[GRASS-SVN] r53720 - in grass-addons/grass7/raster: . r.damflood

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Wed Nov 7 09:48:54 PST 2012

Author: robertomarzocchi
Date: 2012-11-07 09:48:54 -0800 (Wed, 07 Nov 2012)
New Revision: 53720

r.damflood command 

Added: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.damflood/Makefile
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.damflood/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.damflood/Makefile	2012-11-07 17:48:54 UTC (rev 53720)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+PGM = r.damflood
+include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Module.make
+default: cmd

Added: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.damflood/SWE.c
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.damflood/SWE.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.damflood/SWE.c	2012-11-07 17:48:54 UTC (rev 53720)
@@ -0,0 +1,728 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <float.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <grass/glocale.h>
+#include <grass/gmath.h>
+#include <grass/dbmi.h>
+#include <grass/linkm.h>
+#include <grass/bitmap.h>
+#include "SWE.h" /* specifical dependency to the header file */
+#define min(A,B) ((A) < (B) ? (A):(B))
+#define max(A,B) ((A) > (B) ? (A):(B))
+#define min4(A,B,C,D) min(min(A,B),min(C,D))
+#define max4(A,B,C,D) max(max(A,B),max(C,D))
+#define ALLOC_DIM 10000
+#define PI 3.14159265
+#define g 9.81
+void shallow_water(double **m_h1,double **m_u1, double **m_v1, float **m_z,float **m_DAMBREAK,float **m_m, int **m_lake, double **m_h2, double **m_u2, double **m_v2, int row, int col, int nrows, int ncols,float timestep, float res_ew, float res_ns, int method, int num_cell, int num_break, double t){
+	double h_dx, h_sx, h_up, h_dw, Fup, Fdw, Fdx, Fsx, Gup, Gdw, Gdx, Gsx;
+	double u_sx, u_dx, v_dx, v_sx, v_up, v_dw, u_up, u_dw;
+	/***************************************************/
+	/* chiamato sia qua che nel main                   */
+        /* controlla Q=0.0 & volume=0.0                    */
+	float Q, vol_res,fall, volume; 
+	/***************************************************/
+	int test;
+	double F, G, S;
+	double dZ_dx_down, dZ_dx_up, dZ_dx, dZ_dy_down, dZ_dy_up, dZ_dy;
+  	double cr_down, cr_up, Z_piu, Z_meno;
+	double u, v, V;
+	double hmin=0.1;
+	float R_i;
+   	// primo ciclo: calcolo nuove altezze dell'acqua al tempo t+1:
+   	// 		- a valle della diga applico l'equazione di continuita' delle shallow water
+   	// 		  in pratica la nuova altezza e' valutata attraverso un bilancio dei
+   	// 		  flussi in ingresso e in uscita nelle due direzioni principali
+   	// 		- a monte delle diga:
+	//              	- nel metodo 1 e 2 :l'equazione di continuita' e' applicata al volume del lago
+   	//			  fisicamente questo porta a una minore realisticita' ma evita le oscillazioni che
+   	// 			  sono causa di instabilita' numerica
+	//			- nel caso piu' generale si applicano le equazioni a tutto il lago
+	for (row = 1; row < nrows-1; row++) {
+		for (col = 1; col < ncols-1; col++) {
+			if (m_lake[row][col]==0 && m_DAMBREAK[row][col]<=0) {
+				//*******************************************/
+				/* CONTINUITY EQUATION --> h(t+1)           */
+				//*******************************************/
+				// x direction
+				// right intercell
+				if (m_u1[row][col]>0 && m_u1[row][col+1]>0) {
+					Fdx = m_u1[row][col]*m_h1[row][col];
+				} else if (m_u1[row][col]<0 && m_u1[row][col+1]<0) {
+					Fdx = m_u1[row][col+1]*m_h1[row][col+1] ;
+				} else {
+					u_dx = (m_u1[row][col]+m_u1[row][col+1])/2.0;
+					if ( (u_dx < 0 && m_u1[row][col+1]==0) || (u_dx > 0 && m_u1[row][col]==0))
+						u_dx=0;
+					if (u_dx>=0) {
+						h_dx = max(m_h1[row][col]+m_z[row][col]-m_z[row][col+1],0);
+					} else {
+						h_dx = max(m_h1[row][col+1]+m_z[row][col+1]-m_z[row][col],0);
+					}
+					Fdx = h_dx * u_dx;
+				}
+				// left intercell
+				if (m_u1[row][col-1]>0 && m_u1[row][col]>0) {
+					Fsx = m_u1[row][col-1] * m_h1[row][col-1];
+				} else if (m_u1[row][col-1]<0 && m_u1[row][col]<0) {
+					Fsx = m_u1[row][col] * m_h1[row][col];
+				} else {
+					u_sx = (m_u1[row][col-1]+m_u1[row][col])/2.0;
+					if ( (u_sx < 0 && m_u1[row][col]==0) || (u_sx > 0 && m_u1[row][col-1]==0))
+						u_sx = 0;
+					if (u_sx>=0) {
+						h_sx = max(m_h1[row][col-1]+m_z[row][col-1]-m_z[row][col],0);
+					} else {
+						h_sx = max(m_h1[row][col]+m_z[row][col]-m_z[row][col-1],0);
+					}
+					Fsx = h_sx * u_sx;
+				}
+				if(m_DAMBREAK[row][col+1]>0 && ((m_h1[row][col]+m_z[row][col]) < (m_h1[row][col+1]+m_z[row][col+1]))){
+					Fdx = -m_h1[row][col+1]*velocita_breccia(method,m_h2[row][col+1]);
+					if (m_h1[row][col+1]==0)
+						Fdx=0.0;
+				}
+				if (m_DAMBREAK[row][col-1]>0 && ((m_h1[row][col]+m_z[row][col]) < (m_h1[row][col-1]+m_z[row][col-1]))){
+					Fsx = m_h1[row][col-1]*velocita_breccia(method,m_h2[row][col-1]);
+					if (m_h1[row][col-1]==0)
+						Fsx=0.0;
+				}
+				F = Fdx - Fsx;
+				// dGup =m_v1[row][col] * m_h1[row][col] ;irezione y
+				// intercella up
+				if (m_v1[row][col]>0 && m_v1[row-1][col]>0) {
+					Gup = m_v1[row][col] * m_h1[row][col];
+				} else if (m_v1[row][col]<0 && m_v1[row-1][col]<0) {
+					Gup = m_v1[row-1][col] * m_h1[row-1][col];
+				} else {
+					v_up = (m_v1[row][col]+m_v1[row-1][col])/2.0;
+				   if ( (v_up<0 && m_v1[row-1][col]==0) || (v_up>0 && m_v1[row][col]==0))
+				   	v_up=0;
+				   if (v_up>=0){
+				   	h_up = max(m_h1[row][col]+m_z[row][col]-m_z[row-1][col],0);
+				  	} else {
+				  		h_up = max(m_h1[row-1][col]+m_z[row-1][col]-m_z[row][col],0);
+				  	}
+					Gup = h_up * v_up;
+				}
+				// intercella down
+				if (m_v1[row+1][col]>0 && m_v1[row][col]>0) {
+					Gdw = m_v1[row+1][col] * m_h1[row+1][col];
+				} else if (m_v1[row+1][col]<0 && m_v1[row][col]<0) {
+					Gdw = m_v1[row][col] * m_h1[row][col];
+				} else {
+					v_dw = (m_v1[row][col]+m_v1[row+1][col])/2.0;
+				   if ((v_dw<0 && m_v1[row][col]==0) || (v_dw>0 && m_v1[row+1][col]==0))
+				   	v_dw = 0;
+				   if (v_dw>=0) {
+				   	h_dw = max(m_h1[row+1][col]+m_z[row+1][col]-m_z[row][col],0);
+				   } else {
+				   	h_dw = max(m_h1[row][col]+m_z[row][col]-m_z[row+1][col],0);
+				   }
+				   Gdw = h_dw * v_dw;
+				}
+				if (m_DAMBREAK[row-1][col]>0 && ((m_h1[row][col]+m_z[row][col]) < (m_h1[row-1][col]+m_z[row-1][col]))){
+					Gup = -m_h1[row-1][col]*velocita_breccia(method,m_h1[row-1][col]);
+					if (m_h1[row-1][col]==0)
+						Gup=0.0;
+				}
+				if (m_DAMBREAK[row+1][col]>0 && ((m_h1[row][col]+m_z[row][col]) < (m_h1[row+1][col]+m_z[row+1][col]))){
+					Gup = m_h1[row-1][col]*velocita_breccia(method,m_h1[row+1][col]);
+					if (m_h1[row+1][col]==0)
+						Gdw=0.0;
+				}
+				G = Gup - Gdw;
+				//equazione
+				m_h2[row][col] = m_h1[row][col] - timestep / res_ew * F - timestep / res_ns * G;
+				/*if ((row==20||row==21||row==22||row==23)&&(col==18||col==19)){
+					printf("EQ. CONTINUITA' --> row:%d, col:%d\n)",row, col);
+					printf("m_h1[row][col]:%f,m_u1[row][col]:%f,m_v1[row][col]:%f",m_h1[row][col],m_u1[row][col],m_v1[row][col]);
+					printf("m_h1[row][col+1]:%f,m_h1[row][col-1]:%f,m_h1[row+1][col]:%f, m_h1[row-1][col]:%f\n",m_h1[row][col+1],m_h1[row][col-1],m_h1[row+1][col], m_h1[row-1][col]);
+					printf("h_dx:%f, h_sx:%f, h_up%f, h_dw:%f\n",h_dx, h_sx, h_up, h_dw);
+					printf("m_u1[row][col+1]:%f,m_u1[row][col-1]:%f,m_v1[row+1][col]:%f, m_v1[row-1][col]:%f\n",m_u1[row][col+1],m_u1[row][col-1],m_v1[row+1][col], m_v1[row-1][col]);
+					printf("v_up: %f,v_dw:%f,u_dx:%f,u_sx:%f \n",v_up, v_dw, u_dx, u_sx);
+					printf("Fdx: %f,Fsx: %f, F: %f, Gup:%f, Gdw:%f, G: %f\n",Fdx, Fsx, F,Gup, Gdw, G);
+					printf("m_h2(row,col): %f\n \n", m_h2[row][col]);
+				}*/
+				/*if( (row==1 || row==(nrows-2) || col==1 || col==(ncols-2)) && (m_v2[1][col]>0 || m_v2[nrows-2][col]<0 || m_u1[row][1]<0 || m_u1[row][ncols-2]>0 )){
+			if (warn==0){
+				G_warning("At the time %.3f the computational region is smaller than inundation",t);
+				warn=1;
+				G_message("warn=%d",warn);
+			}
+		  }*/
+				if (m_h2[row][col]<0){
+					/*G_warning("At the time %f h is lesser than 0 h(%d,%d)=%f",t, row,col,m_h2[row][col]);
+				   printf("row:%d, col:%d, H minore di zero: %.30lf)",row, col, m_h2[row][col]);
+				   printf("DATI:\n");
+					printf("row:%d,col%d,hmin:%g,h2:%.30lf \n ",row,col,hmin,m_h2[row][col]);
+					printf("m_z[row][col]:%f\n", m_z[row][col]);
+					printf("m_h1[row][col]:%.30lf\n",m_h1[row][col]);
+					printf("m_u1[row][col]:%.30lf,m_v1[row][col]:%.30lf\n",m_u1[row][col], m_v1[row][col]);
+					printf("m_z[row][col+1]:%f,m_z[row][col-1]:%f,m_z[row+1][col]:%f, m_z[row-1][col]:%f\n",m_z[row][col+1],m_z[row][col-1],m_z[row+1][col], m_z[row-1][col]);
+					printf("m_h1[row][col+1]:%.30lf,m_h1[row][col-1]:%.30lf,m_h1[row+1][col]:%.30lf, m_h1[row-1][col]:%.30lf\n",m_h1[row][col+1],m_h1[row][col-1],m_h1[row+1][col], m_h1[row-1][col]);
+					printf("h_dx:%f, h_sx:%f, h_up%f, h_dw:%f\n",h_dx, h_sx, h_up, h_dw);
+					printf("m_u1[row][col+1]:%.30lf,m_u1[row][col-1]:%.30lf,m_v1[row+1][col]:%.30lf, m_v1[row-1][col]:%.30lf\n",m_u1[row][col+1],m_u1[row][col-1],m_v1[row+1][col], m_v1[row-1][col]);
+					printf("timestep: %.30lf, res_ew: %.30lf, res_ns:%.30lf\n",timestep, res_ew, res_ns);
+					printf("v_up: %f,v_dw:%f,u_dx:%f,u_sx:%f \n",v_up, v_dw, u_dx, u_sx);
+					printf("Fdx: %.30lf,Fsx: %.30lf, F: %.30lf, Gup:%.30lf, Gdw:%.30lf, G: %.30lf\n",Fdx, Fsx, F,Gup, Gdw, G);
+					printf("row: %d, col %d, m_h1(row,col): %.30lf, m_h2(row,col): %.30lf \n",row, col,m_h1[row][col], m_h2[row][col]);
+					printf("m_DAMBREAk(ROW,COL):%f \n",m_DAMBREAK[row][col]);
+					while(!getchar()){ }*/
+					m_h2[row][col]=0;
+				}
+			} // fine continuita' a valle (IF check)
+			if (method==1 || method==2){
+				//*******************************************************************
+				// calcolo portata Q uscente dal lago solo nel caso di Hp stramazzo
+				/* HP: method 1 or 2   */
+				if (m_DAMBREAK[row][col]>0 ){
+					if ((m_z[row][col]+m_h1[row][col])>(m_z[row][col+1]+m_h1[row][col+1])){
+						if (t==timestep)
+						Q = Q + m_h1[row][col]* velocita_breccia(method,m_h1[row][col]) * res_ns;
+						m_u1[row][col]= velocita_breccia(method,m_h1[row][col]);
+					} else if ((m_z[row][col]+m_h1[row][col])>(m_z[row][col-1]+m_h1[row][col-1])){
+						Q = Q + m_h1[row][col]* velocita_breccia(method,m_h1[row][col]) * res_ns;
+						m_u1[row][col]= -velocita_breccia(method,m_h1[row][col]);
+					}
+					if ((m_z[row][col]+m_h1[row][col])>(m_z[row+1][col]+m_h1[row+1][col])){
+						Q = Q + m_h1[row][col]* velocita_breccia(method,m_h1[row][col]) * res_ew;
+						m_v1[row][col]=velocita_breccia(method,m_h1[row][col]);
+					} else if ((m_z[row][col]+m_h1[row][col])>(m_z[row-1][col]+m_h1[row-1][col])){
+						Q = Q + m_h1[row][col]* velocita_breccia(method,m_h1[row][col]) * res_ew;
+						m_v1[row][col]=-velocita_breccia(method,m_h1[row][col]);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+	}} //end two for cicles (continuity equation)
+	//*****************************************************************************
+	// abbassamento lago (siccome c'e due volte fare poi una function)
+	//*****************************************************************************
+	if (method==1 || method==2){
+		/* calcolo l'abbassamento sul lago*/
+		if (num_cell!=0) {
+			fall = (Q * timestep-vol_res) / (num_cell * res_ew * res_ns);
+		} else {
+			//if (warn1==0){
+				G_warning("At the time %.0fs no water go out from lake",t);
+			//	warn1=1;
+			//}
