[GRASS-SVN] r54422 - grass/trunk/imagery/i.ortho.photo/i.ortho.camera

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Thu Dec 27 08:27:51 PST 2012

Author: mmetz
Date: 2012-12-27 08:27:50 -0800 (Thu, 27 Dec 2012)
New Revision: 54422

add i.ortho.camera

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.ortho.photo/i.ortho.camera/main.c
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.ortho.photo/i.ortho.camera/main.c	2012-12-27 16:11:57 UTC (rev 54421)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.ortho.photo/i.ortho.camera/main.c	2012-12-27 16:27:50 UTC (rev 54422)
@@ -17,9 +17,10 @@
  *               for details.
-/* select_camera */
-/* select a camera reference file for a given imagery group */
+/* create/edit a camera reference file 
+ * optionally set the camera for a given imagery group */
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
@@ -30,19 +31,24 @@
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     struct GModule *module;
-    struct Option *group_opt, *camera_opt;
-    /* options for 
-     * camera name
-     * camera definition
-     * calibrated focal length
-     * principal point of symmetry x,y
-     * fiducial coordinates in mm from the principal point */
+    struct Option *group_opt,     /* group */
+                  *camera_opt,    /* name of camera file camera */
+		  *cname_opt,     /* camera name */
+		  *cid_opt,       /* camera id */
+		  *cfl_opt,       /* calibrated focal length */
+		  *pp_opt,        /* principal point of symmetry x,y */
+		  *fid_opt;	  /* coordinates of fiducials */
+    /* flag to print camera info */
+    /* flag to print camera info in shell script style */
     const char *location;
     const char *mapset;
     char *group;
-    char *camera;
+    char *camera, *cam_name, *cam_id;
+    double ppx, ppy, cfl;
     struct Ortho_Camera_File_Ref cam_info;
+    int put_cam_info = 0;
@@ -50,56 +56,166 @@
     module->description =
-	_("Interactively select and modify the imagery group camera reference file.");
+	_("Select and modify the imagery group camera reference file.");
     group_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_I_GROUP);
+    group_opt->required = NO;
     group_opt->description =
 	_("Name of imagery group for ortho-rectification");
     camera_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_F_INPUT);
     camera_opt->key = "camera";
-    camera_opt->required = NO;
+    camera_opt->required = YES;
     camera_opt->gisprompt = "old_file,camera,camera";
-    camera_opt->description =
-	_("Name of camera reference file to use");
+    camera_opt->label =
+	_("Name of camera reference file");
+    cname_opt = G_define_option();
+    cname_opt->type = TYPE_STRING; 
+    cname_opt->key = "name";
+    cname_opt->label =
+	_("Camera name");
+    cid_opt = G_define_option();
+    cid_opt->type = TYPE_STRING; 
+    cid_opt->key = "id";
+    cid_opt->label =
+	_("Camera id");
+    cfl_opt = G_define_option();
+    cfl_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE; 
+    cfl_opt->key = "clf";
+    cfl_opt->label =
+	_("Calibrated focal length");
+    pp_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_M_COORDS);
+    pp_opt->key = "pp";
+    pp_opt->label =
+	_("Principal point coordinates");
+    fid_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_M_COORDS);
+    fid_opt->key = "fid";
+    fid_opt->multiple = YES;
+    fid_opt->label =
+	_("Fiducial coordinates");
     if (G_parser(argc, argv))
-    camera = (char *)G_malloc(GNAME_MAX * sizeof(char));
     location = G_location();
     mapset = G_mapset();
     group = group_opt->answer;
+    camera = camera_opt->answer;
+    cam_name = cname_opt->answer;
+    cam_id = cid_opt->answer;
