[GRASS-SVN] r51419 - grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_core

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Fri Apr 13 13:48:16 EDT 2012

Author: martinl
Date: 2012-04-13 10:48:16 -0700 (Fri, 13 Apr 2012)
New Revision: 51419

wxGUI: major update of import dialogs

Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_core/dialogs.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_core/dialogs.py	2012-04-13 17:22:21 UTC (rev 51418)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_core/dialogs.py	2012-04-13 17:48:16 UTC (rev 51419)
@@ -1442,7 +1442,7 @@
         cond += 'mapset=%s`' % self.mapset.GetStringSelection()
         return cond
 class ImportDialog(wx.Dialog):
     """!Dialog for bulk import of various data (base class)"""
     def __init__(self, parent, itype,
@@ -1465,7 +1465,10 @@
         # list of layers
-        self.list = LayersList(self.panel)
+        columns = [_('Layer id'),
+                   _('Layer name'),
+                   _('Name for GRASS map (editable)')]
+        self.list = LayersList(parent = self.panel, columns = columns)
         self.optionBox = wx.StaticBox(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_ANY,
@@ -1493,6 +1496,8 @@
             self.options[name] = wx.CheckBox(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_ANY,
                                              label = desc)
+        if not self.options:
+            self.optionBox.Hide()
         self.overwrite = wx.CheckBox(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_ANY,
                                      label = _("Allow output files to overwrite existing files"))
@@ -1538,12 +1543,13 @@
                         flag = wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM | wx.EXPAND, border = 5)
         # options
-        optionSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(self.optionBox, wx.VERTICAL)
-        for key in self.options.keys():
-            optionSizer.Add(item = self.options[key], proportion = 0)
+        if self.optionBox.IsShown():
+            optionSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(self.optionBox, wx.VERTICAL)
+            for key in self.options.keys():
+                optionSizer.Add(item = self.options[key], proportion = 0)
-        dialogSizer.Add(item = optionSizer, proportion = 0,
-                        flag = wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM | wx.EXPAND, border = 5)
+            dialogSizer.Add(item = optionSizer, proportion = 0,
+                            flag = wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM | wx.EXPAND, border = 5)
         dialogSizer.Add(item = self.overwrite, proportion = 0,
                         flag = wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM, border = 5)
@@ -1581,8 +1587,8 @@
         size = wx.Size(globalvar.DIALOG_GSELECT_SIZE[0] + 225, 550)
         self.SetSize((size.width, size.height + 100))
-        width = self.GetSize()[0]
-        self.list.SetColumnWidth(col = 1, width = width/2 - 50)
+        # width = self.GetSize()[0]
+        # self.list.SetColumnWidth(col = 1, width = width / 2 - 50)
     def _getCommand(self):
@@ -1620,8 +1626,8 @@
         if self.importType == 'gdal':
             cmd = ['d.rast',
                    'map=%s' % name]
-            if UserSettings.Get(group = 'cmd', key = 'rasterOverlay', subkey = 'enabled'):
-                cmd.append('-o')
+            if UserSettings.Get(group = 'cmd', key = 'rasterOpaque', subkey = 'enabled'):
+                cmd.append('-n')
             item = maptree.AddLayer(ltype = 'raster',
                                     lname = name, lchecked = False,
@@ -1642,8 +1648,13 @@
 class GdalImportDialog(ImportDialog):
-    """!Dialog for bulk import of various raster/vector data"""
     def __init__(self, parent, ogr = False, link = False):
+        """!Dialog for bulk import of various raster/vector data
+        @param parent parent window
+        @param ogr True for OGR (vector) otherwise GDAL (raster)
+        @param link True for linking data otherwise importing data
+        """
         self.link = link
         self.ogr  = ogr
@@ -1659,9 +1670,10 @@
                 self.SetTitle(_("Link external raster data"))
                 self.SetTitle(_("Import raster data"))
-        self.dsnInput = GdalSelect(parent = self, panel = self.panel, ogr = ogr)
+        self.dsnInput = GdalSelect(parent = self, panel = self.panel,
+                                   ogr = ogr, link = link)