+		}
+		vol_res=0.0;
+		Q=0.0;
+		for (row = 1; row < nrows-1; row++) {
+			for (col = 1; col < ncols-1; col++) {
+				if (m_DAMBREAK[row][col]>0){
+					m_h2[row][col]=m_h1[row][col]-fall;
+					if (m_h2[row][col]<=0) {
+						m_h2[row][col]=0.0;
+						if (m_h1[row][col]>0) {
+							num_break--;
+							/*if (num_break==0){
+								G_warning("At the time %.0fs no water go out from lake",t);
+							}*/
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if (m_lake[row][col]==1){
+					m_h2[row][col]=m_h1[row][col]-fall;
+					if (m_h2[row][col]<=0) {
+						vol_res = vol_res-m_h2[row][col]*res_ew * res_ns;
+						m_lake[row][col]=-1;
+						m_h2[row][col]=0.0;
+						num_cell--;
+					}
+				}
+			} //end for col
+		} // end for row
+	}//end if method 
+	//**********************************************************************************
+	// terzo ciclo completo sulla matrice: applico le  -->
+	// e quindi calcolo u(t+1) e v(t+1)
+	//
+	// NOTA:
+	// u(i,j) e v (i,j) sono le velocita' medie della cella i,j
+	/*******************************************************************/
+	for (row = 1; row < nrows-1; row++)
+	{
+		for (col = 1; col < ncols-1; col++)
+		{
+			if (m_lake[row][col]==0 && m_h2[row][col]>=hmin){
+				/**********************************************************************************************************************/
+				// right intercell
+				if (m_u1[row][col]>0 && m_u1[row][col+1]>0) {
+					Fdx = m_u1[row][col] * m_u1[row][col] * m_h1[row][col];
+				} else if (m_u1[row][col]<0 && m_u1[row][col+1]<0) {
+					Fdx = m_u1[row][col+1] * m_u1[row][col+1] * m_h1[row][col+1] ;
+				} else {
+					u_dx = (m_u1[row][col]+m_u1[row][col+1])/2.0;
+					if ( (u_dx < 0 && m_u1[row][col+1]==0) || (u_dx > 0 && m_u1[row][col]==0))
+						u_dx=0;
+					if (u_dx>=0) {
+						h_dx = max(m_h1[row][col]+m_z[row][col]-m_z[row][col+1],0);
+					} else {
+						h_dx = max(m_h1[row][col+1]+m_z[row][col+1]-m_z[row][col],0);
+					}
+					Fdx = h_dx * u_dx * u_dx;
+				}
+				// left intercell
+				if (m_u1[row][col-1]>0 && m_u1[row][col]>0) {
+					Fsx = m_u1[row][col-1] * m_u1[row][col-1] * m_h1[row][col-1];
+				} else if (m_u1[row][col-1]<0 && m_u1[row][col]<0) {
+					Fsx = m_u1[row][col] * m_u1[row][col] * m_h1[row][col];
+				} else {
+					u_sx = (m_u1[row][col-1]+m_u1[row][col])/2.0;
+					if ( (u_sx < 0 && m_u1[row][col]==0) || (u_sx > 0 && m_u1[row][col-1]==0))
+						u_sx = 0;
+					if (u_sx>=0) {
+						h_sx = max(m_h1[row][col-1]+m_z[row][col-1]-m_z[row][col],0);
+					} else {
+						h_sx = max(m_h1[row][col]+m_z[row][col]-m_z[row][col-1],0);
+					}
+					Fsx = h_sx * u_sx * u_sx;
+				}
+				if(m_DAMBREAK[row][col+1]>0 && ((m_h2[row][col]+m_z[row][col]) < (m_h2[row][col+1]+m_z[row][col+1]))){
+					Fdx = m_h1[row][col+1]* pow(-velocita_breccia(method,m_h1[row][col+1]),2.0);  // -vel al quadrato perde il segno meno
+					if (m_h2[row][col+1]==0)
+						Fdx=0.0;
+				}
+				if (m_DAMBREAK[row][col-1]>0 && ((m_h2[row][col]+m_z[row][col]) < (m_h2[row][col-1]+m_z[row][col-1]))){
+					Fsx = m_h1[row][col-1]*pow(velocita_breccia(method,m_h1[row][col-1]),2.0);
+					if (m_h2[row][col-1]==0)
+						Fsx=0.0;
+				}
+				F = Fdx - Fsx;
+				//y
+				// intercella up
+				if (m_v1[row][col]>0 && m_v1[row-1][col]>0) {
+					Gup = m_v1[row][col] * m_u1[row][col] * m_h1[row][col];
+				} else if (m_v1[row][col]<0 && m_v1[row-1][col]<0) {
+					Gup = m_v1[row-1][col] * m_u1[row-1][col] * m_h1[row-1][col];
+				} else {
+					v_up = (m_v1[row][col]+m_v1[row-1][col])/2.0;
+				   if ( (v_up<0 && m_v1[row-1][col]==0) || (v_up>0 && m_v1[row][col]==0))
+				   	v_up=0;
+				   u_up = (m_u1[row][col]+m_u1[row-1][col])/2.0;
+				   if (v_up>=0){
+				   	h_up = max(m_h1[row][col]+m_z[row][col]-m_z[row-1][col],0);
+				  	} else {
+				  		h_up = max(m_h1[row-1][col]+m_z[row-1][col]-m_z[row][col],0);
+				  	}
+					Gup = h_up * v_up * u_up;
+				}
+				// intercella down
+				if (m_v1[row+1][col]>0 && m_v1[row][col]>0) {
+					Gdw = m_v1[row+1][col] * m_u1[row+1][col] * m_h1[row+1][col];
+				} else if (m_v1[row+1][col]<0 && m_v1[row][col]<0) {
+					Gdw = m_v1[row][col] * m_u1[row][col] * m_h1[row][col];
+				} else {
+					v_dw = (m_v1[row][col]+m_v1[row+1][col])/2.0;
+				   if ((v_dw<0 && m_v1[row][col]==0) || (v_dw>0 && m_v1[row+1][col]==0))
+				   	v_dw = 0;
+				   u_dw = (m_u1[row][col]+m_u1[row+1][col])/2.0;
+				   if (v_dw>=0) {
+				   	h_dw = max(m_h1[row+1][col]+m_z[row+1][col]-m_z[row][col],0);
+				   } else {
+				   	h_dw = max(m_h1[row][col]+m_z[row][col]-m_z[row+1][col],0);
+				   }
+				   Gdw = h_dw * u_dw * v_dw;
+				}
+				if(m_DAMBREAK[row-1][col]>0 && ((m_h2[row][col]+m_z[row][col]) < (m_h2[row-1][col]+m_z[row-1][col]))){
+					Gup = m_h1[row-1][col] * (-velocita_breccia(method,m_h1[row-1][col]) * m_u1[row-1][col]);
+					if (m_h2[row-1][col]==0)
+						Gup=0.0;
+				}
+				if (m_DAMBREAK[row+1][col]>0 && ((m_h2[row][col]+m_z[row][col]) < (m_h2[row+1][col]+m_z[row+1][col]))){
+					Gdw = m_h1[row+1][col] *(velocita_breccia(method,m_h1[row+1][col]) * m_u1[row+1][col]);
+					if (m_h2[row+1][col]==0)
+						Gdw=0.0;
+				}
+				G = Gup - Gdw;
+				//courant number  --> UPWIND METHOD
+				if(m_u1[row][col]>0 && m_u1[row][col+1]>0 && m_u1[row][col-1]>0){
+					test=1;
+					dZ_dx_down = ( (m_h2[row][col+1] + m_z[row][col+1]) - (m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col] )) / res_ew;
+					if (m_h2[row][col-1]==0 && m_z[row][col-1]>(m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col])){
+						dZ_dx_up = 0;
+					} else {
+						dZ_dx_up = ( (m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col]) - (m_h2[row][col-1] + m_z[row][col-1]) ) / res_ew;
+					}
+					cr_down = (timestep / res_ew)* (fabs(m_u1[row][col+1]) + fabs(m_u1[row][col]))/2.0;
+					cr_up = (timestep / res_ew)* (fabs(m_u1[row][col]) + fabs(m_u1[row][col-1]))/2.0;
+					Z_piu = 0.0;
+					Z_meno = 0.0;
+				} else if (m_u1[row][col]<0 && m_u1[row][col-1]<0 && m_u1[row][col+1]<0){
+					test=2;
+					dZ_dx_down = ( (m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col]) - (m_h2[row][col-1] + m_z[row][col-1]) ) / res_ew;
+					if (m_h2[row][col+1]==0 && m_z[row][col+1]> (m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col])){
+						dZ_dx_up = 0;
+					} else {
+						dZ_dx_up = ( (m_h2[row][col+1] + m_z[row][col+1]) - (m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col]) ) / res_ew;
+					}
+					cr_down = (timestep / res_ew)* (fabs(m_u1[row][col]) + fabs(m_u1[row][col-1]))/2.0;
+					cr_up = (timestep / res_ew)* (fabs(m_u1[row][col+1]) + fabs(m_u1[row][col]))/2.0;
+					Z_piu = 0.0;
+					Z_meno = 0.0;
+				} else {
+					test=3;
+					if (m_h2[row][col+1]==0 && m_z[row][col+1]> (m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col])){
+						Z_piu=(m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col]);
+					}else{
+						Z_piu = ((m_h2[row][col+1] + m_z[row][col+1])+(m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col]) ) / 2;
+					}
+					if (m_h2[row][col-1]==0 && m_z[row][col-1]>(m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col])){
+						Z_meno = (m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col]);
+					}else{
+						Z_meno = ((m_h2[row][col-1] + m_z[row][col-1])+(m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col]) ) / 2;
+					}
+					dZ_dx_down = (Z_piu - Z_meno)/res_ew;
+					dZ_dx_up = (Z_piu - Z_meno)/res_ew;
+					cr_down = (timestep / res_ew)* (fabs(m_u1[row][col+1]) + 2*fabs(m_u1[row][col]) + fabs(m_u1[row][col-1]) )/4.0;
+					cr_up = (timestep / res_ew)* (fabs(m_u1[row][col+1]) + 2*fabs(m_u1[row][col]) + fabs(m_u1[row][col-1]) )/4.0;
+				}
+					if (m_DAMBREAK[row][col+1] > 0 && m_h2[row][col+1] == 0){
+						test=4;
+						dZ_dx_up = 0.0;
+						dZ_dx_down=( (m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col]) - (m_h2[row][col-1] + m_z[row][col-1]) ) / res_ew;
+					}
+					if (m_DAMBREAK[row][col-1] > 0 && m_h2[row][col-1] == 0){
+						test=5;
+						dZ_dx_up = 0.0;
+						dZ_dx_down = ( (m_h2[row][col+1] + m_z[row][col+1]) - (m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col] )) / res_ew;
+					}
+					dZ_dx = (1-sqrt(cr_down)) * dZ_dx_down + sqrt(cr_up) * dZ_dx_up;
+					//dZ_dx = 0.5 * dZ_dx_down + 0.5 * dZ_dx_up;
+				if (m_h1[row][col]<hmin)
+					R_i=hmin;
+				else
+					R_i=m_h1[row][col];
+				u = m_u1[row][col];
+				v = m_v1[row][col];
+				V = sqrt(pow(u,2.0) + pow(v,2.0));
+				S = (- g * m_h2[row][col] * dZ_dx) -g*(pow(m_m[row][col],2.0) * u * V / pow(R_i,(1.0/3.0)));
+			   	if (m_DAMBREAK[row][col] > 0){
+			   		if ((m_z[row][col]+m_h2[row][col]) > (m_z[row][col+1]+m_h2[row][col+1]))
+			   			m_u2[row][col] = velocita_breccia(method,m_h2[row][col]);  // velocita' sullo stramazzo
+			   		else if ((m_z[row][col] + m_h2[row][col]) > (m_z[row][col-1] + m_h2[row][col-1]))
+			   			m_u2[row][col] = - velocita_breccia(method,m_h2[row][col]);  // velocita' sullo stramazzo
+			   		else
+			   			m_u2[row][col] = 0.0;
+			   	}else {
+						m_u2[row][col] = 1.0 / m_h2[row][col] * (m_h1[row][col] * m_u1[row][col] - timestep / res_ew * F - timestep / res_ns * G + timestep * S );
+				}
+				// no velocita' contro la diga
+				/*if (m_z[row][col+1]> water_elevation && m_u2[row][col]>0)
+	     			m_u2[row][col]=0.0;
+				if (m_z[row][col-1] > water_elevation && m_u2[row][col]<0)
+				m_u2[row][col]=0.0;*/
+				if ((timestep/res_ew*(fabs(m_u2[row][col])+sqrt(g*m_h2[row][col])))>1.0){
+					G_warning("\nATTENTION: at time: %f the Courant-Friedrich-Lewy stability condition isn't respected",t);
+					/*G_message("velocita' lungo x\n");
+					G_message("row:%d, col%d \n",row,col);
+					G_message("dZ_dx_down:%f, dZ_dx_up:%f,cr_up:%f, cr_down:%f\n" , dZ_dx_down,dZ_dx_up, cr_up, cr_down);
+					G_message("Z_piu:%f,Z_meno:%f\n", Z_piu, Z_meno);
+					G_message("dZ_dx:%f\n",dZ_dx);
+					G_message("m_h1[row][col]:%f, m_h2[row][col]:%f, m_z[row][col]:%f\n",m_h1[row][col], m_h2[row][col], m_z[row][col]);
+					G_message("m_h2[row][col+1]:%f, m_z[row][col+1]:%f,m_h2[row][col-1]:%f, m_z[row][col-1]:%f \n",m_h2[row][col+1], m_z[row][col+1],m_h2[row][col-1],m_z[row][col-1]);
+					G_message("m_h2[row][col+1]:%f,m_h2[row][col-1]:%f,\n",m_h2[row][col+1],m_h2[row][col-1]);
+					G_message("h_up: %f,h_dw:%f,h_dx:%f,h_sx:%f \n",h_up, h_dw, h_dx, h_sx);
+					G_message("Fdx: %f,Fsx: %f, F: %f, Gup:%f, Gdw:%f, G: %.60lf,  S: %.60lf \n",Fdx, Fsx, F,Gup, Gdw, G, S);
+					G_message("m_u1[row][col-1]:%f, m_h1[row][col-1]:%f, m_u1[row][col+1]:%f, m_h1[row][col+1]:%f\n",m_u1[row][col-1], m_h1[row][col-1], m_u1[row][col+1], m_h1[row][col+1]);
+					G_message("timestep:%f, res_ew:%f\n",timestep,res_ew);
+			 		G_message("m_u2[row][col]:%f,m_u1[row][col]:%f\n\n", m_u2[row][col],m_u1[row][col]);
+					G_warning("   ");*/
+				}
+				if (fabs(m_u2[row][col]>=1000 )){
+					G_warning("At the time %f u(%d,%d)=%f", t, row,col,m_u2[row][col]);
+				}
+				/******************************************************************************************************************************
+				/******************************************************************************************************************************
+				// right intercell
+				if (m_u1[row][col]>0 && m_u1[row][col+1]>0) {
+					Fdx = m_u1[row][col] * m_v1[row][col] * m_h1[row][col];
+				} else if (m_u1[row][col]<0 && m_u1[row][col+1]<0) {
+					Fdx = m_u1[row][col+1] * m_v1[row][col+1] * m_h1[row][col+1] ;
+				} else {
+					u_dx = (m_u1[row][col]+m_u1[row][col+1])/2.0;
+					if ( (u_dx < 0 && m_u1[row][col+1]==0) || (u_dx > 0 && m_u1[row][col]==0))
