[GRASS-SVN] r52186 - grass-addons/grass6/raster/r.in.onearth

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Fri Jun 22 03:50:45 PDT 2012

Author: hamish
Date: 2012-06-22 03:50:44 -0700 (Fri, 22 Jun 2012)
New Revision: 52186

rename to main script now that it works, cleanup old files a bit

Deleted: grass-addons/grass6/raster/r.in.onearth/README
--- grass-addons/grass6/raster/r.in.onearth/README	2012-06-22 10:47:47 UTC (rev 52185)
+++ grass-addons/grass6/raster/r.in.onearth/README	2012-06-22 10:50:44 UTC (rev 52186)
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-r.in.onearth will need the newest grass6.1-cvs version of g.region. It is in 
-CVS since 2005-12-21.

Modified: grass-addons/grass6/raster/r.in.onearth/description.html
--- grass-addons/grass6/raster/r.in.onearth/description.html	2012-06-22 10:47:47 UTC (rev 52185)
+++ grass-addons/grass6/raster/r.in.onearth/description.html	2012-06-22 10:50:44 UTC (rev 52186)
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 	earth data set including seasonal dynamics.</li>
 The images will be downloaded and stored into an temporary
@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@
 parameters. If these parameters change, the script has to be
 Download Landsat Global Mosaik for Spearfish (SD, USA) area:
@@ -61,6 +63,8 @@
-Soeren Gebbert, Markus Neteler
+Original version by Soeren Gebbert, Markus Neteler<br>
+Rewritten to support tiled WMS by Hamish Bowman
-<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Copied: grass-addons/grass6/raster/r.in.onearth/r.in.onearth (from rev 52185, grass-addons/grass6/raster/r.in.onearth/r.in.onearth.twms)
--- grass-addons/grass6/raster/r.in.onearth/r.in.onearth	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass6/raster/r.in.onearth/r.in.onearth	2012-06-22 10:50:44 UTC (rev 52186)
@@ -0,0 +1,711 @@
+# Download and import satellite images direct from the                      #
+#  NASA onearth WMS server into GRASS.                                      #
+# Written by Soeren Gebbert 11/2005 soerengebbert AT gmx de                 #
+#  and Markus Neteler.                                                      #
+# Rewritten to support for pre-tiled WMS server by Hamish Bowman            #
+#                                                                           #
+# COPYRIGHT:        (C) 2005-2012 by the GRASS Development Team             #
+#                                                                           #
+#            This program is free software under the GNU General Public     #
+#            License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS    #
+#            for details.                                                   #
+#                                                                           #
+#%  description: Download and import satellite images direct from the NASA OnEarth Tiled WMS server into GRASS or to a GeoTIFF image file.
+#%  key: output
+#%  gisprompt: new,cell,raster
+#%  type: string
+#%  description: Output raster map name prefix
+#%  required: no
+#%  key: file
+#%  gisprompt: new_file,file,file
+#%  type: string
+#%  description: Output file name prefix
+#%  answer: /tmp/test
+#%  required: no
+#%  key: f
+#%  description: Do not import to GRASS, create a tiff file instead.
+#%  key: l
+#%  description: Download and Import WMS Global Mosaic, a High Resolution, Global Coverage, Landsat TM 7 mosaic.
+#%  key: s
+#%  description: Download and Import the radar reflectance images produced by the SRTM mission.
+#%  key: b
+#%  description: Download and Import the Blue Marble Next Generation layer, one for each month of the year. 
+#%  key: t
+#%  description: Download and Import the composite of data produced by the MODIS Rapid Response System, from data collected yesterday by the MODIS/Terra.
+#%  key: a
+#%  description: Download and Import the composite of data produced by the MODIS Rapid Response System, from data collected yesterday by the MODIS/Aqua.
+#%  key: tmband
+#%  type: string
+#%  description: NASA Landsat TM bands
+#%  options: Red,Green,Blue,IR1,IR2,IR3,ThL,ThH,Pan,visual,pseudo 
+#%  required: no
+#%  key: srtmband
+#%  type: string
+#%  description: Radar reflectance bands
+#%  options:  default,ss1,ss2,ss3,ss4,all 
+#%  required: no
+#%  key: month
+#%  type: string
+#%  description: Blue Marble Next Generation layer
+#%  options: Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec 
+#%  required: no
+#%  key: time
+#%  type: string
+#%  description: The datum of creation for Aqua or Terra satellite images
+#%  answer: 2005-3-24    
+#%  required: no
+#%  key: wgetopt
+#%  type: string
+#%  description: Options for wget
+#%  answer: -c -t 5
+#%  required: no
+# Only run if started in GRASS
+if [ -z "$GISBASE" ] ; then
+    echo "You must be in GRASS GIS to run this program." >&2
+    exit 1
+# Parse the arguments
+if [ "$1" != "@ARGS_PARSED@" ] ; then
+  exec g.parser "$0" "$@"
+# Set up important vars first
+SRS="EPSG:4326"                           # This is Lat/Long WGS84
+TYPE=""                                   # Pretty name of layer, no special chars
+TIME=""                                   # &time=YYYY-MM-DD time string for the MODIS time= option
+# Layer IDs:
+GLOBAL_MOSAIC_LAYER="global_mosaic_base"  # LANDSAT Global Mosaic
+SRTM_MAG_LAYER="srtm_mag"                 # srtm_mag (Space Shuttle Radar Topography Mission elevation)
+BMNG_LAYER="BMNG"                         # NASA' s Blue Marble Next Generation
+DAILY_TERRA_LAYER="daily_terra"           # Daily MODIS/TERRA
+DAILY_AQUA_LAYER="daily_aqua"             # Daily MODIS/AQUA
+USE_GDALWARP="true" #if we dont have gdalwarp, only LatLong projection is supported
+# try a few at once, but don't get abusive
+# check if we have wget
+if [ ! -x "`which wget`" ] ; then
+    g.message -e "wget required, please install first"
+    exit 1
+# check if we have gdalwarp
+if [ ! -x "`which gdalwarp`" ] ; then
+    g.message -w "gdalwarp is recommended, please install first (script still works in LatLong locations)"
+    USE_GDALWARP="false"  # use only LatLong
+# Get the data from the NASA server
+   IMPORT="true" #default
+   # Compose the filename for the assembled GeoTIFF
+   IMAGEFILE="$TMPDIR/OnEarth_${LAYER}_${STYLE}_$$.tif"
+   g.message -v "Download Data ..."
