava, Slovakia <br>Marcel Suri, Joint Research Centre of the
 European Commission, Ispra, Italy
-&copy; 2007, Thomas Huld, Tomas Cebecauer, Jaroslav Hofierka, Marcel Suri 
+<p>&copy; 2007, Thomas Huld, Tomas Cebecauer, Jaroslav Hofierka, Marcel Suri 
-<ADDRESS STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.2in"><a href="mailto:Thomas.Huld at jrc.it">Thomas.Huld at jrc.it</A>
-<a href="mailto:Tomas.Cebecauer at jrc.it">Tomas.Cebecauer at jrc.it</A>
-<a href="mailto:hofi at geomodel.sk">hofierka at geomodel.sk</A>
-<a href="mailto:Marcel.Suri at jrc.it">Marcel.Suri at jrc.it</A> 
+<ADDRESS STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.2in"><a href="mailto:Thomas.Huld at jrc.it">Thomas.Huld at jrc.it</a>
+<a href="mailto:Tomas.Cebecauer at jrc.it">Tomas.Cebecauer at jrc.it</a>
+<a href="mailto:hofi at geomodel.sk">hofierka at geomodel.sk</a>
+<a href="mailto:Marcel.Suri at jrc.it">Marcel.Suri at jrc.it</a> 
-<I>Last changed: $Date$</I> 
+<p><I>Last changed: $Date$</I> 

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.in.arc/r.in.arc.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.in.arc/r.in.arc.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.in.arc/r.in.arc.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 from an ESRI ARC/INFO ascii GRID file with (optional) title.
 The ARC/INFO ascii GRID file header has 6 lines (last line optional):
 <div class="code"><pre>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.in.ascii/r.in.ascii.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.in.ascii/r.in.ascii.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.in.ascii/r.in.ascii.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -4,12 +4,10 @@
 layer from an ASCII raster input file with (optional) TITLE.
 The GRASS ASCII <b>input</b> file has a header section which describes
 the location and size of the data, followed by the data itself.
 The header has 6 lines: 
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -28,7 +26,6 @@
 The data which follows is <em>r</em> rows of <em>c</em> integers. 
 Optionally the following parameters can be defined in the header section:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -38,7 +35,6 @@
 "null" defines a string or number to be converted to NULL value (no
 "type" defines the data type (int, float double) and is not required.<br>
@@ -55,25 +51,21 @@
 SW value occurs at the beginning of the last line of data.
 The data (which follows the header section) must contain
 <tt>r</tt> <em>x</em> <tt>c</tt> values, but it is not necessary 
 that all the data for a row be on one line. A row may be 
 split over many lines. 
 <em>r.in.ascii</em> may import <i>integer</i>, <i>floating point</i>, or <i>double</i> cell 
 types using the <b>-i</b>, <b>-f</b>, and <b>-d</b> flags, respectively. 
 The header information in ESRI Raster ASCII files differs from GRASS.  
 To convert an Arc/Info (ArcView) ASCII grid file into GRASS, see 
 <em><a href="r.in.arc.html">r.in.arc</a></em>.
 SURFER (Golden Software) ASCII files may be imported by passing the <b>-s</b> flag.
@@ -118,5 +110,4 @@
 Michael Shapiro, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory<br>
 Surfer support by Roger Miller
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.in.bin/r.in.bin.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.in.bin/r.in.bin.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.in.bin/r.in.bin.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,17 +1,13 @@
 <em>r.in.bin</em> allows a user to create a (binary) GRASS raster map layer 
 from a variety of binary raster data formats. 
-The <b> -s</b> flag is used for importing two's-complement signed data.
-The <b> -h</b> flag is used to read region information from a Generic
+<p>The <b> -s</b> flag is used for importing two's-complement signed data.
+<p>The <b> -h</b> flag is used to read region information from a Generic
 Mapping Tools (GMT) type binary header. It is compatible with GMT binary
 grid types 1 and 2.
-The north, south, east, and west field values entered 
+<p>The north, south, east, and west field values entered 
 are the coordinates of the edges of the geographic region. 
 The rows and cols field values entered describe the dimensions 
 of the matrix of data to follow. If input is a
@@ -20,11 +16,9 @@
 If the bytes field is entered incorrectly an error will be generated
 suggesting a closer bytes value. 
-<em>r.in.bin</em> can be used to import numerous binary arrays including:
+<p><em>r.in.bin</em> can be used to import numerous binary arrays including:
 ETOPO30, ETOPO-5, ETOPO-2, Globe DEM, BIL, AVHRR and GMT binary arrays (ID 1 &amp; 2)
 If optional parameters are not supplied, <b>r.in.bin</b> attempts
@@ -35,14 +29,12 @@
 east, and west parameters are not entered, <b>r.in.bin</b> assigns 
 them from the rows and columns parameters. In the above AVHRR example, 
 the raster would be assigned a north=128, south=0, east=128, west=0.
-The geographic coordinates north, south, east, and west
+<p>The geographic coordinates north, south, east, and west
 describe the outer edges of the geographic region.  They
 run along the edges of the cells at the edge of the
 geographic region and <em>not</em> through the center of the cells
 at the edges.
-Eastern limit of geographic region (in projected coordinates must be east
+<p>Eastern limit of geographic region (in projected coordinates must be east
 of the west parameter value, but in geographical coordinates will wrap
 around the globe; user errors can be detected by comparing the <em>ewres</em> and
 <em>nsres</em> values of the imported map layer carefully).
@@ -51,13 +43,10 @@
 of the east parameter value, but in geographical coordinates will wrap
 around the globe; user errors can be detected by comparing the <em>ewres</em> and
 <em>nsres</em> values of the imported map layer carefully).
-Notes on (non)signed data:<p>
-If you use the -s flag the highest bit is the sign bit. If this is 1 the
+<p>Notes on (non)signed data:<p>If you use the -s flag the highest bit is the sign bit. If this is 1 the
 data is negative, and the data interval is half of the unsigned (not
-This flag is only used if <b>bytes=</b> 1. If <b>bytes=</b> is greater
+<p>This flag is only used if <b>bytes=</b> 1. If <b>bytes=</b> is greater
 than 1 the flag is ignored.
@@ -66,24 +55,20 @@
 The following is a sample call of <em>r.in.bin</em> to import  
 <a href="http://edcdaac.usgs.gov/gtopo30/gtopo30.asp">GTOPO30 DEM</a>
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 r.in.bin -sb input=E020N90.DEM output=gtopo30 bytes=2 north=90 south=40
 east=60 west=20 r=6000 c=4800
-(you can add "anull=-9999" if you want sea level to have a NULL value)
+<p>(you can add "anull=-9999" if you want sea level to have a NULL value)
 The following is a sample call of <em>r.in.bin</em> to import a GMT 
 type 1 (float) binary array:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 r.in.bin -hf input=sample.grd output=sample.grass
-(-b could be used to swap bytes if required)
+<p>(-b could be used to swap bytes if required)
 The following is a sample call of <em>r.in.bin</em> to import an AVHRR image:
@@ -96,8 +81,7 @@
 The following is a sample call of <em>r.in.bin</em> to import 
 <a href="http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/image/2minrelief.html">ETOPO2 DEM</a> data (here full data set):
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 r.in.bin ETOPO2.dos.bin out=ETOPO2min r=5400 c=10800 n=90 s=-90 w=-180 e=180 bytes=2
 r.colors ETOPO2min rules=terrain
@@ -105,8 +89,7 @@
 <h3>TOPEX/SRTM30 PLUS</h3>
 The following is a sample call of <em>r.in.bin</em> to import 
 <a href="http://topex.ucsd.edu/WWW_html/srtm30_plus.html">SRTM30 PLUS</a> data:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 r.in.bin -sb input=e020n40.Bathmetry.srtm output=e020n40_topex \
          bytes=2 north=40 south=-10 east=60 west=20 r=6000 c=4800
 r.colors e020n40_topex rules=etopo2

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.in.gdal/r.in.gdal.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.in.gdal/r.in.gdal.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.in.gdal/r.in.gdal.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -20,9 +20,7 @@
 <h3>GDAL supported raster formats</h3>
 Full details on GDAL supported formats are available at:<p>
 <a href="http://www.gdal.org/formats_list.html">http://www.gdal.org/formats_list.html</a><p>
 Selected formats of more than 80 supported formats:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -88,13 +86,11 @@
 match current location</tt>) and then report the PROJ_INFO parameters of
 the source dataset.
-If the user wishes to ignore the difference between the apparent coordinate
+<p>If the user wishes to ignore the difference between the apparent coordinate
 system of the source data and the current location, they may pass the 
 <b>-o</b> flag to override the projection check. 
 If the user wishes to import the data with the full projection definition,
 it is possible to have r.in.gdal automatically create a new location based
 on the projection and extents of the file being read.  This is accomplished
@@ -103,8 +99,7 @@
 created (with only a PERMANENT mapset), and the raster will have been
 imported with the indicated <b>output</b> name into the PERMANENT mapset.
-Support for GCPs: In case the image contains GCPs they are written to a
+<p>Support for GCPs: In case the image contains GCPs they are written to a
 POINTS file within an imagery group. They can directly be used for 
 <a href=i.rectify.html>i.rectify</a>. The <b>target</b> option allows to
 automatically re-project the GCPs from their own projection into another
@@ -116,12 +111,10 @@
 Import of large files can be significantly faster when setting <b>memory</b> to
 the size of the input file.
-The <em>r.in.gdal</em> command does support the following features, as long as 
+<p>The <em>r.in.gdal</em> command does support the following features, as long as 
 the underlying format driver supports it:
 <dt> Color Table
@@ -169,8 +162,7 @@
-Planned improvements to <em>r.in.gdal</em> in the future include support for
+<p>Planned improvements to <em>r.in.gdal</em> in the future include support for
 reporting everything known about a dataset if the <b>output</b> parameter is not set.
 <h3>Error Messages</h3>
@@ -186,8 +178,7 @@
 gdalwarp rotated.tif northup.tif
-<i>"ERROR: Projection of dataset does not appear to match the current location."</i><br>
+<p><i>"ERROR: Projection of dataset does not appear to match the current location."</i><br>
 You need to create a location whose projection matches the data you
 wish to import. Try using <b>location</b> parameter to create a new
@@ -195,8 +186,7 @@
 you can then re-project it to another location with <em>r.proj</em>.
 Alternatively you can override this error by using the <b>-o</b> flag.
-<i>"WARNING: G_set_window(): Illegal latitude for North"</i><br>
+<p><i>"WARNING: G_set_window(): Illegal latitude for North"</i><br>
 Latitude/Longitude locations in GRASS can not have regions which exceed
 90&deg; North or South. Non-georeferenced imagery will have coordinates
@@ -326,5 +316,4 @@
 <a href="http://home.gdal.org/warmerda/">Frank Warmerdam</a>
  (<a href="mailto:warmerdam AT pobox dot com">email</a>).
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.in.gridatb/r.in.gridatb.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.in.gridatb/r.in.gridatb.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.in.gridatb/r.in.gridatb.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 <em>r.in.gridatb</em> imports GRIDATB.FOR map file (TOPMODEL) into GRASS
 raster map.

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.in.lidar/r.in.lidar.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.in.lidar/r.in.lidar.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.in.lidar/r.in.lidar.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,13 +5,11 @@
 methods in creating the new raster. Gridded data provided as a stream of
 x,y,z points may also be imported.
 <em>r.in.lidar</em> is designed for processing massive point cloud datasets,
 for example raw LIDAR or sidescan sonar swath data. It has been tested with
 datasets as large as tens of billion of points (705GB in a single file).
  <!-- Doug Newcomb, US Fish & Wildlife Service -->
 Available statistics for populating the raster are:<br>
@@ -79,7 +77,6 @@
  but for the aggregate fns it will also depend on the number of data points. (?) -->
 The default map <b>type</b>=<tt>FCELL</tt> is intended as compromise between
 preserving data precision and limiting system resource consumption.
@@ -106,7 +103,6 @@
 If you only intend to interpolate the data with <em>r.to.vect</em> and
 <em>v.surf.rst</em>, then there is little point to setting the region
 resolution so fine that you only catch one data point per cell -- you might
@@ -119,26 +115,22 @@
 points falling <em>exactly</em> on the southern region bound.
 (to capture those adjust the region with "<tt>g.region s=s-0.000001</tt>";
 see <em>g.region</em>)
-Blank lines and comment lines starting with the hash symbol (<tt>#</tt>)
+<p>Blank lines and comment lines starting with the hash symbol (<tt>#</tt>)
 will be skipped.
 The <b>zrange</b> parameter may be used for filtering the input data by
 vertical extent. Example uses might include preparing multiple raster
 sections to be combined into a 3D raster array with <em>r.to.rast3</em>, or
 for filtering outliers on relatively flat terrain.
 In varied terrain the user may find that <em>min</em> maps make for a good
 noise filter as most LIDAR noise is from premature hits. The <em>min</em> map
 may also be useful to find the underlying topography in a forested or urban
 environment if the cells are over sampled.
 The user can use a combination of <em>r.in.lidar</em> <b>output</b> maps to create
 custom filters. e.g. use <em>r.mapcalc</em> to create a <tt>mean-(2*stddev)</tt>
 map. [In this example the user may want to include a lower bound filter in
@@ -158,7 +150,6 @@
 and adjust bounds and/or resolution as needed before proceeding.
 Typical commands to create a DEM using a regularized spline fit:
 <div class="code"><pre>
   r.univar lidar_min
@@ -176,8 +167,7 @@
 This example is analogous to the example used in the GRASS wiki page for
 <a href="http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/LIDAR#Import_LAS_as_raster_DEM">importing LAS as raster DEM</a>.
-The sample LAS data are in the file "Serpent Mound Model LAS Data.las", 
+<p>The sample LAS data are in the file "Serpent Mound Model LAS Data.las", 
 available at 
 <a href="http://www.appliedimagery.com/downloads/sampledata/Serpent%20Mound%20Model%20LAS%20Data.las">appliedimagery.com</a>
@@ -257,8 +247,7 @@
 <a href="v.outlier.html">v.outlier</a>,
 <a href="v.surf.bspline.html">v.surf.bspline</a>
-<i><a href="http://www.ivarch.com/programs/pv.shtml">pv</a></i>
+<p><i><a href="http://www.ivarch.com/programs/pv.shtml">pv</a></i>
  - The UNIX pipe viewer utility
@@ -269,5 +258,4 @@
 based on r.in.xyz by Hamish Bowman and Volker Wichmann<br>
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.in.mat/r.in.mat.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.in.mat/r.in.mat.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.in.mat/r.in.mat.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -121,8 +121,7 @@
 <a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</a>,
 <a href="r.null.html">r.null</a>.
 The <a href="http://www.octave.org">Octave</a> project

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.in.png/r.in.png.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.in.png/r.in.png.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.in.png/r.in.png.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -16,5 +16,4 @@
 Alex Shevlakov
 Glynn Clements
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.in.poly/r.in.poly.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.in.poly/r.in.poly.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.in.poly/r.in.poly.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,19 +1,16 @@
 <em>r.in.poly</em> allows the creation of GRASS binary
 raster maps from ASCII files in the current directory
 containing polygon, linear, and point features.
 The <b>input</b> file is an ASCII text file containing the
 polygon, linear, and point feature definitions.
 The format of this file is described in the
 <a href="#format.html"><i>INPUT FORMAT</i></a> section below.
 The number of raster <b>rows</b> to hold in memory is per default 4096.
 This parameter allows users with less memory (or more) on their
 system to control how much memory <em>r.in.poly</em> uses.
@@ -23,19 +20,16 @@
 The data will be imported using the current region settings to set the
 new raster map's bounds and resolution. Any features falling outside
 the current region will be cropped. The region settings are contolled
 with the <em>g.region</em> module.
 The format is a simplified version of the standard GRASS vector ASCII
 format used by <em>v.in.ascii</em>.
 Polygons are filled, i.e. they define an area.
 <A NAME="format.html"></a>
@@ -113,5 +107,4 @@
 Michael Shapiro, U.S.Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.in.xyz/r.in.xyz.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.in.xyz/r.in.xyz.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.in.xyz/r.in.xyz.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,13 +5,11 @@
 methods in creating the new raster. Gridded data provided as a stream of
 x,y,z points may also be imported.
 <em>r.in.xyz</em> is designed for processing massive point cloud datasets,
 for example raw LIDAR or sidescan sonar swath data. It has been tested with
 datasets as large as tens of billion of points (705GB in a single file).
  <!-- Doug Newcomb, US Fish & Wildlife Service -->
 Available statistics for populating the raster are:<br>
@@ -79,7 +77,6 @@
  but for the aggregate fns it will also depend on the number of data points. (?) -->
 The default map <b>type</b>=<tt>FCELL</tt> is intended as compromise between
 preserving data precision and limiting system resource consumption.
 If reading data from a <tt>stdin</tt> stream, the program can only run using
@@ -108,7 +105,6 @@
 If you only intend to interpolate the data with <em>r.to.vect</em> and
 <em>v.surf.rst</em>, then there is little point to setting the region
 resolution so fine that you only catch one data point per cell -- you might
@@ -121,26 +117,22 @@
 points falling <em>exactly</em> on the southern region bound.
 (to capture those adjust the region with "<tt>g.region s=s-0.000001</tt>";
 see <em>g.region</em>)
-Blank lines and comment lines starting with the hash symbol (<tt>#</tt>)
+<p>Blank lines and comment lines starting with the hash symbol (<tt>#</tt>)
 will be skipped.
 The <b>zrange</b> parameter may be used for filtering the input data by
 vertical extent. Example uses might include preparing multiple raster
 sections to be combined into a 3D raster array with <em>r.to.rast3</em>, or
 for filtering outliers on relatively flat terrain.
 In varied terrain the user may find that <em>min</em> maps make for a good
 noise filter as most LIDAR noise is from premature hits. The <em>min</em> map
 may also be useful to find the underlying topography in a forested or urban
 environment if the cells are over sampled.
 The user can use a combination of <em>r.in.xyz</em> <b>output</b> maps to create
 custom filters. e.g. use <em>r.mapcalc</em> to create a <tt>mean-(2*stddev)</tt>
 map. [In this example the user may want to include a lower bound filter in
@@ -166,7 +158,6 @@
 and adjust bounds and/or resolution as needed before proceeding.
 Typical commands to create a DEM using a regularized spline fit:
 <div class="code"><pre>
   r.univar lidar_min
@@ -260,8 +251,7 @@
 <a href="v.outlier.html">v.outlier</a>,
 <a href="v.surf.bspline.html">v.surf.bspline</a>
-<i><a href="http://www.ivarch.com/programs/pv.shtml">pv</a></i>
+<p><i><a href="http://www.ivarch.com/programs/pv.shtml">pv</a></i>
  - The UNIX pipe viewer utility
@@ -277,5 +267,4 @@
 <i>median, percentile, skewness</i> and <i>trimmed mean</i>.
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.info/r.info.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.info/r.info.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.info/r.info.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 The user can save the tabular output to a file 
 by using the UNIX redirection mechanism (&gt;); for example, the user 
 might save a report on the <em>soils</em> map layer in a file called 
@@ -28,14 +27,12 @@
 with an accurate number. This is only cosmetic.
 Some standards (ISO-C90) and compilers do not support the 'long long' type 
 as a 64-bit type. In the case that GRASS was built with such a compiler, 
 an accuracy message may be displayed in the output of <em>r.info</em> 
 after Total Cells:
 Below is a full report produced by <em>r.info</em> for the raster map 

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.kappa/r.kappa.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.kappa/r.kappa.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.kappa/r.kappa.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
 <em>r.kappa</em> tabulates the error matrix of classification result by
 crossing classified map layer with respect to reference map layer.  Both
 overall <em>kappa</em> (accompanied by its <em>variance</em>) and
 conditional <em>kappa</em> values are calculated.  This analysis program
 respects the current geographic region and mask settings.
-<em>r.kappa</em> calculates the error matrix of the
+<p><em>r.kappa</em> calculates the error matrix of the
 two map layers and prepares the table from which the report
 is to be created.  <em>kappa</em> values for overall and
 each classes are computed along with their variances. Also
@@ -16,14 +14,12 @@
 counts and percentage of overall correctly classified
 pixels are tabulated.
-The report will be write to an output file which is in
+<p>The report will be write to an output file which is in
 plain text format and named by user at prompt of running
 the program.
-The body of the report is arranged in panels.  The
+<p>The body of the report is arranged in panels.  The
 classified result map layer categories is arranged along
 the vertical axis of the table, while the reference map
 layer categories along the horizontal axis.  Each panel has
@@ -45,7 +41,6 @@
 information for each and every category.
 <em>NA</em>'s in output file mean non-applicable in case
 <em>MASK</em> exists.

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.lake/r.lake.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.lake/r.lake.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.lake/r.lake.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -18,8 +18,7 @@
 <p>The water level must be in DEM units.
-The seed (starting) point can be a raster map with at least one
+<p>The seed (starting) point can be a raster map with at least one
 cell value greater than zero, or a seed point can be specified as an E,
 N coordinate pair. If the seed is specified as a coordinate pair, an additional
 check is done to make sure that the target water level is above the level of 
@@ -29,7 +28,6 @@
 as a seed map for a new run to simulate rising water levels.
 The module will create a new map (<b>lake=foo</b>) or can be set to replace
 the input (<b>seed=bar</b>) map if the <b>-o</b> flag is used.  The user can use
 <b>-o</b> flag to create animations of rising water level without
@@ -38,7 +36,6 @@
 water levels maps (i.e., a single file serves for both input and output).
 Negative output (the <b>-n</b> flag) is useful for visualisations in NVIZ. 
 It equals the mapcalc's expression <em>"negative = 0 - positive"</em>.
@@ -63,8 +60,7 @@
   if(isnull(${seedmap}[-1,-1]),0, ${seedmap}[-1,-1]>0 && ${wlevel}>${dem}),\
  ${wlevel}-${dem}, null() )))
-The ${seedmap} variable is replaced by seed map names, ${dem} with DEM map name, and
+<p>The ${seedmap} variable is replaced by seed map names, ${dem} with DEM map name, and
 ${wlevel} with target water level.  To get single water level, this code block is
 called with same level numerous times (in a loop) as the lake grows by single cells
 during single run.

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.li/r.li.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.li/r.li.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.li/r.li.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -21,8 +21,7 @@
 It aims at replacing the <em>r.le</em> suite of modules through a client-server,
 multiprocess implementation. External software for quantitative measures of landscape
 structure is for example FRAGSTATS (McGarigal and Marks 1995).
-The <em>r.li</em> suite offers a set of patch and diversity indices.
+<p>The <em>r.li</em> suite offers a set of patch and diversity indices.
 It supports analysis of landscapes composed of a mosaic of
 patches, but, more generally, the modules work with any two-dimensional
 raster map whose cell values are integer (e.g., 1, 2) or floating point
@@ -35,15 +34,13 @@
 at a variety of spatial scales simultaneously. Sampling areas may be
 distributed across the landscape in a random, systematic, or
 stratified-random manner, or as a moving window.
-The <em>r.li</em> modules can calculate a number of measures that produce
+<p>The <em>r.li</em> modules can calculate a number of measures that produce
 single values as output (e.g. mean patch size in the sampling area),
 as well as measures that produce a distribution of values as output
 (e.g. frequency distribution of patch sizes in the sampling area). The
 results are stored as raster maps.
-The general procedure to calculate an index from a raster map is two-fold:
+<p>The general procedure to calculate an index from a raster map is two-fold:
 <li>run <em>r.li.setup</em>: create a configuration file selecting the parts of
@@ -181,11 +178,9 @@
 University of Pisa (Italy). <br>
 Commission from Faunalia Pontedera (PI)<br>
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
-<a href="index.html">Main index</a> - <a href="raster.html">raster index</a>
+<p><a href="index.html">Main index</a> - <a href="raster.html">raster index</a>
   - <a href="full_index.html">Full index</a>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.los/r.los.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.los/r.los.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.los/r.los.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 <em>r.los</em> generates a raster output map in which the cells that are
 visible from a user-specified observer position are marked with the
 vertical angle (in degrees) required to see those cells (viewshed).
@@ -9,15 +8,13 @@
 The angle to the cell containing the viewing position is undefined
 and set to 180.
-To run <em>r.los</em>, the user must specify at least 
+<p>To run <em>r.los</em>, the user must specify at least 
 an <b>input</b> map name, <b>output</b> map name, and the geographic 
 <b>coordinate</b>s of the user's viewing location; 
 any remaining parameters whose values are unspecified 
 will be set to their default values (see below). 
-The <b>patt_map</b> is the name of a binary (1/0) raster map layer in which
+<p>The <b>patt_map</b> is the name of a binary (1/0) raster map layer in which
 cells within the areas of interest are assigned the category value '1', and
 all other cells are assigned the category value '0' or NULL. If this parameter is
 omitted, the analysis will be performed for the whole area within a certain
@@ -26,11 +23,9 @@
 Default: assign all cells that are within the <b>max_dist</b> and within
 the user's current geographic region boundaries a value of 1.
-The <b>obs_elev</b> parameter defines the height of the observer (in
+<p>The <b>obs_elev</b> parameter defines the height of the observer (in
 meters) above the viewing point's elevation.
 The <b>max_dist</b> parameter is the maximum distance (in meters) from the
 viewing point inside of which the line of sight analysis will be performed.
 The cells outside this distance range are assigned a NULL value.
@@ -42,18 +37,15 @@
 geographic region set equal to the resolution of the data 
 (see <em><a href="g.region.html">g.region</a></em>).
-The time to complete the calculation increases dramatically with the region size.
+<p>The time to complete the calculation increases dramatically with the region size.
 Try to keep the columns and rows under 1000.
-It is advisable to use a 'pattern layer' which identifies
+<p>It is advisable to use a 'pattern layer' which identifies
 the areas of interest in which the line of sight analysis
 is required.  Such a measure will reduce the time taken by
 the program to run.
-The curvature of the Earth is not taken into account for these calculations.
+<p>The curvature of the Earth is not taken into account for these calculations.
 However, for interest's sake, a handy calculation for distance to the true horizon
 is approximated by <i>d = sqrt(13*h)</i> where <i>h</i> is the height of the observer
 in meters (above sea level) and <i>d</i> is the distance to the horizon in km.
@@ -94,5 +86,4 @@
 Kewan Q. Khawaja, Intelligent Engineering Systems Laboratory, M.I.T.
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.mapcalc/r.mapcalc.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.mapcalc/r.mapcalc.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.mapcalc/r.mapcalc.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -7,10 +7,8 @@
 <h3>PROGRAM USE</h3>
 <em>r.mapcalc</em> expects its input to have the form:
-<b>result =</b><em> expression</em>
-where <em>result</em> is the name of a raster map layer
+<p><b>result =</b><em> expression</em>
+<p>where <em>result</em> is the name of a raster map layer
 to contain the result of the calculation and
 <em>expression</em> is any legal arithmetic expression involving existing
 raster map layers, integer or floating point constants,
@@ -18,7 +16,6 @@
 Parentheses are allowed in the expression and may be nested to any depth.
 <em>result</em> will be created in the user's current mapset.
 As <em>expression=</em> is the first option, it is the default. This
 means that passing an expression on the command line is possible
 as long as the expression is quoted and a space is included before the
@@ -66,17 +63,14 @@
-The formula entered to <em>r.mapcalc</em> by the user is recorded both in the
+<p>The formula entered to <em>r.mapcalc</em> by the user is recorded both in the
 <em>result</em> map title (which appears in the category file for <em>result</em>)
 and in the history file for <em>result</em>.
-Some characters have special meaning to the command shell. If the user
+<p>Some characters have special meaning to the command shell. If the user
 is entering input to <em>r.mapcalc</em> on the command line, expressions
 should be enclosed within single quotes.  See NOTES, below.
 The following operators are supported:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -109,88 +103,66 @@
      ?:         conditional                Logical      1
 (modulus is the remainder upon division)
-[1] The &amp;&amp;&amp; and ||| operators handle null values differently to other
+<p>[1] The &amp;&amp;&amp; and ||| operators handle null values differently to other
 operators. See the section entitled <b>NULL support</b> below for more
-The operators are applied from left to right, with those of higher precedence
+<p>The operators are applied from left to right, with those of higher precedence
 applied before those with lower precedence.
 Division by 0 and modulus by 0 are acceptable and give a NULL result.
 The logical operators give a 1 result if the comparison is true, 0 otherwise.
 Anything in the expression which is not a number, operator, or function name
 is taken to be a raster map layer name.
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
-Most GRASS raster map layers meet this naming convention.
+<p>Most GRASS raster map layers meet this naming convention.
 However, if a raster map layer has a name which conflicts with the
 above rule, it should be quoted.  For example, the expression
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 x = a-b
-would be interpreted as:  x equals a minus b, whereas
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p>would be interpreted as:  x equals a minus b, whereas
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 x = "a-b"
-would be interpreted as:  x equals the raster map layer named <em>a-b</em>
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p>would be interpreted as:  x equals the raster map layer named <em>a-b</em>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 x = 3107
-would create <em>x</em> filled with the number 3107, while
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p>would create <em>x</em> filled with the number 3107, while
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 x = "3107"
-would copy the raster map layer <em>3107</em> to the raster map layer <em>x</em>.
+<p>would copy the raster map layer <em>3107</em> to the raster map layer <em>x</em>.
-Quotes are not required unless the raster map layer names
+<p>Quotes are not required unless the raster map layer names
 look like numbers or contain operators, OR unless the program
 is run non-interactively.  Examples given here assume the
 program is run interactively.  See NOTES, below.
-<em>r.mapcalc</em> will look for the raster map layers according to the
+<p><em>r.mapcalc</em> will look for the raster map layers according to the
 user's current mapset search path.
 It is possible to override the search path and specify the mapset
 from which to select the raster map layer.
 This is done by specifying the raster map layer name in the form:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 name at mapset
-For example, the following is a legal expression:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p>For example, the following is a legal expression:
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 result = x at PERMANENT / y at SOILS
-The mapset specified does not have to be in the mapset search path.
+<p>The mapset specified does not have to be in the mapset search path.
 (This method of overriding the mapset search path is common to all
 GRASS commands, not just <em>r.mapcalc</em>.)
 Maps and images are data base files stored in raster format, i.e.,
 two-dimensional matrices of integer values.
@@ -205,18 +177,15 @@
 map or across multiple maps.
 Sometimes it is desirable to use a value associated with a category's
 <em>label</em> instead of the category value itself.  If a raster
 map layer name is preceded by the <b>@</b>
 operator, then the labels in the category file for the raster map layer
 are used in the expression instead of the category value.
-For example, suppose that the raster map layer <em>soil.ph</em>
+<p>For example, suppose that the raster map layer <em>soil.ph</em>
 (representing soil pH values) has a category file with labels as follows:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 cat     label
 0       no data
@@ -228,17 +197,13 @@
 6       8.8
 7       9.4
-Then the expression:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p>Then the expression:
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 result = @soils.ph
-would produce a result with category values
+<p>would produce a result with category values
 0, 1.4, 2.4, 3.5, 5.8, 7.2, 8.8 and 9.4.
-Note that this operator may only be applied to raster map layers
+<p>Note that this operator may only be applied to raster map layers
 and produces a floating point value in the expression.
 Therefore, the category label must start with a valid number.
 If the category label is integer, it will be represented by
@@ -253,49 +218,36 @@
 (as with imagery data), or when the map category values represent real
 quantities (as when category values reflect true elevation values).
 Map color manipulation can also aid visual recognition, and map printing.
-The # operator can be used to either convert map category values to their
+<p>The # operator can be used to either convert map category values to their
 grey scale equivalents or to extract the red, green, or blue components
 of a raster map layer into separate raster map layers.
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 result = #map
-converts each category value in <em>map</em> to a value in the range 0-255 which
+<p>converts each category value in <em>map</em> to a value in the range 0-255 which
 represents the grey scale level implied by the color for the category.
 If the map has a grey scale color table, then the grey level is what
 #map evaluates to.  Otherwise, it is computed as:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
  0.10 * red + 0.81 * green + 0.01 * blue
-Alternatively, you can use:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p>Alternatively, you can use:
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 result = y#map
-to use the NTSC weightings:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p>to use the NTSC weightings:
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
  0.30 * red + 0.59 * green + 0.11 * blue
-Or, you can use:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p>Or, you can use:
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 result = i#map
-to use equal weightings:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p>to use equal weightings:
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
  0.33 * red + 0.33 * green + 0.33 * blue
-The # operator has three other forms:  r#map, g#map, b#map.
+<p>The # operator has three other forms:  r#map, g#map, b#map.
 These extract the red, green, or blue components in the named raster map,
 respectively.  The GRASS shell script <em><a href="r.blend.html">r.blend</a></em> extracts each of these
 components from two raster map layers, and combines them by a user-specified
@@ -304,29 +256,23 @@
 extract the red component from <em>map</em>
 and store it in the new 0-255 map layer <em>red</em>,
 the user could type:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 red = r#map
-To assign this map grey colors type:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p>To assign this map grey colors type:
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 <a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</a> map=red color=rules
-To assign this map red colors type:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p>To assign this map red colors type:
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 <a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</a> map=red color=rules
 The functions currently supported are listed in the table below.
 The type of the result is indicated in the last column.
@@ -337,8 +283,7 @@
 indicates that the result is float if any of the arguments to the function
 are floating point values and integer if all arguments are integer.
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 function                description                                     type
 abs(x)                  return absolute value of x                      *
@@ -401,12 +346,10 @@
 (truncated) integer, while division of floats results in an accurate
 floating point value.  With functions of type * (see table above),
 the result is float if any argument is float, integer otherwise.
-Note: If you calculate with integer numbers, the resulting map will
+<p>Note: If you calculate with integer numbers, the resulting map will
 be integer. If you want to get a float result, add the decimal point
 to integer number(s).
-If you want floating point division, at least one of the arguments has
+<p>If you want floating point division, at least one of the arguments has
 to be a floating point value. Multiplying one of them by 1.0 will
 produce a floating-point result, as will using float():
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -453,42 +396,34 @@
 pow(a,b) where a is negative and b is not an integer 
-NULL support: Please note that any math performed with NULL cells always
+<p>NULL support: Please note that any math performed with NULL cells always
 results in a NULL value for these cells. If you want to replace a NULL cell
 on-the-fly, use the isnull() test function in a if-statement.
-Example: The users wants the NULL-valued cells to be treated like zeros. To
+<p>Example: The users wants the NULL-valued cells to be treated like zeros. To
 add maps A and B (where B contains NULLs) to get a map C the user can use a
-construction like:<p>
-<div class="code"><pre>
+construction like:<p><div class="code"><pre>
 C = A + if(isnull(B),0,B)
-<b>NULL and conditions:</b>
-For the one argument form:
+<p><b>NULL and conditions:</b>
+<p>For the one argument form:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 if(x) = NULL		if x is NULL
 if(x) = 0		if x = 0
 if(x) = 1		otherwise (i.e. x is neither NULL nor 0).
-For the two argument form:
+<p>For the two argument form:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 if(x,a) = NULL		if x is NULL
 if(x,a) = 0		if x = 0
 if(x,a) = a		otherwise (i.e. x is neither NULL nor 0).
-For the three argument form:
+<p>For the three argument form:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 if(x,a,b) = NULL	if x is NULL
 if(x,a,b) = b		if x = 0
 if(x,a,b) = a		otherwise (i.e. x is neither NULL nor 0).
-For the four argument form:
+<p>For the four argument form:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 if(x,a,b,c) = NULL	if x is NULL
 if(x,a,b,c) = a		if x > 0
@@ -503,8 +438,7 @@
 The function isnull() returns 1 if its argument is NULL and 0 otherwise.
 If the user wants the opposite, the ! operator, e.g. "!isnull(x)" must be
-All forms of if() return NULL if the first argument is NULL. The 2, 3
+<p>All forms of if() return NULL if the first argument is NULL. The 2, 3
 and 4 argument forms of if() return NULL if the "selected" argument is
 NULL, e.g.:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -513,8 +447,7 @@
 eval() always returns its last argument, so it only returns NULL if
 the last argument is NULL.
-<b>Note</b>: The user cannot test for NULL using the == operator, as that
+<p><b>Note</b>: The user cannot test for NULL using the == operator, as that
 returns NULL if either or both arguments are NULL, i.e. if x and y are
 both NULL, then "x == y" and "x != y" are both NULL rather than 1 and
 0 respectively.
@@ -528,17 +461,14 @@
 Extra care must be taken if the expression is given on the command line.
 Some characters have special meaning to the UNIX shell.
 These include, among others:
-* ( ) &gt; &amp; |
-It is advisable to put single quotes around the expression; e.g.:
+<p>* ( ) &gt; &amp; |
+<p>It is advisable to put single quotes around the expression; e.g.:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 'result = elevation * 2'
 Without the quotes, the *, which has special meaning to the UNIX shell,
 would be altered and <em>r.mapcalc</em> would see something other than the *.
 In general, it's preferable to do as much as possible in each
 r.mapcalc command. E.g. rather than:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -546,8 +476,7 @@
         r.mapcalc "$GIS_OPT_OUTPUT.g = g#$GIS_OPT_FIRST * .$GIS_OPT_PERCENT + (1.0 - .$GIS_OPT_PERCENT) * g#$GIS_OPT_SECOND"
         r.mapcalc "$GIS_OPT_OUTPUT.b = b#$GIS_OPT_FIRST * .$GIS_OPT_PERCENT + (1.0 - .$GIS_OPT_PERCENT) * b#$GIS_OPT_SECOND"
 <div class="code"><pre>
 	r.mapcalc &lt;&lt;EOF
@@ -555,26 +484,21 @@
-as the latter will read each input map only once.
-For formulas that the user enters from standard input
+<p>as the latter will read each input map only once.
+<p>For formulas that the user enters from standard input
 (rather than from the command line), a line continuation feature now exists.
 If the user adds a backslash to the end of an input line, <em>r.mapcalc</em> assumes that
 the formula being entered by the user continues on to the next input line.
 There is no limit to the possible number of input lines
 or to the length of a formula.
-If the <em>r.mapcalc</em> formula entered by the user is very long,
+<p>If the <em>r.mapcalc</em> formula entered by the user is very long,
 the map title will contain only some of it, but most (if not all) of
 the formula will be placed into the history file for the <em>result</em> map.
-When the user enters input to <em>r.mapcalc</em> non-interactively on
+<p>When the user enters input to <em>r.mapcalc</em> non-interactively on
 the command line, the program will not warn the user not to overwrite
 existing map layers.  Users should therefore take care to assign program
 outputs raster map names that do not yet exist in their current mapsets.
-The environment variable GRASS_RND_SEED is read to initialise the
+<p>The environment variable GRASS_RND_SEED is read to initialise the
 random number generator.
@@ -640,18 +564,15 @@
 continuation lines, the error messages produced by <em>r.mapcalc</em> will
 be meaningless and the equation will not work as the user intended.
 This is important for the eval() function.
-<!-- STILL TRUE ??-->
+<p><!-- STILL TRUE ??-->
 Currently, there is no comment mechanism in <em>r.mapcalc</em>.
 Perhaps adding a capability that would cause the entire line to be
 ignored when the user inserted a # at the start of a line
 as if it were not present, would do the trick.
-The function should require the user to type "end" or "exit" instead
+<p>The function should require the user to type "end" or "exit" instead
 of simply a blank line. This would make separation of multiple scripts
 separable by white space.
-r.mapcalc does not print a warning in case of operations on NULL cells.
+<p>r.mapcalc does not print a warning in case of operations on NULL cells.
 It is left to the user to utilize the isnull() function.
@@ -664,12 +585,10 @@
 r.mapcalc Program Tutorial</a></b>, by Marji Larson, Michael Shapiro and Scott
 Tweddale, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (December
-Grey scale conversion is based on the C.I.E. x,y,z system where y represents
+<p>Grey scale conversion is based on the C.I.E. x,y,z system where y represents
 luminance.  See "Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing,"
 by Anil K. Jain (Prentice Hall, NJ, 1989; p 67).
 <a href="g.region.html">g.region</a>,
 <a href="r.bitpattern.html">r.bitpattern</a>,
 <a href="r.blend.html">r.blend</a>,
@@ -681,8 +600,6 @@
 Michael Shapiro, U.S.Army Construction Engineering 
 Research Laboratory
-Glynn Clements
+<p>Glynn Clements
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.mapcalc/r3.mapcalc.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.mapcalc/r3.mapcalc.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.mapcalc/r3.mapcalc.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -7,10 +7,8 @@
 <h2>PROGRAM USE</h2>
 <em>r3.mapcalc</em> expects its input to have the form:
-<b>result =</b><em> expression</em>
-where <em>result</em> is the name of a raster map layer
+<p><b>result =</b><em> expression</em>
+<p>where <em>result</em> is the name of a raster map layer
 to contain the result of the calculation and
 <em>expression</em> is any legal arithmetic expression involving existing
 raster map layers, integer or floating point constants,
@@ -18,7 +16,6 @@
 Parentheses are allowed in the expression and may be nested to any depth.
 <em>result</em> will be created in the user's current mapset.
 As <em>expression=</em> is the first option, it is the default. This
 means that passing an expression on the command line is possible
 as long as the expression is quoted and a space is included before the
@@ -66,17 +63,14 @@
-The formula entered to <em>r3.mapcalc</em> by the user is recorded both in the
+<p>The formula entered to <em>r3.mapcalc</em> by the user is recorded both in the
 <em>result</em> map title (which appears in the category file for <em>result</em>)
 and in the history file for <em>result</em>.
-Some characters have special meaning to the command shell. If the user
+<p>Some characters have special meaning to the command shell. If the user
 is entering input to <em>r3.mapcalc</em> on the command line, expressions
 should be enclosed within single quotes.  See NOTES, below.
 The following operators are supported:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -109,85 +103,63 @@
      ?:         conditional                Logical      1
 (modulus is the remainder upon division)
-[1] The &amp;&amp;&amp; and ||| operators handle null values differently to other
+<p>[1] The &amp;&amp;&amp; and ||| operators handle null values differently to other
 operators. See the section entitled <b>NULL support</b> below for more
-The operators are applied from left to right, with those of higher precedence
+<p>The operators are applied from left to right, with those of higher precedence
 applied before those with lower precedence.
 Division by 0 and modulus by 0 are acceptable and give a NULL result.
 The logical operators give a 1 result if the comparison is true, 0 otherwise.
 <h2>3D GRID NAMES</h2>
 Anything in the expression which is not a number, operator, or function
 name is taken to be a 3D grid name. Examples:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
-Most GRASS raster map layers and 3D grids meet this naming convention.
+<p>Most GRASS raster map layers and 3D grids meet this naming convention.
 However, if a 3D grid has a name which conflicts with the above rule, it
 should be quoted. For example, the expression
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 x = a-b
-would be interpreted as:  x equals a minus b, whereas
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p>would be interpreted as:  x equals a minus b, whereas
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 x = "a-b"
-would be interpreted as: x equals the 3D grid named <em>a-b</em>
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p>would be interpreted as: x equals the 3D grid named <em>a-b</em>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 x = 3107
-would create <em>x</em> filled with the number 3107, while
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p>would create <em>x</em> filled with the number 3107, while
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 x = "3107"
-would copy the 3D grid <em>3107</em> to the 3D grid <em>x</em>.
+<p>would copy the 3D grid <em>3107</em> to the 3D grid <em>x</em>.
-Quotes are not required unless the 3D grid names look like numbers or
+<p>Quotes are not required unless the 3D grid names look like numbers or
 contain operators, OR unless the program is run non-interactively. Examples
 given here assume the program is run interactively. See NOTES, below.
-<em>r3.mapcalc</em> will look for the 3D grids according to the user's
+<p><em>r3.mapcalc</em> will look for the 3D grids according to the user's
 current mapset search path. It is possible to override the search path
 and specify the mapset from which to select the 3D grid. This is done by
 specifying the 3D grid name in the form:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 name at mapset
-For example, the following is a legal expression:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p>For example, the following is a legal expression:
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 result = x at PERMANENT / y at SOILS
-The mapset specified does not have to be in the mapset search path. (This
+<p>The mapset specified does not have to be in the mapset search path. (This
 method of overriding the mapset search path is common to all GRASS commands,
 not just <em>r3.mapcalc</em>.)
 3D grids are data base files stored in voxel format, i.e., three-dimensional
 matrices of float/double values. In <em>r3.mapcalc</em>, 3D grids may be
@@ -205,7 +177,6 @@
 The functions currently supported are listed in the table below.
 The type of the result is indicated in the last column.
@@ -216,8 +187,7 @@
 indicates that the result is float if any of the arguments to the function
 are floating point values and integer if all arguments are integer.
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 function                description                                     type
 abs(x)                  return absolute value of x                      *
@@ -283,12 +253,10 @@
 (truncated) integer, while division of floats results in an accurate
 floating point value.  With functions of type * (see table above),
 the result is float if any argument is float, integer otherwise.
-Note: If you calculate with integer numbers, the resulting map will
+<p>Note: If you calculate with integer numbers, the resulting map will
 be integer. If you want to get a float result, add the decimal point
 to integer number(s).
-If you want floating point division, at least one of the arguments has
+<p>If you want floating point division, at least one of the arguments has
 to be a floating point value. Multiplying one of them by 1.0 will
 produce a floating-point result, as will using float():
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -335,42 +303,34 @@
 pow(a,b) where a is negative and b is not an integer 
-NULL support: Please note that any math performed with NULL cells always
+<p>NULL support: Please note that any math performed with NULL cells always
 results in a NULL value for these cells. If you want to replace a NULL cell
 on-the-fly, use the isnull() test function in a if-statement.
-Example: The users wants the NULL-valued cells to be treated like zeros. To
+<p>Example: The users wants the NULL-valued cells to be treated like zeros. To
 add maps A and B (where B contains NULLs) to get a map C the user can use a
-construction like:<p>
-<div class="code"><pre>
+construction like:<p><div class="code"><pre>
 C=A + if(isnull(B),0,B)
-<b>NULL and conditions:</b>
-For the one argument form:
+<p><b>NULL and conditions:</b>
+<p>For the one argument form:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 if(x) = NULL		if x is NULL
 if(x) = 0		if x = 0
 if(x) = 1		otherwise (i.e. x is neither NULL nor 0).
-For the two argument form:
+<p>For the two argument form:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 if(x,a) = NULL		if x is NULL
 if(x,a) = 0		if x = 0
 if(x,a) = a		otherwise (i.e. x is neither NULL nor 0).
-For the three argument form:
+<p>For the three argument form:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 if(x,a,b) = NULL	if x is NULL
 if(x,a,b) = b		if x = 0
 if(x,a,b) = a		otherwise (i.e. x is neither NULL nor 0).
-For the four argument form:
+<p>For the four argument form:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 if(x,a,b,c) = NULL	if x is NULL
 if(x,a,b,c) = a		if x > 0
@@ -385,8 +345,7 @@
 The function isnull() returns 1 if its argument is NULL and 0 otherwise.
 If the user wants the opposite, the ! operator, e.g. "!isnull(x)" must be
-All forms of if() return NULL if the first argument is NULL. The 2, 3
+<p>All forms of if() return NULL if the first argument is NULL. The 2, 3
 and 4 argument forms of if() return NULL if the "selected" argument is
 NULL, e.g.:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -395,8 +354,7 @@
 eval() always returns its last argument, so it only returns NULL if
 the last argument is NULL.
-<b>Note</b>: The user cannot test for NULL using the == operator, as that
+<p><b>Note</b>: The user cannot test for NULL using the == operator, as that
 returns NULL if either or both arguments are NULL, i.e. if x and y are
 both NULL, then "x == y" and "x != y" are both NULL rather than 1 and
 0 respectively.
@@ -465,28 +423,23 @@
 Extra care must be taken if the expression is given on the command line.
 Some characters have special meaning to the UNIX shell.
 These include, among others:
-* ( ) &gt; &amp; |
-It is advisable to put single quotes around the expression; e.g.:
+<p>* ( ) &gt; &amp; |
+<p>It is advisable to put single quotes around the expression; e.g.:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 'result = elevation * 2'
 Without the quotes, the *, which has special meaning to the UNIX shell,
 would be altered and <em>r3.mapcalc</em> would see something other than the *.
-For formulas that the user enters from standard input (rather than from
+<p>For formulas that the user enters from standard input (rather than from
 the command line), a line continuation feature now exists. If the user
 adds \e to the end of an input line, <em>r3.mapcalc</em> assumes that the
 formula being entered by the user continues on to the next input line.
 There is no limit to the possible number of input lines or to the length
 of a formula.
-If the <em>r3.mapcalc</em> formula entered by the user is very long, the
+<p>If the <em>r3.mapcalc</em> formula entered by the user is very long, the
 map title will contain only some of it, but most (if not all) of the formula
 will be placed into the history file for the <em>result</em> map.
-The environment variable GRASS_RND_SEED is read to initialise the
+<p>The environment variable GRASS_RND_SEED is read to initialise the
 random number generator.
@@ -496,18 +449,15 @@
 continuation lines, the error messages produced by <em>r3.mapcalc</em> will
 be meaningless and the equation will not work as the user intended.
 This is important for the eval() function.
-<!-- STILL TRUE ??-->
+<p><!-- STILL TRUE ??-->
 Currently, there is no comment mechanism in <em>r3.mapcalc</em>. Perhaps
 adding a capability that would cause the entire line to be ignored when
 the user inserted a # at the start of a line as if it were not present,
 would do the trick.
-The function should require the user to type "end" or "exit" instead
+<p>The function should require the user to type "end" or "exit" instead
 of simply a blank line. This would make separation of multiple scripts
 separable by white space.
-r3.mapcalc does not print a warning in case of operations on NULL cells.
+<p>r3.mapcalc does not print a warning in case of operations on NULL cells.
 It is left to the user to utilize the isnull() function.
@@ -520,8 +470,7 @@
 r.mapcalc Program Tutorial</a></b>, by Marji Larson, Michael Shapiro and Scott
 Tweddale, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (December
-<em><a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</a></em>
+<p><em><a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</a></em>
@@ -529,5 +478,4 @@
 <br><a href="mailto:tpaudits at mailbox.sk">tpaudits at mailbox.sk</a>,
 <a href="MAILTO:hofierka at geomodel.sk">hofierka at geomodel.sk</a>
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.mfilter/r.mfilter.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.mfilter/r.mfilter.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.mfilter/r.mfilter.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 <em>r.mfilter.fp</em> filters the raster <em>input</em> to produce the
 raster <em>output</em> according to the matrix <em>filter</em> designed
 by the user (see <em>FILTERS</em> below).
@@ -15,13 +14,11 @@
 the first filter will be changed.  In most cases this will NOT be the
 desired result. Hence -z should be used only with single step filters.
 The <b>filter</b> parameter defines the name of an existing, user-created
 UNIX ASCII file whose contents is a matrix defining the way in which the
 <em>input</em> file will be filtered. The format of this file is described
 below, under FILTERS.
 The <b>repeat</b> parameter defines the number of times the <em>filter</em>
 is to be applied to the <em>input</em> data.
@@ -68,20 +65,17 @@
 Sequential filtering happens in place.  As the filter is applied to the
 raster map layer, the category values that were changed in neighboring
 cells affect the resulting category value of the current
 cell being filtered.
-Parallel filtering happens in such a way that the original raster
+<p>Parallel filtering happens in such a way that the original raster
 map layer category values are used to produce the new category value.
-More than one filter may be specified in the filter file.
+<p>More than one filter may be specified in the filter file.
 The additional filter(s) are described just like the first.
 For example, the following describes two filters:
@@ -123,7 +117,6 @@
 If more than one filter step is specified, either because the
 repeat value was greater than one or because the filter file
 contained more than one matrix, these steps are performed
@@ -153,5 +146,4 @@
 Based upon r.mfilter, by Michael Shapiro,
 U.S.Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.mode/r.mode.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.mode/r.mode.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.mode/r.mode.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,18 +5,15 @@
 the same category value in the user-specified <em>base</em> raster map
 layer. These modes are stored in the new <em>output</em> map layer.
-The <em>output</em> map is actually a <em>reclass</em> of the <em>base</em>
+<p>The <em>output</em> map is actually a <em>reclass</em> of the <em>base</em>
-The <b>base</b> parameter defines an existing raster map layer in the user's
+<p>The <b>base</b> parameter defines an existing raster map layer in the user's
 current mapset search path. For each group of cells assigned the same
 category value in the <em>base</em> map, the mode of the values assigned
 these cells in the <em>cover</em> map will be computed.
-The <b>cover</b> parameter defines an existing raster map layer containing
+<p>The <b>cover</b> parameter defines an existing raster map layer containing
 the values to be used to compute the mode within each category of the
 <em>base</em> map.
@@ -29,8 +26,7 @@
 map layer is only valid if the geographic region and mask settings are
 the same as they were at the time that the result map was created.
-Results are affected by the current region settings and mask.
+<p>Results are affected by the current region settings and mask.

