[GRASS-SVN] r54183 - in grass-addons: grass6/imagery/i.spec.unmix grass7/imagery grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/test grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unused

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Tue Dec 4 10:05:01 PST 2012

Author: rashadkm
Date: 2012-12-04 10:05:00 -0800 (Tue, 04 Dec 2012)
New Revision: 54183

ported i.spec.unmix to grass7

Modified: grass-addons/grass6/imagery/i.spec.unmix/main.c
--- grass-addons/grass6/imagery/i.spec.unmix/main.c	2012-12-04 17:49:25 UTC (rev 54182)
+++ grass-addons/grass6/imagery/i.spec.unmix/main.c	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  * MODULE:       i.spec.unmix
  * AUTHOR(S):    Markus Neteler  <neteler itc.it>
- *               Mohammed Rashad <rashadkm gmail.com>
+ *               Mohammed Rashad <rashadkm gmail.com>(updates)
  * PURPOSE:      Spectral mixture analysis of satellite/aerial images

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/.fig
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/.fig	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/.fig	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#FIG 3.2
+1200 2

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/Makefile
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/Makefile	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+PGM = i.spec.unmix
+include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Module.make
+default: cmd

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/README
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/README	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/README	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+horizontal vector x vertical vector = a number
+vertical vector x  horizontal vector = matrix
+matrix x vertical vector = vertical vector
+horizontal vector x matrix = horizontal vector
+matrix A x matrix B = matrix C
+matrix B x matrix A = matrix D

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/bdg_farben.col
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/bdg_farben.col	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/bdg_farben.col	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+0    0 0 0 
+10%  0   51   0
+20%  0   100 0
+30%  0   170 0
+40%    0 170 0
+50%  140 200 0
+60%  160 220 0
+70%  50  230 50
+80%  30  255 80
+90%  150 255 150
+100% 0   255 0

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/color.sh
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/color.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/color.sh	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+r.colors map=$1 col=rules 2>&1 > /dev/null << EOF
+0 0 0 0
+100 0 255 0

Property changes on: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/color.sh
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/diff_farben.col
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/diff_farben.col	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/diff_farben.col	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+0    0 0 0 
+1%   0   0   0
+20%  0   100 0
+30%  0   170 0
+40%  100 200 0
+50%  250 250 0
+60%  240 220 0
+70%  255 220 0
+80%  255 180 0
+90%  255 130 0
+100% 255 0   0
\ No newline at end of file

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/diplom96.dat
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/diplom96.dat	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/diplom96.dat	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Kanäle: r g b i1 i2 i3
+# Spektren zeilenweise eingeben!
+# 0: Vegetation
+# 1: unbedeckter Boden
+# 2: ? im (Norden) Wald bei Bodenburg
+# Zeilen, Spalten
+Matrix: 3 by 6
+row0: 0 4 0 83 20 0 
+row1: 13 24 26 51 53 48 
+row2: 5 5 11 41 32 21

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/diplom97.dat
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/diplom97.dat	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/diplom97.dat	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Kanäle: r g b i1 i2 i3
+# Spektren zeilenweise eingeben!
+#3570637.5 5766432.58928571
+#3571837.5 5764210.76785714
+#3570962.5 5763711.48214286
+#3573662.5 5763287.08928571
+#3573112.5 5766058.125
+# 0: Wasser ?
+# 1: Vegetation volles Wachstum
+# 2: Vegetation auflaufend
+# 3: unbedeckter Boden
+# 4: Boden/Vegetation?
+# Zeilen, Spalten
+Matrix: 5 by 6
+row0: 0 0 0 14 7 0 
+row1: 1 4 2 81 21 7 
+row2: 1 5 4 52 35 8 
+row3: 14 20 27 54 56 49 
+row4: 2 3 5 33 40 22 

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/docu.lg
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/docu.lg	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/docu.lg	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+%< global.h
+%< open.c
+%< hist.c
+%< histogram.c
+%< spec_angle.c
+%< main.c

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/global.h
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/global.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/global.h	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#ifndef __GLOBAL_H__
+#define __GLOBAL_H__
+#include <grass/config.h>
+#include <grass/gis.h>
+#include <grass/gmath.h>
+#include <grass/la.h>
+#ifndef GLOBAL
+#define GLOBAL extern
+GLOBAL struct Ref Ref;
+GLOBAL CELL **cell;
+GLOBAL int *cellfd;
+GLOBAL CELL **result_cell;
+GLOBAL int *resultfd;
+GLOBAL CELL *error_cell;
+GLOBAL int  error_fd;
+GLOBAL CELL *iter_cell;
+GLOBAL int  iter_fd;
+GLOBAL float spectral_angle(vec_struct *, vec_struct *);
+GLOBAL int do_histogram(char *, char *);
+GLOBAL void make_history(char *, char *, char *);
+GLOBAL int open_files(char *, char *, char *, char *, mat_struct *A);
+#endif /* __GLOBAL_H__ */

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/hist.c
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/hist.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/hist.c	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <grass/gis.h>
+#include <grass/raster.h>
+void make_history (char *name, char *group, char *matrixfile)
+    struct History hist;
+    if (Rast_read_history (name, G_mapset(), &hist) >= 0)
+    {
+	sprintf (hist.fields[1], "Group: %s", group);
+	sprintf (hist.fields[2], "Matrix file: %s", matrixfile);
+	Rast_write_history (name, &hist);
+    }

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/histogram.c
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/histogram.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/histogram.c	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#include <grass/gis.h>
+#include <grass/raster.h>
+int do_histogram (char *name, char *mapset)
+    CELL *cell;
+    struct Cell_head cellhd;
+    struct Cell_stats statf;
+    int nrows, ncols, row;
+    int fd;
+ struct Cell_head region;
+Rast_get_cellhd (name, mapset, &cellhd);
+//    if (Rast_get_cellhd (name, mapset, &cellhd) < 0)
+  //      return 0;
+    G_set_window (&cellhd);
+    fd = Rast_open_old (name, mapset);
+    if (fd < 0)
+        return 0;
+    G_get_window(&region);
+    nrows = region.rows;
+    ncols = region.cols;
+//    nrows = G_window_rows ();
+  //  ncols = G_window_cols ();
+    cell = Rast_allocate_c_buf ();
+    Rast_init_cell_stats (&statf);
+    for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++)
+    {
+        Rast_get_c_row_nomask (fd, cell, row);
+           // break;
+        Rast_update_cell_stats (cell, ncols, &statf);
+    }
+    Rast_close (fd);
+    G_free (cell);
+    if (row == nrows)
+        Rast_write_histogram_cs (name, &statf);
+    Rast_free_cell_stats (&statf);
+    return 0;

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/i.spec.unmix.html
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/i.spec.unmix.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/i.spec.unmix.html	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+<title>GRASS GIS manual: i.spec.unmix</title>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="grassdocs.css" type="text/css">
+<body bgcolor="white">
+<img src="grass_logo.png" alt="GRASS logo"><hr align=center size=6 noshade>
+<em><b>i.spec.unmix</b></em>  - Perfroms Spectral mixture analysis of satellite/aerial images
+imagery, spectral unmixing
+<b>i.spec.unmix help</b><br>
+<b>i.spec.unmix</b> <b>group</b>=<em>name</em> <b>matrix</b>=<em>string</em>  [<b>result</b>=<em>string</em>]  <b>error</b>=<em>name</em> <b>iter</b>=<em>name</em>  [--<b>overwrite</b>]  [--<b>verbose</b>]  [--<b>quiet</b>] 
+<DD>Allow output files to overwrite existing files</DD>
+<DD>Verbose module output</DD>
+<DD>Quiet module output</DD>
+<DD>Name of input imagery group</DD>
+<DD>Open Matrix file</DD>
+<DD>Matrix file containing spectral signatures</DD>
+<DD>Name of raster map prefix to hold spectral unmixing results</DD>
+<DD>Name of raster map to hold unmixing error</DD>
+<DD>Raster map to hold number of iterations</DD>
+<p><em>i.spec.unmix</em> is used to Spectral Unmixing.
+<div class="code"><pre>
+Neteler, M. (1999): Spectral Mixture Analysis von Satellitendaten zur Bestimmung von Bodenbedeckungsgraden im Hinblick auf die Erosionsmodellierung. M.Sc. thesis, University of Hannover.
+Neteler, M., D. Grasso, I. Michelazzi, L. Miori, S. Merler, and C. Furlanello. New image processing tools for GRASS. In Proc. Free/Libre and Open Source Software for Geoinformatics: GIS-GRASS Users Conference 2004, Sept. 12-14, Bangkok, Thailand, 2004. http://gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/grass04/viewabstract.php?id=37 (PDF)
+Neteler, M., D. Grasso, I. Michelazzi, L. Miori, S. Merler, and C. Furlanello, 2005. An integrated toolbox for image registration, fusion and classification. International Journal of Geoinformatics. Special Issue on FOSS/GRASS 2004 and GIS-IDEAS 2004, 1(1), pp. 51-61, March 2005.
+<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+Markus Neteler, University of Hannover.
+<i>Last changed: $Date: 2011-11-09 03:26:45 +0530 (Wed, 09 Nov 2011) $</i>
+<P><a href="index.html">Main index</a> - <a href="imagery.html">imagery index</a> - <a href="full_index.html">Full index</a></P>
+<P>© 2003-2011 <a href="http://grass.osgeo.org">GRASS Development Team</a></p>

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/kappa.1
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/kappa.1	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/kappa.1	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+LOCATION: geosum				Fri Jan 29 17:07:20 1999
+MASK: wrede_maske in geosum, categories 1
+MAPS: MAP1 = Reclass of bdg_wrede in geosum (bdg_wrede.recl in geosum)
+      MAP2 = Reclass of unmix97.1 in geosum (unmix971.recl in geosum)
+Error Matrix
+Panel #1 of 1
+			  MAP1
+     cat#	13	38	63	88	Row Sum
+ M    13	59856	104	0	0	59960
+ A    38	4758	0	0	0	4758
+ P    63	76177	81545	0	0	157722
+ 2    88	53421	6876	0	0	60297
+Col Sum		194212	88525	0	0	282737
+Cats	% Commission	% Ommission	Estimated Kappa
+13	99.826551	30.819929	0.994460
+38	0.000000	0.000000	-0.455816
+63	NA		NA		NA
+88	NA		NA		NA
+Kappa		Kappa Variance
+0.071564	0.000000
+Obs Correct	Total Obs	% Observed Correct
+59856		282737		21.170204
+MAP1 Category Description
+13:  (no description)
+38:  (no description)
+63:  (no description)
+88:  (no description)
+MAP2 Category Description
+13:  (no description)
+38:  (no description)
+63:  (no description)
+88:  (no description)

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/kappa.2
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/kappa.2	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/kappa.2	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+LOCATION: geosum				Fri Jan 29 17:06:25 1999
+MASK: wrede_maske in geosum, categories 1
+MAPS: MAP1 = Reclass of bdg_wrede in geosum (bdg_wrede.recl in geosum)
+      MAP2 = Reclass of unmix97.2 in geosum (unmix972.recl in geosum)
+Error Matrix
+Panel #1 of 1
+			  MAP1
+     cat#	13	38	63	88	Row Sum
+ M    13	53797	5965	198	0	59960
+ A    38	3318	1145	295	0	4758
+ P    63	5922	39483	112317	0	157722
+ 2    88	13404	24993	17702	4198	60297
+Col Sum		76441	71586	130512	4198	282737
+Cats	% Commission	% Ommission	Estimated Kappa
+13	89.721481	70.377154	0.859129
+38	24.064733	1.599475	-0.016794
+63	71.212006	86.058753	0.465303
+88	6.962204	100.000000	0.055600
+Kappa		Kappa Variance
+0.419272	0.000017
+Obs Correct	Total Obs	% Observed Correct
+171457		282737		60.641869
+MAP1 Category Description
+13:  (no description)
+38:  (no description)
+63:  (no description)
+88:  (no description)
+MAP2 Category Description
+13:  (no description)
+38:  (no description)
+63:  (no description)
+88:  (no description)

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/kappa.3
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/kappa.3	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/kappa.3	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+LOCATION: geosum				Thu Jan 28 11:43:43 1999
+MASK: feldmaske in geosum, categories 1
+MAPS: MAP1 = Reclass of rfn95 in geosum (bodenbedeckungsgrad95 in geosum)
+      MAP2 = Reclass of unmix.3 in geosum (unmix3.recl in geosum)
+Error Matrix
+Panel #1 of 2
+			  MAP1
+     cat#	-1	0	2	5	10	20	30	40	50	
+ M    -1	0	0	0	0	0	0	570	5755	4	
+ A     0	0	0	0	0	0	1	197	3297	1	
+ P     2	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	226	0	
+ 2     5	0	0	0	0	2	6	58	3892	0	
+      10	0	0	0	0	0	0	30	184	0	
+      20	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	
+      30	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	
+      40	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	
+      50	0	0	0	0	0	0	33	314	0	
+      70	0	0	0	0	0	4	964	8291	5	
+      90	0	0	0	0	0	0	44	118	0	
+     100	0	0	0	0	2	35	588	2632	0	
+Col Sum		0	0	0	0	4	46	2484	24709	10	
+Panel #2 of 2
+			  MAP1
+     cat#	70	90	100	Row Sum
+ M    -1	0	0	0	6329
+ A     0	0	0	0	3496
+ P     2	0	0	0	226
+ 2     5	0	0	0	3958
+      10	0	0	0	214
+      20	0	0	0	0
+      30	0	0	0	0
+      40	0	0	0	0
+      50	0	0	0	347
+      70	0	0	0	9264
+      90	0	0	0	162
+     100	0	0	0	3257
+Col Sum		0	0	0	27253
+Cats	% Commission	% Ommission	Estimated Kappa
+-1	0.000000	NaN	-999.000000
+0	NA		NA		NA
+2	NA		NA		NA
+5	NA		NA		NA
+10	0.000000	0.000000	-0.000147
+20	NA		NA		NA
+30	NA		NA		NA
+40	NA		NA		NA
+50	0.000000	0.000000	-0.000367
+70	NA		NA		NA
+90	NA		NA		NA
+100	NA		NA		NA
+Kappa		Kappa Variance
+-0.000006	0.000000
+Obs Correct	Total Obs	% Observed Correct
+0		27253		0.000000
+MAP1 Category Description
+-1:  no data
+0:  % Bodenbedeckungsgrad
+2:  % Bodenbedeckungsgrad
+5:  % Bodenbedeckungsgrad
+10:  % Bodenbedeckungsgrad
+20:  (no description)
+30:  (no description)
+40:  (no description)
+50:  % Bodenbedeckungsgrad
+70:  % Bodenbedeckungsgrad
+90:  % Bodenbedeckungsgrad
+100:  % Bodenbedeckungsgrad
+MAP2 Category Description
+-1:  (no description)
+0:  (no description)
+2:  (no description)
+5:  (no description)
+10:  (no description)
+20:  (no description)
+30:  (no description)
+40:  (no description)
+50:  (no description)
+70:  (no description)
+90:  (no description)
+100:  (no description)