+						u_dx=0;
+					v_dx = (m_v1[row][col]+m_v1[row][col+1])/2.0;
+					if (u_dx>=0) {
+						h_dx = max(m_h1[row][col]+m_z[row][col]-m_z[row][col+1],0);
+					} else {
+						h_dx = max(m_h1[row][col+1]+m_z[row][col+1]-m_z[row][col],0);
+					}
+					Fdx = h_dx * u_dx * v_dx;
+				 }
+				// left intercell
+				if (m_u1[row][col-1]>0 && m_u1[row][col]>0) {
+					Fsx = m_u1[row][col-1] * m_v1[row][col-1] * m_h1[row][col-1];
+				} else if (m_u1[row][col-1]<0 && m_u1[row][col]<0) {
+					Fsx = m_u1[row][col] * m_v1[row][col] * m_h1[row][col];
+				} else {
+					u_sx = (m_u1[row][col-1]+m_u1[row][col])/2.0;
+					if ( (u_sx < 0 && m_u1[row][col]==0) || (u_sx > 0 && m_u1[row][col-1]==0))
+						u_sx = 0;
+					v_sx = (m_v1[row][col-1]+m_v1[row][col])/2.0;
+					if (u_sx>=0) {
+						h_sx = max(m_h1[row][col-1]+m_z[row][col-1]-m_z[row][col],0);
+					} else {
+						h_sx = max(m_h1[row][col]+m_z[row][col]-m_z[row][col-1],0);
+					}
+					Fsx = h_sx * u_sx * v_sx;
+				}
+				if(m_DAMBREAK[row][col+1]>0.0 && ((m_h2[row][col]+m_z[row][col]) < (m_h2[row][col+1]+m_z[row][col+1]))){
+					Fdx = m_h1[row][col+1]* (-velocita_breccia(method,m_h1[row][col+1])) * m_v1[row][col+1];
+					if (m_h2[row][col+1]==0)
+						Fdx=0.0;
+				}
+				if (m_DAMBREAK[row][col-1]>0.0 && ((m_h2[row][col]+m_z[row][col]) < (m_h2[row][col-1]+m_z[row][col-1]))){
+					Fsx = m_h1[row][col-1] * velocita_breccia(method,m_h1[row][col-1]) * m_v1[row][col-1];
+					if (m_h2[row][col-1]==0)
+						Fsx=0.0;
+				}
+				F = Fdx - Fsx;
+				//y
+				// intercella up
+				if (m_v1[row][col]>0 && m_v1[row-1][col]>0) {
+					Gup = m_v1[row][col] * m_v1[row][col] * m_h1[row][col];
+				} else if (m_v1[row][col]<0 && m_v1[row-1][col]<0) {
+					Gup = m_v1[row-1][col] * m_v1[row-1][col] * m_h1[row-1][col];
+				} else {
+					v_up = (m_v1[row][col]+m_v1[row-1][col])/2.0;
+				   if ( (v_up<0 && m_v1[row-1][col]==0) || (v_up>0 && m_v1[row][col]==0))
+				   	v_up=0;
+				  if (v_up>=0){
+				   	h_up = max(m_h1[row][col]+m_z[row][col]-m_z[row-1][col],0);
+				  	} else {
+				  		h_up = max(m_h1[row-1][col]+m_z[row-1][col]-m_z[row][col],0);
+				  	}
+				   Gup = h_up * v_up * v_up;
+				}
+				// intercella down
+				if (m_v1[row+1][col]>0 && m_v1[row][col]>0) {
+					Gdw = m_v1[row+1][col] * m_v1[row+1][col] * m_h1[row+1][col];
+				} else if (m_v1[row+1][col]<0 && m_v1[row][col]<0) {
+					Gdw = m_v1[row][col] * m_v1[row][col] * m_h1[row][col];
+				} else {
+					v_dw = (m_v1[row][col]+m_v1[row+1][col])/2.0;
+				   if ((v_dw<0 && m_v1[row][col]==0) || (v_dw>0 && m_v1[row+1][col]==0))
+				   	v_dw = 0;
+				   if (v_dw>=0) {
+				   	h_dw = max(m_h1[row+1][col]+m_z[row+1][col]-m_z[row][col],0);
+				   } else {
+				   	h_dw = max(m_h1[row][col]+m_z[row][col]-m_z[row+1][col],0);
+				   }
+					Gdw = h_dw * v_dw * v_dw;
+				}
+				if(m_DAMBREAK[row-1][col]>0.0 && ((m_h2[row][col]+m_z[row][col]) < (m_h2[row-1][col]+m_z[row-1][col]))){
+					Gup = m_h1[row-1][col]* pow((-velocita_breccia(method,m_h1[row-1][col])),2.0); // -0.4 al quadrato perde il segno meno
+					if(m_h2[row-1][col]==0)
+						Gup=0.0;
+				}
+				if (m_DAMBREAK[row+1][col]>0.0 && ((m_h2[row][col]+m_z[row][col]) < (m_h2[row+1][col]+m_z[row+1][col]))){
+					Gdw = m_h1[row+1][col]* pow((velocita_breccia(method,m_h1[row+1][col])),2.0);
+					if(m_h2[row+1][col]==0)
+						Gdw=0.0;
+				}
+				G = Gup - Gdw;
+				//courant number  --> UPWIND METHOD
+				if (m_v1[row][col]>0 && m_v1[row-1][col]>0 && m_v1[row+1][col]>0){
+					dZ_dy_down = ((m_h2[row-1][col] + m_z[row-1][col]) - (m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col]) ) / res_ns;
+					if (m_h2[row+1][col]==0 &&  m_z[row+1][col]>(m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col])) {
+						dZ_dy_up = 0;
+					} else {
+						dZ_dy_up = ((m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col]) - (m_h2[row+1][col] + m_z[row+1][col]) ) / res_ns;
+					}
+					cr_down = (timestep / res_ns) * fabs(m_v1[row-1][col] + m_v1[row][col])/2.0;
+					cr_up = (timestep / res_ns) * (fabs(m_v1[row][col]) + fabs(m_v1[row+1][col]))/2.0;
+					Z_piu= 0.0;
+					Z_meno=0.0;
+				} else if (m_v1[row][col]<0 && m_v1[row+1][col]<0 && m_v1[row-1][col]<0){
+					dZ_dy_down = ((m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col]) - (m_h2[row+1][col] + m_z[row+1][col]) ) / res_ns;
+					if (m_h2[row-1][col]==0 &&  m_z[row-1][col]>(m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col])) {
+						dZ_dy_up = 0;
+					} else {
+						dZ_dy_up = ((m_h2[row-1][col] + m_z[row-1][col]) - (m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col]) ) / res_ns;
+					}
+					cr_down = (timestep / res_ns) * fabs(m_v1[row][col] + m_v1[row+1][col])/2.0;
+					cr_up = (timestep / res_ns) * fabs(m_v1[row-1][col] + m_v1[row][col])/2.0;
+					Z_piu= 0.0;
+					Z_meno=0.0;
+				} else {
+					if (m_h2[row-1][col]==0 &&  m_z[row-1][col]>(m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col])) {
+						Z_piu = (m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col]);
+					} else {
+						Z_piu = ((m_h2[row-1][col] + m_z[row-1][col]) + (m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col]) )/2.0;
+				   	}
+				   if (m_h2[row+1][col]==0 &&  m_z[row+1][col]>(m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col])) {
+						Z_meno = (m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col]);
+					} else {
+						Z_meno = ((m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col]) + (m_h2[row+1][col] + m_z[row+1][col]) ) /2.0;
+					}
+					dZ_dy_down = (Z_piu - Z_meno)/res_ns;
+					dZ_dy_up = (Z_piu - Z_meno)/res_ns;
+					cr_down = (timestep / res_ns)* (fabs(m_u1[row+1][col]) + 2*fabs(m_u1[row][col]) + fabs(m_u1[row-1][col]) )/4;
+					cr_up = (timestep / res_ns)* (fabs(m_u1[row+1][col]) + 2*fabs(m_u1[row][col]) + fabs(m_u1[row-1][col]) )/4;
+				}
+				if (m_DAMBREAK[row-1][col]>0.0 && m_h2[row-1][col]==0.0){
+					dZ_dy_up=0.0;
+					dZ_dy_down = ((m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col]) - (m_h2[row+1][col] + m_z[row+1][col]) ) / res_ns;
+				}
+				if (m_DAMBREAK[row+1][col]>0.0 && m_h2[row+1][col]==0.0){
+					dZ_dy_up=0.0;
+					dZ_dy_down = ((m_h2[row-1][col] + m_z[row-1][col]) - (m_h2[row][col] + m_z[row][col]) ) / res_ns;
+				}
+					dZ_dy = (1-sqrt(cr_down)) * dZ_dy_down + sqrt(cr_up) * dZ_dy_up;
+					//dZ_dy = 0.5 * dZ_dy_down + 0.5 * dZ_dy_up;
+				if (m_h1[row][col]<hmin)
+					R_i=hmin;
+				else
+					R_i=m_h1[row][col];
+				u = m_u1[row][col];
+				v = m_v1[row][col];
+				V = sqrt(pow(u,2.0) + pow(v,2.0));
+				S = (- g * m_h2[row][col] * dZ_dy) - g*( pow(m_m[row][col],2.0) * v * V / pow(R_i,(1.0/3.0)) );
+				if (m_DAMBREAK[row][col] > 0.0 ){
+					if ((m_z[row][col]+m_h2[row][col]) >  (m_z[row-1][col] + m_h2[row-1][col]))
+					   m_v2[row][col] = velocita_breccia(method,m_h2[row][col]);  // velocita sullo stramazzo
+					else if ((m_z[row][col]+m_h2[row][col]) >  (m_z[row+1][col] + m_h2[row+1][col]))
+						m_v2[row][col] = -velocita_breccia(method,m_h2[row][col]);  // velocita sullo stramazzo
+					else
+						m_v2[row][col] = 0.0;
+				}else{
+					m_v2[row][col] = 1.0 / m_h2[row][col] * (m_h1[row][col] * m_v1[row][col] - timestep / res_ew * F  - timestep / res_ns * G + timestep * S);
+					}
+				// no velocita' contro la diga
+				/*if (m_z[row-1][col] > water_elevation && m_v2[row][col] >0)
+					m_v2[row][col]=0.0;
+		  		if (m_z[row+1][col] > water_elevation && m_v2[row][col] < 0 )
+					m_v2[row][col]=0.0;*/
+				if ((timestep/res_ns*(abs(abs(m_v2[row][col])+sqrt(g*m_h2[row][col]))))>1){
+					G_warning("\nATTENTION: at time: %f the Courant-Friedrich-Lewy stability condition isn't respected",t);
+					/*G_message("EQ. MOTO DIR Y' --> row:%d, col:%d\n)",row, col);
+					G_message("m_h1[row][col]:%f,m_u1[row][col]:%f,m_v1[row][col]:%f",m_h1[row][col],m_u1[row][col],m_v1[row][col]);
+					G_message("m_h1[row][col+1]:%f,m_h1[row][col-1]:%f,m_h1[row+1][col]:%f, m_h1[row-1][col]:%f\n",m_h1[row][col+1],m_h1[row][col-1],m_h1[row+1][col], m_h1[row-1][col]);
+					G_message("h_dx:%f, h_sx:%f, h_up%f, h_dw:%f\n",h_dx, h_sx, h_up, h_dw);
+					G_message("m_u1[row][col+1]:%f,m_u1[row][col-1]:%f,m_v1[row+1][col]:%f, m_v1[row-1][col]:%f\n",m_u1[row][col+1],m_u1[row][col-1],m_v1[row+1][col], m_v1[row-1][col]);
+					G_message("v_up: %f,v_dw:%f,u_dx:%f,u_sx:%f \n",v_up, v_dw, u_dx, u_sx);
+					G_message("Fdx: %f,Fsx: %f, F: %f, Gup:%f, Gdw:%f, G: %f\n",Fdx, Fsx, F,Gup, Gdw, G);
+					G_message("m_h2[row][col+1]:%f,m_h2[row][col-1]:%f,m_h2[row+1][col]:%f, m_h2[row-1][col]:%f\n",m_h1[row][col+1],m_h1[row][col-1],m_h1[row+1][col], m_h1[row-1][col]);
+					G_message("dZ_dy_down:%f, dZ_dy_up:%f,cr_up:%f, cr_down:%f\n" , dZ_dy_down,dZ_dy_up, cr_up, cr_down);
+					G_message("Z_piu:%f,Z_meno:%f\n", Z_piu, Z_meno);
+					G_message("dZ_dy:%f,\n",dZ_dy);
+					G_message("u:%f,v:%f,V:%f\n", u,v,V);
+					G_message("R_i:%f,manning[row][col]:%f\n", R_i, m_m[row][col]);
+					G_message("S=%f\n",S);
+					G_message("m_v2(row,col): %f\n \n", m_v2[row][col]);
+					G_warning("   ");*/
+				}
+				//************** stampa  ********************************************************
+				//if ((t>6.8 && m_v2[row][col]!=m_v1[row][col]) && (row==87) && (col == 193)) {
+				/*if (fabs(m_v2[row][col])>=1000.0){
+					G_warning("At the time %f v(%d,%d)=%f", t, row,col,m_v2[row][col]);
+				}*/
+			 } else {
+			   // tolgo h<hmin quando si svuota
+			   m_u2[row][col] = 0.0;
+			   m_v2[row][col] = 0.0;
+			 } // ciclo if (h>hmin)
+		}
+	}
+} /* end function*/

Added: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.damflood/SWE.h
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.damflood/SWE.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.damflood/SWE.h	2012-11-07 17:48:54 UTC (rev 53720)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+/*Funzione per risolvere le shallow water equations
+originariamente sviluppata per r.damflood (GRASS command)
+nel caso generico dare una matrice con 2 raster di 0 **m_DAMBREAK & **m_lake
+e method=3
+returns void
+void shallow_water(double **m_h1,double **m_u1, double **m_v1,		/* water depth and velocities of the i step*/
+		     	float **m_z,						/* DTM */
+		     	float **m_DAMBREAK,	 				/* DTM changes (e.g. DTM) */
+		     	float **m_m,						/* manning coefficient */		
+			int **m_lake,						/* lake filter, default>0, if equal to 0 --> do not apply swe!!!*/	     	
+			double **m_h2, double **m_u2, double **m_v2,		/* water depth and velocities of the i+1 step*/
+			int row, int col, int nrows, int ncols,			/* matrix size*/
+			float timestep,						/* timestep (normally optimized with another function)  */
+			float res_ew, float res_ns,				/* grid resolutions*/
+			int method, 						/* default = 3, various hypothesis*/
+			int num_cell,int num_break,				/* number of cell of lake only in case of method 1 or 2, elsewhere 0*/
+			double t);						/* computational instant */

Added: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.damflood/dam_failure.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.damflood/dam_failure.png
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.damflood/description.html
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.damflood/description.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.damflood/description.html	2012-11-07 17:48:54 UTC (rev 53720)
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+<em><b>r.damflood</b></em> - The definition of flooding areas is of considerable importance for both the risk analysis and the emergency management.