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.neighbors/r.neighbors.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.neighbors/r.neighbors.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.neighbors/r.neighbors.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
 The program will be run non-interactively if the user
 specifies program arguments (see OPTIONS) on the command
 line.  Alternately, the user can simply type
@@ -28,15 +27,13 @@
 <b>method</b> used to analyze neighborhood
 values (i.e., the neighborhood function or operation to be
 performed), and the <b>size</b> of the neighborhood.
-The user can optionally
+<p>The user can optionally
 specify a <b>selection</b> map, to compute new values only where the raster
 cells of the selection map are not NULL. In case of a NULL cells,
 the values from the input map are copied into the output map.
 This may useful to smooth only parts of an elevation map (pits, peaks, ...).
-<em>Example how to use a selection map with method=average:</em><br>
+<p><em>Example how to use a selection map with method=average:</em><br>
 input map:
 1 1  1 1 1
@@ -70,15 +67,13 @@
 1 1 1 1 1
-Optionally, the user can also specify the <b>TITLE</b> to
+<p>Optionally, the user can also specify the <b>TITLE</b> to
 be assigned to the raster map layer <b>output</b>, elect
 to not align the resolution of the output with that of the
 input (the <b>-a</b> option), and run <em><b>r.neighbors</b></em>
 with a custom matrix weights with the <em>weight</em> option.
 These options are described further below.
 <em>Neighborhood Operation Methods:</em>
 The <b>neighborhood</b> operators determine what new 
 value a center cell in a neighborhood will have after examining
@@ -87,8 +82,7 @@
 as the neighborhood window moves from cell to cell throughout the map layer.
 <em><b>r.neighbors</b></em> can perform the following operations:
@@ -169,8 +163,7 @@
 The result is rounded to the nearest integer (in this case 64).
 <em>Neighborhood Size:</em>
 The neighborhood <b>size</b> specifies which cells surrounding any given
@@ -185,7 +178,6 @@
 <em>Matrix weights:</em>
 A custom matrix can be used if none of the neighborhood operation
 methods are desirable by using the <b>weight</b>.  This option must
@@ -216,7 +208,6 @@
@@ -229,14 +220,12 @@
 By default, if unspecified,
 <em><b>r.neighbors</b></em> will align these geographic region settings.
 This flag will use a circular neighborhood for the moving analysis window,
 centered on the current cell. 
-The exact masks for the first few neighborhood sizes are as follows:
+<p>The exact masks for the first few neighborhood sizes are as follows:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 3x3     . X .		5x5	. . X . .	7x7	. . . X . . . 
         X O X			. X X X .		. X X X X X .
@@ -271,11 +260,9 @@
 original input and output resolutions which are not aligned by specifying
 this (e.g., using the <b>-a</b> option).
 <em><b>r.neighbors</b></em> doesn't propagate NULLs, but computes the
 aggregate over the non-NULL cells in the neighborhood.
 The <b>-c</b> flag and the <b>weights</b> parameter are mutually exclusive.  Any
 use of the two together will produce an error. Differently-shaped neighborhood
 analysis windows may be achieved by using the <b>weight=</b> parameter to
@@ -284,13 +271,11 @@
 that lies inside the neighborhood circle, effectively anti-aliasing the analysis
 For aggregates where a weighted calculation isn't meaningful
 (specifically: minimum, maximum, diversity and interspersion), the
 weights are used to create a binary mask, where zero causes the cell
 to be ignored and any non-zero value causes the cell to be used.
 <em><b>r.neighbors</b></em> copies the GRASS <em>color</em> files associated with
 the input raster map layer for those output map layers that are based
 on the neighborhood average, median, mode, minimum, and maximum.
@@ -318,5 +303,4 @@
 Michael Shapiro,
 U.S.Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory 
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>  
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>  

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.null/r.null.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.null/r.null.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.null/r.null.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,17 +6,14 @@
 converted to NULL). The module does not work with reclassified maps.
 The design is flexible. Ranges of values can be set to NULL and/or the NULL
 value can be eliminated and replace with a specified value.
 The <b>setnull</b> parameter is used to specify values in the ranges to
 be set to NULL.  A range is either a single value (e.g., 5.3), or a pair of
 values (e.g., 4.76-34.56).  Existing NULL-values are left NULL, unless the
 null argument is requested.
 The <b>null</b> parameter eliminates the NULL value and replaces it with
 value. This argument is applied only to existing NULL values, and not to the
 NULLs created by the setnull argument.
@@ -36,8 +33,7 @@
 Note that value is restricted to integer if the map is an integer map. 
-<em>r.null</em> and reclassified maps:<br>
+<p><em>r.null</em> and reclassified maps:<br>
 The problem is, if r.null was run on the reclass raster it would alter the
 original and any other reclass rasters of the original.  Therefore r.null 
 doesn't allow to recode reclassified maps (products of r.reclass).

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.out.arc/r.out.arc.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.out.arc/r.out.arc.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.out.arc/r.out.arc.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 <em>r.out.arc</em> converts a user-specified raster map layer
 (<b>input=</b><em>name</em>) into an ESRI ARC-GRID ascii file
 (<b>output=</b><em>name</em>) suitable for export to other computer systems. 
@@ -13,7 +12,6 @@
 The GRASS program <em><a href="r.in.arc.html">r.in.arc</a></em> can be used
 to perform the reverse function, converting an ESRI ARC-GRID ascii file in
 suitable format to GRASS raster map format. The order of cell values in
@@ -36,14 +34,11 @@
 Use the "Import to Raster" -> "ASCII to Grid" tool to create a binary grid 
 which can be selected using ArcCatalog. The spatial analyst extension may 
 need to be installed and activated within Arc.
-In ArcGIS 9.0 the import tool can be found at:<br>
+<p>In ArcGIS 9.0 the import tool can be found at:<br>
 ArcMap -> Toolbox -> Conversion Tools -> To Raster -> ASCII to Raster
-A GeoTIFF created with <em><a href="r.out.gdal.html">r.out.gdal</a></em> is
+<p>A GeoTIFF created with <em><a href="r.out.gdal.html">r.out.gdal</a></em> is
 sometimes a better solution for transferring raster maps to other GIS software.
-<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+<p><h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
 <em><a href="r.in.arc.html">r.in.arc</a></em><br>
 <em><a href="r.out.gdal.html">r.out.gdal</a></em><br>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.out.ascii/r.out.ascii.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.out.ascii/r.out.ascii.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.out.ascii/r.out.ascii.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,19 +6,15 @@
 other computer systems.
 The GRASS program <em><a href="r.in.ascii.html">r.in.ascii</a></em> can be
 used to perform the reverse function, converting an ASCII file in suitable
 format to GRASS raster map format.
-<!--With <b>-s</b> flag SURFER .grd ASCII GRID instead of GRASS ASCII GRID is
+<p><!--With <b>-s</b> flag SURFER .grd ASCII GRID instead of GRASS ASCII GRID is
 written (with reverted row order, different header).
-With <b>-m</b> flag MODFLOW (USGS) free-format array instead of GRASS ASCII
+<p>With <b>-m</b> flag MODFLOW (USGS) free-format array instead of GRASS ASCII
 GRID is written.-->
-To write a SURFER .grd ASCII GRID file (with reverted row order and different
+<p>To write a SURFER .grd ASCII GRID file (with reverted row order and different
 header) use the <em>-s</em> flag:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -39,8 +35,7 @@
 The output file out.file can then be printed or copied onto a CDROM
 or floppy disk for export purposes.
-To export the raster values as x,y,z values of cell centers (one per line)
+<p>To export the raster values as x,y,z values of cell centers (one per line)
 use the <em><a href="r.out.xyz.html">r.out.xyz</a></em> module.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
@@ -56,8 +51,6 @@
 Michael Shapiro,
 U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
-Surfer support by Markus Neteler
+<p>Surfer support by Markus Neteler
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.out.bin/r.out.bin.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.out.bin/r.out.bin.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.out.bin/r.out.bin.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
 grdinfo new.grd=1 (if float)
-Exported data can be piped directly into the GMT program xyz2grd.
+<p>Exported data can be piped directly into the GMT program xyz2grd.
 <div class="code"><pre>
 r.out.bin input=grass.raster output=- | xyz2grd -R....  -ZTLf -

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.out.gdal/r.out.gdal.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.out.gdal/r.out.gdal.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.out.gdal/r.out.gdal.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,23 +5,19 @@
 exported for a particular application, the application's native format
 would be preferrable. GeoTIFF is supported by a wide range of
 applications (see also <b>NOTES</b> on GeoTIFF below).
-To specify multiple creation options use a comma separated list
+<p>To specify multiple creation options use a comma separated list
-For possible <em>createopt</em> and <em>metaopt</em> parameters please
+<p>For possible <em>createopt</em> and <em>metaopt</em> parameters please
 consult the individual
 <a href="http://www.gdal.org/formats_list.html">supported formats</a>
 pages on the GDAL website.
 The <em>createopt</em> parameter may be used to create TFW or World files
-<em>r.out.gdal</em> also supports the export of multiband rasters as
+<p><em>r.out.gdal</em> also supports the export of multiband rasters as
 a group, when the imagery group's name is entered as input.
 (created imagery groups with the <em><a href="i.group.html">i.group</a></em>
-As with most GRASS raster modules, the current region extents and region
+<p>As with most GRASS raster modules, the current region extents and region
 resolution are used, and a MASK is respected if present.
 Use <em><a href="g.region.html">g.region</a></em>'s "align=", or "rast="
 options if you need to realign the region settings to match the original
@@ -33,7 +29,6 @@
 The set of <a href="http://www.gdal.org/formats_list.html">supported
 raster formats</a> written by <em>r.out.gdal</em> depends on the
 local GDAL installation. Available may be (incomplete list):<p>
   AAIGrid: Arc/Info ASCII Grid
   BMP: MS Windows Device Independent Bitmap
@@ -63,8 +58,7 @@
-Out of the GDAL data types, the closest match for GRASS CELL, FCELL and
+<p>Out of the GDAL data types, the closest match for GRASS CELL, FCELL and
 DCELL rasters are respectively Int32, Float32 and Float64. These are not
 exact equivalents, but they will preserve the maximum possible data range
 and number of decimal places for each respective GRASS raster data type.
@@ -93,26 +87,22 @@
   Float64, CFloat64	     -1.79E308         1.79E308
-If there is a need to keep file sizes small, use the simplest data type
+<p>If there is a need to keep file sizes small, use the simplest data type
 covering the data range of the raster(s) to be exported, e.g., if suitable
 use Byte rather than UInt16; use Int16 rather than Int32; or use Float32
 rather than Float64. In addition, the COMPRESS <b>createopt</b> used can
 have a very large impact on the size of the output file.
-Some software may not recognize all of the compression methods
+<p>Some software may not recognize all of the compression methods
 available for a given file format, and certain compression methods may
 only be supported for certain data types (depends on vendor and version).
 <!-- e.g. data destined for ESRI software should use COMPRESS=LZW/PACKBITS/DEFLATE ??? -->
-If the export settings are set such that data loss would occur in the output
+<p>If the export settings are set such that data loss would occur in the output
 file (i.e, due to the particular choice of data type and/or file type), the
 normal behaviour of <em>r.out.gdal</em> in this case would be to issue an error
 message describing the problem and exit without exporting. The <b>-f</b> flag
 allows raster export even if some of the data loss tests are not passed, and
 warnings are issued instead of errors.
-<em>r.out.gdal</em> exports may appear all black or gray on initial
+<p><em>r.out.gdal</em> exports may appear all black or gray on initial
 display in other GIS software. This is not a bug of <em>r.out.gdal</em>,
 but often caused by the default color table assigned by that software.
 The default color table may be grayscale covering the whole range of
@@ -128,15 +118,13 @@
 properly read with GIS software only. Although GeoTIFF files usually
 have a .tif extension, these files are not necessarily images but
 first of all spatial raster datasets, e.g. SRTM DEM version 4.
-When writing out multi-band GeoTIFF images for users of ESRI software or
+<p>When writing out multi-band GeoTIFF images for users of ESRI software or
 ImageMagick, the interleaving mode should be set to "pixel" using
 <em>createopt="INTERLEAVE=PIXEL"</em>. BAND interleaving is slightly more
 efficient, but not supported by some applications.
 <!-- GDAL switched default from BAND to PIXEL interleave on 08/01/07 (r11823) -->
 This issue only arises when writing out multi-band imagery groups.
 <h3>Improving GeoTIFF compatibility</h3>
 To create a GeoTIFF that is highly compatible with various other GIS
@@ -145,8 +133,7 @@
 software is compatible with, as this varies widely between vendors and
 versions. Long term, the less metadata you have to remove the more
 self-documenting (and useful) the dataset will be.
-Here are some things to try:
+<p>Here are some things to try:
 <li>Create a World file with <tt>createopt="TFW=YES"</tt>.
@@ -180,20 +167,17 @@
 r.out.gdal input=roads output=roads.tif type=UInt16
 <h3>Export a DCELL raster map in GeoTIFF format suitable for ESRI software:</h3>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 r.out.gdal in=elevation.10m out=ned_elev10m.tif type=Float64 createopt="PROFILE=GeoTIFF,TFW=YES"
 <h3>Export R,G,B imagery bands in GeoTIFF format suitable for ESRI software:</h3>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 i.group group=nc_landsat_rgb input=lsat7_2002_30,lsat7_2002_20,lsat7_2002_10
 r.out.gdal in=nc_landsat_rgb out=nc_landsat_rgb.tif type=Byte createopt="PROFILE=GeoTIFF,INTERLEAVE=PIXEL,TFW=YES"
 <h3>Export the floating point raster elevation map to ERDAS/IMG format:</h3>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 r.out.gdal input=elevation.10m output=elev_dem10.img format=HFA type=Float32
@@ -254,5 +238,4 @@
 Vytautas Vebra (oliver4grass at gmail.com)<br>
 Markus Metz (improved nodata logic)
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.out.gridatb/r.out.gridatb.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.out.gridatb/r.out.gridatb.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.out.gridatb/r.out.gridatb.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 <em>r.out.gridatb</em> exports a GRASS raster map to GRIDATB.FOR map file

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.out.mpeg/r.out.mpeg.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.out.mpeg/r.out.mpeg.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.out.mpeg/r.out.mpeg.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
 viewing program.
 MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 provide much better quality animations.
-The user may define up to four "views", or sub-windows, to animate
+<p>The user may define up to four "views", or sub-windows, to animate
 simultaneously.  e.g., View 1 could be rainfall, View 2 flooded areas, View
 3 damage to bridges or levees, View 4 other economic damage, all animated as
 a time series. A black border 2 pixels wide is drawn around each view. There
@@ -18,8 +17,7 @@
 tmp space could also limit the number of frames you are able to convert.
 <!-- flag to keep these to feed into another more modern encoder? -->
-The environment variable GMPEG_SIZE is checked for a value to use as the
+<p>The environment variable GMPEG_SIZE is checked for a value to use as the
 dimension, in pixels, of the longest dimension of the animation image.  If
 GMPEG_SIZE is not set, the animation size defaults to the rows &amp; columns
 in the current GRASS region, scaling if necessary to a default minimum size
@@ -29,8 +27,7 @@
 compressed data "on-the-fly", therefore smaller dimensioned animations will
 provide higher frame rates and smoother animations.
-UNIX - style wild cards may be used with the command line version in place
+<p>UNIX - style wild cards may be used with the command line version in place
 of a raster map name, but wild cards must be quoted.
@@ -38,20 +35,17 @@
 r.out.mpeg view1="rain[1-9]","rain1[0-2]" view2="temp*"
-If the number of files differs for each view, the view with the fewest files
+<p>If the number of files differs for each view, the view with the fewest files
 will determine the number of frames in the animation.
-With <b>-c</b> flag the module converts "on the fly", uses less disk space
+<p>With <b>-c</b> flag the module converts "on the fly", uses less disk space
 by using <em>r.out.ppm</em> with stdout option to convert frames as needed
 instead of converting all frames to ppm before encoding.  Only use when
 encoding a single view.  Use of this option also overrides any size
 defaults, using the <b>CURRENTLY DEFINED GRASS REGION for the output size</b>.
 So be careful to set region to a reasonable size prior to encoding.
-A quality value of <em>qual=1</em> will yield higher quality images, but
+<p>A quality value of <em>qual=1</em> will yield higher quality images, but
 with less compression (larger MPEG file size).  Compression ratios will vary
 depending on the number of frames in the animation, but an MPEG produced
 using <em>qual=5</em> will usually be about 60% the size of the MPEG
@@ -67,28 +61,23 @@
 This program requires the program <em>mpeg_encode</em> (aka <em>ppmtompeg</em>):
-MPEG-1 Video Software Encoder<br>
+<p>MPEG-1 Video Software Encoder<br>
 (Version 1.3; March 14, 1994)
-Lawrence A. Rowe, Kevin Gong, Ketan Patel, and Dan Wallach Computer Science 
+<p>Lawrence A. Rowe, Kevin Gong, Ketan Patel, and Dan Wallach Computer Science 
 Division-EECS, Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley
-Available from Berkeley: 
+<p>Available from Berkeley: 
 <a href="http://bmrc.berkeley.edu/frame/research/mpeg/mpeg_encode.html">http://bmrc.berkeley.edu/frame/research/mpeg/mpeg_encode.html</a>
 <br>or as part of the netpbm package (<em>ppmtompeg</em>):
 <a href="http://netpbm.sourceforge.net">http://netpbm.sourceforge.net</a>
-Playback may be done with many viewers; <em>mpeg_encode</em>'s official companion 
+<p>Playback may be done with many viewers; <em>mpeg_encode</em>'s official companion 
 is <em>mpeg_play</em> available from Berkeley at 
 <a href="ftp://mm-ftp.cs.berkeley.edu/pub/multimedia/mpeg/play/">ftp://mm-ftp.cs.berkeley.edu/pub/multimedia/mpeg/play/</a>
 or a precompiled Debian package from 
 <a href="http://packages.debian.org/ucbmpeg-play">http://packages.debian.org/ucbmpeg-play</a>
 (includes maintained source code).
-Use of the <em>-c</em> flag requires the <em>r.out.ppm</em> GRASS module 
+<p>Use of the <em>-c</em> flag requires the <em>r.out.ppm</em> GRASS module 
 with the <em>stdout</em> option.

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.out.png/r.out.png.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.out.png/r.out.png.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.out.png/r.out.png.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
 <em>r.out.png</em> exports a GRASS raster map in non-georeferenced PNG image
 format, respecting the current region resolution and bounds.
-Optionally the user can choose to export a World File to provide basic
+<p>Optionally the user can choose to export a World File to provide basic
 georeferencing support. When used with the transparency flag this can
 create images useful for KML, TMS, or WMS overlays. (e.g. for use in
 Google Earth or as OpenLayers tiles) If output is to stdout, the world
@@ -26,5 +25,4 @@
 Alex Shevlakov<br>
 Hamish Bowman
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.out.pov/r.out.pov.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.out.pov/r.out.pov.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.out.pov/r.out.pov.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -16,8 +16,7 @@
 An example Povray script file may look like this:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 #include "shapes.inc"
 #include "colors.inc"
 #include "textures.inc"

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.out.ppm/r.out.ppm.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.out.ppm/r.out.ppm.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.out.ppm/r.out.ppm.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,26 +3,21 @@
 <em>r.out.ppm</em> converts a GRASS raster map into a PPM image 
 at the pixel resolution of the CURRENTLY DEFINED REGION. 
 To get the resolution and region settings of the raster map, run:<p>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 g.region -p rast=[mapname]
 before running <em>r.out.ppm</em>.<p>
 By default the PPM file created is 24-bit color, rawbits storage.
 You can use the <b>-g</b> flag to force <em>r.out.ppm</em> to 
 output an 8-bit greyscale instead.
 The greyscale conversion uses the NTSC conversion:<p>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 Y = .30*Red + .59*Green + .11*Blue
-One pixel is written for each cell value, so if <tt>ew_res</tt> and 
+<p>One pixel is written for each cell value, so if <tt>ew_res</tt> and 
 <tt>ns_res</tt> differ, the aspect ratio of the resulting image will be off.

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.out.ppm3/r.out.ppm3.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.out.ppm3/r.out.ppm3.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.out.ppm3/r.out.ppm3.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,12 +3,10 @@
 <b>r.out.ppm3</b> converts 3 GRASS raster layers (R,G,B) to a PPM
 image file, using the current region.
-This program converts a GRASS raster map to a PPM image file
+<p>This program converts a GRASS raster map to a PPM image file
 using the the current region settings.
-To get the full area and resolutin of the raster map, run:
+<p>To get the full area and resolutin of the raster map, run:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 g.region rast=[mapname]

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.out.tiff/r.out.tiff.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.out.tiff/r.out.tiff.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.out.tiff/r.out.tiff.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -4,30 +4,25 @@
 be 8 or 24 bit (TrueColor).  Optionally, a TIFF World file compatible with
 ESRI's and other's products may be output.
-The program prompts the user for the name of a GRASS raster map, an output
+<p>The program prompts the user for the name of a GRASS raster map, an output
 TIFF file, whether an 8 or 24 bit format is desired, and whether or not to
 create a TIFF world file.  Currently only uncompressed, packpit, or deflate
 TIFF files are written.  These output formats are known to be compatible
 with r.in.tiff.
-The output filename will always have the suffix <code>.tif</code>, and the Tiff World
+<p>The output filename will always have the suffix <code>.tif</code>, and the Tiff World
 file (if requested) <code>.tfw</code>. Any <code>.tif</code> or
 <code>.tiff</code> suffix (case insensitive) specified in the output filename 
 will be discarded.
-When writing with "-l" option, tiles are written at 128x128 pixels.  For
+<p>When writing with "-l" option, tiles are written at 128x128 pixels.  For
 programs that can utilize tiles, it can help speed up some drawing
-The user may adjust region and resolution before export using
+<p>The user may adjust region and resolution before export using
 <a href="g.region.html">g.region</a>.
-A better choice to export GRASS raster data might be
+<p>A better choice to export GRASS raster data might be
 <a href="r.out.gdal.html">r.out.gdal</a>.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
@@ -39,7 +34,6 @@
 Michael Shapiro,
 U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
-GRASS 5.0 team
+<p>GRASS 5.0 team
 <p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.out.vrml/r.out.vrml.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.out.vrml/r.out.vrml.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.out.vrml/r.out.vrml.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
 This module exports a GRASS raster map to the Virtual Reality Modeling
 Language (VRML) format for 3D visualization.
-This version only outputs raster maps in VRML 1.0 format.
+<p>This version only outputs raster maps in VRML 1.0 format.
 The newer VRML 2.0 format will be more efficient for geographic
 applications, as it introduces an "ElevationGrid" node so that
 only the elevation points will have to be written instead
@@ -24,12 +23,10 @@
 is ascii text, gzip works very well to significantly compress file
 This is a preliminary release of "<em>r.out.vrml</em>".
-For further information about VRML and available viewers for various platforms, see:<p>
-<a href="http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/VRML/">VRML Virtual Reality Modeling Language</a>
+For further information about VRML and available viewers for various platforms, see:<p><a href="http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/VRML/">VRML Virtual Reality Modeling Language</a>
@@ -47,13 +44,11 @@
   <a href="http://www.web3d.org">X3D format</a>.
 See also the <a href="http://www.xj3d.org">Xj3D project</a>.
-Future plans for this module are to allow draping of sites objects and
+<p>Future plans for this module are to allow draping of sites objects and
 vector maps and using the new sites format available in floating
 point GRASS to embed WWW links into site objects. It will also be
 upgraded to support VRML 2.0 and will allow entering multiple preset
 "views" using the existing GRASS 3d_view file format.<p>
 Other possible additions: 
     <li> Allow animation of elevation, color, or sites based on 
@@ -65,5 +60,4 @@
   Bill Brown, US Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.param.scale/r.param.scale.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.param.scale/r.param.scale.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.param.scale/r.param.scale.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
 multi-scale approach by fitting a bivariate quadratic polynomial to a given
 window size using least squares.
-The module calculates the following parameters (terminology is from Wood,
+<p>The module calculates the following parameters (terminology is from Wood,
 1996 with related terminology used in other GRASS modules listed in
@@ -83,8 +82,7 @@
 r.param.scale in=elevation.10m output=morphology param=feature size=9
 <img src="r_param_scale_morph.jpg" alt="r.param.scale generated geomorphological map"><br>
 <i>Geomorphological map of a subregion in the Spearfish (SD) area</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.patch/r.patch.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.patch/r.patch.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.patch/r.patch.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@
 digital elevation data), or for updating an older map layer with more recent
 data. The current geographic region definition and mask settings are
-The first <em>name</em> listed in the string
+<p>The first <em>name</em> listed in the string
 <b>input=</b><em>name</em>,<em>name</em>,<em>name</em>, ... is the name of
 the first map whose data values will be used to fill in "no data" cells
 in the current region. The second through last input <em>name</em>
@@ -56,8 +55,7 @@
 <em><a href="v.mkgrid.html">v.mkgrid</a></em> can be used to make adjacent
 maps align neatly.
-The user should check the current geographic region settings before running 
+<p>The user should check the current geographic region settings before running 
 <em>r.patch</em>, to ensure that the region boundaries encompass all 
 of the data desired to be included in the composite map and to ensure that the
 region resolution is the resolution of the desired data. To set the
@@ -69,7 +67,6 @@
 Use of <em>r.patch</em> is generally followed by use of the GRASS programs 
 <em><a href="g.remove.html">g.remove</a></em> and 
 <em><a href="g.rename.html">g.rename</a></em>;
@@ -78,8 +75,7 @@
 composite (patched) raster map layer the name of the original raster map
-<em>r.patch</em> creates support files for the patched, composite output map. 
+<p><em>r.patch</em> creates support files for the patched, composite output map. 

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.profile/r.profile.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.profile/r.profile.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.profile/r.profile.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -9,22 +9,18 @@
 <b>-i</b> flag. The profile resolution, or distance between profile
 points, is obtained from the current region resolution, or can be manually
 set with the <b>res</b> argument.
-The <b>-i</b> flag allows the user for selecting the profile from the GRASS
+<p>The <b>-i</b> flag allows the user for selecting the profile from the GRASS
 monitor by clicking the left mouse button along the profile; clicking the
 right mouse button ends the profile.
-The <b>profile</b> parameter can be set to comma separated geographic
+<p>The <b>profile</b> parameter can be set to comma separated geographic
 coordinates for profile line endpoints. The interactive flag (<b>-i</b>)
 overrides this option. Alternatively the coordinate pairs can be piped
 from stdin, one comma separated pair per line.
-The <b>res</b> parameter sets the distance between each profile point
+<p>The <b>res</b> parameter sets the distance between each profile point
 (resolution). The resolution must be provided in GRASS database units (i.e.
 decimal degrees for Lat Long databases and meters for UTM). By default
 <em>r.profile</em> uses the resolution of the current GRASS region.
-The <b>null</b> parameter can optionally be set to change the character
+<p>The <b>null</b> parameter can optionally be set to change the character
 string representing null values.
@@ -40,8 +36,7 @@
 The 2 column output is compatible with most plotting programs.
-The optional RGB output provides the associated GRASS colour value for
+<p>The optional RGB output provides the associated GRASS colour value for
 each profile point.
@@ -71,8 +66,7 @@
 <b>Example 3</b><br>
 Extract a profile with coordinates provided from standard input or an external file:
-First create a points file with <em><a href="d.where.html">d.where</a></em>
+<p>First create a points file with <em><a href="d.where.html">d.where</a></em>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 d.where > saved.points
@@ -86,11 +80,9 @@
 The advantage of this method is that the same profile points can be piped into
 different GRASS rasters by changing the input parameter. 
-With this method the coordinates must be given as space or tab separated easting
+<p>With this method the coordinates must be given as space or tab separated easting
 and northing. Labels after these values are ignored.
-Another example using d.where:
+<p>Another example using d.where:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 d.where | r.profile elevation.dem
@@ -122,8 +114,7 @@
 exact multiple of the profile resolution and will therefore not always match
 the end point coordinates entered for the segmanet.
-To extract the numbers in scripts, following parameters can be used:
+<p>To extract the numbers in scripts, following parameters can be used:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 r.profile input=dgm12.5 profile=3570631,5763556 2>/dev/null
@@ -142,5 +133,4 @@
 <a href="mailto:bcovill at tekmap.ns.ca">Bob Covill</a>
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.proj/r.proj.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.proj/r.proj.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.proj/r.proj.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
 including cylindrical and pseudo-cylindrical, conic and pseudo-conic,
 and azimuthal methods, each of which may be conformal, equal-area, or
-The particular projection chosen depends on the purpose of the
+<p>The particular projection chosen depends on the purpose of the
 project, and the size, shape and location of the area of interest.
 For example, normal cylindrical projections are good for maps which
 are of greater extent east-west than north-south and in equatorial
@@ -30,8 +29,7 @@
 better preserve arc-length, while equal-area projections are more
 appropriate for statistical studies and work in which the amount of
 material is important.
-Projections are defined by precise mathematical relations, so the
+<p>Projections are defined by precise mathematical relations, so the
 method of projecting coordinates from a geographic reference frame
 (latitude-longitude) into a projected cartesian reference frame (eg
 metres) is governed by these equations.  Inverse projections can also
@@ -40,16 +38,14 @@
 manual contains a detailed description of over 100 useful projections.
 This also includes a programmers library of the projection methods to
 support other software development.
-Thus, converting a vector map - in which objects are located with
+<p>Thus, converting a vector map - in which objects are located with
 arbitrary spatial precision - from one projection into another is
 usually accomplished by a simple two-step process: first the location
 of all the points in the map are converted from the source through an
 inverse projection into latitude-longitude, and then through a forward
 projection into the target.  (Of course the procedure will be one-step
 if either the source or target is in geographic coordinates.)
-Converting a raster map, or image, between different projections,
+<p>Converting a raster map, or image, between different projections,
 however, involves additional considerations.  A raster may be
 considered to represent a sampling of a process at a regular, ordered
 set of locations.  The set of locations that lie at the intersections
@@ -64,8 +60,7 @@
 GIS data capture, import and transfer often requires a projection
 step, since the source or client will frequently be in a different
 projection to the working projection.
-In some cases it is convenient to do the conversion outside the
+<p>In some cases it is convenient to do the conversion outside the
 package, prior to import or after export, using software such
 as <i>PROJ.4</i>'s
 <em><a href="http://proj.maptools.org/">cs2cs</a></em> [1]. This is an easy
@@ -74,8 +69,7 @@
 process simple lists using a one-line command. The <em>m.proj</em> module
 provides a handy front end to <tt>cs2cs</tt>. 
-Vector maps is generally more complex, as parts of the data stored in
+<p>Vector maps is generally more complex, as parts of the data stored in
 the files will describe topology, and not just coordinates. In GRASS
 GIS the
 <em><a href="v.proj.html">v.proj</a></em> module is provided to reproject
@@ -90,14 +84,12 @@
 raster is resampling the source grid at locations corresponding to the
 intersections of a grid in the target projection. The basic procedure
 for accomplishing this, therefore, is as follows:
-<em>r.proj</em> converts a map to a new geographic projection. It
+<p><em>r.proj</em> converts a map to a new geographic projection. It
 reads a map from a different location, projects it and write it out to
 the current location. The projected data is resampled with one of four
 different methods: nearest neighbor, bilinear, cubic convolution or
-The <b>method=nearest</b> method, which performs a nearest neighbor
+<p>The <b>method=nearest</b> method, which performs a nearest neighbor
 assignment, is the fastest of the three resampling methods. It is
 primarily used for categorical data such as a land use classification,
 since it will not change the values of the data
@@ -111,14 +103,12 @@
 cubic, lanczos puts a higher weight on cells close to the center and a
 lower weight on cells away from the center, resulting in slightly
 better contrast.
-The bilinear, cubic and lanczos interpolation methods are most
+<p>The bilinear, cubic and lanczos interpolation methods are most
 appropriate for continuous data and cause some smoothing. The amount
 of smoothing decreases from bilinear to cubic to lanczos. These
 options should not be used with categorical data, since the cell
 values will be altered.
-In the bilinear, cubic and lanczos methods, if any of the surrounding
+<p>In the bilinear, cubic and lanczos methods, if any of the surrounding
 cells used to interpolate the new cell value are null, the resulting
 cell will be null, even if the nearest cell is not null. This will
 cause some thinning along null borders, such as the coasts of land
@@ -127,12 +117,10 @@
 These methods &quot;fall back&quot; to simpler interpolation methods
 along null borders.  That is, from lanczos to cubic to bilinear to
-If nearest neighbor assignment is used, the output map has the same
+<p>If nearest neighbor assignment is used, the output map has the same
 raster format as the input map. If any of the interpolations is used,
 the output map is written as floating point.
-Note that, following normal GRASS conventions, the coverage and
+<p>Note that, following normal GRASS conventions, the coverage and
 resolution of the resulting grid is set by the current region
 settings, which may be adjusted
 using <em><a href="g.region.html">g.region</a></em>. The target raster
@@ -144,8 +132,7 @@
 different for categorical versus numerical data.  Note that three
 methods for the local interpolation step are provided.
-<em>r.proj</em> supports general datum transformations, making use of
+<p><em>r.proj</em> supports general datum transformations, making use of
 the <em>PROJ.4</em> co-ordinate system translation library.
@@ -154,8 +141,7 @@
 and resolution of the target location should be set appropriately
-A simple way to do this is to check the projected bounds of the input
+<p>A simple way to do this is to check the projected bounds of the input
 map in the current location's projection using the <b>-p</b>
 flag. The <b>-g</b> flag reports the same thing, but in a form which
 can be directly cut and pasted into
@@ -166,8 +152,7 @@
 flag. E.g.
 <tt>g.region -a res=5 -p</tt>. Note that this is just a rough guide.
-A more involved, but more accurate, way to do this is to generate a
+<p>A more involved, but more accurate, way to do this is to generate a
 vector "box" map of the region in the source location using
  <em><a href="v.in.region.html">v.in.region</a></em>.
 This "box" map is then reprojected into the target location with
@@ -179,8 +164,7 @@
 <em>r.proj</em> is then run for the raster map the user wants to
 reproject.  In this case a little preparation goes a long way.
-When reprojecting whole-world maps the user should disable
+<p>When reprojecting whole-world maps the user should disable
 map-trimming with the <b>-n</b> flag. Trimming is not useful here
 because the module has the whole map in memory anyway. Besides that,
 world "edges" are hard (or impossible) to find in projections other
@@ -283,12 +267,10 @@
     Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2nd edition.
-<a href="http://proj.osgeo.org">PROJ.4</a>: Projection/datum support
+<p><a href="http://proj.osgeo.org">PROJ.4</a>: Projection/datum support
-  <b>Further reading</b>
+<p>  <b>Further reading</b>
   <li> <a href="http://www.asprs.org/resources/grids/">ASPRS Grids and Datum</a>
   <li> <a href="http://www.remotesensing.org/geotiff/proj_list/">Projections Transform List</a> (PROJ.4)
@@ -310,8 +292,7 @@
   <a href="v.proj.html">v.proj</a>,
   <a href="v.in.region.html">v.in.region</a>
-The 'gdalwarp' and 'gdal_translate' utilities are available from the 
+<p>The 'gdalwarp' and 'gdal_translate' utilities are available from the 
 <a href="http://www.gdal.org">GDAL</a> project.
@@ -321,5 +302,4 @@
 Updated by <a href="mailto:morten at untamo.net">Morten Hulden</a><br>
 Datum tranformation support and cleanup by Paul Kelly
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.quant/r.quant.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.quant/r.quant.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.quant/r.quant.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 <em>r.quant</em> produces the quantization file for a floating-point map.
 The <em>map</em> parameter defines the map for which the rules are to be
 created. If more than one map is specified, then this implies that the
 floating-point range is the miniumum and maximum of all the maps together,
@@ -11,11 +10,8 @@
 <h3> Quant rules </h3> 
 The quant rules have to be entered interactively.
-If rules is specified, the input has the form: <p>
+<p>If rules is specified, the input has the form: <p>
               value1:value2:cat1:[cat2] <p>
 where value1 and value2 are floating point values and cat1 cand cat2 are
 integers. If cat2 is missing, it is taken to be equal to cat1. All values
 can be "*" which means infinity.

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.quantile/r.quantile.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.quantile/r.quantile.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.quantile/r.quantile.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -22,5 +22,4 @@
 Glynn Clements
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.random/r.random.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.random/r.random.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.random/r.random.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-The program <em>r.random</em> allows the user to create a
+<p>The program <em>r.random</em> allows the user to create a
 raster map layer and/or a vector points map containing 
 coordinates of points whose locations have been randomly
 determined.  The program locates these randomly generated
@@ -10,8 +9,7 @@
 <b>-z</b> flag, points will be randomly generated across all
 cells (even those with NULL values).
-The category values and
+<p>The category values and
 corresponding category names already associated with the
 random point locations in the <em>input</em> map layer are
 assigned to these points in the <em>raster_output</em> map
@@ -21,13 +19,11 @@
 <em>input</em> raster and is given a medium gray color.
-If a <em>cover</em> raster map is specified and the <em>cover</em> map
+<p>If a <em>cover</em> raster map is specified and the <em>cover</em> map
 contains NULL (no data) values, these points are suppressed in the
 resulting <em>vector_output</em> or <em>raster_output</em> map.
-The <em>vector_output</em> file created by <em>r.random</em>
+<p>The <em>vector_output</em> file created by <em>r.random</em>
 contains vector points that represent the <em>center points</em> of the
 randomly generated cells.  A <em>value</em> attribute contains the cell value
 of the <em>input</em> raster (or the assigned value
@@ -36,13 +32,11 @@
 column  <em>covervalue</em> is populated with raster values from
 the <em>cover</em> map.
-If the user sets the <b>-b</b> flag, vector points are written without
+<p>If the user sets the <b>-b</b> flag, vector points are written without
 topology to minimize the required resources. This is suitable input
 to <em>v.surf.rst</em> and other vector modules.
-The user may specify the quantity of random locations to be
+<p>The user may specify the quantity of random locations to be
 generated either as a <em>positive integer</em> (e.g., 10),
 or as a <em>percentage of the raster map layer's cells</em> 
 (e.g., 10%, or 3.05%).  The number of cells considered for 
@@ -50,8 +44,7 @@
 was given. Options are 0-100; percentages less than
 one percent may be stated as decimals.
-Flag <b>-i</b> prints the raster map's name and location, 
+<p>Flag <b>-i</b> prints the raster map's name and location, 
 the total number of cells under the current region settings, and
 the number of NULL valued cells under the current region settings.
 Then module exits without doing anything.  Useful for deciding on the number
@@ -65,8 +58,7 @@
 r.report map=inputmap units=c null=* nsteps=1
-To create random vector point locations within some, but not all, 
+<p>To create random vector point locations within some, but not all, 
 non-zero categories of the input raster map layer, 
 the user must first create a reclassified raster map layer 
 of the original raster map layer (e.g., using the GRASS 
@@ -75,8 +67,7 @@
 and then use the reclassed raster map layer as input to <em>r.random</em>.
-Random vector elevation points sampled from elevation map in the
+<p>Random vector elevation points sampled from elevation map in the
 Spearfish region, result stored in 2D vector map:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -87,8 +78,7 @@
-Random vector elevation points sampled from elevation map in the
+<p>Random vector elevation points sampled from elevation map in the
 Spearfish region with collocated values sampled from landuse map,
 result stored in 3D vector map:
@@ -126,10 +116,7 @@
 Dr. James Hinthorne,
 GIS Laboratory, 
 Central Washington University
-Modified for GRASS 5.0 by Eric G. Miller
-Cover map support by Markus Neteler, 2007
+<p>Modified for GRASS 5.0 by Eric G. Miller
+<p>Cover map support by Markus Neteler, 2007
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.random.cells/r.random.cells.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.random.cells/r.random.cells.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.random.cells/r.random.cells.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -41,8 +41,7 @@
 Random Field Software for GRASS by Chuck Ehlschlaeger
-  As part of my dissertation, I put together several programs that help
+<p>  As part of my dissertation, I put together several programs that help
 GRASS (4.1 and beyond) develop uncertainty models of spatial data. I hope
 you find it useful and dependable. The following papers might clarify their
@@ -87,5 +86,4 @@
 Charles Ehlschlaeger; National Center for Geographic Information and
 Analysis, University of California, Santa Barbara.
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.random.surface/r.random.surface.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.random.surface/r.random.surface.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.random.surface/r.random.surface.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -13,16 +13,14 @@
 large map is 0.0 and a variance of 1.0. Description of the algorithm is in
 the <b>NOTES</b> section.
-The random surface generated are composed of floating point numbers, and
+<p>The random surface generated are composed of floating point numbers, and
 saved in the category description files of the output map(s).  Cell values
 are uniformly or normally distributed between 1 and high values inclusive
 (determined by whether the <b>-u</b> flag is used). The category names
 indicate the average floating point value and the range of floating point
 values that each cell value represents.
-<em>r.random.surface's</em> original goal is to generate random fields for
+<p><em>r.random.surface's</em> original goal is to generate random fields for
 spatial error modeling. A procedure to use <em>r.random.surface</em> in
 spatial error modeling is given in the <b>NOTES</b> section.
@@ -96,8 +94,7 @@
 While most literature uses the term random field instead of random surface,
 this algorithm always generates a surface. Thus, its use of random surface.
-<em>r.random.surface</em> builds the random surface using a filter algorithm
+<p><em>r.random.surface</em> builds the random surface using a filter algorithm
 smoothing a map of independent random deviates. The size of the filter is
 determined by the largest distance of spatial dependence. The shape of the
 filter is determined by the distance decay exponent(s), and the various
@@ -107,16 +104,14 @@
 reduction of degrees of freedom. The map of independent random deviates will
 ignore the current mask for the same reason.
-One of the most important uses for <em>r.random.surface</em> is to determine
+<p>One of the most important uses for <em>r.random.surface</em> is to determine
 how the error inherent in raster maps might effect the analyses done with
 those maps.
 Random Field Software for GRASS by Chuck Ehlschlaeger
-  As part of my dissertation, I put together several programs that help
+<p>  As part of my dissertation, I put together several programs that help
 GRASS (4.1 and beyond) develop uncertainty models of spatial data. I hope
 you find it useful and dependable. The following papers might clarify their
@@ -159,5 +154,4 @@
 for Geographic Information and Analysis, University of California, Santa
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.reclass/r.reclass.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.reclass/r.reclass.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.reclass/r.reclass.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -8,13 +8,11 @@
 treated.  A <em>TITLE</em> for the output map layer may be
 (optionally) specified by the user.
-The reclass rules are read from standard input (i.e., from
+<p>The reclass rules are read from standard input (i.e., from
 the keyboard, redirected from a file, or piped through
 another program).
-Before using <em>r.reclass</em> the user must know the following:
+<p>Before using <em>r.reclass</em> the user must know the following:
 <li>The new categories desired;  and, which old categories fit into 
@@ -31,14 +29,12 @@
 is requested.  As far as the user (and programmer) is concerned, that
 raster map has been created.
-<em>r.reclass</em> only works on an <i>integer</i> input raster map; if the
+<p><em>r.reclass</em> only works on an <i>integer</i> input raster map; if the
 input map is instead floating point data, you must multiply the input data by some
 factor to acheive whole number input data, otherwise <em>r.reclass</em> will round
 the raster values down to the next integer.
-Also note that although the user can generate a <em>r.reclass</em> map
+<p>Also note that although the user can generate a <em>r.reclass</em> map
 which is based on another <em>r.reclass</em> map,
 the new <em>r.reclass</em> map map will be stored in GRASS as a reclass
 of the <em>original</em> raster map on which the first reclassed map was
@@ -48,15 +44,13 @@
 (i.e., <em>reclass table</em>) will ever be <em>stored</em>
 as a <em>r.reclass</em> of a <em>r.reclass</em>.
-To convert a reclass map to a regular raster map layer, set your
+<p>To convert a reclass map to a regular raster map layer, set your
 geographic region settings to match the settings in the header for the
 reclass map (with "<tt>g.region&nbsp;rast=reclass_map</tt>", or
 viewable by running <em><a href="r.info.html">r.info</a></em>) 
 and then run <em><a href="r.resample.html">r.resample</a></em>.
-<em><a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</a></em> can be used to convert
+<p><em><a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</a></em> can be used to convert
 a reclass map to a regular raster map layer as well:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -64,25 +58,21 @@
-where <em>raster_map</em> is the name to be given to the new raster map,
+<p>where <em>raster_map</em> is the name to be given to the new raster map,
 and <em>reclass_map</em> is an existing reclass map.
-Because <em>r.reclass</em> generates a table referencing some original
+<p>Because <em>r.reclass</em> generates a table referencing some original
 raster map layer rather than creating a reclassed raster map layer,
 a <em>r.reclass</em> map layer will no longer be accessible if
 the original raster map layer upon which it was based is later removed.
-A <em>r.reclass</em> map is not a true raster map layer.
+<p>A <em>r.reclass</em> map is not a true raster map layer.
 Rather, it is a table of reclassification values which reference the
 input raster map layer.  Therefore, users who wish to retain reclassified
 map layers must also save the original input raster map layers
 from which they were generated. Alternatively r.recode can be used.
-Category values which are not explicitly reclassified to a new value
+<p>Category values which are not explicitly reclassified to a new value
 by the user will be reclassified to NULL.
@@ -94,8 +84,7 @@
 <dd><b>input_categories=</b><em>output_category  </em>[<em>label</em>]
-where each line of input specifies the category values in the
+<p>where each line of input specifies the category values in the
 input raster map layer to be reclassified to the new
 <em>output_category</em> category value.  Specification of
 a <em>label</em> to be associated with the new output map
@@ -105,17 +94,14 @@
 may consist of single category values or a range of such
 values in the format "<em>low</em> thru <em>high</em>." The
 word "thru" must be present.
-To include all (remaining) values the asterix "*" can be used. This
+<p>To include all (remaining) values the asterix "*" can be used. This
 rule has to be set as last rule. No further rules are accepted after
 setting this rule. The special rule "<tt>* = *</tt>" specifies
 that all categories not expicitly set by one of the above rules
 should be passed through unaltered instead of being set to NULL.
-Categories to become no data are specified by setting the output
+<p>Categories to become no data are specified by setting the output
 category value to "<tt>NULL</tt>".
 A line containing only the word <b>end</b> terminates the
@@ -123,8 +109,7 @@
 The following examples may help clarify the reclass rules.
 <dd>1. This example reclassifies categories 1, 2 and 3 in the input raster
 map layer "roads" to category 1 with category label "good quality" in the output map
@@ -137,8 +122,7 @@
-<dd>2. This example reclassifies categories 1, 3 and 5 in the input raster
+<p><dd>2. This example reclassifies categories 1, 3 and 5 in the input raster
 map layer to category 1 with category label "poor quality" in the output
 map layer, and reclassifies input raster map layer categories 2, 4, and 6
 to category 2 with the label "good quality" in the output map layer.
@@ -149,8 +133,7 @@
     *       = NULL
-<dd>3. This example reclassifies input raster map layer categories 1 thru 10 to output 
+<p><dd>3. This example reclassifies input raster map layer categories 1 thru 10 to output 
 map layer category 1, input map layer categories 11 thru 20 to output map layer
 category 2, and input map layer categories 21 thru 30 to output map layer
 category 3, all without labels. The range from 30 to 40 is reclassified as
@@ -162,8 +145,7 @@
     30 thru 40  = NULL
-<dd>4. Subsequent rules override previous rules.  Therefore, the below example
+<p><dd>4. Subsequent rules override previous rules.  Therefore, the below example
 reclassifies input raster map layer categories 1 thru 19 and 51 thru 100
 to category 1 in the output map layer,
 input raster map layer categories 20 thru 24 and 26 thru 50 to
@@ -175,8 +157,7 @@
     25	        = 3    good quality
-<dd>5. The previous example could also have been entered as:
+<p><dd>5. The previous example could also have been entered as:
      1 thru 19  51 thru 100	= 1    poor quality
     20 thru 24  26 thru 50	= 2    medium quality
@@ -193,7 +174,6 @@
 The final example was given to show how the labels are handled.  If a new
 category value appears in more than one rule (as is the case with new 
 category values 1 and 2),
@@ -214,5 +194,4 @@
 Michael Shapiro<br>
 U.S.Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.recode/r.recode.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.recode/r.recode.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.recode/r.recode.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -4,13 +4,11 @@
 raster map based on recode <b>rules</b>. A <b>title</b> for the output
 raster map may be (optionally) specified by the user.
-The recode rules can be read from standard input (i.e., from the
+<p>The recode rules can be read from standard input (i.e., from the
 keyboard, redirected from a file, or piped through another program) by
 entering <b>rules=-</b>.
-Rules are defined in one of these formats:
+<p>Rules are defined in one of these formats:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -19,16 +17,14 @@
     old_val:*:new_val         (interval [old_val, inf])
-<em>r.recode</em> is loosely based
+<p><em>r.recode</em> is loosely based
 on <em><a href="r.reclass.html">r.reclass</a></em> and uses the GRASS
 Reclass Library to convert the rasters. It has routines for converting
 to every possible combination of raster (eg. CELL to DCELL, DCELL to
 FCELL, etc). Standard floating point raster precision is float
 (FCELL), with <b>-d</b> double precision (DCELL) will be written.
-There are four basic routines that it accepts:
+<p>There are four basic routines that it accepts:
   <li>old-low to old-high is reclassed to new-low to new high , where the
@@ -81,5 +77,4 @@
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.region/r.region.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.region/r.region.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.region/r.region.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 <kbd>windows</kbd> directory in the user's current mapset), a raster
 or vector map, or a 3dview file.
 The <b>align</b> parameter allows to set the current resolution equal to
 that of the named raster map, and align the boundaries to a row and column
 edge in the named map.  Alignment only moves the existing boundaries outward
@@ -21,8 +20,7 @@
 settings are recomputed from the boundaries and the number of rows and
 columns in the raster map.
-The n=<em>value</em> may also be specified as a
+<p>The n=<em>value</em> may also be specified as a
 function of its current value:  n=n+<em>value</em>
 increases the current northing, while n=n-<em>value</em>
 decreases it.  This is also true for s=<em>value</em>,
@@ -55,5 +53,4 @@
 Based upon <em>g.region</em>
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.regression.line/r.regression.line.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.regression.line/r.regression.line.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.regression.line/r.regression.line.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
 r.regression.line map1=elevation.dem map2=elevation.10m
 Using the script style flag AND <em>eval</em> to make results
 available in the shell:
 <div class="code"><pre>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.report/r.report.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.report/r.report.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.report/r.report.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -8,28 +8,23 @@
 user is given the option of printing out each report and/or saving output to
 a file.
-The report itself consists of two parts, a header section and the main body
+<p>The report itself consists of two parts, a header section and the main body
 of the report.
-The header section of the report identifies the raster map layer(s) (by map
+<p>The header section of the report identifies the raster map layer(s) (by map
 layer name and TITLE), location, mapset, report date, and the region of
 interest. The area of interest is described in two parts: the user's current
 geographic region is presented, and the mask is presented (if any is used).
-The main body of the report consists of from one to three tables which
+<p>The main body of the report consists of from one to three tables which
 present the statistics for each category and the totals for each unit
-Note that, unlike <em><a href="r.stats.html">r.stats</a></em>,
+<p>Note that, unlike <em><a href="r.stats.html">r.stats</a></em>,
 <em>r.report</em> allows the user to select the specific units of measure in
 which statistics will be reported.
-Following is the result of a <em>r.report</em> run on the raster map layer
+<p>Following is the result of a <em>r.report</em> run on the raster map layer
 <em>geology</em> (located in the Spearfish, SD sample data base), with the
 units expressed in square miles and acres. Here, <em>r.report</em> output is
 directed into the file <em>report.file</em>.
@@ -76,8 +71,7 @@
 in a file, this file will be placed into the user's current working
-If the user runs <em>r.report</em> non-interactively, report output can be
+<p>If the user runs <em>r.report</em> non-interactively, report output can be
 saved by redirecting it to a file or a printer using the UNIX redirection