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/kappa.4
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/kappa.4	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/kappa.4	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+LOCATION: geosum				Fri Jan 29 17:06:18 1999
+MASK: wrede_maske in geosum, categories 1
+MAPS: MAP1 = Reclass of bdg_wrede in geosum (bdg_wrede.recl in geosum)
+      MAP2 = Reclass of unmix97.4 in geosum (unmix974.recl in geosum)
+Error Matrix
+Panel #1 of 1
+			  MAP1
+     cat#	13	38	63	88	Row Sum
+ M    13	7292	32193	20124	351	59960
+ A    38	1224	1951	1534	49	4758
+ P    63	153501	4052	169	0	157722
+ 2    88	51002	8270	1025	0	60297
+Col Sum		213019	46466	22852	400	282737
+Cats	% Commission	% Ommission	Estimated Kappa
+13	12.161441	3.423169	-2.562238
+38	41.004624	4.198769	0.294024
+63	0.107151	0.739541	-0.086765
+88	0.000000	0.000000	-0.001417
+Kappa		Kappa Variance
+-0.220489	-0.000001
+Obs Correct	Total Obs	% Observed Correct
+9412		282737		3.328889
+MAP1 Category Description
+13:  (no description)
+38:  (no description)
+63:  (no description)
+88:  (no description)
+MAP2 Category Description
+13:  (no description)
+38:  (no description)
+63:  (no description)
+88:  (no description)

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/la_extra.c
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/la_extra.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/la_extra.c	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+#include <stdio.h>  /* needed here for ifdef/else */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+ ******** only compile this LAPACK/BLAS wrapper file if g2c.h is present!
+ ********/
+#include <grass/config.h>
+#include <grass/gis.h>
+#include <grass/glocale.h>
+#include <grass/la.h>
+#include "la_extra.h"
+vec_struct *
+G_matvect_get_column2(mat_struct *mt, int col)
+  int i; /* loop */
+  vec_struct *vc1;
+  if(col < 0 || col >= mt->cols) {
+    G_warning(_("Specified matrix column index is outside range"));
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  if(!mt->is_init) {
+    G_warning(_("Matrix is not initialised"));
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  if( (vc1 = G_vector_init(mt->rows, mt->ldim, CVEC)) == NULL ) {
+    G_warning(_("Could not allocate space for vector structure"));
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  for ( i = 0; i < mt->rows; i++ )
+  {
+      double dd =  G_matrix_get_element(mt, i, col);
+      //G_warning("element at row=%d, col=%d is %lf",i,col,dd);
+    G_matrix_set_element( (mat_struct *)vc1, i, 0, 	 dd);
+	}		  
+  return vc1;
+G_matrix_print2 (mat_struct *mt, const char* name)
+  int i, j;
+  if(mt!=NULL)
+  {
+    G_message ("start matrix(%s)", name);
+    G_message ("Size: %d x %d", mt->rows, mt->cols);
+    for( i = 0; i < mt->rows; i++ ) 
+    {
+      char buf[2048], numbuf[640];
+      sprintf( buf, "row%d: ", i);
+      for( j = 0; j < mt->cols; j++ ) 
+      {
+        double element =  G_matrix_get_element(mt, i, j);
+        sprintf( numbuf, "%14.6f",element);
+        strcat(buf, numbuf);
+        //if( j < mt->cols - 1 )
+        //strcat(buf, ", ");
+      }
+      G_message ("%s", buf);
+    }
+    G_message ("end matrix(%s)",name);
+  }
+  for( i = 0; i < mt->rows; i++ ) {
+    strcpy(buf, "");
+    for( j = 0; j < mt->cols; j++ ) {
+      sprintf( numbuf, "%14.6f", G_matrix_get_element(mt, i, j) );
+      strcat(buf, numbuf);
+      if( j < mt->cols - 1 )
+	strcat(buf, ", ");
+    }
+    G_message ("%s", buf);
+  }
+  fprintf (stderr, "\n");
+mat_struct *G_matrix_resize(mat_struct * in, int rows, int cols)
+  mat_struct *matrix;
+  matrix = G_matrix_init(rows,cols,rows);
+  int i,j,p, index = 0;
+	for ( i=0; i<rows; i++ )
+	{
+		//A_row = A_v[i];		b_v = b->ve;
+		for ( j=0; j<cols; j++ )
+		{
+		matrix->vals[index++] = in->vals[i + j * cols];
+				//	sum += in->vals[i + j * cols] *b->ve[j]; 
+		//out->ve[i] = sum;
+		}
+		}
+		int old_size = in->rows * in->cols;
+		int new_size = rows * cols;
+ if(new_size > old_size)
+  for(p=old_size;p<new_size;p++)
+  matrix->vals[p] = 0.0;
+  return matrix;
+mat_struct	*sm_mlt(double scalar,mat_struct	*matrix, mat_struct	*out)
+	int	m,n,i,j;
+	int index = 0;
+	if ( matrix==NULL )
+		G_fatal_error("sm_mlt1(error)");
+		if ( out==NULL)
+		out = G_matrix_init(matrix->rows, matrix->cols,matrix->rows);
+		if (out->rows != matrix->rows || out->cols != matrix->cols )
+    out = G_matrix_resize(out,matrix->rows,matrix->cols);
+m = matrix->rows;
+n = matrix->cols;
+	for ( i=0; i<m; i++ )
+	{
+		//__smlt__(matrix->me[i],(double)scalar,out->me[i],(int)n);
+		/**************************************************/
+		for ( j=0; j<n; j++ )
+		{
+			out->vals[index++] = scalar*matrix->vals[i+ j * m];
+			}}
+			//G_matrix_print(matrix,"matrix");  
+			//G_matrix_print(matrix,"out"); 
+		/**************************************************/
+	return (out);
+VEC	*G_vec_copy(VEC	*in)
+  int i;
+  VEC *out;
+	if ( !in )
+	  G_fatal_error("v_copy(error1)");
+  int dim = in->dim;
+	out = G_vec_get(dim);
+  for( i = 0; i < dim; i++ ) 
+  {    
+    out->ve[i]= in->ve[i];
+  }
+	return (out);
+double	v_norm2(VEC	*x)
+	int	i, dim;
+	double	s, sum;
+	if ( !x )
+		G_fatal_error("v_norm2(error1)");
+	dim = x->dim;
+	sum = 0.0;
+		for ( i = 0; i < dim; i++ )
+		{
+			sum += x->ve[i] * x->ve[i];
+		}
+	return sqrt(sum);
+VEC	*v_sub(VEC	*vec1,VEC	*vec2,VEC	*out)
+	/* u_int	i, dim; */
+	/* Real	*out_ve, *vec1_ve, *vec2_ve; */
+	if ( !vec1 || !vec2 )
+	G_fatal_error("v_sub1(error)");
+	if ( vec1->dim != vec2->dim )
+		G_fatal_error("v_sub2(error)");
+			if ( out == NULL)
+			out = G_vec_get(vec1->dim);
+		//out = v_resize(out,A->m);
+	//G_vec_print(vec1, "vec1");
+	if ( out->dim != vec1->dim )
+		out = G_vec_resize(out,vec1->dim);		
+ int	i;
+    for ( i = 0; i < vec1->dim; i++ )
+	out->ve[i] = vec1->ve[i] - vec2->ve[i];
+	/************************************************************
+	dim = vec1->dim;
+	out_ve = out->ve;	vec1_ve = vec1->ve;	vec2_ve = vec2->ve;
+	for ( i=0; i<dim; i++ )
+		out->ve[i] = vec1->ve[i]-vec2->ve[i];
+		(*out_ve++) = (*vec1_ve++) - (*vec2_ve++);
+	************************************************************/
+	return (out);
+VEC	*mv_mlt(mat_struct *A, VEC *b, VEC *out)
+	unsigned int	i, m, n,j;
+	double	**A_v, *b_v /*, *A_row */;
+	/* register Real	sum; */
+//	if ( A==(MAT *)NULL || b==(VEC *)NULL )
+	//	error(E_NULL,"mv_mlt");
+//G_matrix_print(A, "A(mlt)");	
+	if ( A->cols != b->dim )
+		G_fatal_error("mv_mlt1(error)");
+	if ( b == out )
+	G_fatal_error("mv_mlt2(error)");
+		//error(E_INSITU,"mv_mlt");
+		if(!out)
+		{
+		G_fatal_error("mv_mltsss3(error)");
+		exit(1);
+		out = G_vec_get2(A->rows, out);
+		}
+			if ( out->dim != A->rows)
+			{
+			G_fatal_error("mv_mlt3(error)");
+			exit(1);
+			  out = G_vec_resize(out,A->rows);
+			}
+			//out = G_vec_get(A->rows);
+		//out = v_resize(out,A->m);
+	//if ( out->dim != A->rows )
+	m = A->rows;		n = A->cols;
+	A_v = A->vals;		b_v = b->ve;
+	for ( i=0; i<m; i++ )
+	{
+	double sum=0.0;
+int width = A->rows;
+		//A_row = A_v[i];		b_v = b->ve;
+		for ( j=0; j<n; j++ )
+		{
+			sum += A->vals[i + j * width] *b->ve[j]; 
+		out->ve[i] = sum;
+//G_message("sum: %lf of j=%d", b->ve[j],j);
+	}
+	return out;
+VEC *G_vec_resize(VEC * in, int size)
+  VEC *vector;
+  vector = (VEC *)G_malloc( sizeof(VEC) );
+  vector->ve = (double *)G_malloc(size * sizeof(double) );
+  int i,j;
+    G_message(":%d",in->dim);
+for( i = 0; i < in->dim; i++ ) 
+    {
+     vector->ve[i]= in->ve[i];
+     G_message("ss:%lf",in->ve[i]);
+    }
+ if(size > in->dim)
+ for(j=i;j<size;j++)
+ vector->ve[j]= 0.0;
+    vector->dim = vector->max_dim = size;
+  return vector;
+VEC *G_vec_get(int size)
+  VEC *vector;
+  vector = (VEC *)G_malloc( sizeof(VEC) );
+  vector->ve = (double *)G_malloc(size * sizeof(double) );
+  int i;
+for( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) 
+    {
+     vector->ve[i]= 0.0;
+    }
+    vector->dim = vector->max_dim = size;
+  return vector;
+VEC *G_vec_get2(int size, VEC *vector)
+  //VEC *vector;
+  vector = (VEC *)G_malloc( sizeof(VEC) );
+  vector->ve = (double *)G_malloc(size * sizeof(double) );
+  int i;
+for( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) 
+    {
+     vector->ve[i]= 0.0;
+    }
+    vector->dim = vector->max_dim = size;
+  return vector;
+void G_vec_print (VEC *vector, const char* name)
+  int i;
+  if(vector!=NULL)
+  {
+    G_message ("start vector(%s)", name);
+    //G_message ("Size: %d x %d", vector->dim);
+    for( i = 0; i < vector->dim; i++ ) 
+    {
+      char buf[2048], numbuf[640];
+      sprintf( buf, "%lf ", vector->ve[i]);
+      G_message ("%s", buf);
+    }
+    G_message ("end vector(%s)",name);
+  }
+vec_struct *
+G_vector_product (vec_struct *v1, vec_struct *v2)
+    int idx1, idx2, idx0;
+    int i;
+    vec_struct *out = G_vector_init (v1->rows, v1->ldim, CVEC);
+      //G_warning("Avector1->rows: %d",Avector1->rows);
+     //G_warning("Avector1->cols: %d",Avector1->cols);
+     //G_warning("vtmp1->rows1: %d",vtmp1->rows);
+     //G_warning("vtmp1->cols1: %d",out->cols);  
+    //vtmp1.type = Avector1->type;
+    if (!out->is_init) {
+        G_warning (_("Output vector is uninitialized"));
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (v1->type != v2->type) {
+        G_warning (_("Vectors are not of the same type"));
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (v1->type != out->type) {
+        G_warning (_("Output vector is of incorrect type"));
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (v1->type == MATRIX_) {
+        G_warning (_("Matrices not allowed"));
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if ((v1->type == ROWVEC_ && v1->cols != v2->cols) ||
+        (v1->type == COLVEC_ && v1->rows != v2->rows))
+    {
+        G_warning (_("Vectors have differing dimensions"));
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if ((v1->type == ROWVEC_ && v1->cols != out->cols) ||
+        (v1->type == COLVEC_ && v1->rows != out->rows))
+    {
+        G_warning (_("Output vector has incorrect dimension"));
+        return NULL;
+    }
+#if defined(HAVE_LAPACK) && defined(HAVE_LIBBLAS) //&& defined(HAVE_G2C_H)
+    f77_dhad (v1->cols, 1.0, v1->vals, 1, v2->vals, 1, 0.0, out->vals, 1.0);
+    idx1 = (v1->v_indx > 0) ? v1->v_indx : 0;
+    idx2 = (v2->v_indx > 0) ? v2->v_indx : 0;
+    idx0 = (out->v_indx > 0) ? out->v_indx : 0;
+    if (v1->type == ROWVEC_) {
+        for (i = 0; i < v1->cols; i++)
+            G_matrix_set_element(out, idx0, i,
+			   G_matrix_get_element(v1, idx1, i) *
+			   G_matrix_get_element(v2, idx2, i));
+    } else {
+        for (i = 0; i < v1->rows; i++)
+            G_matrix_set_element(out, i, idx0,
+			   G_matrix_get_element(v1, i, idx1) *
+			   G_matrix_get_element(v2, i, idx2));
+    }
+    return out;
+G_matrix_read2(FILE *fp, mat_struct *out)
+  char buff[100];
+  int rows, cols;
+  int i, j, row;
+  double val;
+  /* skip comments */
+  for (;;) {
+    if (!G_getl(buff, sizeof(buff), fp))
+      return -1;
+    if (buff[0] != '#')
+      break;
+  }
+  if (sscanf(buff, "Matrix: %d by %d", &rows, &cols) != 2) {
+    G_warning(_("Input format error1"));
+    return -1;
+  }
+  G_matrix_set(out, rows, cols, rows);
+   //G_warning("row: %d",row);
+  for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) 
+  {
+    if (fscanf(fp, "row%d:", &row) != 1) 
+    {
+      G_warning(_("Input format error"));
+      return -1;
+    }
+    for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) 
+    {
+      if (fscanf(fp, "%lf:", &val) != 1) 
+      {
+         G_warning(_("Input format error"));
+	      return -1;
+      }
+      fgetc(fp);
+      G_matrix_set_element(out, i, j, val);
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/la_extra.h
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/la_extra.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/la_extra.h	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#include <grass/config.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <grass/blas.h>
+#include <grass/lapack.h>
+typedef	struct VEC_	{
+		int	dim, max_dim;
+		double	*ve;
+		} VEC;
+G_matrix_read2(FILE *fp, mat_struct *out);
+G_matrix_print2 (mat_struct *mt, const char* name);
+vec_struct *
+G_matvect_get_column2(mat_struct *mt, int col);
+VEC *G_vec_get(int size);
+VEC* G_vec_get2(int size, VEC *vector);
+void G_vec_print (VEC *vector, const char* name);
+VEC *G_vec_resize(VEC * in, int size);
+VEC	*v_sub(VEC	*vec1,VEC	*vec2,VEC	*out);
+VEC	*mv_mlt(mat_struct *A, VEC *b, VEC *out);
+mat_struct	*sm_mlt(double scalar,mat_struct	*matrix, mat_struct	*out);
+mat_struct *G_matrix_resize(mat_struct * in, int rows, int cols);
+double	v_norm2(VEC	*x);
+VEC	*G_vec_copy(VEC	*in);