         if link:
             self.add.SetLabel(_("Add linked layers into layer tree"))
@@ -1690,10 +1702,18 @@
         """!Import/Link data (each layes as separate vector map)"""
         self.commandId = -1
         data = self.list.GetLayers()
+        dsn  = self.dsnInput.GetDsn()
+        ext  = self.dsnInput.GetFormatExt()
-        dsn = self.dsnInput.GetDsn()
-        ext = self.dsnInput.GetFormatExt()
+        # determine data driver for PostGIS links
+        popOGR = False
+        if self.importType == 'ogr' and \
+                self.dsnInput.GetType() == 'db' and \
+                self.dsnInput.GetFormat() == 'PostgreSQL' and \
+                'GRASS_VECTOR_OGR' not in os.environ:
+            popOGR = True
+            os.environ['GRASS_VECTOR_OGR'] = '1'
         for layer, output in data:
             if self.importType == 'ogr':
                 if ext and layer.rfind(ext) > -1:
@@ -1730,13 +1750,17 @@
                 if self.options[key].IsChecked():
                     cmd.append('-%s' % key)
-            if UserSettings.Get(group = 'cmd', key = 'overwrite', subkey = 'enabled'):
+            if UserSettings.Get(group = 'cmd', key = 'overwrite', subkey = 'enabled') and \
+                    '--overwrite' not in cmd:
             # run in Layer Manager
             self.parent.goutput.RunCmd(cmd, switchPage = True,
                                        onDone = self.AddLayers)
+        if popOGR:
+            os.environ.pop('GRASS_VECTOR_OGR')
     def _getCommand(self):
         """!Get command"""
         if self.link:
@@ -1755,8 +1779,8 @@
     def OnCmdDialog(self, event):
         """!Show command dialog"""
         name = self._getCommand()
-        GUI(parent = self, modal = True).ParseCommand(cmd = [name])
+        GUI(parent = self, modal = False).ParseCommand(cmd = [name])
 class DxfImportDialog(ImportDialog):
     """!Dialog for bulk import of DXF layers""" 
     def __init__(self, parent):
@@ -1847,23 +1871,29 @@
 class LayersList(wx.ListCtrl, listmix.ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin,
                  listmix.CheckListCtrlMixin, listmix.TextEditMixin):
     """!List of layers to be imported (dxf, shp...)"""
-    def __init__(self, parent, pos = wx.DefaultPosition,
-                 log = None):
+    def __init__(self, parent, columns, log = None):
         self.parent = parent
         wx.ListCtrl.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY,
                              style = wx.LC_REPORT)
         self.log = log
         # setup mixins
-        self.InsertColumn(0, _('Layer id'))
-        self.InsertColumn(1, _('Layer name'))
-        self.InsertColumn(2, _('Name for GRASS map (editable)'))
+        for i in range(len(columns)):
+            self.InsertColumn(i, columns[i])
+        if len(columns) == 3:
+            width = (65, 200)
+        else:
+            width = (65, 180, 110)
+        for i in range(len(width)):
+            self.SetColumnWidth(col = i, width = width[i])
         self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMMAND_RIGHT_CLICK, self.OnPopupMenu) #wxMSW
         self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP,            self.OnPopupMenu) #wxGTK
@@ -1873,17 +1903,15 @@
         if data is None:
-        for id, name, grassName in data:
-            index = self.InsertStringItem(sys.maxint, str(id))
-            self.SetStringItem(index, 1, "%s" % str(name))
-            self.SetStringItem(index, 2, "%s" % str(grassName))
+        for item in data:
+            index = self.InsertStringItem(sys.maxint, str(item[0]))
+            for i in range(1, len(item)):
+                self.SetStringItem(index, i, "%s" % str(item[i]))
         # check by default only on one item
         if len(data) == 1:
             self.CheckItem(index, True)
-        self.SetColumnWidth(col = 0, width = wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER)
     def OnPopupMenu(self, event):
         """!Show popup menu"""
         if self.GetItemCount() < 1:
@@ -1900,7 +1928,7 @@
         menu = wx.Menu()
         menu.Append(self.popupDataID1, _("Select all"))
         menu.Append(self.popupDataID2, _("Deselect all"))
@@ -1913,7 +1941,7 @@
             if item == -1:
             self.CheckItem(item, True)
     def OnSelectNone(self, event):
@@ -1925,12 +1953,12 @@
             if item == -1:
             self.CheckItem(item, False)
     def OnLeftDown(self, event):
         """!Allow editing only output name
         Code taken from TextEditMixin class.
