[GRASS-SVN] r52418 - grass-addons/grass7/gui/wxpython/wx.vnet/vnet

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Thu Jul 19 16:17:09 PDT 2012

Author: turek
Date: 2012-07-19 16:17:08 -0700 (Thu, 19 Jul 2012)
New Revision: 52418

vnet:Checks if temp layers already exists/were changed, usability improvements(parameters tab). 

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/gui/wxpython/wx.vnet/vnet/dialogs.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/gui/wxpython/wx.vnet/vnet/dialogs.py	2012-07-19 16:59:36 UTC (rev 52417)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/gui/wxpython/wx.vnet/vnet/dialogs.py	2012-07-19 23:17:08 UTC (rev 52418)
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
- at package vnet.dialog
+ at package vnet.dialogs
 @brief Dialog for vector network analysis front-end
- - dialog::VNETDialog
- - dialog::SettingsDialog
- - dialog::AddLayerDialog
+ - dialogs::VNETDialog
+ - dialogs::PtsList
+ - dialogs::SettingsDialog
+ - dialogs::AddLayerDialog
 (C) 2012 by the GRASS Development Team
@@ -18,6 +19,12 @@
 import os
 import sys
+   from hashlib import md5
+   hasHashlib = True 
+    import md5 #Python 2.4
+    hasHashlib = False
 from copy import copy
 from grass.script     import core as grass
@@ -51,8 +58,9 @@
         self.cmdParams = {}
         self.tmp_result = "vnet_tmp_result"
-        self.tmpMaps = [self.tmp_result]
+        self.tmpMaps = {}
+        self.firstAnalysis = True
         self.hiddenTypeCol = None
@@ -129,7 +137,7 @@
-        for tmpMap in self.tmpMaps:
+        for tmpMap in self.tmpMaps.iterkeys():
             RunCommand('g.remove', vect = tmpMap)
         if self.tmpResultLayer:
@@ -341,8 +349,8 @@
-        self.inputData['alayer'].InsertLayers(vector = self.inputData['input'].GetValue())
-        self.inputData['nlayer'].InsertLayers(vector = self.inputData['input'].GetValue())
+        self.inputData['alayer'].InsertLayers(vector = self.inputData['input'].GetValue().strip())
+        self.inputData['nlayer'].InsertLayers(vector = self.inputData['input'].GetValue().strip())
         items = self.inputData['alayer'].GetItems()
         itemsLen = len(items)
@@ -443,11 +451,71 @@
     def OnAnalyze(self, event):
         """!Called when network analysis is started"""
-        if not self.inputData["input"].GetValue().strip():
+        # Check of parameters for analysis
+        curr_mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET']
+        vectMaps = grass.list_grouped('vect')[curr_mapset]
+        selMap = self.inputData['input'].GetValue()
+        if selMap not in vectMaps:
+              self.notebook.SetSelectionByName("parameters")
+              GMessage(parent = self,
+                       message = _("Please select existing vector map.")) 
+              return  
+        errLayerLabels = []
+        for layer, layerLabel in {'alayer' : _("arc layer"), 
+                                  'nlayer' : _("node layer")}.iteritems():
+            layerItem = self.inputData[layer].GetItems()
+            if self.inputData[layer].GetValue().strip() not in layerItem:
+                errLayerLabels.append(layerLabel)
+        if errLayerLabels:
+            self.notebook.SetSelectionByName("parameters")
             GMessage(parent = self,
-                     message = _("Please select vector map in Data tab"))
+                    message = _("Please select existing ") + _("and ").join(errLayerLabels))
+        errColumnLabels = []
+        for col, colData in self.attrCols.iteritems():
+            if "inputField" in self.attrCols[col]:
+                colInptF = self.attrCols[col]["inputField"]
+            else:
+                colInptF = col
+            if not self.inputData[colInptF].IsShown():
+                continue
+            colVal = self.inputData[colInptF].GetValue().strip()
+            if not colVal:
+                continue
+            if colVal not in self.inputData[colInptF].GetItems():
+                errColumnLabels.append(colData["name"])
+        if errColumnLabels:
+            self.notebook.SetSelectionByName("parameters")
+            errColumnLabels = map(lambda s : s + _(" column"), errColumnLabels)