+   g.message -v "Requesting Data from '$BASE_URL'"
+   #local STRING="request=GetMap&layers=$LAYER&srs=$SRS&width=$WIDTH&height=$HEIGHT&bbox=$w,$s,$e,$n&format=$FORMAT&version=1.1.0&styles=$STYLE$TIME"
+   BASE_REQUEST="request=GetMap&layers=$LAYER&srs=$SRS&width=$TILE_SIZE&height=$TILE_SIZE"
+   BASE_META="format=$FORMAT&version=1.1.1&styles=$STYLE$TIME"
+   # what the request would look like if we had a general-purpose WMS server:
+   #BBOX="bbox=$w,$s,$e,$n"
+   #download the File from the Server
+   #wget $WGET_OPTIONS --post-data="$REQ_STRING" "$BASE_URL" -O "$IMAGEFILE" 
+   for i in `seq $NUM_TILES_x` ; do
+      i_str=`echo "$i" | awk '{printf("%04d", $1)}'`
+      # avoid tall+thin jobs from running away
+      MODULUS=`echo "$i $MAX_DL_JOBS" | awk '{print $1 % $2}'`
+      if [ "$MODULUS" = "0" ] ; then
+          wait
+      fi
+      for j in `seq $NUM_TILES_y` ; do
+         j_str=`echo "$j" | awk '{printf("%04d", $1)}'`
+         minx=$(echo "$w $i $tile_res" | awk '{printf("%.9f", $1 + (($2 - 1) * $3))}')
+         maxx=$(echo "$w $i $tile_res" | awk '{printf("%.9f", $1 + ($2 * $3))}')
+         maxy=$(echo "$n $j $tile_res" | awk '{printf("%.9f", $1 - (($2 - 1) * $3))}')
+         miny=$(echo "$n $j $tile_res" | awk '{printf("%.9f", $1 - ($2 * $3))}')
+         BBOX_TILE="$minx,$miny,$maxx,$maxy"
+         BBOX="bbox=$BBOX_TILE"
+         g.message -d message="  $BBOX"
+         g.message -d message="URL is [$BASE_URL?$REQ_STRING]"
+         #CMD="wget -nv \"$URL\" -O twms_${i_str}_${j_str}.jpg"
+         CMD="wget -nv --post-data='$REQ_STRING' '$BASE_URL' -O 'twms_${i_str}_${j_str}.jpg'"
+         MODULUS=`echo "$j $MAX_DL_JOBS" | awk '{print $1 % $2}'`
+         g.message -d message="modulus=$MODULUS"
+         if [ "$MODULUS" = "0" ] ; then
+             # stall to let the background jobs finish
+            g.message "Downloading tile [$i,$j] of [${NUM_TILES_x}x$NUM_TILES_y]."
+            eval $CMD
+            EXITCODE=$?
+            wait
+            if [ "$EXITCODE" -ne 0 ] ; then
+               #retry
+	       sleep 1
+	       eval $CMD
+	       if [ "$EXITCODE" -ne 0 ] ; then
+	          g.message -e "wget was not able to download the data"
+                  IMPORT="false"
+                  return 1
+	       fi
+            fi
+         else
+            g.message "Downloading tile [$i,$j] of [${NUM_TILES_x}x$NUM_TILES_y],"
+            eval $CMD &
+         fi
+      done
+   done
+   wait
+   #### some checks before going on
+   if [ `ls -1 twms_*.jpg | wc -l` -lt "$TOTAL_TILES" ] ; then
+       g.message -e "Tile(s) appear to be missing."
+       IMPORT="false"
+       return 1
+   fi
+   for file in twms_*.jpg ; do
+        if [ ! -s "$file" ] ; then
+            g.message -e "<$file> appears to be empty."
+            IMPORT="false"
+            return 1
+        fi
+        if [ `file "$file" | grep -c JPEG` -eq 0 ] ; then
+            g.message -e "<$file> appears to be bogus."
+            if [ `file "$file" | grep -c XML` -eq 1 ] && [ "$GRASS_VERBOSE" = "true" ] ; then
+		g.message message="--------------------------------------"
+                cat "$file"
+		g.message message="--------------------------------------"
+            fi
+            IMPORT="false"
+            return 1
+        fi
+   done
+   g.message -v "Converting to pnm ..."
+   for file in twms_*.jpg ; do
+       jpegtopnm "$file" > `basename "$file" .jpg`.pnm
+   done
+   g.message -v "Patching ..."
+   for j in `seq $NUM_TILES_y` ; do
+      j_str=`echo "$j" | awk '{printf("%04d", $1)}'`
+      tilefiles=`ls twms_*_${j_str}.pnm`
+      #echo $tilefiles
+      pnmcat -lr $tilefiles > "row_${j_str}.pnm"
+   done
+   pnmcat -tb row_*.pnm | pnmtojpeg --quality=75 > "mosaic_$$.jpg"
+   rm -f twms_*.pnm twms_*.jpg row*.pnm
+   #not needed
+   #far_e=$(echo "$e $tile_res" | awk '{printf("%.9f", $1 + $2)}')
+   #far_s=$(echo "$s $tile_res" | awk '{printf("%.9f", $1 - $2)}')
+   # Convert to GeoTIFF
+   # gdalwarp can get confused if the file already exists (or at least it used to)
+   if [ -e "mosaic_$$.tif" ] ; then
+       g.message -e "A file called [$TMPDIR/mosaic_$$.tif] already exists. Aborting."
+       exit 1
+   fi
+   gdal_translate "mosaic_$$.jpg" "mosaic_$$.tif" \
+      -a_srs EPSG:4326 -a_ullr $w $n $e $s
+   mv "mosaic_$$.tif" "$IMAGEFILE"
+   \rm "mosaic_$$.jpg"
+   if [ -f "$IMAGEFILE" ] ; then 
+     IMPORT="true"
+   else
+     g.message -e "wget was not able to download the data"
+     IMPORT="false"
+     return 1
+   fi
+   return 0
+#warp the data to the current grass locationa via gdalwarp
+    if [ "$USE_GDALWARP" = "true" ] ; then 
+	g.message -v "Reprojecting the image ..."