         x, y = event.GetPosition()
@@ -1943,7 +1971,7 @@
         col = bisect(colLocs, x + self.GetScrollPos(wx.HORIZONTAL)) - 1
-        if col == 2:
+        if col == self.GetColumnCount() - 1:
             listmix.TextEditMixin.OnLeftDown(self, event)
@@ -1956,11 +1984,12 @@
             item = self.GetNextItem(item)
             if item == -1:
-            if self.IsChecked(item):
-                # layer / output name
-                data.append((self.GetItem(item, 1).GetText(),
-                             self.GetItem(item, 2).GetText()))
+            if not self.IsChecked(item):
+                continue
+            # layer / output name
+            data.append((self.GetItem(item, 1).GetText(),
+                         self.GetItem(item, self.GetColumnCount() - 1).GetText()))
         return data
 class SetOpacityDialog(wx.Dialog):

Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_core/gselect.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_core/gselect.py	2012-04-13 17:22:21 UTC (rev 51418)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_core/gselect.py	2012-04-13 17:48:16 UTC (rev 51419)
@@ -1082,32 +1082,42 @@
             return ''
 class GdalSelect(wx.Panel):
-    def __init__(self, parent, panel, ogr = False,
-                 default = 'file',
-                 exclude = [],
-                 envHandler = None):
+    def __init__(self, parent, panel, ogr = False, link = False, dest = False, 
+                 default = 'file', exclude = [], envHandler = None):
         """!Widget for selecting GDAL/OGR datasource, format
         @param parent parent window
         @param ogr    use OGR selector instead of GDAL
+        @param dest   True for output (destination)
+        @param default deafult type (ignored when dest == True)
+        @param exclude list of types to be excluded
         self.parent = parent
         self.ogr    = ogr
+        self.dest   = dest 
         wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent = panel, id = wx.ID_ANY)
-        self.settingsBox = wx.StaticBox(parent = self, id=wx.ID_ANY,
-                                        label=" %s " % _("Settings"))
+        self.settingsBox = wx.StaticBox(parent = self, id = wx.ID_ANY,
+                                        label = " %s " % _("Settings"))
-        self.inputBox = wx.StaticBox(parent = self, id=wx.ID_ANY,
-                                     label=" %s " % _("Source"))
+        self.inputBox = wx.StaticBox(parent = self, id = wx.ID_ANY)
+        if dest:
+            self.inputBox.SetLabel(" %s " % _("Output settings"))
+        else:
+            self.inputBox.SetLabel(" %s " % _("Source settings"))
         # source type
         sources = list()
-        self.sourceMap = { 'file' : -1,
-                           'dir'  : -1,
-                           'db'   : -1,
-                           'pro'  : -1 }
+        self.sourceMap = { 'file'   : -1,
+                           'dir'    : -1,
+                           'db'     : -1,
+                           'pro'    : -1,
+                           'native' : -1 }
         idx = 0
+        if dest:
+            sources.append(_("Native"))
+            self.sourceMap['native'] = idx
+            idx += 1
         if 'file' not in exclude:
             self.sourceMap['file'] = idx
@@ -1123,23 +1133,31 @@
         if 'protocol' not in exclude:
             self.sourceMap['pro'] = idx
+            idx += 1
         if self.ogr:
             self.settingsFile = os.path.join(GetSettingsPath(), 'wxOGR')
             self.settingsFile = os.path.join(GetSettingsPath(), 'wxGDAL')
-        self._settings = self._loadSettings()
         self.settingsChoice = wx.Choice(parent = self, id = wx.ID_ANY)
         self.settingsChoice.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.OnSettingsLoad)
-        self.settingsChoice.SetItems(self._settings.keys())
-        self.btnSettings = wx.Button(parent = self, id = wx.ID_SAVE)
-        self.btnSettings.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnSettingsSave)
+        self._settings = self._loadSettings() # -> self.settingsChoice.SetItems()
+        self.btnSettingsSave = wx.Button(parent = self, id = wx.ID_SAVE)
+        self.btnSettingsSave.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnSettingsSave)
+        self.btnSettingsSave.SetToolTipString(_("Save current settings"))
+        self.btnSettingsDel = wx.Button(parent = self, id = wx.ID_REMOVE)
+        self.btnSettingsDel.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnSettingsDelete)
+        self.btnSettingsSave.SetToolTipString(_("Delete currently selected settings"))
         self.source = wx.RadioBox(parent = self, id = wx.ID_ANY,
-                                  label = _('Source type'),
                                   style = wx.RA_SPECIFY_COLS,
                                   choices = sources)
+        if dest:
+            self.source.SetLabel(" %s " % _('Output type'))