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.resamp.bspline/r.resamp.bspline.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.resamp.bspline/r.resamp.bspline.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.resamp.bspline/r.resamp.bspline.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,28 +5,24 @@
 input NULL cells are interpolated, useful to fill NULL cells, an alternative
 to <a href="r.fillnulls.html">r.fillnulls</a>. Using the -n flag to only
 interpolate NULL cells will considerably speed up the module.
-The input raster map is read at its native resolution, the output raster
+<p>The input raster map is read at its native resolution, the output raster
 map will be produced for the current computational region set with
 <a href="g.region.html">g.region</a>. Any MASK will be respected, masked
 values will be treated as NULL cells in both the input and the output map.
-Spline step values <b><i>se</i></b> for the east-west direction and
+<p>Spline step values <b><i>se</i></b> for the east-west direction and
 <b><i>sn</i></b> for the north-south direction should not be smaller than
 the east-west and north-south resolutions of the input map. For a raster
 map without NULL cells, 1 * resolution can be used, but check for
 undershoots and overshoots. For very large areas with missing values
 (NULL cells), larger spline step values may be required, but most of the
 time the defaults (1.5 x resolution) should be fine.
-The Tykhonov regularization parameter ("<b><i>lambda</i></b>") acts to
+<p>The Tykhonov regularization parameter ("<b><i>lambda</i></b>") acts to
 smooth the interpolation. With a small <b><i>lambda</i></b>, the
 interpolated surface closely follows observation points; a larger value
 will produce a smoother interpolation. Reasonable values are 0.0001,
 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1 (needs more testing). For seamless
 NULL cell interpolation, a small value is required and default is set to 0.005.
-From a theoretical perspective, the interpolating procedure takes place in two
+<p>From a theoretical perspective, the interpolating procedure takes place in two
 parts: the first is an estimate of the linear coefficients of a spline function;
 these are derived from the observation points using a least squares regression; the
 second is the computation of the interpolated surface (or interpolated vector
@@ -41,8 +37,7 @@
 Regularization avoids the need to have one one observation and one coefficient
 for each spline (in order to avoid instability). 
-A cross validation "leave-one-out" analysis is available to help to determine
+<p>A cross validation "leave-one-out" analysis is available to help to determine
 the optimal <b><i>lambda</i></b> value that produces an interpolation that
 best fits the original observation data. The more points used for
 cross-validation, the longer the time needed for computation. Empirical testing
@@ -108,17 +103,14 @@
 Brovelli M. A., Cannata M., and Longoni U.M., 2004, LIDAR Data
 Filtering and DTM Interpolation Within GRASS, Transactions in GIS,
 April 2004, vol. 8, iss. 2, pp. 155-174(20), Blackwell Publishing Ltd
-Brovelli M. A. and Cannata M., 2004, Digital Terrain model
+<p>Brovelli M. A. and Cannata M., 2004, Digital Terrain model
 reconstruction in urban areas from airborne laser scanning data: the
 method and an example for Pavia (Northern Italy). Computers and
 Geosciences 30, pp.325-331
-Brovelli M. A e Longoni U.M., 2003, Software per il filtraggio di
+<p>Brovelli M. A e Longoni U.M., 2003, Software per il filtraggio di
 dati LIDAR, Rivista dell'Agenzia del Territorio, n. 3-2003, pp. 11-22
 (ISSN 1593-2192)
-Antolin R. and Brovelli M.A., 2007, LiDAR data Filtering with GRASS GIS for the 
+<p>Antolin R. and Brovelli M.A., 2007, LiDAR data Filtering with GRASS GIS for the 
 Determination of Digital Terrain Models. Proceedings of Jornadas de SIG Libre,
 Girona, Espa&ntilde;a. CD ISBN: 978-84-690-3886-9 <br>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.resamp.filter/r.resamp.filter.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.resamp.filter/r.resamp.filter.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.resamp.filter/r.resamp.filter.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,37 +1,31 @@
-<em>r.resamp.filter</em> resamples an input raster, filtering the
+<p><em>r.resamp.filter</em> resamples an input raster, filtering the
 input with an analytic kernel.
-All of the kernels specified by the filter= option are multiplied
+<p>All of the kernels specified by the filter= option are multiplied
 together. Typical usage will use either a single kernel or an infinite
 kernel along with a finite window.
-Resampling modules (<em>r.resample, r.resamp.stats, r.resamp.interp,
+<p>Resampling modules (<em>r.resample, r.resamp.stats, r.resamp.interp,
 r.resamp.rst, r.resamp.filter</em>) resample the map to match the
 current region settings.
-When using a kernel which can have negative values (sinc, Lanczos),
+<p>When using a kernel which can have negative values (sinc, Lanczos),
 the <em>-n</em> flag should be used. Otherwise, extreme values can
 arise due to the total weight being close (or even equal) to zero.
-Kernels with infinite extent (Gauss, normal, sinc, Hann, Hamming,
+<p>Kernels with infinite extent (Gauss, normal, sinc, Hann, Hamming,
 Blackman) must be used in conjunction with a finite windowing function
 (box, Bartlett, Hermite, Lanczos)
-For longitude-latitude locations, the interpolation algorithm is based on
+<p>For longitude-latitude locations, the interpolation algorithm is based on
 degree fractions, not on the absolute distances between cell centers.  Any
 attempt to implement the latter would violate the integrity of the
 interpolation method.
@@ -49,5 +43,4 @@
 Glynn Clements
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.resamp.interp/r.resamp.interp.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.resamp.interp/r.resamp.interp.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.resamp.interp/r.resamp.interp.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@
 <li>lanczos (25 cells)</li>
-This module is intended for reinterpolation of continuous data
+<p>This module is intended for reinterpolation of continuous data
 to a different resolution rather than for interpolation from scattered data
 (use the <em>v.surf.*</em> modules for that purpose).
@@ -23,20 +22,17 @@
-Resampling modules (<em>r.resample, r.resamp.stats, r.resamp.interp,
+<p>Resampling modules (<em>r.resample, r.resamp.stats, r.resamp.interp,
 r.resamp.rst</em>) resample the map to match the current region settings.
-Note that for bilinear, bicubic and lanczos interpolation,
+<p>Note that for bilinear, bicubic and lanczos interpolation,
 cells of the output raster that cannot be bounded by the appropriate number
 of input cell centers are set to NULL (NULL propagation). This could occur
 due to the input cells being outside the current region, being NULL or MASKed.
-For longitude-latitude locations, the interpolation algorithm is based on
+<p>For longitude-latitude locations, the interpolation algorithm is based on
 degree fractions, not on the absolute distances between cell centers.  Any
 attempt to implement the latter would violate the integrity of the
 interpolation method.
@@ -65,5 +61,4 @@
 Glynn Clements
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.resamp.rst/r.resamp.rst.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.resamp.rst/r.resamp.rst.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.resamp.rst/r.resamp.rst.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -8,49 +8,39 @@
 Reinterpolation (resampling) is done to higher, same or lower resolution 
 specified by the <i>ew_res</i> and <i>ns_res</i> parameters.
-All resulting raster maps are created using the settings of the current
+<p>All resulting raster maps are created using the settings of the current
 region (which may be different from that of the <i>input</i> raster map).
-Optionally, and simultaneously with interpolation, topographic parameters
+<p>Optionally, and simultaneously with interpolation, topographic parameters
 are computed from an input raster map containing z-values of elevation/depth: slope, 
 aspect, profile curvature (measured in the direction of steepest
 slope), tangential curvature (measured in the direction of a tangent to
 contour line) and/or mean curvature are computed from and saved as raster maps
 as specified by the options <i>slope, aspect, pcurv, tcurv, mcurv</i> respectively.
-If the <i>-d</i> flag is set the program outputs partial derivatives fx, fy, 
+<p>If the <i>-d</i> flag is set the program outputs partial derivatives fx, fy, 
 fxx, fxy, and fyy instead of slope, aspect and curvatures.
-For noisy data it is possible to define spatially variable smoothing
+<p>For noisy data it is possible to define spatially variable smoothing
 by providing a raster map named by the <i>smooth</i> option containing 
 smoothing parameters.
 With the smoothing parameter set to zero (<i>smooth</i> is not given or
 contains zero data), the resulting surface passes exactly through the data
-The user can also define a raster map (named with <i>maskmap</i>) which will
+<p>The user can also define a raster map (named with <i>maskmap</i>) which will
 be used as a mask. The interpolation is skipped for cells which have zero
 or NULL value in the mask.
-Zero values will be assigned to these cells in all output raster maps.
+<p>Zero values will be assigned to these cells in all output raster maps.
 <!-- is this still true???? -->
-The <i>zmult</i> parameter allows the user to rescale the z-values which may 
+<p>The <i>zmult</i> parameter allows the user to rescale the z-values which may 
 be useful, e.g., for transformation of elevations given in feet to meters,
 so that the proper values of slopes and curvatures can be computed.
 The default value is 1.
-A regularized spline with tension method is used for the interpolation.
+<p>A regularized spline with tension method is used for the interpolation.
 The <i>tension</i> parameter tunes the character of the resulting surface 
 from thin plate to membrane. Higher values of tension parameter reduce the 
 overshoots that can appear in surfaces with rapid change of gradient. 
-The <i>-t</i> flag can be set to use "dnorm independent tension".
+<p>The <i>-t</i> flag can be set to use "dnorm independent tension".
 <!-- but what is "dnorm independent tension" ??? -->
-The interpolation is performed for overlapping rectangular segments. 
+<p>The interpolation is performed for overlapping rectangular segments. 
 The user can define the width of overlap (in number of cells) with
 the <i>overlap</i> option. The default value is 3.
@@ -60,16 +50,13 @@
 <i>r.resamp.rst</i> uses regularized spline with tension for interpolation
 (as described in Mitasova and Mitas, 1993). 
-The region is temporarily changed while writing output files with desired 
+<p>The region is temporarily changed while writing output files with desired 
 resolution. Topographic parameters are computed in the same way as in 
 the <i>v.surf.rst</i> module. (See also Mitasova and Hofierka, 1993)
-The raster map used with the <i>smooth</i> option should contain variable 
+<p>The raster map used with the <i>smooth</i> option should contain variable 
 smoothing parameters. These can be derived from errors, slope, etc. using
 the <i>r.mapcalc</i> module.
-The program gives warning when significant overshoots appear and higher
+<p>The program gives warning when significant overshoots appear and higher
 tension should be used. However, with tension set too high the resulting surface
 changes its behavior to a membrane (rubber sheet stretched over the data
 points resulting in a peak or pit in each given point and everywhere else
@@ -77,8 +64,7 @@
 the overshoots. When overshoots occur the resulting <i>elev</i> file will
 have white color in the locations of overshoots since the color table for
 the output file is the same as colortable for raster input file.
-The program checks the numerical stability of the algorithm by computation 
+<p>The program checks the numerical stability of the algorithm by computation 
 of values at given points, and prints the maximum difference found into the 
 history file of raster map <i>elev</i> (view with <i>r.info</i>). 
 An increase in tension is suggested if the difference is unacceptable.
@@ -87,8 +73,7 @@
 the data points exactly, and the higher the parameter the closer the surface 
 will be to the trend.
-The program writes the values of parameters used in computation into
+<p>The program writes the values of parameters used in computation into
 the comment part of the <i>elev</i> map history file. Additionally the 
 following values are also written to assist in the evaluation of results 
 and choosing of suitable parameters:
@@ -100,12 +85,10 @@
 <li>rescaling parameter used for normalization (dnorm), which influences the
-The program gives a warning when the user wants to interpolate outside
+<p>The program gives a warning when the user wants to interpolate outside
 the region given by the <i>input</i> raster map's header data. Zooming into the
 area where the points are is suggested in this case.
-When a mask is used, the program uses all points in the given region for 
+<p>When a mask is used, the program uses all points in the given region for 
 interpolation, including those in the area which is masked out, to ensure 
 proper interpolation along the border of the mask. It therefore does not 
 mask out the data points; if this is desirable, it must be done outside 

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.resamp.stats/r.resamp.stats.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.resamp.stats/r.resamp.stats.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.resamp.stats/r.resamp.stats.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
-<em>r.resamp.stats</em> fills a grid cell (raster) matrix with
+<p><em>r.resamp.stats</em> fills a grid cell (raster) matrix with
 aggregated values generated from a set of input layer data points.
-Without the <em>-w</em> switch, the aggregate is computed over all of
+<p>Without the <em>-w</em> switch, the aggregate is computed over all of
 the input cells whose centers lie within the output cell.
-With the <em>-w</em> switch, the aggregate uses the values from all
+<p>With the <em>-w</em> switch, the aggregate uses the values from all
 input cells which intersect the output cell, weighted according to the
 proportion of the source cell which lies inside the output cell. This
 is slower, but produces a more accurate result.
@@ -19,12 +16,10 @@
-Resampling modules (<em>r.resample, r.resamp.stats, r.resamp.interp,
+<p>Resampling modules (<em>r.resample, r.resamp.stats, r.resamp.interp,
 r.resamp.rst</em>) resample the map to match the current region settings.
-The notion of weighting doesn't make any sense for the min and max
+<p>The notion of weighting doesn't make any sense for the min and max
 aggregates. However, the <em>-w</em> flag still has significance in
 that, when multiple destination cells overlap a source cell, the
 source cell is included in the calculation of all of the destination
@@ -32,8 +27,7 @@
-Resample elevation raster map to a lower resolution (from 6m to 20m;
+<p>Resample elevation raster map to a lower resolution (from 6m to 20m;
 North Carolina sample dataset):
@@ -55,5 +49,4 @@
 Glynn Clements
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.resample/r.resample.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.resample/r.resample.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.resample/r.resample.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@
 resolution as the resolution of the current geographic region
 (set using <em><a href="g.region.html">g.region</a></em>).
-The resulting raster map layer may be identical to the original raster
+<p>The resulting raster map layer may be identical to the original raster
 map layer.  The <em>r.resample</em> program will copy the color table
 and history file associated with the original raster map
 layer for the resulting raster map layer and will create a modified
@@ -29,7 +28,6 @@
 which appear in resampled file.
 When the user resamples a GRASS <em>reclass</em> file, a true raster map
 is created by <em>r.resample</em>.

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.ros/r.ros.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.ros/r.ros.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.ros/r.ros.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -160,5 +160,4 @@
 Jianping Xu, Center for Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis, Rutgers University.
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.series/r.series.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.series/r.series.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.series/r.series.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 <em>r.series</em> makes each output cell value a function of the values
 assigned to the corresponding cells in the input raster map layers.
 Following methods are available:
@@ -29,19 +28,16 @@
 With <em>-n</em> flag, any cell for which any of the corresponding input cells are
 NULL is automatically set to NULL (NULL propagation). The aggregate function is not
 called, so all methods behave this way with respect to the <em>-n</em> flag.
-Without <em>-n</em> flag, the complete list of inputs for each cell (including
+<p>Without <em>-n</em> flag, the complete list of inputs for each cell (including
 NULLs) is passed to the aggregate function. Individual aggregates can
 handle data as they choose. Mostly, they just compute the aggregate
 over the non-NULL values, producing a NULL result only if all inputs
 are NULL.
-The <em>min_raster</em> and <em>max_raster</em> methods generate a map with the
+<p>The <em>min_raster</em> and <em>max_raster</em> methods generate a map with the
 number of the raster map that holds the minimum/maximum value of the
 time-series. The numbering starts at <em>0</em> up to <em>n</em> for the
 first and the last raster listed in <em>input=</em>, respectively. 
-If the <em>range=</em> option is given, any values which fall outside
+<p>If the <em>range=</em> option is given, any values which fall outside
 that range will be treated as if they were NULL.
 The <em>range</em> parameter can be set to <em>low,high</em> thresholds:
 values outside of this range are treated as NULL (i.e., they will be
@@ -49,12 +45,10 @@
 The <em>low,high</em> thresholds are floating point, so use <em>-inf</em> or
 <em>inf</em> for a single threshold (e.g., <em>range=0,inf</em> to ignore
 negative values, or <em>range=-inf,-200.4</em> to ignore values above -200.4).
-Linear regression (slope, offset, coefficient of determination) assumes equal time intervals.
+<p>Linear regression (slope, offset, coefficient of determination) assumes equal time intervals.
 If the data have irregular time intervals, NULL raster maps can be inserted into time series
 to make time intervals equal (see example).
-Number of raster maps to be processed is given by the limit of the
+<p>Number of raster maps to be processed is given by the limit of the
 operating system. For example, both the hard and soft limits are
 typically 1024. The soft limit can be changed with e.g. <tt>ulimit -n
 1500</tt> (UNIX-based operating systems) but not higher than the hard
@@ -69,8 +63,7 @@
 This would raise the hard limit to 1500 file. Be warned that more
 files open need more RAM.
-Use the <em>file</em> option to analyze large amount of raster maps without 
+<p>Use the <em>file</em> option to analyze large amount of raster maps without 
 hitting open files limit and the size limit of command line arguments. 
 The computation is slower than the <em>input</em> option method. 
 For every sinlge row in the output map(s) 
@@ -86,11 +79,9 @@
 r.series input="`g.mlist pattern='insitu_data.*' sep=,`" \
          output=insitu_data.stddev method=stddev
-Note the <em>g.mlist</em> script also supports regular expressions for
+<p>Note the <em>g.mlist</em> script also supports regular expressions for
 selecting map names.
-Using <em>r.series</em> with NULL raster maps:
+<p>Using <em>r.series</em> with NULL raster maps:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 r.mapcalc "dummy = null()"
@@ -98,14 +89,12 @@
          out=res_slope,res_offset,res_coeff meth=slope,offset,detcoeff
-Example for multiple aggregates to be computed in one run (3 resulting aggregates from two input maps):
+<p>Example for multiple aggregates to be computed in one run (3 resulting aggregates from two input maps):
 <div class="code"><pre>
 r.series in=one,two out=result_avg,res_slope,result_count meth=sum,slope,count
-Example to use the file option of r.series:
+<p>Example to use the file option of r.series:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 cat > input.txt << EOF
@@ -125,4 +114,4 @@
 Glynn Clements
-<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
\ No newline at end of file
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.slope.aspect/r.slope.aspect.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.slope.aspect/r.slope.aspect.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.slope.aspect/r.slope.aspect.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -7,39 +7,33 @@
 <i>format</i> for slope (degrees, percent; default=degrees), and the 
 <i>zfactor</i>: multiplicative factor to convert elevation units to meters;
 (default 1.0).
-The <i>elevation</i> input raster map specified by the user must contain true
+<p>The <i>elevation</i> input raster map specified by the user must contain true
 elevation values, <b>not</b> rescaled or categorized data. If the elevation
 values are in feet or other units than meters (with a conversion factor
 <i>meters:</i>, defined in PROJ_UNITS), they must be converted to meters using
 the parameter <i>zfactor</i>.
-The <i>aspect</i> output raster map indicates the direction that slopes are
+<p>The <i>aspect</i> output raster map indicates the direction that slopes are
 facing. The aspect categories represent the number degrees of east. Category
 and color table files are also generated for the aspect map layer. The aspect
 categories represent the number degrees of east and they increase
 counterclockwise: 90deg is North, 180 is West, 270 is South 360 is East. The
 aspect value 0 is used to indicate undefined aspect in flat areas with slope=0.
-The <i>slope</i> output raster map contains slope values, stated in degrees of
+<p>The <i>slope</i> output raster map contains slope values, stated in degrees of
 inclination from the horizontal if <i>format</i>=degrees option (the default)
 is chosen, and in percent rise if <i>format</i>=percent option is chosen.
 Category and color table files are generated.
-Profile and tangential curvatures are the curvatures in the direction of
+<p>Profile and tangential curvatures are the curvatures in the direction of
 steepest slope and in the direction of the contour tangent respectively. The
 curvatures are expressed as 1/metres, e.g. a curvature of 0.05 corresponds to a
 radius of curvature of 20m. Convex form values are positive and concave form values
 are negative.
-<table width="100%" border="0">
+<p><table width="100%" border="0">
  <tr valign="baseline">
     <img src="dem.png" border="1">
-    <p>
-    Example DEM
+    <p>    Example DEM
@@ -51,16 +45,14 @@
     <img src="slope.png" border="1">
-    <p>
-    Slope (degree) from example DEM
+    <p>    Slope (degree) from example DEM
     <img src="aspect.png" border="1">
-    <p>
-    Aspect (degree) from example DEM
+    <p>    Aspect (degree) from example DEM
@@ -70,16 +62,14 @@
     <img src="tcurv.png" border="1">
-    <p>
-    Tangential curvature (m<sup>-1</sup>) from example DEM
+    <p>    Tangential curvature (m<sup>-1</sup>) from example DEM
     <img src="pcurv.png" border="1">
-    <p>
-    Profile curvature (m<sup>-1</sup>) from example DEM
+    <p>    Profile curvature (m<sup>-1</sup>) from example DEM
@@ -88,8 +78,7 @@
-For some applications, the user will wish to use a reclassified raster map
+<p>For some applications, the user will wish to use a reclassified raster map
 of slope that groups slope values into ranges of slope. This can be done using
 <i><a href="r.reclass.html">r.reclass</a></i>. An example of a useful
 reclassification is given below:
@@ -128,27 +117,22 @@
 cells in the elevation map. If the user really wants the elevation map
 resampled to the current region resolution, the -a flag should be specified.
-The current mask is ignored.
+<p>The current mask is ignored.
-The algorithm used to determine slope and aspect uses a 3x3 neighborhood
+<p>The algorithm used to determine slope and aspect uses a 3x3 neighborhood
 around each cell in the elevation file. Thus, it is not possible to determine
 slope and aspect for the cells adjacent to the edges in the elevation map
 layer. These cells are assigned a "zero slope" value (category 0) in both
 the slope and aspect raster map layers.
-Horn's formula is used to find the first order derivatives in x and y directions.
+<p>Horn's formula is used to find the first order derivatives in x and y directions.
-Only when using integer elevation models, the aspect is biased in 0,
+<p>Only when using integer elevation models, the aspect is biased in 0,
 45, 90, 180, 225, 270, 315, and 360 directions; i.e., the distribution
 of aspect categories is very uneven, with peaks at 0, 45,..., 360 categories.
 When working with floating point elevation models, no such aspect bias occurs.
-Because most cells with a very small slope end up having category 0,
+<p>Because most cells with a very small slope end up having category 0,
 45, ..., 360, it is sometimes possible to reduce the bias in these directions
 by filtering out the aspect in areas where the terrain is almost flat. A new
 option <i>min_slp_allowed</i> was added to specify the minimum slope for which
@@ -179,5 +163,4 @@
 Michael Shapiro, U.S.Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory<br>
 Olga Waupotitsch, U.S.Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.solute.transport/r.solute.transport.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.solute.transport/r.solute.transport.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.solute.transport/r.solute.transport.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
 raster maps and the current region settings. All initial- and boundary-conditions must be provided as
 raster maps. The unit in the location must be meters.
-This module is sensitive to mask settings. All cells which are outside the mask
+<p>This module is sensitive to mask settings. All cells which are outside the mask
 are ignored and handled as no flow boundaries.
 This module calculates the concentration of the solution and optional the
@@ -15,7 +14,7 @@
 with r.out.vtk.
-Use <a href="r.gwflow.html">r.gwflow</A> to compute the piezometric heights
+Use <a href="r.gwflow.html">r.gwflow</a> to compute the piezometric heights
 of the aquifer. The piezometric heights and the hydraulic conductivity
 are used to compute the flow direction and the mean velocity of the groundwater.
 This is the base of the solute transport computation.
@@ -39,8 +38,7 @@
 which must be solved. The solute transport partial
 differential equation is of the following form:
-(dc/dt)*R = div ( D grad c - uc) + cs -q/nf(c - c_in)
+<p>(dc/dt)*R = div ( D grad c - uc) + cs -q/nf(c - c_in)
 <li>c -- the concentration [kg/m^3]</li>
@@ -147,14 +145,13 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="r.gwflow.html">r.gwflow</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="r3.gwflow.html">r3.gwflow</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="r.out.vtk.html">r.out.vtk</A></em><br>
+<em><a href="r.gwflow.html">r.gwflow</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="r3.gwflow.html">r3.gwflow</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="r.out.vtk.html">r.out.vtk</a></em><br>
 S&ouml;ren Gebbert
-This work is based on the Diploma Thesis of S&ouml;ren Gebbert available
+<p>This work is based on the Diploma Thesis of S&ouml;ren Gebbert available
 <a href="http://www.hydrogeologie.tu-berlin.de/fileadmin/fg66/_hydro/Diplomarbeiten/2007_Diplomarbeit_Soeren_Gebbert.pdf">here</a>
 at Technical University Berlin in Germany.

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.spread/r.spread.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.spread/r.spread.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.spread/r.spread.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
 GRASS raster program r.spreadpath.
 <p>Part of the spotting function in r.spread is based on Chase (1984)
-and Rothermel (1983). More information on <I>r.spread</I>, <I><a href="r.ros.html">r.ros</A></I>
-and <I><a href="r.spreadpath.html">r.spreadpath</A></I> can be found in
+and Rothermel (1983). More information on <I>r.spread</I>, <I><a href="r.ros.html">r.ros</a></I>
+and <I><a href="r.spreadpath.html">r.spreadpath</a></I> can be found in
 Xu (1994).
@@ -193,11 +193,11 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="g.region.html">g.region</A></em>,
-<em><a href="r.cost.html">r.cost</A></em>,
-<!-- <em><a href="r.mask.html">r.mask</A></em>, -->
-<em><a href="r.spreadpath.html">r.spreadpath</A></em>,
-<em><a href="r.ros.html">r.ros</A></em>
+<em><a href="g.region.html">g.region</a></em>,
+<em><a href="r.cost.html">r.cost</a></em>,
+<!-- <em><a href="r.mask.html">r.mask</a></em>, -->
+<em><a href="r.spreadpath.html">r.spreadpath</a></em>,
+<em><a href="r.ros.html">r.ros</a></em>
 Chase, Carolyn, H., 1984, Spotting distance from wind-driven surface fires

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.spreadpath/r.spreadpath.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.spreadpath/r.spreadpath.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.spreadpath/r.spreadpath.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
 x_input) coordinates from which the cell's cumulative cost was determined.
 The backlink inputs can be generated from another GRASS raster program
 <em>r.spread</em>. One of the major applications of <em>r.spreadpath</em>
 along with <em>r.spread</em> is to accurately find the least cost corridors
@@ -32,8 +31,8 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="r.spread.html">r.spread</A></em>,
-<em><a href="r.ros.html">r.ros</A></em>
+<em><a href="r.spread.html">r.spread</a></em>,
+<em><a href="r.ros.html">r.ros</a></em>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.statistics/r.statistics.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.statistics/r.statistics.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.statistics/r.statistics.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -28,14 +28,12 @@
 The calculations will be performed on each area of data of the
 cover layers which fall within each unique value, or category, of the base layer.
-Setting the <em>-c</em> flag the category lables of the covering raster
+<p>Setting the <em>-c</em> flag the category lables of the covering raster
 layer will be used.  This is nice to avoid the GRASS limitation to interger
 in raster maps because using category values floating point numbers can be
-All calculations create an output layer.  The output 
+<p>All calculations create an output layer.  The output 
 layer is a reclassified version of the base layer with identical
 category values, but modified category labels - the results of the calculations
 are stored in the category labels of the output layer.

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.statistics3/r.statistics3.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.statistics3/r.statistics3.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.statistics3/r.statistics3.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -15,5 +15,4 @@
 Glynn Clements
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.stats/r.stats.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.stats/r.stats.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.stats/r.stats.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@
 layers are specified on the command line, a cross-tabulation table of areas
 for each combination of categories in the map layers will be printed.
-For example, if one raster map layer were specified, the output would look like:
+<p>For example, if one raster map layer were specified, the output would look like:
@@ -48,15 +47,12 @@
 <em>r.stats</em> works in the current geographic region with the current mask.
-If a nicely formatted output is desired, pipe the output into a command
+<p>If a nicely formatted output is desired, pipe the output into a command
 which can create columnar output.  For example, the command:
-    <b>r.stats input=</b>a,b,c | pr -3 | cat -s
+<p>    <b>r.stats input=</b>a,b,c | pr -3 | cat -s
-will create a three-column output 
+<p>will create a three-column output 
 1:4:4:10000.00       2:1:5:290000.00      2:4:5:2090000.00
 1:4:5:1340000.00     2:2:5:350000.00      3:1:2:450000.00
@@ -66,8 +62,7 @@
 The output from <em>r.stats</em> on more than one map layer is sorted.
-Note that the user has only the option of printing out cell statistics in
+<p>Note that the user has only the option of printing out cell statistics in
 terms of cell counts and/or area totals. Users wishing to use different
 units than are available here should use the GRASS program 
 <em><a href="r.report.html">r.report</a></em>.

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.sun/r.sun.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.sun/r.sun.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.sun/r.sun.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@
 the shadowing effect directly from the digital elevation model or using rasters
 of the horizon height which is much faster. The horizon rasters can be
 constructed using  <a href="r.horizon.html">r.horizon</a>.
-For latitude-longitude coordinates it requires that the elevation map is in meters.
+<p>For latitude-longitude coordinates it requires that the elevation map is in meters.
 The rules are:
 <li> lat/lon coordinates: elevation in meters;
@@ -44,8 +43,7 @@
 parameters are saved in the resultant maps' history files, which may be viewed
 with the <a href="r.info.html">r.info</a> command.
-The solar incidence angle raster map <i>incidout</i> is computed specifying 
+<p>The solar incidence angle raster map <i>incidout</i> is computed specifying 
 elevation raster map <i>elevin</i>, aspect raster map <i>aspin</i>, slope 
 steepness raster map <i>slopin,</i> given the day <i>day</i> and local time
 <i>time</i>. There is no need to define latitude for locations with known
@@ -63,8 +61,7 @@
 where January 1 is day no.1 and December 31 is 365. Time <i>time</i> must
 be a local (solar) time (i.e. NOT a zone time, e.g. GMT, CET) in decimal system,
 e.g. 7.5 (= 7h 30m A.M.), 16.1 = 4h 6m P.M.. 
-Setting the solar declination <i>declin</i> by user is an option to override
+<p>Setting the solar declination <i>declin</i> by user is an option to override
 the value computed by the internal routine for the day of the year. The value
 of geographical latitude can be set as a constant for the whole computed
 region or, as an option, a grid representing spatially distributed values
@@ -72,15 +69,13 @@
 with positive values for northern hemisphere and negative for southern one.
 In similar principle the Linke turbidity factor (<i>linkein</i>, <i>lin</i>
 ) and ground albedo (<i>albedo</i>, <i>alb</i>) can be set. 
-Besides clear-sky radiations, the user can compute a real-sky radiation (beam,
+<p>Besides clear-sky radiations, the user can compute a real-sky radiation (beam,
 diffuse) using <i>coefbh</i> and <i>coefdh </i>input raster maps defining
 the fraction of the respective clear-sky radiations reduced by atmospheric
 factors (e.g. cloudiness). The value is between 0-1. Usually these
 coefficients can be obtained from a long-terms meteorological measurements
 provided as raster maps with spatial distribution of these coefficients separately
-for beam and diffuse radiation (see Suri and Hofierka, 2004, section 3.2).<p>
-The solar irradiation or irradiance raster maps <i>beam_rad</i>, <i>diff_rad</i>,
+for beam and diffuse radiation (see Suri and Hofierka, 2004, section 3.2).<p>The solar irradiation or irradiance raster maps <i>beam_rad</i>, <i>diff_rad</i>,
 <i>refl_rad</i> are computed for a given day <i>day,</i> latitude <i>latin</i>,
 elevation <i>elevin</i>, slope <i>slopein</i> and aspect <i>aspin</i> raster maps.
 For convenience, the output raster given as <i>glob_rad</i>
@@ -91,8 +86,7 @@
 factor for an absolutely clear atmosphere is <i>lin</i>=1.0. See notes below
 to learn more about this factor. The incidence solar angle is the angle between
 horizon and solar beam vector. 
-The solar radiation maps for a given day are computed by integrating the
+<p>The solar radiation maps for a given day are computed by integrating the
 relevant irradiance between sunrise and sunset times for that day. The
 user can set a finer or coarser time step used for all-day radiation
 calculations with the <i>step</i> option. The default value of <i>step</i> is
@@ -104,8 +98,7 @@
 <i>step</i> to 4 minutes or less. <i>step</i><tt>=0.05</tt> is equivalent
 to every 3 minutes. Of course setting the time step to be very fine
 proportionally increases the module's running time.
-The output units are in Wh per squared meter per given
+<p>The output units are in Wh per squared meter per given
 day [Wh/(m*m)/day]. The incidence angle and irradiance/irradiation maps can
 be computed without shadowing influence of relief by default or they can
 be computed with this influence using the flag <i>-s</i>. In mountainous areas
@@ -161,8 +154,7 @@
 sensing. Solar rays incidence angle maps can be effectively used in radiometric
 and topographic corrections in mountainous and hilly terrain where very accurate
 investigations should be performed. 
-The clear-sky solar radiation model applied in the r.sun is based on the
+<p>The clear-sky solar radiation model applied in the r.sun is based on the
 work undertaken for development of European Solar Radiation Atlas (Scharmer 
 and Greif 2000, Page et al. 2001, Rigollier 2001). The clear sky model estimates
 the global radiation from the sum of its beam, diffuse and reflected components.
@@ -172,13 +164,11 @@
 consideration the existing models and their limitation the European Solar
 Radiation Atlas team selected the Muneer (1990) model as it has a sound theoretical
 basis and thus more potential for later improvement. 
-Details of underlying equations used in this program can be found in the
+<p>Details of underlying equations used in this program can be found in the
 reference literature cited below or book published by Neteler and Mitasova: 
 Open Source GIS: A GRASS GIS Approach (published in Kluwer Academic Publishers 
 in 2002). 
-Average monthly values of the Linke turbidity coefficient for a mild climate
+<p>Average monthly values of the Linke turbidity coefficient for a mild climate
 in the northern hemisphere (see reference literature for your study area):
 <table border="1">
@@ -189,8 +179,7 @@
-Planned improvements include the use of the SOLPOS algorithm for solar 
+<p>Planned improvements include the use of the SOLPOS algorithm for solar 
 geometry calculations and internal computation of aspect and slope.
 <h3>Shadow maps</h3>
@@ -257,50 +246,37 @@
 Hofierka, J., Suri, M. (2002): The solar radiation model for Open source
 GIS: implementation and applications. Manuscript submitted to the International
 GRASS users conference in Trento, Italy, September 2002. 
-Hofierka, J. (1997). Direct solar radiation modelling within an open GIS
+<p>Hofierka, J. (1997). Direct solar radiation modelling within an open GIS
 environment. Proceedings of JEC-GI'97 conference in Vienna, Austria, IOS
 Press Amsterdam, 575-584. 
-Jenco, M. (1992). Distribution of direct solar radiation on georelief and
+<p>Jenco, M. (1992). Distribution of direct solar radiation on georelief and
 its modelling by means of complex digital model of terrain (in Slovak). Geograficky
 casopis, 44, 342-355. 
-Kasten, F. (1996). The Linke turbidity factor based on improved values of
+<p>Kasten, F. (1996). The Linke turbidity factor based on improved values of
 the integral Rayleigh optical thickness. Solar Energy, 56 (3), 239-244. 
-Kasten, F., Young, A. T. (1989). Revised optical air mass tables and approximation
+<p>Kasten, F., Young, A. T. (1989). Revised optical air mass tables and approximation
 formula. Applied Optics, 28, 4735-4738. 
-Kittler, R., Mikler, J. (1986): Basis of the utilization of solar radiation 
+<p>Kittler, R., Mikler, J. (1986): Basis of the utilization of solar radiation 
 (in Slovak). VEDA, Bratislava, p. 150. 
-Krcho, J. (1990). Morfometrická analza a digitálne modely georeliéfu
+<p>Krcho, J. (1990). Morfometrická analza a digitálne modely georeliéfu
 (Morphometric analysis and digital models of georelief). VEDA,
 Bratislava (in Slovak). 
-Muneer, T. (1990). Solar radiation model for Europe. Building services engineering
+<p>Muneer, T. (1990). Solar radiation model for Europe. Building services engineering
 research and technology, 11, 4, 153-163. 
-Neteler, M., Mitasova, H. (2002): Open Source GIS: A GRASS GIS Approach, Kluwer
+<p>Neteler, M., Mitasova, H. (2002): Open Source GIS: A GRASS GIS Approach, Kluwer
 Academic Publishers/Springer. 
-Page, J. ed. (1986). Prediction of solar radiation on inclined surfaces. Solar
+<p>Page, J. ed. (1986). Prediction of solar radiation on inclined surfaces. Solar
 energy R&amp;D in the European Community, series F -- Solar radiation data,
 Dordrecht (D. Reidel), 3, 71, 81-83. 
-Page, J., Albuisson, M., Wald, L. (2001). The European solar radiation atlas:
+<p>Page, J., Albuisson, M., Wald, L. (2001). The European solar radiation atlas:
 a valuable digital tool. Solar Energy, 71, 81-83. 
-Rigollier, Ch., Bauer, O., Wald, L. (2000). On the clear sky model of the
+<p>Rigollier, Ch., Bauer, O., Wald, L. (2000). On the clear sky model of the
 ESRA - European Solar radiation Atlas - with respect to the Heliosat method.
 Solar energy, 68, 33-48. 
-Scharmer, K., Greif, J., eds., (2000). The European solar radiation atlas,
+<p>Scharmer, K., Greif, J., eds., (2000). The European solar radiation atlas,
 Vol. 2: Database and exploitation software. Paris (Les Presses de l'École
 des Mines). 
-Suri, M., Hofierka, J. (2004): A new GIS-based solar radiation model and its
+<p>Suri, M., Hofierka, J. (2004): A new GIS-based solar radiation model and its
 application to photovoltaic assessments. Transactions in GIS 8, pp. 175-190.
 <p>Joint Research Centre: <a href="http://re.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pvgis/">GIS solar radiation database for Europe</a> and

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.sunmask/r.sunmask.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.sunmask/r.sunmask.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.sunmask/r.sunmask.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@
 to specify date/time for sun position calculation by r.sunmask itself have
 to be used.
-The module performs sunset/sunrise checks and refraction correction for sun
+<p>The module performs sunset/sunrise checks and refraction correction for sun
 position calculation. Local coordinate systems are internally transformed to
 latitude/longitude for the SOLPOS algorithm. The elevation is not considered
 in the sunset/sunrise calculations.
@@ -25,14 +24,12 @@
 (different for winter and summer), he/she would have to change the Time Zone
 parameter seasonally in r.sunmask (timezone parameter).
 Note: In latitude/longitude locations the position coordinates pair
 (east/west) has to be specified in decimal degree (not D:M:S). If
 not specified, the map center's coordinates will be used.
 Also <em>g.region -l</em> displays the map center's coordinates.
-Note for module usage with <em>-g</em> flag and calculations
+<p>Note for module usage with <em>-g</em> flag and calculations
 close to sunset/sunrise:

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.support/r.support.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.support/r.support.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.support/r.support.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@
 module will run  non-interactively. If only the map name is given
 <em>r.support</em> will run interactively within a terminal shell and the
 user with be prompted for input.
-Freeform metadata information is stored in a "<tt>hist</tt>" file which may be
+<p>Freeform metadata information is stored in a "<tt>hist</tt>" file which may be
 appended to by using the <b>history</b> option. Currently this is limited to
 50 lines of text with a maximum line length of 78 characters. Any input
 larger than this will be wrapped to the next line.
@@ -37,6 +36,5 @@
 M. Hamish Bowman: command line enhancements<br>
 Markus Neteler: category copy from other map
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.surf.area/r.surf.area.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.surf.area/r.surf.area.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.surf.area/r.surf.area.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -16,13 +16,11 @@
 edges. The module does not [currently] attempt to correct for the
 error introduced by this <em>edge effect</em>.
-This version actually calculates area twice for each triangle pair,
+<p>This version actually calculates area twice for each triangle pair,
 keeping a running minimum and maximum area depending on the direction
 of the diagonal used.
-Reported totals are:
+<p>Reported totals are:
 <li>"Plan" area of <tt>NULL</tt> values within the current GRASS
@@ -35,8 +33,7 @@
 <li>Scaling of calculated area to current region</li>
-<em>r.surf.area</em> works best when the surface being evaluated
+<p><em>r.surf.area</em> works best when the surface being evaluated
 extends to the edges of the current region and the cell resolution is
 small. Surfaces which are especially long and thin and have highly
 irregular boudaries will tend to have underestimated surface areas.
@@ -79,5 +76,4 @@
 Updated for GRASS 7, and units option by Martin Landa, Czech Technical
 University in Prague, Czech Republic (October 2011)
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.surf.contour/r.surf.contour.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.surf.contour/r.surf.contour.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.surf.contour/r.surf.contour.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 <em>r.surf.contour</em> creates a raster elevation map from a rasterized
 contour map.  Elevation values are determined using procedures similar
 to a manual methods.
@@ -10,7 +9,6 @@
 <em>r.surf.contour</em> works in a similar way.  Initially, a vector map of
 the contour lines is made with the elevation of each line as an attribute.
 When the program <em><a href="v.to.rast.html">v.to.rast</a></em>
@@ -43,8 +41,7 @@
 the known category values in the input raster map layer.
-An existing MASK raster map is respected for both reading <em>input</em>
+<p>An existing MASK raster map is respected for both reading <em>input</em>
 and writing <em>output</em>.
@@ -61,8 +58,7 @@
 </em> on <em>r.surf.contour</em> results to locate potential anomalies.
-The running of <em>r.surf.contour</em> is very sensitive to the resolution of
+<p>The running of <em>r.surf.contour</em> is very sensitive to the resolution of
 rasterized vector map.  If multiple contour lines go through the same raster,
 slight anomalies may occur.  The speed of <em>r.surf.contour</em> is dependent
 on how far "apart" the contour lines are from each other (as measured in
@@ -86,5 +82,4 @@
 Chuck Ehlschlaeger, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.surf.fractal/r.surf.fractal.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.surf.fractal/r.surf.fractal.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.surf.fractal/r.surf.fractal.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
 showing the build up of different spectral coefficients (see Saupe,
 pp.106-107 for an example of this).
-Use this module to generate naturally looking synthetical elevation models
+<p>Use this module to generate naturally looking synthetical elevation models
@@ -37,5 +36,4 @@
 Midlands Regional Research Laboratory (ASSIST),
 University of Leicester
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.surf.gauss/r.surf.gauss.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.surf.gauss/r.surf.gauss.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.surf.gauss/r.surf.gauss.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
 random number generator. It is essentialy the same as <em>r.surf.random</em>,
 but uses a Gaussian random number generator instead.
 <img src="r_surf_gauss_hist.png" alt="r.surf.gauss map histogram"><br>
 <i>Histogram of map generated with r.surf.gauss (mean=0, sigma=10)</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.surf.idw/r.surf.idw.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.surf.idw/r.surf.idw.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.surf.idw/r.surf.idw.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 <em>r.surf.idw</em> fills a grid cell (raster) matrix with
 interpolated values generated from a set of input layer
 data points. It uses a numerical approximation technique
@@ -10,7 +9,6 @@
 specified by the user (default: 12 nearest data points).
 If there is a current working mask, it applies to the output 
 raster map. Only those cells falling within the mask will be 
 assigned interpolated values. The search procedure for the 
@@ -20,8 +18,7 @@
 The <b>-e</b> flag is the error analysis option that interpolates values
 only for those cells of the input raster map which have non-zero values and
 outputs the difference (see <a href="#minuse.html">NOTES</a> below).
-The <b>npoints</b> parameter defines the number of nearest data points used
+<p>The <b>npoints</b> parameter defines the number of nearest data points used
 to determine the interpolated value of an output raster cell.
 <A NAME="notes.html"></a>
@@ -39,7 +36,6 @@
 Unlike <em><a href="r.surf.idw2.html">r.surf.idw2</a></em>, which processes
 all input data points in each interpolation cycle, <em>r.surf.idw</em>
 attempts to minimize the number of input data for which distances must be
@@ -47,7 +43,6 @@
 and does not increase appreciably with the number of input data points.
 <em>r.surf.idw</em> will generally outperform 
 <em><a href="r.surf.idw2.html">r.surf.idw2</a></em> except when the input data
 layer contains few non-zero data, i.e. when the cost of the search exceeds
@@ -57,7 +52,6 @@
 and floating point operations on a particular platform.
 Worst case search performance by <em>r.surf.idw</em> occurs
 when the interpolated cell is located outside of the region
 in which input data are distributed. It therefore behooves
@@ -66,7 +60,6 @@
 The degree of smoothing produced by the interpolation will
 increase relative to the number of nearest data points
 considered.  The utility may be used with regularly or
@@ -75,7 +68,6 @@
 the surface pattern.
 The <A NAME="minuse.html"><b>-e</b></a> flag option provides a standard
 surface-generation error analysis facility. It produces an output raster map
 of the difference of interpolated values minus input values for those cells
@@ -106,5 +98,4 @@
 200 S.W. 35th Street, JSB <br>
 Corvallis, OR 97333 
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.surf.idw2/r.surf.idw2.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.surf.idw2/r.surf.idw2.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.surf.idw2/r.surf.idw2.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -29,14 +29,12 @@
 If the user has a mask set, then interpolation is only done
 for those cells that fall within the mask.  However, all
 non-zero data points in the input layer are used even if
 they fall outside the mask.
 This program does not work with latitude/longitude data
 bases.  Another surface generation program, named
 <em><a href="r.surf.idw.html">r.surf.idw</a></em>, 
@@ -44,7 +42,6 @@
 The user should refer to the manual entries for <br>
 <em><a href="r.surf.idw.html">r.surf.idw</a></em><br>
 <em><a href="r.surf.contour.html">r.surf.contour</a></em><br>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.surf.random/r.surf.random.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.surf.random/r.surf.random.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.surf.random/r.surf.random.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
 It uses the random number generator drand48() or rand()<!-- cite? -->,
 depending on the user's platform.
 <img src="r_surf_random_hist.png" alt="r.surf.random map histogram"><br>
 <i>Histogram of map generated with r.surf.random</i>
@@ -37,5 +36,4 @@
 <br><a href="http://www.geog.le.ac.uk/assist/index.html">ASSIST's home</a>
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.terraflow/r.terraflow.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.terraflow/r.terraflow.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.terraflow/r.terraflow.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -25,8 +25,7 @@
 neighbor. The MFD method assigns multiple flow directions towards all
 downslope neighbors.
-<table width="80%" align=center>
+<p><table width="80%" align=center>
   <th><img src="rterraflow_dir2.png" alt="[SFD]" border=0></th>
   <th><img src="rterraflow_dir3.png" alt="[MFD]" border=0></th>
@@ -53,8 +52,7 @@
-In order to flood the terrain, <em>r.terraflow</em> identifies all
+<p>In order to flood the terrain, <em>r.terraflow</em> identifies all
 sinks and partitions the terrain into sink-watersheds (a
 sink-watershed contains all the cells that flow into that sink),
 builds a graph representing the adjacency information of the
@@ -65,14 +63,12 @@
 leading outside the terrain and therefore every cell in the terrain
 can be assigned SFD/MFD flow directions as above.
-Once flow directions are computed for every cell in the terrain,
+<p>Once flow directions are computed for every cell in the terrain,
 <em>r.terraflow</em> computes flow accumulation by routing water using
 the flow directions and keeping track of how much water flows through
 each cell.
-If flow accumulation of a cell is larger than the value given by the
+<p>If flow accumulation of a cell is larger than the value given by the
 <b>d8cut</b> option, then
 the flow of this cell is routed to its neighbors using the SFD (D8)
 model. This option affects only the flow accumulation raster and is
@@ -80,13 +76,11 @@
 this option is used for SFD flow it is ignored. The default value of
 <b>d8cut</b> is <i>infinity</i>.
-<em>r.terraflow</em> also computes the tci raster (topographic convergence
+<p><em>r.terraflow</em> also computes the tci raster (topographic convergence
 index, defined as the logarithm of the ratio of flow accumulation and
 local slope).
-For more details on the algorithms see [1,2,3] below.
+<p>For more details on the algorithms see [1,2,3] below.
@@ -102,29 +96,25 @@
 columns) in the elevation raster (more precisely, 80K bytes, where K
 is the number of valid (not no-data) cells in the input elevation
-All these intermediate temporary files are stored in the path specified
+<p>All these intermediate temporary files are stored in the path specified
 by the <b>STREAM_DIR</b> option. Note: <b>STREAM_DIR</b> must contain
 enough free disk space in order to store up to 2 x 80N bytes.
-The <b>memory</b> option can be used to set the maximum amount of main
+<p>The <b>memory</b> option can be used to set the maximum amount of main
 memory (RAM) the module will use during processing. In practice its
 <i>value</i> should be an underestimate of the amount of available
 (free) main memory on the machine. <em>r.terraflow</em> will use at
 all times at most this much memory, and the virtual memory system
 (swap space) will never be used. The default value is 300 MB.
-The internal type used by <em>r.terraflow</em> to store elevations
+<p>The internal type used by <em>r.terraflow</em> to store elevations
 can be defined at compile-time.  By default, <em>r.terraflow</em> is
 compiled to store elevations internally as floats.
 A version which is compiled to store elevations internally as
 shorts is available as <em>r.terraflow.short</em>. Other versions can
 be created by the user if needed. 
-<em>r.terraflow.short</em> uses less space (up to 60B per cell, up
+<p><em>r.terraflow.short</em> uses less space (up to 60B per cell, up
 to 60N intermediate file) and therefore is more space and time
 efficient.  <em>r.terraflow</em> is intended for use with floating
 point raster data (FCELL), and <em>r.terraflow.short</em> with integer
@@ -132,8 +122,7 @@
 value of a short SHRT_MAX=32767 (this is not a constraint for any
 terrain data of the Earth, if elevation is stored in meters).
-Both <em>r.terraflow</em> and <em>r.terraflow.short</em> work with
+<p>Both <em>r.terraflow</em> and <em>r.terraflow.short</em> work with
 input elevation rasters which can be either integer, floating point or
 double (CELL, FCELL, DCELL). If the input raster contains a value that
 exceeds the allowed internal range (short for
@@ -144,8 +133,7 @@
 <em>r.terraflow.short</em>, float for <em>r.terraflow</em>). In this
 case precision may be lost and artificial flat areas may be created.
-For instance, if <em>r.terraflow.short</em> is used with floating
+<p>For instance, if <em>r.terraflow.short</em> is used with floating
 point raster data (FCELL or DCELL), the values of the elevation will
 be truncated as shorts. This may create artificial flat areas, and the
 output of <em>r.terraflow.short</em> may be less realistic than those
@@ -154,8 +142,7 @@
 The outputs of <em>r.terraflow.short</em> and <em>r.terraflow</em> are
 identical for integer raster data (CELL maps).
-The <b>stats</b> option defines the name of the file that contains the
+<p>The <b>stats</b> option defines the name of the file that contains the
 statistics (stats) of the run. The default name is <tt>stats.out</tt>
 (in the current directory).
@@ -248,5 +235,4 @@
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.texture/r.texture.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.texture/r.texture.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.texture/r.texture.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -4,15 +4,12 @@
 user-specified raster map layer. The module calculates textural features 
 based on spatial dependence matrices at 0, 45, 90, and 135 
 degrees for a <em>distance</em> (default = 1).
-<em>r.texture</em> assumes grey levels ranging from 0 to 255 as input. 
+<p><em>r.texture</em> assumes grey levels ranging from 0 to 255 as input. 
 The input is rescaled to 0 to 255 if needed.
-In general, several variables constitute texture: differences in grey level values,
+<p>In general, several variables constitute texture: differences in grey level values,
 coarseness as scale of grey level differences, presence or lack of directionality
 and regular patterns.
-<em>r.texture</em> reads a GRASS raster map as input and calculates textural 
+<p><em>r.texture</em> reads a GRASS raster map as input and calculates textural 
 features based on spatial
 dependence matrices for north-south, east-west, northwest, and southwest
 directions using a side by side neighborhood (i.e., a distance of 1). The user
@@ -21,17 +18,14 @@
 The output consists into four images for each textural feature, one for every
-A commonly used texture model is based on the so-called grey level co-occurrence
+<p>A commonly used texture model is based on the so-called grey level co-occurrence
 matrix. This matrix is a two-dimensional histogram of grey levels
 for a pair of pixels which are separated by a fixed spatial relationship. 
 The matrix approximates the joint probability distribution of a pair of pixels.
 Several texture measures are directly computed from the grey level co-occurrence
-The following are brief explanations of texture measures:
+<p>The following are brief explanations of texture measures:
 <li> Angular Second Moment (ASM, also called Uniformity):
  This is a measure of local homogeneity and the opposite of Entropy.
  High values of ASM occur when the pixels in the moving window are
@@ -107,8 +101,7 @@
 The algorithm was implemented after Haralick et al., 1973.
-The code was taken by permission from <em>pgmtexture</em>, part of
+<p>The code was taken by permission from <em>pgmtexture</em>, part of
 PBMPLUS (Copyright 1991, Jef Poskanser and Texas Agricultural Experiment
 Station, employer for hire of James Darrell McCauley). <br>
 Manual page of <a href="http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/doc/pgmtexture.html">pgmtexture</a>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.thin/r.thin.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.thin/r.thin.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.thin/r.thin.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
 into linear features having a single cell width.
 <em>r.thin</em> will thin only the non-zero cells of the
 named <em>input</em> raster map layer within the current
 geographic region settings.  The cell width of the thinned
@@ -15,7 +14,6 @@
 <em>r.thin</em> will create a new <em>output</em> raster
 data file containing the thinned linear features.
 <em>r.thin</em> assumes that linear features are encoded
@@ -29,14 +27,12 @@
 on the resultant raster map to create a vector 
 (<em><a href="wxGUI.Vector_Digitizing_Tool.html">wxGUI vector digitizer</a></em>) map layer.
-<em>r.thin</em> may create small spurs or "dangling lines"
+<p><em>r.thin</em> may create small spurs or "dangling lines"
 during the thinning process.  These spurs may be removed
 (after creating a vector map layer) by
 <em><a href="v.clean.html">v.clean</a></em>.
 <em>r.thin</em> creates a 0/1 output map.
@@ -51,8 +47,7 @@
 object while retaining any pixels whose removal would alter
 the connectivity or shorten the legs of the sceleton."
-The sceleton is finally thinned when the thinning process
+<p>The sceleton is finally thinned when the thinning process
 converges; i.e., "no further pixels can be removed without
 altering the connectivity or shortening the sceleton legs"
 (p. 541).  The authors prove that the thinning process
@@ -77,8 +72,7 @@
 Olga Waupotitsch, U.S.Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
-The code for finding the bounding box as well as input/output code
+<p>The code for finding the bounding box as well as input/output code
 was written by Mike Baba (DBA Systems, 1990) and Jean Ezell (USACERL, 1988).
 <p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.timestamp/r.timestamp.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.timestamp/r.timestamp.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.timestamp/r.timestamp.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -18,8 +18,7 @@
 description of the format. For convience, the formats are reproduced
-There are two types of datetime values:
+<p>There are two types of datetime values:
   <li><em>absolute</em> and
@@ -132,5 +131,4 @@
 Michael Shapiro, U.S.Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.to.vect/r.to.vect.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.to.vect/r.to.vect.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.to.vect/r.to.vect.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 using <em><a href="r.thin.html">r.thin</a></em>.
 <em>r.to.vect</em> extracts vectors (aka, "arcs") from a
 raster map.  These arcs may represent linear features
 (like roads or streams), or may represent area edge
@@ -22,7 +21,6 @@
 <em><a href="r.thin.html">r.thin</a></em> and <em>r.to.vect</em>
 may create excessive nodes at every junction, and may create small spurs
 or "dangling lines" during the thinning and vectorization process.
@@ -39,7 +37,6 @@
 resultant vector area edge data.
 A true vector tracing of the area edges might appear
 blocky, since the vectors outline the edges of raster data
 that are stored in rectangular cells.  To produce a
@@ -57,7 +54,6 @@
 error introduced by smoothing.
 <em>r.to.vect</em> extracts only area edges from the named raster input file. 
 If the raster map contains other data (i.e., line edges, or point data) the
 output may be wrong. 
@@ -88,8 +84,7 @@
 U.S. Army Construction Engineering 
 Research Laboratory
-<em>Modified</em> program for smoothed lines: 
+<p><em>Modified</em> program for smoothed lines: 
 David Satnik, 
 Central Washington University

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.topidx/r.topidx.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.topidx/r.topidx.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.topidx/r.topidx.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -2,22 +2,18 @@
 <em>r.topidx</em> creates topographic index (wetness index), ln(a/tan(beta)), map from
 elevation map
 <dd>a: the area of the hillslope per unit contour length that drains through any point,
-<dd>tan(beta): the local surface topographic slope (delta vertical) / (delta horizontal).
+<p><dd>tan(beta): the local surface topographic slope (delta vertical) / (delta horizontal).
-Input maps may have NULL values.  For example, if you have a MASK for
+<p>Input maps may have NULL values.  For example, if you have a MASK for
 a watershed (basin map from <em>r.water.outlet</em>), the
 following command will create a masked elevation map (belev):
 <div class="code"><pre>
 r.mapcalc "belev = if(isnull(basin), basin, elev)"
 <em>r.stats -Anc</em> prints out averaged statistics for topographic index.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
@@ -35,8 +31,7 @@
 Main algorithm sources are rewritten from GRIDATB.FOR.
 Thanks to Keith Beven.
-GRASS port by <a href="mailto:grass4u at gmail com">Huidae Cho</a><br>
+<p>GRASS port by <a href="mailto:grass4u at gmail com">Huidae Cho</a><br>
 Hydro Laboratory, Kyungpook National University, South Korea
 <p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.topmodel/r.topmodel.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.topmodel/r.topmodel.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.topmodel/r.topmodel.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -2,17 +2,14 @@
 <b><em>r.topmodel</em></b> simulates TOPMODEL which is a physically based
 hydrologic model.
-Note: (i) means input; (o) means output; (o/i) means input or output
-The <b>-i</b> flag indicates that input data are given for (o/i).  Without this
+<p>Note: (i) means input; (o) means output; (o/i) means input or output
+<p>The <b>-i</b> flag indicates that input data are given for (o/i).  Without this
 flag, all inputs (i) and intermediate outputs (o/i) should be given.  For
 example, [belevation] map will be created from [elevation] and [basin] in every
 run.  However, given the same [elevation] and [basin], [belevation] output will
 be the same all the time, so r.topmodel can directly take [belevation] as an
 input with this flag to save time.
 <h3>Selected Parameters:</h3>
@@ -45,8 +42,7 @@
 K. Beven, R. Lamb, P. Quinn, R. Romanowicz, and J. Freer.
 TOPMODEL, in V.P. Singh (Ed.). Computer Models of Watershed Hydrology.
 Water Resources Publications, 1995.
-S.C. Liaw, Streamflow simulation using a physically based hydrologic
+<p>S.C. Liaw, Streamflow simulation using a physically based hydrologic
 model in humid forested watersheds (Dissertation).
 Colorado State University, CO. p163, 1988.
@@ -65,9 +61,7 @@
 Main algorithm sources are rewritten in C based on TMOD9502.FOR.
 Thanks to Keith Beven.
-GRASS port by <a href="mailto:grass4u at gmail com">Huidae Cho</a><br>
+<p>GRASS port by <a href="mailto:grass4u at gmail com">Huidae Cho</a><br>
 Hydro Laboratory, Kyungpook National University, South Korea
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.transect/r.transect.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.transect/r.transect.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.transect/r.transect.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -10,18 +10,15 @@
  each transect, may be the values at each of the cells, or a
  single aggregate value (e.g., average or median value). -->
 The <b>line</b> parameter is a definition of (each) transect line,
 specified by the geographic coordinates of its starting point (<em>easting,
 northing</em>), the angle and direction of its travel (<em>azimuth</em>),
 and its distance (<em>distance</em>).
-The <em>azimuth</em> is an angle, in degrees, measured to
+<p>The <em>azimuth</em> is an angle, in degrees, measured to
 the east of north.  The <em>distance</em> is in map units
 (meters for a metered database, like UTM).
-The <b>null</b> parameter can optionally be set to change the character
+<p>The <b>null</b> parameter can optionally be set to change the character
 string representing null values.

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.univar/r.univar.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.univar/r.univar.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.univar/r.univar.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -19,13 +19,11 @@
 As with most GRASS raster modules, <em>r.univar</em> operates on the cell
 array defined by the current region settings, not the original extent and
 resolution of the input map. See <em><a href="g.region.html">g.region</a></em>.
-This module can use large amounts of system memory when the <b>-e</b>
+<p>This module can use large amounts of system memory when the <b>-e</b>
 extended statistics flag is used with a very large region setting. If the
 region is too large the module should exit gracefully with a memory allocation
 error. Basic statistics can be calculated using any size input region.
-Without a <b>zones</b> input raster, the <em>r.quantile</em> module will
+<p>Without a <b>zones</b> input raster, the <em>r.quantile</em> module will
 be significantly more efficient for calculating percentiles with large maps.
@@ -129,5 +127,4 @@
 Extended statistics by Martin Landa<br>
 Zonal loop by Markus Metz
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.univar/r3.univar.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.univar/r3.univar.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.univar/r3.univar.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -19,15 +19,13 @@
 As with most GRASS raster3d modules, <em>r3.univar</em> operates on the cell
 array defined by the current 3d region settings, not the original extent and
 resolution of the input map. See <em><a href="g.region.html">g.region</a></em>.
-This module can use large amounts of system memory when the <b>-e</b>
+<p>This module can use large amounts of system memory when the <b>-e</b>
 extended statistics flag is used with a very large region setting. If the
 region is too large the module should exit gracefully with a memory allocation
 error. Basic statistics can be calculated using any size input region.
 <!-- no rast3D support?
-The <em>r.quantile</em> module will be significantly more efficient for
+<p>The <em>r.quantile</em> module will be significantly more efficient for
 calculating percentiles with large maps.
@@ -63,5 +61,4 @@
 Zonal loop by Markus Metz
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.uslek/r.uslek.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.uslek/r.uslek.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.uslek/r.uslek.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="r.usler.html">r.usler</A><br>
-<a href="r.watershed.html">r.watershed</A><br>
+<a href="r.usler.html">r.usler</a><br>
+<a href="r.watershed.html">r.watershed</a><br>
@@ -28,5 +28,4 @@
 Yann Chemin, SIC-ISDC, Turkmenistan<br>
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.usler/r.usler.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.usler/r.usler.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.usler/r.usler.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -20,5 +20,4 @@
 Natialia Medvedeva, SIC-ISDC, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan<br>
 Yann Chemin, SIC-ISDC, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.volume/r.volume.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.volume/r.volume.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.volume/r.volume.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
 <em>r.volume</em> is a tool for summing cell values within clumps 
 and calculating volumes and centroids of patches or clumps.
-<em>r.volume</em> generates a table containing the sum of all cells from
+<p><em>r.volume</em> generates a table containing the sum of all cells from
 a data_map layer sorted by category on a clump map, and optionally
 generates a vector points map of the centroids for each clump.  If a
 clump map is not specified, the current MASK is used.
@@ -21,22 +20,17 @@
-If a clump map is not given and a MASK not set, the program exits
+<p>If a clump map is not given and a MASK not set, the program exits
 with an error message.
+<p><em>r.volume</em> works in the current region and respects the current MASK.
-<em>r.volume</em> works in the current region and respects the current MASK.
 The following report was generated by the command:
 (spearfish data base; fields.only is the fields layer without the
 National Forest category)
+<p>r.volume data=elevation clump=fields.only centroids=field.centers 
-r.volume data=elevation clump=fields.only centroids=field.centers 
 Volume report on data from elevation using clumps on fields.only map
@@ -63,7 +57,6 @@
 the units on the volume may be difficult if the units of cell
 values on the data_map layer and the resolution units differ.
 The centroid coordinates are the same as those stored in the sites
 file (if one was requested).  They are guaranteed to fall on a cell
@@ -82,11 +75,9 @@
-This can be converted directly to a raster map with each point
+<p>This can be converted directly to a raster map with each point
 a separate category using <em>v.to.rast</em>.
 <!-- As far as I can tell, no attributes are written to a table in Grass 6.3
 (Jan 2008), as this program hasn't been updated to use the Grass 6 vector library. - EP

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.walk/r.walk.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.walk/r.walk.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.walk/r.walk.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -12,15 +12,12 @@
 friction map, it considers an anisotropic travel time due to the
 different walking speed associated with downhill and uphill movements.
 The formula from Aitken 1977/Langmuir 1984 (based on Naismith's rule
 for walking times) has been used to estimate the cost parameters of
 specific slope intervals:
-T= [(a)*(Delta S)] + [(b)*(Delta H uphill)] + [(c)*(Delta H moderate downhill)] + [(d)*(Delta H steep downhill)]
+<p>T= [(a)*(Delta S)] + [(b)*(Delta H uphill)] + [(c)*(Delta H moderate downhill)] + [(d)*(Delta H steep downhill)]
 T is time of movement in seconds,<br>
 Delta S is the distance covered in meters,<br>
 Delta H is the altitude difference in meter.
@@ -44,14 +41,12 @@
 default values for a, b, c, d are those proposed by Langmuir (0.72, 6.0,
 1.9998, -1.9998), based on man walking effort in standard
 The lambda parameter of the linear equation combining movement and
 friction costs:<br>
 total cost = movement time cost + (lambda) * friction costs<br>
 must be set in the option section of <em>r.walk</em>.
 For a more accurate result, the "knight's move" option can be used
 (although it is more time consuming). In the diagram below, the center
 location (O) represents a grid cell from which cumulative distances
@@ -67,14 +62,12 @@
   K   K
-The minimum cumulative costs are computed using Dijkstra's
+<p>The minimum cumulative costs are computed using Dijkstra's
 algorithm, that find an optimum solution (for more details see
 <em>r.cost</em>, that uses the same algorithm).
 <a name="move"></a>
 <h2>Movement Direction</h2>
-The movement direction surface is created to record the sequence of
+<p>The movement direction surface is created to record the sequence of
 movements that created the cost accumulation surface. Without it 
 <em>r.drain</em> would not correctly create a path from an end point 
 back to the start point. The direction shown in each cell points <b>away</b> 
@@ -86,8 +79,7 @@
 202.5  225  270  315  337.5
        247.5     292.5
-Once <em>r.walk</em> computes the cumulative cost map as a linear
+<p>Once <em>r.walk</em> computes the cumulative cost map as a linear
 combination of friction cost (from friction map) and the altitude and
 distance covered (from the digital elevation model), <em>r.drain</em>
 can be used to find the minimum cost path. Make sure to use the <b>-d</b> flag
@@ -120,8 +112,7 @@
 <b>Based on r.cost written by :</b>
-Antony Awaida,<br>
+<p>Antony Awaida,<br>
 Intelligent Engineering<br>
 Systems Laboratory,<br>
@@ -132,21 +123,15 @@
 <p>Updated for Grass 5<br>
 Pierre de Mouveaux (pmx at audiovu.com)
-<b>Initial version of r.walk:</b>
-Steno Fontanari, 2002
+<p><b>Initial version of r.walk:</b>
+<p>Steno Fontanari, 2002
-<b>Current version of r.walk:</b>
-Franceschetti Simone, Sorrentino Diego, Mussi Fabiano and Pasolli Mattia<br>
+<p><b>Current version of r.walk:</b>
+<p>Franceschetti Simone, Sorrentino Diego, Mussi Fabiano and Pasolli Mattia<br>
 Correction by: Fontanari Steno, Napolitano Maurizio and  Flor Roberto<br>
 In collaboration with: Franchi Matteo, Vaglia Beatrice, Bartucca Luisa, Fava Valentina and Tolotti Mathias, 2004
-<b>Updated for Grass 6.1</b>
-Roberto Flor and Markus Neteler
+<p><b>Updated for Grass 6.1</b>
+<p>Roberto Flor and Markus Neteler
 <p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.water.outlet/r.water.outlet.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.water.outlet/r.water.outlet.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.water.outlet/r.water.outlet.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -63,8 +63,7 @@
 d.his h=accum_5K i=basin_A30
 <img src="r_water_outlet.png" border=0><br>
 <i>Watershed draped over flow accumulation</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.what/r.what.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.what/r.what.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.what/r.what.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,20 +6,16 @@
 eastings and northings); the user can also (optionally) associate a label
 with each location.
-The input coordinates can be entered directly on the command line, or
+<p>The input coordinates can be entered directly on the command line, or
 redirected via <tt>stdin</tt> from an input text file, script, or piped from
 another program (like <em><a href="d.where.html">d.where</a></em>).
-If none of the above input methods are used and the module is run from the
+<p>If none of the above input methods are used and the module is run from the
 terminal prompt, the program will interactively query the user for point
 locations and labels.
-Each line of the input consists of an easting, a northing, and an optional
+<p>Each line of the input consists of an easting, a northing, and an optional
 label, which are separated by spaces. In interactive mode, the word
 "<tt>end</tt>" must be typed after the last pair of input coordinates.
-<em>r.what</em> output consists of the input geographic location and label,
+<p><em>r.what</em> output consists of the input geographic location and label,
 and, for each user-named raster map layer, the category value, and (if
 the <b>-f</b> label flag is specified) the category label associated with
 the cell(s) at this geographic location.
@@ -141,5 +137,4 @@
 Michael Shapiro,
 U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.what.color/r.what.color.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.what.color/r.what.color.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.what.color/r.what.color.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -2,12 +2,10 @@
 <em>r.what.color</em> outputs the color associated with user-specified
 category values in a raster input map.
-Values may be specified either using the <b>values=</b> option, or by
+<p>Values may be specified either using the <b>values=</b> option, or by
 specifying the <b>-i</b> flag and passing the values on
 <tt>stdin</tt>, one per line.
-For each value which is specified, a line of output will be generated
+<p>For each value which is specified, a line of output will be generated
 consisting of the category value followed by the color, e.g.:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -15,13 +13,11 @@
 1500: 223:127:31
-If the input map is an integer (CELL) map, the category will be
+<p>If the input map is an integer (CELL) map, the category will be
 written as an integer (no decimal point), otherwise it will be written
 in floating point format (<i>printf("%.15g")</i> format).
-If the lookup fails for a value, the color will be output as an
+<p>If the lookup fails for a value, the color will be output as an
 asterisk, e.g.:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -29,8 +25,7 @@
 9999: *
-If a value cannot be parsed, both the value and the color will be
+<p>If a value cannot be parsed, both the value and the color will be
 output as an asterisk, e.g.:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -38,8 +33,7 @@
 *: *
-The format can be changed using the <b>format=</b> option. The value
+<p>The format can be changed using the <b>format=</b> option. The value
 should be a <i>printf()</i>-style format string containing three
 conversion specifiers for the red, green and blue values respectively,
@@ -49,8 +43,7 @@
 1500: df:7f:1f
-If your system supports the <i>%m$</i> syntax, you can change the
+<p>If your system supports the <i>%m$</i> syntax, you can change the
 ordering of the components, e.g.:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -58,8 +51,7 @@
 1500: 1f:7f:df
-Common formats:<br>
+<p>Common formats:<br>
 <li>Tcl/Tk: <tt>format="#%02x%02x%02x"</tt>
 <li>WxPython: <tt>format='"#%02x%02x%02x"'</tt>  or  <tt>format='"(%d,%d,%d)"'</tt>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.cross.rast/r3.cross.rast.html
--- grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.cross.rast/r3.cross.rast.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.cross.rast/r3.cross.rast.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -15,8 +15,7 @@
-If the 2D and 3D region settings are different,
+<p>If the 2D and 3D region settings are different,
 the 2D resolution will be adjust to the 3D resolution.

Modified: grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.gwflow/r3.gwflow.html
--- grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.gwflow/r3.gwflow.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.gwflow/r3.gwflow.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,17 +5,14 @@
 and the current 3D region settings.
 All initial- and boundary-conditions must be provided as volume maps.
 The unit in the location must be meters.
-This module is sensitive to mask settings. All cells which are outside
+<p>This module is sensitive to mask settings. All cells which are outside
 the mask are ignored and handled as no flow boundaries.
-The module calculates the piezometric head and optionally the water
+<p>The module calculates the piezometric head and optionally the water
 balance for each cell and the groundwater velocity field in 3 dimensions.
 The vector components can be visualized with ParaView if they are exported
 with <em>r3.out.vtk</em>.
-The groundwater flow will always be calculated transient. 
+<p>The groundwater flow will always be calculated transient. 
 For steady state computation the user should set the timestep
 to a large number (billions of seconds) or set the
 specific yield raster map to zero.
@@ -28,12 +25,9 @@
 <i>Ax = b</i>, which must be solved. The groundwater flow partial
 differential equation is of the following form:
-(dh/dt)*S = div (K grad h) + q
-In detail for 3 dimensions:
-(dh/dt)*S = Kxx * (d^2h/dx^2) + Kyy * (d^2h/dy^2) + Kzz * (d^2h/dz^2) + q
+<p>(dh/dt)*S = div (K grad h) + q
+<p>In detail for 3 dimensions:
+<p>(dh/dt)*S = Kxx * (d^2h/dx^2) + Kyy * (d^2h/dy^2) + Kzz * (d^2h/dz^2) + q
 <li>h -- the piezometric head im meters [m]</li>
@@ -46,8 +40,7 @@
 <li>q - inner source/sinc in [1/s]</li>
-Two different boundary conditions are implemented, the Dirichlet and
+<p>Two different boundary conditions are implemented, the Dirichlet and
 Neumann conditions. By default the calculation area is surrounded by
 homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. The calculation and boundary
 status of single cells can be set with the status map, the following
@@ -62,13 +55,11 @@
  head value which do not change over time </li>
-Note that all required raster maps are read into main memory. Additionally
+<p>Note that all required raster maps are read into main memory. Additionally
 the linear equation system will be allocated, so the memory consumption of
 this module rapidely grow with the size of the input maps.
-The resulting linear equation system <i>Ax = b</i> can be solved with
+<p>The resulting linear equation system <i>Ax = b</i> can be solved with
 several solvers. An iterative solvers with sparse and quadratic matrices
 support is implemented.
 The conjugate gradients method with (pcg) and without (cg) precondition.
@@ -142,8 +133,7 @@
 S&ouml;ren Gebbert
-This work is based on the Diploma Thesis of S&ouml;ren Gebbert available
+<p>This work is based on the Diploma Thesis of S&ouml;ren Gebbert available
 <a href="http://www.hydrogeologie.tu-berlin.de/fileadmin/fg66/_hydro/Diplomarbeiten/2007_Diplomarbeit_S&ouml;ren_Gebbert.pdf">here</a>
 at Technical University Berlin, Germany.

Modified: grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.in.ascii/r3.in.ascii.html
--- grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.in.ascii/r3.in.ascii.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.in.ascii/r3.in.ascii.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,18 +3,15 @@
 <em>r3.in.ascii</em> allows a user to create a (binary) GRASS 3D raster map
 layer from a 3D ASCII raster input file with (optional) TITLE.
-Note that for compression the <em>none</em> option only specifies 
+<p>Note that for compression the <em>none</em> option only specifies 
 that neither LZW nor RLE is used for compression. It 
 does not turn off the compression all together. 3D raster maps do
 not support non-compressed files.
-The <em>tiledimension</em> parameter defines the dimension of the tiles 
+<p>The <em>tiledimension</em> parameter defines the dimension of the tiles 
 used in the output file. The format is: XxYxZ
-The <em>nv</em> parameter specifies which value to convert to NULL-value.
+<p>The <em>nv</em> parameter specifies which value to convert to NULL-value.
 If the specified value is <em>none</em>, no conversion is performed.
 Default is <em>none</em>.
@@ -53,11 +50,9 @@
 <em>north -> south, west -> east, bottom -> top</em> order.
 So dependent on the order information the data is automatically imported
 into the correct internal coordinate system.
-The version and order options are not mandatory. In case no version and
+<p>The version and order options are not mandatory. In case no version and
 order option is specified, the default GRASS 6 ASCII format is assumed.
-This header is followed by the cell values in <em>floating point</em> format 
+<p>This header is followed by the cell values in <em>floating point</em> format 
 organized in rows with constant <em>col</em> and <em>level</em> coordinate.
 The rows are organized by constant <em>level</em> coordinate. Individual cell
 values are separated by <em>space</em> or <em>CR</em>.
@@ -104,5 +99,4 @@
 <a href="v.to.rast3.html">v.to.rast3</a>
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.in.v5d/r3.in.v5d.html
--- grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.in.v5d/r3.in.v5d.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.in.v5d/r3.in.v5d.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
 one variable and one time step). Otherwise, only first variable and
 timestep from 4/5D V5D file will be imported.
-<a href="http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/~billh/vis5d.html">Vis5D</a> is a system
+<p><a href="http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/~billh/vis5d.html">Vis5D</a> is a system
 for interactive visualization of large 5D gridded data sets such as those
 produced by numerical weather models. The user can make isosurfaces, contour
 line slices, colored slices, volume renderings, etc. of data in a 3D raster map,

Modified: grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.mask/r3.mask.html
--- grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.mask/r3.mask.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.mask/r3.mask.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
 File <em>map</em> is used as reference file.
 Cells in the mask are marked as "mask out" if the corresponding cell in
 <em>map</em> contains a value in the range specified with <em>maskvalues</em>.
-Before a new 3D-mask can be created the exisitng mask has to be removed
+<p>Before a new 3D-mask can be created the exisitng mask has to be removed
 with <em>g.remove</em>.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.mkdspf/r3.mkdspf.html
--- grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.mkdspf/r3.mkdspf.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.mkdspf/r3.mkdspf.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 to specify a sub-range of the data.  The <I>step</I>
 parameter is given precedence over <I>tnum</I>.
 <dd>Suppress progress report &amp; min/max information
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 <dd>Use flat shading rather than gradient
 <dd>Name of an existing 3D raster map
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 <p>Bill Brown,
-<a href="mailto:brown at gis.uiuc.edu">bbrown at gis.uiuc.edu</A>
+<a href="mailto:brown at gis.uiuc.edu">bbrown at gis.uiuc.edu</a>
 <p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.out.ascii/r3.out.ascii.html
--- grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.out.ascii/r3.out.ascii.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.out.ascii/r3.out.ascii.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -4,12 +4,10 @@
 a valid 3D raster map in the current mapset search path. The <em>output</em> 
 parameter is the name of an ASCII file which will be written in the 
 current working directory.
-If <em>output</em> is not specified then standard output (stdout) is used.
+<p>If <em>output</em> is not specified then standard output (stdout) is used.
 The <em>-h</em> flag may be used to suppress header information. The
 module is sensitive to region settings (set with <em>g.region</em>).
-The <em>-c</em> flag will create GRASS 6 <em>r3.in.ascii</em> compatible
+<p>The <em>-c</em> flag will create GRASS 6 <em>r3.in.ascii</em> compatible
@@ -18,8 +16,7 @@
 <em>r3.out.ascii</em> with header information may be converted back to
 3D raster maps with <em>r3.in.ascii</em>.
-The format of the ASCII file is:
+<p>The format of the ASCII file is:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 version: <i>"grass7"</i>
 order:   <i>"nsbt" or "nstb" or "snbt" or "sntb"</i>
@@ -38,8 +35,7 @@
 The <b>order</b> option describes the order of rows and depths in the output. 
 It is possible to create output of different row order using the <em>-r</em> flag 
 and output of different depths order using the  <em>-d</em> flag. The default order is:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 west -&gt; east for columns
 north -&gt; south for rows
 bottom -&gt; top for depths
@@ -80,8 +76,7 @@
 The data starts with the upper left corner (NW) at the bottom of the data set.
-One level maps can be imported with <em>r.in.ascii</em> (2D raster) using
+<p>One level maps can be imported with <em>r.in.ascii</em> (2D raster) using
 the default <b>nsbt</b> order and removing the header lines "version",
 "order", "top", "bottom" and "levels".

Modified: grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.out.v5d/r3.out.v5d.html
--- grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.out.v5d/r3.out.v5d.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.out.v5d/r3.out.v5d.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
 parameter is the name  of a V5D file which will be written in the current
 working directory. 
-<a href="http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/~billh/vis5d.html">Vis5D</a> is a system
+<p><a href="http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/~billh/vis5d.html">Vis5D</a> is a system
 for interactive visualization of large 5D gridded data sets such as those
 produced by numerical weather models. The user can make isosurfaces, contour
 line slices, colored slices, volume renderings, etc. of data in a 3D raster map,

Modified: grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.out.vtk/r3.out.vtk.html
--- grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.out.vtk/r3.out.vtk.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.out.vtk/r3.out.vtk.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -25,36 +25,30 @@
 ParaView can be used to visualize the valid data. Just filter all data which is
 greater/lesser than the chosen null value in the VTK-ASCII file.
-The top and bottom region values are expected in meters. 
+<p>The top and bottom region values are expected in meters. 
 If a Latitude-Longitude (LL) coordinates are used, the elevation value for each
 voxel will be converted into degrees.
-The <em>input</em>, <em>rgbmaps</em> and <em>vectormaps</em> parameters are
+<p>The <em>input</em>, <em>rgbmaps</em> and <em>vectormaps</em> parameters are
 optional, so only the geometry can be exported.
-If the user defines <em>top</em> and <em>bottom</em> and the 2D and 3D region
+<p>If the user defines <em>top</em> and <em>bottom</em> and the 2D and 3D region
 values differ, the 2D resolution will be adjusted to the 3D resolution. The
 elevation maps are expected in meters. If Lat/Long coordinates are used, the
 elevation will automatically converted into degree.
 If the surface and bottom maps are in a different unit than meters, use the
 scale parameter to convert them into meters.
-The RGB voxel data can be created from 2D raster maps (Landsat TM images) 
+<p>The RGB voxel data can be created from 2D raster maps (Landsat TM images) 
 with <em><a href="r.to.rast3.html">r.to.rast3</a></em>. The values of the RGB maps
 must be within 0 and 255. If not, the values are automatically set
 to 0 and warnings will be printed to stderr.
-The vector data is created from three 3D raster maps. Each map represents a vector component.
+<p>The vector data is created from three 3D raster maps. Each map represents a vector component.
 So x, y and z components are required in this order. This data can be visualized with Glyph3d or 
 StreamTracer filters within Paraview.
-If the <em>-c</em> flag is used and the data should be visualised together with
+<p>If the <em>-c</em> flag is used and the data should be visualised together with
 other data exported via <em>*.out.vtk</em> modules, be sure the <em>-c</em> flag
 was also set in these modules. But this will only work with data from the SAME
 location (the reference point for the coordinates transformation is based on the

Modified: grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.showdspf/r3.showdspf.html
--- grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.showdspf/r3.showdspf.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.showdspf/r3.showdspf.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,15 +6,13 @@
 dspf file to draw isosurfaces and 3D raster map to draw planes and everything
 related (boxes, etc).
-Upon initialization of the program, two graphics windows are
+<p>Upon initialization of the program, two graphics windows are
 opened, one for the color table and the other for data display. The
 display window initially contains a red bounding box. Command options
 are then printed to the terminal and user is prompted for drawing 
 ?, (l #), L, (t #), (T # #), I, +, -
@@ -68,7 +66,6 @@
 <li>To navigate around the data, use the <em>r</em> command, then place
@@ -90,35 +87,29 @@
 After generating a "dspf" control file with <em>r3.mkdspf</em> start
 <em>r3.showdspf</em>. Display/add the layers using <em>+</em>.
-List available thresholds with <em>?</em>. Use <em>l</em> to select isosurfaces (available
+<p>List available thresholds with <em>?</em>. Use <em>l</em> to select isosurfaces (available
 number can be adjusted with <em>r3.mkdspf</em>) and <em>L</em> to display:
 <tt>l 1 2 3 4 5<br> L </tt> 
-To select and display a single threshold (here: 2), use:<br>
+<p>To select and display a single threshold (here: 2), use:<br>
 <tt>t 2</tt>
-To select and display a range of thresholds (here: 3-5), use:<br>
+<p>To select and display a range of thresholds (here: 3-5), use:<br>
 <tt>T 3 5<br>
-To draw a box, enter<br>
+<p>To draw a box, enter<br>
 the p# to plot a selected wall (here top wall):<br>
-Tp draw a cut-off box, define it's position<br>
+<p>Tp draw a cut-off box, define it's position<br>
 Here Ex20 defines the x coordinate of the end of the box.
-In general - <em>p</em> draws a side of a box, <em>E</em>, <em>B</em>, define where that box starts or
+<p>In general - <em>p</em> draws a side of a box, <em>E</em>, <em>B</em>, define where that box starts or
 ends, so to make a fence diagram, the user draws sides of a series of boxes
 which have their starting (or ending) side shifting by a given interval.
 (this way the user can draw even more complex fence diagrams which have
@@ -126,8 +117,7 @@
 <em>B</em> depending whether fence are drawn by using the end side or front side of a
-To draw a fence, a sequence like this would be needed<br>
+<p>To draw a fence, a sequence like this would be needed<br>
@@ -146,8 +136,7 @@
-The <em>p</em> is needed for the fence diagram, solids and boxes.
+<p>The <em>p</em> is needed for the fence diagram, solids and boxes.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
 <em><a href="r3.mkdspf.html">r3.mkdspf</a></em>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.showdspf/r3.showdspf_opengl_mods.html
--- grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.showdspf/r3.showdspf_opengl_mods.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.showdspf/r3.showdspf_opengl_mods.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -8,12 +8,10 @@
 <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
-<font size="4"><b>Description of modifications made to r3.showdspf directory during conversion of code from
+<p><font size="4"><b>Description of modifications made to r3.showdspf directory during conversion of code from
 IrisGL (running only on SGI workstations) to OpenGL (running on any OpenGL-capable UNIX workstation)</b>
-The following files were changed (and perhaps renamed during conversion)<br>
+<p>The following files were changed (and perhaps renamed during conversion)<br>
 </font><tt>do_color.c -&gt; do_color_ogl.c<br>
 draw_cap.c -&gt; draw_cap_ogl.c<br>
 draw_polys.c -&gt; draw_polys_ogl.c<br>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.stats/r3.stats.html
--- grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.stats/r3.stats.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.stats/r3.stats.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -12,8 +12,7 @@
 As with most GRASS 3D raster map modules, <em>r3.stats</em> operates on the cell
 array defined by the current 3D region settings, not the original extent and
 resolution of the input map. See <em>g.region</em>.
-The region setting will not effect the memory consumption of this module.
+<p>The region setting will not effect the memory consumption of this module.
 The number of subranges in case of value range calculation or the number of 
 equal value groups effect the memory consumption and the calculation time.
 The user can expect a huge time consumption to calculate the equal value
@@ -29,8 +28,7 @@
 equal values into single volumes. 
 <em>r3.stats geology -e</em> will produce the following output:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
   num   |        value       |     volume    |   perc  |    count
       1             1.000000   300822000.000   50.13700        50137
       2             2.000000   101400000.000   16.90000        16900
@@ -100,5 +98,4 @@
 S&ouml;ren Gebbert
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.timestamp/r3.timestamp.html
--- grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.timestamp/r3.timestamp.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.timestamp/r3.timestamp.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -14,20 +14,16 @@
 	  there is a timestamp, one or two lines are printed,
 	  depending on if the timestamp for the map consists of a
 	  single date or two dates (ie start and end dates).
-<b>r3.timestamp map=soils date='15 sep 1987'</b><br>
+<p><b>r3.timestamp map=soils date='15 sep 1987'</b><br>
 	  Sets the timestamp for "soils" to the single date<br>
 	  "15 sep 1987"
-<b>r3.timestamp map=soils date='15 sep 1987/20 feb 1988'</b><br>
+<p><b>r3.timestamp map=soils date='15 sep 1987/20 feb 1988'</b><br>
 	  Sets the timestamp for "soils" to have the start date<br>
 	  "15 sep 1987" and the end date "20 feb 1988"
-<b>r3.timestamp map=soils date='18 feb 2005 10:30:00/20 jul 2007 20:30:00'</b><br>
+<p><b>r3.timestamp map=soils date='18 feb 2005 10:30:00/20 jul 2007 20:30:00'</b><br>
 	  Sets the timestamp for "soils" to have the start date<br>
 	  "18 aug 2005 10:30:00" and the end date "20 jul 2007 20:30:00"
 <b>r3.timestamp map=soils date=none</b><br>
 	  Removes the timestamp for the "soils" 3D raster map
@@ -36,14 +32,11 @@
      GRASS datetime library.  The source tree for this library
      should have a description of the format. For convience, the
      formats as of Feb, 1996 are reproduced here:
-     There are two types of datetime values: absolute and
+<p>     There are two types of datetime values: absolute and
      relative. Absolute values specify exact dates and/or times.
      Relative values specify a span of time. Some examples will
      help clarify:
-	  The general format for absolute values is
+<p><b>Absolute</b><p>	  The general format for absolute values is
 	     day month year [bc] hour:minute:seconds timezone
@@ -72,11 +65,9 @@
 	     [-] # years # months<br>
 	     [-] # days # hours # minutes # seconds
-	  The words years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds
+</tt><p>	  The words years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds
 	  are literal words, and the # are the numeric values.<br>
-	  Examples:<p>
+	  Examples:<p><tt>
 	     2 years<br>
 	     5 months<br>
 	     2 years 5 months<br>
@@ -84,11 +75,9 @@
 	     15 hours 25 minutes 35.34 seconds<br>
 	     100 days 25 minutes<br>
 	     1000 hours 35.34 seconds
-	  The following are <i>illegal</i> because it mixes year-month
+</tt><p>	  The following are <i>illegal</i> because it mixes year-month
 	  and day-second (because the number of days in a month
-	  or in a year vary):<p>
+	  or in a year vary):<p><tt>
 	     3 months 15 days<br>
 	     3 years 10 days

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/d.correlate/d.correlate.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/d.correlate/d.correlate.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/d.correlate/d.correlate.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
 highlights the correlation (or lack of it) among data
 layers (scattergram).
-The results are displayed in the active display frame on
+<p>The results are displayed in the active display frame on
 the user's graphics monitor.  <em>d.correlate</em> erases
 the active frame before displaying results.
@@ -18,8 +17,7 @@
 Scatterplot of two LANDSAT TM7 channels (North Carolina sample dataset):
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 g.region rast=lsat7_2002_30 -p
 d.correlate map=lsat7_2002_30,lsat7_2002_40
@@ -38,7 +36,6 @@
 Michael Shapiro,
 <a href="http://www.cecer.army.mil/">U.S.Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory</a>
-Rewritten to GRASS 6 (from csh to sh) by Markus Neteler; from sh to Python by Glynn Clements
+<p>Rewritten to GRASS 6 (from csh to sh) by Markus Neteler; from sh to Python by Glynn Clements
 <p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/d.out.gpsdrive/d.out.gpsdrive.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/d.out.gpsdrive/d.out.gpsdrive.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/d.out.gpsdrive/d.out.gpsdrive.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,24 +5,20 @@
 image and updates the GpsDrive image list with the appropriate geo-referencing
-<b><em>Use at your own risk. Do not use as a primary means of navigation.
+<p><b><em>Use at your own risk. Do not use as a primary means of navigation.
 This software comes with absolutely no warranty.</em></b>
 Maps are saved in the user's <tt>~/.gpsdrive/maps/</tt> directory.
 Geo-referencing information is added to the user's
 <tt>~/.gpsdrive/maps/map_koord.txt</tt> file.
-JPEG output requires the <tt>pngtopnm</tt> and <tt>pnmtojpeg</tt> programs
+<p>JPEG output requires the <tt>pngtopnm</tt> and <tt>pnmtojpeg</tt> programs
 from the <a href="http://netpbm.sourceforge.net">NetPBM tools</a>.
-GpsDrive assumes northings are not rotated compared to true-geographic north.
+<p>GpsDrive assumes northings are not rotated compared to true-geographic north.
 If you are using a projection with significant curvature away from the central
 meridian, or a map datum with a significant rotational component, then you will 
 likely end up with a distorted or inexact background map!
@@ -31,16 +27,13 @@
 centered directly on the center of your map. You can check the local
 convergence angle (difference between grid north and true north) with
 "<tt>g.region -n</tt>".
-To avoid distortion, anything more global than 1:150k to 1:500k
+<p>To avoid distortion, anything more global than 1:150k to 1:500k
 should come from a lat/lon location. Anything more local than that
 will look better coming from a projected system such as UTM.
-The extent of a map given a target scale can be calculated with 
+<p>The extent of a map given a target scale can be calculated with 
 <tt>x_ext=scale*(1280/2817.95)</tt>. e.g. 1:50,000 translates to approx
 a 22.7km x 18.2km image window in the GIS.
-For your convenience (calculations are rough, but nominal):
+<p>For your convenience (calculations are rough, but nominal):
 <div class="code"><pre>
 1:50,000 uses a region 22.7km x 18.2km.
 1:75,000 uses a region 34.1km x 27.3km.
@@ -54,13 +47,11 @@
 Maps exported from locations of other projections will be given a 
 "<tt>map_</tt>" prefix. This is done so GpsDrive knows how to scale the 
 image correctly.
-GpsDrive requires backdrop images to be 1280x1024 pixels in size. While this
+<p>GpsDrive requires backdrop images to be 1280x1024 pixels in size. While this
 script takes care of that automatically, to avoid annoying bands on the sides
 of your image you may want to set up your display monitor at half-scale (same
 aspect ratio) and use d.zoom to select the full frame. For example:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 export GRASS_WIDTH=640
 export GRASS_HEIGHT=512
 d.mon wx0
@@ -76,8 +67,7 @@
 It may be desirable to create a series of image tiles covering a large area.
 An easy way to do this is to run <em>d.out.gpsdrive</em> in a shell loop.
 Here is an example Bash script contributed by Manuel Morales:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 # map scale is determined by "panels" by dividing the N-S
@@ -124,15 +114,15 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="d.info.html">d.info</A></em>,
-<em><a href="d.grid.html">d.grid</A></em>,
-<em><a href="d.out.file.html">d.out.file</A></em>,
-<em><a href="d.out.png.html">d.out.png</A></em>,
-<em><a href="d.save.html">d.save</A></em>,
-<em><a href="g.region.html">g.region</A></em>,
-<em><a href="v.in.garmin.html">v.in.garmin</A></em>
+<em><a href="d.info.html">d.info</a></em>,
+<em><a href="d.grid.html">d.grid</a></em>,
+<em><a href="d.out.file.html">d.out.file</a></em>,
+<em><a href="d.out.png.html">d.out.png</a></em>,
+<em><a href="d.save.html">d.save</a></em>,
+<em><a href="g.region.html">g.region</a></em>,
+<em><a href="v.in.garmin.html">v.in.garmin</a></em>
-The GRASS <a href="pngdriver.html">PNG driver</A><br>
+The GRASS <a href="pngdriver.html">PNG driver</a><br>
 The <a href="http://www.gpsdrive.de">GpsDrive</a> project<br>
 The <a href="http://gpsd.berlios.de">gpsd</a> personal GPS server project
@@ -145,5 +135,4 @@
 New Zealand</i><br>
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/d.polar/d.polar.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/d.polar/d.polar.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/d.polar/d.polar.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,17 +5,14 @@
 The input angle map orientation must be counter-clockwise (CCW)
 from east, and the angle map units must be degrees. This refers
 to the standard orientation of GRASS (e.g., see <em>r.slope.aspect</em>).
-The radius of the outer circle is defined by the total number
+<p>The radius of the outer circle is defined by the total number
 of pixels in the map. If the polar diagram does not reach the
 outer circle, no data (NULL) pixels were found in the map.
-The vector in the diagram indicates a prevailing direction, its length
+<p>The vector in the diagram indicates a prevailing direction, its length
 the strength of such direction. In case all angle vectors are oriented
 along the same direction, the length for the vector is maximal (in fact 
 it is equal to length of the most populated bin of the underlying histogram).
-As a side effect, the quality of the angle map can be derived from
+<p>As a side effect, the quality of the angle map can be derived from
 the diagram. Strong spikes may indicate an over-representation of
 the related angle(s) which happens in particular if integer maps
 are used.
@@ -26,13 +23,11 @@
 as EPS file. If the <b>-x</b> flag is used <em>xgraph</em> is lauched.
 Otherwise <em>d.polar</em> will use <em>d.graph</em> to draw the plot
 in the current display frame.
-If <em>d.polar</em> is used on an aspect map generated by
+<p>If <em>d.polar</em> is used on an aspect map generated by
 <em>r.slope.aspect</em>, the <b>undef</b> parameter should be
 set to 0 to distinguish NO DATA (NULL) areas from areas where
 aspect is undefined (i.e. flat areas).
 <img src="d_polar_aspect.png" alt="Polar diagram of aspect map">

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/d.rast.edit/d.rast.edit.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/d.rast.edit/d.rast.edit.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/d.rast.edit/d.rast.edit.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -11,40 +11,37 @@
 program. Parts of it may be out of date or wrong.</I></b>
-<H3>Overview window</H3>
+<h3>Overview window</h3>
 An overview window shows the entire map with a box showing the current
 editing region. The edit window shows the cells within the selected area.
 Click on a new spot on the overview window to move the editing area.
 Moving the editing view can take a while.
-<H3>Mouse and menus</H3>
+<h3>Mouse and menus</h3>
 Cell editing is done using a mouse cursor to choose menu selections
 and indicate areas on the displayed raster map that are to be edited.
-Selections available at the top of the edit window are <b>Save</b> and
+<p>Selections available at the top of the edit window are <b>Save</b> and
 As the mouse travels over the cells in the edit window you are shown the
 current coordinates and current cell values under the cursor.
-To change the value of a cell put the new value to use in the "New value"
+<p>To change the value of a cell put the new value to use in the "New value"
 box at the bottom left of the edit window under the coordinate information
 bar. A value of "*" indicates a NULL value should be used.
 This function is available for users editing aspect maps.  The
-<em><a href="d.rast.arrow.html">d.rast.arrow</A></em> program is
+<em><a href="d.rast.arrow.html">d.rast.arrow</a></em> program is
 called, which draws arrows over the displayed
 cells to indicate the downslope direction of the cell.
 You can set the aspect map to use on the command line.
 Aspect maps are expected to be in regular "GRASS" format, as produced by
-<em><a href="r.slope.aspect.html">r.slope.aspect</A></em>; i.e. degrees
+<em><a href="r.slope.aspect.html">r.slope.aspect</a></em>; i.e. degrees
 counter-clockwise from east.
@@ -52,18 +49,16 @@
 There is no "undo" command or way to exit edit mode without saving
-Any MASK in place will be respected when writing the new raster map layer,
+<p>Any MASK in place will be respected when writing the new raster map layer,
 including any edits to the MASKed areas.
-<H3>Geographic Region Concerns</H3>
+<h3>Geographic Region Concerns</h3>
 <em>d.rast.edit</em> reads the region definition for the raster map layer
 being edited from its internal cell header file. The new, edited copy of
 the raster layer will be created with the same resolution and region
-The primary bane of the <em>d.rast.edit</em> program involves large map
+<p>The primary bane of the <em>d.rast.edit</em> program involves large map
 layers with lots of rows and columns) and/or slow computers,
 since the program must read and write raster map layers row by row for
 the full size of the map layer as dictated by its region size and resolution.
@@ -78,11 +73,10 @@
 <!-- not true, but it would be nice
 <em>d.rast.edit</em> will not create a new raster map layer if
 the user makes no cell edits while running the program.
 It would be nice to incorporate a scrollable version of <em>
-<a href="d.legend.html">d.legend</A>
+<a href="d.legend.html">d.legend</a>
 (such that one could see a label legend for files with many categories on
 a standard size sub-frame).  It would be even nicer to be able
@@ -90,15 +84,13 @@
 cell values (thereby saving a trip to the text frame to type in the
 new value).
-Perhaps method(s) for multiple  or mass cell edits would be useful.
+<p>Perhaps method(s) for multiple  or mass cell edits would be useful.
 This could be done by providing modes in which the user may:<br>
 1) edit a block of cells to a given value by drawing a box;<br>
 2) be able to choose a given value which is automatically used as
 the new value on each cell chosen until a different value is desired.
-There is no interrupt handling. <!-- ?? --> This could leave files in .tmp
+<p>There is no interrupt handling. <!-- ?? --> This could leave files in .tmp
 or (rarely) result in half-baked raster maps.  The original file
 would survive unscathed by an interrupt at most any point in execution.
 Beware of exiting the program
@@ -120,5 +112,4 @@
 Agricultural Engineering,
 Purdue University
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/d.rast.leg/d.rast.leg.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/d.rast.leg/d.rast.leg.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/d.rast.leg/d.rast.leg.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -9,21 +9,17 @@
 The legend may be flipped with the <b>-f</b> flag.
-If the <b>num_of_lines</b> parameter is not given then the legend frame will 
+<p>If the <b>num_of_lines</b> parameter is not given then the legend frame will 
 display as many lines as number of categories in the map, otherwise, it 
 will display the first <b>num_of_lines</b> minus 1 categories with the
 rest being truncated.
-The user may adjust the <b>num_of_lines</b> parameter or
+<p>The user may adjust the <b>num_of_lines</b> parameter or
 the size of graphics window to get an appropriate result.
-The user may specify a second raster map with the <b>rast</b> parameter from
+<p>The user may specify a second raster map with the <b>rast</b> parameter from
 which the legend is generated. This is useful to visualize (time) series of
 raster maps with a common static legend instead of the default dynamic legend.
-To remove all frames when clearing the display, use
+<p>To remove all frames when clearing the display, use
 "<em><tt>d.erase -f</tt></em>".