+This command, in particular, is an embedded GRASS GIS hydrodynamic 2D model that allows to obtain flooding area due to a failure 
+of a dam, given the geometry of the reservoir and of the downstream area, the initial conditions and the dam breach geometry.
+The numerical model solves the conservative form of the shallow water equations (SWE) using a finite volume method (FVM); 
+the intercell flux is computed by the "upwind method and the water-level gradient is evaluated by weighted 
+average of both upwind and downwind gradient. Additional details of the specific numerical scheme adopted in the model are 
+presented in references [1].<br>
+The command allows to generate raster time series, of water depth and flow velocity, with time resolution defined by user. 
+Each time series is identified by a number of raster maps named with a common prefix as specified by the user and the time instant
+which it refers expressed in seconds from the dam failure, joined by the underscore character (e.g.; myvel_125, myvel_250, myvel_375, etc.).<br>
+Because this new module has been implemented with the aim to provide an instrument for risk assessment fully within a GIS environment,
+it should be able to provide intensity maps directly applicable in those analyses.In floods, intensity generally corresponds 
+to the maximum flow depth, but in the particular case of flash floods, where velocities are normally high,
+it is recommended to use as intensity indicator the maximum between the water depth and the product of water velocity and water depth. 
+For this reason, with this module, in addition to the water depth and velocity maps, the user can choose
+a variety of output raster maps: maximum water depth, maximum water velocity, and maximum intensity raster maps. <br>
+In case on high numerical stability problem, the user is warned, and the simulation is stopped.<br>
+<em><b><font size = "5">Use</b></em></font size = "5">
+<em><b>Requested input:</b></em> <br>
+The required input are: <br>
+- a DTM including the lake bathimetry and the dam elevation over the ground [elev], <br>
+- a map with the initial condition easily obtained with <a href="r.lake.html">r.lake</a> command [lake], <br>
+- a dam breach width raster map [dambreak] which can be obtained using <a href="r.dam.html">r.dam</a> grass add-on script, <br>
+- a Manning's roughness coefficient raster map, easily obtained from a reclassification of a land use map 
+(<a href="r.reclass.html">r.reclass</a>) [manning],<br>
+- the simulation time length expressed in <em>seconds</em> [tstop].<br><br>
+<!-- ********************************************************************************************************************************* -->
+<em><b>Output map and additional output options:</b></em> <br>
+First the user can set a specific time lag [deltat] expressed in <em>seconds</em>, that is used for the output map (depth and velocity) generation.
+and also an additional series of instants [opt_t],expressed in <em>seconds</em> from the beginning of the simulation), used to generate further water flow depth and velocity maps 
+at desired precise times.<br>
+The user can choose between one of the following time series raster maps as output: 
+ - flow depth [h],<br>
+ - flow velocity [vel],<br>
+<!--Finally the user can be choose as additional output: <br>  -->
+ - a raster map with maximum water depth [hmax], relative flooding intensity [i_hmax], that is the product of water depth and velocity, and the relative time of occurence[t_hmax],<br>
+ - a raster map with maximum water velocity [vmax], relative flooding intensity [i_vmax], and the relative time of occurence[t_vmax],<br>
+ - a raster map with maximum flooding intensity [imax] and the relative time of occurence[t_imax].<br>
+ - a raster map with the time of arriving of the Wave-Front [wavefront]<br><br>
+where and the raster maps are coded as "prefix" + "_" + "elapsed seconds": e.g. <em>mydepth_125</em>.<br><br>
+<em>Obviously at least one output map prefix must be specified.</em> <br>
+The unit of measurements of output raster maps are expresssed using the <em>International System</em> (<em>S.I.</em>). 
+<!-- ********************************************************************************************************************************* -->
+<em><b>Options:</b></em> <br>
+Using a specific flag, the user can obtain another raster map with flow directions that can be visualized using a specific display command 
+(<a href="d.rast.arrow.html">d.rast.arrow</a>) of the GRASS GIS software. <br>
+Actually two different dam failure type are considered by the command: <em>(i)</em> full breach, <em>(ii)</em> partial breach.
+<img src="dam_failure.png" height="350" alt="" />
+In case of total istantaeous dam break (configuration <em>i</em>), the initial velocity is computed directly applying the SWE at the first time step; 
+while in case of partial dam breach (configuration <em>ii</em>) the user can choose between don't use any hypothesis, like in the previous configuration, 
+or evaluate the initial velocity using the overflow spillway equation: <br>
+<em> V </em> = <em> 0.4 </em> <span class="radic"><sup><var> </var></sup>√<span style="text-decoration:overline" class="radicand"><var>(2 <em>g h)</em></var></span> <br>    
+where <em>V</em> is the water flow velocity expressed in m/s, 
+<em>g</em> is the gravitational acceleration expressed in m/s<sup>2</sup> 
+and <em>h</em> is the water depth in correspondence of the dam breach expresssed in meters (m). <br>
+Optionally the user may modify the initial timestep used for the numerical solution of the SWE (<em>default value = 0.01 s</em>), nevertheless the timestep  [],
+and choose a specific failure tipe corresponding to different computational method for the initial velocity estimation. 
+<em><b><font size = "5">Notes</b></em></font size = "5">
+<em>(GRASS ANSI C command)</em>
+Roberto Marzocchi (<a href="mailto:roberto.marzocchi at gter.it">e-mail</a>) and Massimiliano Cannata (<a href="mailto:massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch">e-mail</a>).
+The GRASS tool was developed by Institute of earth science (IST), 
+University of applied science of Italian Switzerland (SUPSI), Lugano - Division of geomatics <a href="http://istgeo.ist.supsi.ch/site/" target="_blank">web-page</a></em><br>
+Actually the debug is assured by:<br>
+ - <a href="http://www.gter.it/?q=en"  target="_blank"> Gter srl</a> (Genoa, Italy) <br>
+ - <a href="http://www.ist.supsi.ch/" target="_blank">IST -SUPSI</a> (Lugano, Switzerland)<br>
+The numerical model, originally developed by the National Center for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering of the University of Mississippi, 
+has been reformulated and modified by the authors introducing important new features to consider the numerical stability and the type of dam failure, 
+and currently is written in ANSI C programming language within GRASS.<br><br>
+<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+<em><a href="r.lake.html">r.lake</a></em>,
+<em><a href="r.reclass.html">r.reclass</a></em>,
+<em><a href="d.rast.arrow.html">d.rast.arrow</a></em>,
+<em><a href="r.inund.fluv.html">r.inund.fluv</a></em>.
+Details of the numerical model are presented in references. <br>
+Details of use and developing of <a r.damflood></a> are available <a href="http://istgeo.ist.supsi.ch/site/projects/dambreak" target="_blank">here</a>.</em><br>
+[1] Cannata M. & Marzocchi R. (2012). Two-dimensional dam break flooding simulation: a GIS embedded approach. - Natural Hazards 61(3):1143-1159 <br>
+[2] <a href="http://gfoss2009.crs4.it/en/system/files/marzocchi_cannata_licensed.pdf" target="_blank">Pdf</a> presentation of the work at the "X Meeting degli Utenti Italiani di GRASS - GFOSS" (It) <a href="http://gfoss2009.crs4.it/en/node/61" target="_blank"> web-page </a> <br>
+[3] Pdf presentation of the work at the FOSS4G 2009 (En) - <a href="http://2009.foss4g.org/researchpapers/#researchpaper_10" target="_blank"> web-page </a> <br>
+[4] Pdf presentation of the work at the Geoitalia 2011 conference (En)- <a href="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3019930/marzocchi_cannata_geoitalia2011.pdf" target="_blank"> document </a><br>
+<p><i> Last changed: $7 november 2012 18:00:00 CET $</i></p>

Added: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.damflood/main.c
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.damflood/main.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.damflood/main.c	2012-11-07 17:48:54 UTC (rev 53720)
@@ -0,0 +1,1458 @@
+* MODULE:	r.damflood
+* AUTHOR:	Roberto Marzocchi - roberto.marzocchi[]supsi.ch (2008)
+*		Massimiliano Cannata - massimiliano.cannata[]supsi.ch (2008)
+* PURPOSE:	Estimate the area potentially inundated in case of dam breaking
+* COPYRIGHT:	(C) 2008 by Istituto Scienze della Terra-SUPSI
+*		This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+*		Licence (>=2). Read the file COPYING that cames with GRASS
+*		for details.
+/* libraries*/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <grass/gis.h>
+#include <grass/raster.h>
+#include <grass/glocale.h>
+#include <grass/config.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <grass/gmath.h>
+#include <grass/dbmi.h>
+#include <grass/linkm.h>
+#include <grass/bitmap.h>
+/* function here defined */
+#include "SWE.h" /*function that solve the shallow water equations*/
+//#include <grass/interpf.h>
+/* simple functions*/
+#define min(A,B) ((A) < (B) ? (A):(B))
+#define max(A,B) ((A) > (B) ? (A):(B))
+#define min4(A,B,C,D) min(min(A,B),min(C,D))
+#define max4(A,B,C,D) max(max(A,B),max(C,D))
+#define ALLOC_DIM 10000
+#define PI 3.14159265
+#define g 9.81
+//#define hmin 0.01
+/* lo calcolo dopo in funzione della velocita' massima 
+#define timestep 0.1 */
+ * global function declaration 
+extern CELL f_c(CELL);
+extern FCELL f_f(FCELL);
+extern DCELL f_d(DCELL);
+CELL c_calc(CELL x)
+    return x;
+FCELL f_calc(FCELL x)
+    return x;
+DCELL d_calc(DCELL x)
+    return x;
+ */
+int **G_alloc_imatrix(int rows, int cols)
+	int **mmm;
+   int i;
+   mmm = (int **)G_calloc(rows, sizeof(int *));
+	mmm[0] = (int *)G_calloc(rows * cols, sizeof(int));
+	for (i = 1; i < rows; i++)
+		mmm[i] = mmm[i - 1] + cols;
+ 	return mmm;
+void G_free_imatrix(int **mmm)
+	G_free(mmm[0]);
+	G_free(mmm);
+	mmm = NULL;
+	return;
+float **G_alloc_fmatrix(int rows, int cols)
+	float **m;
+   int i;
+   m = (float **)G_calloc(rows, sizeof(float *));
+	m[0] = (float *)G_calloc(rows * cols, sizeof(float));
+	for (i = 1; i < rows; i++)
+		m[i] = m[i - 1] + cols;
+ 	return m;
+void G_free_fmatrix(float **m)
+	G_free(m[0]);
+	G_free(m);
+	m = NULL;
+	return;
+double *G_alloc_vector(size_t n)
+	return (double *)G_calloc(n, sizeof(double));
+double **G_alloc_dmatrix(int rows, int cols)
+	double **mm;
+	int i;
+	mm = (double **)G_calloc(rows, sizeof(double *));
+	mm[0] = (double *)G_calloc(rows * cols, sizeof(double));
+	for (i = 1; i < rows; i++)
+	mm[i] = mm[i - 1] + cols;
+	return mm;
+void G_free_dmatrix(double **mm)
+	G_free(mm[0]);
+	G_free(mm);
+	mm = NULL;
+ 	return;
+void G_free_vector(double *v)
+	G_free(v);
+	v = NULL;
+	return;
+float velocita_breccia(int i,double h)
+	//double h;
+	//int i;
+	//float g=9.81;
+	float v;
+	if(i==1){
+		v=0.93*sqrt(h);
+	}else if (i==2){
+		v=0.4*sqrt(2*g*h);
+	}
+	return v;
+/* main program */
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
+  /* typedef struct
+  {
+    double sx, sy, sz, dir;
+  } startpt;
+  startpt *a_start,*tmp_start;*/
+  struct Cell_head cellhd; /* it stores region information and header information of rasters */
+  struct Cell_head window;
+  //struct History history;  /* holds meta-data */
+  /* input-output raster file descriptor */
+  int infd_ELEV,infd_LAKE,infd_DAMBREAK, infd_MANNING, infd_U, infd_V;
+  int outfd_H,outfd_VEL,outfd_VEL_DIR,outfd_HMAX,outfd_T_HMAX,outfd_I_HMAX;
+  int outfd_VMAX,outfd_T_VMAX,outfd_I_VMAX,outfd_DIR_VMAX,outfd_IMAX,outfd_T_IMAX,outfd_WAVEFRONT;
+  //float g=9.81; define iniziale!
