[GRASS-SVN] r53872 - grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.in.drsa

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sat Nov 17 16:33:30 PST 2012

Author: gianluca
Date: 2012-11-17 16:33:30 -0800 (Sat, 17 Nov 2012)
New Revision: 53872


Deleted: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.in.drsa/Makefile
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.in.drsa/Makefile	2012-11-18 00:18:53 UTC (rev 53871)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.in.drsa/Makefile	2012-11-18 00:33:30 UTC (rev 53872)
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-PGM = r.in.drsa
-include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Script.make
-default: script

Deleted: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.in.drsa/description.html
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.in.drsa/description.html	2012-11-18 00:18:53 UTC (rev 53871)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.in.drsa/description.html	2012-11-18 00:33:30 UTC (rev 53872)
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-<p>The <em>r.in.drsa</em> module will read a  *rls file output from
-jMAF, JAMM or 4eMka2 sofware <a href="http://idss.cs.put.poznan.pl/">
-Laboratory of Intelligent Decision Support Systems - Poznan University.</a>
-and returns maps of the rules </p>
-<em>(GRASS python Script)</em>
-<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="r.roughset.html">r.roughset</a>,
-<a href="r.mcda.regime.html">r.mcda.regime</a>,
-<a href="r.mcda.fuzzy.html">r.mcda.fuzzy</a>
-<a href="r.mcda.electre.html">r.mcda.electre</a>,
-<a href="r.mcda.ahp.html">r.mcda.ahp</a>
-<a href="r.mcda.roughset.html">r.mcda.roughset</a>
-<a href="r.in.drsa.html">r.in.drsa</a>
-<a href="r.to.drsa.html">r.to.drsa</a>
-Antonio Boggia - Gianluca Massei<br>
-Department of Economics and Appraisal - University of Perugia - Italy 
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Deleted: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.in.drsa/r.in.drsa.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.in.drsa/r.in.drsa.py	2012-11-18 00:18:53 UTC (rev 53871)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.in.drsa/r.in.drsa.py	2012-11-18 00:33:30 UTC (rev 53872)
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# MODULE:	   r.in.drsa
-# AUTHOR:	   Gianluca Massei - Antonio Boggia
-# PURPOSE:	  Import roles from *.rls file and apply those condition
-#			   at geographics information system for generate a raster
-#			   map classified under Dominance Rough Set Approach
-# COPYRIGHT:	c) 2010 Gianluca Massei, Antonio Boggia  and the GRASS 
-#			   Development Team. This program is free software under the 
-#			   GNU General PublicLicense (>=v2). Read the file COPYING 
-#			   that comes with GRASS for details.
-#% description: Generate a raster map classified with Dominance Rough Set Approach. Use *.rls file from JAMM, 4eMka2 etc.
-#% keywords: raster, Dominance Rough Set Approach
-#% keywords: Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA)
-#% key: input
-#% type: string
-#% gisprompt: old,file,input
-#% description: File name with rules (*.rls)
-#% required: yes
-#% key: output
-#% type: string
-#% gisprompt: new_file,cell,output
-#% description: output classified raster map
-#% required: yes
-#% key:k 
-#% description:file *.rls from software 4eMka2
-#% answer:true
-#% key:j 
-#% description:file *.rls from software jMAF (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
-#% key: l
-#% description: do not remove single rules in vector format
-#% answer:false
-import sys
-import grass.script as grass
-import pdb
-import string
