[GRASS-SVN] r54714 - in grass/trunk/gui/wxpython: core lmgr mapdisp

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sat Jan 19 12:43:32 PST 2013

Author: annakrat
Date: 2013-01-19 12:43:32 -0800 (Sat, 19 Jan 2013)
New Revision: 54714

support more d. commands

Modified: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/core/render.py
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/core/render.py	2013-01-19 20:22:39 UTC (rev 54713)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/core/render.py	2013-01-19 20:43:32 UTC (rev 54714)
@@ -126,11 +126,7 @@
                        (self.type, self.name))
         # prepare command for each layer
-        layertypes = ('raster', 'rgb', 'his', 'shaded', 'rastarrow', 'rastnum',
-                      'vector','thememap','themechart',
-                      'grid', 'geodesic', 'rhumb', 'labels',
-                      'command', 'rastleg','maplegend',
-                      'overlay', 'wms')
+        layertypes = utils.command2ltype.values() + ['overlay', 'command']
         if self.type not in layertypes:
             raise GException(_("<%(name)s>: layer type <%(type)s> is not supported") % \
@@ -257,11 +253,7 @@
     def SetType(self, ltype):
         """!Set layer type"""
-        if ltype not in ('raster', '3d-raster', 'vector',
-                        'overlay', 'command',
-                        'shaded', 'rgb', 'his', 'rastarrow', 'rastnum','maplegend',
-                        'thememap', 'themechart', 'grid', 'labels',
-                        'geodesic','rhumb', 'wms'):
+        if ltype not in utils.command2ltype.values() + ['overlay', 'command']:
             raise GException(_("Unsupported map layer type '%s'") % ltype)
         if ltype == 'wms' and not isinstance(self.renderMgr, RenderWMSMgr):

Modified: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/core/utils.py
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/core/utils.py	2013-01-19 20:22:39 UTC (rev 54713)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/core/utils.py	2013-01-19 20:43:32 UTC (rev 54714)
@@ -909,6 +909,34 @@
             label = _('Select Color')
     return (rgb, label)
+command2ltype = {'d.rast'         : 'raster',
+                 'd.rast3d'       : '3d-raster',
+                 'd.rgb'          : 'rgb',
+                 'd.his'          : 'his',
+                 'd.shadedmap'    : 'shaded',
+                 'd.legend'       : 'rastleg',
+                 'd.rast.arrow'   : 'rastarrow',
+                 'd.rast.num'     : 'rastnum',
+                 'd.rast.leg'     : 'maplegend',
+                 'd.vect'         : 'vector',
+                 'd.thematic.area': 'thememap',
+                 'd.vect.chart'   : 'themechart',
+                 'd.grid'         : 'grid',
+                 'd.geodesic'     : 'geodesic',
+                 'd.rhumbline'    : 'rhumb',
+                 'd.labels'       : 'labels',
+                 'd.barscale'     : 'barscale',
+                 'd.redraw'       : 'redraw',
+                 'd.wms'          : 'wms',
+                 'd.histogram'    : 'histogram',
+                 'd.colortable'   : 'colortable',
+                 'd.graph'        : 'graph'
+                 }
+ltype2command = {}
+for (cmd, ltype) in command2ltype.items():
+    ltype2command[ltype] = cmd
 def GetGEventAttribsForHandler(method, event):
     """!Get attributes from event, which can be used by handler method. 

Modified: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/lmgr/frame.py
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/lmgr/frame.py	2013-01-19 20:22:39 UTC (rev 54713)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/lmgr/frame.py	2013-01-19 20:43:32 UTC (rev 54714)
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 from core.gcmd             import RunCommand, GError, GMessage, GException
 from core.settings         import UserSettings, GetDisplayVectSettings
-from core.utils            import SetAddOnPath, GetLayerNameFromCmd
+from core.utils            import SetAddOnPath, GetLayerNameFromCmd, command2ltype
 from core.events           import EVT_SHOW_NOTIFICATION, EVT_MAP_CREATED
 from gui_core.preferences  import MapsetAccess, PreferencesDialog, EVT_SETTINGS_CHANGED
 from lmgr.layertree        import LayerTree, LMIcons
@@ -594,25 +594,7 @@
             self.NewDisplay(show = True)
             # display GRASS commands
-            layertype = {'d.rast'         : 'raster',
-                         'd.rast3d'       : '3d-raster',
-                         'd.rgb'          : 'rgb',
-                         'd.his'          : 'his',
-                         'd.shaded'       : 'shaded',
-                         'd.legend'       : 'rastleg',
-                         'd.rast.arrow'   : 'rastarrow',
-                         'd.rast.num'     : 'rastnum',
-                         'd.rast.leg'     : 'maplegend',
-                         'd.vect'         : 'vector',
-                         'd.thematic.area': 'thememap',
-                         'd.vect.chart'   : 'themechart',
-                         'd.grid'         : 'grid',
-                         'd.geodesic'     : 'geodesic',
-                         'd.rhumbline'    : 'rhumb',
-                         'd.labels'       : 'labels',
-                         'd.barscale'     : 'barscale',
-                         'd.redraw'       : 'redraw',
-                         'd.wms'          : 'wms'}[command[0]]
+            layertype = command2ltype[command[0]]
         except KeyError:
             GMessage(parent = self,
                      message = _("Command '%s' not yet implemented in the WxGUI. "

