[GRASS-SVN] r54044 - grass/trunk/scripts/r.fillnulls

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Mon Nov 26 01:51:00 PST 2012

Author: marisn
Date: 2012-11-26 01:50:59 -0800 (Mon, 26 Nov 2012)
New Revision: 54044

Fill each hole separately when run with RST. Provides significant quality improvement and up to 2x speed up.

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/r.fillnulls/r.fillnulls.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/r.fillnulls/r.fillnulls.html	2012-11-26 09:41:47 UTC (rev 54043)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/r.fillnulls/r.fillnulls.html	2012-11-26 09:50:59 UTC (rev 54044)
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
 Each area boundary buffer is set to three times the map resolution to get nominally
 three points around the edge. This way the algorithm interpolates into the hole with
 a trained slope and curvature at the edges, in order to avoid that such a flat plane
-is generated in a hole.
+is generated in a hole. The widht of edge area can be adjusted by 
+changing the edge parameter.
 <p>During the interpolation following warning may occur when using the RST method:<p>
 Warning: strip exists with insufficient data<br>
@@ -21,6 +22,9 @@
 As the idea of <em>r.fillnulls</em> is to fill such holes, the user may
 ignore the warning. The interpolation will be continued. However, the user
 may pay attention to below notes.
+If interpolation fails, temporary raster and vector maps are left in place to allow
+unfilled map hole (NULL area) identification and manual repair.
@@ -44,6 +48,10 @@
 input map and applying the "differences" color table with <em>r.colors</em>)
 and/or <em>d.what.rast</em> to query individual cell values.
+RST method stores temporary maps on hard disk. It will require at least as much
+free space as one extra input raster map takes.
 In this example, the SRTM elevation map in the

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/r.fillnulls/r.fillnulls.py
--- grass/trunk/scripts/r.fillnulls/r.fillnulls.py	2012-11-26 09:41:47 UTC (rev 54043)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/r.fillnulls/r.fillnulls.py	2012-11-26 09:50:59 UTC (rev 54044)
@@ -2,21 +2,22 @@
-# MODULE:	r.fillnulls
-# AUTHOR(S):	Markus Neteler
+# MODULE:       r.fillnulls
+# AUTHOR(S):    Markus Neteler
 #               Updated to GRASS 5.7 by Michael Barton
 #               Updated to GRASS 6.0 by Markus Neteler
 #               Ring and zoom improvements by Hamish Bowman
 #               Converted to Python by Glynn Clements
 #               Add support to v.surf.bspline by Luca Delucchi
-# PURPOSE:	fills NULL (no data areas) in raster maps
+#               Per hole filling with RST by Maris Nartiss
+# PURPOSE:      fills NULL (no data areas) in raster maps
 #               The script respects a user mask (MASK) if present.
-# COPYRIGHT:	(C) 2001-2012 by the GRASS Development Team
+# COPYRIGHT:    (C) 2001-2012 by the GRASS Development Team
-#		This program is free software under the GNU General Public
-#		License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
-#		for details.
+#               This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+#               License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+#               for details.
@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@
 #% description: Spline tension parameter
 #% required : no
 #% answer : 40.