-def parser_4eMka2_rule(tags):
-	"parser file *.rls from 4eMka2 software and extract information for make new classified raster"
-	rule=dict()
-	rules=[]
-	for t in tags:
-		condition=[]
-		decision=[]
-		row=t.split()
-		if(len(row)>0 and row[0]=="Rule"):
-			#rules_list.append(row)
-			i=row.index("=>")
-			for j in range(2,i):
-				 if( row[j]!="&"):
-					 condition.append(row[j].strip('[,;]'))
-			for j in range(i+1,len(row)-2):
-					 decision.append(row[j].strip('([,;])'))
-			rule={'id_rule':row[1].strip('[.;]'),
-				  'condition':condition,
-				  'decision':(decision[0]),
-				  'class':"_".join(decision[1:]),
-				  'support':int(row[-2].strip('[.,;]')),
-				  'strength':row[-1].strip('[,:]')}
-			rules.append(rule)
-	rls = open('rules',"w")
-	for l in rules:
-		factor=l['decision'].strip('()').split(' ')
-		rls.write('id_rule:%s - condition:%s - decision: %s - class:%s \n' % (l['id_rule'],l['condition'], l['decision'],l['class']))
-	rls.close
-	return rules
-def parser_JAMM_rule(tags):
-	"parser file *.rls from JAMM software and extract information for make new classified raster"
-def parser_mapcalc(rules,i):
-	"parser to build a formula to be included  in mapcalc command"
-	mapalgebra="if("
-	for j in rules[i]['condition'][:-1]:
-		mapalgebra+= j + " && " 
-	mapalgebra+=rules[i]['condition'][-1]+","+rules[i]['id_rule']+",null())"
-	return mapalgebra
-def clean_rules(rules):
-	"cleans rules to no processed vaue from rules (eg = -> ==) "
-	for i in range(len(rules)):
-		for j in rules[i]['condition']:
-			if (j.find("<=")!=-1):
-				return 1
-			elif (j.find("<=")!=-1):
-				return 1
-			elif (j.find("=")!=-1):
-				j=j.replace("=","==")
-				return 0
-			else:
-				return -1
-def patch_georules(maps,outputMap):
-	labels=["_".join(m.split('_')[1:]) for m in maps] 
-	labels=list(set(labels))
-	for l in labels:
-		print "mapping %s rule" % str(l)
-		map_synth=[]
-		for m in maps:
-			if l == "_".join(m.split('_')[1:]):
-				map_synth.append(m)
-		if len(map_synth)>1:
-			grass.run_command("r.patch", overwrite='True', input=(",".join(map_synth)), output=l )
-		else:
-			grass.run_command("g.copy",rast=(str(map_synth),l))
-		grass.run_command("r.to.vect", overwrite='True', flags='s', input=l, output=l, feature='area')
-		grass.run_command("v.db.addcol", map=l, columns='rule varchar(25)')
-		grass.run_command("v.db.update", map=l, column='rule', value=l)
-		grass.run_command("v.db.update", map=l, column='label', value=l)
-	mapstring=",".join(labels)
-	if len(maps)>1:
-		grass.run_command("v.patch", overwrite='True', flags='e', input=mapstring, output=outputMap)
-	else:
-		grass.run_command("g.copy",vect=(mapstring,outputMap))
-def main():
-	input_rules = options['input']
-	outputMap = options['output']
-	gregion = grass.region()
-	nrows = gregion['rows']
-	ncols = gregion['cols']
-	ewres=int(gregion['ewres'])
-	nsres=int(gregion['nsres'])
-	input_rules=open(input_rules,"r")
-	tags=input_rules.readlines()   
-	rules=[]  #single rule (dictionary) in array
-	maps=[]
-	rules=parser_4eMka2_rule(tags)
-##	clean_rules(rules)
-	for i in range(len(rules)):
-		mappa="r"+rules[i]['id_rule']+"_"+rules[i]['class']
-		formula=parser_mapcalc(rules,i)
-		grass.mapcalc(mappa +"=" +formula)
-		maps.append(mappa)
-	maplist=",".join(maps)	
-	print maplist
-	patch_georules(maps,outputMap)
-	if not flags['l']:
-		grass.run_command("g.remove",flags="quiet", rast=maplist)
-		grass.run_command("g.remove",flags="quiet", vect=maplist)
-	input_rules.close()
-	return 0
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-	options, flags = grass.parser()
-	sys.exit(main())

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