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/main.c
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/main.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/main.c	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
+ *
+ * MODULE:       i.spec.unmix
+ *
+ * AUTHOR(S):    Markus Neteler  <neteler itc.it>
+ *               Mohammed Rashad <rashadkm gmail.com>(updates)
+ *
+ * PURPOSE:      Spectral mixture analysis of satellite/aerial images
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT:    (C) 2006-2012 by the GRASS Development Team
+ *
+ *               This program is free software under the GNU General
+ *               Public License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that
+ *               comes with GRASS for details.
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#define GLOBAL
+#include <grass/config.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <strings.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <grass/imagery.h>
+#include <grass/gmath.h>
+#include <grass/glocale.h>
+#include "global.h"
+#include <grass/gis.h>
+#include "la_extra.h"
+#define GAMMA 10   /* last row value in Matrix and last b vector element
+                    * for constraint Sum xi = 1 (GAMMA=weight) */
+static double find_max (double x, double y)
+    return ((x * (x > y)) + (y * (x <= y)));
+int main (int argc, char *argv[]) 
+    char result_name[80];
+    int nrows, ncols;
+    int row;
+    int i, j, k;
+    VEC *b, *b_gamma;
+     struct Cell_head region;
+    VEC *startvector, *A_times_startvector, *errorvector, *temp;
+    mat_struct *A, *A_tilde, *A_tilde_trans_mu, *A_tilde_trans;
+    mat_struct B, B_tilde, B_tilde_trans_mu;
+    struct GModule *module;
+    double max_total = 0.0;
+    double mu;
+    float anglefield[255][255];
+    double error = 0.0;
+    struct {
+	struct Option *group, *matrixfile, *result, *error, *iter;
+    } parm;
+    /* initialize GIS engine */
+    G_gisinit (argv[0]);
+   module = G_define_module();
+     module->keywords = _("imagery, spectral unmixing");
+  module->description =_("Perfroms Spectral mixture analysis of satellite/aerial images");    
+    parm.group = G_define_standard_option (G_OPT_I_GROUP);
+    parm.matrixfile = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_F_INPUT);
+    parm.matrixfile->key      = "matrix";
+    parm.matrixfile->type     = TYPE_STRING;
+    parm.matrixfile->required = YES;
+    parm.matrixfile->label = _("Open Matrix file");    
+    parm.matrixfile->description = _("Matrix file containing spectral signatures");
+    parm.result = G_define_option ();
+    parm.result->key         = "result";
+    parm.result->description = _("Name of raster map prefix to hold spectral unmixing results");
+    parm.result->guisection = _("Required");    
+    parm.error = G_define_standard_option (G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);
+    parm.error->key         = "error";
+    parm.error->description = _("Name of raster map to hold unmixing error");
+    parm.iter = G_define_standard_option (G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);
+    parm.iter->key         = "iter";
+    parm.iter->description = _("Raster map to hold number of iterations");
+    if (G_parser (argc, argv))
+	exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+    /* here we go... A is created here */
+    A = open_files2 (parm.matrixfile->answer,
+                parm.group->answer,
+                parm.result->answer,
+                parm.iter->answer, 
+                parm.error->answer); 
+     //G_warning("printing A******");    
+    //G_matrix_print2(A,"A");             
+  /* ATTENTION: Internally we work here with col-oriented matrixfile,
+   *  but the user has to enter the spectra row-wise for his/her's
+   *  convenience...  That means: Don't mix row- and col-orientation
+   *  in source code and modules messages output!
+   *
+   * Spectral Matrix is stored in A now (diagonally flipped to input
+   * file) Generally:    n: cols ....  for matrix A
+   *             m: rows
+   *                 |
+   *                 |
+   **/
+  /* 1. Check matrix orthogonality: 
+   *    Ref: Youngsinn Sohn, Roger M. McCoy 1997: Mapping desert shrub
+   *    rangeland using spectral unmixing and modeling spectral
+   *    mixtrues with TM data. Photogrammetric Engineering &
+   *    Remote Sensing,  Vol.63,  No6.
+   *
+   *
+   * 2. Beside checking matrix orthogonality we find out the maximum
+   *    entry of the matrix for configuring stepsize mu later.  */
+    /* go columnwise through matrix */
+  for (i = 0; i < A->cols; i++)
+  {
+    vec_struct *Avector1, *Avector2;
+    double max1, max2;
+    Avector1 = G_matvect_get_column2 (A, i);
+   // G_matrix_print(Avector1);
+//G_warning("Avector1: %d", Avector1->rows);
+    // get the max. element of this vector
+    max1 = G_vector_norm_maxval (Avector1, 1);
+double temp = max1;
+    for (j = 0; j < A->cols; j++)
+    {
+      if (j != i)
+	    {
+        // get next col in A
+        Avector2 = G_matvect_get_column (A, j);
+        //  get the max. element of this vector
+        max2 = G_vector_norm_maxval (Avector2, 1);
+//G_warning("max2: %lf", max2);
+if(max2 > max1)
+temp = max2;
+//G_warning("temp: %lf", temp);
+if(temp > max_total)
+max_total = temp;
+        // find max of matrix A 
+//        max_total = (find_max (max1, max2), max_total);
+//G_warning("max_total: %lf", max_total);
+        // save angle in degree 
+        anglefield[i][j] = spectral_angle (Avector1, Avector2);
+        //G_warning("anglefield[i][j]: %lf", anglefield[i][j]);
+      }
+    }
+    G_vector_free (Avector1);
+    G_vector_free (Avector2);
+  }
+  G_message (_("Checking linear dependencies (orthogonality check) of Matrix A..."));
+  for (i = 0; i < A->cols; i++)
+    for (j = 0; j < A->cols; j++)
+      if (j != i)
+        // internally this is col and not row certainly 
+          G_message (_("Angle between row %i and row %i: %g degree"), (i + 1), (j + 1), anglefield[i][j]);
+  for (i = 0; i < A->cols ; i++)
+    for (j = 0; j < A->cols ; j++)
+      if (j != i)
+        if (anglefield[i][j] < 8.0)
+          G_fatal_error (_("Spectral entries row %i: and row %i: in "
+                                  "your matrix are linear dependent!\nYou "
+                                  "have to revise your reference spectra."),
+                                  i, j);
+    if (!error)
+        G_message (_("Spectral matrix is o.k. Proceeding..."));
+    // Begin calculations 
+    // 1. contraint SUM xi = 1
+     //   add last row "1" elements to Matrix A, store in A_tilde
+     //   A_tilde is one row-dimension more than A 
+    // memory allocation 
+    A_tilde = G_matrix_init (A->rows + 1, A->cols, A->rows+1);
+    if (A_tilde == NULL)
+        G_fatal_error (_("Unable to allocate memory for matrix"));
+ //G_message("rrrr%d", A_tilde->rows); 
+    for (i = 0; i < A->rows ; i++)
+        for (j = 0; j < A->cols; j++)
+            G_matrix_set_element (A_tilde, i, j, G_matrix_get_element (A, i, j));
+    // fill last row with 1 elements 
+    for (j = 0; j < A_tilde->cols; j++)
+    {
+    //G_message("Row: %d, Col:%d",i,j);
+        G_matrix_set_element (A_tilde, i, j, GAMMA);
+    }
+//G_matrix_print2(A_tilde, "A_tilde");
+    // now we have an overdetermined (non-square) system 
+    // We have a least square problem here: error minimization
+     //                             T          -1         T
+     // unknown fraction = [A_tilde * A_tilde]  * A_tilde * b
+     //
+     // A_tilde is the non-square matrix with first constraint in last row.
+     // b is pixel vector from satellite image
+     // 
+     // Solve this by deriving above equation and searching the
+     // minimum of this error function in an iterative loop within
+     // both constraints.
+    // calculate the transpose of A_tilde
+    A_tilde_trans = G_matrix_transpose (A_tilde);
+//G_matrix_print2(A_tilde_trans, "A_tilde_trans");
+    // initialize some values
+    // step size must be small enough for covergence  of iteration:
+     //  mu = 0.000001;      step size for spectra in range of W/m^2/um
+     //  mu = 0.000000001;   step size for spectra in range of mW/m^2/um
+     //  mu = 0.000001;      step size for spectra in range of reflectance   
+     //
+    // check  max_total for number of digits to configure mu size
+    mu = 0.0001 * pow (10, -1 * ceil (log10 (max_total)));
+    //G_message("mu = %lf", mu);
+startvector = G_vec_get2(A->cols,startvector); 
+    if (startvector == NULL)
+        G_fatal_error (_("Unable to allocate memory for vector"));
+    A_times_startvector = G_vec_get2(A_tilde->rows,A_times_startvector);  // length: no. of bands   //
+    errorvector = G_vec_get2(A_tilde->rows,errorvector);          // length: no. of bands   //
+    temp = G_vec_get2(A_tilde->cols,temp);                 // length: no. of spectra //
+  //  A_tilde_trans_mu = m_get(A_tilde->m,A_tilde->n);
+    // length: no. of bands   
+    if (A_times_startvector == NULL)
+        G_fatal_error (_("Unable to allocate memory for vector"));
+    // length: no. of bands   
+    if (errorvector == NULL)
+        G_fatal_error (_("Unable to allocate memory for vector"));
+    // length: no. of spectra 
+    if (temp == NULL)
+        G_fatal_error (_("Unable to allocate memory for vector"));
+    A_tilde_trans_mu = G_matrix_init (A_tilde->rows, A_tilde->cols, A_tilde->rows);
+    if (A_tilde_trans_mu == NULL)
+        G_fatal_error (_("Unable to allocate memory for matrix"));
+    // Now we can calculated the fractions pixelwise 
+    //nrows = G_region_rows (); // get geographical region 
+    //ncols = G_window_cols ();
+    G_get_window(&region);
+    nrows = region.rows;
+    ncols = region.cols;
+    G_message (_("Calculating for %i x %i pixels (%i bands) = %i pixelvectors."),
+              nrows, ncols, Ref.nfiles, (ncols * ncols));
+    for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++)
+    {
+        int col, band;
+        G_percent (row, nrows, 1);
+        // get one row for all bands 
+        for (band = 0; band < Ref.nfiles; band++)
+          Rast_get_c_row (cellfd[band], cell[band], row);
+//            if (Rast_get_c_row (cellfd[band], cell[band], row) < 0)
+  //              G_fatal_error (_("Unable to get map row [%d]"), row);
+   // for (band = 0; band < Ref.nfiles; band++)                
+   // {
+    //  if (Rast_get_c_row (cellfd[band], cell[band], row) < 0)
+      //  G_fatal_error (_("Unable to get map row [%d]"), row);
+     //G_message("row: %d, nrows: %d", row, nrows);	  
+      for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++)
+      {
+            double change     = 1000;
+            double deviation  = 1000;
+            int    iterations = 0;
+            // get pixel values of each band and store in b vector: 
+            // length: no. of bands + 1 (GAMMA) 
+            b_gamma = G_vec_get2(A_tilde->rows,b_gamma);
+//            b_gamma = G_vector_init (A_tilde->rows, 1, RVEC);
+            if (b_gamma == NULL)
+                G_fatal_error (_("Unable to allocate memory for matrix"));
+ //G_message("%d", A_tilde->rows);  
+            for (band = 0; band < Ref.nfiles; band++)
+            {
+              b_gamma->ve[band] = cell[band][col];
+              //G_message("band: %d col: %d", band,col);  
+              //G_matrix_set_element (b_gamma, 0, band, cell[band][col]);
+            }   
+            // add GAMMA for 1. constraint as last element 
+	    b_gamma->ve[Ref.nfiles] = GAMMA;    
+///            G_matrix_set_element (b_gamma, 0, Ref.nfiles, GAMMA);
+            for (k = 0; k < A_tilde->cols; k++) 
+                 startvector->ve[k] = (1.0 / A_tilde->cols);
+ //               G_matrix_set_element (startvector, k,0, (1.0 / A_tilde->cols));
+//G_matrix_print(b_gamma, "b_gama");
+            // calculate fraction vector for current pixel
+             // Result is stored in fractions vector       
+	     // with second constraint: Sum x_i = 1
+	    // get start vector and initialize it with equal fractions:
+	     // using the neighbor pixelvector as startvector 
+	    // solve with iterative solution: 
+            while (fabs (change) > 0.0001)
+            {
+	A_times_startvector =	 mv_mlt(A_tilde, startvector, A_times_startvector);
+		errorvector = v_sub(A_times_startvector, b_gamma, errorvector);
+           A_tilde_trans_mu =      sm_mlt(mu, A_tilde_trans, A_tilde_trans_mu);
+            temp =     mv_mlt(A_tilde_trans_mu, errorvector, temp);
+          startvector =       v_sub(startvector,temp,startvector); // update startvector //
+                 // if one element gets negative, set it to zero //
+                 for (k = 0; k < (A_tilde->cols); k++)  // no. of spectra times //
+                   if (startvector->ve[k] < 0)
+                        startvector->ve[k] = 0;
+                 // Check the deviation //
+                 double norm2 = v_norm2(errorvector);
+                 change = deviation - norm2;
+                 deviation = norm2;
+                    iterations++;
+                // if(fabs (change) > 0.0001)
+                 //G_message("change=%lf, deviation=%lf",change, 0.0001);        
+            /********************/
+                // go a small step into direction of negative gradient
+                 // errorvector = A_tilde * startvector - b_gamma
+                //
+//		mv_mlt(A_tilde, startvector, A_times_startvector);
+//G_matrix_print(b_gamma, "b_gamma");
+//G_matrix_print(errorvector, "errorvector");
+                G_vector_sub (A_times_startvector, b_gamma, errorvector);
+//                sm_mlt(mu, A_tilde_trans, A_tilde_trans_mu);
+//                mv_mlt(A_tilde_trans_mu, errorvector, temp);
+                G_vector_sub (startvector, temp, startvector);
+                // if one element gets negative, set it to zero 
+                for (k = 0; k < A_tilde->cols; k++)  // no. of spectra times 
+                {
+//                    if (startvector->ve[k] < 0)
+//                        startvector->ve[k] = 0;
+//G_message("get_element: %lf", G_matrix_get_element (startvector, startvector->cols, k));
+                    if ((G_matrix_get_element (startvector, startvector->cols, k) < 0))
+                    {
+                        G_matrix_set_element (startvector, startvector->cols, k, 0);
+                        //G_message("A_tilde->cols: %d", A_tilde->cols); //4 
+                    }
+                }    
+                // Check the deviation 
+                double norm_euclid = G_vector_norm_euclid (errorvector);
+                 // G_message("norm_euclid : %lf", norm_euclid );
+                change = deviation - norm_euclid;
+                deviation = G_vector_norm_euclid (errorvector);
+               // G_message ("Change: %g - deviation: %g",  change, deviation);                
+                G_debug (5, "Change: %g - deviation: %g",
+                             change, deviation);
+            }
+            // if(fabs (change) > 0.0001)
+      VEC *fraction;
+//G_message("fcol %d  and A->cols %d", startvector->dim, A->cols);
+	     fraction=G_vec_get(A->cols);     // length: no. of spectra //
+             error = deviation / v_norm2(b_gamma);
+            fraction = G_vec_copy (startvector);
+	    // write result in full percent //
+	     for (i = 0; i < A->cols; i++)  // no. of spectra //
+		  result_cell[i][col] = (CELL)(100 * fraction->ve[i]); 
+	    // save error and iterations//
+             error_cell[col] = (CELL) (100 * error);
+             iter_cell[col] = iterations;
+	     //V_FREE(fraction);
+	     //V_FREE(b);	     
+	  //   }
+            //----------  end of second contraint -----------------------
+            // store fractions in resulting rows of resulting files
+            // (number of bands = vector dimension) 
+	    // write result in full percent 
+	    //G_matrix_print(fraction,"fraction"); //same as startvector
+	     //G_message ("fraction->rows: %d",fraction->rows);
+	    //G_message ("i=%d, col=%d",i,col);
+	    for (i = 0; i < A->cols; i++)  // no. of spectra 
+	    {
+	    double dd = G_matrix_get_element (fraction,  i, 0); 
+	    dd = 100*dd;
+	    //G_message ("i=%d, col=%d",i,col);
+	    result_cell[i][col] = (CELL) dd;
+	        //result_cell[i][col] = (CELL)(100 * G_matrix_get_element (fraction, fraction->rows-1, i)); 
+	    }    
+	    // save error and iterations 
+            error_cell[col] = (CELL) (100 * error);
+            iter_cell[col] = iterations;
+	    G_vector_free (fraction);
+	   // G_vector_free (b);
+        } //end cols loop
+  //G_message("finished %d of %d", row,nrows);
+    //  }
+   // }
+        // write the resulting rows into output files: 
+        for (i = 0; i < A->cols; i++)   // no. of spectra 
+            Rast_put_c_row (resultfd[i], result_cell[i]);
+        if (error_fd > 0)
+            Rast_put_c_row (error_fd, error_cell);
+        if (iter_fd > 0)
+            Rast_put_c_row (iter_fd, iter_cell);
+    } // rows loop 
+    G_percent (row, nrows, 2);
+    // close files 
+    for (i = 0; i < Ref.nfiles; i++)   // no. of bands 
+  	  Rast_unopen (cellfd[i]);
+    for (i = 0; i < A->cols; i++)      // no. of spectra 
+    {
+        char command[1080];
+        Rast_close (resultfd[i]);
+        // make grey scale color table 
+        sprintf (result_name, "%s.%d", parm.result->answer, (i+1));
+        sprintf (command, "r.colors map=%s color=rules <<EOF\n"
+                          "0 0 0 0 \n"
+                          "201 0 255 0\n"
+                          "end\n"
+                          "EOF", result_name);
+        //G_message(command);
+       // G_system (command);
+        // create histogram 
+        do_histogram (result_name, Ref.file[i].mapset);
+    }
+    if (error_fd > 0)
+    {
+        char command[80];
+        Rast_close (error_fd);
+        //sprintf (command, "r.colors map=%s color=gyr >/dev/null", parm.error->answer);
+        //G_system (command);
+    }
+    if (iter_fd > 0)
+        Rast_close (iter_fd);
+    G_matrix_free (A);
+    make_history (result_name, parm.group->answer, parm.matrixfile->answer);
+    exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/makedocu.sh
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/makedocu.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/makedocu.sh	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+lgrind -e docu.lg > docu_ispecunmix.tex
+#latex docu_ispecunmix.tex
+rm -rf OBJ.linux statistics.txt *.aux *.log *.idx
+mv docu_ispecunmix.tex ../..