+	#create the new imagename
+	IMAGE_WARPED="$TMPDIR/`basename "$IMAGEFILE" .tif`_warped.tif"
+	#convert the data to the current location, create Erdas Imagine Images (HFA)
+	gdalwarp -s_srs "$SRS" -t_srs "`g.proj -wf`" \
+	    -dstalpha "$IMAGEFILE" "$IMAGE_WARPED"
+	if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+	  g.message -i 'Reprojection failed. Aborting.'
+	  exitprocedure
+	fi
+	g.message -v "Reprojection successful"
+	#remove the old image and convert the name
+	rm -f "$IMAGEFILE"
+	return 0
+    fi
+    return 1
+#Import the Data with r.in.gdal
+    if [ "$IMPORT" != "true" ] ; then
+	return 0
+    fi
+    #Check if Tiff file
+    FILETYPE=`file  "$IMAGEFILE" | cut -f2 -d':'`
+    g.message -v "File of Type: $FILETYPE"
+    if [ `echo "$FILETYPE" | grep -c 'TIFF'` -ne 1 ] ; then
+    	g.message -w "Downloaded file does not appear to be a TIFF image, but will try to import anyway"
+    fi
+    g.message -v "Checking Data ..."
+    gdalinfo "$IMAGEFILE" > /dev/null
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+    	g.message -e "Downloaded file is not supported by GDAL, or cannot be imported"
+    fi
+    g.message -d "Data checked & was ok."
+    ### Copy or import
+    if [ "$GIS_FLAG_F" -eq 1 ] ; then
+    	# Copy the data to the output file
+	OUTNAME=`echo "$GIS_OPT_OUTPUT" | sed -e 's/_$//'`
+    	g.message -v "Creating output file [$OUTFILE]"
+    else
+    	# Warp the data!
+    	WarpData
+    	g.message -v "Importing image ..."
+	OUTNAME=`basename "$GIS_OPT_OUTPUT" _`
+	r.in.gdal input="$IMAGEFILE" output="$OUTNAME.tmp_$$" --quiet
+	# crop away no data introduced by differing convergence angle
+	g.region "rast=$OUTNAME.tmp_$$.alpha"
+	for COLOR in red green blue ; do
+	    r.mapcalc "$OUTNAME.$COLOR = \
+	      if($OUTNAME.tmp_$$.alpha == 0, null(), $OUTNAME.tmp_$$.$COLOR)" &
+	done
+	wait
+	for COLOR in red green blue ; do
+	    r.colors "$OUTNAME.$COLOR" color=grey255 --quiet
+	    r.support "$OUTNAME.$COLOR" \
+	      title="NASA OnEarth WMS $LAYER ($STYLE)"
+	      source1="Data downloaded from NASA's OnEarth WMS server" \
+	      source2="$LAYER ($STYLE)" \
+	      description="generated by r.in.onearth"
+	done
+	g.mremove -f rast="$OUTNAME.tmp_$$.*" --quiet
+    fi
+    # free up the disk space ASAP
+    rm -f "$IMAGEFILE"
+    return 0
+# what to do in case of user break:
+    g.message 'User break!'
+    cd ..
+    rm -rf "$TMPDIR"
+    unset WIND_OVERRIDE
+    g.remove region="tmp_tiled_wms.$$" --quiet
+    exit 1
+trap "exitprocedure" 2 3 15
+#At least one flag should be set
+if [ $GIS_FLAG_L -eq 0  -a  $GIS_FLAG_S -eq 0  -a  $GIS_FLAG_B -eq 0 ] \
+   && [ $GIS_FLAG_T -eq 0  -a  $GIS_FLAG_A -eq 0 ] ; then
+    g.message -e "Select a flag to specify map type"
+    exit 1
+#Check if a file or a map should be created
+if [ "$GIS_FLAG_F" -eq 1 ] ; then
+    if [ -z "$GIS_OPT_FILE" ] ; then
+	g.message -e "Please specify an output filename"
+	exit 1
+    fi
+    if [ -e "$GIS_OPT_FILE" ] ; then
+	g.message -e "Output filename already exists. Will not overwrite. Aborting."
+	exit 1
+    fi
+#Some mapset informations 
+eval `g.gisenv`
+#wget has many options
+# Tiled WMS is locked at one size fits all
+# are we in the server's native projection?
+PROJ_CODE=`g.region -p | grep '^projection:' | awk '{print $2}'`
+DATUM=`g.region -p | grep '^datum:' | awk '{print $2}'`
+if [ $PROJ_CODE -eq 3 ] && [ `echo "$DATUM" | grep -ci 'wgs84'` -eq 1 ] ; then
+   IS_4326="true"
+   IS_4326="false"
+#Now get the LatLong Boundingbox
+if [ "$IS_4326" = "true" ] ; then
+    #We have LatLong projection, no warp is needed!
+    USE_GDALWARP="false"
+    eval `g.region -gb`
+    n="$ll_n"
+    s="$ll_s"
+    e="$ll_e"
+    w="$ll_w"
+    g.message -d "Lat-Long WGS84 bounding box was = N $n S $s W $w E $e"
+#Break If we have no warp and no LatLong
+if [ "$IS_4326" = "false" ] && [ "$USE_GDALWARP" = "false" ] ; then
+    g.message -e "NASA OnEarth data are in Latitude-Longitude WGS84. The \
+		  current location projection differs and you don't \
+		  have 'gdalwarp' installed. Aborting."