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/d.redraw/d.redraw.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/d.redraw/d.redraw.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/d.redraw/d.redraw.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -17,5 +17,4 @@
 Martin Landa, Czech Republic
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/d.shadedmap/d.shadedmap.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/d.shadedmap/d.shadedmap.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/d.shadedmap/d.shadedmap.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -31,5 +31,4 @@
 Unknown; updated to GRASS 5.7 by Michael Barton
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/d.vect.thematic/d.vect.thematic.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/d.vect.thematic/d.vect.thematic.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/d.vect.thematic/d.vect.thematic.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -45,16 +45,14 @@
 d.vect.thematic -l recent_earthquakes column=magnitude type=point
-Earthquake points with different sizes:
+<p>Earthquake points with different sizes:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 d.vect.thematic -l recent_earthquakes column=magnitude type=point \
                 themetype=graduated_points maxsize=15
-Spearfish: differences between 'elevation.10m' and 'elevation.dem':
+<p>Spearfish: differences between 'elevation.10m' and 'elevation.dem':
 <div class="code"><pre>
 # random sampling of elevation points:
@@ -74,8 +72,7 @@
 d.vect.thematic -l elev_sample column=diff type=point
-North Carolina data set example:
+<p>North Carolina data set example:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 g.region vect=nc_state
 d.vect.thematic -l precip_30ynormals column=annual type=point

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/db.dropcolumn/db.dropcolumn.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/db.dropcolumn/db.dropcolumn.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/db.dropcolumn/db.dropcolumn.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@
 Dropping a column (North Carolina sample dataset):
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 # work on own copy
 g.copy vect=roadsmajor,myroads
 db.describe -c myroads

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/db.droptable/db.droptable.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/db.droptable/db.droptable.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/db.droptable/db.droptable.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@
 Removing an attribute table:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 # show available tables
 db.tables -p

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/db.in.ogr/db.in.ogr.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/db.in.ogr/db.in.ogr.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/db.in.ogr/db.in.ogr.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -14,32 +14,25 @@
 Limited type recognition can be done for Integer, Real, String, Date, Time and DateTime
 columns through a descriptive file with same name as the CSV file, but .csvt extension
 (see details <a href="http://www.gdal.org/ogr/drv_csv.html">here</a>).
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 # NOTE: create koeppen_gridcode.csvt first for type recognition
 db.in.ogr dsn=koeppen_gridcode.csv output=koeppen_gridcode
 db.select koeppen_gridcode
-Import of a DBF table with additional unique key column (e.g., needed for <em>v.in.db</em>):
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p>Import of a DBF table with additional unique key column (e.g., needed for <em>v.in.db</em>):
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 db.in.ogr dsn=$HOME/mydata.dbf output=census_raleigh key=myid
 db.describe -c census_raleigh
-Import of a SQLite table:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p>Import of a SQLite table:
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 db.in.ogr dsn=$HOME/sqlite/sqlite.db db_table=census_raleigh output=census_raleigh
-Import of a PostgreSQL table:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p>Import of a PostgreSQL table:
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 db.in.ogr dsn="PG:host=localhost dbname=ecad user=neteler" \
           db_table=ecad_verona_tmean output=ecad_verona_tmean
 db.select ecad_verona_tmean

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/db.out.ogr/db.out.ogr.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/db.out.ogr/db.out.ogr.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/db.out.ogr/db.out.ogr.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -7,22 +7,17 @@
 Export of GRASS table to a DBF table (default format):
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 db.out.ogr precip_30ynormals dsn=/tmp/precip_30ynormals.dbf
-Export of GRASS table to a CSV table file:<br>
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p>Export of GRASS table to a CSV table file:<br>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 db.out.ogr precip_30ynormals dsn=precip_30ynormals.csv format=CSV
-Export of GRASS table into a PostgreSQL table:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p>Export of GRASS table into a PostgreSQL table:
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 db.out.ogr precip_30ynormals dsn="PG:host=localhost dbname=meteo user=neteler" \
 echo "SELECT * FROM precip_30ynormals" | psql meteo

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/db.test/db.test.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/db.test/db.test.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/db.test/db.test.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@
 Test current SQL backend driver:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 db.connect -p
 db.test test=test1

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/g.extension/g.extension.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/g.extension/g.extension.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/g.extension/g.extension.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
 extensions from GRASS Addons SVN repository into the local GRASS
-Re-running the script on an installed GRASS Addons re-installs
+<p>Re-running the script on an installed GRASS Addons re-installs
 the requested extension which may include updates.

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/i.fusion.brovey/i.fusion.brovey.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/i.fusion.brovey/i.fusion.brovey.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/i.fusion.brovey/i.fusion.brovey.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -46,8 +46,7 @@
   <table border=1>
     <td align=center>
@@ -76,10 +75,10 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="i.his.rgb.html">i.his.rgb</A>,
-<a href="i.rgb.his.html">i.rgb.his</A>,
-<a href="d.rgb.html">d.rgb</A>,
-<a href="r.composite.html">r.composite</A>
+<a href="i.his.rgb.html">i.his.rgb</a>,
+<a href="i.rgb.his.html">i.rgb.his</a>,
+<a href="d.rgb.html">d.rgb</a>,
+<a href="r.composite.html">r.composite</a>
@@ -107,5 +106,4 @@
 Markus Neteler, ITC-irst, Italy
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/i.in.spotvgt/i.in.spotvgt.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/i.in.spotvgt/i.in.spotvgt.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/i.in.spotvgt/i.in.spotvgt.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
 After import the digital numbers (DN) are remapped to VEGETATION NDVI
 values and the NDVI color table is applied. The imported DN map is 
 removed after remapping.
-Apparently missing raster cells due to bad pixel quality are reconstructed
+<p>Apparently missing raster cells due to bad pixel quality are reconstructed
 by the SPOT operating team in the NDVI file. The differences between the
 filtered (-a flag) and raw NDVI map should be compared.

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/i.landsat.rgb/i.landsat.rgb.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/i.landsat.rgb/i.landsat.rgb.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/i.landsat.rgb/i.landsat.rgb.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,12 +3,10 @@
 <em>i.landsat.rgb</em> auto-balances and enhances the color channels of a
 LANDSAT RGB image to provide a more natural color mixture. Only the color
 table of each image band is modified, the base data remains untouched.
-The module works by calculating a histogram for each color channel and 
+<p>The module works by calculating a histogram for each color channel and 
 removing an adjustable amount of outliers from either end before recalibrating
 the color scale with <em>r.colors</em>.
-It will work with any 8-bit RGB imagery set and the script is easily modified
+<p>It will work with any 8-bit RGB imagery set and the script is easily modified
 to work with other datasets of greater band-depth.
@@ -17,13 +15,11 @@
 flag to preserve the relative color scaling. You will have to experiment
 with the different options to find a setting that works best for your
 particular imagery.
-The <b>strength</b> option should generally be set in the 90-99 range. The
+<p>The <b>strength</b> option should generally be set in the 90-99 range. The
 lower the number, the more saturated the image becomes. It represents the
 percentage cut-off for the top end of the color histogram curve. The lower
 end is fixed at 2% of the area under the curve.
-For quicker execution of this module on large images you can achieve largely
+<p>For quicker execution of this module on large images you can achieve largely
 similar results by switching to a coarser resolution before the running of
 the module (using <em>g.region</em>) and then back to the original resolution

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/i.oif/i.oif.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/i.oif/i.oif.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/i.oif/i.oif.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
 <em>i.oif</em> calculates the Optimum Index Factor for LANDSAT TM bands 1,2,3,4,5 and 7.
-The Optimum Index Factor is calculated to determine the band combination which
+<p>The Optimum Index Factor is calculated to determine the band combination which
 shows the maximum information when combined into a composite image. The bands
 comprising the highest scoring combination from <em>i.oif</em> are used as the 
 three color channels required for <em>d.rgb</em> or <em>r.composite</em>.
-The analysis is saved to a file in the current directory called "i.oif.result".
+<p>The analysis is saved to a file in the current directory called "i.oif.result".
@@ -66,5 +64,4 @@
 Markus Neteler, ITC-Irst, Trento, Italy<br>
 Updated to GRASS 5.7 by Michael Barton, Arizona State University
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/i.tasscap/i.tasscap.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/i.tasscap/i.tasscap.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/i.tasscap/i.tasscap.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -29,8 +29,7 @@
   <table border=1>
     <td align=center>
@@ -90,5 +89,4 @@
 Markus Neteler, ITC-irst
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/m.proj/m.proj.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/m.proj/m.proj.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/m.proj/m.proj.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@
 <em>cs2cs</em> utility. The <b>-i</b> or <b>-o</b> flags make the task
 especially easy for the common problem of converting to or from lat/long
-<i>Note</i>: This program does not transform GRASS maps, it is designed to determine
+<p><i>Note</i>: This program does not transform GRASS maps, it is designed to determine
 the equivalent coordinate values of an individual position or list of
 positions. Use <em>v.proj</em> or <em>r.proj</em> to reproject GRASS maps.
@@ -22,48 +21,40 @@
 with latitude-longitude data be sure to send the <tt>x</tt> value first,
 i.e., "<tt>longitude&nbsp;latitude</tt>". Output data will be exported using
 the same convention.
-<em>cs2cs</em> will treat a third data column as a <tt>z</tt> value (elevation)
+<p><em>cs2cs</em> will treat a third data column as a <tt>z</tt> value (elevation)
 and will modify the value accordingly. This usually translates into small but
 real differences in that data column.
-<em>cs2cs</em> does not expect the input stream to contain column headings,
+<p><em>cs2cs</em> does not expect the input stream to contain column headings,
 only numbers. If your data file has lines you wish to have passed through
 without being processed, they must start with the '<tt>#</tt>' character.
-If sending <em>m.proj</em> data from <tt>stdin</tt>, be aware that the data is
+<p>If sending <em>m.proj</em> data from <tt>stdin</tt>, be aware that the data is
 first stored to a temporary file before being processed with <em>cs2cs</em>.
 It is therefore not advisable to send <em>m.proj</em> data from an open data
 stream. The module will stop listening for incoming data after 2 seconds of
 inactivity. You may use the projection parameters gleaned from <em>m.proj</em>'s
 verbose mode (<b>-v</b>) with <em>cs2cs</em> directly in this case.
-Custom projection parameters can be used via the <b>proj_in</b> and
+<p>Custom projection parameters can be used via the <b>proj_in</b> and
 <b>proj_out</b> options. Full documentation of the projection parameter
 format may be found on the <tt><a href="http://proj.maptools.org">PROJ.4</a></tt>
 website. Using these options will fully override the default parameters the
 module would normally use.
-By using the <b>-v</b> verbose flag, the user can see exactly what projection
+<p>By using the <b>-v</b> verbose flag, the user can see exactly what projection
 parameters will be used in the conversion as well as some other informative
-If output is to lat/long, it will be formatted using <tt>PROJ.4</tt>'s 
+<p>If output is to lat/long, it will be formatted using <tt>PROJ.4</tt>'s 
 Degree:Minute:Second (DMS) convention of <tt>DDDdMM'SSS.SS"H</tt>. This can be handy
 if you wish to quickly convert lat/long decimal degree data into its DMS
 Alternatively, to have <em>m.proj</em> output data in decimal degrees, use the
 <b>-d</b> flag. This flag can also be used with non-lat/long data to force a
 higher number of decimal places (the <em>cs2cs</em> default is 2).
-Lat/long output can be converted to GRASS's DMS convention (<tt>DDD:MM:SSS.SSSH</tt>)
+<p>Lat/long output can be converted to GRASS's DMS convention (<tt>DDD:MM:SSS.SSSH</tt>)
 by piping the results of <em>m.proj</em> through the <em>sed</em> stream
 editor as follows.
 <div class="code"><pre>
 m.proj -o | sed -e 's/d/:/g' -e "s/'/:/g"  -e 's/"//g'
-The <em>m.proj</em> module is designed to work seamlessly with point data 
+<p>The <em>m.proj</em> module is designed to work seamlessly with point data 
 exported from the GIS with <em>v.out.ascii</em>, as the following example
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -108,8 +99,7 @@
     +x_0=3500000.0" <b>input</b>=utm.coord.txt <b>output</b>=new.gk.coord.txt
-Projection parameters provided in the above case: "<tt>+proj</tt>" (projection
+<p>Projection parameters provided in the above case: "<tt>+proj</tt>" (projection
 type), "<tt>+name</tt>" (projection name), "<tt>+a</tt>" (ellipsoid: equatorial
 radius), "<tt>+es</tt>" (ellipsoid: eccentricity squared), "<tt>+zone</tt>"
 (zone for the area), "<tt>+unfact</tt>" (conversion factor from meters to other
@@ -126,11 +116,9 @@
 "<tt>+datum</tt>" setings are specified on <b>both</b> the input <b>and</b> output
 projections on the command line. The "<tt>+towgs84</tt>" parameter can be used to 
 define either 3 or 7 term datum transform coefficients, satisfying this requirement.
-If a datum is specified there is no need for the '<tt>+ellps=</tt>' or underlying
+<p>If a datum is specified there is no need for the '<tt>+ellps=</tt>' or underlying
 parameters, '<tt>+a=</tt>', '<tt>+es=</tt>', etc.
-<h3>Another custom parameter usage example:</h3>
+<p><h3>Another custom parameter usage example:</h3>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 m.proj <b>proj_in</b>="+proj=tmerc +datum=ire65 +lat_0=53.5 +lon_0=-8 +x_0=200000 \
@@ -144,15 +132,13 @@
     +y_0=250000 +k=1.000035" <b>proj_out</b>="+proj=ll +datum=wgs84" <b>input</b>=wpt.txt
-In this example no datum transformation will take place as a datum was not
+<p>In this example no datum transformation will take place as a datum was not
 specified for the input projection. The datum specified for the output
 projection will thus be silently ignored and may be left out; all that is
 achieved a simple conversion from projected to geodetic co-ordinates,
 keeping the same datum (and thus also the same ellipsoid).
-For more usage examples, see the documentation for the 
+<p>For more usage examples, see the documentation for the 
 <tt><a href="http://proj.maptools.org">PROJ.4</a></tt> <em>cs2cs</em> program.
@@ -161,21 +147,20 @@
 [1] Evenden, G.I.  (1990) <a href="http://proj.maptools.org/">Cartographic projection procedures for
 the UNIX environment - a user's manual.</a>  USGS Open-File Report 90-284 (OF90-284.pdf)
 See also there: Interim Report and 2nd Interim Report on Release 4, Evenden 1994).
-[2] <tt><a href="http://proj.maptools.org">PROJ.4</a></tt> Cartographic Projection Library
+<p>[2] <tt><a href="http://proj.maptools.org">PROJ.4</a></tt> Cartographic Projection Library
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="v.proj.html">v.proj</A>,
-<a href="r.proj.html">r.proj</A>,
-<a href="g.proj.html">g.proj</A>,
-<a href="g.setproj.html">g.setproj</A>,
-<a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</A>,
-<!-- <a href="i.rectify3.html">i.rectify3</A> -->
-<a href="v.in.ascii.html">v.in.ascii</A>,
-<a href="v.out.ascii.html">v.out.ascii</A>
+<a href="v.proj.html">v.proj</a>,
+<a href="r.proj.html">r.proj</a>,
+<a href="g.proj.html">g.proj</a>,
+<a href="g.setproj.html">g.setproj</a>,
+<a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</a>,
+<!-- <a href="i.rectify3.html">i.rectify3</a> -->
+<a href="v.in.ascii.html">v.in.ascii</a>,
+<a href="v.out.ascii.html">v.out.ascii</a>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/r.blend/r.blend.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/r.blend/r.blend.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/r.blend/r.blend.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@
 Blending the aspect map with the elevation map for a shaded map
 (North Carolina sample dataset):
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 g.region rast=aspect -p
 r.blend first=aspect second=elevation output_prefix=elev_shade_blend
 d.mon wx0
@@ -29,5 +28,4 @@
 Unknown: probably CERL<br>
 Updated to GRASS 5.7 by Michael Barton, Arizona State University
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/r.buffer/r.buffer.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/r.buffer/r.buffer.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/r.buffer/r.buffer.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
 units</em> parameter: <em>meters, kilometers, feet, miles</em>, and <em>nautmiles</em>
 (nautical miles).
 <!-- ??? is this the real method used or some ancient option ??? -->
 Distances from cells containing the user-specified category values
 are calculated using the "fromcell" method. This method locates each
@@ -52,13 +51,11 @@
 slowly when there are numerous cells containing the
 category values of interest spread throughout the area.
 <em>r.buffer</em> measures distances from center of cell to
 center of cell using Euclidean distance measure for
 planimetric locations (like UTM) and using ellipsoidal
 geodesic distance measure for latitude/longitude locations.
 <em>r.buffer</em> calculates distance zones from all cells having non-NULL 
 category values in the <em>input</em> map. If the user wishes to calculate
 distances from only selected <em>input</em> map layer 
@@ -67,11 +64,9 @@
 <em>r.buffer</em>, to reclass all categories from which distance zones 
 are not desired to be calculated into category NULL. 
 The <b>-z</b> flag can be used to ignore raster values of zero instead of NULL
 values in the input raster map.
 In the following example, the buffer zones would be (in the default units
@@ -113,5 +108,4 @@
 James Westervelt, U.S. Army Construction Engineering 
 Research Laboratory
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/r.colors.stddev/r.colors.stddev.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/r.colors.stddev/r.colors.stddev.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/r.colors.stddev/r.colors.stddev.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -4,12 +4,10 @@
 deviations from a map's mean value, either as a continuous color gradient
 or in color bands per standard deviation (S.D.) from the mean.
-With the color band option values less that 1 S.D. from the mean are
+<p>With the color band option values less that 1 S.D. from the mean are
 colored green, within 1-2 S.D. are colored yellow, within 2-3 S.D. are
 colored red, and beyond 3 S.D. are colored black.
-For a differences map there is an option to lock the center of the color
+<p>For a differences map there is an option to lock the center of the color
 table at zero. Values more than two S.D. below the mean will be colored blue;
 values below the mean but less than 2 S.D. away will transition to white,
 and above the mean the colors will simularly transition to full red at +2 S.D.
@@ -37,5 +35,4 @@
 Hamish Bowman, <i>Dunedin, New Zealand</i>
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/r.fillnulls/r.fillnulls.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/r.fillnulls/r.fillnulls.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/r.fillnulls/r.fillnulls.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -11,15 +11,12 @@
 three points around the edge. This way the algorithm interpolates into the hole with
 a trained slope and curvature at the edges, in order to avoid that such a flat plane
 is generated in a hole.
-During the interpolation following warning may occur:<p>
+<p>During the interpolation following warning may occur:<p>
 Warning: strip exists with insufficient data<br>
 Warning: taking too long to find points for interpolation--please change
 the region to area where your points are</tt>
 This warning is generated if large data holes exist within the surface.
 As the idea of <em>r.fillnulls</em> is to fill such holes, the user may
 ignore the warning. The interpolation will be continued. However, the user
@@ -94,8 +91,7 @@
 <i>Mathematical Geology</i> 25, 657-667.
-r.fillnulls: Markus Neteler, University of Hannover<p>
-and authors of v.surf.rst<br>
+r.fillnulls: Markus Neteler, University of Hannover<p>and authors of v.surf.rst<br>
 Improvement by Hamish Bowman, NZ
 <p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/r.grow/r.grow.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/r.grow/r.grow.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/r.grow/r.grow.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@
 the <b>metric</b> parameter): <i>Euclidean</i>, <i>Manhattan</i>, and 
-The <i>Euclidean distance</i> or <i>Euclidean metric</i> is the "ordinary" distance 
+<p>The <i>Euclidean distance</i> or <i>Euclidean metric</i> is the "ordinary" distance 
 between two points that one would measure with a ruler, which can be 
 proven by repeated application of the Pythagorean theorem. 
 The formula is given by: 
@@ -25,8 +24,7 @@
 Cells grown using this metric would form isolines of distance that are
 circular from a given point, with the distance given by the <b>radius</b>.
-The <i>Manhattan metric</i>, or <i>Taxicab geometry</i>, is a form of geometry in 
+<p>The <i>Manhattan metric</i>, or <i>Taxicab geometry</i>, is a form of geometry in 
 which the usual metric of Euclidean geometry is replaced by a new 
 metric in which the distance between two points is the sum of the (absolute) 
 differences of their coordinates. The name alludes to the grid layout of 
@@ -40,15 +38,13 @@
 where cells grown using this metric would form isolines of distance that are
 rhombus-shaped from a given point. 
-The <i>Maximum metric</i> is given by the formula
+<p>The <i>Maximum metric</i> is given by the formula
 <div class="code"><pre>d(dx,dy) = max(abs(dx),abs(dy))</pre></div>
 where the isolines of distance from a point are squares.
-If there are two cells which are equal candidates to grow into an empty space, 
+<p>If there are two cells which are equal candidates to grow into an empty space, 
 <em>r.grow</em> will choose the northernmost candidate; if there are multiple 
 candidates with the same northing, the westernmost is chosen. 
@@ -69,15 +65,13 @@
 <a href="r.patch.html">r.patch</a>
-<em><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_metric">Wikipedia Entry: Euclidean Metric</a></em><br>
+<p><em><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_metric">Wikipedia Entry: Euclidean Metric</a></em><br>
 <em><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manhattan_metric">Wikipedia Entry: Manhattan Metric</a></em>
 Marjorie Larson, 
 U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
-Glynn Clements
+<p>Glynn Clements
 <p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/r.in.srtm/r.in.srtm.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/r.in.srtm/r.in.srtm.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/r.in.srtm/r.in.srtm.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -24,8 +24,7 @@
 <a href="r.in.bin.html">r.in.bin</a>
-The <a href="http://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/srtm/">Shuttle Radar Topography Mission</a>
+<p>The <a href="http://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/srtm/">Shuttle Radar Topography Mission</a>
 homepage at NASA's JPL.
 The <a href="http://pub7.bravenet.com/forum/537683448/">SRTM Web Forum</a>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/r.in.wms/r.in.wms.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/r.in.wms/r.in.wms.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/r.in.wms/r.in.wms.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -12,15 +12,13 @@
 By default data is downloaded to <tt>$GISDBASE/wms_download</tt>. This can be changed
 by setting the <b>folder</b> option when using <em>r.in.wms</em>.
-To understand the data you are getting it is necessary to look at the
+<p>To understand the data you are getting it is necessary to look at the
 capabilities of the WMS server. This should be available via a capabilities
 request. This is an
 <a href="http://wms.jpl.nasa.gov/wms.cgi?request=GetCapabilities">example
 capabilities request to NASA's OnEarth server</a>.
 Some brain-dead servers will only talk to certain web browsers. You can
 fool these by adding <tt>- -user-agent=MSIE5.5</tt> to <b>wgetoptions</b>
 or for curl adding <tt>-A "MSIE5.5"</tt> to <b>curloptions</b>.
@@ -136,5 +134,4 @@
 Soeren Gebbert, Jachym Cepicky, and Cedric Shock<br>
 Updated for GRASS 7 by Martin Landa, CTU in Prague, Czech Republic (05/2009)
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/r.mapcalculator/r.mapcalculator.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/r.mapcalculator/r.mapcalculator.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/r.mapcalculator/r.mapcalculator.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -7,14 +7,12 @@
 Enter an <em>r.mapcalc</em> expression in the formula field using the
 format: A+C or exp(A+C)+(B-2)*7 where A, B, C are raster maps entered
 in the A field, B field, and C field. 
-Do not enter output file in the formula field: correct: A+B; incorrect: newfile = A+B. Use no spaces or blanks. 
-Expert mode runs <em>r.mapcalc</em> for more complex expressions.
+<p>Do not enter output file in the formula field: correct: A+B; incorrect: newfile = A+B. Use no spaces or blanks. 
+<p>Expert mode runs <em>r.mapcalc</em> for more complex expressions.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</A></em>
+<em><a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</a></em>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/r.mask/r.mask.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/r.mask/r.mask.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/r.mask/r.mask.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,28 +3,24 @@
 <em><b>r.mask</b></em> - Facilitates creation of a raster "MASK" map to
 control raster operations.
-The MASK is only applied when <em>reading</em> an existing GRASS raster map,
+<p>The MASK is only applied when <em>reading</em> an existing GRASS raster map,
 for example when used in a module as an input map.
 The MASK will block out certain areas of a raster map from analysis and/or
 display, by "hiding" them from sight of other GRASS modules. Data falling
 within the bounaries of the MASK can be modified and operated upon by other
 GRASS raster modules; data falling outside the MASK is treated as if it were NULL.
-Because the MASK is actually only a reclass map named "MASK", it can be
+<p>Because the MASK is actually only a reclass map named "MASK", it can be
 copied, renamed, removed, and used in analyses, just like other GRASS
 raster map layers.  The user should be aware that a MASK remains in
 place until a user renames it to something other than "MASK", or removes
 it using "<tt>r.mask -r</tt>" or <em>g.remove</em>.
-Grid cells in the MASK map containing <tt>0</tt> or <tt>NULL</tt>
+<p>Grid cells in the MASK map containing <tt>0</tt> or <tt>NULL</tt>
 will replace data with NULL, while cells containing other values will allow
 data to pass through unaltered.
-To restore raster operations to normal (i.e., all cells of the current region),
+<p>To restore raster operations to normal (i.e., all cells of the current region),
 remove the MASK file by setting the <b>-r</b> remove MASK flag. In this case, a
 dummy value must also be given for the input parameter.
 A MASK also can be removed by using <em>g.remove</em>
@@ -38,13 +34,11 @@
 areas outside the MASK will be ignored until the MASK file
 is removed.
 The mask is read as an integer map. If MASK is actually a
 floating-point map, the values will be converted to integers using the
 map's quantisation rules (this defaults to round-to-nearest, but can
 be changed with r.quant).
 <em>r.mask</em> uses <em>r.reclass</em> to create a reclassification of an
 existing raster map and name it MASK. A reclass map takes up less space, but
 is affected by any changes to the underlying map from which it was created.
@@ -53,7 +47,6 @@
 command line, the category values listed in <em>maskcats</em> must be quoted
 (see example below).
 Somewhat similar program functions to those performed by
 <em>r.mask</em> can be done using <em>r.mapcalc</em>, 
 <em>g.region</em>, and other commands.
@@ -97,5 +90,4 @@
 Michael Barton, Arizona State University
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/r.out.xyz/r.out.xyz.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/r.out.xyz/r.out.xyz.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/r.out.xyz/r.out.xyz.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,19 +3,15 @@
 The <em>r.out.xyz</em> module exports a raster map as a list of x,y,z
 values into an ASCII text file.
 This module will not export x,y coordinates for raster cells containing
 a NULL value. This includes cells masked by a raster MASK.
-This module, as all GRASS raster modules, will export cells based on the
+<p>This module, as all GRASS raster modules, will export cells based on the
 current region settings. See the <em>g.region</em> module for details.
-The <em>r.out.ascii</em> module should be used to export an array (of
+<p>The <em>r.out.ascii</em> module should be used to export an array (of
 size row x column) containing z values.
-<em>r.out.xyz</em> is simply a front-end to "<tt>r.stats -1gn</tt>".
+<p><em>r.out.xyz</em> is simply a front-end to "<tt>r.stats -1gn</tt>".
@@ -47,5 +43,4 @@
 <i>Dept. Marine Science<br>
 Otago University, New Zealand</i>
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/r.pack/r.pack.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/r.pack/r.pack.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/r.pack/r.pack.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -39,5 +39,4 @@
 Converted to Python and updated for GRASS 7 by Martin Landa, CTU in Prague, Czech Republic
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/r.plane/r.plane.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/r.plane/r.plane.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/r.plane/r.plane.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
 point on the plane.<br>
 The angle orientations of the <em>azimuth</em> parameter increase counter-clockwise,
 i.e., 0 degree = N, 45 degree = NW, 90 degree = W etc.
-Increasing values of the <em>dip</em> parameter progressively lower (or dip) the northern
+<p>Increasing values of the <em>dip</em> parameter progressively lower (or dip) the northern
 half of the plane, and incline the southern half, assuming the <em>azimuth</em> parameter 
 is held constant at 0 degrees.
@@ -14,8 +13,7 @@
 <tt>g.region -c</tt> provides the easting and northing coordinates for
 the center of the current region.
-<em>int</em> maps take less disk space than <em>float</em>s, which in turn
+<p><em>int</em> maps take less disk space than <em>float</em>s, which in turn
 take up less space than <em>double</em>s (but can be less exact).

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/r.shaded.relief/r.shaded.relief.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/r.shaded.relief/r.shaded.relief.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/r.shaded.relief/r.shaded.relief.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
 relief map is named <em>&lt;input_map&gt;.shade</em>.
 The map is assigned a grey-scale color table.
-The module then prompts the user to enter values for:
+<p>The module then prompts the user to enter values for:
 <li>The <b>altitude</b> of the sun in degrees above the horizon
 (a value between 0 and 90 degrees), and
@@ -42,8 +41,7 @@
 of the filtering syntax shown in the above expression.
 See, for example, the section on "The Neighborhood Modifier".
-<em>r.shaded.relief</em> then runs <em>r.colors</em>
+<p><em>r.shaded.relief</em> then runs <em>r.colors</em>
 to assign a grey-scale color table to the new shaded relief map.
@@ -63,8 +61,7 @@
 r.shaded.relief input=elevation output=elevation.shaded
-In Latitude-Longitude locations (or other non-metric locations), the
+<p>In Latitude-Longitude locations (or other non-metric locations), the
 <em>scale</em> factor has to be used:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -78,9 +75,8 @@
 and Jim Westervelt, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
 (March/1991) (available from the GRASS web site).
-<!-- RGB version not ported to GRASS 6:
-  <em><a href="shade.clr.sh.html">shade.clr.sh</A></em><br>
+<p><!-- RGB version not ported to GRASS 6:
+  <em><a href="shade.clr.sh.html">shade.clr.sh</a></em><br>
 <a href="d.his.html">d.his</a>,

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/r.tileset/r.tileset.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/r.tileset/r.tileset.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/r.tileset/r.tileset.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -15,8 +15,7 @@
 twice the necessary information. Furthermore, generating a tiling near
 a divergant point of a source projection, such as the poles of a
 cylindrical source projections, results in divergence of the tile set.
-Not generating "optimal" tilings may have another consequence; the
+<p>Not generating "optimal" tilings may have another consequence; the
 aspect ratio of cells in the destination region will not necessarily
 carry over to the source region and generated tiles may have cells of
 strange aspect ratios. This might be a problem for some map request
@@ -63,16 +62,14 @@
 Generates tiles in latitude longitude that cover the current
 region, each tile will be less than 1024 cells high and 2048 cells
 across. The bounds and sizes of tiles in the output are separated by | (pipe):
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 r.tileset sourceproj=+init=epsg:4326 maxrows=1024 maxcols=2048
 Generates tiles in latitude longitude projection that cover the
 named region "ne-rio". The tiles will have 2 cells of overlap. The
 output format will be strings like the bbox requests for WMS servers:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 r.tileset sourceproj=+init=epsg:4326 overlap=2 -w region=ne-rio
@@ -82,8 +79,7 @@
 is in a format where each line is in shell script style. The
 substitution <code>`g.proj -j location=IrishGrid`</code> will only
 work in a unix style shell:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 r.tileset sourceproj=`g.proj -j location=IrishGrid` maxrows=400 maxcols=300 overlap=3 -g
@@ -99,5 +95,4 @@
 Cedric Shock<br>
 Updated for GRASS 7 by Martin Landa, CTU in Prague, Czech Republic
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/r.unpack/r.unpack.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/r.unpack/r.unpack.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/r.unpack/r.unpack.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -36,5 +36,4 @@
 Converted to Python and updated for GRASS 7 by Martin Landa, CTU in Prague, Czech Republic
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/r3.mapcalculator/r3.mapcalculator.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/r3.mapcalculator/r3.mapcalculator.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/r3.mapcalculator/r3.mapcalculator.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -7,14 +7,12 @@
 Enter an <em>r3.mapcalc</em> expression in the formula field using the
 format: A+C or exp(A+C)+(B-2)*7 where A, B, C are 3D raster volumes entered
 in the A field, B field, and C field. 
-Do not enter output file in the formula field: correct: A+B; incorrect: newfile = A+B. Use no spaces or blanks. 
-Expert mode runs <em>r3.mapcalc</em> for more complex expressions.
+<p>Do not enter output file in the formula field: correct: A+B; incorrect: newfile = A+B. Use no spaces or blanks. 
+<p>Expert mode runs <em>r3.mapcalc</em> for more complex expressions.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="r3.mapcalc.html">r3.mapcalc</A></em>
+<em><a href="r3.mapcalc.html">r3.mapcalc</a></em>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/v.build.all/v.build.all.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/v.build.all/v.build.all.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/v.build.all/v.build.all.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,5 +6,4 @@
 Radim Blazek
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/v.centroids/v.centroids.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/v.centroids/v.centroids.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/v.centroids/v.centroids.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,13 +6,11 @@
 adds centroids to closed boundaries in the <b>input</b> file and assigns a
 category number to them. The starting value as well as the increment size
 may be set using optional parameters. 
-Multiple attributes may be linked to a single vector entity through
+<p>Multiple attributes may be linked to a single vector entity through
 numbered fields referred to as layers. Refer to <em>v.category</em>
 for more details, as <em>v.centroids</em> is simply a frontend to that
-The boundary itself is often stored without any category reference as it
+<p>The boundary itself is often stored without any category reference as it
 can mark the border between two adjacent areas. Thus it would be ambiguous
 as to which feature the attribute would belong. In some cases it may, for
 example, represent a road between two parcels of land. In this case it
@@ -30,5 +28,4 @@
 help page: Trevor Wiens
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/v.convert.all/v.convert.all.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/v.convert.all/v.convert.all.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/v.convert.all/v.convert.all.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -9,14 +9,11 @@
 directories, so the same names can be kept. Old vector maps can be listed with
 <em>g.list oldvect</em>.
-To convert back from 7 to 6 vector format, use <em>v.build</em> in GRASS 6.
-To convert back from 6.0 into the 5.0/5.3/5.4 vector format,
+<p>To convert back from 7 to 6 vector format, use <em>v.build</em> in GRASS 6.
+<p>To convert back from 6.0 into the 5.0/5.3/5.4 vector format,
 use <em>v.out.ogr</em> (to SHAPE format) and then <em>v.in.shape</em>
 in the old GRASS program.
 As this GRASS version uses SQL for attribute management, there are
 some <a href=sql.html>SQL restrictings concerning the file names</a>.
 This script changes dots (e.g. "foo.bar") in old vector map names into
@@ -25,8 +22,7 @@
 To convert all old vector maps in the current mapset to the new vector format:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
@@ -44,5 +40,4 @@
 Markus Neteler, ITC-Irst, Trento, Italy
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.addcolumn/v.db.addcolumn.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.addcolumn/v.db.addcolumn.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.addcolumn/v.db.addcolumn.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@
 The supported types of columns depend on the database backend. However, all
 backends should support VARCHAR, INT, DOUBLE PRECISION and DATE.
-The existing database connection(s) can be verified with <em>v.db.connect</em>.
+<p>The existing database connection(s) can be verified with <em>v.db.connect</em>.
@@ -22,8 +21,7 @@
 v.info -c myroads
-Adding two columns:<br>
+<p>Adding two columns:<br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 g.copy vect=roadsmajor,myroads
 v.db.addcolumn myroads columns="slope double precision,myname varchar(15)"

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.addtable/v.db.addtable.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.addtable/v.db.addtable.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.addtable/v.db.addtable.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -21,8 +21,7 @@
 The supported types of columns depend on the database backend. However, all
 backends should support VARCHAR, INT, DOUBLE PRECISION and DATE.
-The existing database connection(s) can be verified with <em>v.db.connect</em>.
+<p>The existing database connection(s) can be verified with <em>v.db.connect</em>.
@@ -34,8 +33,7 @@
 v.info -c myroads
-Adding a new attribute table with two columns to layer 2:<br>
+<p>Adding a new attribute table with two columns to layer 2:<br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 g.copy vect=roadsmajor,myroads
 v.db.addtable myroads columns="slope double precision, roadname varchar(15)" layer=2
@@ -63,5 +61,4 @@
 Markus Neteler
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.dropcolumn/v.db.dropcolumn.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.dropcolumn/v.db.dropcolumn.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.dropcolumn/v.db.dropcolumn.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
 <em>v.db.dropcolumn</em> is a front-end to <em>db.execute</em> to allow easier usage.
-The existing database connection(s) can be verified with <em>v.db.connect</em>.
+<p>The existing database connection(s) can be verified with <em>v.db.connect</em>.

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.droptable/v.db.droptable.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.droptable/v.db.droptable.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.droptable/v.db.droptable.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@
 <em>v.db.droptable</em> is a front-end to <em>db.execute</em> to allow easier usage.
-The existing database connection(s) can be verified with <em>v.db.connect</em>.
+<p>The existing database connection(s) can be verified with <em>v.db.connect</em>.

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.join/v.db.join.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.join/v.db.join.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.join/v.db.join.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@
 The vector attribute table must be stored in a SQL database (SQLite, PostgreSQL,
 MySQL, ODBC, ...). The DBF backend is not supported. Tables can be
 imported with <em>db.in.ogr</em>.
-The vector map-database connection(s) can be verified with <em>v.db.connect</em>.
+<p>The vector map-database connection(s) can be verified with <em>v.db.connect</em>.

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.reconnect.all/v.db.reconnect.all.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.reconnect.all/v.db.reconnect.all.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.reconnect.all/v.db.reconnect.all.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -14,5 +14,4 @@
 Radim Blazek
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.renamecolumn/v.db.renamecolumn.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.renamecolumn/v.db.renamecolumn.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.renamecolumn/v.db.renamecolumn.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@
 this the renamed column is found as last column of the table, it's original position
 cannot be maintained.
-The SQLite driver will exit with an error if the column rename involves only a change of 
+<p>The SQLite driver will exit with an error if the column rename involves only a change of 
 case, i.e., upper-to-lowercase, or lower-to-uppercase. The SQLite protocol considers "NAME"
 and "name" to be identical column names. In cases like these, the user should rename the original
 column to an intermediary name, then rename the intermediary to the final name.