Property changes on: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/makedocu.sh
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/meschach_grass.txt
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/meschach_grass.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/meschach_grass.txt	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+$Id: meschach_grass.txt 11 2000-12-05 21:00:14Z neteler $
+- find max of matrix A (find_max)
+- Subtract two vectors (v_sub)
+- Scalar-matrix multiplication (sm_mlt)
+- stdin read-function "m_input"
+- stdin read in vector from stdin (v_input)
+VNULL: null vector
+* Ax calculations can be done with G\_matrix\_multiply()
+/* get matrix element shortcut*/
+#define ME(x, y, z) G_matrix_get_element( (x), (y), (z) )
+MESCHACH vs. GRASS implementation
+ V_FREE(Avector1):         G_vector_free(Avector1)
+ v_norm2:                  G_vector_norm_euclid
+ v_copy:                   G_vector_copy
+ v_sub:                    G_vector_sub
+ v_get(A->cols):           G_vector_init(?,A->cols, CVEC)
+ ve:                       G_vector_get_element()
+ v_max(Avector1, index):   G_vector_norm_maxval(Avector1, index) ?
+ get_col(A, i, VNULL):     G_matvect_get_column(A, i)
+ M_FREE:                   G_matrix_free
+ me:                       G_matrix_get_element(A, i, j)
+ m_get((A->m+1), A->n):    G_matrix_init(A->rows + 1, A->cols)
+   A->m:                   A->rows (matrix dimensions)
+   A->n:                   A->cols
+ m_transp(A_tilde, MNULL): G_matrix_transpose(A_tilde)
+ find_max:
+ m_copy:                   G_matrix_copy
+ mv_mlt:                   G_matrix_product
+ ?: G_matrix_print
+ ?: G_matrix_inverse
+ ?: G_matrix_LU_solve
+m_input: Do you mean something that would            
+initialise a matrix from an array like x[i][j]?
+v_input:Probably get params:                 
+[rows,cols] and G_matrix_init(), then set values with                           
+G_set_matrix_element. See my remarks above re. G_vector_init()

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/noshadow.sh
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/noshadow.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/noshadow.sh	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ r.mapcalc unmix1_noshade = "(unmix.1/(unmix.1-unmix.3)) + unmix.1"
+ r.mapcalc unmix2_noshade = "(unmix.2/(unmix.2-unmix.3)) + unmix.2"
+cat unmix_reclass25.dat |r.reclass i=unmix1_noshade o=unmix1_noshade.recl
+cat unmix_reclass25.dat |r.reclass i=unmix2_noshade o=unmix2_noshade.recl
+cat unmix_reclass25.dat |r.reclass i=bodenbedeckungsgrad95 o=bdgrad95.recl
+r.kappa -mwz classification=unmix1_noshade.recl reference=bdgrad95.recl output=kappa.1
+r.kappa -mwz classification=unmix2_noshade.recl reference=bdgrad95.recl output=kappa.2
+textedit kappa.1&textedit kappa.2&

Property changes on: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/noshadow.sh
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/open.c
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/open.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/open.c	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+/* Spextral unmixing with Singular Value Decomposition */
+/* (c) 15. Jan. 1999 Markus Neteler, Hannover*/
+/* Cited references are from
+     Steward, D.E, Leyk, Z. 1994: Meschach: Matrix computations in C.
+        Proceedings of the centre for Mathematics and its Applicaions.
+        The Australian National University. Vol. 32.
+        ISBN 0 7315 1900 0
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <grass/imagery.h>
+#include <grass/gmath.h>
+#include <grass/glocale.h>
+#include "global.h"
+int open_files (char *matrixfile,
+                char *img_grp,
+                char *iter_name,
+                char *error_name,
+                mat_struct *A)
+    char result_name[80];
+    char *result_prefix="out";
+    FILE *fp;
+    int i, matrixsize;
+    mat_struct A_input;
+//     mat_struct A_input1;
+    if ((fp = fopen (matrixfile, "r")) == NULL)
+    	 G_fatal_error (_("Matrix file %s not found."), matrixfile);
+   //G_matrix_init2( &A_input,3,3,3);
+   // G_warning("matrix read start");
+//    G_warning("cols=%d",A_input->cols);
+    if ((G_matrix_read (fp, &A_input) < 0))
+        G_fatal_error (_("Unable to read matrix file %s."), matrixfile);
+    fclose (fp);
+    //G_matrix_print(&A_input);
+  // G_warning("matrix read done");
+#if 0
+    G_message(_("Your spectral matrix = %d"), m_output(A_input));
+//    A = m_get(A_input->rows, A_input->cols);
+    G_matrix_clone2(&A_input, A);
+    //*A = *G_matrix_init (A_input.rows, A_input.cols, A_input.rows);
+//    if (A == NULL)
+      //  G_fatal_error (_("Unable to allocate memory for matrix"));
+    A = G_matrix_transpose (&A_input);
+   // G_matrix_free (&A_input);
+//     G_matrix_print(A);   
+    if ((A->rows) < (A->cols))
+	G_fatal_error (_("Need number of cols >= rows to perform least squares fitting."));
+    // number of rows must be equivalent to no. of bands
+    matrixsize = A->cols;
+    // open input files from group
+    if (!I_find_group (img_grp))
+	G_fatal_error (_("Unable to find imagery group %s."), img_grp);
+    I_get_group_ref (img_grp, &Ref);
+    if (Ref.nfiles <= 1)
+    {
+	if (Ref.nfiles <= 0)
+            G_fatal_error (_("Group %s does not have any rasters. "
+                        "The group must have at least 2 rasters."), img_grp);
+	else
+            G_fatal_error (_("Group %s only has 1 raster. "
+                        "The group must have at least 2 rasters."), img_grp);
+    }
+    // Error check: input file number must be equal to matrix size
+    if (Ref.nfiles != matrixsize)
+        G_fatal_error (_("Number of input files (%i) in group <%s> "
+                    "does not match number of spectra in matrix. "
+                    "(contains only %i cols)."),
+                    Ref.nfiles, img_grp, A->cols);
+    // get memory for input files
+    cell = (CELL **) G_malloc (Ref.nfiles * sizeof (CELL *));
+    cellfd = (int *) G_malloc (Ref.nfiles * sizeof (int));
+    for (i = 0; i < Ref.nfiles; i++)
+    {
+	cell[i] = Rast_allocate_c_buf();
+	G_message (_("Opening input file no. %i [%s]"), (i + 1), Ref.file[i].name);
+	if ((cellfd[i] = Rast_open_old  (Ref.file[i].name, Ref.file[i].mapset)) < 0)
+	    G_fatal_error (_("Unable to open <%s>"), Ref.file[i].name);
+    }
+    // open files for results 
+    result_cell = (CELL **) G_malloc (Ref.nfiles * sizeof (CELL *));
+    resultfd = (int *) G_malloc (Ref.nfiles * sizeof (int));
+    for (i = 0; i < A->cols; i++)      // no. of spectra
+    {
+	 sprintf (result_name, "%s.%d", result_prefix, (i + 1));
+         G_message (_("Opening output file [%s]"), result_name);
+	 result_cell[i] = Rast_allocate_c_buf();
+	 if ((resultfd[i] = Rast_open_c_new (result_name)) < 0)
+	 	G_fatal_error (_("GRASS-DB internal error: Unable to proceed."));
+    }
+    // open file containing SMA error
+    error_cell = (CELL *) G_malloc (sizeof(CELL *));
+    if (error_name)
+    {
+        G_message (_("Opening error file [%s]"), error_name);
+        if ((error_fd = Rast_open_c_new (error_name)) < 0)
+            G_fatal_error (_("Unable to create error layer [%s]"), error_name);
+        else
+            error_cell = Rast_allocate_c_buf();
+    }
+    // open file containing number of iterations 
+    iter_cell = (CELL *) G_malloc (sizeof(CELL *));
+    if (iter_name)
+    {
+	G_message (_("Opening iteration file [%s]"), iter_name);
+        if ((iter_fd = Rast_open_c_new (iter_name)) < 0)
+	    G_fatal_error (_("Unable to create iterations layer [%s]"), iter_name);
+	else
+	    iter_cell = Rast_allocate_c_buf();
+    }
+ //G_matrix_print(A); 
+    return matrixsize;
+    */
+    return 0;
+mat_struct* open_files2 (char *matrixfile,
+                char *img_grp,
+                char *result_prefix,                
+                char *iter_name,
+                char *error_name)
+    char result_name[80];
+    FILE *fp;
+    int i, matrixsize;
+    mat_struct A_input, *A;
+//     mat_struct A_input1;
+    /* Read in matrix file with spectral library.
+     * Input matrix must contain spectra row-wise (for user's convenience)!
+     * Transposed here to col-wise orientation (for modules/mathematical 
+     * convenience). */
+    if ((fp = fopen (matrixfile, "r")) == NULL)
+    	 G_fatal_error (_("Matrix file %s not found."), matrixfile);
+   //G_matrix_init2( &A_input,3,3,3);
+   // G_warning("matrix read start");
+//    G_warning("cols=%d",A_input->cols);
+    /* Read data and close file */
+    if ((G_matrix_read2 (fp, &A_input) < 0))
+        G_fatal_error (_("Unable to read matrix file %s."), matrixfile);
+    fclose (fp);
+    //G_matrix_print2(&A_input, "A_input");
+  // G_warning("matrix read done");
+#if 0
+    G_message(_("Your spectral matrix = %d"), m_output(A_input));
+    /* transpose input matrix from row orientation to col orientation.
+     * Don't mix rows and cols in the source code and the modules
+     * messages output! */
+//    A = m_get(A_input->rows, A_input->cols);
+    //G_matrix_clone2(&A_input, A);
+    A = G_matrix_init (A_input.rows, A_input.cols, A_input.rows);
+    if (A == NULL)
+        G_fatal_error (_("Unable to allocate memory for matrix"));
+    A = G_matrix_transpose (&A_input);
+   // G_matrix_free (&A_input);
+//     G_matrix_print(A);   
+    if ((A->rows) < (A->cols))
+	G_fatal_error (_("Need number of cols >= rows to perform least squares fitting."));
+    // number of rows must be equivalent to no. of bands
+    matrixsize = A->rows;
+    // open input files from group
+    if (!I_find_group (img_grp))
+	G_fatal_error (_("Unable to find imagery group %s."), img_grp);
+    I_get_group_ref (img_grp, &Ref);
+    if (Ref.nfiles <= 1)
+    {
+	if (Ref.nfiles <= 0)
+            G_fatal_error (_("Group %s does not have any rasters. "
+                        "The group must have at least 2 rasters."), img_grp);
+	else
+            G_fatal_error (_("Group %s only has 1 raster. "
+                        "The group must have at least 2 rasters."), img_grp);
+    }
+    // Error check: input file number must be equal to matrix size
+    if (Ref.nfiles != matrixsize)
+        G_fatal_error (_("Number of input files (%i) in group <%s> "
+                    "does not match number of spectra in matrix. "
+                    "(contains %i cols)."),
+                    Ref.nfiles, img_grp, A->rows);
+    // get memory for input files
+    cell = (CELL **) G_malloc (Ref.nfiles * sizeof (CELL *));
+    cellfd = (int *) G_malloc (Ref.nfiles * sizeof (int));
+    for (i = 0; i < Ref.nfiles; i++)
+    {
+	cell[i] = Rast_allocate_c_buf();
+	G_message (_("Opening input file no. %i [%s]"), (i + 1), Ref.file[i].name);
+	if ((cellfd[i] = Rast_open_old  (Ref.file[i].name, Ref.file[i].mapset)) < 0)
+	    G_fatal_error (_("Unable to open <%s>"), Ref.file[i].name);
+    }
+    // open files for results 
+    result_cell = (CELL **) G_malloc (Ref.nfiles * sizeof (CELL *));
+    resultfd = (int *) G_malloc (Ref.nfiles * sizeof (int));
+    for (i = 0; i < A->cols; i++)      // no. of spectra
+    {
+      if (result_prefix)
+      {
+	      sprintf (result_name, "%s.%d", result_prefix, (i + 1));
+        G_message (_("Opening output file [%s]"), result_name);
+	      result_cell[i] = Rast_allocate_c_buf();
+	      if ((resultfd[i] = Rast_open_c_new (result_name)) < 0)
+	 	      G_fatal_error (_("GRASS-DB internal error: Unable to proceed."));
+      }
+    }
+    // open file containing SMA error
+    error_cell = (CELL *) G_malloc (sizeof(CELL *));
+    if (error_name)
+    {
+        G_message (_("Opening error file [%s]"), error_name);
+        if ((error_fd = Rast_open_c_new (error_name)) < 0)
+            G_fatal_error (_("Unable to create error layer [%s]"), error_name);
+        else
+            error_cell = Rast_allocate_c_buf();
+    }
+    // open file containing number of iterations 
+    iter_cell = (CELL *) G_malloc (sizeof(CELL *));
+    if (iter_name)
+    {
+	G_message (_("Opening iteration file [%s]"), iter_name);
+        if ((iter_fd = Rast_open_c_new (iter_name)) < 0)
+	    G_fatal_error (_("Unable to create iterations layer [%s]"), iter_name);
+	else
+	    iter_cell = Rast_allocate_c_buf();
+    }
+    /* give back number of output files (= Ref.nfiles) */
+    return A;