+        else:
+            self.source.SetLabel(" %s " % _('Source type'))
         self.source.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBOX, self.OnSetType)
@@ -1208,11 +1226,11 @@
         self.input = { 'file' : [_("File:"),
-                       'dir'  : [_("Directory:"),
+                       'dir'  : [_("Name:"),
-                       'db'   : [_("Database:"),
-                                 dsnDbFile,
+                       'db'   : [_("Name:"),
+                                 dsnDbText,
                        'pro'  : [_("Protocol:"),
@@ -1220,11 +1238,22 @@
                        'db-win' : { 'file'   : dsnDbFile,
                                     'text'   : dsnDbText,
                                     'choice' : dsnDbChoice },
+                       'native' : [_("Name:"), dsnDir, ''],
-        self.dsnType = default
-        self.input[self.dsnType][1].Show()
-        self.format.SetItems(self.input[self.dsnType][2])
+        if self.dest:
+            current = RunCommand('v.external.out',
+                                 parent = self,
+                                 read = True, parse = grass.parse_key_val,
+                                 flags = 'g')
+            if current['format'] == 'native':
+                self.dsnType = 'native'
+            elif current['format'] in GetFormats()['ogr']['database']:
+                self.dsnType = 'db'
+            else:
+                self.dsnType = 'dir'
+        else:
+            self.dsnType = default
         self.dsnText = wx.StaticText(parent = self, id = wx.ID_ANY,
                                      label = self.input[self.dsnType][0],
@@ -1233,12 +1262,23 @@
                                            label = _("Extension:"))
+        self.creationOpt = wx.TextCtrl(parent = self, id = wx.ID_ANY)
+        if not self.dest:
+            self.creationOpt.Hide()
-        if not ogr:
-            self.OnSetFormat(event = None, format = 'GeoTIFF')
+        self.OnSetType(event = None, sel = self.sourceMap[self.dsnType])
+        if self.dest:
+            if current['format'] != 'native':
+                self.OnSetFormat(event = None, format = current['format'])
+                self.OnSetDsn(event = None, path = current['dsn'])
+                self.creationOpt.SetValue(current['options'])
-            self.OnSetFormat(event = None, format = 'ESRI Shapefile')
+            if not ogr:
+                self.OnSetFormat(event = None, format = 'GeoTIFF')
+            else:
+                self.OnSetFormat(event = None, format = 'ESRI Shapefile')
     def _layout(self):
@@ -1253,40 +1293,54 @@
         settingsSizer.Add(item = self.settingsChoice,
                           proportion = 1,
                           flag = wx.EXPAND)
-        settingsSizer.Add(item = self.btnSettings,
-                          flag = wx.LEFT,
+        settingsSizer.Add(item = self.btnSettingsSave,
+                          flag = wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT,
                           border = 5)
+        settingsSizer.Add(item = self.btnSettingsDel,
+                          flag = wx.RIGHT,
+                          border = 5)
         inputSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(self.inputBox, wx.HORIZONTAL)
         self.dsnSizer = wx.GridBagSizer(vgap = 3, hgap = 3)
-        self.dsnSizer.AddGrowableRow(1)
+        #self.dsnSizer.AddGrowableRow(0)
-        self.dsnSizer.Add(item=self.dsnText,
-                          flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,
-                          pos = (0, 0))
-        self.dsnSizer.Add(item=self.input[self.dsnType][1],
-                          flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.EXPAND,
-                          pos = (0, 1), span = (1, 3))
+        row = 0
         self.dsnSizer.Add(item = wx.StaticText(parent = self, id = wx.ID_ANY,
                                                label = _("Format:")),
                           flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,
-                          pos = (1, 0))
+                          pos = (row, 0))
                           flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,
-                          pos = (1, 1))
+                          pos = (row, 1))
         self.dsnSizer.Add(item = self.extensionText,
-                          pos = (1, 2))
+                          pos = (row, 2))
                           flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,
-                          pos = (1, 3))
+                          pos = (row, 3))
+        row += 1
+        self.dsnSizer.Add(item = self.dsnText,
+                          flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,
+                          pos = (row, 0))
+        self.dsnSizer.Add(item = self.input[self.dsnType][1],
+                          flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.EXPAND,