+#% guisection: RST options
 #% key: smooth
@@ -44,8 +46,18 @@
 #% description: Spline smoothing parameter
 #% required : no
 #% answer : 0.1
+#% guisection: RST options
+#% key: edge
+#% type: integer
+#% description: Width of hole edge used for interpolation (in cells)
+#% required : no
+#% answer : 3
+#% options : 2-100
+#% guisection: RST options
 #% key: method
 #% type: string
 #% description: Interpolation method
@@ -57,168 +69,290 @@
 import sys
 import os
 import atexit
 import grass.script as grass
-vecttmp = None
-tmp1 = None
+tmp_rmaps = list()
+tmp_vmaps = list()
 usermask = None
 mapset = None
 # what to do in case of user break:
 def cleanup():
     #delete internal mask and any TMP files:
-    if tmp1:
-	rasts = [tmp1 + ext for ext in ['', '.buf', '_filled']]
-	grass.run_command('g.remove', quiet = True, flags = 'f', rast = rasts)
-    if vecttmp:
-	grass.run_command('g.remove', quiet = True, flags = 'f', vect = vecttmp)
-    grass.run_command('g.remove', quiet = True, rast = 'MASK')
+    if len(tmp_vmaps) > 0:
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', quiet = True, flags = 'f', vect = tmp_vmaps)
+    if len(tmp_rmaps) > 0:
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', quiet = True, flags = 'f', rast = tmp_rmaps)
     if usermask and mapset:
-	if grass.find_file(usermask, mapset = mapset)['file']:
-	    grass.run_command('g.rename', quiet = True, rast = (usermask, 'MASK'))
+        if grass.find_file(usermask, mapset = mapset)['file']:
+            grass.run_command('g.rename', quiet = True, rast = (usermask, 'MASK'), overwrite = True)
 def main():
-    global vecttmp, tmp1, usermask, mapset
+    global usermask, mapset, tmp_rmaps, tmp_vmaps
     input = options['input']
     output = options['output']
     tension = options['tension']
     smooth = options['smooth']
     method = options['method']
+    edge = int(options['edge'])
+    quiet = True # FIXME 
     mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET']
-    unique = str(os.getpid())
+    unique = str(os.getpid()) # Shouldn't we use temp name?
+    prefix = 'r_fillnulls_%s_' % unique
+    failed_list = list() # a list of failed holes. Caused by issues with v.surf.rst. Connected with #1813
     #check if input file exists
     if not grass.find_file(input)['file']:
-	grass.fatal(_("<%s> does not exist.") % input)
+        grass.fatal(_("Map <%s> does not exist.") % input)
-    # check if a MASK is already present:
-    usermask = "usermask_mask." + unique
-    if grass.find_file('MASK', mapset = mapset)['file']:
-	grass.message(_("A user raster mask (MASK) is present. Saving it..."))
-	grass.run_command('g.rename', quiet = True, rast = ('MASK',usermask))
-    #make a mask of NULL cells
-    tmp1 = "r_fillnulls_" + unique
     # save original region
     reg_org = grass.region()
+    # check if a MASK is already present
+    # and remove it to not interfere with NULL lookup part
+    # as we don't fill MASKed parts!
+    if grass.find_file('MASK', mapset = mapset)['file']:
+        usermask = "usermask_mask." + unique
+        grass.message(_("A user raster mask (MASK) is present. Saving it..."))
+        grass.run_command('g.rename', quiet = quiet, rast = ('MASK',usermask))
     #check if method is rst to use v.surf.rst
     if method == 'rst':
-	# idea: filter all NULLS and grow that area(s) by 3 pixel, then
-	# interpolate from these surrounding 3 pixel edge
-	grass.message(_("Locating and isolating NULL areas..."))
-	#creating 0/1 map:
-	grass.mapcalc("$tmp1 = if(isnull($input),1,null())",
-		      tmp1 = tmp1, input = input)
-	#generate a ring:
-	# the buffer is set to three times the map resolution so you get nominally
-	# three points around the edge. This way you interpolate into the hole with 
-	# a trained slope & curvature at the edges, otherwise you just get a flat plane.
-	# With just a single row of cells around the hole you often get gaps
-	# around the edges when distance > mean (.5 of the time? diagonals? worse 
-	# when ewres!=nsres).