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/region.unmix.txt
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/region.unmix.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/region.unmix.txt	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+projection: 99 (Transverse Mercator)
+zone:       0
+north:      5767525
+south:      5763000
+east:       3574025
+west:       3569500
+nsres:      25
+ewres:      25
+rows:       181
+cols:       181

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/run.sh
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/run.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/run.sh	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+i.spec.unmix gr=96corr err=error97 iter=iter97 res=unmix97 mat=diplom97.dat
+cat unmix_reclass25.dat |r.reclass i=unmix97.1 o=unmix971.recl
+cat unmix_reclass25.dat |r.reclass i=unmix97.2 o=unmix972.recl
+cat unmix_reclass25.dat |r.reclass i=bdg_wrede o=bdg_wrede.recl
+cat unmix_reclass25.dat |r.reclass i=unmix97.3 o=unmix973.recl
+cat unmix_reclass25.dat |r.reclass i=unmix97.4 o=unmix974.recl
+cat unmix_reclass25.dat |r.reclass i=unmix97.5 o=unmix975.recl
+#cat unmix_reclass25.dat |r.reclass i=unmix.6 o=unmix6.recl
+r.kappa -mwz classification=unmix971.recl reference=bdg_wrede.recl output=kappa.1
+r.kappa -mwz classification=unmix972.recl reference=bdg_wrede.recl output=kappa.2
+#r.kappa -mwz classification=unmix3.recl reference=bodenbedeckungsgrad95 output=kappa.3
+#r.kappa -mwz classification=unmix4.recl reference=bodenbedeckungsgrad95 output=kappa.4
+#r.kappa -mwz classification=unmix5.recl reference=bodenbedeckungsgrad95 output=kappa.5
+#r.kappa -mwz classification=unmix6.recl reference=bodenbedeckungsgrad95 output=kappa.6
+textedit kappa.1&textedit kappa.2&

Property changes on: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/run.sh
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/spec_angle.c
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/spec_angle.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/spec_angle.c	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+/* Spectral angle mapping
+ * (c) 1999 Markus Neteler, Hannover
+ *
+ * 25. Nov. 1998 - V. 0.2
+ *
+ *****/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <grass/gmath.h>
+#include "global.h"
+/* input mat_struct A, vec_struct Avector1, Avector2
+ * output cur_angle
+ *
+ *                   v_DN * v_reference
+ *  cos alpha = ----------------------------
+ *               ||v_DN|| * ||v_reference||
+ * 
+ *
+ *                  Avector1 * Avector2
+ *            = ---------------------------
+ *              ||Avector1|| * ||Avector2||
+ *
+ * 
+ * Ref.: van der Meer, F. 1997: Mineral mapping and Landsat Thematic Mapper 
+ *                             image Classification using spectral unmixing.
+ *       Geocarto International, Vol.12, no.3 (Sept.). pp. 27-40
+ */
+float spectral_angle (vec_struct *Avector1, vec_struct *Avector2)
+    vec_struct *vtmp1;
+    double norm1, norm2, norm3;
+    /* Measure spectral angle */
+    /* multiply one A column with second */
+//  vtmp1 = G_vector_init (0, 0, RVEC);
+    vtmp1 = G_vector_product (Avector1, Avector2, vtmp1);
+    norm1 = G_vector_norm1 (vtmp1);          /* calculate 1-norm */
+    norm2 = G_vector_norm_euclid (Avector1); /* calculate 2-norm (Euclidean) */
+    norm3 = G_vector_norm_euclid (Avector2); /* calculate 2-norm (Euclidean) */
+    G_vector_free (vtmp1);
+    /* Calculate angle and return in degree globally */
+    return (acos (norm1 / (norm2 * norm3)) * 180 / M_PI);

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/spectrum.dat
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/spectrum.dat	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/spectrum.dat	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Kanäle: r g b i1 i2 i3
+# Spektren zeilenweise eingeben!
+# 1. Sagebrush 
+# 2. Saltbush
+# 3. Boden
+# 4. Trockengras
+Matrix: 4 by 6
+row0:  8.87  13.14  11.71  35.85  28.26 10.54
+row1: 13.59  20.12  19.61  70.66 34.82 16.35
+row2: 28.26  34.82  38.27  40.1 38.27 23.7
+row3: 10.54  16.35  23.7   38.98 40.1 38.98

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/test/Gmakefile
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/test/Gmakefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/test/Gmakefile	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+	gmath_test.o
+PROGS = gmath_test
+G2C = -lg2c
+LA = -lblas -llapack
+all: $(PROGS)
+gmath_test: gmath_test.o
+	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(LA) $(G2C) \
+$(GISLIB): #

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/test/gmath_test.c
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/test/gmath_test.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/test/gmath_test.c	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+/* Test the facility for adding, subtracting, multiplying matrices */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "gis.h"
+#include "la.h"
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+  int i, j;
+  mat_struct *m1, *m2, *m_sum, *m_sub, *m_scale, *m3, *m4;
+  vec_struct *v1;
+  double testmat1[5][3] = {  1.0, 3.4, 8.1,
+			     1.5, 1.5, 2.3,
+			     2.0, 2.2, 1.7,
+			     2.5, 6.3, 6.1,
+			     3.0, 1.6, 5.0
+  };
+  double testmat2[5][3] = {  7.3, 0.5, 2.6,
+			     6.9, 1.2, 2.8,
+			     5.5, 1.9, 5.1,
+			     9.3, 7.7, 7.0,
+			     0.5, 3.1, 3.8
+  };
+  double testvec1[5] = { 1 2 3 4 5 }
+  double testc = 4.3;
+  /* Initialise the matrix structures */
+  m1 = G_matrix_init(5, 3, 5);
+  m2 = G_matrix_init(5, 3, 5);
+  for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
+    for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
+      G_matrix_set_element(m1, i, j, testmat1[i][j]);
+      G_matrix_set_element(m2, i, j, testmat2[i][j]);
+    }
+  /* Add the matrices */
+  m_sum = G_matrix_add(m1, m2);
+  /* Subtract */
+  m_sub = G_matrix_subtract(m1, m2);
+  /* Scale the matrix by a given scalar value */
+  m_scale = G_matrix_scale(m1, testc);
+  /* Multiply two matrices */
+  m3 = G_matrix_transpose(m1);
+  m4 = G_matrix_product(m3, m2);
+  /* Print out the results */
+  printf("*** TEST OF MATRIX WRAPPER FUNCTIONS ***\n\n");
+  printf("1. Simple matrix manipulations\n\n");
+  printf("    Matrix 1:\n");
+  G_matrix_print(m1);
+  printf("    Matrix 2:\n");
+  G_matrix_print(m2);
+  printf("    Sum (m1 + m2):\n");
+  G_matrix_print(m_sum);
+  printf("    Difference (m1 - m2):\n");
+  G_matrix_print(m_sub);
+  printf("    Scale (c x m1):\n");
+  G_matrix_print(m_scale);
+  printf("    Multiply transpose of M1 by M2 (m1~ x m2):\n");
+  G_matrix_print(m4);
+  G_matrix_free(m1);
+  G_matrix_free(m2);
+  G_matrix_free(m_sum);
+  G_matrix_free(m_sub);
+  G_matrix_free(m_scale);
+  G_matrix_free(m3);
+  G_matrix_free(m4);
+  return 0;

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unmix_reclass.dat
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unmix_reclass.dat	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unmix_reclass.dat	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+1  thru 10  = 10
+11 thru 20  = 20
+21 thru 30  = 30
+31 thru 40  = 40
+41 thru 50  = 50
+51 thru 60  = 60
+61 thru 70  = 70
+71 thru 80  = 80
+81 thru 90  = 90
+91 thru 100 = 100

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unmix_reclass20.dat
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unmix_reclass20.dat	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unmix_reclass20.dat	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+0  thru 20  = 10
+21 thru 40  = 30
+41 thru 60  = 50
+61 thru 80  = 70
+81 thru 100 = 90

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unmix_reclass25.dat
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unmix_reclass25.dat	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unmix_reclass25.dat	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+0  thru 25  = 13
+26 thru 50  = 38
+51 thru 75  = 63
+76 thru 100 = 88