+  /* mapset name locator */
+  char *mapset_ELEV,*mapset_LAKE,*mapset_DAMBREAK,*mapset_MANNING,*mapset_U,*mapset_V;
+  /* buffer for input-output raster */
+  FCELL *inrast_ELEV;			/* elevation map [m]*/
+  DCELL *inrast_LAKE;			/* water elevation in the map [m]*/
+  FCELL *inrast_DAMBREAK;		/* break in the dam*/
+  FCELL *inrast_MANNING;		/* manning*/
+  DCELL *inrast_U;
+  DCELL *inrast_V;
+  DCELL *outrast_VEL;		   /* velocity [m/s] */
+  DCELL *outrast_VEL_DIR;
+  DCELL *outrast_H;	         /* water elevation output [m]*/
+  DCELL *outrast_HMAX;
+  DCELL *outrast_I_HMAX;
+  DCELL *outrast_T_HMAX;
+  DCELL *outrast_VMAX;
+  DCELL *outrast_I_VMAX;
+  DCELL *outrast_T_VMAX;
+  DCELL *outrast_DIR_VMAX;
+  DCELL *outrast_IMAX;
+  DCELL *outrast_T_IMAX;
+  DCELL *outrast_WAVEFRONT;
+  /* cell counters */
+  int nrows, ncols;
+  int row, col;
+  int num_cell, num_break;
+  int method;
+  int reg_lim=0, warn1=0;
+  float Q=0.0, vol_res,fall, volume=0.0;
+  float res_ew ,res_ns;
+  /* memory matrix */
+  double **m_h1, **m_h2, **m_u1, **m_u2, **m_v1, **m_v2;
+  float **m_z, **m_DAMBREAK, **m_m;
+  float **m_hmax, **m_t_hmax, **m_i_hmax, **m_vmax, **m_t_vmax, **m_i_vmax, **m_dir_vmax, **m_imax, **m_t_imax, **m_wavefront;
+  int ** m_lake;
+  /*  other variables  */
+  double water_elevation, profondita_soglia;
+  double hmin=0.1;
+  int pippo;
+  int temp_i;
+  double temp_d, v_tot;
+  char* strcat(char* s, const char* ct);
+  int m=1, M=1;
+  int i, i_cont;
+  double vel_0=0.0, vel_max=0.0, t;
+  /**********************************************************************************/
+  // Parameters for the optimization of timestep using the CFL stability condition
+  float timestep, velocity;
+  float timestep_ct, timestep_ct_temp;
+  /**********************************************************************************/
+  char name1[20],name2[20],name3[20],name4[20],name5[20],name6[20],name7[20],name8[20],name9[20];
+  int tmp_int;
+  char tmp[15];
+  /********************/
+  // optional instants//
+  int ntimes, pp;
+  double *times;
+  double opt_t, time;
+  /********************/
+  /* variables to handle user inputs and outputs */
+  /***********************************************************************************************************************/
+  /* GRASS structure */
+  struct GModule *module;
+  struct Option *input_ELEV, *input_LAKE, *input_DAMBREAK,*input_MANNING, *input_DELTAT, *input_TSTOP, *input_TIMESTEP, *input_U, *input_V;
+  struct
+    {
+	struct Option *opt_t;
+    }
+    parm;
+  struct Option *output_VEL,*output_H,*output_HMAX, *output_VMAX, *output_IMAX, *output_WAVEFRONT;
+  struct Flag *flag_d;
+  struct {
+		struct Option *met;
+	} opt;
+ /* initialize GRASS */
+  G_gisinit(argv[0]);
+  //pgm_name = argv[0];
+  module = G_define_module();
+  G_add_keyword(_("raster"));
+  G_add_keyword(_("dambreak")); 
+  G_add_keyword(_("model"));
+  module->description = _("Estimate the area potentially inundated in case of dam break");
+  flag_d = G_define_flag();
+  flag_d->key = 'd';
+  flag_d->description = _("Flow direction additional output (aspect visualization)");
+  //flag_d ->guisection  = _("Options");
+  opt.met = G_define_option();
+  opt.met->key = "method";
+  opt.met->type = TYPE_STRING;
+  opt.met->required = NO;
+  opt.met->description = _("Computational method for initial velocity estimation");
+  opt.met->options = "dambreak-without_hypotesis,uniform drop in of lake,small dam breach";
+  opt.met->answer = "dambreak-without_hypotesis";
+  //opt.met->guisection  = _("Options");
+  total_dambreak-without_hypotesis = nessuna ipotesi sulla velocita' iniziale
+  total_dambreak = Hp altezza critica --> velocita' iniziale (h critica) = 0.93*sqrt(h);
+  small_dam_breach = Hp stramazzo --> velocita' iniziale = 0.4*sqrt(2*g*h)
+  */
+  input_TIMESTEP = G_define_option();
+  input_TIMESTEP->key	= "timestep";
+  input_TIMESTEP->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
+  input_TIMESTEP->required = NO;
+  input_TIMESTEP->multiple   = NO;
+  input_TIMESTEP->answer     = "0.01";
+  input_TIMESTEP->description = _("Initial computational time step [s] - CFL condition");
+  //input_TIMESTEP->guisection  = _("Options");
+  /* Define different options */
+  input_ELEV = G_define_option();
+  input_ELEV->key	= "elev";
+  input_ELEV->type = TYPE_STRING;
+  input_ELEV->required = YES;
+  input_ELEV->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
+  input_ELEV->description = _("Name of elevation raster map (including lake bathymetry and dam)");
+  input_ELEV->guisection  = _("Input options");
+  input_LAKE = G_define_option();
+  input_LAKE->key	= "lake";
+  input_LAKE->type = TYPE_STRING;
+  input_LAKE->required = YES;
+  input_LAKE->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
+  input_LAKE->description = _("Name of water depth raster map");
+  input_LAKE->guisection  = _("Input options");
+  input_DAMBREAK = G_define_option();
+  input_DAMBREAK->key = "dambreak";
+  input_DAMBREAK->type = TYPE_STRING;
+  input_DAMBREAK->required = YES;
+  input_DAMBREAK->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
+  input_DAMBREAK->description = _("Name of dam breach width raster map");
+  input_DAMBREAK->guisection  = _("Input options");
+  input_MANNING = G_define_option();
+  input_MANNING->key = "manning";
+  input_MANNING->type = TYPE_STRING;
+  input_MANNING->required = YES;
+  input_MANNING->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
+  input_MANNING->description = _("Name of Manning's roughness coefficient raster map");
+  input_MANNING->guisection  = _("Input options");
+  input_TSTOP = G_define_option();
+  input_TSTOP->key	= "tstop";
+  input_TSTOP->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
+  input_TSTOP->required = YES;
+  input_TSTOP->multiple   = NO;
+  input_TSTOP->description = _("Simulation time duration [s]");
+  input_TSTOP->guisection  = _("Input options");
+  input_U = G_define_option();
+  input_U->key	= "u";
+  input_U->type = TYPE_STRING;
+  input_U->required = NO;
+  input_U->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
+  input_U->description = _("Initial velocity along the east direction [m/s]");
+  input_U->guisection  = _("Input options");
+  input_V = G_define_option();
+  input_V->key	= "v";
+  input_V->type = TYPE_STRING;
+  input_V->required = NO;
+  input_V->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
+  input_V->description = _("Initial velocity along the north direction [m/s]");
+  input_V->guisection  = _("Input options");
+  /*OUTPUTS options*/
+  input_DELTAT = G_define_option();
+  input_DELTAT->key	= "deltat";
+  input_DELTAT->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
+  input_DELTAT->required = NO;
+  input_DELTAT->multiple   = NO;
+  input_DELTAT->description = _("Time-lag for output generation [s]");
+  input_DELTAT->guisection  = _("Output options");
+  parm.opt_t = G_define_option();
+  parm.opt_t->key	= "opt_t";
+  parm.opt_t->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
+  parm.opt_t->required = NO;
+  //parm.opt_t->multiple   = NO;
+  parm.opt_t->multiple   = YES;
+  parm.opt_t->description = _("Additional instants for output map generation [s]");
+  parm.opt_t->guisection  = _("Output options");
+  output_H = G_define_option();
+  output_H ->key = "h";
+  output_H ->type = TYPE_STRING;
+  output_H ->required = NO;
+  output_H ->gisprompt = "new,cell,raster";
+  output_H ->description = _("Prefix for water depth output raster maps");
+  output_H ->guisection  = _("Output options");
+  output_VEL = G_define_option();
+  output_VEL ->key = "vel";
+  output_VEL ->type = TYPE_STRING;
+  output_VEL ->required = NO;
+  output_VEL ->gisprompt = "new,cell,raster";
+  output_VEL ->description = _("Prefix for water velocity output raster maps");
+  output_VEL ->guisection  = _("Output options");
+  output_HMAX = G_define_option();
+  output_HMAX ->key = "hmax";
+  output_HMAX ->type = TYPE_STRING;
+  output_HMAX ->required = NO;
+  output_HMAX ->gisprompt = "new,cell,raster";
+  output_HMAX ->description = _("Name of output maximum water depth raster map; relative intensity [h*v] and time map are also generated");
+  output_HMAX ->guisection  = _("Output options");
+  output_VMAX = G_define_option();
+  output_VMAX ->key = "vmax";
+  output_VMAX ->type = TYPE_STRING;
+  output_VMAX ->required = NO;
+  output_VMAX ->gisprompt = "new,cell,raster";
+  output_VMAX ->description = _("Name of output maximum water velocity raster map; relative intensity [h*v] and time map are also generated");
+  output_VMAX ->guisection  = _("Output options");
+  output_IMAX = G_define_option();
+  output_IMAX ->key = "imax";
+  output_IMAX ->type = TYPE_STRING;
+  output_IMAX ->required = NO;
+  output_IMAX ->gisprompt = "new,cell,raster";
+  output_IMAX ->description = _("Name of output maximum intensity [h*v] raster map; relative time map are also generated");
+  output_IMAX ->guisection  = _("Output options");
+  output_WAVEFRONT = G_define_option();
+  output_WAVEFRONT ->key = "wavefront";
+  output_WAVEFRONT ->type = TYPE_STRING;
+  output_WAVEFRONT ->required = NO;
+  output_WAVEFRONT ->gisprompt = "new,cell,raster";
+  output_WAVEFRONT ->description = _("Name of output wave front time[s] raster map");
+  output_WAVEFRONT ->guisection  = _("Output options");
+  if (G_parser(argc, argv))
+    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+  /***********************************************************************************************************************/
+  /* get entered parameters */
+  ELEV=input_ELEV->answer;
+  LAKE=input_LAKE->answer;
+  DAMBREAK=input_DAMBREAK->answer;
+  MANNING=input_MANNING->answer;
+  sscanf(input_TIMESTEP->answer, "%f", &timestep);
+  //timestep=input_TIMESTEP->answer;
+  if (input_U->answer != NULL && input_V->answer != NULL ) {
+	U=input_U->answer;
+	V=input_V->answer;
+  } else if (input_U->answer != NULL && input_V->answer == NULL ) {
+	U=input_U->answer;
+	G_warning("Initial velocity only along the east direction");
+  } else if (input_V->answer != NULL && input_U->answer == NULL ) {
+	V=input_V->answer;
+	G_warning("Initial velocity only along the north direction");
+  }
+  if (parm.opt_t->answer != NULL) {
+	  for (i = 0; parm.opt_t->answers[i]; i++) ;
+	  ntimes=i;
+	  times = G_alloc_vector(ntimes);
+     for (i = 0; i < ntimes; i++) {
+		  sscanf(parm.opt_t->answers[i], "%lf", &opt_t);
+		  times[i]=opt_t;
+	  }
+	  pp=0;
+  }
+  	OUT_H=output_H->answer;
+  	OUT_VEL=output_VEL->answer;
+  	OUT_HMAX=output_HMAX->answer;
+  	OUT_VMAX=output_VMAX->answer;
+	OUT_IMAX=output_IMAX->answer;
+        OUT_WAVEFRONT=output_WAVEFRONT->answer;
+  	if (input_DELTAT->answer!= NULL){
+		DELTAT = atoi(input_DELTAT->answer);
+	}
+	//DELTAT = atoi(input_DELTAT->answer);
+  	TSTOP = atoi(input_TSTOP->answer);
