[GRASS-SVN] r54748 - in grass-addons/grass7/raster: . r.forestfrag
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Tue Jan 22 04:06:49 PST 2013
Author: pvanbosgeo
Date: 2013-01-22 04:06:48 -0800 (Tue, 22 Jan 2013)
New Revision: 54748
Addon based on GRASS 6.4 addon r.forestfrag.sh. Made compatible with GRASS 7.0, added some options, including option to set the size of the moving window for the computation of the fragmentation index and to trim the output map to avoid edge effect at the boundaries of the map. Only tested on Linux (Ubuntu 12.10). Will not work with GRASS 6.4.
Added: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.forestfrag/description.html
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.forestfrag/description.html (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.forestfrag/description.html 2013-01-22 12:06:48 UTC (rev 54748)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<em>r.forestfrag</em> Computes the forest fragmentation following the methodology
+proposed by Riitters et. al (2000). See http://www.consecol.org/vol4/iss2/art3/ for
+a detailed explanation.
+<p>It follows a “sliding window” algorithm with overlapping windows.
+The amount of forest and its occurence as adjacent forest pixels within fixed-
+area "moving-windows" surrounding each forest pixel is measured. The
+window size is user-defined. The result is stored at the location of the center pixel.
+Thus, a pixel value in the derived map refers to "between-pixel" fragmentation
+around the corresponding forest location.
+<p> Let Pf be the proportion of pixels in the window that are forested. Define
+Pff (strictly) as the proportion of all adjacent (cardinal directions only)
+pixel pairs that include at least one forest pixel, for which both pixels are
+forested. Pff (roughly) estimates the conditional probability that, given a
+pixel of forest, its neighbor is also forest. [...] the classification
+model [...] identifies six fragmentation categories:
+<p>(1) interior, for which Pf = 1.0<br />
+(2) patch, Pf < 0.4<br />
+(3) transitional, 0.4 < Pf < 0.6<br />
+(4) edge, Pf > 0.6 and Pf - Pff < 0<br />
+(5) perforated, Pf > 0.6 and Pf – Pff > 0<br />
+(6) undetermined, Pf > 0.6 and Pf = Pff <br />
+<p>The moving window size is user-defined (default=3), but must be given as a odd number.
+if the user gives an even number, the number is silently reduced to the nearest
+odd number < user-defined number.
+<p>To avoid edge effects at the border of the raster layer the user can choose to
+have the output raster trimmed with a number of raster cells equal to 1/2 * the
+size of the moving window.
+<p>If the user selects to run r.report on the output map, but has selected to leave
+the output untrimmed, r.report will be run on a copy of the output map that is trimmed.
+<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+This addon is based on the r.forestfrag.sh
+<http://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/AddOns/GRASS_6#r.forestfrag> addon, adapted to make
+it compatible with GRASS 7.0. It introduces the option to change the moving window
+size and unlike the original addon, it respects the region (there is still the option
+to set the region to the input raster). This addon will not work on GRASS 6.4, please
+use the above mentioned addon.
+Emmanuel Sambale: Author original script<br />
+Stefan Sylla: Revised / updated <br />
+Paulo van Breugel: Revised / updated for GRASS 7.0, added the option to determine moving window size.<br />
+Contact: paulo at ecodiv.org
+Riitters, K., J. Wickham, R. O'Neill, B. Jones, and E. Smith. 2000. Global-scale patterns of forest fragmentation. Conservation Ecology 4(2): 3. [online] URL: http://www.consecol.org/vol4/iss2/art3/
+<i>Last changed: $Date: 2013-01-21 13:31:45 +0100 (Mon, 21 Jan 2013) $</i>
Added: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.forestfrag/r.forestfrag
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.forestfrag/r.forestfrag (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.forestfrag/r.forestfrag 2013-01-22 12:06:48 UTC (rev 54748)
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+# MODULE: r.forestfrag
+# AUTHOR(S): Emmanuel Sambale, Stefan Sylla, Paulo van Breugel
+# PURPOSE: Creates forest fragmentation index map from a forest-/
+# non-forest raster; The index map is based on Riitters,
+# K., J. Wickham, R. O'Neill, B. Jones, and E. Smith. 2000.
+# in: Global-scale patterns of forest fragmentation.
+# Conservation Ecology 4(2): 3. [online]
+# URL:http://www.consecol.org/vol4/iss2/art3/
+# NOTES This addon is an adaptation of the r.forestfrag.sh addon, to
+# work on GRASS 7.0 and to add the option to have the
+# size of the moving window determined by the user. For now
+# it does not work on GRASS 6.4. Use r.forestfrag.sh instead.
+# COPYRIGHT: (C) 1997-2013 by the GRASS Development Team
+# This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+# License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+# for details.
+#% description: creates forest fragmentation index from a GRASS raster map (where forest=1, non-forest=0) based on a method developed by Riitters et. al (2000). The index is computed using a moving window of user-defined size (default=3).
+#% keywords: raster, forest, fragmentation-index, Riitters
+#% key: input
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
+#% description: Name of forest raster map (where forest=1, non-forest=0)
+#% required : yes
+#% key: output
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: new
+#% description: Name output layer
+#% key_desc: name
+#% required: yes
+#% key: window
+#% type: integer
+#% description: Window size (odd number)
+#% key_desc: number
+#% answer : 3
+#% required: yes
+#% key: r
+#% description: Set region to raster?