-	# r.buffer broken in trunk for latlon, disabled
-	#reg = grass.region()
-	#res = (float(reg['nsres']) + float(reg['ewres'])) * 3 / 2
-	#if grass.run_command('r.buffer', input = tmp1, distances = res, out = tmp1 + '.buf') != 0:
-	# much easier way: use r.grow with radius=3.01
-	if grass.run_command('r.grow', input = tmp1, radius = 3.01,
-	                     old = 1, new = 2, out = tmp1 + '.buf') != 0:
-	    grass.fatal(_("abandoned. Removing temporary map, restoring user mask if needed:"))
-	grass.mapcalc("MASK = if($tmp1.buf == 2, 1, null())", tmp1 = tmp1)
-	# now we only see the outlines of the NULL areas if looking at INPUT.
-	# Use this outline (raster border) for interpolating the fill data:
-	vecttmp = "vecttmp_fillnulls_" + unique
-	grass.message(_("Creating interpolation points..."))
-	## use the -b flag to avoid topology building on big jobs?
-	## no, can't, 'g.region vect=' currently wants to see level 2
-	if grass.run_command('r.to.vect', input = input, output = vecttmp,
-			    type = 'point', flags = 'z'):
-	    grass.fatal(_("abandoned. Removing temporary maps, restoring user mask if needed:"))
-	# count number of points to control segmax parameter for interpolation:
-	pointsnumber = grass.vector_info_topo(map = vecttmp)['points']
-	grass.message(_("Interpolating %d points") % pointsnumber)
-	if pointsnumber < 2:
-	    grass.fatal(_("Not sufficient points to interpolate. Maybe no hole(s) to fill in the current map region?"))
-	# remove internal MASK first -- WHY???? MN 10/2005
-	grass.run_command('g.remove', quiet = True, rast = 'MASK')
-	# print message is a usermask it was present
-	if grass.find_file(usermask, mapset = mapset)['file']:
-	    grass.message(_("Using user mask while interpolating"))
-	    maskmap = usermask
-	else:
-	    maskmap = None
-        grass.message(_("Note: The following 'consider changing' warnings may be ignored."))
-        # clone current region
+        # idea: filter all NULLS and grow that area(s) by 3 pixel, then
+        # interpolate from these surrounding 3 pixel edge
+        filling = prefix + 'filled'
-        grass.run_command('g.region', vect = vecttmp, align = input)
-        # set the max number before segmentation
-        segmax = 600
-        if pointsnumber > segmax:
-            grass.message(_("Using segmentation for interpolation..."))
-            segmax = None
+        grass.run_command('g.region', align = input, quiet = quiet)
+        region = grass.region()
+        ns_res = region['nsres']
+        ew_res = region['ewres']
+        grass.message(_("Using RST interpolation..."))
+        grass.message(_("Locating and isolating NULL areas..."))
+        # creating binary (0/1) map
+        if usermask:
+            grass.message(_("Skipping masked raster parts"))
+            grass.mapcalc("$tmp1 = if(isnull($input) && !($mask == 0 || isnull($mask)),1,null())",
+                tmp1 = prefix + 'nulls', input = input, mask = usermask)
-            grass.message(_("Using no segmentation for interpolation as not needed..."))
-        # launch v.surf.rst    
-	grass.message(_("Using RST interpolation..."))
-	grass.run_command('v.surf.rst', input = vecttmp, elev = tmp1 + '_filled',
-			zcol = 'value', tension = tension, smooth = smooth,
-			maskmap = maskmap, segmax = segmax, flags = 'z')
+            grass.mapcalc("$tmp1 = if(isnull($input),1,null())",
+                tmp1 = prefix + 'nulls', input = input)
+        tmp_rmaps.append(prefix + 'nulls')
+        # restoring user's mask, if present
+        # to ignore MASKed original values
+        if usermask:
+            grass.message(_("Restoring user mask (MASK)..."))
+            if grass.run_command('g.rename', quiet = quiet, rast = (usermask, 'MASK')) != 0:
+                grass.warning(_("Failed to restore user MASK!"))