+  /* find maps in mapset */
+  mapset_ELEV = (char *) G_find_raster2(ELEV, "");
+  if (mapset_ELEV == NULL)
+    G_fatal_error (_("cell file [%s] not found"), ELEV);
+  mapset_LAKE = (char *) G_find_raster2(LAKE, "");
+  if (mapset_LAKE == NULL)
+    G_fatal_error (_("cell file [%s] not found"), LAKE);
+  mapset_DAMBREAK = (char *) G_find_raster2(DAMBREAK, "");
+  if (mapset_DAMBREAK == NULL)
+    G_fatal_error (_("cell file [%s] not found"), DAMBREAK);
+  mapset_MANNING = (char *) G_find_raster2(MANNING, "");
+  if (mapset_MANNING == NULL)
+    G_fatal_error (_("cell file [%s] not found"), MANNING);
+  if (input_U->answer != NULL && input_V->answer != NULL ) {
+	mapset_U = (char *) G_find_raster2(U, "");
+  	if (mapset_U == NULL)
+   	  G_fatal_error (_("cell file [%s] not found"), U);
+	mapset_V = (char *) G_find_raster2(V, "");
+  	if (mapset_V == NULL)
+   	  G_fatal_error (_("cell file [%s] not found"), V);
+  } else if (input_U->answer != NULL && input_V->answer == NULL ) {
+	mapset_U = (char *) G_find_raster2(U, "");
+  	if (mapset_U == NULL)
+   	  G_fatal_error (_("cell file [%s] not found"), U);
+ } else if (input_V->answer != NULL && input_U->answer == NULL ) {
+	mapset_V = (char *) G_find_raster2(V, "");
+  	if (mapset_V == NULL)
+   	  G_fatal_error (_("cell file [%s] not found"), V);
+  }
+  /* open input raster files */
+  if ( (infd_ELEV = Rast_open_old (ELEV, mapset_ELEV)) < 0)
+    G_fatal_error (_("Cannot open cell file [%s]"), ELEV);
+  if ( (infd_LAKE = Rast_open_old (LAKE, mapset_LAKE)) < 0)
+    G_fatal_error (_("Cannot open cell file [%s]"), LAKE);
+  if ( (infd_DAMBREAK = Rast_open_old (DAMBREAK, mapset_DAMBREAK)) < 0)
+    G_fatal_error (_("Cannot open cell file [%s]"), DAMBREAK);
+  if ( (infd_MANNING = Rast_open_old (MANNING, mapset_MANNING)) < 0)
+    G_fatal_error (_("Cannot open cell file [%s]"), MANNING);
+  if (input_U->answer != NULL && input_V->answer != NULL ) {
+	if ( (infd_U = Rast_open_old (U, mapset_U)) < 0)
+	    G_fatal_error (_("Cannot open cell file [%s]"), U);
+        if ( (infd_V = Rast_open_old (V, mapset_V)) < 0)
+	    G_fatal_error (_("Cannot open cell file [%s]"), V);
+  } else if (input_U->answer != NULL && input_V->answer == NULL ) {
+	if ( (infd_U = Rast_open_old (U, mapset_U)) < 0)
+	    G_fatal_error (_("Cannot open cell file [%s]"), U);
+  } else if (input_V->answer != NULL && input_U->answer == NULL ) {
+	if ( (infd_V = Rast_open_old (V, mapset_V)) < 0)
+	    G_fatal_error (_("Cannot open cell file [%s]"), V);
+  }
+  /* Check for some output map */
+    if ((output_H->answer == NULL)
+    && (output_VEL->answer == NULL)
+    && (output_HMAX->answer == NULL)
+    && (output_VMAX->answer == NULL)
+    && (output_IMAX->answer == NULL)
+    && (output_WAVEFRONT->answer == NULL)){
+  		G_fatal_error(_("Sorry, you must choose an output map."));
+    }
+    if (flag_d->answer && (output_H->answer == NULL) ) {
+    	G_fatal_error("You choose flow direction map without flow velocity prefix name");
+    }
+	/* check legal output name */
+	if (OUT_H) {
+	 if (G_legal_filename (OUT_H) < 0)
+		G_fatal_error (_("[%s] is an illegal name"), OUT_H);
+	}
+	if (OUT_VEL) {
+	 if (G_legal_filename (OUT_VEL) < 0)
+		G_fatal_error (_("[%s] is an illegal name"), OUT_VEL);
+	}
+	if (OUT_HMAX) {
+	 if (G_legal_filename (OUT_HMAX) < 0)
+		G_fatal_error (_("[%s] is an illegal name"), OUT_HMAX);
+	}
+	if (OUT_VMAX) {
+	 if (G_legal_filename (OUT_VMAX) < 0)
+		G_fatal_error (_("[%s] is an illegal name"), OUT_VMAX);
+	}
+	if (OUT_IMAX) {
+	 if (G_legal_filename (OUT_IMAX) < 0)
+		G_fatal_error (_("[%s] is an illegal name"), OUT_IMAX);
+	}
+        if (OUT_WAVEFRONT) {
+	 if (G_legal_filename (OUT_WAVEFRONT) < 0)
+		G_fatal_error (_("[%s] is an illegal name"), OUT_WAVEFRONT);
+	}
+  /* type of dam failure*/
+  if (strcmp(opt.met->answer, "uniform drop in of lake") == 0)
+  	method=1;
+  else if (strcmp(opt.met->answer, "small dam breach") == 0)
+	method=2;
+  else if (strcmp(opt.met->answer, "dambreak-without_hypotesis") == 0)
+  	method=3;
+  else
+	G_fatal_error(_("Unknown method. Please, select a computational method"));
+  /* Allocate input buffer */
+  //inrast_ELEV = Rast_allocate_buf(Rast_map_type(ELEV, mapset_ELEV));
+  inrast_ELEV = Rast_allocate_f_buf();
+  //inrast_LAKE = Rast_allocate_buf(Rast_map_type(LAKE, mapset_LAKE));
+  inrast_LAKE = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
+  //inrast_DAMBREAK = Rast_allocate_buf(Rast_map_type(DAMBREAK, mapset_DAMBREAK));
+  inrast_DAMBREAK = Rast_allocate_f_buf();
+  //inrast_MANNING = Rast_allocate_buf(Rast_map_type(MANNING, mapset_MANNING));
+  inrast_MANNING = Rast_allocate_f_buf();
+  if (input_U->answer != NULL && input_V->answer != NULL ) {
+	inrast_U = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
+	inrast_V = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
+  } else if (input_U->answer != NULL && input_V->answer == NULL ) {
+	inrast_U = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
+  } else if (input_V->answer != NULL && input_U->answer == NULL ) {
+	inrast_V = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
+  }
+  /* get windows rows & cols */
+  nrows = Rast_window_rows();
+  ncols = Rast_window_cols();
+  G_get_window(&window);
+  res_ew = window.ew_res;
+  res_ns = window.ns_res;
+  /* allocate memory matrix */
+  m_DAMBREAK = G_alloc_fmatrix(nrows,ncols);
+  m_m = G_alloc_fmatrix(nrows,ncols);
+  m_z = G_alloc_fmatrix(nrows,ncols);
+  m_h1 = G_alloc_dmatrix(nrows,ncols);
+  m_h2 = G_alloc_dmatrix(nrows,ncols);
+  m_u1 = G_alloc_dmatrix(nrows,ncols);
+  m_u2 = G_alloc_dmatrix(nrows,ncols);
+  m_v1 = G_alloc_dmatrix(nrows,ncols);
+  m_v2 = G_alloc_dmatrix(nrows,ncols);
+  m_lake = G_alloc_imatrix(nrows,ncols);
+  if (OUT_HMAX) {
+  		m_hmax = G_alloc_fmatrix(nrows,ncols);
+  		m_t_hmax = G_alloc_fmatrix(nrows,ncols);
+  		m_i_hmax = G_alloc_fmatrix(nrows,ncols);
+  }
+  if (OUT_VMAX) {
+  		m_vmax = G_alloc_fmatrix(nrows,ncols);
+  		m_t_vmax = G_alloc_fmatrix(nrows,ncols);
+  		m_i_vmax = G_alloc_fmatrix(nrows,ncols);
+  		if (flag_d->answer) {
+  			m_dir_vmax = G_alloc_fmatrix(nrows,ncols);
+  		}
+  }
+  if (OUT_IMAX) {
+  		m_imax = G_alloc_fmatrix(nrows,ncols);
+  		m_t_imax = G_alloc_fmatrix(nrows,ncols);
+  }
+  		m_wavefront = G_alloc_fmatrix(nrows,ncols);
+  }
+  G_message("Reading input maps");
+  for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++)
+  	{
+	  G_percent (row, nrows, 2);
+	  /* read a line input maps into buffers*/
+	  Rast_get_f_row (infd_ELEV, inrast_ELEV, row);
+	  Rast_get_d_row (infd_LAKE, inrast_LAKE, row);
+	  Rast_get_f_row (infd_DAMBREAK, inrast_DAMBREAK, row);
+	  Rast_get_f_row (infd_MANNING, inrast_MANNING, row); 
+	  if (input_U->answer != NULL && input_V->answer != NULL ) {
+		Rast_get_d_row (infd_U, inrast_U, row);
+		Rast_get_d_row (infd_V, inrast_V, row);
+	  } else if (input_U->answer != NULL && input_V->answer == NULL ) {
+		Rast_get_d_row (infd_U, inrast_U, row);
+	  } else if (input_V->answer != NULL && input_U->answer == NULL ) {
+		Rast_get_d_row (infd_V, inrast_V, row);
+	  }     
+	      /*if (G_get_f_raster_row (infd_ELEV, inrast_ELEV, row) < 0)
+		G_fatal_error (_("Could not read from <%s>"),ELEV);
+	      if (G_get_d_raster_row (infd_LAKE, inrast_LAKE, row) < 0)
+		G_fatal_error (_("Could not read from <%s>"),LAKE);
+	      if (G_get_f_raster_row (infd_DAMBREAK, inrast_DAMBREAK, row) < 0)
+		G_fatal_error (_("Could not read from <%s>"),DAMBREAK);
+	      if (G_get_f_raster_row (infd_MANNING, inrast_MANNING, row) < 0)
+		G_fatal_error (_("Could not read from <%s>"),MANNING);*/
+	      /* read every cell in the line buffers */
+	      for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++)
+		{
+  			/* store values in memory matrix (attenzione valori nulli!)*/
+		  	m_DAMBREAK[row][col] = ((FCELL *) inrast_DAMBREAK)[col];
+		  	m_m[row][col] = ((FCELL *) inrast_MANNING)[col];
+		  	m_z[row][col] = ((FCELL *) inrast_ELEV)[col];
+		  	m_h1[row][col] = ((DCELL *) inrast_LAKE)[col];
+		  	m_h2[row][col] = m_h1[row][col];
+			if (input_U->answer != NULL && input_V->answer != NULL ) {
+				m_u1[row][col] = ((DCELL *) inrast_U)[col];
+				m_v1[row][col] = ((DCELL *) inrast_V)[col];
+	  		} else if (input_U->answer != NULL && input_V->answer == NULL ) {
+				m_u1[row][col] = ((DCELL *) inrast_U)[col];
+				m_v1[row][col] = 0.0;
+	  		} else if (input_V->answer != NULL && input_U->answer == NULL ) {
+				m_u1[row][col] = 0.0;
+				m_v1[row][col] = ((DCELL *) inrast_V)[col];
+	  		} else {
+				m_u1[row][col] = 0.0;
+ 				m_v1[row][col] = 0.0;
+			}
+		  	m_u2[row][col] = 0.0;
+	  	  	m_v2[row][col] = 0.0;
+	  		if (OUT_HMAX) {
+	  	  		m_hmax[row][col] = m_h1[row][col];
+	  	  		m_t_hmax[row][col] = 0.0;
+	  	  		m_i_hmax[row][col]=0.0;
+	  	  	}
+	  	  	if (OUT_VMAX) {
+	  	  		m_vmax[row][col] = 0.0;
+	  	  		m_t_vmax[row][col] = 0.0;
+	  	  		m_i_vmax[row][col]=0.0;
+	  	  		if (flag_d->answer) {
+	  	  			m_dir_vmax[row][col]=0.0;
+	  	  		}
+	  	  	}
+	  	  	if (OUT_IMAX) {
+	  	  		m_imax[row][col] = 0.0;
+	  	  		m_t_imax[row][col] = 0.0;
+	  	  	}
+			if (OUT_WAVEFRONT) {
+	  	  		m_wavefront[row][col] = 0.0;
+	  	  	}
+		}
+    	}
+  G_free(inrast_ELEV);
+  G_free(inrast_LAKE);
+  G_free(inrast_DAMBREAK);
+  G_free(inrast_MANNING);
+  Rast_close(infd_ELEV);
+  Rast_close(infd_LAKE);
+  Rast_close (infd_DAMBREAK);
+  Rast_close (infd_MANNING);
+  if (input_U->answer != NULL && input_V->answer != NULL ) {
+	G_free(inrast_U);
+  	G_free(inrast_V);
+  	Rast_close(infd_U);
+  	Rast_close(infd_V);
+  } else if (input_U->answer != NULL && input_V->answer == NULL ) {
+	G_free(inrast_U);
+  	Rast_close(infd_U);
+  } else if (input_V->answer != NULL && input_U->answer == NULL ) {
+  	G_free(inrast_V);
+  	Rast_close(infd_V);
+  } 
+	if (method==1 || method==2) {
+		num_cell=0;
+		/* cerco il lago */
+		for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++)
+			{
+			for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++)
+				{
+				if (m_h1[row][col] != 0 ){
+					water_elevation = m_h1[row][col] + m_z[row][col];
+					m_lake[row][col]=1;
+					num_cell++;
+				}else {
+					m_lake[row][col]=0;
+				}
+		}}
+		num_break=0;
+		G_message("Searching dam breach");
+		for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++)
+			{
+			for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++)
+				{
+				/*  rottura diga */
+				if (m_DAMBREAK[row][col] > 0){
+					num_break++;
+					G_message("(%d,%d)Cell Dam Breach n° %d",row,col,num_break);
+					//printf("ho trovato la rottura diga (%d,%d)=\n", row,col);
+					//while(!getchar()){ }
+					profondita_soglia = water_elevation-(m_z[row][col] - m_DAMBREAK[row][col]) ;
+					vel_0=velocita_breccia(method,profondita_soglia);
+					volume = volume + profondita_soglia * res_ew * res_ns;
+					//printf("Q=%.2f\n",Q);
+					//vel_0 = 0.93 * sqrt(profondita_soglia);