-    /* group must be in current mapset */
-    if (!I_find_group(group))
-	G_fatal_error(_("No group '%s' in current mapset"), group);
+    if (G_legal_filename(camera) < 0)
+	G_fatal_error(_("<%s> is an illegal file name"),
+		      camera);
-    if (camera_opt->answer) {
-	if (G_legal_filename (camera_opt->answer) < 0)
-	    G_fatal_error(_("<%s> is an illegal file name"),
-			  camera_opt->answer);
-	else
-	    strcpy(camera, camera_opt->answer);
+    if (cam_name || cam_id || cfl_opt->answer || pp_opt->answers || fid_opt->answers)
+	put_cam_info = 1;
+    ppx = ppy = .0;
+    if (pp_opt->answers) {
+	sscanf(pp_opt->answers[0], "%lf", &ppx);
+	sscanf(pp_opt->answers[1], "%lf", &ppy);
+    if (G_find_file2("camera", camera, G_mapset())) {
+	/* use existing camera file */
+	if (I_get_cam_info(camera, &cam_info))
+	    G_fatal_error(_("Can not read camera file '%s'"), camera);
+	if (cam_name && strcmp(cam_name, cam_info.cam_name)) {
+	    G_message(_("Replacing camera name '%s' with '%s'"),
+	              cam_info.cam_name, cam_name);
+	    strcpy(cam_info.cam_name, cam_name);
+	}
+	if (cam_id && strcmp(cam_id, cam_info,cam_id)) {
+	    G_message(_("Replacing camera cam_id '%s' with '%s'"),
+	              cam_info.cam_id, cam_id);
+	    strcpy(cam_info.cam_id, cam_id);
+	}
+	if (clf_opt->answer) {
+	    cfl = atof(clf_opt->answer);
+	    if (cfl != cam_info.CFL) {
+		G_message(_("Replacing calibrated focal length '%g' with '%g'"),
+			  cam_info.CFL, cfl);
+		cam_info.CFL = cfl;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (pp_opt->answers) {
+	    G_message(_("Replacing coordinates of principal point '%.17g, %.17g' with '%.17g, %.17g'"),
+	              cam_info.Xp, cam_info.Yp, ppx, ppy);
+	    cam_info.Xp = ppx;
+	    cam_info.Yp = ppy;
+	}
+    }
     else {
-	/* use user-provided camera definition */
+	/* create new camera file */
+	if (!cam_name)
+	    G_fatal_error(_("Please provide a camera name for a new camera definition"));
+	strcpy(cam_info.cam_name, cam_name);
+	if (!cam_id)
+	    G_fatal_error(_("Please provide a camera ID for a new camera definition"));
+	strcpy(cam_info.cam_id, cam_id);
+	if (!cfl_opt->answer)
+	    G_fatal_error(_("Please provide calibrated focal length for a new camera definition"));
+	cam_info.CFL = atof(cfl_opt->answer);
+	if (!pp_opt->answers)
+	    G_message(_("Using default coordinates 0.0, 0.0 for the principal point"));
+	cam_info.Xp = ppx;
+	cam_info.Yp = ppy;
+    }
+    /* fiducials */
+    if (fid_opt->answers) {
+	int i, fid_no;
+	double Xf, Yf;
+	for (i = 0, fid_no = 0; fid_opt->answers[i] != NULL; i += 2, fid_no++) {
+	    /* cam_info can hold max 20 fiducials */
+	    if (fid_no > 19) {
+		G_warning(_("Too many fiducials!"));
+		break;
+	    }
+	    sscanf(fid_opt->answers[i], "%lf", &Xf);
+	    cam_info.fiducials[fid_no].Xf = Xf;
+	    sscanf(fid_opt->answers[i + 1], "%lf", &Yf);
+	    cam_info.fiducials[fid_no].Yf = Yf;
+	    sprintf(cam_info.fiducials[fid_no].fid_id, "%d", fid_no);
+	}
+	cam_info.num_fid = fid_no;
+    }
+    if (put_cam_info) {
+	/* create/modify camera file */
 	I_put_cam_info(camera, &cam_info);
-    /* I_put_camera (camera); */
-    I_put_group_camera(group, camera);
+    /* set group camera */
+    if (group) {
+	/* group must be in current mapset */
+	if (!I_find_group(group))
+	    G_fatal_error(_("No group '%s' in current mapset"), group);
-    G_message(
-	_("Group [%s] in location [%s] mapset [%s] now has camera file [%s]"),
-	  group, location, mapset, camera);
+	I_put_group_camera(group, camera);
+	G_message(
+	    _("Group [%s] in location [%s] mapset [%s] now uses camera file [%s]"),
+	      group, location, mapset, camera);
+    }
-    /* print camera info */

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