[GRASS-SVN] r51838 - grass/trunk/locale
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Mon May 28 00:58:31 PDT 2012
Author: lucadelu
Date: 2012-05-28 00:58:31 -0700 (Mon, 28 May 2012)
New Revision: 51838
add script to create json file with statistics about translation status
Added: grass/trunk/locale/grass_po_stats.py
--- grass/trunk/locale/grass_po_stats.py (rev 0)
+++ grass/trunk/locale/grass_po_stats.py 2012-05-28 07:58:31 UTC (rev 51838)
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# MODULE: Languages informations and statistics (Python)
+# AUTHOR(S): Luca Delucchi <lucadeluge at gmail.com>
+# PURPOSE: Create a json file containing languages translations
+# informations and statistics.
+# COPYRIGHT: (C) 2012 by the GRASS Development Team
+# This program is free software under the GNU General
+# Public License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that
+# comes with GRASS for details.
+import os, sys
+import subprocess
+import json
+def main():
+ directory = 'po/'
+ outdirectory = 'po/'
+ outfilename = 'translation_status.json'
+ # TODO CHECK IF grass.try_remove CAN WORK
+ try:
+ os.remove(os.path.join(directory,outfilename))
+ except:
+ pass
+ # dictionary contaning languages and file name
+ languages = {}
+ # for each po file
+ #TODO MAYBE USE OTHER FUNCTIONS to extract only po file and remove if
+ for f in os.listdir(directory):
+ if '.po' in f:
+ # split filename
+ lang = f.split('_')[1:]
+ # check if are two definitions like pt_br
+ if len(lang) == 2:
+ lang = ['_'.join(lang)]
+ lang = lang[0].split('.')[0]
+ # if keys is not in languages add it and the file's name
+ if lang not in languages.keys():
+ languages[lang] = [f]
+ # add only files name
+ else:
+ languages[lang].append(f)
+ # output dictionary to transform in json file
+ output = {}
+ # all the total string in english
+ output['totals'] = {}
+ # all the informations about each lang
+ output['langs'] = {}
+ # for each language
+ for k,v in languages.iteritems():
+ output['langs'][k] = {}
+ output['langs'][k]['total'] = {}
+ # variables to create sum for each language
+ lgood = 0
+ lfuzzy = 0
+ lbad = 0
+ # for each file
+ for flang in v:
+ fpref = flang.split('_')[0]
+ output['langs'][k][fpref] = {}
+ # run msgfmt for statistics
+ # TODO check if it's working on windows
+ p = subprocess.Popen(['msgfmt', '--statistics',
+ os.path.join(directory,flang)],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ out = p.communicate()[1].strip()
+ # check if some errors occurs
+ if out.find('error') != -1:
+ # TODO CHECK IF grass.warning()
+ print "WARNING: file <%s> has some problems" % flang
+ continue
+ # split the output
+ out = out.split(',')
+ # TODO maybe check using regex
+ # check for each answer
+ for o in out:
+ o = o.strip()
+ # each answer it's written into dictionare and
+ # the value add to variable for the sum
+ if 'untranslated' in o:
+ val = int(o.split(' ')[0])
+ output['langs'][k][fpref]['bad'] = val
+ lbad += val
+ elif 'fuzzy' in o:
+ val = int(o.split(' ')[0])
+ output['langs'][k][fpref]['fuzzy'] = val
+ lfuzzy += val
+ else:
+ val = int(o.split(' ')[0])
+ output['langs'][k][fpref]['good'] = val
+ lgood += val
+ # write the sum and total of each file
+ output['langs'][k]['total']['good'] = lgood
+ output['langs'][k]['total']['fuzzy'] = lfuzzy
+ output['langs'][k]['total']['bad'] = lbad
+ output['langs'][k]['total']['total'] = lgood + lfuzzy + lbad
+ # load dictionary into json format
+ fjson = json.dumps(output, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
+ # write a string with pretty style
+ outjson = '\n'.join([l.rstrip() for l in fjson.splitlines()])
+ # write to file!
+ fout = open(os.path.join(directory,outfilename),'w')
+ fout.write(outjson)
+ fout.close()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main())
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