+					if (vel_0 > vel_max)
+					vel_max=vel_0;
+				} else {
+					G_fatal_error(_("Don't find the dambreak - Please select a correct map or adjust the computational region"));
+				}
+				if (m_DAMBREAK[row][col] > 0) {
+					//cambio il DTM inserendo la rottura della diga
+					m_z[row][col]=m_z[row][col]-m_DAMBREAK[row][col];
+					m_lake[row][col]=0;
+					m_h1[row][col]=profondita_soglia;
+					//printf("la velocità vel_max vale: %f\n",vel_max);
+					//while(!getchar()){ }
+					}
+		  	}
+		}
+		G_message("the number of lake cell is': %d\n", num_cell);
+		/**************************************/
+		/* timestep in funzione di V_0 e res */
+		/**************************************/
+		//timestep=0.01;
+		//timestep= ((res_ns+res_ew)/2.0)/(vel_max*50.0);
+		//*****************************************************************************
+	 	G_message("vel on the dam break cells is %.2f, and timestep is %.2f",vel_max, timestep);
+	 }
+      		//*****************************************************************************
+		// Uniform drop in of lake (method=1 or method =2) 
+		//*****************************************************************************
+		if (method==1 || method==2){
+			/* calcolo l'abbassamento sul lago*/
+			if (num_cell!=0) {
+				fall = (volume) / (num_cell * res_ew * res_ns);
+				//printf("volume=%f, fall=%f\n",volume,fall);
+				//while(!getchar()){ }
+			}
+			for (row = 1; row < nrows-1; row++)
+		   {
+				for (col = 1; col < ncols-1; col++)
+				{
+					if (m_DAMBREAK[row][col]>0){
+						// ragiona se ha senso
+						m_h2[row][col]=m_h1[row][col]-fall;
+						if (m_h2[row][col]<=0) {
+							m_h2[row][col]=0.0;
+							if (m_h1[row][col]>0) {
+							// questo warning va modificato perchè vale per ogni cella ---> bisogna metterne uno generico che valga quando tutte le celle sono con h=0
+								num_break--;
+								if (num_break==0){
+									if (warn1==0){
+										G_warning("At the time %.0fs no water go out from lake",t);
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (m_lake[row][col]==1){
+						m_h2[row][col]=m_h1[row][col]-fall;
+						if (m_h2[row][col]<=0) {
+							vol_res = vol_res-m_h2[row][col]*res_ew * res_ns;
+							m_lake[row][col]=-1;
+							m_h2[row][col]=0.0;
+							num_cell--;
+						}
+					}
+			}}//end two for cicles
+		} //end if
+	// there isn't interest to find where is the lake --> everywhere m_lake[row][col]=0 
+	if (method==3){
+	 	for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++)
+			{
+			for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++)
+				{
+				/*  rottura diga */
+				if (m_DAMBREAK[row][col] > 0){
+					m_z[row][col]=m_z[row][col]-m_DAMBREAK[row][col];
+					m_DAMBREAK[row][col]=-1.0;
+					//timestep=0.01;
+					m_lake[row][col]=0;
+				} else {
+					m_lake[row][col]=0;
+	 }}}}
+  	G_percent(nrows, nrows, 1);	/* finish it */
+  	G_message("Model running");
+	/* calculate time step loop */
+	for(t=0; t<=TSTOP; t+=timestep){
+	//printf("************************************************\n");
+	//while(!getchar()){ }
+	//G_percent(t, TSTOP, timestep);
+	// ciclo sui tempi
+        //G_message("timestep =%f,t=%f",timestep,t);
+		   if (t>M*100){
+		   	if (M*100!=(m-1)*DELTAT)
+		   		G_percent(ceil(t), TSTOP, 2);
+		   		G_message("t:%d",M*100);
+		   	M++;
+		   }
+		  	//printf("t:%lf\n",t);
+		   //G_message("Function SWE - t=%f, TSTOP=%d",t,TSTOP);  
+		   shallow_water(m_h1,m_u1,m_v1,m_z,m_DAMBREAK,m_m,m_lake,m_h2,m_u2,m_v2,row,col,nrows,ncols,timestep,res_ew,res_ns,method,num_cell, num_break,t);
+    //*************************************** overwriting *********************************************
+    timestep_ct=0;
+    if (t<TSTOP){   
+    /* open new cicle */
+    	for (row = 1; row < nrows-1; row++) {
+	   	for (col = 1; col < ncols-1; col++) {
+		 	if( (row==1 || row==(nrows-2) || col==1 || col==(ncols-2)) && (m_v2[1][col]>0 || m_v2[nrows-2][col]<0 || m_u1[row][1]<0 || m_u1[row][ncols-2]>0 )) {
+				if (reg_lim==0) {
+					G_warning("At the time %.3f the computational region is smaller than inundation",t);
+					reg_lim=1;
+				} /* warning  message only a time */
+	    		} /* velocities at the limit of computational region */
+            	//********************************************************************				
+		// timestep optimization using the CFL stability condition 
+		if (m_h2[row][col]>=hmin ){
+              		timestep_ct_temp = max( (fabs(m_u2[row][col])+sqrt(g*m_h2[row][col]))/res_ew , (fabs(m_v2[row][col])+sqrt(g*m_h2[row][col]))/res_ns );
+			if(timestep_ct_temp>timestep_ct) {
+				timestep_ct=timestep_ct_temp;
+				//G_message("t=%f,row=%d,col=%d,timestep_ct=%f,m_u2=%f m_v2=%f m_h2=%f",t,row,col,timestep_ct,m_u2[row][col],m_v2[row][col],m_h2[row][col]);
+			}
+		}
+		//********************************************************************
+	 	m_u1[row][col] =  m_u2[row][col];
+		m_v1[row][col] =  m_v2[row][col];
+		if (OUT_HMAX) {
+			if (m_hmax[row][col]<m_h2[row][col]){
+				m_hmax[row][col]=m_h2[row][col];
+				m_t_hmax[row][col]=t;
+				velocity=sqrt(pow(m_u1[row][col],2.0) + pow(m_v1[row][col],2.0));
+				m_i_hmax[row][col]=velocity*m_h2[row][col];
+			}
+		}
+		if (OUT_VMAX) {
+			velocity=sqrt(pow(m_u1[row][col],2.0) + pow(m_v1[row][col],2.0));
+			if (m_vmax[row][col]<velocity){
+				m_vmax[row][col]=velocity;
+				m_i_vmax[row][col]=velocity*m_h2[row][col];
+				m_t_vmax[row][col]=t;
+				if (flag_d->answer) {
+				   if (m_u1[row][col]==0 && m_v1[row][col]==0){
+						m_dir_vmax[row][col] =0;
+					} else if (m_u1[row][col]>0 && m_v1[row][col]>0) {
+						m_dir_vmax[row][col] = 180/PI*atan(fabs(m_v1[row][col])/fabs(m_u1[row][col]));
+					} else if (m_u1[row][col]==0 && m_v1[row][col]>0) {
+						m_dir_vmax[row][col] = 90.0;
+					} else if (m_u1[row][col]<0 && m_v1[row][col]>0) {
+						m_dir_vmax[row][col] = 90.0 + 180/PI*atan(fabs(m_u1[row][col])/fabs(m_v1[row][col]));
+					} else if (m_u1[row][col]<0 && m_v1[row][col]==0) {
+						m_dir_vmax[row][col] = 180.0;
+					} else if (m_u1[row][col]<0 && m_v1[row][col]<0) {
+						m_dir_vmax[row][col] = 180.0 + 180/PI*atan(fabs(m_v1[row][col])/fabs(m_u1[row][col]));
+					} else if (m_u1[row][col]==0 && m_v1[row][col]<0) {
+						m_dir_vmax[row][col] = 270.0;
+					} else if (m_u1[row][col]>0 && m_v1[row][col]<0) {
+						m_dir_vmax[row][col] = 270.0 + 180/PI*atan(fabs(m_u1[row][col])/fabs(m_v1[row][col]));
+					} else if (m_u1[row][col]>0 && m_v1[row][col]==0) {
+						m_dir_vmax[row][col] = 0.0;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (OUT_IMAX) {
+			velocity=sqrt(pow(m_u1[row][col],2.0) + pow(m_v1[row][col],2.0));
+			i=velocity*m_h2[row][col];
+			if (m_imax[row][col]<i){
+				m_imax[row][col]=i;
+				m_t_imax[row][col]=t;
+			}
+		}
+                if (OUT_WAVEFRONT) {
+			if (m_wavefront[row][col]==0.0 && m_h2[row][col]>hmin){
+				m_wavefront[row][col]=t;
+			}
+		}
+		m_h1[row][col] =  m_h2[row][col];
+	}}}
+	/*------------------------------   new timestep   -------------------------------------*/
+	timestep=0.1/timestep_ct;
+	/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+   	//G_message("timestep =%f,m=%d, t=%f",timestep,m, t);
+	/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	/* qualcosa non va in questo if  								*/        
+	/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	/* controllo se devo scrivere outputs */
+	if ((input_DELTAT->answer != NULL)||(parm.opt_t->answer != NULL)) {
+		if ((((m*DELTAT-t) <= timestep && (m*DELTAT) < TSTOP) && (input_DELTAT->answer != NULL)) || ((pp < ntimes && (times[pp]-t) < timestep) && (parm.opt_t->answer != NULL))) {
+	     	 	if ((m*DELTAT-t) <= timestep && m*DELTAT < TSTOP) {   /* devo cambiare il nome del raster e aggiungere ogni volta _timestep*/
+				if (OUT_H) {
+					sprintf(name1,"%s%d",OUT_H,m*DELTAT);
+				}
+				if (OUT_VEL){
+					sprintf(name2,"%s%d",OUT_VEL,m*DELTAT);
+					sprintf(name3,"%s%s%d","dir_",OUT_VEL,m*DELTAT);
+				}
+				G_message("Time: %d, writing the output maps",m*DELTAT);
+				m++;
+			} else {
+				pp++;
+				sprintf(name1,"%s%s%d","opt_",OUT_H,pp);
+				sprintf(name2,"%s%s%d","opt_",OUT_VEL,pp);
+				sprintf(name3,"%s%s%s%d","opt_","dir_",OUT_VEL,pp);
+				G_message("Time: %lf, writing an optional output maps %d",t, pp);
+			}
+			/* controlling if we can write the raster */
+			if (OUT_H) {
+				if ( (outfd_H = Rast_open_new (name1,DCELL_TYPE)) < 0) {
+					G_fatal_error (_("Could not open <%s>"),name1);
+				}
+			}
+			if (OUT_VEL) {
+				if ( (outfd_VEL = Rast_open_new (name2,DCELL_TYPE)) < 0) {
+					G_fatal_error (_("Could not open <%s>"),name2);
+				}
+			}
+			if (flag_d->answer) {
+				if ( (outfd_VEL_DIR = Rast_open_new (name3,DCELL_TYPE)) < 0) {
+					G_fatal_error (_("Could not open <%s>"),name3);
+				}
+			}
+			/* allocate output buffer */
+			if (OUT_VEL) {
+				outrast_VEL = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
+			}
+			if (OUT_H) {
+				outrast_H = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
+			}
+			if (flag_d->answer) {
+				outrast_VEL_DIR = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
+			}
+		 	for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) 
+				{
+			 	for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) 
+					{
+					/* copy matrix in buffer */
+					if (OUT_VEL) {
+						((DCELL *) outrast_VEL)[col] = sqrt(pow(m_u1[row][col],2.0) + pow(m_v1[row][col],2.0));
+					}
+					if (flag_d->answer) {
+						if (m_u1[row][col]==0 && m_v1[row][col]==0){
+							Rast_set_d_null_value(&outrast_VEL_DIR[col],1);
+						} else if (m_u1[row][col]>0 && m_v1[row][col]>0) {
+							((DCELL *) outrast_VEL_DIR)[col] = 180/PI*atan(fabs(m_v1[row][col])/fabs(m_u1[row][col]));
+						} else if (m_u1[row][col]==0 && m_v1[row][col]>0) {
+							((DCELL *) outrast_VEL_DIR)[col] = 90.0;
+						} else if (m_u1[row][col]<0 && m_v1[row][col]>0) {
+							((DCELL *) outrast_VEL_DIR)[col] = 90.0 + 180/PI*atan(fabs(m_u1[row][col])/fabs(m_v1[row][col]));
+						} else if (m_u1[row][col]<0 && m_v1[row][col]==0) {
+							((DCELL *) outrast_VEL_DIR)[col] = 180.0;
+						} else if (m_u1[row][col]<0 && m_v1[row][col]<0) {
+							((DCELL *) outrast_VEL_DIR)[col] = 180.0 + 180/PI*atan(fabs(m_v1[row][col])/fabs(m_u1[row][col]));
+						} else if (m_u1[row][col]==0 && m_v1[row][col]<0) {
+							((DCELL *) outrast_VEL_DIR)[col] = 270.0;
+						} else if (m_u1[row][col]>0 && m_v1[row][col]<0) {
+							((DCELL *) outrast_VEL_DIR)[col] = 270.0 + 180/PI*atan(fabs(m_u1[row][col])/fabs(m_v1[row][col]));
+						} else if (m_u1[row][col]>0 && m_v1[row][col]==0) {
+							((DCELL *) outrast_VEL_DIR)[col] = 0.0;
+						}
+					}
+					if (OUT_H) {
+						((DCELL *) outrast_H)[col] = m_h1[row][col];
+					}
+				} /* end_col*/
+				 /*copia righe !!! */
+				 if (OUT_VEL) {
+				 	Rast_put_d_row(outfd_VEL,outrast_VEL);
