[GRASS-SVN] r53921 - in grass/trunk/gui/wxpython: core gui_core lmgr

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Mon Nov 19 09:57:36 PST 2012

Author: wenzeslaus
Date: 2012-11-19 09:57:36 -0800 (Mon, 19 Nov 2012)
New Revision: 53921

wxGUI/GConsole: new event, removing notebook dependecy and related NotebookControler changes (co-author: annakrat)

Modified: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/core/events.py
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/core/events.py	2012-11-19 17:23:22 UTC (rev 53920)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/core/events.py	2012-11-19 17:57:36 UTC (rev 53921)
@@ -20,5 +20,6 @@
 # Notification event intended to update statusbar.
+# The message attribute contains the text of the message (plain text)
 gShowNotification, EVT_SHOW_NOTIFICATION = NewCommandEvent()

Modified: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/gui_core/goutput.py
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/gui_core/goutput.py	2012-11-19 17:23:22 UTC (rev 53920)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/gui_core/goutput.py	2012-11-19 17:57:36 UTC (rev 53921)
@@ -199,12 +199,23 @@
         if self.requestQ.empty():
             self._want_abort_all = False
+# Occurs event when some new text appears.
+# Text priority is specified by priority attribute.
+# Priority is 1 (lowest), 2, 3 (highest);
+# value 0 is currently not used and probably will not be used.
+# In theory, it can be used when text is completely uninteresting.
+# It is similar to wx.EVT_TEXT.
+# However, the new text or the whole text are not event attributes.
+gOutputText, EVT_OUTPUT_TEXT = NewEvent()
 class GConsole(wx.SplitterWindow):
     """!Create and manage output console for commands run by GUI.
     def __init__(self, parent, id = wx.ID_ANY, margin = False,
-                 frame = None, notebook = None,
+                 frame = None,
                  style = wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL | wx.FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE,
                  gcstyle = GC_EMPTY,
@@ -220,11 +231,6 @@
             self.frame = frame
             self.frame = parent
-        if notebook:
-            self._notebook = notebook
-        else:
-            self._notebook = self.parent.notebook
         self._gcstyle = gcstyle
         self.lineWidth       = 80
@@ -453,8 +459,14 @@
+        # documenting old behavior/implementation:
+        # switch notebook if required
         if switchPage:
-            self._notebook.SetSelectionByName('output')
+            priority = 2
+        else:
+            priority = 1
+        event = gOutputText(priority = priority)
+        wx.PostEvent(self, event)
         if not style:
             style = self.cmdOutput.StyleDefault
@@ -622,14 +634,15 @@
                     except GException, e:
                         print >> sys.stderr, e
-                # switch to 'Command output' if required
+                # documenting old behavior/implementation:
+                # switch and focus if required
+                # TODO: this probably should be run command event
                 if switchPage:
-                    self._notebook.SetSelectionByName('output')
-                    self.frame.SetFocus()
-                    self.frame.Raise()
+                    priority = 3
+                    event = gOutputText(priority = priority)
+                    wx.PostEvent(self, event)
                 # activate computational region (set with g.region)
                 # for all non-display commands.
                 if compReg:
@@ -739,16 +752,14 @@
         """!Print command output"""
         message = event.text
         type  = event.type
         self.cmdOutput.AddStyledMessage(message, type)
-        if self._notebook.GetSelection() != self._notebook.GetPageIndexByName('output'):
-            page = self._notebook.GetPageIndexByName('output')
-            textP = self._notebook.GetPageText(page)
-            if textP[-1] != ')':
-                textP += ' (...)'
-            self._notebook.SetPageText(page, textP)
+        # documenting old behavior/implementation:
+        # add elipses if not active
+        event = gOutputText(priority = 1)
+        wx.PostEvent(self, event)
     def OnCmdProgress(self, event):
         """!Update progress message info"""
@@ -1091,6 +1102,7 @@
         # remember position of line begining (used for '\r')
         self.linePos         = -1
         # styles
@@ -1220,7 +1232,7 @@
         # reset output window to read only
     def AddStyledMessage(self, message, style = None):
         """!Add message to text area.