+    exit 1
+eval `g.region -g | grep 'res='`
+if [ "$nsres" != "$ewres" ] ; then
+    g.message -e "East-West and North-South region resolution must be the same"
+    exit 1
+    res="$nsres"
+if [ $PROJ_CODE -ne 3 ] ; then
+   # if not lat/lon, convert map units resolution to degrees
+   TO_METERS=`g.proj -p | grep '^meters.*:' | awk '{print $3}'`
+   res=`echo "$nsres $TO_METERS" | awk '{ printf("%.11f", $1 / ($2 * 1852.0 * 60))}'`
+#### find appropriate tile resolution
+for val in $fixed_res ; do
+   # find nearest resolution:
+   #DIFF=`echo "$res $val" | awk '{printf("%.15g", $1 > $2 ? $1 - $2 : $2 - $1)}'`
+   # find nearest finer resolution:
+   DIFF=`echo "$res $val" | awk '{printf("%.15g", $1 > $2 ? $1 - $2 : 9999)}'`
+   NEW_MIN_DIFF=`echo "$MIN $DIFF" | awk '{printf("%d", $1 < $2 ? 0 : 1)}'`
+   if [ "$NEW_MIN_DIFF" -eq 1 ] ; then
+      MIN="$DIFF"
+      TAKE="$val"
+      TAKE_i="$i"
+   fi
+   i=`expr $i + 1`
+if [ "$MIN" = "9999" ] ; then
+    #finer than the finest tested
+    TAKE_i=-3
+    TAKE=0.000244140625
+tile_res=`echo "$TAKE_i" | awk '{printf("%.15g", 2^$1)}'`
+g.message -d message="min_diff=$MIN  [2^$TAKE_i = $tile_res  ($TAKE * 512)]"
+#### adjust region to snap to fixed list of available resolutions
+# setup internal region
+g.region save="tmp_tiled_wms.$$"
+### now snap the current region to the best-fit tiled grid
+#d.region.box   #orig
+if [ $PROJ_CODE -ne 3 ] ; then
+   # if not lat/lon, convert map units resolution to degrees
+   local_res=`echo "$TAKE $TO_METERS" | awk '{ printf("%.15g\n", $1 * $2 * 1852.0 * 60)}'`
+   g.region res="$local_res" -a
+   eval `g.region -gb`
+   n="$ll_n"
+   s="$ll_s"
+   e="$ll_e"
+   w="$ll_w"
+   g.message -d "Lat-Long WGS84 bounding box aligned to = N $n S $s W $w E $e"
+   g.region res="$TAKE" -a
+   eval `g.region -g`
+#d.region.box   #after resolution snap
+#### begin snap to nearest tile
+# snap lat,long to upper-left corner of nearest tile grid node
+# Round lat to nearest grid node
+#lat = 90.0   - round( (90.0 - lat) / $res) * $res;
+#lon = -180.0 + floor( (180.0 + lon) / $res) * $res;
+# diff is always positive here, so int() acts like floor().
+n=`echo "$n $tile_res" | \
+   awk '{ printf("%.15g", 90.0 - int((90.0 - $1) / $2) * $2) }'`
+s=`echo "$s $tile_res" | awk '
+ function ceil(x)
+ {
+   return (x == int(x)) ? x : int(x)+1
+ }
+ {
+   printf("%.15g", 90.0 - ceil((90.0 - $1) / $2) * $2)
+ }'`
+w=`echo "$w $tile_res" | \
+   awk '{ printf("%.15g", -180.0 + int((180.0 + $1) / $2) * $2) }'`
+e=`echo "$e $tile_res" | awk '
+ function ceil(x)
+ {
+   return (x == int(x)) ? x : int(x)+1
+ }
+ {
+   printf("%.15g", -180.0 + ceil((180.0 + $1) / $2) * $2)
+ }'`
+g.message -d "Lat-Long WGS84 bounding box snapped to = N $n S $s W $w E $e"
+# not needed:
+#g.region n=$n s=$s e=$e w=$w
+#NUM_TILES_x=`echo "$e $w $tile_res" | awk '{ printf("%d", 1 + (($1 - $2) / $3)) }'`
+#NUM_TILES_y=`echo "$n $s $tile_res" | awk '{ printf("%d", 1 + (($1 - $2) / $3)) }'`
+NUM_TILES_x=`echo "$e $w $tile_res" | awk '{ printf("%d", ($1 - $2) / $3) }'`
+NUM_TILES_y=`echo "$n $s $tile_res" | awk '{ printf("%d", ($1 - $2) / $3) }'`
+g.message -v "There are $NUM_TILES_x * $NUM_TILES_y = $TOTAL_TILES tiles to download"
+if [ "$TOTAL_TILES" -gt 200 ] ; then
+    g.message -w "You've told it to download $TOTAL_TILES tiles from NASA's server. Are you sure you want to do that?"
+    read result
+    case $result in
+       y | yes | Y | Yes | YES)
+	  ;;
+       *)
+	  g.message -i "Aborting."
+	  exit 1
+	  ;;
+     esac
+# make a temporary directory
+TMPDIR="`g.tempfile pid=$$`"
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ -z "$TMPDIR" ] ; then
+    g.message -e "Unable to create temporary files"
+    exit 1
+rm -f "$TMPDIR"
+mkdir "$TMPDIR"
+cd "$TMPDIR"
+# Get the Data and import
+#  allow multiple outputs: import every choice that can be made
+if [ $GIS_FLAG_L -eq 1 ] ; then
+    TYPE="LandsatTM"
+    g.message -v "Will download and import $TYPE data for the $STYLE band"
+    GetData
+    ImportData
+if [ $GIS_FLAG_S -eq 1 ] ; then
+    TYPE="SRTM"
+    g.message -v "Will download and import $TYPE data for band $STYLE"
+    GetData
+    ImportData
+if [ $GIS_FLAG_B -eq 1 ] ; then
+    TYPE="BMNG"
+    g.message -v "Will download and import $TYPE data for the month of $STYLE"
+    GetData
+    ImportData
+if [ $GIS_FLAG_T -eq 1 ] ; then
+    TIME="&time=$GIS_OPT_TIME"
+    STYLE=""
+    TYPE="Daily_Terra"
+    g.message -v "Will download and import $TYPE data"
+    GetData
+    ImportData
+if [ $GIS_FLAG_A -eq 1 ] ; then
+    TIME="&time=$GIS_OPT_TIME"
+    STYLE=""
+    TYPE="Daily_Aqua"
+    g.message -v "Will download and import $TYPE data"
+    GetData
+    ImportData
+#remove the temp dir
+cd ..
+rm -rf "$TMPDIR"
+g.remove region="tmp_tiled_wms.$$" --quiet
+if [ "$EXITCODE" -eq 0 ] ; then
+   g.message "`basename $0` done."