+            msg = _("Please select existing  or set empty: ")
+            errColsLen = len(errColumnLabels)
+            if errColsLen > 3:
+                msg += ", ".join(errColumnLabels[:(errColsLen - 2)]) + \
+                     _(" and ") + errColumnLabels[errColsLen - 1]
+            else:
+                msg += _(" and ").join(errColumnLabels)
+            GMessage(parent = self,
+                     message = msg)
+            return            
+        if self.firstAnalysis:
+            self.tmp_result = self.TmpMap(self.tmp_result)
+            if not self.tmp_result:
+                    return
+            self.firstAnalysis = False
+        else:
+            if not self.VectLayerState(mapName = self.tmp_result, layer = 1):
+                return 
+        # Creates part of cmd fro analysis
         cmdParams = [self.currAnModule]
         cmdParams.append("output=" + self.tmp_result)
@@ -458,7 +526,7 @@
             self._vnetPathRunAn(cmdParams, catPts)
             self._runAn(cmdParams, catPts)
     def _vnetPathRunAn(self, cmdParams, catPts):
         if len(self.pointsToDraw.GetAllItems()) < 1:
@@ -505,16 +573,9 @@
     def _vnetPathRunAnDone(self, cmd, returncode):
+        self.SaveVectLayerState(mapName = self.tmp_result, layer = 1)
-    def RemoveTmpMap(self, map):
-        RunCommand('g.remove', vect = map)
-        try:
-            self.tmpMaps.remove(map)
-        except ValueError:
-            pass
     def _runAn(self, cmdParams, catPts):
         # TODO how to get output in ondone function
@@ -529,7 +590,6 @@
                            flags = "g",
                            read = True)     
         cats = cats.splitlines()
         for cat in cats:#TODO
             cat = cat.split()
@@ -548,12 +608,13 @@
-        self.tmpInPts = "vnet_in_pts"
-        self.tmpMaps.append(self.tmpInPts)
+        self.tmpInPts = self.TmpMap("vnet_tmp_in_pts")
+        if not self.tmpInPts:
+            return
-        self.tmpInPtsConnected = "vnet_in_pts_connected"
-        self.tmpMaps.append(self.tmpInPtsConnected)
+        self.tmpInPtsConnected = self.TmpMap("vnet_tmp_in_pts_connected")
+        if not self.tmpInPtsConnected:
+            return
         #dmax = int(UserSettings.Get(group = 'vnet', 
         #                            key ='analysis_settings', 
         #                            subkey ='maxDist'))
@@ -561,12 +622,13 @@
         cmdParams.append("input=" + self.tmpInPtsConnected)
-        self.vnetFlowTmpCut = "vnet_flow_tmp_cut"
         if self.currAnModule == "v.net.distance": #TODO ugly hack
         elif self.currAnModule == "v.net.flow":#TODO
-            self.tmpMaps.append(self.vnetFlowTmpCut)
+            self.vnetFlowTmpCut = self.TmpMap("vnet_tmp_flow_cut")
+            if not self.vnetFlowTmpCut:
+                return
             cmdParams.append("cut=" +  self.vnetFlowTmpCut)          
         elif self.currAnModule == "v.net.iso":
@@ -612,10 +674,14 @@
         self.RemoveTmpMap(self.tmpInPts) # remove earlier (ondone lambda?)
-        self.RemoveTmpMap(self.vnetFlowTmpCut)
+        try:
+            self.RemoveTmpMap(self.vnetFlowTmpCut)
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+        self.SaveVectLayerState(mapName = self.tmp_result, layer = 1)
     def _getInputParams(self):
@@ -702,7 +768,7 @@
         resStyle = self.vnetParams[self.currAnModule]["resultStyle"]
-        width = UserSettings.Get(group='vnet', key='res_style', subkey= "width")
+        width = UserSettings.Get(group='vnet', key='res_style', subkey= "line_width")
         layerStyleCmd = ['d.vect', 
                           "layer=1",'width=' + str(width)]
@@ -726,6 +792,80 @@
         return layerStyleCmd 
+    def SaveVectLayerState(self, mapName, layer):
+         self.tmpMaps[mapName] = {"stateHash" : self.GetLayerHash(mapName = mapName, 
+                                                                   layer = layer)}
+    def VectLayerState(self, mapName, layer):
+        if self.tmpMaps[mapName]["stateHash"] != self.GetLayerHash(mapName = mapName, 
+                                                                   layer = layer):
+            dlg = wx.MessageDialog(parent = self,