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unused/main.c.old.s
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unused/main.c.old.s	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unused/main.c.old.s	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+/* Spectral mixture analysis
+ * (c) 1999 Markus Neteler, Hannover, Germany
+ *          neteler@@geog.uni-hannover.de
+ *
+ * V 1.2 - 20. Jan. 1999
+ *
+ * * Based on Meschach Library (matrix operations)
+ * * Copyright (C) 1993 David E. Steward & Zbigniew Leyk, all rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  Reference:
+ *   Steward, D.E, Leyk, Z. 1994: Meschach: Matrix computations in C.
+ *      Proceedings of the centre for Mathematics and its Applications.
+ *      The Australian National University. Vol. 32.
+ *      ISBN 0 7315 1900 0
+ *
+ *
+ * Calculation of
+ *      Ax = b
+ *
+ *  A: matrix of reference spectra (endmembers)
+ *  b: pixel vector from satellite image
+ *  x: unknown fraction vector
+ *
+ * Two constraints:
+ *    1. SUM x_i = 1     (max. 100%)              -> least square problem
+ *    2. 0 <= x_i <= 1   (no negative fractions)  -> Steepest Descend of
+ *                                                      error surface
+ ********************************************************************/
+#define GLOBAL
+#include "global.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <strings.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "matrix.h"
+#include "matrix2.h"
+#define GAMMA 10   /* last row value in Matrix and last b vector element
+                    * for constraint Sum xi = 1 (weight)*/
+CELL round (x)
+  double x;
+  {
+    CELL n;
+    if (x >= 0.0)
+        n = x + .5;
+    else
+       {
+        n = -x + .5;
+        n = -n;
+       }
+    return n;
+  }
+int main(argc,argv) 
+char *argv[];
+    int nrows, ncols;
+    int row, col;
+    int band;
+    int i, j, k, iterations;
+    MAT *A_tilde;
+    VEC *b_gamma;
+    VEC *startvector, *A_times_startvector, *errorvector, *temp;
+    MAT *A_tilde_trans_mu;
+    double change, mu, deviation;
+    float anglefield[255][255];
+    double error;
+    char command[80];
+    struct
+    {
+	struct Option *group, *matrixfile, *result, *error, *iter;
+    } parm;
+    G_gisinit (argv[0]);
+    parm.group = G_define_option();
+    parm.group->key = "group";
+    parm.group->type = TYPE_STRING;
+    parm.group->required = YES;
+    parm.group->description = "Imagery group to be analyzed with Spectral Mixture Analyis";
+    parm.matrixfile = G_define_option();
+    parm.matrixfile->key = "matrixfile";
+    parm.matrixfile->type = TYPE_STRING;
+    parm.matrixfile->required = YES;
+    parm.matrixfile->description = "Matrix file containing spectral signatures ";
+    parm.result = G_define_option();
+    parm.result->key = "result";
+    parm.result->type = TYPE_STRING;
+    parm.result->required = YES;
+    parm.result->description = "Raster map prefix to hold spectral unmixing results";
+    parm.error = G_define_option();
+    parm.error->key = "error";
+    parm.error->type = TYPE_STRING;
+    parm.error->required = YES;
+    parm.error->description = "Raster map to hold unmixing error";
+    parm.iter = G_define_option();
+    parm.iter->key = "iter";
+    parm.iter->type = TYPE_STRING;
+    parm.iter->required = YES;
+    parm.iter->description = "Raster map to hold number of iterations";
+    flag.quiet = G_define_flag();
+    flag.quiet->key = 'q';
+    flag.quiet->description = "Run quietly (but with percentage output)";
+    flag2.veryquiet = G_define_flag();
+    flag2.veryquiet->key = 's';
+    flag2.veryquiet->description = "Run silently (say nothing)";
+    if (G_parser(argc,argv))
+	exit(1);
+    result_prefix = parm.result->answer;
+    error_name   = parm.error->answer;
+    iter_name    = parm.iter->answer;
+    group        = parm.group->answer;
+    matrixfile   = parm.matrixfile->answer;
+    if (flag2.veryquiet->answer)
+    	flag.quiet->answer = 1;
+/* here we go... */
+    open_files();
+  /* Spectral Matrix is stored in A now 
+   * Generally:    n: cols ....  for matrix A
+   *             m: rows
+   *                 |
+   *                 |
+   **/
+  /* Check matrix orthogonality 
+   * Ref: Youngsinn Sohn, Roger M. McCoy 1997: Mapping desert shrub rangeland
+   *       using spectral unmixing and modeling spectral mixtrues with 
+   *       TM data. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, Vol.63, No6.
+   *
+   * We work here internally with col-oriented matrixfile, but the user
+   * has to enter the spectra row-wise for his/her's convenience...
+   * That means: Don't mix rows and cols in the source code and the modules
+   *             messages output!
+   */
+    for (i = 0; i < A->n; i++) /* go columnwise through matrix*/
+    {
+     Avector1 = get_col(A, i, VNULL);  
+     for (j = 0; j < A->n ; j++)
+	{
+	 if (j !=i)
+	    {
+	     Avector2 = get_col(A, j, VNULL);  /* compare with next col in A */
+	     spectral_angle();
+	     anglefield[i][j]= curr_angle;     /* in degree */
+	     V_FREE(Avector2);
+	    }
+	}
+     V_FREE(Avector1);
+     V_FREE(Avector2);
+    }
+    /* print out the result */
+    if (!flag.quiet->answer)
+    	{
+         fprintf(stderr,"Checking linear dependencies (orthogonality check) of Matrix A:\n");
+         for (i = 0; i < A->n ; i++)
+            for (j = 0; j < A->n ; j++)
+	    {
+             if (j !=i)
+              fprintf(stderr,"  Angle between row %i and row %i: %g degree\n", \
+                                         (i+1), (j+1), anglefield[i][j]);
+                               /* internally this is col and not row certainly */
+            }
+         fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+        }
+   /* check it */
+   error=0;
+   for (i = 0; i < A->n ; i++)
+     for (j = 0; j < A->n ; j++)
+       if (j !=i)
+         if (anglefield[i][j] < 8.0)
+         {
+	     fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Spectral entries row%i: and row%i: in your matrix \
+                                    are linear dependent!\n",i,j);
+	     fprintf(stderr,"       You have to revise your reference spectra.\n");
+	     error=1;
+	     exit(1);
+	 }
+   if (!error)
+     if (!flag.quiet->answer)
+	 fprintf(stderr,"Spectral matrix is o.k. Proceeding...\n\n");
+/* Begin calculations */
+   /* 1. contraint SUM xi = 1
+    *   add last row "1" elements to Matrix A, store in A_tilde
+    *   A_tilde is one row-dimension more than A */
+   A_tilde = m_get( (A->m+1), A->n);
+   for (i=0; i < A->m ; i++)   /* copy rowwise */
+     for (j=0; j < A->n; j++)  /* copy colwise */
+          A_tilde->me[i][j]= A->me[i][j];
+   /* fill last row with 1 elements */
+   for (j=0; j < A->n ; j++)
+      A_tilde->me[A->m][j]= GAMMA;
+   /* now we have an overdetermined (non-square) system */
+/* We have a least square problem here: error minimization
+ *                             T          -1         T
+ * unknown fraction = [A_tilde * A_tilde]  * A_tilde * b
+ *
+ * A_tilde is the non-square matrix with first constraint in last row.
+ * b is pixel vector from satellite image
+ */
+   /* calculate the transpose of A_tilde*/
+    A_tilde_trans = m_transp(A_tilde, MNULL);
+   /* calculate the matrix product of A_tilde_trans and A_tilde
+    *             T
+    * MM = A_tilde * A_tilde  */
+/*    MM = m_mlt(A_tilde_trans, A_tilde, MNULL);*/
+   /* Calculate the inverse of matrix M with SVD */
+/*    calc_inverse(MM);*/
+   /* The inverted matrix of [A_tilde_trans*A_tilde] is  
+    * stored in  MM_inverse now */
+   /* initialize some values */
+  /*  mu=0.000001;  */         /* step size for spectra in range of W/m^2/um */
+      mu=0.000000001;          /* step size for spectra in range of 0.01W/m^2/um */
+                               /* step size must be small enough for covergence of iteration*/
+    startvector = v_get(A->n);                /* length: no. of spectra */
+    A_times_startvector = v_get(A_tilde->m);  /* length: no. of bands   */
+    errorvector = v_get(A_tilde->m);          /* length: no. of bands   */
+    temp = v_get(A_tilde->n);                 /* length: no. of spectra */
+    A_tilde_trans_mu = m_get(A_tilde->m,A_tilde->n);
+/* Now we can calculated the fractions pixelwise */
+    nrows = G_window_rows(); /* get geographical region */
+    ncols = G_window_cols();
+    if (!flag.quiet->answer)
+    	{
+	 fprintf (stderr, "Calculating for %i x %i pixels (%i bands) = %i pixelvectors:\n",\
+	 		nrows,ncols, Ref.nfiles, (ncols * ncols));
+	 fprintf (stderr, "%s ... ", G_program_name());
+	}
+    for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++)             /* rows loop in images */
+    {
+	if (!flag2.veryquiet->answer)
+	    G_percent(row, nrows, 1);
+	for (band = 0; band < Ref.nfiles; band++) /* get one row for all bands*/
+	{
+	 if (G_get_map_row (cellfd[band], cell[band], row) < 0)
+		exit(1);
+	}
+	for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++)
+             /* cols loop, work pixelwise for all bands */
+	{
+	    /* get pixel values of each band and store in b vector: */
+	     b_gamma = v_get(A_tilde->m);              /* length: no. of bands + 1 (GAMMA)*/
+	     for (band = 0; band < Ref.nfiles; band++)
+		  b_gamma->ve[band] = cell[band][col];  
+            /* add GAMMA for 1. constraint as last element*/
+	     b_gamma->ve[Ref.nfiles] = GAMMA;    
+            /* calculate fraction vector for current pixel
+             * Result is stored in fractions vector       
+	     * with second constraint: Sum x_i = 1 */
+	     change=1000;  /* initialize */
+	     deviation=1000;
+             iterations = 0;
+             for (k = 0; k < (A_tilde->n); k++)  /* no. of spectra times */
+                  startvector->ve[k] = (1./A_tilde->n);
+	    /* get start vector and initialize it with equal fractions:
+	     * using the neighbor pixelvector as startvector*/
+	      /* solve with iterative solution: */
+	     while( fabs(change) > 0.0001 )
+		{
+		 /* go a small step into direction of negative gradient
+                  * errorvector = A_tilde * startvector - b_gamma */
+		 mv_mlt(A_tilde, startvector, A_times_startvector);
+		 v_sub(A_times_startvector, b_gamma, errorvector);
+                 sm_mlt(mu, A_tilde_trans, A_tilde_trans_mu);
+                 mv_mlt(A_tilde_trans_mu, errorvector, temp);
+                 v_sub(startvector,temp,startvector); /* update startvector */
+                 /* if one element gets negative, set it to zero */
+                 for (k = 0; k < (A_tilde->n); k++)  /* no. of spectra times */
+                   if (startvector->ve[k] < 0)
+                        startvector->ve[k] = 0;
+                 /* Check the deviation */
+                 change = deviation - v_norm2(errorvector);
+                 deviation = v_norm2(errorvector);
+		 /* debug output */
+		/* fprintf(stderr, "Change: %g - deviation: %g\n", \
+		 change, deviation); */
+                 iterations++;
+	        } /* while */
+	     fraction=v_get(A->n);     /* length: no. of spectra */
+             error = deviation / v_norm2(b_gamma);
+             v_copy(startvector, fraction);
+            /*----------  end of second contraint -----------------------*/
+            /* store fractions in resulting rows of resulting files
+             * (number of bands = vector dimension) */
+	    /* write result in full percent */
+	     for (i = 0; i < A->n; i++)  /* no. of spectra */
+		  result_cell[i][col] = (CELL)(100 * fraction->ve[i]); 
+	    /* save error and iterations*/
+             error_cell[col] = (CELL) (100 * error);
+             iter_cell[col] = iterations;
+	     V_FREE(fraction);
+	     V_FREE(b);	     
+	   } /* columns loop */
+	  /* write the resulting rows into output files: */
+	  for (i = 0; i < A->n; i++)   /* no. of spectra */
+	      G_put_map_row (resultfd[i], result_cell[i], row);
+	  if (error_fd > 0)
+	      G_put_map_row (error_fd, error_cell, row);
+	  if (iter_fd > 0)
+	      G_put_map_row (iter_fd, iter_cell, row);
+	} /* rows loop */
+    if (!flag2.veryquiet->answer)
+	G_percent(row, nrows, 2);
+  /* close files */
+    for (i = 0; i < Ref.nfiles; i++)   /* no. of bands */
+  	  G_unopen_cell(cellfd[i]);
+    for (i = 0; i < A->n; i++)   /* no. of spectra */
+    	{
+	  G_close_cell (resultfd[i]);
+	  /* make grey scale color table */
+	  sprintf(result_name, "%s.%d", result_prefix, (i+1));	               
+          sprintf(command, "r.colors map=%s color=rules 2>&1> /dev/null <<EOF\n
+			    0 0 0 0 \n
+			    100 0 255 0\n
+			    end\n
+			    EOF", result_name);
+          system(command);
+         /* create histogram */
+          do_histogram(result_name, Ref.file[i].mapset);
+	}
+    if (error_fd > 0)
+    	{
+	 G_close_cell (error_fd);
+	 sprintf(command, "r.colors map=%s color=gyr >/dev/null", error_name);
+	 system(command);
+	}
+    if (iter_fd > 0)
+    	{
+	 G_close_cell (iter_fd);
+	/* sprintf(command, "r.colors map=%s color=gyr >/dev/null", iter_name);
+	 system(command);*/
+	}
+    M_FREE(A);
+    make_history(result_name, group, matrixfile);
+    exit(0);
+} /* main*/