+            usermask = None
+        # grow identified holes by X pixels
+        grass.message(_("Growing NULL areas"))
+        tmp_rmaps.append(prefix + 'grown')
+        if grass.run_command('r.grow', input = prefix + 'nulls', radius = edge + 0.01,
+                             old = 1, new = 1, out = prefix + 'grown', quiet = quiet) != 0:
+            grass.fatal(_("abandoned. Removing temporary map, restoring user mask if needed:"))
+        # assign unique IDs to each hole or hole system (holes closer than edge distance)
+        grass.message(_("Assigning IDs to NULL areas"))
+        tmp_rmaps.append(prefix + 'clumped')
+        if grass.run_command('r.clump', input = prefix + 'grown', output = prefix + 'clumped', quiet = quiet) != 0:
+            grass.fatal(_("abandoned. Removing temporary map, restoring user mask if needed:"))
+        # use new IDs to identify holes
+        grass.mapcalc("$out = if(isnull($inp), null(), $clumped)",
+                        out = prefix + 'holes', inp = prefix + 'nulls', clumped = prefix + 'clumped')
+        tmp_rmaps.append(prefix + 'holes')
+        # get a list of unique hole cat's
+        cats_file_name = grass.tempfile(True)
+        cats_file = file(cats_file_name, 'w')
+        grass.run_command('r.stats', flags = 'n', input = prefix + 'holes', stdout = cats_file, quiet = quiet)
+        cats_file.close()
+        cat_list = list()
+        cats_file = file(cats_file_name)
+        for line in cats_file:
+            cat_list.append(line.rstrip('\n'))
+        cats_file.close()
+        os.remove(cats_file_name)
+        if len(cat_list) < 1:
+            grass.fatal(_("Input map has no holes. Check region settings."))
+        # GTC Hole is NULL area in a raster map
+        grass.message(_("Processing %d map holes") % len(cat_list))
+        first = True
+        for cat in cat_list:
+            holename = prefix + 'hole_' + cat
+            # GTC Hole is a NULL area in a raster map
+            grass.message(_("Filling hole %s of %s") % (cat, len(cat_list)))
+            # cut out only CAT hole for processing
+            if grass.run_command('g.region', rast = prefix + 'holes', align = input, quiet = quiet) != 0:
+                grass.fatal(_("abandoned. Removing temporary maps, restoring user mask if needed:"))
+            grass.mapcalc("$out = if($inp == $catn, $inp, null())",
+                            out = prefix + 'tmp_hole', inp = prefix + 'holes', catn = cat)
+            # zoom to specific hole to remove rest of data
+            if grass.run_command('g.region', zoom = prefix + 'tmp_hole', align = input, quiet = quiet) != 0:
+                grass.fatal(_("abandoned. Removing temporary maps, restoring user mask if needed:"))
+            # increase region a bit to fit edge zone
+            if grass.run_command('g.region', align = input, 
+                                w = 'w-%d' % (edge * 2 * ew_res), e = 'e+%d' % (edge * 2 * ew_res), 
+                                n = 'n+%d' % (edge * 2 * ns_res), s = 's-%d' % (edge * 2 * ns_res),
+                                quiet = quiet) != 0:
+                grass.fatal(_("abandoned. Removing temporary maps, restoring user mask if needed:"))
+            # copy only data around hole
+            grass.mapcalc("$out = $inp", out = holename, inp = prefix + 'tmp_hole')
+            # remove temporary map to not overfill disk
+            if grass.run_command('g.remove', flags = 'f', rast = prefix + 'tmp_hole', quiet = quiet) != 0:
+                grass.fatal(_("abandoned. Removing temporary maps, restoring user mask if needed:"))
+            tmp_rmaps.append(holename)
+            # If here loop is split into two, next part of loop can be run in parallel 
+            # (except final result patching)
+            # Downside - on large maps such approach causes large disk usage
+            # grow hole border to get it's edge area
+            tmp_rmaps.append(holename + '_grown')
+            if grass.run_command('r.grow', input = holename, radius = edge + 0.01,
+                             old = -1, out = holename + '_grown', quiet = quiet) != 0:
+                grass.fatal(_("abandoned. Removing temporary map, restoring user mask if needed:"))
+            # no idea why r.grow old=-1 doesn't replace existing values with NULL
+            grass.mapcalc("$out = if($inp == -1, null(), $dem)", 
+                            out = holename + '_edges', inp = holename + '_grown', dem = input)
+            tmp_rmaps.append(holename + '_edges')
+            # convert to points for interpolation
+            tmp_vmaps.append(holename)
+            if grass.run_command('r.to.vect', input = holename + '_edges', output = holename,
+                                type = 'point', flags = 'z', quiet = quiet) != 0:
+                grass.fatal(_("abandoned. Removing temporary maps, restoring user mask if needed:"))
+            # count number of points to control segmax parameter for interpolation:
+            pointsnumber = grass.vector_info_topo(map = holename)['points']
+            grass.verbose(_("Interpolating %d points") % pointsnumber)
-	grass.message(_("Note: Above warnings may be ignored."))