+# start of old code
+if [ 0 -eq 1 ] ; then
+    #There is a bug in nasa WMS service, it provides images which are lager then
+    #the world :(, we have to crop the images
+    if [ "$n" = "90" -a "$s" = "-90" ] && \
+       [ "$w" = "-180" -a "$e" = "180" ] ; then
+	# check if we have bc
+	if [ ! -x "`which bc`" ] ; then
+	    g.message -e "bc required, please install first"
+	    exit 1
+	fi
+	#We request a smaller image from the wms server
+	n=`echo "$n - 0.001" | bc`
+	s=`echo "$s + 0.001" | bc`
+	e=`echo "$e - 0.001" | bc`
+	w=`echo "$w + 0.001" | bc`
+    fi
+# end of old code

Deleted: grass-addons/grass6/raster/r.in.onearth/r.in.onearth.twms
--- grass-addons/grass6/raster/r.in.onearth/r.in.onearth.twms	2012-06-22 10:47:47 UTC (rev 52185)
+++ grass-addons/grass6/raster/r.in.onearth/r.in.onearth.twms	2012-06-22 10:50:44 UTC (rev 52186)
@@ -1,711 +0,0 @@
-# Download and import satellite images direct from the                      #
-#  NASA onearth WMS server into GRASS.                                      #
-# Written by Soeren Gebbert 11/2005 soerengebbert AT gmx de                 #
-#  and Markus Neteler.                                                      #
-# Rewritten to support for pre-tiled WMS server by Hamish Bowman            #
-#                                                                           #
-# COPYRIGHT:        (C) 2005-2012 by the GRASS Development Team             #
-#                                                                           #
-#            This program is free software under the GNU General Public     #
-#            License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS    #
-#            for details.                                                   #
-#                                                                           #
-#%  description: Download and import satellite images direct from the NASA OnEarth Tiled WMS server into GRASS or to a GeoTIFF image file.
-#%  key: output
-#%  gisprompt: new,cell,raster
-#%  type: string
-#%  description: Output raster map name prefix
-#%  required: no
-#%  key: file
-#%  gisprompt: new_file,file,file
-#%  type: string
-#%  description: Output file name prefix
-#%  answer: /tmp/test
-#%  required: no
-#%  key: f
-#%  description: Do not import to GRASS, create a tiff file instead.
-#%  key: l
-#%  description: Download and Import WMS Global Mosaic, a High Resolution, Global Coverage, Landsat TM 7 mosaic.
-#%  key: s
-#%  description: Download and Import the radar reflectance images produced by the SRTM mission.
-#%  key: b
-#%  description: Download and Import the Blue Marble Next Generation layer, one for each month of the year. 
-#%  key: t
-#%  description: Download and Import the composite of data produced by the MODIS Rapid Response System, from data collected yesterday by the MODIS/Terra.
-#%  key: a
-#%  description: Download and Import the composite of data produced by the MODIS Rapid Response System, from data collected yesterday by the MODIS/Aqua.
-#%  key: tmband
-#%  type: string
-#%  description: NASA Landsat TM bands
-#%  options: Red,Green,Blue,IR1,IR2,IR3,ThL,ThH,Pan,visual,pseudo 
-#%  required: no
-#%  key: srtmband
-#%  type: string
-#%  description: Radar reflectance bands
-#%  options:  default,ss1,ss2,ss3,ss4,all 
-#%  required: no
-#%  key: month
-#%  type: string
-#%  description: Blue Marble Next Generation layer
-#%  options: Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec 
-#%  required: no
-#%  key: time
-#%  type: string
-#%  description: The datum of creation for Aqua or Terra satellite images
-#%  answer: 2005-3-24    
-#%  required: no
-#%  key: wgetopt
-#%  type: string
-#%  description: Options for wget
-#%  answer: -c -t 5
-#%  required: no
-# Only run if started in GRASS
-if [ -z "$GISBASE" ] ; then
-    echo "You must be in GRASS GIS to run this program." >&2
-    exit 1
-# Parse the arguments
-if [ "$1" != "@ARGS_PARSED@" ] ; then
-  exec g.parser "$0" "$@"
-# Set up important vars first
-SRS="EPSG:4326"                           # This is Lat/Long WGS84
-TYPE=""                                   # Pretty name of layer, no special chars
-TIME=""                                   # &time=YYYY-MM-DD time string for the MODIS time= option
-# Layer IDs:
-GLOBAL_MOSAIC_LAYER="global_mosaic_base"  # LANDSAT Global Mosaic
-SRTM_MAG_LAYER="srtm_mag"                 # srtm_mag (Space Shuttle Radar Topography Mission elevation)
-BMNG_LAYER="BMNG"                         # NASA' s Blue Marble Next Generation
-DAILY_TERRA_LAYER="daily_terra"           # Daily MODIS/TERRA
-DAILY_AQUA_LAYER="daily_aqua"             # Daily MODIS/AQUA
-USE_GDALWARP="true" #if we dont have gdalwarp, only LatLong projection is supported
-# try a few at once, but don't get abusive
-# check if we have wget
-if [ ! -x "`which wget`" ] ; then
-    g.message -e "wget required, please install first"
-    exit 1
-# check if we have gdalwarp
-if [ ! -x "`which gdalwarp`" ] ; then
-    g.message -w "gdalwarp is recommended, please install first (script still works in LatLong locations)"
-    USE_GDALWARP="false"  # use only LatLong
-# Get the data from the NASA server
-   IMPORT="true" #default
-   # Compose the filename for the assembled GeoTIFF
-   IMAGEFILE="$TMPDIR/OnEarth_${LAYER}_${STYLE}_$$.tif"
-   g.message -v "Download Data ..."