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.univar/v.db.univar.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.univar/v.db.univar.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.univar/v.db.univar.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -36,8 +36,6 @@
  Michael Barton, Arizona State University
-and authors of <em>r.univar.sh</em>
+<p>and authors of <em>r.univar.sh</em>
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.update/v.db.update.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.update/v.db.update.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/v.db.update/v.db.update.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
 <em>v.db.update</em> is just a front-end to <em>db.execute</em> to
 allow easier usage.
-For complex SQL UPDATE statements, <em>db.execute</em> should be used.
+<p>For complex SQL UPDATE statements, <em>db.execute</em> should be used.
@@ -71,5 +70,4 @@
 Moritz Lennert (mlennert at club.worldonline.be)
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/v.dissolve/v.dissolve.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/v.dissolve/v.dissolve.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/v.dissolve/v.dissolve.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -15,13 +15,11 @@
 category number
 (see <em>v.centroids</em>), this number is linked to area attributes and
 database links.
-Multiple attributes may be linked to a single vector entity through
+<p>Multiple attributes may be linked to a single vector entity through
 numbered fields referred to as layers. Refer to <em>v.category</em> for
 more details.
-Merging of areas can also be accomplished using
+<p>Merging of areas can also be accomplished using
 <tt>v.extract -d</tt> which provides some additional options.
 In fact, <em>v.dissolve</em> is simply a
 front-end to that module. The use of the <em>column</em> parameter
@@ -78,5 +76,4 @@
 Markus Neteler for column support<br>
 help page: Trevor Wiens
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/v.in.geonames/v.in.geonames.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/v.in.geonames/v.in.geonames.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/v.in.geonames/v.in.geonames.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@
 The current DB connection is used to write the database table.
-If importing into a DBF database, the original column names longer that 10 characters
+<p>If importing into a DBF database, the original column names longer that 10 characters
 are shortened to 10 characters to meet the DBF column name restrictions. If this is a
 problem consider choosing another database driver with <em>db.connect</em>.
@@ -57,5 +56,4 @@
 <a href="http://www.grassbook.org/">Markus Neteler</a>
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/v.in.gns/v.in.gns.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/v.in.gns/v.in.gns.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/v.in.gns/v.in.gns.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -10,12 +10,10 @@
 The current DB connection is used to write the database table.
-Generally, column names longer that 10 characters are shortened to
+<p>Generally, column names longer that 10 characters are shortened to
 10 characters to meet the DBF column name restrictions. If this is a
 problem consider choosing another database driver with <em>db.connect</em>.
-To filter outliers (points outside of a country), the <em>v.select</em>
+<p>To filter outliers (points outside of a country), the <em>v.select</em>
 module can be used to perform point-in-polygon tests. <em>v.select</em>
 saves only the GNS points falling into a country polygon into the new
 points map.
@@ -36,5 +34,4 @@
 Markus Neteler, MPBA Group, ITC-irst, Trento, Italy
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/v.in.gps/v.in.gps.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/v.in.gps/v.in.gps.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/v.in.gps/v.in.gps.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
 GPS data of many common formats. Translation is done via the 
 <em><a href="http://www.gpsbabel.org">GPSBabel</a></em> program. 
-This software is not intended as a primary means of navigation.
+<p>This software is not intended as a primary means of navigation.
@@ -23,8 +22,7 @@
 The automatic transform may be skipped by using the <b>-k</b> flag in which 
 case the data will be imported unprojected, as it appears in the <b>input</b>.
-Route and Track data may be uploaded as a series of points by using the <b>-p</b> 
+<p>Route and Track data may be uploaded as a series of points by using the <b>-p</b> 
 flag, otherwise they will be imported as lines. You can run <em>v.in.gps</em>
 multiple times and merge the line and point vectors with the <em>v.patch</em>
 command if you want, but take care when merging dissimilar attribute tables.
@@ -97,5 +95,4 @@
 from <i>garmin</i> to <i>xcsv</i> ... 
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/v.in.lines/v.in.lines.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/v.in.lines/v.in.lines.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/v.in.lines/v.in.lines.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -8,11 +8,9 @@
 Input ASCII coordinates are simply a series of "x&nbsp;y" data points.
 Lines are separated by a row containing "<tt>NaN&nbsp;NaN</tt>".
 <!-- TODO:? Line categories start at 1 and increase sequentially. -->
-The user can import 3D lines by providing 3 columns of data in the input
+<p>The user can import 3D lines by providing 3 columns of data in the input
 stream and using the <b>-z</b> flag.
-This script is a simple wrapper around the <em>v.in.mapgen</em> module.
+<p>This script is a simple wrapper around the <em>v.in.mapgen</em> module.
@@ -53,5 +51,4 @@
 Hamish Bowman<br>
 Dunedin, New Zealand
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/v.in.mapgen/v.in.mapgen.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/v.in.mapgen/v.in.mapgen.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/v.in.mapgen/v.in.mapgen.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,11 +6,9 @@
 This module only imports data into vector lines.
-The user can get coastline data in Mapgen or Matlab format from NOAA's Coastline 
+<p>The user can get coastline data in Mapgen or Matlab format from NOAA's Coastline 
 Extractor at <a href="http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/shorelines/shorelines.html">http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/shorelines/shorelines.html</a>.
-Matlab vector line maps are simply a series of "x y" data points. Lines
+<p>Matlab vector line maps are simply a series of "x y" data points. Lines
 are separated by a row containing <tt>NaN NaN</tt>.
 Output from Matlab with this command:
@@ -18,8 +16,7 @@
 <div class="code"><pre>
     save filename.txt arrayname -ASCII
-The user can import 3D lines from Matlab by exporting a 3 column array and
+<p>The user can import 3D lines from Matlab by exporting a 3 column array and
 using the <b>-z</b> flag.
@@ -30,5 +27,4 @@
 Based on <em>v.in.mapgen.sh</em> for GRASS 5.0 by Andreas Lange
 <br>Rewritten for GRASS 6 by Hamish Bowman
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/v.in.sites.all/v.in.sites.all.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/v.in.sites.all/v.in.sites.all.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/v.in.sites.all/v.in.sites.all.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -35,5 +35,4 @@
 Markus Neteler, ITC-Irst, Trento, Italy
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/v.in.wfs/v.in.wfs.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/v.in.wfs/v.in.wfs.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/v.in.wfs/v.in.wfs.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
 Import of GRASS user map:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 # run in LatLong location:
 v.in.wfs \
  url="http://mapserver.gdf-hannover.de/cgi-bin/grassuserwfs?REQUEST=GetFeature&SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=1.0.0" out=grass_users

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/v.krige/v.krige.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/v.krige/v.krige.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/v.krige/v.krige.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
 <em>v.krige</em> is just a front-end to R. The options and parameters
 are the same offered by packages <i>automap</i> and <i>gstat</i>.
-Kriging, like other interpolation methods, is fully dependent on input
+<p>Kriging, like other interpolation methods, is fully dependent on input
 data features. Exploratory analysis of data is encouraged to find out
 outliers, trends, anisotropies, uneven distributions and consequently
 choose the kriging algorithm that will give the most acceptable
@@ -82,8 +81,7 @@
 Kriging example based on elevation map (Spearfish data set).
-<b>Part 1: random sampling</b> of 2000 vector points from known
+<p><b>Part 1: random sampling</b> of 2000 vector points from known
 elevation map. Each point will receive the elevation value from the
 elevation raster, as if it came from a point survey.
@@ -188,5 +186,4 @@
 Anne Ghisla, Google Summer of Code 2009
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/v.out.gps/v.out.gps.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/v.out.gps/v.out.gps.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/v.out.gps/v.out.gps.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
 many common GPS data formats. Translation is done via the 
 <em><a href="http://www.gpsbabel.org">GPSBabel</a></em> program. 
-Do not use as a primary means of navigation.
+<p>Do not use as a primary means of navigation.
 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -16,18 +15,15 @@
 <em>v.out.gps</em> automatically reprojects data from the 
 projection settings of the current location to Lat/Lon WGS84.
-GPX format is used for data interchange between GRASS and GpsBabel.
+<p>GPX format is used for data interchange between GRASS and GpsBabel.
 If the requested output is GPX, then <tt>gpsbabel</tt> is never run.
-OGR's GPX driver knows a number of standard field names. If an attribute
+<p>OGR's GPX driver knows a number of standard field names. If an attribute
 column matches the name it will be used in that field. Otherwise the
 attribute will be placed within the <tt>&lt;extensions&gt;</tt> metadata
 section of the record. Not all fields names are used with all feature
 types (e.g. DOP fix error is not meaningful for route lines). You can
 use the <em>v.db.renamecolumn</em> module to rename columns.
-These are the standard GPX data fields known to OGR:
+<p>These are the standard GPX data fields known to OGR:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 cmt:	 Comment
@@ -82,13 +78,13 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="m.proj.html">m.proj</A><br>
-<a href="v.in.ascii.html">v.in.ascii</A><br>
-<a href="v.out.ascii.html">v.out.ascii</A><br>
-<a href="v.in.garmin.html">v.in.garmin</A><br>
-<a href="v.in.gpsbabel.html">v.in.gpsbabel</A><br>
-<a href="v.db.renamecolumn.html">v.db.renamecolumn</A><br>
-<a href="v.extract.html">v.extract</A>
+<a href="m.proj.html">m.proj</a><br>
+<a href="v.in.ascii.html">v.in.ascii</a><br>
+<a href="v.out.ascii.html">v.out.ascii</a><br>
+<a href="v.in.garmin.html">v.in.garmin</a><br>
+<a href="v.in.gpsbabel.html">v.in.gpsbabel</a><br>
+<a href="v.db.renamecolumn.html">v.db.renamecolumn</a><br>
+<a href="v.extract.html">v.extract</a>
@@ -101,5 +97,4 @@
 Hamish Bowman, Dunedin New Zealand
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/v.rast.stats/v.rast.stats.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/v.rast.stats/v.rast.stats.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/v.rast.stats/v.rast.stats.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
 Then univariate statistics are calculated per vector category (cat) from
 the raster map and the results uploaded to the vector map attribute table.
 New columns are generated in the attribute table if not already present.
-Nine columns are generated (n, min, max, range, mean, stddev, variance, 
+<p>Nine columns are generated (n, min, max, range, mean, stddev, variance, 
 coeff_var, sum) according to the output of <em>r.univar</em>.
 If the <b>-e</b> extended statistics flag is given the 1st quartile,
 median, 3rd quartile, and given percentile are also calculated.
@@ -18,22 +17,18 @@
 The module may take a long time to run if the raster region contains a large
 number of cells. In this case the <b>--verbose</b> flag may be used to track
-The script stops if a (prefixed) upload column is already present in the
+<p>The script stops if a (prefixed) upload column is already present in the
 vector map attribute table, unless otherwise instructed with the <b>-c</b>
 continue flag. The column prefix will be separated from the statistic name
 with an underscore. For example with a prefix of "<tt>elev</tt>" the sum
 column will be named <tt>elev_sum</tt>.
-If a DBF database is being used, note that column names are restricted by the
+<p>If a DBF database is being used, note that column names are restricted by the
 DBF specification to 10 characters. Therefore it is advised to be economical
 in the use of the column prefix when using DBF as any additional characters
 will be chopped off.
-If a MASK is present, it will be restored after the script finished.
+<p>If a MASK is present, it will be restored after the script finished.
 The script changes temporarily to the resolution of the given raster map.
-<!-- r.univar limitation -->
+<p><!-- r.univar limitation -->
 Large amounts of system memory can be used when the <b>-e</b> extended
 statistics flag is used with a very large region setting. If the region
 is too large the module should display memory allocation errors.
@@ -71,5 +66,4 @@
 Markus Neteler, CEA (for the <a href="http://www.eden-fp6project.net/">EDEN EU/FP6 Project</a>)
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/v.report/v.report.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/v.report/v.report.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/v.report/v.report.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -2,16 +2,13 @@
 <em>v.report</em> generates a table showing the area present in 
 each of the categories of a user-selected data layer.
-Area is given in hectares, square meters, and square kilometers.
+<p>Area is given in hectares, square meters, and square kilometers.
 If the units option is used, area is given in acres, square feet,
 and square miles.
-Feet and acre units are always reported in their common versions
+<p>Feet and acre units are always reported in their common versions
 (i.e. the International Foot, exactly 5280 feet in a mile), even
 when the location's standard map unit is the US Survey foot.
-<em>v.report</em> works on the full map data; therefore, the current
+<p><em>v.report</em> works on the full map data; therefore, the current
 region is ignored. If you wish to spatially limit the statistics,
 a map subset must be created with <em>v.in.region</em> and 
 <em>v.overlay</em>, and then run <em>v.report</em> on the new map.
@@ -39,5 +36,4 @@
 Markus Neteler, GDF Hannover
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/v.what.vect/v.what.vect.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/v.what.vect/v.what.vect.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/v.what.vect/v.what.vect.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -8,16 +8,13 @@
 The upload <b>column</b>, into which the query results are stored, must be
 present in the <b>vector</b> map. Use <em>v.db.addcolumn</em> to add one if needed.
-Use dmax parameter to control query distance tolerance (how far points/centroids
+<p>Use dmax parameter to control query distance tolerance (how far points/centroids
 can be from <b>qvector</b> features). For more options, use
 <em>v.distance</em> instead.
-In case of a multipoint input <b>vector</b> map, with several points having the
+<p>In case of a multipoint input <b>vector</b> map, with several points having the
 same category number, it can happen, that the query result is NULL, if the same
 category number falls into different <b>qvector</b> polygons.
-When transferring attributes from a point map to a polygon map, usually <b>dmax</b>
+<p>When transferring attributes from a point map to a polygon map, usually <b>dmax</b>
 has to be larger than zero (determined by distance between query points and
 polygon centroids).
@@ -36,7 +33,6 @@
 v.db.select myhospitals
 In this example, city names, population data and more from
 <a href="http://download.geonames.org/export/dump/">Geonames.org country files</a> are
 transferred to selected EU CORINE landuse/landcover classes
@@ -71,5 +67,4 @@
 Markus Neteler
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/wxpyimgview/wxpyimgview.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/wxpyimgview/wxpyimgview.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/wxpyimgview/wxpyimgview.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -22,5 +22,4 @@
 Glynn Clements
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/sites/s.in.ascii/s.in.ascii.html
--- grass/trunk/sites/s.in.ascii/s.in.ascii.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/sites/s.in.ascii/s.in.ascii.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
 <em>s.in.ascii</em> converts an ASCII listing of site
 locations and category labels into GRASS vector format.
 Input can be entered via standard input or from the file
 <b>input=</b><em>name</em>. Each line of input should
 contain the easting, northing, and either the category value
@@ -18,14 +16,13 @@
 stored in the vector map <b>output=</b><em>name</em>.
 The GRASS program <em><a href="s.out.ascii.html">s.out.ascii</a></em>
 can be used to perform the reverse function, converting a file in GRASS
 vector sites format into an ASCII listing of eastings, northings, and 
 category labels associated with site locations.
@@ -45,7 +42,6 @@
 <em>s.in.ascii</em> can be run either non-interactively or
 interactively.  The program will be run non-interactively
 if the user specifies a name to be assigned to the
@@ -54,7 +50,6 @@
 separator <b>fs</b> appearing in the <b>input</b> file.
 Alternately, the user can simply type <b>s.in.ascii</b> on
 the command line, without program arguments. In this case,
 the user will be prompted for parameter values using the
@@ -68,14 +63,12 @@
 further) column in the <b>input</b> file will be treated as an attribute.
 <p>To define a <b>date</b> (timestamp), several date strings are accepted.
-Please see <em><a href="r.timestamp.html">r.timestamp</A></em> for details.
+Please see <em><a href="r.timestamp.html">r.timestamp</a></em> for details.
 <b>Importing from other GRASS programs</b>
-Other GRASS programs can be used to produce output in a
+<p>Other GRASS programs can be used to produce output in a
 format suitable for input to <em>s.in.ascii</em>. For
 example, the user might pipe output produced by
 <em><a href="d.where.html">d.where</a></em> into 
@@ -87,20 +80,15 @@
 separates the easting and northing values with spaces, and
 spaces are the default field separator assumed by
 <dd><b>d.where</b> | <b>s.in.ascii output=</b>my.sites
-<b>Importing from a spreadsheet</b>
-Data may be imported from many spreadsheet programs by saving the spreadsheet
+<p><b>Importing from a spreadsheet</b>
+<p>Data may be imported from many spreadsheet programs by saving the spreadsheet
 as a comma separated variable (.csv) text file, and then using 
 the "<b>fs=</b><em>,</em>" command line parameter with <em>s.in.ascii</em>.
-<b>Importing latitude/longitude data</b>
-Latitude/longitude data may be imported either in decimal degree format:<br>
+<p><b>Importing latitude/longitude data</b>
+<p>Latitude/longitude data may be imported either in decimal degree format:<br>
     8.314824 54.921730 site1
@@ -116,10 +104,8 @@
     9:32:57.7356E 54:50:02.688N site3
+<p><b>Time as String Attributes</b>
-<b>Time as String Attributes</b>
 In this example, we will work with the following site list:
@@ -133,11 +119,11 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="d.vect.html">d.sites</A></em>,
-<em><a href="d.what.vect.html">d.what.vect</A></em>,
-<em><a href="d.where.html">d.where</A></em>,
-<em><a href="r.timestamp.html">r.timestamp</A></em>,
-<em><a href="s.out.ascii.html">s.out.ascii</A></em>
+<em><a href="d.vect.html">d.sites</a></em>,
+<em><a href="d.what.vect.html">d.what.vect</a></em>,
+<em><a href="d.where.html">d.where</a></em>,
+<em><a href="r.timestamp.html">r.timestamp</a></em>,
+<em><a href="s.out.ascii.html">s.out.ascii</a></em>

Modified: grass/trunk/sites/s.out.ascii/s.out.ascii.html
--- grass/trunk/sites/s.out.ascii/s.out.ascii.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/sites/s.out.ascii/s.out.ascii.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 format suitable for input to other program). 
 Each line of output consists of the easting, northing, and
 category label for a site listed in the named <b>vector points</b> (sites)
 file.  The <b>fs=</b><em>name</em> option (where
@@ -17,7 +16,6 @@
 The GRASS program <em>s.in.ascii</em> can be used to
 perform the reverse function, converting a UNIX file
 containing eastings, northings, and category labels
@@ -26,7 +24,7 @@
@@ -42,7 +40,7 @@
@@ -66,8 +64,7 @@
 if the user specifies the name of an existing site list
 file and (optionally) a value for <b>fs</b>, using the form
@@ -85,21 +82,19 @@
 Alternately, the user can simply type <b>s.out.ascii</b> on
 the command line, without program arguments. In this case,
 the user will be prompted for parameter values using the
 standard GRASS 
-<a href="parser.html">parser</A>
+<a href="parser.html">parser</a>
 To output GRASS data in x,y,z ASCII style, the s.out.ascii may be used:
 <b>s.out.ascii -d input=</b>sitesmap
@@ -117,12 +112,10 @@
 converted to sites format using <em>r.to.sites</em> and <em>s.out.ascii</em>
 subsequently as described above.
-The output from <em>s.out.ascii</em> may be placed into a
+<p>The output from <em>s.out.ascii</em> may be placed into a
 file by using the UNIX redirection mechanism; e.g.:
 <b>s.out.ascii input=</b>archsites &gt; out.file
@@ -130,18 +123,17 @@
 <em>s.out.ascii</em> output may also be redirected into
 other programs; e.g.:
 <b>s.out.ascii input=</b>archsites | d.points <b>color=</b>red <b>size=</b>10 <b>type=</b>diamond
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="d.points.html">d.points</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="d.vect.html">d.vect</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="s.in.ascii.html">s.in.ascii</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="r.to.vect.html">r.to.vect</A></em>
+<em><a href="d.points.html">d.points</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="d.vect.html">d.vect</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="s.in.ascii.html">s.in.ascii</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="r.to.vect.html">r.to.vect</a></em>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.buffer/v.buffer.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.buffer/v.buffer.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.buffer/v.buffer.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -58,5 +58,4 @@
 Radim Blazek<br>
 Rewritten by Rosen Matev (with support through the
  Google Summer of Code program 2008)
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.build/v.build.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.build/v.build.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.build/v.build.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -4,11 +4,9 @@
 GRASS vector data files.  These support files supply
 topology and category information that are needed by other
 GRASS modules.
-GRASS is generating these support files automatically,
+<p>GRASS is generating these support files automatically,
 only in rare cases the user has to (re)build them.
-Refer to
+<p>Refer to
 <em><a href="vectorintro.html">Vector data processing in GRASS GIS</a></em>
 for more information on GRASS GIS vector data model.
@@ -18,13 +16,11 @@
 vector maps located in the user's current mapset. If vector map 
 is located in another mapset, you need to specify this:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 v.build map=geology at PERMANENT
-In case of errors, the user can optionally generate an <em>error</em>
+<p>In case of errors, the user can optionally generate an <em>error</em>
 vector map containing the erroneous vectors for later inspection.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.build.polylines/v.build.polylines.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.build.polylines/v.build.polylines.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.build.polylines/v.build.polylines.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,14 +3,12 @@
 <em>v.build.polylines</em> builds polylines from the lines or
 boundaries in a vector map.
-A line is defined by one start node, one end node and any number of
+<p>A line is defined by one start node, one end node and any number of
 vertices between the start and end node. The shortest possible line
 consists of only two vertices where the coordinates of the start and end
 node are identical to those of the two vertices.
-<em>v.build.polyline</em> picks a line and from its start node, walks
+<p><em>v.build.polyline</em> picks a line and from its start node, walks
 back as long as exactly one other line of the same type is connected to
 this node. Line directions are reversed as required, i.e. it does not
 matter if the next line is connected to the current node by its start or
@@ -25,8 +23,7 @@
 the <em><a href="wxGUI.Vector_Digitizing_Tool.html">wxGUI vector
-Polylines provide the most appropriate representation of curved lines when it 
+<p>Polylines provide the most appropriate representation of curved lines when it 
 is important that nodes serve to define topology rather than geometry. Curved 
 lines are usually digitized as polylines, but these are sometimes broken into 
 their constituent straight line segments during conversion from one data 
@@ -38,8 +35,7 @@
 <em>v.build.polylines</em> combines only lines oif the same type to
 a new polyline, i.e. lines and boundaries are kept separate.
-Category number(s) are assigned to a polyline based on <b>cats</b> parameter.
+<p>Category number(s) are assigned to a polyline based on <b>cats</b> parameter.
   <li><b>cats=no</b> - No category number is assigned to a
@@ -84,5 +80,4 @@
 Category mode added by Martin Landa, FBK-irst, Trento, Italy, October 2007<br>
 Support for different line types by Markus Metz
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.category/v.category.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.category/v.category.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.category/v.category.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -10,29 +10,24 @@
 Use <em><a href="v.to.db.html">v.to.db</a></em> to upload related categories
 to a linked attribute table.
-The <b>type</b> parameter specifies the type of geometry objects to which
+<p>The <b>type</b> parameter specifies the type of geometry objects to which
 the category is added; it is similar to an input filter - only the
 geometry specified in 'type' is processed.
-If the <b>type</b> parameter is set to <b>centroid</b> and
+<p>If the <b>type</b> parameter is set to <b>centroid</b> and
 the <b>option</b> parameter set to <b>add</b>, new categories will be
 added to existing centroids. Note however, that new centroids cannot
 be created this way.  To do so, they must be added manually
 using <em><a href="wxGUI.Vector_Digitizing_Tool.html">wxGUI vector
 digitizer</a></em> or by running <em>v.category</em> with the type
 parameter set to area.
-Areas are a special case because it is impossible to attach a cat to
+<p>Areas are a special case because it is impossible to attach a cat to
 an area without a centroid; in this case, the module places new
 centroids in areas automatically.
-The <b>cat</b> parameter is only used with <b>option</b>=<i>add</i> and
+<p>The <b>cat</b> parameter is only used with <b>option</b>=<i>add</i> and
-The <b>ids</b> parameter specifies the list of feature IDs to which the
+<p>The <b>ids</b> parameter specifies the list of feature IDs to which the
 operation is performed; by default, all vector feature ids are processed. 
 The <i>feature ID</i> is an internal (unique) geometry ID that all vector
 primitives possess, and is separate from any category the feature may
@@ -117,5 +112,4 @@
 Modified (the id parameter) by Martin Landa,
   FBK-irst (formerly ITC-irst), Trento, Italy, 2008/02
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.class/v.class.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.class/v.class.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.class/v.class.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="v.univar.html">v.univar</A></em>
-<em><a href="d.thematic.area.html">d.area.thematic</A></em>
+<em><a href="v.univar.html">v.univar</a></em>
+<em><a href="d.thematic.area.html">d.area.thematic</a></em>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.clean/v.clean.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.clean/v.clean.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.clean/v.clean.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,68 +5,55 @@
 <h3>Break lines/boundaries</h3>
-Threshold does not apply, use dummy value if <em>v.clean</em> is 
+<p>Threshold does not apply, use dummy value if <em>v.clean</em> is 
 run with several tools.
-The <em>break</em> tool breaks lines/boundaries at intersections and also 
+<p>The <em>break</em> tool breaks lines/boundaries at intersections and also 
 breaks lines/boundaries forming a collapsed loop, for example 0.0;1.0;0.0 
 is broken at 1.0.
-Breaking lines should be followed by removing duplicates, e.g. 
+<p>Breaking lines should be followed by removing duplicates, e.g. 
 <em>v.clean tool=break,rmdupl</em>. If the <em>-c</em> flag is used with 
 <em>v.clean tool=break</em>, duplicates are automatically removed.
 <h3>Remove duplicate geometry features</h3>
-Threshold does not apply, use dummy value if <em>v.clean</em> is 
+<p>Threshold does not apply, use dummy value if <em>v.clean</em> is 
 run with several tools.
-The <em>rmdupl</em> tool removes geometry features with identical 
+<p>The <em>rmdupl</em> tool removes geometry features with identical 
 coordinates. Categories are merged. If a point and a centroid have 
 identical coordinates, one of them will be removed if both points and 
 centroids are selected with <em>v.clean type=point,centroid</em>. The 
 same applies for lines and boundaries.
-The <em>rmdupl</em> tool should be used after breaking lines and 
+<p>The <em>rmdupl</em> tool should be used after breaking lines and 
 breaking polygons.
 <h3>Remove dangles or change boundary dangles to type line</h3>
 <em>tool=rmdangle</em> and <em>tool=chdangle</em>
-Threshold gives maximum line/boundary length in map units, degrees for 
+<p>Threshold gives maximum line/boundary length in map units, degrees for 
 latlon. Dangles shorter than <em>thresh</em> are removed sequentially. 
 All dangles will be removed if <em>thresh</em> &lt; 0.
-A line/boundary is considered to be a dangle if no other line of given 
+<p>A line/boundary is considered to be a dangle if no other line of given 
 <em>type</em> is on at least one end node. If a dangle is formed by 
 several lines, such a string of lines is taken as one dangle and line 
 lengths are summarized. The <em>rmdangle</em> tool deletes a dangle if 
 the (combined) length is shorter than <em>thres</em> or <em>thres</em> 
 &lt; 0. If the combined length is larger than <em>thresh</em>, nothing 
 is deleted.
-With <em>thresh</em> &lt; 0, only closed loops and lines connecting 
+<p>With <em>thresh</em> &lt; 0, only closed loops and lines connecting 
 loops will remain. This is useful to remove all incorrect boundaries 
 after other cleaning operations with <em>thres</em> is &lt; 0. Areas can 
 then be successfully built. 
-To preferentially remove shortest dangles first, a first pass with a 
+<p>To preferentially remove shortest dangles first, a first pass with a 
 small <em>thresh</em> value can be followed by subsequent passes with 
 increasing <em>thresh</em> values.
-The <em>chdangle</em> tool is similar to the <em>rmdangle</em> tool, but 
+<p>The <em>chdangle</em> tool is similar to the <em>rmdangle</em> tool, but 
 works only on boundaries and changes dangling boundaries to lines 
 instead of removing dangles.
 <h3>Remove or change bridges connecting an area and an island or two islands</h3>
 <em>tool=rmbridge</em> and <em>tool=chbridge</em>
-Threshold does not apply, use dummy value if <em>v.clean</em> is 
+<p>Threshold does not apply, use dummy value if <em>v.clean</em> is 
 run with several tools.
-A bridge is an area type connection of an island (polygon in a polygon) 
+<p>A bridge is an area type connection of an island (polygon in a polygon) 
 to the outer polygon. This is topologically incorrect (but OGC Simple 
 Features allow it). The <em>rmbridge</em> tool removes bridges and the 
 <em>chbridge</em> tool changes bridges to type line:
@@ -83,24 +70,20 @@
     |      |      |             |             |   |      .      |
     +------+------+             +-------------+   +-------------+
-Islands and areas must be already clean, i.e. without dangles or small 
+<p>Islands and areas must be already clean, i.e. without dangles or small 
 angles, e.g. <em>v.clean type=boundary tool=rmdangle,rmsa,break,rmdupl,rmbridge 
 <h3>Snap lines to vertex in threshold</h3>
-Threshold gives maximum distance to another vertex in map units, 
+<p>Threshold gives maximum distance to another vertex in map units, 
 degrees for latlon. 
-The <em>snap</em> tool snaps vertices to another vertex not farther away 
+<p>The <em>snap</em> tool snaps vertices to another vertex not farther away 
 than <em>thresh</em>. If there is no other vertex within <em>thresh</em>, 
 no snapping will be done. The <em>type</em> option can have a strong 
 influence on the result. A too large threshold and <em>type=boundary</em>
 can severely damage area topology, beyond repair.
-Snapped boundaries may need to be cleaned with <em>break,rmdupl,rmsa</em>. 
+<p>Snapped boundaries may need to be cleaned with <em>break,rmdupl,rmsa</em>. 
 If the <em>-c</em> flag is used with <em>v.clean tool=snap</em>, the 
 sequence of <em>break,rmdupl,rmsa</em> is automatically repeated after 
 snapping until no more small angles a left. Additional cleaning with e.g.
@@ -108,35 +91,29 @@
 <h3>Remove duplicate area centroids</h3>
-Threshold does not apply, use dummy value if <em>v.clean</em> is 
+<p>Threshold does not apply, use dummy value if <em>v.clean</em> is 
 run with several tools.
-The <em>rmdac</em> tool removes duplicate area centroids that can result 
+<p>The <em>rmdac</em> tool removes duplicate area centroids that can result 
 from deleting boundaries.
 <h3>Break (topologically clean) areas (imported from a non topological 
 format like ShapeFile)</h3>
-Threshold does not apply, use dummy value if <em>v.clean</em> is 
+<p>Threshold does not apply, use dummy value if <em>v.clean</em> is 
 run with several tools.
-The <em>bpol</em> tool breaks boundaries on each point shared between 2 
+<p>The <em>bpol</em> tool breaks boundaries on each point shared between 2 
 and more areas where angles of boundary segments are different and on 
 all boundary nodes (start and end points of each boundary). The 
 <em>bpol</em> tool behaves similar to <em>break</em> for boundaries, but 
 does not break collapsed loops. The <em>bpol</em> tool is faster than 
 the <em>break</em> tool but needs more memory.
-The <em>bpol</em> tool should be followed by <em>rmdupl</em>. If the 
+<p>The <em>bpol</em> tool should be followed by <em>rmdupl</em>. If the 
 <em>-c</em> flag is used with <em>v.clean tool=bpol</em>, duplicates are 
 automatically removed.
 <h3>Remove vertices in threshold from lines and boundaries</h3>
-The <em>prune</em> tool simplifies lines and boundaries by removing
+<p>The <em>prune</em> tool simplifies lines and boundaries by removing
 vertices according to threshold. This tool preserves area topology,
 areas are never deleted and centroid attachment is never changed.
 <em><a href=v.generalize.html>v.generalize</a></em> offers much more
@@ -145,43 +122,35 @@
 <h3>Remove small areas</h3>
-Threshold gives area size in map units, square meters for latlon.
-The <em>rmarea</em> tool removes all areas &lt;= <em>thresh</em>. The 
+<p>Threshold gives area size in map units, square meters for latlon.
+<p>The <em>rmarea</em> tool removes all areas &lt;= <em>thresh</em>. The 
 longest boundary with an adjacent area is removed or all boundaries if 
 there is no adjacent area. Area categories are not combined when a small 
 area is merged with a larger area.
 <h3>Remove all lines or boundaries of zero length</h3>
-Threshold does not apply, use dummy value if <em>v.clean</em> is 
+<p>Threshold does not apply, use dummy value if <em>v.clean</em> is 
 run with several tools.
-The <em>rmline</em> tool removes all lines or boundaries of zero length 
+<p>The <em>rmline</em> tool removes all lines or boundaries of zero length 
 that may have resulted from other cleaning operations. Zero length 
 boundaries are redundant and do not influence area topology.
 <h3>Remove small angles between lines at nodes</h3>
-Threshold does not apply, use dummy value if <em>v.clean</em> is 
+<p>Threshold does not apply, use dummy value if <em>v.clean</em> is 
 run with several tools.
-The <em>rmsa</em> tool only concerns angles which are so small that the 
+<p>The <em>rmsa</em> tool only concerns angles which are so small that the 
 calculated angle is 0. The following figure should help demonstrate what 
 the tool does.
 <img src="v_clean_rmsa.png" border=1>
 <tr><td align=center>
 <font size=-1><em>tool=rmsa</em></font>
-The <em>rmsa</em> tool should be followed by <em>break,rmdupl</em>. The 
+<p>The <em>rmsa</em> tool should be followed by <em>break,rmdupl</em>. The 
 <em>rmsa</em> tool followed by <em>break,rmdupl</em> may need to be run 
 more than once to remove all small angles. If the <em>-c</em> flag is 
 used with <em>v.clean tool=rmsa</em>, the sequence of 

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.colors/v.colors.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.colors/v.colors.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.colors/v.colors.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,29 +3,24 @@
 <em>v.colors</em> allows the user to create and/or modify the color
 table for a vector map. The vector map (specified on the command line
 by <b>map</b>) must exist in the user's current mapset search path.
-As input a vector map with a numeric data column is required which is
+<p>As input a vector map with a numeric data column is required which is
 used to apply the color rules. The color values are stored in a string
 column (default name "GRASSRGB", varchar(11)) by saving the RRR:GGG:BBB
 values suitable for use with '<tt>d.vect -a</tt>'. If this RGB column
 is not found in the attribute table, it is automatically created.
-The <b>rast</b> option allows user to specify a raster map <i>name</i>
+<p>The <b>rast</b> option allows user to specify a raster map <i>name</i>
 from which to copy the color map.
-The <b>volume</b> option allows user to specify a volume (3D raster)
+<p>The <b>volume</b> option allows user to specify a volume (3D raster)
 map <i>name</i> from which to copy the color map.
-If the user specifies the <b>-w</b> flag, the current color table file
+<p>If the user specifies the <b>-w</b> flag, the current color table file
 for the input map will not be overwritten. This means that the color
 table is created only if the <i>map</i> does not already have a color
 table. If this option is not specified, the color table will be
 created if one does not exist, or modified if it does.
-In general, tables which associate colors with percentages (aspect,
+<p>In general, tables which associate colors with percentages (aspect,
 bcyr, byg, byr, elevation, grey, gyr, rainbow, ramp, ryb, ryg and
 wave) can be applied to any data, while those which use absolute
 values (aspectcolr, curvature, etopo2, evi, ndvi, population, slope,
@@ -42,13 +37,11 @@
 100% green
-The <b>rules</b> color table type will cause <em>r.colors</em> to read
+<p>The <b>rules</b> color table type will cause <em>r.colors</em> to read
 color table specifications from standard input and will build
 the color table accordingly.
-For details see <em><a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</a></em> manual page.
+<p>For details see <em><a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</a></em> manual page.
@@ -92,18 +85,15 @@
   <a href="r3.colors.out.html">r3.colors.out</a>,
-See also wiki
+<p>See also wiki
 page <a href="http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/Color_tables">Color
 tables</a> (from GRASS User Wiki)
-<a href="http://colorbrewer.org">ColorBrewer</a> is an online tool designed to
+<p><a href="http://colorbrewer.org">ColorBrewer</a> is an online tool designed to
 help people select good color schemes for maps and other graphics.
 Martin Landa, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.colors.out/v.colors.out.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.colors.out/v.colors.out.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.colors.out/v.colors.out.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -25,5 +25,4 @@
 Martin Landa, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.convert/v.convert.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.convert/v.convert.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.convert/v.convert.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -7,16 +7,13 @@
 Vector maps from 5.0/5.3/5.4 and 5.7/6.x do not interfere. They are stored in different 
 directories, so you can use the same names. Old vector maps can be listed with
 <em>g.list oldvect</em>.
-If you need to convert back from 5.7/6.x into the 5.0/5.3/5.4 vector format,
+<p>If you need to convert back from 5.7/6.x into the 5.0/5.3/5.4 vector format,
 use <em>v.out.ogr</em> (to SHAPE format) and then <em>v.in.shape</em>
 in the old GRASS program.
 Alternatively use "<em>v.out.ascii -o</em>" and <em>v.in.ascii</em>.
-As this GRASS version uses SQL for attribute management, there are
+<p>As this GRASS version uses SQL for attribute management, there are
 some <a href=sql.html>SQL restrictings concerning the file names</a>.
-Missing centroids can be added with <em>v.category</em>.
+<p>Missing centroids can be added with <em>v.category</em>.
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -25,12 +22,12 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="g.list.html">g.list</A>,
-<a href="v.category.html">v.category</A>,
-<a href="v.convert.all.html">v.convert.all</A>,
-<a href="v.out.ascii.html">v.out.ascii</A>,
-<a href="v.in.ascii.html">v.in.ascii</A>,
-<a href="v.out.ogr.html">v.out.ogr</A>
+<a href="g.list.html">g.list</a>,
+<a href="v.category.html">v.category</a>,
+<a href="v.convert.all.html">v.convert.all</a>,
+<a href="v.out.ascii.html">v.out.ascii</a>,
+<a href="v.in.ascii.html">v.in.ascii</a>,
+<a href="v.out.ogr.html">v.out.ogr</a>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.db.connect/v.db.connect.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.db.connect/v.db.connect.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.db.connect/v.db.connect.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -10,13 +10,11 @@
 <a href="db.connect.html">db.connect</a>, they are taken as default values and
 do not need to be spcified each time.
-When printing database connection (<em>p</em> or <em>g</em> flag) the parameter
+<p>When printing database connection (<em>p</em> or <em>g</em> flag) the parameter
 <em>layer</em> is ignored, i.e. <b>all</b> connections are printed to the
-<b>Attention:</b> Removing a vector map will also delete all tables
+<p><b>Attention:</b> Removing a vector map will also delete all tables
 linked to it! If you use <a href="db.connect.html">v.db.connect </a>to
 link further tables to your map, it is advisable to make a copy from
 those tables first and connect the copied tables to the vector map
@@ -32,8 +30,7 @@
 v.db.connect -p map=roads
-Print column types and names of table linked to vector map.
+<p>Print column types and names of table linked to vector map.
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.db.connect -c map=roads
@@ -43,28 +40,24 @@
 Connect vector map to DBF table without or with variables.<br>
-Using default DB connection:
+<p>Using default DB connection:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.db.connect map=vectormap table=table
-Using hardcoded path to DBF directory (not recommended):<br>
+<p>Using hardcoded path to DBF directory (not recommended):<br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.db.connect map=vectormap table=table \
-Using variable as DBF directory definition, single quotes must be used:<br>
+<p>Using variable as DBF directory definition, single quotes must be used:<br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.db.connect map=vectormap table=table \
-Connect vector map layer 2 and key ID to database with variables
+<p>Connect vector map layer 2 and key ID to database with variables
 (note: if needed, single quotes must be used for the <em>database</em>
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -112,7 +105,7 @@
              table=mytable key=id
-<H3>Store geometry in GRASS but attributes in PostgreSQL</H3>
+<h3>Store geometry in GRASS but attributes in PostgreSQL</h3>
 This example illustrated a mixed data storage with possibility
 top update attributes in external PostgreSQL database:
@@ -152,7 +145,7 @@
 is very large.
-<H3>Store geometry in GRASS but attributes in PostGIS</H3>
+<h3>Store geometry in GRASS but attributes in PostGIS</h3>
 This example illustrated a mixed data storage with possibility
 top update attributes in external PostGIS database:

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.db.select/v.db.select.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.db.select/v.db.select.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.db.select/v.db.select.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -50,5 +50,4 @@
 Minimal region extent added by Martin Landa,
 FBK-irst (formerly ITC-irst), Trento, Italy (2008/08)
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.delaunay/v.delaunay.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.delaunay/v.delaunay.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.delaunay/v.delaunay.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 <em>v.delaunay</em> uses an existing vector points map (<b>input</b>)
 to create a Delaunay triangulation vector map (<b>output</b>).
 Delaunay triangulation and Voronoi diagram example:
@@ -54,8 +53,8 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="v.voronoi.html">v.voronoi</A>, 
-<a href="v.hull.html">v.hull</A>
+<a href="v.voronoi.html">v.voronoi</a>, 
+<a href="v.hull.html">v.hull</a>
@@ -65,5 +64,4 @@
 Based on "dct" by Geoff Leach, Department of Computer Science, RMIT.<br>
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.distance/v.distance.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.distance/v.distance.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.distance/v.distance.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -14,16 +14,14 @@
 that if a point is in an island (area WITHOUT category), <em>v.distance</em> 
 does not search for the nearest area WITH category; the island is identified 
 as the nearest and category updated to null.
-The upload <em>column</em>(s) must already exist. Create one with <em>v.db.addcolumn</em>.
-In lat-long locations <em>v.distance</em> gives distances (<em>dist</em>
+<p>The upload <em>column</em>(s) must already exist. Create one with <em>v.db.addcolumn</em>.
+<p>In lat-long locations <em>v.distance</em> gives distances (<em>dist</em>
 and <em>to_along</em>) in meters not in degrees calculated as geodesic
 distances on a sphere.
-<H3>Find nearest lines</H3>
+<h3>Find nearest lines</h3>
 Find <em>nearest lines</em> in vector map <b>ln</b> for points from
 vector map <b>pnt</b> within the given threshold and write related
@@ -34,7 +32,7 @@
 v.distance from=pnt to=ln upload=cat column=linecat
-<H3>Find nearest area</H3>
+<h3>Find nearest area</h3>
 For each point from vector map <b>pnt</b>, find the <em>nearest area</em>
 from map <b>ar</b> within the given threshold and write the related
@@ -46,7 +44,7 @@
 v.distance from=pnt to=ar upload=cat column=areacat
-<H3>Create a new vector map</H3>
+<h3>Create a new vector map</h3>
 Create a new vector map which contains <em>lines connecting nearest
 features</em> of maps <b>pnt</b> and map <b>ln</b>. The resulting
@@ -57,13 +55,12 @@
 v.distance -p from=pnt to=ln out=connections upload=dist column=dist
-<H3>Query information</H3>
+<h3>Query information</h3>
 Query information from selected point(s). <em>v.distance</em> takes
 points from a vector map as input instead of stdin. A new vector map
 with query points has to be created before the map can be analysed.
 Create query map (if not present):
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -76,7 +73,7 @@
 v.distance from=pnt to=map_to_query upload=cat col=somecol -p
 The option <em>dmax=0</em> is here important because otherwise for
 points not falling into any area, the category of the nearest area is
@@ -91,7 +88,7 @@
 v.distance from=pnt to=ar dmax=0 upload=cat column=areacat
-<H3>Univariate statistics on results</H3>
+<h3>Univariate statistics on results</h3>
 Create a vector map containing connecting lines and investigate mean
 distance to targets. An alternative solution is to use
@@ -122,7 +119,7 @@
 v.univar vdistance_vectors column=length
-<H3>Print distance matrix</H3>
+<h3>Print distance matrix</h3>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.distance -pa from=archsites to=archsites upload=dist col=dist

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.drape/v.drape.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.drape/v.drape.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.drape/v.drape.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@
 can not be determined from raster map.
-Additional vertices can be added to the input 2D vector map
+<p>Additional vertices can be added to the input 2D vector map
 with <a href="v.split.html">v.split</a>.
-The module can be used in conjunction
+<p>The module can be used in conjunction
 with <a href="v.out.pov.html">v.out.pov</a> and
 <a href="r.out.pov.html">r.out.pov</a> to export a complete set of
 vector and raster data for display in POVRAY.

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.edit/v.edit.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.edit/v.edit.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.edit/v.edit.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,17 +3,14 @@
 The module <em>v.edit</em> allows the user to edit a vector map
 via command line interface. 
-<em>v.edit</em> supports only "simple" vector features: points,
+<p><em>v.edit</em> supports only "simple" vector features: points,
 centroids, lines and boundaries. Currently, only 2D vector features
 (except of tool <b>zbulk</b>) are supported.
-Provides editing features' geometry. Attribute data connected to the
+<p>Provides editing features' geometry. Attribute data connected to the
 vector map are not modified at all.
-Vector features can be selected either by internal <b>id</b>, category
+<p>Vector features can be selected either by internal <b>id</b>, category
 number <b>cats</b>, coordinates <b>coords</b>, bounding
 box <b>bbox</b>, <b>polygon</b>, <b>where</b> statement (attribute
 data) or by <b>query</b>. Selecting features by coordinates is
@@ -192,7 +189,6 @@
 Add new features read from standard input:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -426,8 +422,7 @@
   <a href="v.extrude.html">v.extrude</a>
-See also <em><a href="wxGUI.Vector_Digitizer.html">wxGUI vector digitizer</a></em>.
+<p>See also <em><a href="wxGUI.Vector_Digitizer.html">wxGUI vector digitizer</a></em>.
@@ -435,5 +430,4 @@
 Initial updates: Jachym Cepicky, Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno, Czech Republic<br>
 Major update by Martin Landa, FBK-irst (formerly ITC-irst), Trento, Italy
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.external/v.external.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.external/v.external.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.external/v.external.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -61,8 +61,7 @@
 modules working correctly with GRASS native data, can produce wrong
 results with input layers created by <em>v.external</em>.
-See <em><a href="v.db.connect.html">v.db.connect</a></em> for an example of
+<p>See <em><a href="v.db.connect.html">v.db.connect</a></em> for an example of
 maintaining attributes in external DBMS in also writeable mode.
@@ -87,5 +86,4 @@
 Radim Blazek, ITC-Irst, Trento, Italy
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.external.out/v.external.out.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.external.out/v.external.out.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.external.out/v.external.out.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -37,5 +37,4 @@
 Martin Landa, CTU in Prague, Czech Republic (based on r.external.out code)
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.extract/v.extract.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.extract/v.extract.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.extract/v.extract.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@
 Dissolving (optional) is based on the output categories. If 2 adjacent
 areas have the same output category, the boundary is removed.
-If <b>list</b>, <b>file</b>, <b>random</b> or <b>where</b> options are not
+<p>If <b>list</b>, <b>file</b>, <b>random</b> or <b>where</b> options are not
 specified, all features of given type and layer are
 extracted. Categories are not changed in that case.
@@ -26,8 +25,7 @@
 v.extract -d list=1,2,3,4 input=soils output=soil_groupa type=area new=0
-produces a new vector <b>soil_groupa</b>, containing those areas from vector
+<p>produces a new vector <b>soil_groupa</b>, containing those areas from vector
 <b>soils</b> which have category numbers <b>1 thru 4</b>; any common boundaries are
 dissolved, and all areas in the new map will be assigned category number 0.
@@ -35,8 +33,7 @@
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.extract -d list=1-4 input=soils output=soil_groupa type=area new=-1
-produces a new vector map <b>soil_groupa</b> containing the areas from vector
+<p>produces a new vector map <b>soil_groupa</b> containing the areas from vector
 <b>soils</b> which have categories <b>1 thru 4</b>. Any common boundaries are
 dissolved, all areas in the new map will retain their original category
 numbers 1 thru 4, since <b>new</b> was set to -1.
@@ -46,7 +43,6 @@
 v.extract input=soils output=soil_groupa type=area new=1
 produces a new vector map <b>soil_groupa</b> containing all areas from
 <b>soils</b>. No common boundaries are dissolved, all areas of the new
 map will be assigned category number 1.
@@ -56,7 +52,6 @@
 v.extract input=markveggy.shp output=markveggy.1 new=13 where="(VEGTYPE = 'Wi') or (VEGTYPE = 'PS') or (PRIME_TYPE='Wi')"
 produces a new vector map with category number 13 if the SQL statement is
@@ -100,7 +95,6 @@
 v.extract -d polbnda_italy_recl_nam out=pol_italy_regions
 produces a new vector map with common boundaries dissolved where the reclassed
 attributes of adjacent (left/right) areas are identical.
@@ -112,8 +106,7 @@
 <h3>Extract 3 random areas from geology map</h3>
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 v.extract input=geology output=random_geology type=area random=3
 will create new map with three random categories matching areas.
@@ -133,5 +126,4 @@
 R.L. Glenn, USDA, SCS, NHQ-CGIS<br>
 GRASS 6 port by Radim Blazek
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.extrude/v.extrude.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.extrude/v.extrude.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.extrude/v.extrude.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
-<em>v.extrude</em> creates faces, kernels, volumes or 3D lines based
+<p><em>v.extrude</em> creates faces, kernels, volumes or 3D lines based
 on 2D vector objects, i.e. points become 3D vertical lines, lines to
 3D lines, boundaries to faces and areas to volumes (composition of
 faces and kernel).
-If the flag <b>-t</b> is used then 3D vector objects follow the
+<p>If the flag <b>-t</b> is used then 3D vector objects follow the
 elevation model by using individual elevation values for the vertices
 and nodes. This can be useful for models of large objects (forest
@@ -42,5 +40,4 @@
 Jachym Cepicky,<br>
 Updated by Martin Landa, FBK-irst, Italy
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.generalize/v.generalize.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.generalize/v.generalize.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.generalize/v.generalize.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
 network generalization and displacement (new methods may be added later).
 For more examples and nice pictures, see 
 <em><a href="http://users.ox.ac.uk/~orie1848/tutorial.html">tutorial</a><br></em> 
-If <em>type=area</em> is selected, boundaries of selected areas will be 
+<p>If <em>type=area</em> is selected, boundaries of selected areas will be 
 generalized, and the options <em>cats</em>, <em>where</em>, and 
 <em>layer</em> will be used to select areas. 
@@ -17,15 +16,13 @@
 fewer vertices, that still approximate the original line. Most of the 
 algorithms described below select a subset of points on the original line.
-(Line) smoothing is a "reverse" process which takes as input a line and 
+<p>(Line) smoothing is a "reverse" process which takes as input a line and 
 produces a smoother approximate of the original. In some cases, this is 
 achieved by inserting new vertices into the original line, and can total 
 up to 4000% of the number of vertices in the original. In such an instance, 
 it is always a good idea to simplify the line after smoothing.
-Smoothing and simplification algorithms implemented in this module work 
+<p>Smoothing and simplification algorithms implemented in this module work 
 line by line, i.e. simplification/smoothing of one line does not affect 
 the other lines; they are treated separately.  Also, the first and the 
 last point of each line is never translated and/or deleted. 
@@ -150,8 +147,7 @@
 through these points. In some sense, this algorithm outputs a line which 
 "circumscribes" the input line.
-On the other hand, <i>Chaiken's Algorithm</i> outputs a line which 
+<p>On the other hand, <i>Chaiken's Algorithm</i> outputs a line which 
 "inscribes" a given line. The output line always touches/intersects the 
 centre of the input line segment between two consecutive points. For 
 more iterations, the property above does not hold, but the computed 
@@ -161,19 +157,16 @@
 simplification algorithm. To achieve this, it is necessary to set 
 <i>angle_thresh</i> to higher values (15 or so). 
-One restriction on both McMasters' Algorithms is that <i>look_ahead</i> 
+<p>One restriction on both McMasters' Algorithms is that <i>look_ahead</i> 
 parameter must be odd. Also note that these algorithms have no effect if 
 <i>look_ahead = 1</i>. 
-Note that <i>Boyle's</i>, <i>McMasters'</i> and <i>Snakes</i> algorithm 
+<p>Note that <i>Boyle's</i>, <i>McMasters'</i> and <i>Snakes</i> algorithm 
 are sometimes used in the signal processing to smooth the signals.
 More importantly, these algorithms never change the number of points on 
 the lines; they only translate the points, and do not insert any new points. 
-<i>Snakes</i> Algorithm is (asymptotically) the slowest among the 
+<p><i>Snakes</i> Algorithm is (asymptotically) the slowest among the 
 algorithms presented above. Also, it requires quite a lot of memory. 
 This means that it is not very efficient for maps with the lines
 consisting of many segments.
@@ -185,13 +178,11 @@
 move the conflicting features apart so that they do not interact and can 
 be distinguished.   
-This module implements an algorithm for displacement of linear features 
+<p>This module implements an algorithm for displacement of linear features 
 based on the <i>Snakes</i> approach. This method generally yields very 
 good results; however, it requires a lot of memory and is not very efficient.
-Displacement is selected by <b>method=displacement</b>. It uses the 
+<p>Displacement is selected by <b>method=displacement</b>. It uses the 
 following parameters:
@@ -259,8 +250,7 @@
 All three parameters above can be presented at the same time. In that 
 case, the algorithm selects only the lines which meet each criterion. 
-Also, the outputed network may not be connected if the value of 
+<p>Also, the outputed network may not be connected if the value of 
 <b>betweeness_thresh</b> is too large.
 <!-- TODO: example(s) -->
@@ -281,5 +271,4 @@
 <!-- TODO: references -->
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.hull/v.hull.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.hull/v.hull.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.hull/v.hull.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
 convex set containing the given objects. This module creates a vector
 polygon containing all vector points or lines of the input map.
-In the case of 3D input points, the hull will be a 3D hull as well,
+<p>In the case of 3D input points, the hull will be a 3D hull as well,
 unless the user specifies the <b>-f</b> flag. The 3D hull will be
 composed of triangular faces.
@@ -56,5 +55,4 @@
 Benjamin Ducke, CAU Kiel (3D hull support)<br>
 Martin Landa, CTU in Prague, Czech Republic (vector lines support)
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.in.ascii/v.in.ascii.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.in.ascii/v.in.ascii.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.in.ascii/v.in.ascii.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -12,8 +12,7 @@
   and category values.</li>
-<em><a href="v.out.ascii.html">v.out.ascii</a></em> performs the
+<p><em><a href="v.out.ascii.html">v.out.ascii</a></em> performs the
 function of <em>v.in.ascii</em> in reverse; i.e., it converts vector
 maps in binary format to GRASS ASCII vector format. These two companion programs
 are useful both for importing and exporting vector maps between GRASS
@@ -24,23 +23,19 @@
 The input is read from the file specified by the <b>input</b> option or
 from standard input.
-The field separator may be a character, the word '<tt>tab</tt>'
+<p>The field separator may be a character, the word '<tt>tab</tt>'
 (or '<tt>\t</tt>') for tab, '<tt>space</tt>' (or '&nbsp;') for a blank,
 or '<tt>comma</tt>' (or ',') for a comma.
-An attribute table is only created if it is needed, i.e. when at
+<p>An attribute table is only created if it is needed, i.e. when at
 least one attribute column is present in the input file besides
 geometry columns. The attribute column will be auto-scanned for type, but
 may be explicitly declared along with the geometry columns using the
 <b>columns</b> parameter.
-Use the <b>-z</b> flag to convert ASCII data into a 3D vector map.
+<p>Use the <b>-z</b> flag to convert ASCII data into a 3D vector map.
-In special cases of data import, such as the import of large LIDAR
+<p>In special cases of data import, such as the import of large LIDAR
 datasets (millions of data points), it may be necessary to disable
 topology support (vector level 1) due to memory constraints.  This is
 done with the <b>-b</b> flag. As only very few vector modules support
@@ -50,8 +45,7 @@
 within a subregion (the <b>-r</b> flag) before resorting the to
 disabling of topology.
-If old version is requested, the <b>output</b> files
+<p>If old version is requested, the <b>output</b> files
 from <em><a href="v.out.ascii.html">v.out.ascii</a></em> is placed in
 the <tt>$LOCATION/$MAPSET/dig_ascii/</tt>
 and <tt>$LOCATION/$MAPSET/dig_att</tt> directory.
@@ -75,8 +69,7 @@
 be written to the map's history file for later reference (read with
 <tt>v.info&nbsp;-h</tt>). The skip option only works in <b>points</b> mode.
-Any line starting with the hash character ('<tt>#</tt>') will be treated as
+<p>Any line starting with the hash character ('<tt>#</tt>') will be treated as
 a comment and skipped completely if located in the main data file. If located
 in the header, as defined by the <b>skip</b> parameter, it will be treated as
 a header line and written to the history file.
@@ -111,8 +104,7 @@
 <h3>Example 1a) - standard format mode</h3>
 Sample ASCII polygon vector map for 'standard' format mode. 
 The two areas will be assigned categories 20 and 21. 
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 echo "ORGANIZATION: GRASS Development Team
 DIGIT DATE:   1/9/2005
@@ -174,8 +166,7 @@
-Import into GRASS:
+<p>Import into GRASS:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.in.ascii input=coords.txt output=mymap
@@ -193,15 +184,13 @@
 5|1663709|5102614|mineralni pramen
-Import into GRASS:
+<p>Import into GRASS:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 cat points.dat | v.in.ascii out=mypoints x=2 y=3 cat=1 \
     columns='cat int, x double precision, y double precision, label varchar(20)'
-The module is reading from standard input, using the default '|' (pipe) delimiter.
+<p>The module is reading from standard input, using the default '|' (pipe) delimiter.
 <h3>Example 4 - point format mode</h3>
@@ -226,8 +215,7 @@
 593549.3|4925500.7|442.6|mineralni pramen|mineral spring
 600375.7|4925235.6|342.2|kozi stezka|goat path
-Import into GRASS:
+<p>Import into GRASS:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 #As the 'cat' option is set to 0 by default, an extra column 'cat'
 #containing the IDs will be auto-generated (no need to define that):
@@ -295,5 +283,4 @@
 Research Laboratory<br>
 Radim Blazek, ITC-Irst, Trento, Italy
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.in.db/v.in.db.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.in.db/v.in.db.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.in.db/v.in.db.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@
 v.in.db driver=pg database="host=myserver.itc.it,dbname=mydb" \
         table=pat_stazioni x=east y=north z=quota key=id output=pat_stazioni
-If an ID column is not not present in the PostgreSQL table,
+<p>If an ID column is not not present in the PostgreSQL table,
 a new column should be added. See <a href="grass-pg.html">pg</a> driver
 page for detail.
@@ -23,8 +22,7 @@
 v.in.db driver=pg database="host=myserver.itc.it,dbname=mydb" \
         table=station x="x(geom)" y="y(geom)" z="z(geom)" key=id out=meteostations
-If an ID column is not not present in the PostgreSQL table,
+<p>If an ID column is not not present in the PostgreSQL table,
 a new column should be added. See <a href="grass-pg.html">pg</a> driver 
 page for detail.
@@ -40,8 +38,7 @@
 v.info dtmpoints
 v.info -c dtmpoints
-If an ID column is missing in the DBF file, it has to be added beforehand, e.g. with OpenOffice.
+<p>If an ID column is missing in the DBF file, it has to be added beforehand, e.g. with OpenOffice.
 Alternatively, import the table with <em>db.in.ogr</em> into GRASS and then with <em>v.in.db</em>
 from the imported table (<em>db.in.ogr</em> optionally adds an unique ID column).
@@ -57,16 +54,13 @@
 v.info dtmpoints
 v.info -c dtmpoints
-If an ID column is missing in the table, it has to be added beforehand with 'sqlite3' or
+<p>If an ID column is missing in the table, it has to be added beforehand with 'sqlite3' or
 <h3>5) Import of a points table (x, y, z) from DBF file to vector points map for selected points only:</h3>
-The user can import only selected vector points from a table using the <em>where</em> parameter
-(see above for general DBF handling):<p>
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p>The user can import only selected vector points from a table using the <em>where</em> parameter
+(see above for general DBF handling):<p><div class="code"><pre>
 v.in.db driver=dbf  database=/home/user/tables/ table=pointsfile x=x y=y z=z \
         key=idcol out=dtmpoints where="x NOT NULL and z > 100"

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.in.dwg/v.in.dwg.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.in.dwg/v.in.dwg.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.in.dwg/v.in.dwg.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@
 v.in.dwg requires OpenDWG toolkit. To get this toolkit you must become at
 least "Associate Member" of OpenDWG Alliance (http://www.opendesign.com/).
-The toolkit, for example <tt>ad27linx.tar</tt>, unpack in a directory
+<p>The toolkit, for example <tt>ad27linx.tar</tt>, unpack in a directory
 (e.g. /home/usr1/opendwg27) and use the related <tt>configure</tt> options
 to tell GRASS about it:
@@ -25,8 +24,7 @@
 Then you can compile this module.
-Not all entity types are supported (warning printed).
+<p>Not all entity types are supported (warning printed).