+                          pos = (row, 1), span = (1, 3))
+        row += 1
+        if self.creationOpt.IsShown():
+            self.dsnSizer.Add(item = wx.StaticText(parent = self, id = wx.ID_ANY,
+                                                   label = _("Creation options:")),
+                              flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,
+                              pos = (row, 0))
+            self.dsnSizer.Add(item = self.creationOpt,
+                              flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.EXPAND,
+                              pos = (row, 1), span = (1, 3))
+            row += 1
-        inputSizer.Add(item=self.dsnSizer, proportion=1,
-                       flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL)
+        inputSizer.Add(item=self.dsnSizer, proportion = 1,
+                       flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.BOTTOM, border = 10)
         mainSizer.Add(item=settingsSizer, proportion=0,
                       flag=wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, border=5)
         mainSizer.Add(item=self.source, proportion=0,
@@ -1313,12 +1367,13 @@
         name = event.GetString()
         if name not in self._settings:
             GError(parent = self,
-                   message = _("Settings named '%s' not found") % name)
+                   message = _("Settings <%s> not found") % name)
         data = self._settings[name]
         self.OnSetType(event = None, sel = self.sourceMap[data[0]])
         self.OnSetFormat(event = None, format = data[2])
         self.OnSetDsn(event = None, path = data[1])
+        self.creationOpt.SetValue(data[3])
     def OnSettingsSave(self, event):
         """!Save settings"""
@@ -1328,30 +1383,69 @@
         if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK:
+        # check required params
         if not dlg.GetValue():
             GMessage(parent = self,
                      message = _("Name not given, settings is not saved."))
+        if not self.GetDsn():
+            GMessage(parent = self,
+                     message = _("No data source defined, settings is not saved."))
+            return
         name = dlg.GetValue()
+        # check if settings item already exists
+        if name in self._settings:
+            dlgOwt = wx.MessageDialog(self, message = _("Settings <%s> already exists. "
+                                                        "Do you want to overwrite the settings?") % name,
+                                      caption = _("Save settings"), style = wx.YES_NO | wx.YES_DEFAULT | wx.ICON_QUESTION)
+            if dlgOwt.ShowModal() != wx.ID_YES:
+                dlgOwt.Destroy()
+                return
+        self._settings[name] = (self.dsnType, self.GetDsn(),
+                                self.format.GetStringSelection(),
+                                self.creationOpt.GetValue())
+        if self._saveSettings() == 0:
+            self._settings = self._loadSettings()
+            self.settingsChoice.SetStringSelection(name)
+        dlg.Destroy()
+    def OnSettingsDelete(self, event):
+        """!Save settings"""
+        name = self.settingsChoice.GetStringSelection()
+        if not name:
+            GMessage(parent = self,
+                     message = _("No settings is defined. Operation canceled."))
+            return
+        self._settings.pop(name)
+        if self._saveSettings() == 0:
+            self._settings = self._loadSettings()
+    def _saveSettings(self):
+        """!Save settings into the file
+        @return 0 on success
+        @return -1 on failure
+        """
-            fd = open(self.settingsFile, 'a')
-            fd.write(name + ';' + self.dsnType + ';' +
-                     self._getDsn() + ';' +
-                     self.format.GetStringSelection())
-            fd.write('\n')
+            fd = open(self.settingsFile, 'w')
+            for key, value in self._settings.iteritems():
+                fd.write('%s;%s;%s;%s\n' % (key, value[0], value[1], value[2]))
         except IOError:
             GError(parent = self,
                    message = _("Unable to save settings"))
-            return
-        fd.close()
+            return -1
+        else:
+            fd.close()
-        self._settings = self._loadSettings()
-        self.settingsChoice.Append(name)
-        self.settingsChoice.SetStringSelection(name)
-        dlg.Destroy()
+        return 0
     def _loadSettings(self):
         """!Load settings from the file
@@ -1368,14 +1462,20 @@
             fd = open(self.settingsFile, 'r')
             for line in fd.readlines():
-                    name, ftype, dsn, format = line.rstrip('\n').split(';')
-                    data[name] = (ftype, dsn, format)
+                    lineData = line.rstrip('\n').split(';')
+                    if len(lineData) > 4:
+                        # type, dsn, format, options
+                        data[lineData[0]] = (lineData[1], lineData[2], lineData[3], lineData[4])
+                    else:
+                        data[lineData[0]] = (lineData[1], lineData[2], lineData[3], '')
                 except ValueError:
         except IOError:
             return data
+        else:
+            fd.close()
-        fd.close()
+        self.settingsChoice.SetItems(sorted(data.keys()))
         return data
@@ -1385,10 +1485,11 @@
             sel = event.GetSelection()
+        win = self.input[self.dsnType][1]
+        if win:
+            self.dsnSizer.Remove(win)
+            win.Hide()
-        win = self.input[self.dsnType][1]
-        self.dsnSizer.Remove(win)
-        win.Hide()
         if sel == self.sourceMap['file']:   # file
             self.dsnType = 'file'
             format = self.input[self.dsnType][2][0]
@@ -1412,39 +1513,46 @@
         elif sel == self.sourceMap['dir']: # directory
             self.dsnType = 'dir'
-        elif sel == self.sourceMap['db']: # database
+        elif sel == self.sourceMap['db']:  # database
             self.dsnType = 'db'
         elif sel == self.sourceMap['pro']: # protocol
             self.dsnType = 'pro'
+        elif sel == self.sourceMap['native']:
+            self.dsnType = 'native'
-        self.dsnText.SetLabel(self.input[self.dsnType][0])
-        if self.parent.GetName() == 'MultiImportDialog':
-            self.parent.list.DeleteAllItems()
-        self.format.SetItems(self.input[self.dsnType][2])        
+        if self.dsnType == 'db':
+            self.input[self.dsnType][1] = self.input['db-win']['text']
+        win = self.input[self.dsnType][1]
+        self.dsnSizer.Add(item = self.input[self.dsnType][1],
+                          flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.EXPAND,
+                          pos = (1, 1), span = (1, 3))
+        win.SetValue('')
+        win.Show()
-        if sel in (self.sourceMap['file'],
-                   self.sourceMap['dir']):
-            win = self.input[self.dsnType][1]
-            self.dsnSizer.Add(item=self.input[self.dsnType][1],
-                              flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.EXPAND,
-                              pos = (0, 1))
-            win.SetValue('')
-            win.Show()
+        if sel == self.sourceMap['native']: # native
+            win.Enable(False)
+            self.format.Enable(False)
+            self.creationOpt.Enable(False)
+            self.parent.btnOk.Enable(True)
+        else:
+            if not win.IsEnabled():
+                win.Enable(True)
+            if not self.format.IsEnabled():
+                self.format.Enable(True)
+                self.creationOpt.Enable(True)
+            self.dsnText.SetLabel(self.input[self.dsnType][0])
+            self.format.SetItems(self.input[self.dsnType][2])
+            if self.parent.GetName() == 'MultiImportDialog':
+                self.parent.list.DeleteAllItems()
+        if sel in (self.sourceMap['file'], self.sourceMap['dir']):
             if not self.ogr:
                 self.OnSetFormat(event = None, format = 'GeoTIFF')
                 self.OnSetFormat(event = None, format = 'ESRI Shapefile')
-        else:
-            if sel == self.sourceMap['pro']:
-                win = self.input[self.dsnType][1]
-                self.dsnSizer.Add(item=self.input[self.dsnType][1],
-                                  flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.EXPAND,
-                                  pos = (0, 1))
-                win.SetValue('')
-                win.Show()
-        if sel == self.sourceMap['dir']:
+        if sel == self.sourceMap['dir'] and not self.dest:
             if not self.extension.IsShown():
@@ -1452,18 +1560,22 @@
             if self.extension.IsShown():
-    def _getDsn(self):
-        """!Get datasource name"""
+    def GetDsn(self):
+        """!Get datasource name
+        """
         if self.format.GetStringSelection() == 'PostgreSQL':
-            return 'PG:dbname=%s' % self.input[self.dsnType][1].GetStringSelection()
+            dsn = 'PG:dbname=%s' % self.input[self.dsnType][1].GetStringSelection()
+        else:
+            dsn = self.input[self.dsnType][1].GetValue()
-        return self.input[self.dsnType][1].GetValue()
+        return dsn
     def OnSetDsn(self, event, path = None):
-        """!Input DXF file/OGR dsn defined, update list of layer widget"""
+        """!Input DXF file/OGR dsn defined, update list of layer
+        widget"""
         if event:
             path = event.GetString()
@@ -1471,40 +1583,36 @@
                 for item in path.split(':', 1)[1].split(','):
                     key, value = item.split('=', 1)
                     if key == 'dbname':
-                        self.input[self.dsnType][1].SetStringSelection(value)
+                        if not self.input[self.dsnType][1].SetStringSelection(value):