Modified: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/lmgr/layertree.py
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/lmgr/layertree.py	2013-01-19 20:22:39 UTC (rev 54713)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/lmgr/layertree.py	2013-01-19 20:43:32 UTC (rev 54714)
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 from mapdisp.frame        import MapFrame
 from core.render          import Map
 from modules.histogram    import HistogramFrame
-from core.utils           import GetLayerNameFromCmd
+from core.utils           import GetLayerNameFromCmd, ltype2command
 from wxplot.profile       import ProfileFrame
 from core.debug           import Debug
 from core.settings        import UserSettings, GetDisplayVectSettings
@@ -1077,57 +1077,22 @@
                                 completed = (self.GetOptData,layer,params))
             self.SetLayerInfo(layer, key = 'cmd', value = module.GetCmd())
-        elif ltype == 'raster':
-            cmd = ['d.rast']
-            if UserSettings.Get(group = 'rasterLayer', key = 'opaque', subkey = 'enabled'):
-                cmd.append('-n')
-        elif ltype == '3d-raster':
-            cmd = ['d.rast3d']
-        elif ltype == 'rgb':
-            cmd = ['d.rgb']
-            if UserSettings.Get(group = 'rasterLayer', key = 'opaque', subkey = 'enabled'):
-                cmd.append('-n')
-        elif ltype == 'his':
-            cmd = ['d.his']
-        elif ltype == 'shaded':
-            cmd = ['d.shadedmap']
-        elif ltype == 'rastarrow':
-            cmd = ['d.rast.arrow']
-        elif ltype == 'rastnum':
-            cmd = ['d.rast.num']
-        elif ltype == 'vector':
-            cmd = ['d.vect'] + GetDisplayVectSettings()
-        elif ltype == 'thememap':
+        else:
+            cmd = [ltype2command[ltype]]
+            if ltype == 'raster':
+                if UserSettings.Get(group = 'rasterLayer', key = 'opaque', subkey = 'enabled'):
+                    cmd.append('-n')
+            elif ltype == 'rgb':
+                if UserSettings.Get(group = 'rasterLayer', key = 'opaque', subkey = 'enabled'):
+                    cmd.append('-n')
+            elif ltype == 'vector':
+                cmd.append(GetDisplayVectSettings())
+            # ltype == 'thememap':
             # -s flag requested, otherwise only first thematic category is displayed
             # should be fixed by C-based d.thematic.* modules
-            cmd = ['d.thematic.area']
-        elif ltype == 'themechart':
-            cmd = ['d.vect.chart']
-        elif ltype == 'grid':
-            cmd = ['d.grid']
-        elif ltype == 'geodesic':
-            cmd = ['d.geodesic']
-        elif ltype == 'rhumb':
-            cmd = ['d.rhumbline']
-        elif ltype == 'labels':
-            cmd = ['d.labels']
-        elif ltype == 'wms':
-            cmd = ['d.wms']
         if cmd:
             GUI(parent = self, centreOnParent = False).ParseCommand(cmd,
                                                                     completed = (self.GetOptData,layer,params))

Modified: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/mapdisp/main.py
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/mapdisp/main.py	2013-01-19 20:22:39 UTC (rev 54713)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/mapdisp/main.py	2013-01-19 20:43:32 UTC (rev 54714)
@@ -90,14 +90,16 @@
             for line in fd.readlines():
                 cmd = utils.split(line.strip())
                 ltype = None
-                if cmd[0] == 'd.rast':
-                    ltype = 'raster'
-                elif cmd[0] == 'd.vect':
-                    ltype = 'vector'
+                try:
+                    ltype = utils.command2ltype[cmd[0]]
+                except KeyError:
+                    grass.warning(_("Unsupported command %s.") % cmd[0])
+                    continue
                 name = utils.GetLayerNameFromCmd(cmd, fullyQualified = True,
                                                  layerType = ltype)[0]
                 self.AddLayer(ltype = ltype, command = cmd, active = False, name = name)
                 nlayers += 1
         except IOError, e:

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