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.in.dxf/v.in.dxf.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.in.dxf/v.in.dxf.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.in.dxf/v.in.dxf.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -31,13 +31,11 @@
 SQL usage (lowercase table/column names avoid the need to quote them
 if the attribute table is stored in a SQL DBMS such as PostgreSQL).
-The "layer" column will contain the name(s) of the DXF input
+<p>The "layer" column will contain the name(s) of the DXF input
 layer(s). The DXF entity type string will be stored in the "entity"
 column as uppercase.
-The "handle" column can be used to store small bits of data associated
+<p>The "handle" column can be used to store small bits of data associated
 with any entity in the DXF file (i.e., entity handle or unique object
 identifiers in the layer). The entity handle is a "text string of up
 to 16 hexadecimal digits", which is a 64-bit integer (currently not
@@ -58,8 +56,7 @@
   <a href="v.out.ogr.html">v.out.ogr</a>
   <a href="http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/Import_DXF">How-to import DXF files in wxGUI</a> (from GRASS User Wiki)
@@ -69,9 +66,7 @@
 Revised by Dave Gerdes, 12/1989<br>
 US Army Construction Engineering Research Lab
-Updated for GRASS 6 and 3D support. Huidae Cho, 3/2006<br>
+<p>Updated for GRASS 6 and 3D support. Huidae Cho, 3/2006<br>
 With minor additions by Benjamin Ducke (Oxford Archaeology), 4/2009
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.in.lidar/v.in.lidar.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.in.lidar/v.in.lidar.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.in.lidar/v.in.lidar.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,17 +3,14 @@
 <em>v.in.lidar</em> converts LiDAR point clouds in LAS format to a GRASS 
 vector, using the <a href="http://www.liblas.org">libLAS</a> library. 
 The created vector is true 3D with x, y, z coordinates.
-The typical file extensions for the LAS format are .las and .laz (compressed). 
+<p>The typical file extensions for the LAS format are .las and .laz (compressed). 
 The compressed LAS format can be imported only if libLAS has been compiled 
 with laszip support. It is also recommended to compile libLAS with GDAL, 
 needed to text for matching projections.
-For larger datasets, it is recommended to not build topology (-b flag).
+<p>For larger datasets, it is recommended to not build topology (-b flag).
 Also, creating a table with attributes can take some time for larger datasets.
-The optional <b>spatial</b> parameter defines spatial query extents.
+<p>The optional <b>spatial</b> parameter defines spatial query extents.
 This parameter allows the user to restrict the region to a spatial subset
 while importing the data. All LiDAR points falling into this rectangle 
 subregion are imported. The <b>-r</b> current region flag is identical, 
@@ -30,13 +27,11 @@
 match current location</tt>") and then report the PROJ_INFO parameters of
 the source dataset.
-If the user wishes to ignore the difference between the apparent coordinate
+<p>If the user wishes to ignore the difference between the apparent coordinate
 system of the source data and the current location, they may pass the 
 <b>-o</b> flag to override the projection check.
-If the user wishes to import the data with the full projection definition,
+<p>If the user wishes to import the data with the full projection definition,
 it is possible to have <em>v.in.lidar</em> automatically create a new location based
 on the projection and extents of the file being read.  This is accomplished
 by passing the name to be used for the new location via the <b>location</b>
@@ -48,8 +43,7 @@
 This example is analogous to the example used in the GRASS wiki page for
 <a href="http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/LIDAR#Import_LAS_as_vector_points">importing LAS as vector points</a>.
-The sample LAS data are in the file "Serpent Mound Model LAS Data.las", 
+<p>The sample LAS data are in the file "Serpent Mound Model LAS Data.las", 
 available at 
 <a href="http://www.appliedimagery.com/downloads/sampledata/Serpent%20Mound%20Model%20LAS%20Data.las">appliedimagery.com</a>
@@ -80,5 +74,4 @@
 based on v.in.ogr
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.in.ogr/v.in.ogr.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.in.ogr/v.in.ogr.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.in.ogr/v.in.ogr.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,23 +5,19 @@
 OGR (Simple Features Library) is part of the 
 <a href="http://www.gdal.org">GDAL</a> library, so you need to
 install GDAL to use <em>v.in.ogr</em>. 
-If the <b>layer</b> parameter is not given, all available layers 
+<p>If the <b>layer</b> parameter is not given, all available layers 
 are imported as separate GRASS layers into one GRASS vector map. If
 several OGR layer names are given, all these layers are imported as
 separate GRASS layers into one GRASS vector map.
-The optional <b>spatial</b> parameter defines spatial query extents.
+<p>The optional <b>spatial</b> parameter defines spatial query extents.
 This parameter allows the user to restrict the region to a spatial subset
 while importing the data. All vector features completely or partially
 falling into this rectangle subregion are imported.
 The <b>-r</b> current region flag is identical, but uses the current region
 settings as the spatial bounds (see <em><a href="g.region.html">g.region</a></em>).
-Topology cleaning on areas is automatically performed, but may fail in
+<p>Topology cleaning on areas is automatically performed, but may fail in
 special cases (then use <a href="v.clean.html">v.clean</a>).
-The <b>min_area</b> threshold value is being specified as area size
+<p>The <b>min_area</b> threshold value is being specified as area size
 in map units with the exception of latitude-longitude locations in which
 it is being specified solely in square meters.
@@ -31,8 +27,7 @@
 <a href="http://www.gdal.org/ogr/drv_mitab.html">Mapinfo File</a>
-Further available drivers such as UK .NTF, SDTS, TIGER, IHO S-57 (ENC),
+<p>Further available drivers such as UK .NTF, SDTS, TIGER, IHO S-57 (ENC),
 DGN, GML, AVCBin, REC, Memory, OGDI, and PostgreSQL depend on the local
 installation (OGR library), for details see
 <a href="http://www.gdal.org/ogr/ogr_formats.html">OGR web site</a>.
@@ -48,13 +43,11 @@
 match current location</tt>") and then report the PROJ_INFO parameters of
 the source dataset.
-If the user wishes to ignore the difference between the apparent coordinate
+<p>If the user wishes to ignore the difference between the apparent coordinate
 system of the source data and the current location, they may pass the 
 <b>-o</b> flag to override the projection check.
-If the user wishes to import the data with the full projection definition,
+<p>If the user wishes to import the data with the full projection definition,
 it is possible to have <em>v.in.ogr</em> automatically create a new location based
 on the projection and extents of the file being read.  This is accomplished
 by passing the name to be used for the new location via the <b>location</b>
@@ -133,12 +126,10 @@
 <h3>Support of database schema:</h3>
-For schema support, first set a default schema with 
+<p>For schema support, first set a default schema with 
 <em><a href="db.connect.html">db.connect</a></em>. If schema support is
 used the schema name must be specified whenever a db.* module is called.
 <div class="code"><pre>
 db.connect driver=pg database=test schema=user1 group=group1
 db.login driver=pg database=test user=user1 password=pwd1
@@ -171,8 +162,7 @@
 if the attribute table is stored in a SQL DBMS such as PostgreSQL).
 The <b>cnames</b> parameter is used to define new column names during import.
-The DBF database specification limits column names to 10 characters.
+<p>The DBF database specification limits column names to 10 characters.
 If the default DB is set to DBF and the input data contains longer
 column/field names, they will be truncated. If this results in multiple
 columns with the same name then <em>v.in.ogr</em> will produce an error.
@@ -199,8 +189,7 @@
 A different column name should be used. The <em>cnames</em> parameter can be used
 to assign different column names on the fly.
-<i>"ERROR: Projection of dataset does not appear to match the current location."</i><br>
+<p><i>"ERROR: Projection of dataset does not appear to match the current location."</i><br>
 You need to create a location whose projection matches the data you
 wish to import. Try using <em>location</em> parameter to create a new location based
@@ -234,5 +223,4 @@
 Location and spatial extent support by Markus Neteler and Paul Kelly
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.info/v.info.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.info/v.info.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.info/v.info.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
 <em>v.info</em> reports some basic information (metadata) about a
 user-specified vector map and its topology status.
-If topology info is not available (i.e., vector map cannot be open on
+<p>If topology info is not available (i.e., vector map cannot be open on
 level 2), vector map extends and number of features need to be counted
 on the fly which may take some time.
@@ -153,5 +152,4 @@
 Level 1 support by Markus Metz<br>
 Updated to GRASS 7 by Martin Landa, CTU in Prague, Czech Republic
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.kcv/v.kcv.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.kcv/v.kcv.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.kcv/v.kcv.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -22,10 +22,8 @@
       <!-- BUG: missing text -->
        only be as random as the  original  points.   This  program
        simply divides points up in a random manner.<p>
        Be  warned  that  random number generation occurs over the
        intervals defined by the region of the map.<p>
        This program may not work properly with Lat-long data.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
@@ -35,14 +33,13 @@
-<a href="http://mccauley-usa.com/">James Darrell McCauley</A>
-<a href="mailto:darrell at mccauley-usa.com">&lt;darrell at mccauley-usa.com&gt;</A>,
+<a href="http://mccauley-usa.com/">James Darrell McCauley</a>
+<a href="mailto:darrell at mccauley-usa.com">&lt;darrell at mccauley-usa.com&gt;</a>,
 <br>when he was at: 
 <a href="http://ABE.www.ecn.purdue.edu/ABE/">Agricultural
-<a href="http://www.purdue.edu/">Purdue University</A>
+<a href="http://www.purdue.edu/">Purdue University</a>
-Update to 5.7 Radim Blazek 10 / 2004
+<p>Update to 5.7 Radim Blazek 10 / 2004
 <p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.kernel/v.kernel.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.kernel/v.kernel.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.kernel/v.kernel.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
 a moving kernel. Available <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_(statistics)#Kernel_functions_in_common_use">kernel density functions</a> are <em>uniform, 
 triangular, epanechnikov, quartic, triweight, gaussian, cosine</em>, 
 default is <em>gaussian</em>.
-The module can also generate a vector density map on a vector network. 
+<p>The module can also generate a vector density map on a vector network. 
 Conventional kernel functions produce biased estimates by overestimating 
 the densities around network nodes, whereas the equal split method of 
 Okabe et al. (2009) produces unbiased density estimates. The equal split 
@@ -17,8 +16,7 @@
 The <em>mult</em> option is needed to overcome the limitation that
 the resulting density in case of a vector map output is stored as category
 (Integer). The density result stored as category may be multiplied by this number.
-With the <em>-o</em> flag (experimental) the command tries to calculate an 
+<p>With the <em>-o</em> flag (experimental) the command tries to calculate an 
 optimal standard deviation. The value of <em>stddeviation</em> is taken 
 as maximum value. Standard deviation is calculated using ALL points, 
 not just those in the current region.
@@ -29,7 +27,7 @@
 (yet) any attribute values.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="v.surf.rst.html">v.surf.rst</A>
+<a href="v.surf.rst.html">v.surf.rst</a>
 Okabe, A., Satoh, T., Sugihara, K. (2009). <i>A kernel density estimation 

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.label/v.label.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.label/v.label.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.label/v.label.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 otherwise the <em>space</em> option should be set roughly the same
 as the <em>size</em> option.
 A description of the labels file follows.<p> 
 The file is located in <tt>$MAPSET/paint/labels/</tt>.
@@ -20,8 +19,7 @@
 <h4>Caution: The following information may be incomplete, out of date, 
 and wrong!</h4>
-The label information that must be provided in the <em>labels</em> file is:
+<p>The label information that must be provided in the <em>labels</em> file is:
@@ -78,22 +76,18 @@
 <dd>This specifies the font to use.
-The following fonts are available for use with
+<p>The following fonts are available for use with
   <a href="d.labels.html"><i>d.labels</i></a>:
   cyrilc gothgbt gothgrt gothitt greekc greekcs greekp greeks
   italicc italiccs italict romanc romancs romand romans romant
   scriptc scripts
-Alternatively the path to a FreeType (.ttf) font may be given.
+<p>Alternatively the path to a FreeType (.ttf) font may be given.
 (for <em>d.labels</em> only)
-The word <em>standard</em> can be used to specify the default font 
+<p>The word <em>standard</em> can be used to specify the default font 
 (which is <em>romans</em>).
-Note <a href="ps.map.html"><em>ps.map</em></a> can override this setting
+<p>Note <a href="ps.map.html"><em>ps.map</em></a> can override this setting
 to use other fonts. Its default font is Helvetica.
@@ -106,37 +100,37 @@
 Alternatively <em>fontsize</em> can set the font size in normal font points.
-<dt><A NAME="textcolor"><b>TEXT COLOR</b></A>:
+<dt><A NAME="textcolor"><b>TEXT COLOR</b></a>:
 <dd>This selects the text color.  If unspecified, the
 label's text is drawn in <em>black</em>, by default.  The
 text color can be specified in one of several ways:
-<LI>By color name:
+<li>By color name:
 <tt>aqua black blue brown cyan gray green grey indigo
 magenta orange purple red violet white yellow</tt>
-<LI>As red, green, blue component values. (0-255)<br>
+<li>As red, green, blue component values. (0-255)<br>
 for example: <tt>128:100:200</tt>
 <!-- eh?
-<LI>As red, green, blue percentages.
+<li>As red, green, blue percentages.
 for example: .5 .4 .7
 (This form is not supported by 
-<em><a href="d.labels.html">d.labels</A></em>.)
+<em><a href="d.labels.html">d.labels</a></em>.)
-<LI>By printer color number to get the exact printer color.
+<li>By printer color number to get the exact printer color.
 (This form is not supported by 
-<em><a href="d.labels.html">d.labels</A></em>.)
+<em><a href="d.labels.html">d.labels</a></em>.)
-<LI>Specify "<tt>none</tt>" to suppress the lettering.
+<li>Specify "<tt>none</tt>" to suppress the lettering.
@@ -153,7 +147,7 @@
 ("<tt>none</tt>") is used by default, if unspecified by the
 user.  To specify use of no highlight color, specify
-(See <a href="#textcolor">TEXT COLOR</A>
+(See <a href="#textcolor">TEXT COLOR</a>
 above for a list of permissible color names.)
@@ -170,7 +164,7 @@
 <dd>Text may be boxed in a solid color by specifying a background color.
 Specify "<tt>none</tt>" for no background.  The default background color
 setting, if unspecified by the user, is <em>white</em>.
-(See <a href="#textcolor">TEXT COLOR</A>
+(See <a href="#textcolor">TEXT COLOR</a>
 above for a list of permissible color names.)
@@ -179,7 +173,7 @@
 <dd>Select a color for the border around the background.
 Specify "<tt>none</tt>" to suppress the border.
 The default border color used, if unspecified, is <em>black</em>.
-(See <a href="#textcolor">TEXT COLOR</A>
+(See <a href="#textcolor">TEXT COLOR</a>
 above for a list of permissible color names.)
@@ -221,8 +215,8 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="d.labels.html">d.labels</A><br>
-<a href="ps.map.html">ps.map</A>
+<a href="d.labels.html">d.labels</a><br>
+<a href="ps.map.html">ps.map</a>
@@ -233,5 +227,4 @@
 Radim Blazek (GRASS 6 port)<br>
 Hamish Bowman (enhancements)<br>
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.label.sa/v.label.sa.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.label.sa/v.label.sa.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.label.sa/v.label.sa.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,14 +3,13 @@
 <em>v.label.sa</em> makes a label-file from a GRASS vector map
 with labels created from attributes in the attached table. The labels are
 placed in as optimal place as possible. The label file has the same syntax
-as the one created by <a href="v.label.html">v.label</A>
+as the one created by <a href="v.label.html">v.label</a>
 North Carolina example:
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 # get font names:
 d.font -L
@@ -26,8 +25,7 @@
 d.labels roads_labels
 <img src="v_label_sa.jpg" alt="Road labeling with v.label.sa"><br>
 <i>Road labeling with v.label.sa (Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, area)</i>
@@ -40,10 +38,10 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="v.labels.html">d.label</A><br>
-<a href="d.labels.html">d.labels</A><br>
-<a href="ps.map.html">ps.map</A>
-<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulated_Annealing">Wikipedia article on simulated annealing</A>
+<a href="v.labels.html">d.label</a><br>
+<a href="d.labels.html">d.labels</a><br>
+<a href="ps.map.html">ps.map</a>
+<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulated_Annealing">Wikipedia article on simulated annealing</a>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.lidar.edgedetection/v.lidar.edgedetection.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.lidar.edgedetection/v.lidar.edgedetection.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.lidar.edgedetection/v.lidar.edgedetection.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -117,5 +117,4 @@
 report by Sithole, G. and Vosselman, G., 2003. 
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.lrs/lrs.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.lrs/lrs.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.lrs/lrs.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
 composed from more features in the input map.  Events can be either
 points or lines (segments).
 LRS is created from input lines and points in vector map. 
 Points - MP (mileposts) must have attached attributes specifying 
 line and distance. 
@@ -30,8 +29,7 @@
 are specified by MP+offset. 
 Typically, MP is in kilometers and offset in meters.
-The implementation of LRS in GRASS has some particularities.
+<p>The implementation of LRS in GRASS has some particularities.
 <h3>Double referenced system</h3>
 This feature gives a possibility to continue to use most of 
@@ -94,20 +92,17 @@
 Because each MP can keep 2 values (start, end) it is called 'double' referenced LRS.
-To avoid potential confusion, MP values are limited to integers only. 
+<p>To avoid potential confusion, MP values are limited to integers only. 
 It would be ambiguous to have for example segments 3.500 - 3.500+200 
 and 3.600 - 3.600+200. The position 3+650 would fall into 2 segments, 
 correct would be 3.600+50. 
 That means, that MP must be the beginning of antonomous segment 
 and all parts which becomes longer then before must be referenced 
 from the last not changed MP.
-The MP <em>start_mp</em> and <em>end_mp</em> columns must be decimal, but 
+<p>The MP <em>start_mp</em> and <em>end_mp</em> columns must be decimal, but 
 <em>v.lrs.create</em> takes only the decimal part, and adds its value to
 offset and prints a warning.
-It is highly recommended to work with polylines instead of segmented vector
+<p>It is highly recommended to work with polylines instead of segmented vector
 lines. The command <em>v.build.polylines</em> creates this map structure.
 <h3>LRS table structure</h3>
@@ -151,8 +146,7 @@
 In this case, the module gives error because the position
 results in 2 points.
-It can be also intended, for example a part of the road is shared
+<p>It can be also intended, for example a part of the road is shared
 with another one, but MP are used only for one:
 <div class="code"><pre>
  + road1/km15         + road1/km22
@@ -181,8 +175,7 @@
 <em>R. Blazek, 2004, <a href="http://gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/grass04/viewpaper.php?id=50">Introducing the Linear Reference System in GRASS</a>, Bangkok, GRASS User Conf. Proc.</em><br>
 <em>R. Blazek, 2005, <a href="http://www.j-geoinfo.net/Content/fulmar05/IJG_095-100.pdf">Introducing the Linear Reference System in GRASS</a>, International Journal of Geoinformatics, Vol. 1(3), pp. 95-100</em><br>
-<em><a href="v.build.polylines.html">v.build.polylines</a></em>,
+<p><em><a href="v.build.polylines.html">v.build.polylines</a></em>,
 <em><a href="v.lrs.create.html">v.lrs.create</a></em>,
 <em><a href="v.lrs.segment.html">v.lrs.segment</a></em>,
 <em><a href="v.lrs.where.html">v.lrs.where</a></em>,

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.mkgrid/v.mkgrid.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.mkgrid/v.mkgrid.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.mkgrid/v.mkgrid.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
 Grid points created with the <b>-p</b> flag will be placed at the
 <i>center</i> of each grid cell, not at the grid line nodes.
-This is NOT to be used to generate a vector map of USGS quadrangles,
+<p>This is NOT to be used to generate a vector map of USGS quadrangles,
 because USGS quads are not exact rectangles.
@@ -21,8 +20,7 @@
-Make a 10x12 lat/lon grid, cells 2 arc-min a side, with lower left corner
+<p>Make a 10x12 lat/lon grid, cells 2 arc-min a side, with lower left corner
 at 167deg 52min east, 47deg 6min south. For use with e.g. QGIS you can then
 pull this grid into a projected location with <em>v.proj</em> before
 exporting as a Shapefile with <em>v.out.ogr</em> (within GRASS you could
@@ -34,8 +32,8 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="v.patch.html">v.patch</A>,
-<a href="d.grid.html">d.grid</A>
+<a href="v.patch.html">v.patch</a>,
+<a href="d.grid.html">d.grid</a>
@@ -43,8 +41,6 @@
 Michael Higgins,
 U.S.Army Construction Engineering 
 Research Laboratory
-Update for new vectors Radim Blazek 10/2004 
+<p>Update for new vectors Radim Blazek 10/2004 
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.neighbors/v.neighbors.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.neighbors/v.neighbors.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.neighbors/v.neighbors.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="r.neighbors.html">r.neighbors</A>
+<a href="r.neighbors.html">r.neighbors</a>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.net/v.net.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.net/v.net.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.net/v.net.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
 nodes to the network within a given distance threshold. 
 It can also report the current network graph status. 
-In terms of network analysis, a network consists of nodes connected by 
+<p>In terms of network analysis, a network consists of nodes connected by 
 arcs. In a vector map prepared for network analysis, nodes are represented 
 by the grass-internal geometry type <em>node</em> and arcs by the geometry 
 type <em>line</em>. If a <em>line</em> consists of several vertices and 
@@ -15,8 +14,7 @@
 nodes for e.g. a least costly path search or subnetwork allocation are 
 represented by the geometry type point.
-In general, network analysis will find the least costly (shortest or 
+<p>In general, network analysis will find the least costly (shortest or 
 fastest) path from point A to point B by follwing the existing lines. 
 This implies that these points must lie at the start or end point of a 
 line with is part of the network. If no line is starting or ending at a 
@@ -36,8 +34,7 @@
 <a href="http://www.grassbook.org/data_menu3rd.php">NC dataset</a> based examples.
-Create nodes globally for all line ends and intersections:
+<p>Create nodes globally for all line ends and intersections:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.net input=streams output=streams_node operation=nodes
@@ -81,5 +78,4 @@
 Martin Landa, FBK-irst (formerly ITC-irst), Trento, Italy and CTU in
 Prague, Czech Republic (operation 'connect' and 'arcs')
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.net.alloc/v.net.alloc.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.net.alloc/v.net.alloc.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.net.alloc/v.net.alloc.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
 <em>v.net.alloc</em> allocates subnets for nearest centers (direction from 
 center). center nodes must be opened (costs &gt;= 0). Costs of center nodes are 
 used in the calculation. 
-Costs may be either line lengths, or attributes saved in a database 
+<p>Costs may be either line lengths, or attributes saved in a database 
 table. These attribute values are taken as costs of whole segments, not 
 as costs to traverse a length unit (e.g. meter) of the segment. 
 For example, if the speed limit is 100 km / h, the cost to traverse a 
@@ -13,32 +12,25 @@
 Supported are cost assignments for both arcs and nodes, 
 and also different costs for both directions of a vector line. 
 For areas, costs will be calculated along boundary lines.
-The input vector needs to be prepared with <em>v.net operation=connect</em> 
+<p>The input vector needs to be prepared with <em>v.net operation=connect</em> 
 in order to connect points representing center nodes to the network.
 Nodes and arcs can be closed using cost = -1. 
-Center nodes can also be assigned to vector nodes using 
+<p>Center nodes can also be assigned to vector nodes using 
 <em><a href="wxGUI.Vector_Digitizing_Tool.html">wxGUI vector digitizer</a></em>. 
-1. Subnetwork allocation using distance:
-<img src="v_net_alloc.png" alt="v.net.alloc example using distance" border="1">
+<p>1. Subnetwork allocation using distance:
+<p><img src="v_net_alloc.png" alt="v.net.alloc example using distance" border="1">
-2. Subnetwork allocation using traveling time:
-<img src="v_net_alloc_time.png" alt="v.net.alloc example using time" border="1">
+<p>2. Subnetwork allocation using traveling time:
+<p><img src="v_net_alloc_time.png" alt="v.net.alloc example using time" border="1">
-Example 1: <em>Calculating subnets for 3 center nodes using distances</em>
+<p>Example 1: <em>Calculating subnets for 3 center nodes using distances</em>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 # Spearfish
@@ -76,8 +68,7 @@
 d.vect myroads_net col=red icon=basic/triangle fcol=green size=12 layer=2
-Example 2: <em>Calculating subnets for 3 center nodes using traveling time</em><br>
+<p>Example 2: <em>Calculating subnets for 3 center nodes using traveling time</em><br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 # Spearfish

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.net.allpairs/v.net.allpairs.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.net.allpairs/v.net.allpairs.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.net.allpairs/v.net.allpairs.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
@@ -46,5 +45,4 @@
 Daniel Bundala, Google Summer of Code 2009, Student<br>
 Wolf Bergenheim, Mentor
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.net.bridge/v.net.bridge.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.net.bridge/v.net.bridge.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.net.bridge/v.net.bridge.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
 <div class="code"><pre>
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -43,5 +42,4 @@
 Daniel Bundala, Google Summer of Code 2009, Student<br>
 Wolf Bergenheim, Mentor
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.net.centrality/v.net.centrality.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.net.centrality/v.net.centrality.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.net.centrality/v.net.centrality.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
 v.net.centrality input=roads output=roads_cent closeness=close betweenness=betw -a
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -46,5 +45,4 @@
 Daniel Bundala, Google Summer of Code 2009, Student<br>
 Wolf Bergenheim, Mentor
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.net.components/v.net.components.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.net.components/v.net.components.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.net.components/v.net.components.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
 v.net.components input=roads output=roads_components method=strong
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -43,5 +42,4 @@
 Daniel Bundala, Google Summer of Code 2009, Student<br>
 Wolf Bergenheim, Mentor
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.net.connectivity/v.net.connectivity.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.net.connectivity/v.net.connectivity.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.net.connectivity/v.net.connectivity.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
 v.net.connectivity input=roads output=roads_conn set1_where="bank=left" set2_where="bank=right"
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.net.connectivity input=airtraffic output=connectivity set1_where="name=JFK" set2_where="name=Heathrow" ncolumn=capacity
@@ -38,5 +37,4 @@
 Daniel Bundala, Google Summer of Code 2009, Student<br>
 Wolf Bergenheim, Mentor
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.net.distance/v.net.distance.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.net.distance/v.net.distance.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.net.distance/v.net.distance.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
 d.vect nearest cats=1
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
@@ -47,5 +46,4 @@
 Daniel Bundala, Google Summer of Code 2009, Student<br>
 Wolf Bergenheim, Mentor
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.net.flow/v.net.flow.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.net.flow/v.net.flow.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.net.flow/v.net.flow.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
 v.net.flow input=roads output=roads_flow cut=roads_cut afcolumn=SPEED source_where="type=factory" sink_where="type=store"
 If all the capacties are one then the minimum cut corresponds to the 
 minimum number of edges separating sources from sinks. 
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -51,5 +50,4 @@
 Daniel Bundala, Google Summer of Code 2009, Student<br>
 Wolf Bergenheim, Mentor
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.net.iso/v.net.iso.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.net.iso/v.net.iso.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.net.iso/v.net.iso.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
 <em>v.net.iso</em> splits a network into bands between cost isolines 
 (distance from center). Center nodes must be opened (costs &gt;= 0). The 
 costs of center nodes are used in the calculation. 
-Costs may be either line lengths, or attributes saved in a database 
+<p>Costs may be either line lengths, or attributes saved in a database 
 table. These attribute values are taken as costs of whole segments, not 
 as costs to traverse a length unit (e.g. meter) of the segment. 
 For example, if the speed limit is 100 km / h, the cost to traverse a 
@@ -13,15 +12,13 @@
 Supported are cost assignments for both arcs and nodes, 
 and also different costs for both directions of a vector line. 
 For areas, costs will be calculated along boundary lines.
-The input vector needs to be prepared with <em>v.net operation=connect</em> 
+<p>The input vector needs to be prepared with <em>v.net operation=connect</em> 
 in order to connect points representing center nodes to the network.
 Nodes and arcs can be closed using cost = -1. 
-Nodes must be on the isolines.
+<p>Nodes must be on the isolines.
@@ -29,18 +26,13 @@
 The map must contain at least one center (point) on the vector network 
 which can be patched into with <a href="v.net.html">v.net</a>.
-Isonetwork using distance:
-<img src="vnetiso.png" alt="v.net.iso example with distance" border="1">
+<p>Isonetwork using distance:
+<p><img src="vnetiso.png" alt="v.net.iso example with distance" border="1">
-Isonetwork using time:
-<img src="vnetisotime.png" alt="v.net.iso example with traveling time" border="1">
+<p>Isonetwork using time:
+<p><img src="vnetisotime.png" alt="v.net.iso example with traveling time" border="1">
-<h4>Subdivision of a network using distance:</h4>
+<p><h4>Subdivision of a network using distance:</h4>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 # Spearfish

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.net.path/v.net.path.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.net.path/v.net.path.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.net.path/v.net.path.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
 <em>v.net.path</em> determines least costly, e.g. shortest or fastest 
 path(s) on a vector network.
-Costs may be either line lengths, or attributes saved in a database 
+<p>Costs may be either line lengths, or attributes saved in a database 
 table. These attribute values are taken as costs of whole segments, not 
 as costs to traverse a length unit (e.g. meter) of the segment. 
 For example, if the speed limit is 100 km / h, the cost to traverse a 
@@ -13,17 +12,13 @@
 Supported are cost assignments for both arcs and nodes, 
 and also different costs for both directions of a vector line. 
 For areas, costs will be calculated along boundary lines.
-The input vector needs to be prepared with <em>v.net operation=connect</em> 
+<p>The input vector needs to be prepared with <em>v.net operation=connect</em> 
 in order to connect points representing center nodes to the network.
-Nodes and arcs can be closed using cost = -1. 
-Least cost paths are written to the output vector map with an 
+<p>Nodes and arcs can be closed using cost = -1. 
+<p>Least cost paths are written to the output vector map with an 
 attached attribute table.
-Nodes can be piped into the program from file or from stdin. The
+<p>Nodes can be piped into the program from file or from stdin. The
 syntax is as follows:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 id start_point_category end_point_category
@@ -35,15 +30,12 @@
 id start_point_x start_point_y end_point_x end_point_y
-Points specified by category must be exactly on network nodes, and the 
+<p>Points specified by category must be exactly on network nodes, and the 
 input vector map needs to be prepared with <em>v.net operation=connect</em>.
-When specifying coordinates, the next network node to a given coordinate 
+<p>When specifying coordinates, the next network node to a given coordinate 
 pair is used.
-The attribute table will contain the following attributes:
+<p>The attribute table will contain the following attributes:
     <li>cat  - path unique category assigned by module</li>
@@ -63,12 +55,10 @@
 Nodes and arcs can be closed using cost = -1. 
-If the cost columns 'afcol', 'abcol' and 'ncol' are not
+<p>If the cost columns 'afcol', 'abcol' and 'ncol' are not
 specified, the length of network segments is measured and 
 zero costs are assumed for nodes.
-When using attributes, the length of segments is not used. To get
+<p>When using attributes, the length of segments is not used. To get
 accurate results, the line length must be taken into account when 
 assigning costs as attributes. For example, to get the <b>fastest path</b>, 
 the columns 'max_speed' and 'length' are required. The correct fastest 
@@ -80,11 +70,9 @@
 Shortest (red) and fastest (blue) path between two digitized nodes (Spearfish):
-<img src="vnetpath.png" alt="v.net.path example" border="1">
+<p><img src="vnetpath.png" alt="v.net.path example" border="1">
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 # Spearfish
 echo "1|601955.1|4916944.9|start

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.net.salesman/v.net.salesman.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.net.salesman/v.net.salesman.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.net.salesman/v.net.salesman.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
 <em>v.net.salesman</em> calculates the optimal route to visit nodes on a
 vector network.
-Costs may be either line lengths, or attributes saved in a database 
+<p>Costs may be either line lengths, or attributes saved in a database 
 table. These attribute values are taken as costs of whole segments, not 
 as costs to traverse a length unit (e.g. meter) of the segment. 
 For example, if the speed limit is 100 km / h, the cost to traverse a 
@@ -13,12 +12,10 @@
 Supported are cost assignments for arcs, 
 and also different costs for both directions of a vector line. 
 For areas, costs will be calculated along boundary lines.
-The input vector needs to be prepared with <em>v.net operation=connect</em> 
+<p>The input vector needs to be prepared with <em>v.net operation=connect</em> 
 in order to connect points representing center nodes to the network.
-Points specified by category must be exactly on network nodes, and the 
+<p>Points specified by category must be exactly on network nodes, and the 
 input vector map needs to be prepared with <em>v.net operation=connect</em>.
@@ -28,18 +25,13 @@
 Traveling salesman for 6 digitized nodes (Spearfish):
-Shortest path, along unimproved roads:
-<img src="vnetsalesman.png" alt="v.net.salesman example using distance" border="1">
+<p>Shortest path, along unimproved roads:
+<p><img src="vnetsalesman.png" alt="v.net.salesman example using distance" border="1">
-Fastest path, along highways:
-<img src="vnetsalesmantime.png" alt="v.net.salesman example using time" border="1">
+<p>Fastest path, along highways:
+<p><img src="vnetsalesmantime.png" alt="v.net.salesman example using time" border="1">
-Searching for the shortest path using distance and the fastest path using 
+<p>Searching for the shortest path using distance and the fastest path using 
 traveling time according to the speed limits of different road types:
 <div class="code"><pre>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.net.spanningtree/v.net.spanningtree.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.net.spanningtree/v.net.spanningtree.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.net.spanningtree/v.net.spanningtree.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
 v.net.spanningtree input=projected_pipelines output=spanningtree accol=cost 
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
@@ -32,5 +31,4 @@
 Daniel Bundala, Google Summer of Code 2009, Student<br>
 Wolf Bergenheim, Mentor
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.net.steiner/v.net.steiner.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.net.steiner/v.net.steiner.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.net.steiner/v.net.steiner.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,15 +3,13 @@
 <em>v.net.steiner</em> calculates the optimal connection of nodes on a
 vector network.
-A Steiner tree is used to calculate the minimum-cost vector network
+<p>A Steiner tree is used to calculate the minimum-cost vector network
 connecting some number of end nodes in a network framework.
 For example it could be used to find the path following a road system
 which will minimize the amount of fibre optic cable needed to connect
 a series of satellite offices.
-Costs may be either line lengths, or attributes saved in a database 
+<p>Costs may be either line lengths, or attributes saved in a database 
 table. These attribute values are taken as costs of whole segments, not 
 as costs to traverse a length unit (e.g. meter) of the segment. 
 For example, if the speed limit is 100 km / h, the cost to traverse a 
@@ -20,23 +18,18 @@
 Supported are cost assignments for both arcs and nodes. 
 For areas, costs will be calculated along boundary lines.
-Points representing nodes must be exactly on network nodes, and the 
+<p>Points representing nodes must be exactly on network nodes, and the 
 input vector map needs to be prepared with <em>v.net operation=connect</em>.
 Steiner tree for 6 digitized nodes (Spearfish):
-Shortest path, along unimproved roads:
-<img src="vnetsteiner.png" alt="v.net.steiner example using distance" border="1">
+<p>Shortest path, along unimproved roads:
+<p><img src="vnetsteiner.png" alt="v.net.steiner example using distance" border="1">
-Fastest path, along highways:
-<img src="vnetsteinertime.png" alt="v.net.steiner example using time" border="1">
+<p>Fastest path, along highways:
+<p><img src="vnetsteinertime.png" alt="v.net.steiner example using time" border="1">
 <div class="code"><pre>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.net.timetable/v.net.timetable.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.net.timetable/v.net.timetable.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.net.timetable/v.net.timetable.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -141,5 +141,4 @@
 Daniel Bundala, Google Summer of Code 2009, Student<br>
 Wolf Bergenheim, Mentor
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.net.visibility/v.net.visibility.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.net.visibility/v.net.visibility.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.net.visibility/v.net.visibility.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -15,8 +15,7 @@
 <b>IMPORTANT : the algorithm doesn't work well with intersecting lines
 (that includes overlapping)</b>
-If you compute a shortest path after computing the visibility graph you
+<p>If you compute a shortest path after computing the visibility graph you
 will notice that this path might go through a vertix of a line. If this
 is not wanted you might to run the map through <em>v.buffer</em> first
 whith a small value. Example:
@@ -25,8 +24,7 @@
 v.buffer input=map output=bufferedmap buffer=1 type=point,line,area,boundary
-The first argument is the input map. It supports lines, boudaries (so areas)
+<p>The first argument is the input map. It supports lines, boudaries (so areas)
 and points. For the algorithm to work lines and boundaries must not be
 intersecting (that includes overlapping).
 The result map containing the visibility graph is given in the output map.