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unused/matrix.h
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unused/matrix.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unused/matrix.h	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1993 David E. Steward & Zbigniew Leyk, all rights reserved.
+**			     Meschach Library
+** This Meschach Library is provided "as is" without any express 
+** or implied warranty of any kind with respect to this software. 
+** In particular the authors shall not be liable for any direct, 
+** indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising 
+** in any way from use of the software.
+** Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute this
+** Meschach Library, provided:
+**  1.  All copies contain this copyright notice.
+**  2.  All modified copies shall carry a notice stating who
+**      made the last modification and the date of such modification.
+**  3.  No charge is made for this software or works derived from it.  
+**      This clause shall not be construed as constraining other software
+**      distributed on the same medium as this software, nor is a
+**      distribution fee considered a charge.
+#ifndef	__MATRIX_H__
+#define	__MATRIX_H__
+#include <grass/config.h>
+#include <grass/gis.h>
+/* vector definition */
+typedef	struct	{
+	unsigned int	dim, max_dim;
+	double	*ve;
+} VEC;
+/* matrix definition */
+typedef	struct	{
+	unsigned int	m, n;
+	unsigned int	max_m, max_n, max_size;
+	double	**me,*base;	/* base is base of alloc'd mem */
+} MAT;
+/* band matrix definition */
+typedef struct {
+       MAT   *mat;       /* matrix */
+       int   lb,ub;    /* lower and upper bandwidth */
+} BAND;
+/* permutation definition */
+typedef	struct	{
+	unsigned int	size, max_size, *pe;
+} PERM;
+/* integer vector definition */
+typedef struct	{
+	unsigned int	dim, max_dim;
+	int	*ive;
+} IVEC;
+void	m_version( void );
+/* allocate one object of given type */
+#define	NEW(type)	((type *)G_calloc((size_t)1, sizeof(type)))
+/* allocate num objects of given type */
+#define	NEW_A(num,type)	((type *)G_calloc((size_t)(num), sizeof(type)))
+ /* re-allocate arry to have num objects of the given type */
+#define	RENEW(var,num,type) \
+    ((var)=(type *)((var) ? \
+		    G_realloc((char *)(var), (num)*sizeof(type))) : \
+		    G_calloc((size_t)(num), sizeof(type))))
+#define	MEMCOPY(from,to,n_items,type) \
+ MEM_COPY((char *)(from), (char *)(to), (unsigned)(n_items)*sizeof(type))
+/* type independent min and max operations */
+#ifndef max
+#define	max(a,b)	((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#ifndef min
+#define	min(a,b)	((a) > (b) ? (b) : (a))
+/* for input routines */
+#define MAXLINE 81
+#if 0
+/* Dynamic memory allocation */
+/* Should use M_FREE/V_FREE/PX_FREE in programs instead of m/v/px_free()
+   as this is considerably safer -- also provides a simple type check ! */
+/* get/resize vector to given dimension */
+extern	VEC *v_get(int), *v_resize(VEC *,int);
+/* get/resize matrix to be m x n */
+extern	MAT *m_get(int,int), *m_resize(MAT *,int,int);
+/* get/resize permutation to have the given size */
+extern	PERM *px_get(int), *px_resize(PERM *,int);
+/* get/resize an integer vector to given dimension */
+extern	IVEC *iv_get(int), *iv_resize(IVEC *,int);
+/* get/resize a band matrix to given dimension */
+extern  BAND *bd_get(int,int,int), *bd_resize(BAND *,int,int,int);
+/* free (de-allocate) (band) matrices, vectors, permutations and 
+   integer vectors */
+extern  int iv_free(IVEC *);
+extern	int m_free(MAT *);
+extern  int v_free(VEC *);
+extern  int px_free(PERM *);
+extern  int bd_free(BAND *);
+/* MACROS */
+/* macros that also check types and sets pointers to NULL */
+#define	M_FREE(mat)	( m_free(mat),	(mat)=(MAT *)NULL )
+#define V_FREE(vec)	( v_free(vec),	(vec)=(VEC *)NULL )
+#define	PX_FREE(px)	( px_free(px),	(px)=(PERM *)NULL )
+#define	IV_FREE(iv)	( iv_free(iv),	(iv)=(IVEC *)NULL )
+#define MAXDIM  	2001
+/* Entry level access to data structures */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+/* returns x[i] */
+#define	v_entry(x,i)	(((i) < 0 || (i) >= (x)->dim) ? \
+			 error(E_BOUNDS,"v_entry"), 0.0 : (x)->ve[i] )
+/* x[i] <- val */
+#define	v_set_val(x,i,val) ((x)->ve[i] = ((i) < 0 || (i) >= (x)->dim) ? \
+			    error(E_BOUNDS,"v_set_val"), 0.0 : (val))
+/* x[i] <- x[i] + val */
+#define	v_add_val(x,i,val) ((x)->ve[i] += ((i) < 0 || (i) >= (x)->dim) ? \
+			    error(E_BOUNDS,"v_add_val"), 0.0 : (val))
+/* x[i] <- x[i] - val */
+#define	v_sub_val(x,i,val) ((x)->ve[i] -= ((i) < 0 || (i) >= (x)->dim) ? \
+			    error(E_BOUNDS,"v_sub_val"), 0.0 : (val))
+/* returns A[i][j] */
+#define	m_entry(A,i,j)	(((i) < 0 || (i) >= (A)->m || \
+			  (j) < 0 || (j) >= (A)->n) ? \
+			 error(E_BOUNDS,"m_entry"), 0.0 : (A)->me[i][j] )
+/* A[i][j] <- val */
+#define	m_set_val(A,i,j,val) ((A)->me[i][j] = ((i) < 0 || (i) >= (A)->m || \
+					       (j) < 0 || (j) >= (A)->n) ? \
+			      error(E_BOUNDS,"m_set_val"), 0.0 : (val) )
+/* A[i][j] <- A[i][j] + val */
+#define	m_add_val(A,i,j,val) ((A)->me[i][j] += ((i) < 0 || (i) >= (A)->m || \
+						(j) < 0 || (j) >= (A)->n) ? \
+			      error(E_BOUNDS,"m_add_val"), 0.0 : (val) )
+/* A[i][j] <- A[i][j] - val */
+#define	m_sub_val(A,i,j,val) ((A)->me[i][j] -= ((i) < 0 || (i) >= (A)->m || \
+						(j) < 0 || (j) >= (A)->n) ? \
+			      error(E_BOUNDS,"m_sub_val"), 0.0 : (val) )
+/* returns x[i] */
+#define	v_entry(x,i)		((x)->ve[i])
+/* x[i] <- val */
+#define	v_set_val(x,i,val)	((x)->ve[i]  = (val))
+/* x[i] <- x[i] + val */
+#define	v_add_val(x,i,val)	((x)->ve[i] += (val))
+ /* x[i] <- x[i] - val */
+#define	v_sub_val(x,i,val)	((x)->ve[i] -= (val))
+/* returns A[i][j] */
+#define	m_entry(A,i,j)		((A)->me[i][j])
+/* A[i][j] <- val */
+#define	m_set_val(A,i,j,val)	((A)->me[i][j]  = (val) )
+/* A[i][j] <- A[i][j] + val */
+#define	m_add_val(A,i,j,val)	((A)->me[i][j] += (val) )
+/* A[i][j] <- A[i][j] - val */
+#define	m_sub_val(A,i,j,val)	((A)->me[i][j] -= (val) )
+/* I/O routines */
+/* print x on file fp */
+void v_foutput(FILE *fp,VEC *x),
+       /* print A on file fp */
+	m_foutput(FILE *fp,MAT *A),
+       /* print px on file fp */
+	px_foutput(FILE *fp,PERM *px);
+/* print ix on file fp */
+void iv_foutput(FILE *fp,IVEC *ix);
+/* Note: if out is NULL, then returned object is newly allocated;
+        Also: if out is not NULL, then that size is assumed */
+/* read in vector from fp */
+VEC *v_finput(FILE *fp,VEC *out);
+/* read in matrix from fp */
+MAT *m_finput(FILE *fp,MAT *out);
+/* read in permutation from fp */
+PERM *px_finput(FILE *fp,PERM *out);
+/* read in int vector from fp */
+IVEC *iv_finput(FILE *fp,IVEC *out);
+/* fy_or_n -- yes-or-no to question in string s
+        -- question written to stderr, input from fp 
+        -- if fp is NOT a tty then return y_n_dflt */
+int fy_or_n(FILE *fp,char *s);
+/* yn_dflt -- sets the value of y_n_dflt to val */
+int yn_dflt(int val);
+/* fin_int -- return integer read from file/stream fp
+        -- prompt s on stderr if fp is a tty
+        -- check that x lies between low and high: re-prompt if
+                fp is a tty, error exit otherwise
+        -- ignore check if low > high           */
+int fin_int(FILE *fp,char *s,int low,int high);
+/* fin_double -- return double read from file/stream fp
+        -- prompt s on stderr if fp is a tty
+        -- check that x lies between low and high: re-prompt if
+                fp is a tty, error exit otherwise
+        -- ignore check if low > high           */
+double fin_double(FILE *fp,char *s,double low,double high);
+/* it skips white spaces and strings of the form #....\n
+   Here .... is a comment string */
+int skipjunk(FILE *fp);
+/* MACROS */
+/* macros to use stdout and stdin instead of explicit fp */
+#define	v_output(vec)	v_foutput(stdout,vec)
+#define	v_input(vec)	v_finput(stdin,vec)
+#define	m_output(mat)	m_foutput(stdout,mat)
+#define	m_input(mat)	m_finput(stdin,mat)
+#define	px_output(px)	px_foutput(stdout,px)
+#define	px_input(px)	px_finput(stdin,px)
+#define	iv_output(iv)	iv_foutput(stdout,iv)
+#define	iv_input(iv)	iv_finput(stdin,iv)
+/* general purpose input routine; skips comments # ... \n */
+#define	finput(fp,prompt,fmt,var) \
+	( ( isatty(fileno(fp)) ? fprintf(stderr,prompt) : skipjunk(fp) ), \
+							fscanf(fp,fmt,var) )
+#define	input(prompt,fmt,var)	finput(stdin,prompt,fmt,var)
+#define	fprompter(fp,prompt) \
+	( isatty(fileno(fp)) ? fprintf(stderr,prompt) : skipjunk(fp) )
+#define	prompter(prompt)	fprompter(stdin,prompt)
+#define	y_or_n(s)	fy_or_n(stdin,s)
+#define	in_int(s,lo,hi)	fin_int(stdin,s,lo,hi)
+#define	in_double(s,lo,hi)	fin_double(stdin,s,lo,hi)
+/* Copying routines */
+/* copy in to out starting at out[i0][j0] */
+extern	MAT	*_m_copy(MAT *in,MAT *out,unsigned int i0,unsigned int j0),
+		* m_move(MAT *in, int, int, int, int, MAT *out, int, int),
+		*vm_move(VEC *in, int, MAT *out, int, int, int, int);
+/* copy in to out starting at out[i0] */
+extern	VEC	*_v_copy(VEC *in,VEC *out,unsigned int i0),
+		* v_move(VEC *in, int, int, VEC *out, int),
+		*mv_move(MAT *in, int, int, int, int, VEC *out, int);
+extern	PERM	*px_copy(PERM *in,PERM *out);
+extern	IVEC	*iv_copy(IVEC *in,IVEC *out),
+		*iv_move(IVEC *in, int, int, IVEC *out, int);
+extern  BAND    *bd_copy(BAND *in,BAND *out);
+/* MACROS */
+#define	m_copy(in,out)	_m_copy(in,out,0,0)
+#define	v_copy(in,out)	_v_copy(in,out,0)
+/* Initialisation routines -- to be zero, ones, random or identity */
+extern	VEC     *v_zero(VEC *), *v_rand(VEC *), *v_ones(VEC *);
+extern	MAT     *m_zero(MAT *), *m_ident(MAT *), *m_rand(MAT *),
+						*m_ones(MAT *);
+extern	PERM    *px_ident(PERM *);
+extern  IVEC    *iv_zero(IVEC *);
+/* Basic vector operations */
+extern	VEC	*sv_mlt(double,VEC *,VEC *),	/* out <- s.x */
+		*mv_mlt(MAT *,VEC *,VEC *),	/* out <- A.x */
+		*vm_mlt(MAT *,VEC *,VEC *),	/* out^T <- x^T.A */
+		*v_add(VEC *,VEC *,VEC *), 	/* out <- x + y */
+                *v_sub(VEC *,VEC *,VEC *),	/* out <- x - y */
+		*px_vec(PERM *,VEC *,VEC *),	/* out <- P.x */
+		*pxinv_vec(PERM *,VEC *,VEC *),	  /* out <- P^{-1}.x */
+		*v_mltadd(VEC *,VEC *,double,VEC *),   /* out <- x + s.y */
+		*v_map(double (*f)(double),VEC *,VEC *),  
+                                                 /* out[i] <- f(x[i]) */
+		*_v_map(double (*f)(void *,double),void *,VEC *,VEC *),
+		*v_map(double (*f)(),VEC *,VEC *), /* out[i] <- f(x[i]) */
+		*_v_map(double (*f)(),void *,VEC *,VEC *),
+		*v_lincomb(int,VEC **,double *,VEC *),   
+                                                 /* out <- sum_i s[i].x[i] */
+                *v_linlist(VEC *out,VEC *v1,double a1,...);
+                                              /* out <- s1.x1 + s2.x2 + ... */
+/* returns min_j x[j] (== x[i]) */
+extern	double	v_min(VEC *, int *), 
+     /* returns max_j x[j] (== x[i]) */		
+        v_max(VEC *, int *), 
+        /* returns sum_i x[i] */
+        v_sum(VEC *);
+/* Hadamard product: out[i] <- x[i].y[i] */
+extern	VEC	*v_star(VEC *, VEC *, VEC *),
+                 /* out[i] <- x[i] / y[i] */
+		*v_slash(VEC *, VEC *, VEC *),
+               /* sorts x, and sets order so that sorted x[i] = x[order[i]] */ 
+		*v_sort(VEC *, PERM *);
+/* returns inner product starting at component i0 */
+extern	double	_in_prod(VEC *x,VEC *y,unsigned int i0), 
+                /* returns sum_{i=0}^{len-1} x[i].y[i] */
+                __ip__(double *,double *,int);
+/* see v_mltadd(), v_add(), v_sub() and v_zero() */
+extern	void	__mltadd__(double *,double *, double, int),
+		__add__(double *, double *, double *, int),
+		__sub__(double *, double *, double *, int),
+                __smlt__(double *, double, double *, int),
+		__zero__(double *,int);
+/* MACRO */
+/* usual way of computing the inner product */
+#define	in_prod(a,b)	_in_prod(a,b,0)
+/* Norms */
+/* scaled vector norms -- scale == NULL implies unscaled */
+               /* returns sum_i |x[i]/scale[i]| */
+extern	double	_v_norm1(VEC *x,VEC *scale),   
+               /* returns (scaled) Euclidean norm */
+                _v_norm2(VEC *x,VEC *scale),
+               /* returns max_i |x[i]/scale[i]| */
+		_v_norm_inf(VEC *x,VEC *scale);
+/* unscaled matrix norms */
+extern double m_norm1(MAT *A), m_norm_inf(MAT *A), m_norm_frob(MAT *A);
+/* MACROS */
+/* unscaled vector norms */
+#define	v_norm1(x)	_v_norm1(x,VNULL)
+#define	v_norm2(x)	_v_norm2(x,VNULL)
+#define	v_norm_inf(x)	_v_norm_inf(x,VNULL)
+/* Basic matrix operations */
+extern	MAT	*sm_mlt(double s,MAT *A,MAT *out), 	/* out <- s.A */
+		*m_mlt(MAT *A,MAT *B,MAT *out),	/* out <- A.B */
+		*mmtr_mlt(MAT *A,MAT *B,MAT *out),	/* out <- A.B^T */
+		*mtrm_mlt(MAT *A,MAT *B,MAT *out),	/* out <- A^T.B */
+		*m_add(MAT *A,MAT *B,MAT *out),	/* out <- A + B */
+		*m_sub(MAT *A,MAT *B,MAT *out),	/* out <- A - B */
+		*sub_mat(MAT *A,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int,MAT *out),
+		*m_transp(MAT *A,MAT *out),		/* out <- A^T */
+                /* out <- A + s.B */ 
+		*ms_mltadd(MAT *A,MAT *B,double s,MAT *out);   
+extern  BAND    *bd_transp(BAND *in, BAND *out);   /* out <- A^T */
+extern	MAT	*px_rows(PERM *px,MAT *A,MAT *out),	/* out <- P.A */
+		*px_cols(PERM *px,MAT *A,MAT *out),	/* out <- A.P^T */
+		*swap_rows(MAT *,int,int,int,int),
+		*swap_cols(MAT *,int,int,int,int),
+                 /* A[i][j] <- out[j], j >= j0 */
+		*_set_col(MAT *A,unsigned int i,VEC *out,unsigned int j0),
+                 /* A[i][j] <- out[i], i >= i0 */
+		*_set_row(MAT *A,unsigned int j,VEC *out,unsigned int i0);
+extern	VEC	*get_row(MAT *,unsigned int,VEC *),
+		*get_col(MAT *,unsigned int,VEC *),
+		*sub_vec(VEC *,int,int,VEC *),
+                   /* out <- x + s.A.y */
+		*mv_mltadd(VEC *x,VEC *y,MAT *A,double s,VEC *out),
+                  /* out^T <- x^T + s.y^T.A */
+		*vm_mltadd(VEC *x,VEC *y,MAT *A,double s,VEC *out);
+/* MACROS */
+/* row i of A <- vec */
+#define	set_row(mat,row,vec)	_set_row(mat,row,vec,0) 
+/* col j of A <- vec */
+#define	set_col(mat,col,vec)	_set_col(mat,col,vec,0)
+/* Basic permutation operations */
+extern	PERM	*px_mlt(PERM *px1,PERM *px2,PERM *out),	/* out <- px1.px2 */
+		*px_inv(PERM *px,PERM *out),	/* out <- px^{-1} */
+                 /* swap px[i] and px[j] */
+		*px_transp(PERM *px,unsigned int i,unsigned int j);
+     /* returns sign(px) = +1 if px product of even # transpositions
+                           -1 if ps product of odd  # transpositions */
+extern	int	px_sign(PERM *);
+/* Basic integer vector operations */
+extern	IVEC	*iv_add(IVEC *ix,IVEC *iy,IVEC *out),  /* out <- ix + iy */
+		*iv_sub(IVEC *ix,IVEC *iy,IVEC *out),  /* out <- ix - iy */
+        /* sorts ix & sets order so that sorted ix[i] = old ix[order[i]] */
+		*iv_sort(IVEC *ix, PERM *order);
+/* miscellaneous functions */
+double	square(double x), 	/* returns x^2 */
+  cube(double x), 		/* returns x^3 */
+  mrand(void);                  /* returns random # in [0,1) */
+void	smrand(int seed),            /* seeds mrand() */
+  mrandlist(double *x, int len);       /* generates len random numbers */
+void    m_dump(FILE *fp,MAT *a), px_dump(FILE *,PERM *px),
+        v_dump(FILE *fp,VEC *x), iv_dump(FILE *fp, IVEC *ix);
+MAT *band2mat(BAND *bA, MAT *A);
+BAND *mat2band(MAT *A, int lb,int ub, BAND *bA);
+/* miscellaneous constants */
+#define	VNULL	((VEC *)NULL)
+#define	MNULL	((MAT *)NULL)
+#define	PNULL	((PERM *)NULL)
+#define	IVNULL	((IVEC *)NULL)
+#define BDNULL  ((BAND *)NULL)
+/* varying number of arguments */
+#include <stdarg.h>
+/* prototypes */
+int v_get_vars(int dim,...);
+int iv_get_vars(int dim,...);
+int m_get_vars(int m,int n,...);
+int px_get_vars(int dim,...);
+int v_resize_vars(int new_dim,...);
+int iv_resize_vars(int new_dim,...);
+int m_resize_vars(int m,int n,...);
+int px_resize_vars(int new_dim,...);
+int v_free_vars(VEC **,...);
+int iv_free_vars(IVEC **,...);
+int px_free_vars(PERM **,...);
+int m_free_vars(MAT **,...);
+#endif /* __MATRIX_H__ */