-   g.message -v "Requesting Data from '$BASE_URL'"
-   #local STRING="request=GetMap&layers=$LAYER&srs=$SRS&width=$WIDTH&height=$HEIGHT&bbox=$w,$s,$e,$n&format=$FORMAT&version=1.1.0&styles=$STYLE$TIME"
-   BASE_REQUEST="request=GetMap&layers=$LAYER&srs=$SRS&width=$TILE_SIZE&height=$TILE_SIZE"
-   BASE_META="format=$FORMAT&version=1.1.1&styles=$STYLE$TIME"
-   # what the request would look like if we had a general-purpose WMS server:
-   #BBOX="bbox=$w,$s,$e,$n"
-   #download the File from the Server
-   #wget $WGET_OPTIONS --post-data="$REQ_STRING" "$BASE_URL" -O "$IMAGEFILE" 
-   for i in `seq $NUM_TILES_x` ; do
-      i_str=`echo "$i" | awk '{printf("%04d", $1)}'`
-      # avoid tall+thin jobs from running away
-      MODULUS=`echo "$i $MAX_DL_JOBS" | awk '{print $1 % $2}'`
-      if [ "$MODULUS" = "0" ] ; then
-          wait
-      fi
-      for j in `seq $NUM_TILES_y` ; do
-         j_str=`echo "$j" | awk '{printf("%04d", $1)}'`
-         minx=$(echo "$w $i $tile_res" | awk '{printf("%.9f", $1 + (($2 - 1) * $3))}')
-         maxx=$(echo "$w $i $tile_res" | awk '{printf("%.9f", $1 + ($2 * $3))}')
-         maxy=$(echo "$n $j $tile_res" | awk '{printf("%.9f", $1 - (($2 - 1) * $3))}')
-         miny=$(echo "$n $j $tile_res" | awk '{printf("%.9f", $1 - ($2 * $3))}')
-         BBOX_TILE="$minx,$miny,$maxx,$maxy"
-         BBOX="bbox=$BBOX_TILE"
-         g.message -d message="  $BBOX"
-         g.message -d message="URL is [$BASE_URL?$REQ_STRING]"
-         #CMD="wget -nv \"$URL\" -O twms_${i_str}_${j_str}.jpg"
-         CMD="wget -nv --post-data='$REQ_STRING' '$BASE_URL' -O 'twms_${i_str}_${j_str}.jpg'"
-         MODULUS=`echo "$j $MAX_DL_JOBS" | awk '{print $1 % $2}'`
-         g.message -d message="modulus=$MODULUS"
-         if [ "$MODULUS" = "0" ] ; then
-             # stall to let the background jobs finish
-            g.message "Downloading tile [$i,$j] of [${NUM_TILES_x}x$NUM_TILES_y]."
-            eval $CMD
-            EXITCODE=$?
-            wait
-            if [ "$EXITCODE" -ne 0 ] ; then
-               #retry
-	       sleep 1
-	       eval $CMD
-	       if [ "$EXITCODE" -ne 0 ] ; then
-	          g.message -e "wget was not able to download the data"
-                  IMPORT="false"
-                  return 1
-	       fi
-            fi
-         else
-            g.message "Downloading tile [$i,$j] of [${NUM_TILES_x}x$NUM_TILES_y],"
-            eval $CMD &
-         fi
-      done
-   done
-   wait
-   #### some checks before going on
-   if [ `ls -1 twms_*.jpg | wc -l` -lt "$TOTAL_TILES" ] ; then
-       g.message -e "Tile(s) appear to be missing."
-       IMPORT="false"
-       return 1
-   fi
-   for file in twms_*.jpg ; do
-        if [ ! -s "$file" ] ; then
-            g.message -e "<$file> appears to be empty."
-            IMPORT="false"
-            return 1
-        fi
-        if [ `file "$file" | grep -c JPEG` -eq 0 ] ; then
-            g.message -e "<$file> appears to be bogus."
-            if [ `file "$file" | grep -c XML` -eq 1 ] && [ "$GRASS_VERBOSE" = "true" ] ; then
-		g.message message="--------------------------------------"
-                cat "$file"
-		g.message message="--------------------------------------"
-            fi
-            IMPORT="false"
-            return 1
-        fi
-   done
-   g.message -v "Converting to pnm ..."
-   for file in twms_*.jpg ; do
-       jpegtopnm "$file" > `basename "$file" .jpg`.pnm
-   done
-   g.message -v "Patching ..."
-   for j in `seq $NUM_TILES_y` ; do
-      j_str=`echo "$j" | awk '{printf("%04d", $1)}'`
-      tilefiles=`ls twms_*_${j_str}.pnm`
-      #echo $tilefiles
-      pnmcat -lr $tilefiles > "row_${j_str}.pnm"
-   done
-   pnmcat -tb row_*.pnm | pnmtojpeg --quality=75 > "mosaic_$$.jpg"
-   rm -f twms_*.pnm twms_*.jpg row*.pnm
-   #not needed
-   #far_e=$(echo "$e $tile_res" | awk '{printf("%.9f", $1 + $2)}')
-   #far_s=$(echo "$s $tile_res" | awk '{printf("%.9f", $1 - $2)}')
-   # Convert to GeoTIFF
-   # gdalwarp can get confused if the file already exists (or at least it used to)
-   if [ -e "mosaic_$$.tif" ] ; then
-       g.message -e "A file called [$TMPDIR/mosaic_$$.tif] already exists. Aborting."
-       exit 1
-   fi
-   gdal_translate "mosaic_$$.jpg" "mosaic_$$.tif" \
-      -a_srs EPSG:4326 -a_ullr $w $n $e $s
-   mv "mosaic_$$.tif" "$IMAGEFILE"
-   \rm "mosaic_$$.jpg"
-   if [ -f "$IMAGEFILE" ] ; then 
-     IMPORT="true"
-   else
-     g.message -e "wget was not able to download the data"
-     IMPORT="false"
-     return 1
-   fi
-   return 0
-#warp the data to the current grass locationa via gdalwarp
-    if [ "$USE_GDALWARP" = "true" ] ; then 
-	g.message -v "Reprojecting the image ..."
-	#create the new imagename
-	IMAGE_WARPED="$TMPDIR/`basename "$IMAGEFILE" .tif`_warped.tif"
-	#convert the data to the current location, create Erdas Imagine Images (HFA)
-	gdalwarp -s_srs "$SRS" -t_srs "`g.proj -wf`" \
-	    -dstalpha "$IMAGEFILE" "$IMAGE_WARPED"
-	if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
-	  g.message -i 'Reprojection failed. Aborting.'
-	  exitprocedure
-	fi
-	g.message -v "Reprojection successful"
-	#remove the old image and convert the name
-	rm -f "$IMAGEFILE"
-	return 0
-    fi
-    return 1
-#Import the Data with r.in.gdal
-    if [ "$IMPORT" != "true" ] ; then
-	return 0
-    fi
-    #Check if Tiff file
-    FILETYPE=`file  "$IMAGEFILE" | cut -f2 -d':'`
-    g.message -v "File of Type: $FILETYPE"
-    if [ `echo "$FILETYPE" | grep -c 'TIFF'` -ne 1 ] ; then
-    	g.message -w "Downloaded file does not appear to be a TIFF image, but will try to import anyway"
-    fi
-    g.message -v "Checking Data ..."
-    gdalinfo "$IMAGEFILE" > /dev/null
-    if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
-    	g.message -e "Downloaded file is not supported by GDAL, or cannot be imported"
-    fi
-    g.message -d "Data checked & was ok."