+                            GMessage(_("Database <%s> not accessible.") % value,
+                                     parent = self)
         if not path:
-            return 
-        self._reloadLayers()
+            if self.dest:
+                self.parent.btnOk.Enable(False)
+            return
+        if self.dest:
+            self.parent.btnOk.Enable(True)
+        else:
+            self._reloadLayers()
         if event:
     def _reloadLayers(self):
         """!Reload list of layers"""
-        dsn = self._getDsn()
+        dsn = self.GetDsn()
         if not dsn:
         data = list()        
         layerId = 1
-        if self.dsnType == 'file':
-            baseName = os.path.basename(dsn)
-            grassName = GetValidLayerName(baseName.split('.', -1)[0])
-            data.append((layerId, baseName, grassName))
-        elif self.dsnType == 'dir':
-            ext = self.extension.GetValue()
-            for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(dsn, "%s") % self._getExtPatternGlob(ext)):
-                baseName = os.path.basename(file)
-                grassName = GetValidLayerName(baseName.split('.', -1)[0])
-                data.append((layerId, baseName, grassName))
-                layerId += 1
-        elif self.dsnType == 'db':
+        if self.ogr:
             ret = RunCommand('v.in.ogr',
                              quiet = True,
                              read = True,
@@ -1515,14 +1623,29 @@
                 if hasattr(self, "btn_run"):
             layerId = 1
             for line in ret.split(','):
                 layerName = line.strip()
                 grassName = GetValidLayerName(layerName)
-                data.append((layerId, layerName.strip(), grassName.strip()))
+                data.append((layerId, layerName, grassName))
                 layerId += 1
+        else:
+            if self.dsnType == 'file':
+                baseName = os.path.basename(dsn)
+                grassName = GetValidLayerName(baseName.split('.', -1)[0])
+                data.append((layerId, baseName, grassName))
+            elif self.dsnType == 'dir':
+                ext = self.extension.GetValue()
+                for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(dsn, "%s") % self._getExtPatternGlob(ext)):
+                    baseName = os.path.basename(filename)
+                    grassName = GetValidLayerName(baseName.split('.', -1)[0])
+                    data.append((layerId, baseName, grassName))
+                    layerId += 1
+        if self.ogr:
+            dsn += '@OGR'
-        evt = wxGdalSelect(dsn = dsn + '@OGR')
+        evt = wxGdalSelect(dsn = dsn)
         wx.PostEvent(self.parent, evt)
@@ -1535,8 +1658,9 @@
     def OnSetExtension(self, event):
         """!Extension changed"""
-        # reload layers
-        self._reloadLayers()
+        if not self.dest:
+            # reload layers
+            self._reloadLayers()
     def OnSetFormat(self, event, format = None):
         """!Format changed"""
@@ -1596,36 +1720,32 @@
                                 if dbname:
+                    if self.dest and win.GetStringSelection():
+                        self.parent.btnOk.Enable(True)
                     win = self.input['db-win']['text']
                 win = self.input['db-win']['text']
         self.input[self.dsnType][1] = win
         if not win.IsShown():
         self.dsnSizer.Add(item = self.input[self.dsnType][1],
                           flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.EXPAND,
-                          pos = (0, 1), span = (1, 3))
+                          pos = (1, 1), span = (1, 3))
         # update extension
-        # reload layers
-        self._reloadLayers()
+        if not self.dest:
+            # reload layers
+            self._reloadLayers()
     def GetType(self):
         """!Get source type"""
         return self.dsnType
-    def GetDsn(self):
-        """!Get DSN"""
-        if self.format.GetStringSelection() == 'PostgreSQL':
-            return 'PG:dbname=%s' % self.input[self.dsnType][1].GetStringSelection()
-        return self.input[self.dsnType][1].GetValue()
     def GetDsnWin(self):
         """!Get list of DSN windows"""
         win = list()
@@ -1636,10 +1756,21 @@
         return win
+    def GetFormat(self):
+        """!Get format as string"""
+        return self.format.GetStringSelection().replace(' ', '_')
     def GetFormatExt(self):
         """!Get format extension"""
         return self.format.GetExtension(self.format.GetStringSelection())
+    def GetOptions(self):
+        """!Get creation options"""
+        if not self.creationOpt.IsShown():
+            return ''
+        return self.creationOpt.GetValue()
 class ProjSelect(wx.ComboBox):
     """!Widget for selecting input raster/vector map used by
     r.proj/v.proj modules."""

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