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.normal/v.normal.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.normal/v.normal.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.normal/v.normal.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -8,24 +8,24 @@
 below.  The tests that are performed are specified by
 giving an index, ranges of indices, or multiple thereof.
-<LI> Sample skewness and kurtosis
-<LI> Geary's a-statistic and an approximate normal transformation
-<LI> Extreme normal deviates
-<LI> D'Agostino's D-statistic 
-<LI> Modified Kuiper V-statistic 
-<LI> Modified Watson U^2-statistic 
-<LI> Durbin's Exact Test (modified Kolmogorov)
-<LI> Modified Anderson-Darling statistic 
-<LI> Modified Cramer-Von Mises W^2-statistic 
-<LI> Kolmogorov-Smirnov D-statistic (modified for normality testing)
-<LI> Chi-Square test statistic (equal probability classes) and 
+<li> Sample skewness and kurtosis
+<li> Geary's a-statistic and an approximate normal transformation
+<li> Extreme normal deviates
+<li> D'Agostino's D-statistic 
+<li> Modified Kuiper V-statistic 
+<li> Modified Watson U^2-statistic 
+<li> Durbin's Exact Test (modified Kolmogorov)
+<li> Modified Anderson-Darling statistic 
+<li> Modified Cramer-Von Mises W^2-statistic 
+<li> Kolmogorov-Smirnov D-statistic (modified for normality testing)
+<li> Chi-Square test statistic (equal probability classes) and 
      the number of degrees of freedom
-<LI> Shapiro-Wilk W Test
-<LI> Weisberg-Binghams W'' (similar to Shapiro-Francia's W')
-<LI> Royston's extension of W for large samples
-<LI> Kotz Separate-Families Test for Lognormality vs. Normality
+<li> Shapiro-Wilk W Test
+<li> Weisberg-Binghams W'' (similar to Shapiro-Francia's W')
+<li> Royston's extension of W for large samples
+<li> Kotz Separate-Families Test for Lognormality vs. Normality
@@ -47,14 +47,14 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="v.univar.html">v.univar</A>
+<a href="v.univar.html">v.univar</a>
-<a href="http://mccauley-usa.com/">James Darrell McCauley</A>
-<a href="mailto:darrell at mccauley-usa.com">&lt;darrell at mccauley-usa.com&gt;</A>,
+<a href="http://mccauley-usa.com/">James Darrell McCauley</a>
+<a href="mailto:darrell at mccauley-usa.com">&lt;darrell at mccauley-usa.com&gt;</a>,
 <br>when he was at:
 <a href="http://ABE.www.ecn.purdue.edu/ABE/">Agricultural
-<a href="http://www.purdue.edu/">Purdue University</A>
+<a href="http://www.purdue.edu/">Purdue University</a>
 <p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.out.ascii/v.out.ascii.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.out.ascii/v.out.ascii.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.out.ascii/v.out.ascii.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
 flag <b>-o</b> <em>v.out.ascii</em> output will be in old (version 4)
 ASCII format.
-If the <b>output</b> parameter is not given then the coordinates of any 
+<p>If the <b>output</b> parameter is not given then the coordinates of any 
 <em>point</em> data within the vector map is sent to stdout.
@@ -18,24 +17,20 @@
 maps between GRASS and other software, and for transferring data
 between machines.
-If old version is requested, the <b>output</b> files from <em>v.out.ascii</em> is placed 
+<p>If old version is requested, the <b>output</b> files from <em>v.out.ascii</em> is placed 
 in the <tt>$LOCATION/$MAPSET/dig_ascii/</tt> and <tt>$LOCATION/$MAPSET/dig_att</tt> directory.
-Only features with a category number will be
+<p>Only features with a category number will be
 exported. Use <em><a href="v.category.html">v.category</a></em> to add
 them if needed.
-<em>v.out.ascii</em> does not copy the <tt>dig_cats</tt> file
+<p><em>v.out.ascii</em> does not copy the <tt>dig_cats</tt> file
 associated with the binary vector <b>input</b> map to the
 new <b>output</b> file name. The user must copy the <tt>dig_cats</tt>
 file to the new <b>output</b> name if this is desired (e.g. using the
 UNIX <em>cp</em> command).
-It is possible to output the coordinates of vertices in a non-points vector
+<p>It is possible to output the coordinates of vertices in a non-points vector
 feature by first converting the vector feature to a points map with 
 <em><a href="v.to.points.html">v.to.points</a></em> and then exporting
 with <em>v.out.ascii</em> in
@@ -45,8 +40,7 @@
 <h3>Standard mode</h3>
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 v.out.ascii input=quads format=standard
 ORGANIZATION: US Army Const. Eng. Rsch. Lab
@@ -139,5 +133,4 @@
 Attribute selection added by Martin Landa, Czech Technical University
 in Prague, Czech Republic (2008/12)
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.out.dxf/v.out.dxf.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.out.dxf/v.out.dxf.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.out.dxf/v.out.dxf.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="v.in.dxf.html">v.in.dxf</A></em>,
+<em><a href="v.in.dxf.html">v.in.dxf</a></em>,
 <em><a href="vectorintro.html">Introduction to GRASS vector map processing</a></em>
@@ -23,8 +23,7 @@
 Charles Ehlschlaeger, U.S. Army Construction Engineering
 Research Laboratory,<br>
 wrote original <em>v.out.dxf</em> program in 4/89.
-Update to GRASS 5.7 Radim Blazek, 10/2004
+<p>Update to GRASS 5.7 Radim Blazek, 10/2004
 <p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.out.ogr/v.out.ogr.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.out.ogr/v.out.ogr.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.out.ogr/v.out.ogr.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
 <a href="http://www.gdal.org/ogr/drv_tiger.html">TIGER</a>
 For further available drivers go 
 <a href="http://www.gdal.org/ogr/ogr_formats.html">here</a>.
@@ -26,8 +25,7 @@
 By default, islands will appear as holes inside surrounding areas.
 To export areas with holes into, e.g., a Shapefile, and make the 
 holes appear as filled areas, the flag <em>-c</em> has to be used.
-The "-z" flag can be used to automatically export a 3D map to a 3D Shapefile, instead 
+<p>The "-z" flag can be used to automatically export a 3D map to a 3D Shapefile, instead 
 of setting the correct <em>lco=</em> option manually.
@@ -38,29 +36,24 @@
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.out.ogr input=lines type=line dsn=lines.shp
-Export areas from GRASS vector map to Shapefile format, converting
+<p>Export areas from GRASS vector map to Shapefile format, converting
 islands (holes) to filled areas (generates /tmp/testogr.shp and related files):
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.out.ogr -c input=areas_islands type=area dsn=areas_islands.shp
-Export 3D lines from GRASS vector map to Shapefile format:
+<p>Export 3D lines from GRASS vector map to Shapefile format:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.out.ogr input=lines_3d type=line dsn=lines_3d.shp lco="SHPT=ARCZ"
-Export 3D points (e.g., Lidar points) from GRASS vector map to Shapefile format
+<p>Export 3D points (e.g., Lidar points) from GRASS vector map to Shapefile format
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.out.ogr points_3d type=point dsn=points_3d.shp lco="SHPT=POINTZ"
-Export 3D faces from GRASS vector map to Shapefile format:
+<p>Export 3D faces from GRASS vector map to Shapefile format:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.out.ogr input=objects_3d type=face dsn=faces_3d.shp lco="SHPT=POLYGONZ"
-Export 3D faces from GRASS vector map to Shapefile format, automatic 3D setting:
+<p>Export 3D faces from GRASS vector map to Shapefile format, automatic 3D setting:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.out.ogr input=objects_3d type=face dsn=faces_3d.shp -z"
@@ -91,8 +84,7 @@
           format=KML type=face
-<b>Example 2 (Latitude-Longitude location):</b><br>
+<p><b>Example 2 (Latitude-Longitude location):</b><br>
 Generate and export GRASS vector "asteroid" map (faces, 3D vectors) to
  KML format for Google Earth:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -128,8 +120,8 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="db.out.ogr.html">db.out.ogr</A>,
-<a href="v.external.html">v.external</A>,
+<a href="db.out.ogr.html">db.out.ogr</a>,
+<a href="v.external.html">v.external</a>,
 <a href="v.in.ogr.html">v.in.ogr</a>
@@ -137,6 +129,5 @@
 Radim Blazek, ITC-Irst, Trento, Italy<br>
 Some contributions: Markus Neteler, Martin Landa
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.out.svg/v.out.svg.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.out.svg/v.out.svg.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.out.svg/v.out.svg.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -14,21 +14,18 @@
-Export <b>polygons</b> from GRASS vector map soils (Spearfish sample data) to SVG format:
+<p>Export <b>polygons</b> from GRASS vector map soils (Spearfish sample data) to SVG format:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.out.svg input=soils output=/tmp/output.svg type=poly
-Export <b>lines</b> from GRASS vector map t_hydro (Spearfish sample
+<p>Export <b>lines</b> from GRASS vector map t_hydro (Spearfish sample
 data) to SVG format, set coordinate precision to 0:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.out.svg input=t_hydro output=/tmp/output.svg type=line precision=0
-Export <b>points</b> from GRASS vector map archsites (Spearfish sample
+<p>Export <b>points</b> from GRASS vector map archsites (Spearfish sample
 data) to SVG format, include attribute <b>str1</b> (name):
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.out.svg input=archsites output=/tmp/output.svg type=point precision=0 attrib=str1
@@ -43,7 +40,7 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="v.out.ogr.html">v.out.ogr</A></em>
+<em><a href="v.out.ogr.html">v.out.ogr</a></em>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.out.vtk/v.out.vtk.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.out.vtk/v.out.vtk.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.out.vtk/v.out.vtk.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
 converts a GRASS vector map in binary format to the VTK ASCII 
-If the <b>output</b> parameter is not given, the output will be send to stdout.
+<p>If the <b>output</b> parameter is not given, the output will be send to stdout.
@@ -49,23 +48,20 @@
  <li><i>vtk lines</i> -- representing lines and boundaries </li> 
  <li><i>vtk polygons</i> -- representing areas and faces </li>
-The VTK file can be visualized with
-<em><a href="http://www.vtk.org">VTK Toolkit</A></em>,
-<em><a href="http://www.paraview.org">Paraview</A></em> and
-<em><a href="http://mayavi.sourceforge.net">MayaVi</A></em>.
+<p>The VTK file can be visualized with
+<em><a href="http://www.vtk.org">VTK Toolkit</a></em>,
+<em><a href="http://www.paraview.org">Paraview</a></em> and
+<em><a href="http://mayavi.sourceforge.net">MayaVi</a></em>.
-If areas or faces are exported, the data have to be triangulated within Paraview or
+<p>If areas or faces are exported, the data have to be triangulated within Paraview or
 Spearfish example:
-Export the soils with cats in layer 1:
+<p>Export the soils with cats in layer 1:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.out.vtk input=soils type=area layer=1 output=/tmp/soils.vtk

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.outlier/v.outlier.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.outlier/v.outlier.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.outlier/v.outlier.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -58,5 +58,4 @@
 Roberto Antolin
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.overlay/v.overlay.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.overlay/v.overlay.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.overlay/v.overlay.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -22,20 +22,17 @@
 The operator defines what kind of operation will be done. Features are written to output,
 if the result of an operation 'ainput operator binput' is true.
-Attributes of the tables from ainput and binput are joined into a new table
+<p>Attributes of the tables from ainput and binput are joined into a new table
 linked to the output maps new cat-column. 
 <!-- This is outdated
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 v.db.connect map=outputmap table=ainput.dbf field=2
 v.db.connect map=outputmap table=binput.dbf field=3
-<b>Attention:</b> Removing the output map will also delete all tables linked to
+<p><b>Attention:</b> Removing the output map will also delete all tables linked to
 it! Therefore it is advisable to copy tables from ainput and binput first and
 connect the copied tables to the output map.-->

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.parallel/v.parallel.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.parallel/v.parallel.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.parallel/v.parallel.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="v.buffer.html">v.buffer</A>
+<a href="v.buffer.html">v.buffer</a>
@@ -14,5 +14,4 @@
 Radim Blazek<br>
 Rewritten by Rosen Matev (with support through the Google Summer of Code program 2008)
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.patch/v.patch.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.patch/v.patch.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.patch/v.patch.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -12,19 +12,16 @@
 edited or removed after <em>v.patch</em> is run. Such
 editing can be done automatically using
 <em><a href="v.clean.html">v.clean</a></em>.
-Lines may need to be
+<p>Lines may need to be
 snapped with <em><a href="v.clean.html">v.clean</a>
-Boundaries may need to be cleaned with
+<p>Boundaries may need to be cleaned with
 <em><a href="v.clean.html">v.clean</a> tool=break,rmdupl,rmsa</em>
 repeatedly until the <em>rmsa</em> tool (Remove small angles at nodes)
 no longer modifies any boundaries. If vector topology is still not
 clean, boundaries may also need to be snapped with
 <em><a href="v.clean.html">v.clean</a> tool=snap,break,rmdupl</em>.
-When using the <em>-a</em> flag, the user has to make sure that the
+<p>When using the <em>-a</em> flag, the user has to make sure that the
 features in the different maps added to the output map do not have
 overlapping category numbers, unless identical category numbers
 reflect identical attributes, otherwise the attributes of the added
@@ -62,5 +59,4 @@
 Radim Blazek, ITC-Irst, Trento, Italy
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.perturb/v.perturb.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.perturb/v.perturb.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.perturb/v.perturb.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -15,31 +15,28 @@
 center, the <em>minimum</em> parameter can be used.
 Usually, the mean (first parameter) of the normal
 distribution is zero (i.e., the distribution is centered at
 zero). The standard deviation (second parameter) is
 naturally constrained to be positive.
 Output vector points are not guaranteed to be contained within the
 current geographic region.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="v.random.html">v.random</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="v.univar.html">v.univar</A></em><br>
+<em><a href="v.random.html">v.random</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="v.univar.html">v.univar</a></em><br>
-<a href="http://mccauley-usa.com/">James Darrell McCauley</A>
+<a href="http://mccauley-usa.com/">James Darrell McCauley</a>
 <br>when he was at: 
-<a href="http://ABE.www.ecn.purdue.edu/ABE/">Agricultural Engineering</A>
-<a href="http://www.purdue.edu/">Purdue University</A>
-Random number generators originally written in FORTRAN by Wes Peterson and
+<a href="http://ABE.www.ecn.purdue.edu/ABE/">Agricultural Engineering</a>
+<a href="http://www.purdue.edu/">Purdue University</a>
+<p>Random number generators originally written in FORTRAN by Wes Peterson and
 translated to C using <i>f2c</i>.
 <p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.proj/v.proj.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.proj/v.proj.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.proj/v.proj.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@
 If <b>set</b> is not specified, its name is assumed to be the same as the current
  mapset's name. 
-<em>v.proj</em> supports general datum transformations, making use of the
+<p><em>v.proj</em> supports general datum transformations, making use of the
 <em>PROJ.4</em> co-ordinate system translation library.
@@ -35,8 +34,7 @@
 <a href="http://proj.maptools.org/">PROJ 4</a>: Projection/datum support library.
-<b>Further reading</b>
+<p><b>Further reading</b>
 <li> <a href="http://www.asprs.org/resources/grids/">ASPRS Grids and Datum</a>
 <li> <a href="http://www.mapref.org">MapRef - The Collection of Map Projections and Reference Systems for Europe</a>
@@ -46,14 +44,14 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="r.proj.html">r.proj</A>,
-<a href="g.proj.html">g.proj</A>,
-<a href="g.setproj.html">g.setproj</A>,
-<a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</A>,  
-<a href="r.stats.html">r.stats</A>,  
-<a href="v.sample.html">v.sample</A>,
-<a href="v.surf.idw.html">v.surf.idw</A>,
-<a href="v.surf.rst.html">v.surf.rst</A>
+<a href="r.proj.html">r.proj</a>,
+<a href="g.proj.html">g.proj</a>,
+<a href="g.setproj.html">g.setproj</a>,
+<a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</a>,  
+<a href="r.stats.html">r.stats</a>,  
+<a href="v.sample.html">v.sample</a>,
+<a href="v.surf.idw.html">v.surf.idw</a>,
+<a href="v.surf.rst.html">v.surf.rst</a>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.qcount/v.qcount.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.qcount/v.qcount.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.qcount/v.qcount.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -17,13 +17,11 @@
 <em><a href="v.random.html">v.random</a></em> 
-<em>Complete Spatial Randomness and Quadrat Methods</em>  - 
+<p><em>Complete Spatial Randomness and Quadrat Methods</em>  - 
 GRASS Tutorial on <em>v.qcount</em>
 (only available as older file s.qcount-tutorial.ps),
-General references include:
+<p>General references include:
 Noel A. C. Cressie.
@@ -36,8 +34,7 @@
 <em>Spatial Statistics</em>.
 John Wiley \&amp; Sons, New York, NY, 1981.
-References to the indices include:
+<p>References to the indices include:
 F. N. David and P. G. Moore.
 Notes on contagious distributions in plant populations.
@@ -65,10 +62,8 @@
 Biology</em>, 2:215-235, 1959.
-Timestamp not working for header part of counts output. (2000-10-28)
-Please send all bug fixes and comments to the author
+<p>Timestamp not working for header part of counts output. (2000-10-28)
+<p>Please send all bug fixes and comments to the author
 or the GRASS development team. <br>
 <a href="http://grass.osgeo.org"><tt>http://grass.osgeo.org</tt></a>.
@@ -80,8 +75,7 @@
 <a href="http://ABE.www.ecn.purdue.edu/ABE/">Agricultural Engineering</a>
 <a href="http://www.purdue.edu/">Purdue University</a>
-Modified for GRASS 5.0 by Eric G. Miller (2000-10-28)
+<p>Modified for GRASS 5.0 by Eric G. Miller (2000-10-28)
 Modified for GRASS 5.7 by R. Blazek (2004-10-14)

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.random/v.random.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.random/v.random.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.random/v.random.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -12,8 +12,7 @@
 <b>DOUBLE PRECISION</b> for floating point numbers. Integer values are
 calculated by rounding random floating point number.
-To produce repeatable results a random seed can be set using the option <em>seed</em>>.
+<p>To produce repeatable results a random seed can be set using the option <em>seed</em>>.
 Generate 20 random points with binary attribute (only 0 or 1):
@@ -43,12 +42,11 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
 UNIX man pages for <em>rand(3)</em> and <em>drand48(3)</em>.
 <a href="g.region.html">g.region</a>,
 <a href="r.random.html">r.random</a>,
-<a href="v.perturb.html">v.perturb</A>,
-<a href="v.sample.html">v.sample</A>
+<a href="v.perturb.html">v.perturb</a>,
+<a href="v.sample.html">v.sample</a>
 <a href="v.what.rast.html">v.what.rast</a>
 <a href="v.what.vect.html">v.what.vect</a>
@@ -56,16 +54,16 @@
 The RNG used by 
-<em><a href="v.perturb.html">v.perturb</A></em>
+<em><a href="v.perturb.html">v.perturb</a></em>
 should probably be added to this program.<br>
-<a href="http://mccauley-usa.com/">James Darrell McCauley</A>
-<a href="mailto:darrell at mccauley-usa.com">&lt;darrell at mccauley-usa.com&gt;</A>,
+<a href="http://mccauley-usa.com/">James Darrell McCauley</a>
+<a href="mailto:darrell at mccauley-usa.com">&lt;darrell at mccauley-usa.com&gt;</a>,
 <br>when he was at: 
 <a href="http://ABE.www.ecn.purdue.edu/ABE/">Agricultural
-<a href="http://www.purdue.edu/">Purdue University</A>
+<a href="http://www.purdue.edu/">Purdue University</a>
 <p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.reclass/v.reclass.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.reclass/v.reclass.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.reclass/v.reclass.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
 to change the <i>key column</i> away from the default of "<b>cat</b>" with
 the <b>column</b> option.
-Rules file may contain on each row either pair:
+<p>Rules file may contain on each row either pair:
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -27,8 +26,7 @@
 column containing the unique string column values, sorted in alphabetical
-For dissolving common boundaries, see 
+<p>For dissolving common boundaries, see 
 <em><a href="v.dissolve.html">v.dissolve</a></em>.
@@ -36,7 +34,7 @@
-<H3>Example 1: Reclass by rules</H3>
+<h3>Example 1: Reclass by rules</h3>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.reclass input=land output=land_u type=boundary rules=land.rcl
@@ -64,7 +62,7 @@
 <tt>select id from tland where use = 'E14'</tt> changed to category 2.
-<H3>Example 2: Reclass by attribute column</H3>
+<h3>Example 2: Reclass by attribute column</h3>
 (North Carolina sample dataset)<br>
@@ -87,10 +85,9 @@
 <a href="v.dissolve.html">v.dissolve</a>,
-<a href="v.extract.html">v.extract</A>
+<a href="v.extract.html">v.extract</a>
-<em><a href="sql.html">GRASS SQL interface</a></em>
+<p><em><a href="sql.html">GRASS SQL interface</a></em>
@@ -99,5 +96,4 @@
 from v.reclass to v.db.reclass and later to v.reclass in 5.7 rewritten
 by Radim Blazek
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.sample/v.sample.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.sample/v.sample.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.sample/v.sample.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
 interpolation, bilinear interpolation, or nearest neighbor
 sampling (default).
-This program may be especially useful when sampling for
+<p>This program may be especially useful when sampling for
 cross validation of interpolations whose output is a raster
@@ -16,17 +15,14 @@
 The input category value is used. The input attribute, raster value 
 and difference is written to output.
-When NULL values are encountered for a cell, zero value is used
+<p>When NULL values are encountered for a cell, zero value is used
 instead.  In these cases, more acurrate results may be obtained
 by using the default nearest neighbor comparisons.
-This program may not work properly with lat-long data when
+<p>This program may not work properly with lat-long data when
 the <b>-BC</b> flags are used.
-When interpolation is done (i.e., the <b>-BC</b> flags are
+<p>When interpolation is done (i.e., the <b>-BC</b> flags are
 used), values are assumed to be located at the centroid of
 grid cells.  Therefore, current resolution settings are
@@ -76,8 +72,7 @@
 <br>when he was at: 
 <a href="http://ABE.www.ecn.purdue.edu/ABE/">Agricultural Engineering</a>
 <a href="http://www.purdue.edu/">Purdue University</a>
-Updated for GRASS 5.0 by Eric G. Miller
+<p>Updated for GRASS 5.0 by Eric G. Miller
 Updated for GRASS 5.7 by Radim Blazek

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.segment/v.segment.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.segment/v.segment.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.segment/v.segment.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
 <em>v.segment</em> generates segments or points from input lines and from
 positions read from a text file or '<tt>stdin</tt>'.
-The format is:
+<p>The format is:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 P &lt;point id&gt;   &lt;line cat&gt; &lt;offset&gt; [&lt;side offset&gt;]
 L &lt;segment id&gt; &lt;line cat&gt; &lt;start offset&gt; &lt;end offset&gt; [&lt;side offset&gt;]
@@ -24,20 +23,16 @@
 A segment is only created for the first line found of the specified category.
-Points are generated along the lines at the given distance(s) from the
+<p>Points are generated along the lines at the given distance(s) from the
 beginning of the vector line.
-The side offset is the orthogonal distance from the line. Positive side
+<p>The side offset is the orthogonal distance from the line. Positive side
 offsets are to the right side of the line going forward, negative offsets
 are to the left (<em>d.vect</em> with <em>display=shape,dir</em> shows
 the direction of vector lines). As the segment distance is measured along the
 original line, side-offset lines will be longer than the start-end segment distance
 for outside corners of curving lines, and shorter for inside corners.
-All offsets are measured in map units (see "<em>g.proj -p</em>").
-To place a point in the middle of a line, the <em>v.to.db</em> module may be
+<p>All offsets are measured in map units (see "<em>g.proj -p</em>").
+<p>To place a point in the middle of a line, the <em>v.to.db</em> module may be
 used to find the line's length. Then half of that distance can be used as the
 along-line offset.
@@ -127,5 +122,4 @@
 Radim Blazek, ITC-Irst, Trento, Italy
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.select/v.select.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.select/v.select.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.select/v.select.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
 <em>v.select</em> allows the user to select features from a vector 
 map by features from another one.
-Supported operators (without GEOS):
+<p>Supported operators (without GEOS):
   <li><tt>overlap</tt> - features partially or completely overlap
@@ -30,8 +29,7 @@
 as an area's attributes are inherited from the centroid. Typically
 points, lines, and centroids will always want to have a cat number.
-E.g. take a road which separates two farms. It is ambiguous as to which
+<p>E.g. take a road which separates two farms. It is ambiguous as to which
 farm an attribute that is attached to the road belongs to. The boundary
 only needs a cat number if it will hold its own attributes, such as road
 name or pavement form. A centroid in each paddock holds the information
@@ -65,8 +63,7 @@
 <a href="v.overlay.html">v.overlay</a>
 <a href="sql.html">GRASS SQL interface</a>
@@ -77,5 +74,4 @@
 Updated by Martin Landa, CTU in Prague, Czech Republic (GEOS support)
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.support/v.support.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.support/v.support.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.support/v.support.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-	<a href="v.build.html">v.build</A>,
-        <a href="v.info.html">v.info</A>
+	<a href="v.build.html">v.build</a>,
+        <a href="v.info.html">v.info</a>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.surf.bspline/v.surf.bspline.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.surf.bspline/v.surf.bspline.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.surf.bspline/v.surf.bspline.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
 attribue column in a 2D or 3D map. Output can be a raster or vector map.
 Optionally, a "sparse point" vector map can be input which indicates the
 location of <b><i>output</i></b> vector points.
-From a theoretical perspective, the interpolating procedure takes place in two
+<p>From a theoretical perspective, the interpolating procedure takes place in two
 parts: the first is an estimate of the linear coefficients of a spline function
 is derived from the observation points using a least squares regression; the
 second is the computation of the interpolated surface (or interpolated vector
@@ -21,8 +20,7 @@
 Regularization, avoids the need to have one one observation and one coefficient
 for each spline (in order to avoid instability). 
-With regularly distributed data points, a spline step corresponding to the
+<p>With regularly distributed data points, a spline step corresponding to the
 maximum distance between two points in both the east and north directions is
 sufficient. But often data points are not regularly distributed and require
 statistial regularization or estimation. In such cases, v.surf.bspline will
@@ -35,8 +33,7 @@
 step lengths--especially spline step lengths that are less than the distance
 between observation points--can greatly increase processing time.
-Moreover, the maximum number of splines for each direction at each time is
+<p>Moreover, the maximum number of splines for each direction at each time is
 fixed, regardless of the spline step length. As the total number of splines used
 increases (i.e., with small spline step lengths), the region is automatically
 into subregions for interpolation. Each subregion can contain no more than
@@ -44,23 +41,19 @@
 partially overlap each other. A weighted mean of observations, based on point
 locations, is calculated within each subregion. 
-The Tykhonov regularization parameter ("<b><i>lambda_i</i></b>") acts to smooth
+<p>The Tykhonov regularization parameter ("<b><i>lambda_i</i></b>") acts to smooth
 the interpolation. With a small <b><i>lambda_i</i></b>, the interpolated surface
 closely follows observation points; a larger value will produce a smoother
-The input can be a 2D pr 3D vector points map. If "<b><i>layer =</i></b>" 0 the
+<p>The input can be a 2D pr 3D vector points map. If "<b><i>layer =</i></b>" 0 the
 z-value of a 3D map is used for interpolation. If layer &gt; 0, the user must
 specify an attribute column to used for interpolation using the
 "<b><i>column=</i></b>" argument (2D or 3D map). 
-v.surf.bspline can produce a raster OR a vector output (NOT simultaneously).
+<p>v.surf.bspline can produce a raster OR a vector output (NOT simultaneously).
-If output is a vector points map and a "<b><i>sparse=</i></b>" vector points map
+<p>If output is a vector points map and a "<b><i>sparse=</i></b>" vector points map
 is not specified, the output vector map will contain points at the same
 locations as observation points in the input map, but the values of the output
 points are interpolated values. If instead a "<b><i>sparse=</i></b>" vector points
@@ -68,8 +61,7 @@
 the sparse vector map points, and values will be those of the interpolated
 raster surface at those points.
-A cross validation "leave-one-out" analysis is available to help to determine
+<p>A cross validation "leave-one-out" analysis is available to help to determine
 the optimal <b><i>lambda_i</i></b> value that produces an interpolation that
 best fits the original observation data. The more points used for
 cross-validation, the longer the time needed for computation. Empirical testing
@@ -130,8 +122,7 @@
 Known issues:
-In order to avoid RAM memory problems, an auxiliary table is needed for
+<p>In order to avoid RAM memory problems, an auxiliary table is needed for
 recording some intermediate calculations. This requires the "<b>GROUP BY</b>"
 SQL function is used, which is not supported by the "<b>dbf</b>" driver. For
 this reason, vector map output "<b><i>output=</i></b>" is not permitted with the
@@ -150,8 +141,7 @@
 Original version in GRASS 5.4: (s.bspline.reg)
 Maria Antonia Brovelli, Massimiliano Cannata, Ulisse Longoni, Mirko Reguzzoni
-Update for GRASS 6.X and improvements:
+<p>Update for GRASS 6.X and improvements:
 Roberto Antolin
@@ -160,17 +150,14 @@
 Brovelli M. A., Cannata M., and Longoni U.M., 2004, LIDAR Data
 Filtering and DTM Interpolation Within GRASS, Transactions in GIS,
 April 2004, vol. 8, iss. 2, pp. 155-174(20), Blackwell Publishing Ltd
-Brovelli M. A. and Cannata M., 2004, Digital Terrain model
+<p>Brovelli M. A. and Cannata M., 2004, Digital Terrain model
 reconstruction in urban areas from airborne laser scanning data: the
 method and an example for Pavia (Northern Italy). Computers and
 Geosciences 30, pp.325-331
-Brovelli M. A e Longoni U.M., 2003, Software per il filtraggio di
+<p>Brovelli M. A e Longoni U.M., 2003, Software per il filtraggio di
 dati LIDAR, Rivista dell'Agenzia del Territorio, n. 3-2003, pp. 11-22
 (ISSN 1593-2192)
-Antolin R. and Brovelli M.A., 2007, LiDAR data Filtering with GRASS GIS for the 
+<p>Antolin R. and Brovelli M.A., 2007, LiDAR data Filtering with GRASS GIS for the 
 Determination of Digital Terrain Models. Proceedings of Jornadas de SIG Libre,
 Girona, Espa&ntilde;a. CD ISBN: 978-84-690-3886-9 <br>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.surf.idw/v.surf.idw.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.surf.idw/v.surf.idw.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.surf.idw/v.surf.idw.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-<em>v.surf.idw</em> fills a raster matrix with interpolated
+<p><em>v.surf.idw</em> fills a raster matrix with interpolated
 values generated from a set of irregularly spaced data
 points using numerical approximation (weighted averaging)
 techniques. The interpolated value of a cell is determined
@@ -13,15 +12,13 @@
 and generates the interpolated surface from the data
-This program allows the user to use a GRASS vector point map file,
+<p>This program allows the user to use a GRASS vector point map file,
 rather than a raster map layer, as input.
-The amount of memory used by this program is related to the number
+<p>The amount of memory used by this program is related to the number
 of vector points in the current region.  If the vector point map is 
 very dense (i.e., contains many data points), the program may
 not be able to get all the memory it needs from the
@@ -29,13 +26,11 @@
 resolution of the current region, after an initial delay 
 determined by the time taken to read the input vector points map.
-To read and interpolate from the elevation co-ordinates as 3rd dimension
+<p>To read and interpolate from the elevation co-ordinates as 3rd dimension
 of the vector geometry, use the <em>-z</em> flag. In this case no <em>column</em>
 parameter has to be specified.
-If the user has a mask set, then interpolation is only done
+<p>If the user has a mask set, then interpolation is only done
 for those cells that fall within the mask. However, all
 vector points in the current region are used even
 if they fall outside the mask. Vector points outside the current
@@ -45,28 +40,26 @@
 interpolation. The <em>-n</em> flag may also be used to
 achieve a similar result.
-If more than <em>count</em> points fall into one target raster cell, 
+<p>If more than <em>count</em> points fall into one target raster cell, 
 the mean of all the site values will determine the cell value (unless
 the -n flag is specified, in which case only the <em>count</em> 
 points closest to the centre of the cell will be interpolated).
-By setting <em>npoints=1</em>, the module can be used 
+<p>By setting <em>npoints=1</em>, the module can be used 
 to calculate raster Voronoi diagrams (Thiessen polygons).
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="d.vect.html">d.vect</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="g.region.html">g.region</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="r.surf.contour.html">r.surf.contour</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="r.surf.idw.html">r.surf.idw</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="r.surf.idw2.html">r.surf.idw2</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="r.surf.gauss.html">r.surf.gauss</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="r.surf.fractal.html">r.surf.fractal</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="r.surf.random.html">r.surf.random</A></em><br>
-<em><a href="v.surf.rst.html">v.surf.rst</A></em>
+<em><a href="d.vect.html">d.vect</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="g.region.html">g.region</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="r.surf.contour.html">r.surf.contour</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="r.surf.idw.html">r.surf.idw</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="r.surf.idw2.html">r.surf.idw2</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="r.surf.gauss.html">r.surf.gauss</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="r.surf.fractal.html">r.surf.fractal</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="r.surf.random.html">r.surf.random</a></em><br>
+<em><a href="v.surf.rst.html">v.surf.rst</a></em>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.surf.rst/v.surf.rst.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.surf.rst/v.surf.rst.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.surf.rst/v.surf.rst.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -16,8 +16,7 @@
 If the input data have time stamp, the program creates time stamp for all
 output files.
-User can define a raster map named <em>maskmap</em>, which will be used
+<p>User can define a raster map named <em>maskmap</em>, which will be used
 as a mask. The approximation is skipped for cells which have zero or NULL
 value in mask. NULL values will be assigned to these cells in all output
 raster maps. Data points are checked for identical points and points that
@@ -31,7 +30,6 @@
 and curvatures can be computed).
 Regularized spline with tension is used for the approximation. The
 parameter tunes the character of the resulting surface from thin plate
@@ -46,7 +44,6 @@
 of the resulting surface from the given data.
 If the number of given points is greater than <em>segmax</em>, segmented
 processing is used . The region is split into quadtree-based rectangular segments, each
 having less than <em>segmax</em> points and approximation is performed on
@@ -60,7 +57,6 @@
 from which additional points for approximation on each segment were taken.
 Predictive error of surface approximation for given parameters can be computed using the 
 <b>-c</b> flag. A crossvalidation procedure is then performed using the data given in the vector map 
 <em>input</em> and the estimated predictive errors are stored in the vector point file  
@@ -73,7 +69,6 @@
 <em>v.surf.rst </em>uses regularized spline with tension for approximation
@@ -201,8 +196,7 @@
 Using the <em>where</em> parameter, the interpolation can be limited to use
 only a subset of the input vectors.
-Spearfish example (we simulate randomly distributed elevation measures):
+<p>Spearfish example (we simulate randomly distributed elevation measures):
 <div class="code"><pre>
 g.region rast=elevation.10m -p
@@ -226,8 +220,7 @@
 <h3>Cross validation procedure</h3>
-The "optimal" approximation parameters for given data can be found using 
+<p>The "optimal" approximation parameters for given data can be found using 
 a cross-validation (CV) procedure (<b>-c </b>flag). 
 The CV procedure is based on removing one input data point at a time, 
 performing the approximation for the location of the removed point using 
@@ -302,47 +295,39 @@
 <h2> REFERENCES</h2>
-<a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/IEEEGRSL2005.pdf">
+<p><a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/IEEEGRSL2005.pdf">
 Mitasova, H., Mitas, L. and Harmon, R.S., 2005,</a> 
 Simultaneous spline approximation and topographic analysis for
 lidar elevation data in open source GIS, IEEE GRSL 2 (4), 375- 379.
-Hofierka, J., 2005, Interpolation of Radioactivity Data Using Regularized Spline with Tension. Applied GIS, Vol. 1, No. 2, 
+<p>Hofierka, J., 2005, Interpolation of Radioactivity Data Using Regularized Spline with Tension. Applied GIS, Vol. 1, No. 2, 
 pp. 16-01 to 16-13. DOI: 10.2104/ag050016
-<a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/TGIS2002_Hofierka_et_al.pdf">
+<p><a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/TGIS2002_Hofierka_et_al.pdf">
 Hofierka J., Parajka J.,  Mitasova H., Mitas L., 2002,</a>
 Multivariate Interpolation of Precipitation Using Regularized Spline with Tension.
 Transactions in GIS 6(2), pp. 135-150.
-H. Mitasova, L. Mitas, B.M. Brown, D.P. Gerdes, I. Kosinovsky, 1995, Modeling
+<p>H. Mitasova, L. Mitas, B.M. Brown, D.P. Gerdes, I. Kosinovsky, 1995, Modeling
 spatially and temporally distributed phenomena: New methods and tools for
 GRASS GIS. International Journal of GIS, 9 (4), special issue on Integrating
 GIS and Environmental modeling, 433-446.
-<a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/MG-I-93.pdf">
+<p><a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/MG-I-93.pdf">
 Mitasova, H. and Mitas, L., 1993</a>: 
 Interpolation by Regularized Spline with Tension: 
 I. Theory and Implementation, Mathematical Geology ,25, 641-655.
-<a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/MG-II-93.pdf">
+<p><a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/MG-II-93.pdf">
 Mitasova, H. and Hofierka, J., 1993</a>: Interpolation
 by Regularized Spline with Tension: II. Application to Terrain Modeling
 and Surface Geometry Analysis, Mathematical Geology 25, 657-667.
-<a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/CMA1988.pdf">
+<p><a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/CMA1988.pdf">
 Mitas, L., and Mitasova H., 1988, </a> General variational approach to the approximation
 problem, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, v.16, p. 983-992.
-<a href="http://www.grassbook.org">
+<p><a href="http://www.grassbook.org">
 Neteler, M. and Mitasova, H., 2008, Open Source GIS: A GRASS GIS Approach, 3rd Edition, </a> 
 Springer, New York, 406 pages.

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.to.3d/description.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.to.3d/description.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.to.3d/description.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
 by <b>height</b> parameter as fixed value or by <b>column</b>
-Flag <b>-r</b> enables to perform reverse transformation, i.e.,
+<p>Flag <b>-r</b> enables to perform reverse transformation, i.e.,
 transform 3D vector to 2D by omitting z-coordinate.
 <h2> NOTES</h2>
@@ -46,5 +45,4 @@
 Martin Landa, CTU in Prague, Czech Republic
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.to.3d/v.to.3d.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.to.3d/v.to.3d.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.to.3d/v.to.3d.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
 by <b>height</b> parameter as fixed value or by <b>column</b>
-Flag <b>-r</b> enables to perform reverse transformation, i.e.,
+<p>Flag <b>-r</b> enables to perform reverse transformation, i.e.,
 transform 3D vector to 2D by omitting z-coordinate.
 <h2> NOTES</h2>
@@ -46,5 +45,4 @@
 Martin Landa, CTU in Prague, Czech Republic
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.to.db/v.to.db.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.to.db/v.to.db.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.to.db/v.to.db.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -10,35 +10,28 @@
 The units <em>miles</em>, <em>feet</em>, <em>meters</em> and
 <em>kilometers</em> are square for <em>option=area</em>.
-Feet and acre units are always reported in their common versions
+<p>Feet and acre units are always reported in their common versions
 (i.e. the International Foot, exactly 5280 feet in a mile), even
 when the location's standard map unit is the US Survey foot.
-When calculating perimeters in Latitude-Longitude locations, the geodesic
+<p>When calculating perimeters in Latitude-Longitude locations, the geodesic
 distance between the vertices is used.
-When using <em>option=coor</em> on a vector area map, 
+<p>When using <em>option=coor</em> on a vector area map, 
 only coordinates of centroids with unique category will be reported.
-Line azimuth is calculated as angle from the North direction to the line endnode
+<p>Line azimuth is calculated as angle from the North direction to the line endnode
 direction at the line statnode. By default it's reported in decimal degrees (0-360, CW) but
 it also may be repored in radians with <em>unit=radians</em>. Azimuth value
 <b>-1</b> is used to report closed line with it's startnode and endnode being in
 same place. Azimuth values make sense only if every vector line has only one
 entry in database (unique CAT value).
-If the module is apparently slow <em>and</em> the map attributes are
+<p>If the module is apparently slow <em>and</em> the map attributes are
 stored in an external DBMS such as PostgreSQL, it is highly recommended
 to create an index on the key (category) column.
-Uploading the vector map attributes to a database requires a table attached to
+<p>Uploading the vector map attributes to a database requires a table attached to
 a given input vector <em>layer</em>. The <b>print only</b> (<b>-p</b>) mode
 doesn't require a table. Use <em><a href="db.execute.html">db.execute</a></em>
 or <em><a href="v.db.addtable.html">v.db.addtable</a></em> to create a table if
-Updating the table has to be done column-wise. The <em>column</em> must be
+<p>Updating the table has to be done column-wise. The <em>column</em> must be
 present in the table, except when using the <b>print only</b> (<b>-p</b>)
 mode. Use <em><a href="db.execute.html">db.execute</a></em> or
 <em><a href="v.db.addcolumn.html">v.db.addcolumn</a></em> to add new columns if
@@ -53,41 +46,35 @@
 v.to.db map=soils type=centroid option=cat
-Upload polygon areas to corresponding centroid record in the attribute table:<br>
+<p>Upload polygon areas to corresponding centroid record in the attribute table:<br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.to.db map=soils type=centroid option=area col=area_size unit=h
-Upload line lengths (in meters) of each vector line to attribute table
+<p>Upload line lengths (in meters) of each vector line to attribute table
 (use <em>v.category</em> in case of missing categories):<br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.to.db map=roads option=length type=line col=linelength units=me
-Upload x and y coordinates from vector geometry to attribute table:<br>
+<p>Upload x and y coordinates from vector geometry to attribute table:<br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.to.db map=pointsmap option=coor col=x,y
-Upload x, y and z coordinates from vector geometry to attribute table:<br>
+<p>Upload x, y and z coordinates from vector geometry to attribute table:<br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.to.db map=pointsmap option=coor col=x,y,z
-Transfer attributes from a character column (with numeric contents) to a new
+<p>Transfer attributes from a character column (with numeric contents) to a new
 integer column:<br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.db.addcolumn usa_income_employment2002 col="FIPS_NUM integer"
 v.to.db usa_income_employment2002 option=query col=FIPS_NUM qcol=STATE_FIPS
-Upload category numbers of left and right area, to an attribute table of
+<p>Upload category numbers of left and right area, to an attribute table of
 boundaries common for the areas:<br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 # add categories for boundaries of the input vector map, in layer 2:
@@ -101,8 +88,7 @@
 v.db.select mysoils layer=2
-Compute D<sub>L</sub>, the Fractal Dimension (Mandelbrot, 1982), of the boundary defining a polygon based on the formula:
+<p>Compute D<sub>L</sub>, the Fractal Dimension (Mandelbrot, 1982), of the boundary defining a polygon based on the formula:
 D = 2 * (log perimeter) / (log area):<br>
@@ -132,21 +118,18 @@
 v.to.db -p soils option=area type=boundary units=h
-Report all area sizes of the input vector map, in hectares, sorted by category
+<p>Report all area sizes of the input vector map, in hectares, sorted by category
 number (requires GNU <em>sort</em> utility installed):<br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.to.db -p soils option=area type=boundary units=h | sort -n
-Report all line lengths of the input vector map, in kilometers:<br>
+<p>Report all line lengths of the input vector map, in kilometers:<br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.to.db -p roads option=length type=line units=k
-Report number of features for each category in the input vector map:<br>
+<p>Report number of features for each category in the input vector map:<br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.to.db -p roads option=count type=line
@@ -181,5 +164,4 @@
 Radim Blazek, ITC-irst, Trento, Italy<br>
 Line sinuousity implemented by Wolf Bergenheim
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.to.points/v.to.points.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.to.points/v.to.points.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.to.points/v.to.points.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@
 of the vector line the user should use
 <a href="v.segment.html">v.segment</a>.
-The <em>type</em> parameter is used to control which input vector
+<p>The <em>type</em> parameter is used to control which input vector
 geometry types to convert into points. 
 Some caveats to consider about this parameter:
@@ -46,18 +45,14 @@
 The -v flag is used to digitize points that fall on the line's vertices <em>only</em>.
 <em>dmax</em> is ignored in this case. 
-If the -i flag is used in conjunction with the -v flag,
+<p>If the -i flag is used in conjunction with the -v flag,
 <em>v.to.points</em> will digitize points on the line vertices, as
 well as interpolate points between line vertices using <em>dmax</em>
 as the maximum allowable spacing.
-To get points created for the beginning, middle and end only, use
+<p>To get points created for the beginning, middle and end only, use
 the -i switch and set <em>dmax</em> so that:
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (length of input line / 2) &lt;= <em>dmax</em> &lt;= length of input line
-So if <em>dmax</em> is between 0.5x and 1.0x the line length, you
+<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (length of input line / 2) &lt;= <em>dmax</em> &lt;= length of input line
+<p>So if <em>dmax</em> is between 0.5x and 1.0x the line length, you
 will always get points created at exactly the beginning, middle and
 end of the input line.

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.to.rast/v.to.rast.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.to.rast/v.to.rast.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.to.rast/v.to.rast.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -13,53 +13,44 @@
 therefore ensure that the current geographic region is
 correctly set and that the region resolution is at the
 desired level.
-Either the <em><b>column</b></em> parameter or the <em><b>value</b></em>
+<p>Either the <em><b>column</b></em> parameter or the <em><b>value</b></em>
 parameter must be specified.  The <em><b>use</b></em> option may be 
 specified alone when using the <em>dir</em> option.
-<em><b>use</b></em> options are:
+<p><em><b>use</b></em> options are:
 <em>attr</em> - read values from attribute table (default)
 <em>cat</em>  - read values from category
 <em>val</em>  - use value specified by <em><b>value</b></em> option
 <em>z</em>    - use z coordinate (points or contours only)
 <em>dir</em>  - output as flow direction in degrees (lines only)
-The <em><b>column</b></em> parameter uses an existing column from the vector map
+<p>The <em><b>column</b></em> parameter uses an existing column from the vector map
 database table as the category value in the output raster map. Existing table 
 columns can be shown by using <em><a href="db.describe.html">db.describe</a></em>.
-An empty raster map layer will be created if the vector map layer has not
+<p>An empty raster map layer will be created if the vector map layer has not
 been assigned category/attribute labels (e.g., through use of 
 <a href="v.category.html">v.category option=add</a>). 
 Labeled areas and/or centroids will produce filled raster coverages with edges 
 that straddle the original area boundary <b>as long as the boundary is NOT 
 <br>(Use <tt>v.category option=del type=boundary</tt> to remove.)
 Labeled lines and boundaries will produce lines of raster cells which touch the 
 original vector line. This tends to be more aggressive than area-only conversions.
 Points and orphaned centroids will be converted into single cells on the
 resultant raster map.
-<b>Flow directions</b> are given in degrees counterclockwise from east.
-Raster category labels are supported for all of <em>use=</em> except <em>use=z</em>.
+<p><p><b>Flow directions</b> are given in degrees counterclockwise from east.
+<p><p>Raster category labels are supported for all of <em>use=</em> except <em>use=z</em>.
@@ -77,16 +68,12 @@
 v.to.rast in=vect_map out=raster_map col=SPEED
-<em>2. Calculate stream directions from a river vector map (Spearfish)</em><br>
+<p><p><em>2. Calculate stream directions from a river vector map (Spearfish)</em><br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.to.rast in=streams out=streamsdir use=dir
-<em>3. Convert a vector polygon map to raster including descriptive labels (Spearfish)</em><br>
+<p><p><em>3. Convert a vector polygon map to raster including descriptive labels (Spearfish)</em><br>
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.to.rast in=fields out=myfields use=attr col=cat labelcol=label
 r.category myfields
@@ -108,8 +95,6 @@
 Stream directions: Jaro Hofierka and Helena Mitasova
 GRASS 6.3 code cleanup and label support: Brad Douglas
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.to.rast3/v.to.rast3.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.to.rast3/v.to.rast3.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.to.rast3/v.to.rast3.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="g.region.html">g.region</A></em>
+<em><a href="g.region.html">g.region</a></em>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.transform/v.transform.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.transform/v.transform.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.transform/v.transform.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@
 When using an ASCII table containing source and target coordinate pairs,
 in each row four coordinate values separated by white space have to be specified.
 Comments are permitted and have to be indicated by a '#' character.
-Example for a points file of a linear transformation from XY to UTM coordinates
+<p>Example for a points file of a linear transformation from XY to UTM coordinates
 (L: left, R: right, U: upper, L: lower, N, S, W, E):
 <div class="code"><pre>
@@ -36,7 +35,6 @@
 map. In this case vector objects can be transformed with different
 parameters based on their category number. If the parameter cannot be
 fetched from the table, default value is used instead.<p>
 <h3>Affine Transformation Matrix</h3>
 The affine transfomation matrix can optionally be printed with the '-m'
 flag. The format of the matrix is:

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.type/v.type.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.type/v.type.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.type/v.type.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="v.to.points.html">v.to.points</A></em>
+<em><a href="v.to.points.html">v.to.points</a></em>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.univar/v.univar.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.univar/v.univar.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.univar/v.univar.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
 Variance and standard deviation is calculated only for points if
 <tt>type=point</tt> is defined.
-Extended statistics adds median, 1st and 3rd quartiles, and 90th
+<p>Extended statistics adds median, 1st and 3rd quartiles, and 90th
@@ -25,7 +24,7 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="v.neighbors.html">v.neighbors</A></em>
+<em><a href="v.neighbors.html">v.neighbors</a></em>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.vect.stats/v.vect.stats.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.vect.stats/v.vect.stats.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.vect.stats/v.vect.stats.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@
 a new value is detmined with the selected method.
 <em>v.vect.stats</em> can perform the following operations:
@@ -74,8 +73,7 @@
 (no centroid attached or centroid without category) are ignored. 
 If no points are falling into a given area, the point count is set to 0
 (zero) and the statistics result to "null".
-The columns <em>count_column</em> and <em>stats_column</em> are created if not
+<p>The columns <em>count_column</em> and <em>stats_column</em> are created if not
 existing. If they do already exist, the <em>count_column</em> must be of
 type integer and the <em>stats_column</em> of type double.

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.vol.rst/v.vol.rst.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.vol.rst/v.vol.rst.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.vol.rst/v.vol.rst.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -138,11 +138,9 @@
 very long time, so it might be worth to use just a sample data
 representing the whole dataset.
  (based on <a href="http://www.grassbook.org/data_menu2nd.phtml">Slovakia3d dataset</a>):</i>
-<div class="code"><pre>
+<p><div class="code"><pre>
 v.info -c precip3d
 v.vol.rst -c input=precip3d wcolumn=precip zmult=50 segmax=700 cvdev=cvdevmap tension=10
 v.db.select cvdevmap
@@ -152,15 +150,13 @@
 Based on these results, the parameters will have to be optimized. It is
 recommended to plot the CV error as curve while modifying
 the parameters.
-The best approach is to start with <b>tension</b>, <b>smooth</b>
+<p>The best approach is to start with <b>tension</b>, <b>smooth</b>
 and <b>zmult</b> with rough steps, or to set <b>zmult</b> to a
 constant somewhere between 30-60. This helps to find minimal RMSE
 values while then finer steps can be used in all parameters. The
 reasonable range is <b>tension</b>=10...100,
 <b>smooth</b>=0.1...1.0, <b>zmult</b>=10...100.
-In <em>v.vol.rst</em> the tension parameter is much more sensitive to
+<p>In <em>v.vol.rst</em> the tension parameter is much more sensitive to
 changes than in <em>v.surf.rst</em>, 
 therefore the user should always check the
 result by visual inspection. Minimizing CV does not always provide the best

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.voronoi/v.voronoi.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.voronoi/v.voronoi.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.voronoi/v.voronoi.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -2,11 +2,9 @@
 <em>v.voronoi</em> uses an existing vector points map (<b>input</b>) to create
 a Voronoi diagram (Thiessen polygons) in a new vector map (<b>output</b>).
-The bounds of the output map are limited by the current region.
+<p>The bounds of the output map are limited by the current region.
 (see <em>g.region</em>)
 Voronoi diagram and Delaunay triangulation example:
@@ -24,9 +22,9 @@
 Voronoi diagrams may be used for nearest-neighbor flood filling.
 Give the centroids attributes (start with
-<em><a href="v.db.addcolumn.html">v.db.addcolumn</A></em>),
+<em><a href="v.db.addcolumn.html">v.db.addcolumn</a></em>),
 then optionally convert to a raster map with
-<em><a href="v.to.rast.html">v.to.rast</A></em>.
+<em><a href="v.to.rast.html">v.to.rast</a></em>.
@@ -66,9 +64,9 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="g.region.html">g.region</A>,
-<a href="v.delaunay.html">v.delaunay</A>, 
-<a href="v.hull.html">v.hull</A>
+<a href="g.region.html">g.region</a>,
+<a href="v.delaunay.html">v.delaunay</a>, 
+<a href="v.hull.html">v.hull</a>
@@ -77,5 +75,4 @@
 GRASS 5 update, improvements: <a href="mailto:aaime at libero.it">Andrea Aime</a>, Modena, Italy<br>
 GRASS 5.7 update: Radim Blazek
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.what/v.what.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.what/v.what.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.what/v.what.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
 <em>d.what.vect</em> module by removing all interactive code and
 modification of the output for easy parsing. Using the <em>-g</em> flag permits to
 generate script style output which is easily parsable.
-This module always reports standard acres, even when the location uses
+<p>This module always reports standard acres, even when the location uses
 US Survey feet as the map unit.
@@ -29,5 +28,4 @@
 Trevor Wiens<br>
 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.what.rast/v.what.rast.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.what.rast/v.what.rast.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.what.rast/v.what.rast.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -21,8 +21,7 @@
 v.what.rast vect=pnts rast=elevation col=heights
-B) In case of a vector map without attached attribute table, first add
+<p>B) In case of a vector map without attached attribute table, first add
 a new attribute table. This table is then populated with values
 queried from the raster map:
@@ -57,5 +56,4 @@
 Radim Blazek
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/visualization/wximgview/wximgview.html
--- grass/trunk/visualization/wximgview/wximgview.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/visualization/wximgview/wximgview.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -42,5 +42,4 @@
 Glynn Clements
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/visualization/xganim/xganim.html
--- grass/trunk/visualization/xganim/xganim.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/visualization/xganim/xganim.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -8,15 +8,13 @@
 left of the controls. Each raster map is read into memory, then the
 animation is played once beginning to end. The user may then replay
 the series or play continuous animation by using the buttons.
-The user may define up to four "views", or sub-windows, to animate
+<p>The user may define up to four "views", or sub-windows, to animate
 simultaneously. e.g., View 1 could be rainfall, View 2 flooded areas,
 View 3 damage to bridges or levees, View 4 other economic damage, all
 animated as a time series. There is an arbitrary limit of 400 files
 per view (400 animation frames), but the practical limit may be less
 depending on the window size and amount of available RAM.
-The environment variable XGANIM_SIZE is checked for a value to use as
+<p>The environment variable XGANIM_SIZE is checked for a value to use as
 the dimension, in pixels, of the longest dimension of the animation
 window. If XGANIM_SIZE is not set, the animation size defaults to the
 rows &amp; columns in the current GRASS region, scaling if necessary
@@ -24,11 +22,9 @@
 the current GRASS region is maintained, independent of window size. 
 Resizing the window after the program is running will have no effect
 on the animation size.
-UNIX - style wild cards may be used with the command line version in
+<p>UNIX - style wild cards may be used with the command line version in
 place of a raster map name, but it must be quoted.
-If the number of files differs for each view, the view with the fewest
+<p>If the number of files differs for each view, the view with the fewest
 files will determine the number of frames in the animation.

Modified: grass/trunk/visualization/ximgview/ximgview.html
--- grass/trunk/visualization/ximgview/ximgview.html	2011-11-08 13:58:55 UTC (rev 49147)
+++ grass/trunk/visualization/ximgview/ximgview.html	2011-11-08 21:24:20 UTC (rev 49148)
@@ -42,5 +42,4 @@
 Glynn Clements
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

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