-    ### Copy or import
-    if [ "$GIS_FLAG_F" -eq 1 ] ; then
-    	# Copy the data to the output file
-	OUTNAME=`echo "$GIS_OPT_OUTPUT" | sed -e 's/_$//'`
-    	g.message -v "Creating output file [$OUTFILE]"
-    else
-    	# Warp the data!
-    	WarpData
-    	g.message -v "Importing image ..."
-	OUTNAME=`basename "$GIS_OPT_OUTPUT" _`
-	r.in.gdal input="$IMAGEFILE" output="$OUTNAME.tmp_$$" --quiet
-	# crop away no data introduced by differing convergence angle
-	g.region "rast=$OUTNAME.tmp_$$.alpha"
-	for COLOR in red green blue ; do
-	    r.mapcalc "$OUTNAME.$COLOR = \
-	      if($OUTNAME.tmp_$$.alpha == 0, null(), $OUTNAME.tmp_$$.$COLOR)" &
-	done
-	wait
-	for COLOR in red green blue ; do
-	    r.colors "$OUTNAME.$COLOR" color=grey255 --quiet
-	    r.support "$OUTNAME.$COLOR" \
-	      title="NASA OnEarth WMS $LAYER ($STYLE)"
-	      source1="Data downloaded from NASA's OnEarth WMS server" \
-	      source2="$LAYER ($STYLE)" \
-	      description="generated by r.in.onearth"
-	done
-	g.mremove -f rast="$OUTNAME.tmp_$$.*" --quiet
-    fi
-    # free up the disk space ASAP
-    rm -f "$IMAGEFILE"
-    return 0
-# what to do in case of user break:
-    g.message 'User break!'
-    cd ..
-    rm -rf "$TMPDIR"
-    unset WIND_OVERRIDE
-    g.remove region="tmp_tiled_wms.$$" --quiet
-    exit 1
-trap "exitprocedure" 2 3 15
-#At least one flag should be set
-if [ $GIS_FLAG_L -eq 0  -a  $GIS_FLAG_S -eq 0  -a  $GIS_FLAG_B -eq 0 ] \
-   && [ $GIS_FLAG_T -eq 0  -a  $GIS_FLAG_A -eq 0 ] ; then
-    g.message -e "Select a flag to specify map type"
-    exit 1
-#Check if a file or a map should be created
-if [ "$GIS_FLAG_F" -eq 1 ] ; then
-    if [ -z "$GIS_OPT_FILE" ] ; then
-	g.message -e "Please specify an output filename"
-	exit 1
-    fi
-    if [ -e "$GIS_OPT_FILE" ] ; then
-	g.message -e "Output filename already exists. Will not overwrite. Aborting."
-	exit 1
-    fi
-#Some mapset informations 
-eval `g.gisenv`
-#wget has many options
-# Tiled WMS is locked at one size fits all
-# are we in the server's native projection?
-PROJ_CODE=`g.region -p | grep '^projection:' | awk '{print $2}'`
-DATUM=`g.region -p | grep '^datum:' | awk '{print $2}'`
-if [ $PROJ_CODE -eq 3 ] && [ `echo "$DATUM" | grep -ci 'wgs84'` -eq 1 ] ; then
-   IS_4326="true"
-   IS_4326="false"
-#Now get the LatLong Boundingbox
-if [ "$IS_4326" = "true" ] ; then
-    #We have LatLong projection, no warp is needed!
-    USE_GDALWARP="false"
-    eval `g.region -gb`
-    n="$ll_n"
-    s="$ll_s"
-    e="$ll_e"
-    w="$ll_w"
-    g.message -d "Lat-Long WGS84 bounding box was = N $n S $s W $w E $e"
-#Break If we have no warp and no LatLong
-if [ "$IS_4326" = "false" ] && [ "$USE_GDALWARP" = "false" ] ; then
-    g.message -e "NASA OnEarth data are in Latitude-Longitude WGS84. The \
-		  current location projection differs and you don't \
-		  have 'gdalwarp' installed. Aborting."
-    exit 1
-eval `g.region -g | grep 'res='`
-if [ "$nsres" != "$ewres" ] ; then
-    g.message -e "East-West and North-South region resolution must be the same"
-    exit 1
-    res="$nsres"
-if [ $PROJ_CODE -ne 3 ] ; then
-   # if not lat/lon, convert map units resolution to degrees
-   TO_METERS=`g.proj -p | grep '^meters.*:' | awk '{print $3}'`
-   res=`echo "$nsres $TO_METERS" | awk '{ printf("%.11f", $1 / ($2 * 1852.0 * 60))}'`
-#### find appropriate tile resolution
-for val in $fixed_res ; do
-   # find nearest resolution:
-   #DIFF=`echo "$res $val" | awk '{printf("%.15g", $1 > $2 ? $1 - $2 : $2 - $1)}'`
-   # find nearest finer resolution:
-   DIFF=`echo "$res $val" | awk '{printf("%.15g", $1 > $2 ? $1 - $2 : 9999)}'`
-   NEW_MIN_DIFF=`echo "$MIN $DIFF" | awk '{printf("%d", $1 < $2 ? 0 : 1)}'`
-   if [ "$NEW_MIN_DIFF" -eq 1 ] ; then
-      MIN="$DIFF"
-      TAKE="$val"
-      TAKE_i="$i"
-   fi
-   i=`expr $i + 1`
-if [ "$MIN" = "9999" ] ; then
-    #finer than the finest tested
-    TAKE_i=-3
-    TAKE=0.000244140625
-tile_res=`echo "$TAKE_i" | awk '{printf("%.15g", 2^$1)}'`
-g.message -d message="min_diff=$MIN  [2^$TAKE_i = $tile_res  ($TAKE * 512)]"
-#### adjust region to snap to fixed list of available resolutions
-# setup internal region
-g.region save="tmp_tiled_wms.$$"
-### now snap the current region to the best-fit tiled grid
-#d.region.box   #orig
-if [ $PROJ_CODE -ne 3 ] ; then
-   # if not lat/lon, convert map units resolution to degrees
-   local_res=`echo "$TAKE $TO_METERS" | awk '{ printf("%.15g\n", $1 * $2 * 1852.0 * 60)}'`
-   g.region res="$local_res" -a
-   eval `g.region -gb`
-   n="$ll_n"
-   s="$ll_s"
-   e="$ll_e"
-   w="$ll_w"
-   g.message -d "Lat-Long WGS84 bounding box aligned to = N $n S $s W $w E $e"
-   g.region res="$TAKE" -a
-   eval `g.region -g`
-#d.region.box   #after resolution snap
-#### begin snap to nearest tile
-# snap lat,long to upper-left corner of nearest tile grid node
-# Round lat to nearest grid node
-#lat = 90.0   - round( (90.0 - lat) / $res) * $res;
-#lon = -180.0 + floor( (180.0 + lon) / $res) * $res;
-# diff is always positive here, so int() acts like floor().