+            if pointsnumber < 2:
+                grass.verbose(_("No points to interpolate"))
+                failed_list.append(holename)
+                continue
+            grass.message(_("Note: The following warnings about number of points for interpolation may be ignored."))
+            # set the max number before segmentation
+            # npmin and segmax values were choosen by fair guess and thus are superior to all other values ;)
+            segmax = 100
+            npmin = 300
+            if pointsnumber < 600:
+                npmin = pointsnumber
+                segmax = pointsnumber
+            # launch v.surf.rst
+            tmp_rmaps.append(holename + '_dem')
+            if grass.run_command('v.surf.rst', quiet = quiet, input = holename, elev = holename + '_dem',
+                            zcol = 'value', tension = tension, smooth = smooth, 
+                            segmax = segmax, npmin = npmin, flags = 'z') != 0:
+                # GTC Hole is NULL area in a raster map
+                grass.fatal(_("Failed to fill hole %s") % cat)
+            # v.surf.rst sometimes fails with exit code 0
+            # related bug #1813
+            if not grass.find_file(holename + '_dem')['file']:
+                try:
+                    tmp_rmaps.remove(holename)
+                    tmp_rmaps.remove(holename + '_grown')
+                    tmp_rmaps.remove(holename + '_edges')
+                    tmp_rmaps.remove(holename + '_dem')
+                    tmp_vmaps.remove(holename)
+                except:
+                    pass
+                grass.warning(_("Filling has failed silently. Leaving temporary maps with prefix <%s> for debugging.") % holename)
+                failed_list.append(holename)
+                continue
+            # append hole result to interpolated version later used to patch into original DEM
+            if first:
+                tmp_rmaps.append(filling)
+                grass.run_command('g.region', align = input, rast = holename + '_dem', quiet = quiet)
+                grass.mapcalc("$out = if(isnull($inp), null(), $dem)", 
+                                out = filling, inp = holename, dem = holename + '_dem')
+                first = False
+            else:
+                tmp_rmaps.append(filling + '_tmp')
+                grass.run_command('g.region', align = input, rast = (filling, holename + '_dem'), quiet = quiet)
+                grass.mapcalc("$out = if(isnull($inp), if(isnull($fill), null(), $fill), $dem)", 
+                                out = filling + '_tmp', inp = holename, dem = holename + '_dem', fill = filling)
+                if grass.run_command('g.rename', rast = (filling + '_tmp', filling), 
+                                    overwrite = True, quiet = quiet) != 0:
+                    grass.fatal(_("abandoned. Removing temporary maps, restoring user mask if needed:"))
+                tmp_rmaps.remove(filling + '_tmp') # this map has been removed. No need for later cleanup.