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unused/matrix2.h
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unused/matrix2.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unused/matrix2.h	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1993 David E. Steward & Zbigniew Leyk, all rights reserved.
+**			     Meschach Library
+** This Meschach Library is provided "as is" without any express 
+** or implied warranty of any kind with respect to this software. 
+** In particular the authors shall not be liable for any direct, 
+** indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising 
+** in any way from use of the software.
+** Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute this
+** Meschach Library, provided:
+**  1.  All copies contain this copyright notice.
+**  2.  All modified copies shall carry a notice stating who
+**      made the last modification and the date of such modification.
+**  3.  No charge is made for this software or works derived from it.  
+**      This clause shall not be construed as constraining other software
+**      distributed on the same medium as this software, nor is a
+**      distribution fee considered a charge.
+/* Header file for ``matrix2.a'' library file */
+#ifndef __MATRIX2_H__
+#define __MATRIX2_H__
+#include "matrix.h"
+/* Unless otherwise specified, factorisation routines overwrite the
+   matrix that is being factorised */
+                 /* forms Bunch-Kaufman-Parlett factorisation for
+                        symmetric indefinite matrices */
+extern	MAT	*BKPfactor(MAT *A,PERM *pivot,PERM *blocks),
+                 /* Cholesky factorisation of A
+                        (symmetric, positive definite) */
+		*CHfactor(MAT *A),
+                /* LU factorisation of A (with partial pivoting) */ 
+                *LUfactor(MAT *A,PERM *pivot),
+                /* QR factorisation of A; need dim(diag) >= # rows of A */
+		*QRfactor(MAT *A,VEC *diag),
+                /* QR factorisation of A with column pivoting */
+		*QRCPfactor(MAT *A,VEC *diag,PERM *pivot),
+                /* L.D.L^T factorisation of A */
+		*LDLfactor(MAT *A), 
+                /* Hessenberg factorisation of A -- for schur() */
+                *Hfactor(MAT *A,VEC *diag1,VEC *diag2),
+                /* modified Cholesky factorisation of A;
+                        actually factors A+D, D diagonal with no
+                        diagonal entry in the factor < sqrt(tol) */
+                *MCHfactor(MAT *A,double tol),
+		*m_inverse(MAT *A,MAT *out);
+                /* returns condition estimate for A after LUfactor() */
+extern	double	LUcondest(MAT *A,PERM *pivot),
+                /* returns condition estimate for Q after QRfactor() */
+                QRcondest(MAT *A);
+/* Note: The make..() and ..update() routines assume that the factorisation
+        has already been carried out */
+     /* Qout is the "Q" (orthongonal) matrix from QR factorisation */
+extern	MAT	*makeQ(MAT *A,VEC *diag,MAT *Qout),
+                /* Rout is the "R" (upper triangular) matrix
+                        from QR factorisation */
+		*makeR(MAT *A,MAT *Rout),
+                /* Qout is orthogonal matrix in Hessenberg factorisation */
+		*makeHQ(MAT *A,VEC *diag1,VEC *diag2,MAT *Qout),
+                /* Hout is the Hessenberg matrix in Hessenberg factorisation */
+		*makeH(MAT *A,MAT *Hout);
+                /* updates L.D.L^T factorisation for A <- A + alpha.u.u^T */
+extern	MAT	*LDLupdate(MAT *A,VEC *u,double alpha),
+                /* updates QR factorisation for QR <- Q.(R+u.v^T)
+		   Note: we need explicit Q & R matrices,
+                        from makeQ() and makeR() */
+		*QRupdate(MAT *Q,MAT *R,VEC *u,VEC *v);
+/* Solve routines assume that the corresponding factorisation routine
+        has already been applied to the matrix along with auxiliary
+        objects (such as pivot permutations)
+        These solve the system A.x = b,
+        except for LUTsolve and QRTsolve which solve the transposed system
+                                A^T.x. = b.
+        If x is NULL on entry, then it is created.
+extern	VEC	*BKPsolve(MAT *A,PERM *pivot,PERM *blocks,VEC *b,VEC *x),
+		*CHsolve(MAT *A,VEC *b,VEC *x),
+		*LDLsolve(MAT *A,VEC *b,VEC *x),
+		*LUsolve(MAT *A,PERM *pivot,VEC *b,VEC *x),
+		*_Qsolve(MAT *A,VEC *,VEC *,VEC *, VEC *),
+		*QRsolve(MAT *A,VEC *,VEC *b,VEC *x),
+    		*QRTsolve(MAT *A,VEC *,VEC *b,VEC *x),
+     /* Triangular equations solve routines;
+        U for upper triangular, L for lower traingular, D for diagonal
+        if diag_val == 0.0 use that values in the matrix */
+		*Usolve(MAT *A,VEC *b,VEC *x,double diag_val),
+		*Lsolve(MAT *A,VEC *b,VEC *x,double diag_val),
+		*Dsolve(MAT *A,VEC *b,VEC *x),
+		*LTsolve(MAT *A,VEC *b,VEC *x,double diag_val),
+		*UTsolve(MAT *A,VEC *b,VEC *x,double diag_val),
+                *LUTsolve(MAT *A,PERM *,VEC *,VEC *),
+                *QRCPsolve(MAT *QR,VEC *diag,PERM *pivot,VEC *b,VEC *x);
+extern  BAND    *bdLUfactor(BAND *A,PERM *pivot),
+                *bdLDLfactor(BAND *A);
+extern  VEC     *bdLUsolve(BAND *A,PERM *pivot,VEC *b,VEC *x),
+                *bdLDLsolve(BAND *A,VEC *b,VEC *x);
+extern	VEC	*hhvec(VEC *,unsigned int, double *,VEC *, double *);
+extern	VEC	*hhtrvec(VEC *,double,unsigned int,VEC *,VEC *);
+extern	MAT	*hhtrrows(MAT *,unsigned int,unsigned int,VEC *,double);
+extern	MAT	*hhtrcols(MAT *,unsigned int,unsigned int,VEC *,double);
+extern	void	givens(double,double, double *, double *);
+extern	VEC	*rot_vec(VEC *,unsigned int,unsigned int,double,double,VEC *); /* in situ */
+extern	MAT	*rot_rows(MAT *,unsigned int,unsigned int,double,double,MAT *); /* in situ */
+extern	MAT	*rot_cols(MAT *,unsigned int,unsigned int,double,double,MAT *); /* in situ */
+/* eigenvalue routines */
+               /* compute eigenvalues of tridiagonal matrix
+                  with diagonal entries a[i], super & sub diagonal entries
+                  b[i]; eigenvectors stored in Q (if not NULL) */
+extern	VEC	*trieig(VEC *a,VEC *b,MAT *Q),
+                 /* sets out to be vector of eigenvectors; eigenvectors
+                   stored in Q (if not NULL). A is unchanged */
+		*symmeig(MAT *A,MAT *Q,VEC *out);
+               /* computes real Schur form = Q^T.A.Q */
+extern	MAT	*schur(MAT *A,MAT *Q);
+         /* computes real and imaginary parts of the eigenvalues
+                        of A after schur() */
+extern	void	schur_evals(MAT *A,VEC *re_part,VEC *im_part);
+          /* computes real and imaginary parts of the eigenvectors
+                        of A after schur() */
+extern	MAT	*schur_vecs(MAT *T,MAT *Q,MAT *X_re,MAT *X_im);
+/* singular value decomposition */
+        /* computes singular values of bi-diagonal matrix with
+                   diagonal entries a[i] and superdiagonal entries b[i];
+                   singular vectors stored in U and V (if not NULL) */
+VEC	*bisvd(VEC *a,VEC *b,MAT *U,MAT *V),
+               /* sets out to be vector of singular values;
+                   singular vectors stored in U and V */
+	*svd(MAT *A,MAT *U,MAT *V,VEC *out);
+/* matrix powers and exponent */
+MAT  *_m_pow(MAT *,int,MAT *,MAT *);
+MAT  *m_pow(MAT *,int, MAT *);
+MAT  *m_exp(MAT *,double,MAT *);
+MAT  *_m_exp(MAT *,double,MAT *,int *,int *);
+MAT  *m_poly(MAT *,VEC *,MAT *);
+/* FFT */
+//void fft(VEC *,VEC *);
+//void ifft(VEC *,VEC *);
+#endif /* __MATRIX2_H__ */

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unused/meminfo.h
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unused/meminfo.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unused/meminfo.h	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1993 David E. Steward & Zbigniew Leyk, all rights reserved.
+**			     Meschach Library
+** This Meschach Library is provided "as is" without any express 
+** or implied warranty of any kind with respect to this software. 
+** In particular the authors shall not be liable for any direct, 
+** indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising 
+** in any way from use of the software.
+** Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute this
+** Meschach Library, provided:
+**  1.  All copies contain this copyright notice.
+**  2.  All modified copies shall carry a notice stating who
+**      made the last modification and the date of such modification.
+**  3.  No charge is made for this software or works derived from it.  
+**      This clause shall not be construed as constraining other software
+**      distributed on the same medium as this software, nor is a
+**      distribution fee considered a charge.
+#ifndef __MEM_INFO_H__
+#define __MEM_INFO_H__
+/* for hash table in mem_stat.c */
+/* Note: the hash size should be a prime, or at very least odd */
+#define MEM_HASHSIZE         509
+#define MEM_HASHSIZE_FILE    "meminfo.h"
+/* default: memory information is off */
+/* set it to 1 if you want it all the time */
+#define MEM_SWITCH_ON_DEF	0
+/* available standard types */
+#define TYPE_NULL              (-1)
+#define TYPE_MAT    	        0
+#define TYPE_BAND               1
+#define TYPE_PERM		2
+#define TYPE_VEC		3
+#define TYPE_IVEC		4
+#ifdef SPARSE
+#define TYPE_ITER		5
+#define TYPE_SPROW              6
+#define TYPE_SPMAT		7
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+#ifdef SPARSE
+#define TYPE_ZVEC		8
+#define TYPE_ZMAT		9
+#define TYPE_ZVEC		5
+#define TYPE_ZMAT		6
+/* structure for memory information */
+typedef struct {
+   long bytes;       /* # of allocated bytes for each type (summary) */
+   int  numvar;      /* # of allocated variables for each type */
+int  mem_info_is_on(void);
+int mem_info_on(int sw);
+long mem_info_bytes(int type,int list);
+int mem_info_numvar(int type,int list);
+void mem_info_file(FILE * fp,int list);
+void mem_bytes_list(int type,int old_size,int new_size,
+		       int list);
+void mem_numvar_list(int type, int num, int list);
+int mem_stat_reg_list(void **var,int type,int list);
+int mem_stat_mark(int mark);
+int mem_stat_free_list(int mark,int list);
+int mem_stat_show_mark(void);
+void mem_stat_dump(FILE *fp,int list);
+int mem_attach_list(int list,int ntypes,char *type_names[],
+	int (*free_funcs[])(), MEM_ARRAY info_sum[]);
+int mem_free_vars(int list);
+int mem_is_list_attached(int list);
+void mem_dump_list(FILE *fp,int list);
+int mem_stat_reg_vars(int list,int type,...);
+/* macros */
+#define mem_info()   mem_info_file(stdout,0)
+#define mem_stat_reg(var,type)  mem_stat_reg_list((void **)var,type,0)
+#define MEM_STAT_REG(var,type)  mem_stat_reg_list((void **)&(var),type,0)
+#define mem_stat_free(mark)   mem_stat_free_list(mark,0)
+#define mem_bytes(type,old_size,new_size)  \
+  mem_bytes_list(type,old_size,new_size,0)
+#define mem_numvar(type,num) mem_numvar_list(type,num,0)
+/* internal type */
+typedef struct {
+   char **type_names;        /* array of names of types (strings) */
+   int  (**free_funcs)();    /* array of functions for releasing types */
+   unsigned ntypes;          /* max number of types */
+   MEM_ARRAY *info_sum;      /* local array for keeping track of memory */
+/* max number of lists of types */
+#endif /* __MEM_INFO_H__ */

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unused/meschach_convert.txt
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unused/meschach_convert.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unused/meschach_convert.txt	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+For instance, to copy a vector from 
+x to y it is sufficient to write y = v_copy(x,VNULL).  The VNULL is the 
+NULL vector, and usually tells the routine called to create a vector for   

Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unused/svd_calc.c
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unused/svd_calc.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.spec.unmix/unused/svd_calc.c	2012-12-04 18:05:00 UTC (rev 54183)
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+/* Matrix inversion with Singular Value Decomposition
+ * (c) 1998 Markus Neteler, Hannover
+ *
+ * 20. Nov. 1998 - V 1.0
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************
+ ** Based on Meschach Library
+ ** Copyright (C) 1993 David E. Steward & Zbigniew Leyk, all rights reserved.
+ ****************************************************************************
+ *
+ * Cited references are from
+ *    Steward, D.E, Leyk, Z. 1994: Meschach: Matrix computations in C.
+ *       Proceedings of the centre for Mathematics and its Applicaions.
+ *       The Australian National University. Vol. 32.
+ *       ISBN 0 7315 1900 0
+ * 
+ *****/
+#define abs(x) ((x)<0?-(x):(x))
+#define GLOBAL
+#define errmesg(mesg)   fprintf(stderr,"Error: %s error: line %d\n",mesg,__LINE__)
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "matrix.h"
+#include "matrix2.h"
+#include "global.h"
+void calc_inverse(M) /* returns inverted matrix MM_inverse, which is globally defined*/
+MAT *M;
+   MAT *U, *U_trans, *V, *Temp1, *Temp2, *MM_inverse_pre, *Svdvals_mat_inv, *C, *D;
+   VEC *svdvals;
+   int i, j, m_dim, n_dim;
+   m_dim = M->m;
+   n_dim = M->n;
+   U= m_get(m_dim,m_dim);  /* create empty matrices */
+   V= m_get(n_dim,n_dim);
+   svdvals = svd(M,U,V,VNULL);
+/* check singular values of Matrix A
+ * Ref: Boardman, J.W. 1989: Inversion of imaging spectrometry data
+ *           using singular value decomposition.  IGARSS 1989: 12th Canadian
+ *           symposium on Remote Sensing. Vol.4 pp.2069-2072
+ */
+   /* debug output */
+   if (!flag.quiet->answer)
+   {
+    fprintf(stderr, "SVD-Vector of M: ");
+    v_output(svdvals); 
+   }
+/* Now we have U, V, svdvals */
+/* convert vector svdvals to diagonal matrix 1/W: */
+   Svdvals_mat_inv = m_get(m_dim,n_dim);
+   for (i=0; i < m_dim; i++)
+	Svdvals_mat_inv->me[i][i] = (double)(1/svdvals->ve[i]);
+/* calculate transpose of U */
+   U_trans = m_transp(U, MNULL);
+   Temp1   = m_mlt(Svdvals_mat_inv, V, MNULL);
+   Temp2   = m_mlt(U_trans, Temp1, MNULL);    /* why that? no idea */
+   MM_inverse_pre = m_transp(Temp2, MNULL);
+   MM_inverse = m_get(m_dim,n_dim);
+/* set values nearly zero to to zero */
+   for (i=0; i < MM_inverse_pre->m ; i++)   /*  rowwise */
+     for (j=0; j < MM_inverse_pre->n; j++)  /*  colwise */
+       {
+         if (abs(MM_inverse_pre->me[i][j]) > 0.00000000000001)
+            MM_inverse->me[i][j]= MM_inverse_pre->me[i][j];
+        else 
+            MM_inverse->me[i][j]= 0;
+       }
+   M_FREE(Svdvals_mat_inv);
+   M_FREE(U_trans);
+   M_FREE(Temp1);
+   M_FREE(Temp2);
+   M_FREE(MM_inverse_pre);
+  /***************************************************************
+   * Error check for SVD
+   * check reconstruction of M - taken from torture.c (Meschach)
+   ****/
+    C = m_get(M->m,M->n);
+    D = m_get(M->m,M->n);
+    for ( i = 0; i < min(M->m,M->n); i++ )
+	m_set_val(D,i,i,v_entry(svdvals,i));
+    mtrm_mlt(U,D,C);
+    m_mlt(C,V,D);
+    m_sub(M,D,D);
+    if ( m_norm1(D) >= MACHEPS*m_norm1(V)*m_norm_inf(U)*m_norm1(M) )
+	if (!flag.quiet->answer)
+		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: SVD reconstruction error = %g [allowed MACHEPS = %g]\n",\
+			m_norm1(D), MACHEPS);
+    /* check orthogonality of U and V */
+    M_FREE(D);
+    D = m_resize(D,U->n,U->n);
+    mtrm_mlt(U,U,D);
+    for ( i = 0; i < D->m; i++ )
+	m_set_val(D,i,i,m_entry(D,i,i)-1.0);
+    if ( m_norm1(D) >= MACHEPS*m_norm1(U)*m_norm_inf(U)*5 )
+    	if (!flag.quiet->answer)
+ 		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: SVD orthogonality error (V) = %g [allowed MACHEPS = %g\n",\
+	   	    m_norm1(D), MACHEPS);
+    M_FREE(D);
+    D = m_resize(D,V->n,V->n);
+    mtrm_mlt(V,V,D);
+    for ( i = 0; i < D->m; i++ )
+	m_set_val(D,i,i,m_entry(D,i,i)-1.0);
+    if ( m_norm1(D) >= MACHEPS*m_norm1(V)*m_norm_inf(V)*5 )
+	if (!flag.quiet->answer)
+		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: SVD orthogonality error (U) = %g [allowed MACHEPS = %g\n",\
+			m_norm1(D), MACHEPS);
+    for ( i = 0; i < svdvals->dim; i++ )
+	if ( v_entry(svdvals,i) < 0 || (i < svdvals->dim-1 &&
+				  v_entry(svdvals,i+1) > v_entry(svdvals,i)) )
+	    break;
+    /* check next only, when svdvals->dim high enough: */
+    if (( i < svdvals->dim ) && (svdvals->dim > 2))
+	if (!flag.quiet->answer)
+		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: SVD sorting error\n");
+   /*free the memory*/
+   M_FREE(V);
+   M_FREE(U);
+   V_FREE(svdvals);
+   M_FREE(C);
+   M_FREE(D);

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