+				 }
+				 if (OUT_H) {
+				 	Rast_put_d_row(outfd_H,outrast_H);
+				 }
+				 if (flag_d->answer) {
+				 	Rast_put_d_row(outfd_VEL_DIR,outrast_VEL_DIR);
+				 }
+			}  /* end row */
+			/* memory cleanup */
+			if (OUT_VEL) {
+				G_free(outrast_VEL);
+			}
+			if (OUT_H) {
+				G_free(outrast_H);
+			}
+			if (flag_d->answer) {
+				G_free(outrast_VEL_DIR);
+			}
+			/* close the raster maps */
+			if (OUT_VEL) { 
+				Rast_close (outfd_VEL);
+			}
+	  		if (OUT_H) {
+	  			Rast_close (outfd_H);
+	  		}
+	  		if (flag_d->answer) {
+	  			Rast_close (outfd_VEL_DIR);
+	  		}
+			//timestep=0.1/timestep_ct;	
+		} 
+	}/* end if write outputs*/
+	/* else {
+		//G_message("timestep =%f,t=%f",timestep,t);
+		//pippo=1;
+		G_message("Function SWE - t=%f, TSTOP=%d",t,TSTOP);
+		//G_percent(t, TSTOP, timestep);
+	} */
+	//G_message("Function SWE applied - t=%f, TSTOP=%d",t,TSTOP);
+   //G_message("timestep =%f,t=%f",timestep,t);
+} /* end time loop*/
+// write final flooding map
+if(OUT_H) {
+	sprintf(name1,"%s%d",OUT_H,TSTOP);
+if(OUT_VEL) {
+	sprintf(name2,"%s%d",OUT_VEL,TSTOP);
+	sprintf(name3,"%s%s%d","dir_",OUT_VEL,TSTOP);
+if(OUT_H) {
+	if ( (outfd_H = Rast_open_new (name1,DCELL_TYPE)) < 0)
+		G_fatal_error (_("Could not open <%s>"),name1);
+if(OUT_VEL) {
+	if ( (outfd_VEL = Rast_open_new (name2,DCELL_TYPE)) < 0)
+		G_fatal_error (_("Could not open <%s>"),name2);
+if (flag_d->answer) {
+	if ( (outfd_VEL_DIR = Rast_open_new (name3,DCELL_TYPE)) < 0)
+		G_fatal_error (_("Could not open <%s>"),name3);
+if (OUT_HMAX){
+	sprintf(name4,"%s%s",OUT_HMAX,"_time");
+	sprintf(name5,"%s%s",OUT_HMAX,"_intensity");
+	if ( (outfd_HMAX = Rast_open_new (OUT_HMAX,DCELL_TYPE)) < 0)
+		G_fatal_error (_("Could not open <%s>"),OUT_HMAX);
+	if ( (outfd_T_HMAX = Rast_open_new (name4,DCELL_TYPE)) < 0)
+		G_fatal_error (_("Could not open <%s>"),OUT_HMAX);
+	if ( (outfd_I_HMAX = Rast_open_new (name5,DCELL_TYPE)) < 0)
+		G_fatal_error (_("Could not open <%s>"),OUT_HMAX);
+if (OUT_VMAX){
+	sprintf(name6,"%s%s",OUT_VMAX,"_time");
+	sprintf(name7,"%s%s",OUT_VMAX,"_intensity");
+	if (flag_d->answer) {
+		sprintf(name8,"%s%s",OUT_VMAX,"_dir");
+	}
+	if ( (outfd_VMAX = Rast_open_new (OUT_VMAX,DCELL_TYPE)) < 0)
+		G_fatal_error (_("Could not open <%s>"),OUT_VMAX);
+	if ( (outfd_T_VMAX = Rast_open_new (name6,DCELL_TYPE)) < 0)
+		G_fatal_error (_("Could not open <%s>"),OUT_VMAX);
+	if ( (outfd_I_VMAX = Rast_open_new (name7,DCELL_TYPE)) < 0)
+		G_fatal_error (_("Could not open <%s>"),OUT_VMAX);
+	if ( (outfd_DIR_VMAX = Rast_open_new (name8,DCELL_TYPE)) < 0)
+		G_fatal_error (_("Could not open <%s>"),OUT_VMAX);
+if (OUT_IMAX){
+	sprintf(name9,"%s%s",OUT_IMAX,"_time");
+	if ( (outfd_IMAX = Rast_open_new (OUT_IMAX,DCELL_TYPE)) < 0)
+		G_fatal_error (_("Could not open <%s>"),OUT_IMAX);
+	if ( (outfd_T_IMAX = Rast_open_new (name9,DCELL_TYPE)) < 0)
+		G_fatal_error (_("Could not open <%s>"),OUT_IMAX);
+	if ( (outfd_WAVEFRONT = Rast_open_new (OUT_WAVEFRONT,DCELL_TYPE)) < 0)
+		G_fatal_error (_("Could not open <%s>"),OUT_WAVEFRONT);
+/* allocate output buffer */
+if (OUT_H) {
+	outrast_H = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
+if (OUT_VEL) {
+	outrast_VEL = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
+if(flag_d->answer) {
+	outrast_VEL_DIR = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
+if (OUT_HMAX){
+	outrast_HMAX = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
+	outrast_I_HMAX = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
+	outrast_T_HMAX = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
+if (OUT_VMAX){
+	outrast_VMAX = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
+	outrast_I_VMAX = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
+	outrast_T_VMAX = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
+	if(flag_d->answer) {
+		outrast_DIR_VMAX = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
+	}
+if (OUT_IMAX){
+	outrast_IMAX = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
+	outrast_T_IMAX = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
+	outrast_WAVEFRONT = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
+G_percent(nrows, nrows, 1);	/* finish it */
+for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++){
+   G_percent (row, nrows, 2);
+	for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) {
+		/* copy matrix in buffer */
+		if (OUT_H) {
+			((DCELL *) outrast_H)[col] = m_h1[row][col];
+		}
+		if (OUT_VEL) {
+			((DCELL *) outrast_VEL)[col] = sqrt(pow(m_u1[row][col],2.0) + pow(m_v1[row][col],2.0));
+		}
+		if (flag_d->answer) {
+			if (m_u1[row][col]==0 && m_v1[row][col]==0){
+				Rast_set_d_null_value(&outrast_VEL_DIR[col],1);
+			} else if (m_u1[row][col]>0 && m_v1[row][col]>0) {
+				((DCELL *) outrast_VEL_DIR)[col] = 180/PI*atan(fabs(m_v1[row][col])/fabs(m_u1[row][col]));
+			} else if (m_u1[row][col]==0 && m_v1[row][col]>0) {
+				((DCELL *) outrast_VEL_DIR)[col] = 90.0;
+			} else if (m_u1[row][col]<0 && m_v1[row][col]>0) {
+				((DCELL *) outrast_VEL_DIR)[col] = 90.0 + 180/PI*atan(fabs(m_u1[row][col])/fabs(m_v1[row][col]));
+			} else if (m_u1[row][col]<0 && m_v1[row][col]==0) {
+				((DCELL *) outrast_VEL_DIR)[col] = 180.0;
+			} else if (m_u1[row][col]<0 && m_v1[row][col]<0) {
+				((DCELL *) outrast_VEL_DIR)[col] = 180.0 + 180/PI*atan(fabs(m_v1[row][col])/fabs(m_u1[row][col]));
+			} else if (m_u1[row][col]==0 && m_v1[row][col]<0) {
+				((DCELL *) outrast_VEL_DIR)[col] = 270.0;
+			} else if (m_u1[row][col]>0 && m_v1[row][col]<0) {
+				((DCELL *) outrast_VEL_DIR)[col] = 270.0 + 180/PI*atan(fabs(m_u1[row][col])/fabs(m_v1[row][col]));
+			} else if (m_u1[row][col]>0 && m_v1[row][col]==0) {
+				((DCELL *) outrast_VEL_DIR)[col] = 0.0;
+			}
+		}
+		// output HMAX
+		if (OUT_HMAX){
+			if(m_hmax[row][col]==0){
+				Rast_set_d_null_value(&outrast_HMAX[col], 1);
+			} else {
+				((DCELL *) outrast_HMAX)[col] = m_hmax[row][col];
+			}
+			if(m_hmax[row][col]==0){
+				Rast_set_d_null_value(&outrast_T_HMAX[col], 1);
+			} else {
+				((DCELL *) outrast_T_HMAX)[col] = m_t_hmax[row][col];
+			}
+			if(m_hmax[row][col]==0){
+				Rast_set_d_null_value(&outrast_I_HMAX[col], 1);
+			} else {
+				((DCELL *) outrast_I_HMAX)[col] = m_i_hmax[row][col];
+			}
+		}
+		// output VMAX
+		if (OUT_VMAX){
+			if(m_vmax[row][col]==0){
+				Rast_set_d_null_value(&outrast_VMAX[col], 1);
+			} else {
+				((DCELL *) outrast_VMAX)[col] = m_vmax[row][col];
+			}
+		   if(m_vmax[row][col]==0){
+				Rast_set_d_null_value(&outrast_I_VMAX[col], 1);
+			} else {
+				((DCELL *) outrast_I_VMAX)[col] = m_i_vmax[row][col];
+			}
+			if(m_vmax[row][col]==0){
+				Rast_set_d_null_value(&outrast_T_VMAX[col], 1);
+			} else {
+				((DCELL *) outrast_T_VMAX)[col] = m_t_vmax[row][col];
+			}
+			if (flag_d->answer) {
+				if(m_vmax[row][col]==0){
+					Rast_set_d_null_value(&outrast_DIR_VMAX[col], 1);
+				} else {
+					((DCELL *) outrast_DIR_VMAX)[col] = m_dir_vmax[row][col];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// output IMAX
+		if (OUT_IMAX){
+			if(m_imax[row][col]==0){
+				Rast_set_d_null_value(&outrast_IMAX[col], 1);
+			} else {
+				((DCELL *) outrast_IMAX)[col] = m_imax[row][col];
+			}
+		   if(m_imax[row][col]==0){
+				Rast_set_d_null_value(&outrast_T_IMAX[col], 1);
+			} else {
+				((DCELL *) outrast_T_IMAX)[col] = m_t_imax[row][col];
+			}
+		}
+		// output WAVEFRONT
+			if(m_wavefront[row][col]==0){
+				Rast_set_d_null_value(&outrast_WAVEFRONT[col], 1);
+			} else {
+				((DCELL *) outrast_WAVEFRONT)[col] = m_wavefront[row][col];
+			}
+		}
+	} /* end_col*/
+	if(OUT_H) {
+	Rast_put_row (outfd_H, outrast_H, TYPE_DOUBLE);
+ 		/*if (G_put_raster_row (outfd_H, outrast_H, TYPE_DOUBLE) < 0)
+			G_fatal_error (_("Cannot write to <%s>"),name2);*/
+	}
+	if (OUT_VEL) {
+		Rast_put_row (outfd_VEL,outrast_VEL, TYPE_DOUBLE);
+ 	}
+	if (flag_d->answer) {
+		Rast_put_row (outfd_VEL_DIR, outrast_VEL_DIR, TYPE_DOUBLE);
+	}
+	if (OUT_HMAX){
+		Rast_put_row (outfd_HMAX, outrast_HMAX, TYPE_DOUBLE);
+		Rast_put_row (outfd_T_HMAX, outrast_T_HMAX, TYPE_DOUBLE);
+		Rast_put_row  (outfd_I_HMAX, outrast_I_HMAX, TYPE_DOUBLE);
+	}
+	if (OUT_VMAX){
+		Rast_put_row (outfd_VMAX, outrast_VMAX, TYPE_DOUBLE);
+		Rast_put_row (outfd_T_VMAX, outrast_T_VMAX, TYPE_DOUBLE);
+		Rast_put_row (outfd_I_VMAX, outrast_I_VMAX, TYPE_DOUBLE);
+		if (flag_d->answer) {
+			Rast_put_row (outfd_DIR_VMAX, outrast_DIR_VMAX, TYPE_DOUBLE);
+		}
+	}
+	if (OUT_IMAX){
+		Rast_put_row (outfd_IMAX, outrast_IMAX, TYPE_DOUBLE);
+		Rast_put_row (outfd_T_IMAX, outrast_T_IMAX, TYPE_DOUBLE);
+	}
+        if (OUT_WAVEFRONT){
+		Rast_put_row (outfd_WAVEFRONT, outrast_WAVEFRONT, TYPE_DOUBLE);
+	}
+ 	//G_message("pippo, row=%d e nrows=%d", row, nrows);
+}	// end row
+/* chiudi i file */
+  	if (OUT_H) {
+  		G_message("Writing the output final map %s", name1);
+  	}
+  	if (OUT_VEL) {
+    		G_message("Writing the output final map %s",name2);
+  	}
+	if (OUT_HMAX) {
+  		G_message("Writing the output final map %s, corresponding time and intensity", OUT_HMAX);
+  	}
+	if (OUT_VMAX) {
+  		G_message("Writing the output final map %s, corresponding time and intensity", OUT_VMAX);
+  	}
+	if (OUT_IMAX) {
+  		G_message("Writing the output final map %s and corresponding time", OUT_IMAX);
+  	}
+  		G_message("Writing the output final map %s", OUT_WAVEFRONT);
+  	}
+G_percent(nrows, nrows, 1);	/* finish it */
+if (OUT_VEL) {
+	G_free(outrast_VEL);
+	Rast_close (outfd_VEL);
+if (OUT_H) {
+	G_free(outrast_H);
+	Rast_close (outfd_H);
+if (flag_d->answer) {
+	G_free(outrast_VEL_DIR);
+	Rast_close (outfd_VEL_DIR);
+if (OUT_HMAX){
+	G_free(outrast_HMAX);
+	Rast_close (outfd_HMAX);
+	G_free(outrast_I_HMAX);
+	Rast_close (outfd_I_HMAX);
+	G_free(outrast_T_HMAX);
+	Rast_close (outfd_T_HMAX);
+if (OUT_VMAX){
+	G_free(outrast_VMAX);
+	Rast_close (outfd_VMAX);
+	G_free(outrast_I_VMAX);
+	Rast_close (outfd_I_VMAX);
+	G_free(outrast_T_VMAX);
+	Rast_close (outfd_T_VMAX);
+	if (flag_d->answer) {
+		G_free(outrast_DIR_VMAX);
+		Rast_close (outfd_DIR_VMAX);
+	}
+if (OUT_IMAX){
+	G_free(outrast_IMAX);
+	Rast_close (outfd_IMAX);
+	G_free(outrast_T_IMAX);
+	Rast_close (outfd_T_IMAX);
+	G_free(outrast_WAVEFRONT);
+	Rast_close (outfd_WAVEFRONT);
+// da sistemare
+/* add command line incantation to history file */
+//G_short_history(result, "raster", &history);
+//G_write_history(result, &history);
+/* deallocate memory matrix */
+if( parm.opt_t->answer != NULL){
+	G_free_vector(times);pp=0;
+if (OUT_HMAX){
+	G_free_fmatrix(m_hmax);
+	G_free_fmatrix(m_t_hmax);
+	G_free_fmatrix(m_i_hmax);
+if (OUT_VMAX){
+	G_free_fmatrix(m_vmax);
+	G_free_fmatrix(m_i_vmax);
+	G_free_fmatrix(m_t_vmax);
+	if (flag_d->answer) {
+		G_free_fmatrix(m_dir_vmax);
+	}
+if (OUT_IMAX){
+	G_free_fmatrix(m_imax);
+	G_free_fmatrix(m_t_imax);
+	G_free_fmatrix(m_wavefront);

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