Modified: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/gui_core/widgets.py
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/gui_core/widgets.py	2012-11-19 17:23:22 UTC (rev 53920)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/gui_core/widgets.py	2012-11-19 17:57:36 UTC (rev 53921)
@@ -65,9 +65,15 @@
     and other methods can be delegated by @c __getattr__.
     def __init__(self, classObject, widget):
+        """!        
+        @param classObject notebook class name (object, i.e. FlatNotebook)
+        @param widget notebook instance
+        """
         self.notebookPages = {}
         self.classObject = classObject
         self.widget = widget
+        # TODO: (...) should be only once in wxGUI
+        self.highlightedTextEnd = _(" (...)")
     def AddPage(self, **kwargs):
         """!Add a new page
@@ -117,13 +123,20 @@
             return False
     def SetSelectionByName(self, page):
-        """!Set notebook
-        @param page names, eg. 'layers', 'output', 'search', 'pyshell', 'nviz'
+        """!Set active notebook page.
+        @param page name, eg. 'layers', 'output', 'search', 'pyshell', 'nviz'
+        (depends on concrete notebook instance)
         idx = self.GetPageIndexByName(page)
         if self.classObject.GetSelection(self.widget) != idx:
             self.classObject.SetSelection(self.widget, idx)
+            # FIXME: this code was not explicitly tested
+            # FIXME: remove this from function lmgr.frame.Frame.OnPageChanged
+            text = self.classObject.GetPageText(self.widget, idx)
+            if text.endswith(self.highlightedTextEnd):
+                text.replace(self.highlightedTextEnd, '')
+                self.classObject.SetPageText(self.widget, idx, text)
     def GetPageIndexByName(self, page):
         """!Get notebook page index
@@ -137,6 +150,17 @@
         return pageIndex
+    def HighlightPageByName(self, page):
+        pageIndex = self.GetPageIndexByName(page)
+        self.HighlightPage(pageIndex)
+    def HighlightPage(self, index):
+        if self.classObject.GetSelection(self.widget) != index:
+            text = self.classObject.GetPageText(self.widget, index)
+            if not text.endswith(self.highlightedTextEnd):
+                text += self.highlightedTextEnd
+            self.classObject.SetPageText(self.widget, index, text)
     def SetPageImage(self, page, index):
         """!Sets image index for page
@@ -194,10 +218,6 @@
         return self.controller.RemovePage(page)
     def SetPageImage(self, page, index):
-        """! @copydoc NotebookController::SetPageImage()"""
-        return self.controller.SetPageImage(page, index)
-    def SetPageImage(self, page, index):
         """!Does nothing because we don't want images for this style"""

Modified: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/lmgr/frame.py
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/lmgr/frame.py	2012-11-19 17:23:22 UTC (rev 53920)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/lmgr/frame.py	2012-11-19 17:57:36 UTC (rev 53921)
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 from modules.mcalc_builder import MapCalcFrame
 from dbmgr.manager         import AttributeManager
 from core.workspace        import ProcessWorkspaceFile, ProcessGrcFile, WriteWorkspaceFile
-from gui_core.goutput      import GConsole, GC_SEARCH, GC_PROMPT
+from gui_core.goutput      import GConsole, GC_SEARCH, GC_PROMPT, EVT_OUTPUT_TEXT
 from gui_core.dialogs      import GdalOutputDialog, DxfImportDialog, GdalImportDialog, MapLayersDialog
 from gui_core.dialogs      import EVT_APPLY_MAP_LAYERS
 from gui_core.dialogs      import LocationDialog, MapsetDialog, CreateNewVector, GroupDialog
@@ -261,6 +261,7 @@
         self.goutput = GConsole(self, frame = self,
                                 gcstyle = GC_SEARCH | GC_PROMPT)
         self.notebook.AddPage(page = self.goutput, text = _("Command console"), name = 'output')
+        self.goutput.Bind(EVT_OUTPUT_TEXT, self.OnOutputText)
         # create 'search module' notebook page
@@ -523,6 +524,16 @@
+    def OnOutputText(self, event):
+        """!Manages @c 'output' notebook page according to event priority."""
+        if event.priority == 1:
+            self.notebook.HighlightPageByName('output')
+        if event.priority >= 2:
+            self.notebook.SetSelectionByName('output')
+        if event.priority >= 3:
+            self.SetFocus()
+            self.Raise()
     def GetLayerNotebook(self):
         """!Get Layers Notebook"""
         return self.notebookLayers

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