+            # remove temporary maps to not overfill disk
+            try:
+                tmp_rmaps.remove(holename)
+                tmp_rmaps.remove(holename + '_grown')
+                tmp_rmaps.remove(holename + '_edges')
+                tmp_rmaps.remove(holename + '_dem')
+            except:
+                pass
+            if grass.run_command('g.remove', quiet = quiet, flags = 'f', rast = 
+                (holename, holename + '_grown', holename + '_edges', holename + '_dem')) != 0:
+                grass.fatal(_("abandoned. Removing temporary maps, restoring user mask if needed:"))
+            try:
+                tmp_vmaps.remove(holename)
+            except:
+                pass
+            if grass.run_command('g.remove', quiet = quiet, flags = 'f', vect = holename) != 0:
+                grass.fatal(_("abandoned. Removing temporary maps, restoring user mask if needed:"))
     #check if method is different from rst to use r.resamp.bspline
     if method != 'rst':
-	grass.message(_("Using %s bspline interpolation") % method)
+        grass.message(_("Using %s bspline interpolation") % method)
         # clone current region
         grass.run_command('g.region', align = input)
-	reg = grass.region()
-	# launch r.resamp.bspline
-	if grass.find_file(usermask, mapset = mapset)['file']:
-	    grass.run_command('r.resamp.bspline', input = input, mask = usermask,
-			    output = tmp1 + '_filled', method = method, 
-			    se = 3 * reg['ewres'], sn = 3 * reg['nsres'], 
-			    _lambda = 0.01, flags = 'n')
-	else:
-	    grass.run_command('r.resamp.bspline', input = input,
-			    output = tmp1 + '_filled', method = method, 
-			    se = 3 * reg['ewres'], sn = 3 * reg['nsres'], 
-			    _lambda = 0.01, flags = 'n')
+        reg = grass.region()
+        # launch r.resamp.bspline
+        tmp_rmaps.append(prefix + 'filled')
+        if usermask:
+            grass.run_command('r.resamp.bspline', input = input, mask = usermask,
+                output = prefix + 'filled', method = method, 
+                se = 3 * reg['ewres'], sn = 3 * reg['nsres'], 
+                _lambda = 0.01, flags = 'n')
+        else:
+            grass.run_command('r.resamp.bspline', input = input,
+                output = prefix + 'filled', method = method, 
+                se = 3 * reg['ewres'], sn = 3 * reg['nsres'], 
+                _lambda = 0.01, flags = 'n')
     # restoring user's mask, if present:
-    if grass.find_file(usermask, mapset = mapset)['file']:
-	grass.message(_("Restoring user mask (MASK)..."))
-	grass.run_command('g.rename', quiet = True, rast = (usermask, 'MASK'))
+    if usermask:
+        grass.message(_("Restoring user mask (MASK)..."))
+        if grass.run_command('g.rename', quiet = quiet, rast = (usermask, 'MASK')) != 0:
+            grass.warning(_("Failed to restore user MASK!"))
+        usermask = None
     # set region to original extents, align to input
     grass.run_command('g.region', n = reg_org['n'], s = reg_org['s'], 
-		      e = reg_org['e'], w = reg_org['w'], align = input)
+                    e = reg_org['e'], w = reg_org['w'], align = input)
     # patch orig and fill map
     grass.message(_("Patching fill data into NULL areas..."))
     # we can use --o here as g.parser already checks on startup
-    grass.run_command('r.patch', input = (input,tmp1 + '_filled'), output = output, overwrite = True)
+    grass.run_command('r.patch', input = (input,prefix + 'filled'), output = output, overwrite = True)
     # restore the real region
@@ -227,6 +361,13 @@
     # write cmd history:
+    if len(failed_list) > 0:
+        grass.warning(_("Following holes where not filled. Temporary maps with are left in place to allow examination of unfilled holes"))
+        outlist = failed_list[0]
+        for hole in failed_list[1:]:
+            outlist = ', ' + outlist
+        grass.message(outlist)

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