+                                   message = _("Layer %d in map %s was changed outside " +
+                                                "of vector network analysis tool. " +
+                                                "Do you want to continue in analysis and " +
+                                                "overwrite it?") % (layer, mapName),
+                                   caption = _("Overwrite map layer"),
+                                   style = wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT |
+                                           wx.ICON_QUESTION | wx.CENTRE)            
+            ret = dlg.ShowModal()
+            dlg.Destroy()
+            if ret == wx.ID_NO:
+                return False
+        return True
+    def GetLayerHash(self, mapName, layer):
+        info = RunCommand("v.info",
+                           map = mapName,
+                           layer = layer,
+                           read = True)
+        if hasHashlib:
+            m = md5()
+        else:
+            m = md5.new()
+        m.update(info)
+        return m.digest()
+    def TmpMap(self, mapName):
+        currMapSet = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET']
+        tmpMap = grass.find_file(name = mapName, element = 'vector', 
+                                 mapset = currMapSet)
+        fullMapName = tmpMap["fullname"]
+        if fullMapName:
+            dlg = wx.MessageDialog(parent = self,
+                                   message = _("Temporary map %s  already exists."  + 
+                                               "Do you want to continue in analysis and "
+                                               "overwrite it?") % fullMapName,
+                                   caption = _("Overwrite map layer"),
+                                   style = wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT |
+                                   wx.ICON_QUESTION | wx.CENTRE)
+            ret = dlg.ShowModal()
+            dlg.Destroy()
+            if ret == wx.ID_NO:
+                return None
+        else:
+            fullMapName = mapName + "@" + currMapSet
+        self.tmpMaps[fullMapName] = {"stateHash" : None}
+        return fullMapName
+    def RemoveTmpMap(self, mapName):
+        RunCommand('g.remove', vect = mapName)
+        try:
+            del self.tmpMaps[mapName]
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
     def _adaptPointsList(self):
         prevParamsCats = self.vnetParams[self.prevAnModule]["cmdParams"]["cats"]
@@ -841,13 +981,23 @@
         """!Initializes parameters for different v.net.* analysis """
         self.attrCols = {
-                          'afcolumn' : {"label" : "Arc forward/both direction(s) cost column:"},
-                          'abcolumn' : {"label" : "Arc backward direction cost column:"},
+                          'afcolumn' : {
+                                        "label" : _("Arc forward/both direction(s) cost column:"),
+                                        "name" : _("arc forward/both")
+                                       },
+                          'abcolumn' : {
+                                        "label" : _("Arc backward direction cost column:"),
+                                        "name" : _("arc backward")
+                                       },
                           'acolumn' : {
-                                       "label" : "Arcs' cost column (for both directions):",
-                                       "inputField" : 'afcolumn'
+                                       "label" : _("Arcs' cost column (for both directions):"),
+                                       "name" : _("arc"),
+                                       "inputField" : 'afcolumn',
-                          'ncolumn' : {"label" : "Node cost column:"}
+                          'ncolumn' : {
+                                       "label" : _("Node cost column:"),
+                                        "name" : _("node")                                      
+                                      }
         self.vnetParams = {

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