-n=`echo "$n $tile_res" | \
-   awk '{ printf("%.15g", 90.0 - int((90.0 - $1) / $2) * $2) }'`
-s=`echo "$s $tile_res" | awk '
- function ceil(x)
- {
-   return (x == int(x)) ? x : int(x)+1
- }
- {
-   printf("%.15g", 90.0 - ceil((90.0 - $1) / $2) * $2)
- }'`
-w=`echo "$w $tile_res" | \
-   awk '{ printf("%.15g", -180.0 + int((180.0 + $1) / $2) * $2) }'`
-e=`echo "$e $tile_res" | awk '
- function ceil(x)
- {
-   return (x == int(x)) ? x : int(x)+1
- }
- {
-   printf("%.15g", -180.0 + ceil((180.0 + $1) / $2) * $2)
- }'`
-g.message -d "Lat-Long WGS84 bounding box snapped to = N $n S $s W $w E $e"
-# not needed:
-#g.region n=$n s=$s e=$e w=$w
-#NUM_TILES_x=`echo "$e $w $tile_res" | awk '{ printf("%d", 1 + (($1 - $2) / $3)) }'`
-#NUM_TILES_y=`echo "$n $s $tile_res" | awk '{ printf("%d", 1 + (($1 - $2) / $3)) }'`
-NUM_TILES_x=`echo "$e $w $tile_res" | awk '{ printf("%d", ($1 - $2) / $3) }'`
-NUM_TILES_y=`echo "$n $s $tile_res" | awk '{ printf("%d", ($1 - $2) / $3) }'`
-g.message -v "There are $NUM_TILES_x * $NUM_TILES_y = $TOTAL_TILES tiles to download"
-if [ "$TOTAL_TILES" -gt 200 ] ; then
-    g.message -w "You've told it to download $TOTAL_TILES tiles from NASA's server. Are you sure you want to do that?"
-    read result
-    case $result in
-       y | yes | Y | Yes | YES)
-	  ;;
-       *)
-	  g.message -i "Aborting."
-	  exit 1
-	  ;;
-     esac
-# make a temporary directory
-TMPDIR="`g.tempfile pid=$$`"
-if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ -z "$TMPDIR" ] ; then
-    g.message -e "Unable to create temporary files"
-    exit 1
-rm -f "$TMPDIR"
-mkdir "$TMPDIR"
-cd "$TMPDIR"
-# Get the Data and import
-#  allow multiple outputs: import every choice that can be made
-if [ $GIS_FLAG_L -eq 1 ] ; then
-    TYPE="LandsatTM"
-    g.message -v "Will download and import $TYPE data for the $STYLE band"
-    GetData
-    ImportData
-if [ $GIS_FLAG_S -eq 1 ] ; then
-    TYPE="SRTM"
-    g.message -v "Will download and import $TYPE data for band $STYLE"
-    GetData
-    ImportData
-if [ $GIS_FLAG_B -eq 1 ] ; then
-    TYPE="BMNG"
-    g.message -v "Will download and import $TYPE data for the month of $STYLE"
-    GetData
-    ImportData
-if [ $GIS_FLAG_T -eq 1 ] ; then
-    TIME="&time=$GIS_OPT_TIME"
-    STYLE=""
-    TYPE="Daily_Terra"
-    g.message -v "Will download and import $TYPE data"
-    GetData
-    ImportData
-if [ $GIS_FLAG_A -eq 1 ] ; then
-    TIME="&time=$GIS_OPT_TIME"
-    STYLE=""
-    TYPE="Daily_Aqua"
-    g.message -v "Will download and import $TYPE data"
-    GetData
-    ImportData
-#remove the temp dir
-cd ..
-rm -rf "$TMPDIR"
-g.remove region="tmp_tiled_wms.$$" --quiet
-if [ "$EXITCODE" -eq 0 ] ; then
-   g.message "`basename $0` done."
-# start of old code
-if [ 0 -eq 1 ] ; then
-    #There is a bug in nasa WMS service, it provides images which are lager then
-    #the world :(, we have to crop the images
-    if [ "$n" = "90" -a "$s" = "-90" ] && \
-       [ "$w" = "-180" -a "$e" = "180" ] ; then
-	# check if we have bc
-	if [ ! -x "`which bc`" ] ; then
-	    g.message -e "bc required, please install first"
-	    exit 1
-	fi
-	#We request a smaller image from the wms server
-	n=`echo "$n - 0.001" | bc`
-	s=`echo "$s + 0.001" | bc`
-	e=`echo "$e - 0.001" | bc`
-	w=`echo "$w + 0.001" | bc`
-    fi
-# end of old code

Modified: grass-addons/grass6/raster/r.in.onearth/r.in.onearth.wms
--- grass-addons/grass6/raster/r.in.onearth/r.in.onearth.wms	2012-06-22 10:47:47 UTC (rev 52185)
+++ grass-addons/grass6/raster/r.in.onearth/r.in.onearth.wms	2012-06-22 10:50:44 UTC (rev 52186)
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
+#  The OnEarth server changed, it no longer supports arbitrary WMS requests.
+#  So this script doesn't work any more, but is a nice example of how to
+#  interface with a WMS server so remains here for educational purposes.
 # Download and import satellite images direct from the                      #
 # NASA onearth WMS server into GRASS.                                       #
@@ -12,6 +17,10 @@
 #		for details.                                                #
 #                                                                           #
+# r.in.onearth will need the newest grass6.1-cvs version of g.region. It is in 
+# CVS since 2005-12-21.
+# Enjoy
 #% description: Download and import satellite images direct from the NASA onearth WMS server into GRASS or to a geo-tiff image file.

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