+#% key: t
+#% description: keep temporary maps
+#% answer : 0
+#% key: s
+#% description: run r.report on output map?
+##% answer : 1 # marked out because of inconsistent behaviour of g.parser
+#% key: a
+#% description: shrink the output map?
+##% answer : 1
+# For testing purposes
+#GIS_OPT_INPUT=ForestMosaic at Testing
+## GRASS team recommandations
+if [ -z "$GISBASE" ] ; then
+ echo "You must be in GRASS GIS to run this program." 1>&2
+ exit 1
+if [ "$1" != "@ARGS_PARSED@" ] ; then
+ exec g.parser "$0" "$@"
+eval `g.findfile el=cell file=$GIS_OPT_INPUT`
+if [ ! "$file" ] ; then
+ echo "Raster map '$GIS_OPT_input' not found in mapset search path"
+ exit 1
+## Prepare data
+#set to current input map region (user option, default=current region)
+if [ $GIS_FLAG_R -eq 1 ];
+ echo "setting region to input map ..."
+ g.region rast=$GIS_OPT_INPUT
+# Set root name of temporary output files
+# get map (assuming input-map is a cell-raster with forest=1,
+# and setting all other values to 0 (assuming to be non-forest=)
+g.copy rast=${GIS_OPT_INPUT},${tmpl}
+# recode forest-map: nonforest = 0, forest = 1
+r.reclass in=${tmpl} out=${tmpl}A rules=- <<EOF
+1 = 1
+* = 0
+# computing pf values
+echo "computing pf values ..."
+## let forested pixels be x and number of all pixels in moving window be y, then
+## pf=x/y"
+# generate grid with pixel-value=number of forest-pixels in 3x3 moving-window:
+r.neighbors input=${tmpl}A output=${tmpl}A2 method=sum size=$GIS_OPT_WINDOW
+# generate grid with pixel-value=number of pixels in moving window:
+r.mapcalc "${tmpl}C3 = 1.0*$GIS_OPT_WINDOW^2" --overwrite
+# create pf map
+r.mapcalc file=- << EOF
+${tmpl}A3 = 1.0 * ${tmpl}A2
+${tmpl}pf = (${tmpl}A3/${tmpl}C3)
+# computing pff values
+echo "computing pff values ..."
+## Considering pairs of pixels in cardinal directions in a 3x3 window, the total
+## number of adjacent pixel pairs is 12. Assuming that x pairs include at least
+## one forested pixel, and y of those pairs are forest-forest pairs, so pff equals
+## y/x"
+# calculate number of 'forest-forest' pairs
+echo "... calculate number of 'forest-forest' pairs"
+tmpf=`g.tempfile pid=$$`
+echo -n "${tmpl}F1 = " >> $tmpf
+# Compute matrix dimensions
+SWn=$(echo "($SW - 1) / 2" | bc)
+# Write mapcalc expression to tmpf - rows
+rsub=$(seq $SWn -1 -$SWn)
+csub=$(seq -$SWn 1 $(echo "($SWn-1)" | bc))
+for k in $rsub
+ for l in $csub
+ do
+ echo -n "${tmpl}A[$k,$l]*${tmpl}A[$k,$(echo "$l+1" | bc)] + " >> $tmpf
+ done
+# Write mapcalc expression to tmpf - columns
+rsub=$(seq -$SWn 1 $SWn)
+csub=$(seq $SWn -1 $(echo "(-$SWn+1)" | bc))
+for k in $rsub
+ for l in $csub
+ do
+ echo -n "${tmpl}A[$l,$k]*${tmpl}A[$(echo "$l-1" | bc),$k] + " >> $tmpf
+ done
+echo -n "0" >> $tmpf
+r.mapcalc file=$tmpf
+unlink $tmpf
+# number of 'forest-forest' pairs
+tmpf2=`g.tempfile pid=$$$$`
+echo -n "${tmpl}F2 = " >> $tmpf2
+# Compute matrix dimensions
+SWn=$(echo "($SW - 1) / 2" | bc)
+# Write mapcalc expression to tmpf - rows
+rsub=$(seq $SWn -1 -$SWn)
+csub=$(seq -$SWn 1 $(echo "($SWn-1)" | bc))
+for k in $rsub
+ for l in $csub
+ do
+ echo -n "if((${tmpl}A[$k,$l]+${tmpl}A[$k,$(echo "$l+1" | bc)])>0,1) + " >> $tmpf2
+ done
+# Write mapcalc expression to tmpf - columns
+rsub=$(seq -$SWn 1 $SWn)
+csub=$(seq $SWn -1 $(echo "(-$SWn+1)" | bc))
+for k in $rsub
+ for l in $csub
+ do
+ echo -n "if((${tmpl}A[$l,$k]+${tmpl}A[$(echo "$l-1" | bc),$k])>0,1) + " >> $tmpf2
+ done
+echo -n "0" >> $tmpf2
+r.mapcalc file=$tmpf2
+unlink $tmpf2
+# create pff map
+r.mapcalc --overwrite file=- << EOF
+${tmpl}F1 = 1.0 * ${tmpl}F1
+${tmpl}F2 = 1.0 * ${tmpl}F2
+${tmpl}pff = ${tmpl}F1/${tmpl}F2
+# computing fragmentation index
+echo "computing fragmentation index ..."
+# (1) patch pf < 0.4
+# (2) transitional 0.4 < pf < 0.6
+# (3) edge pf > 0.6 and pf - pff < 0
+# (4) perforated pf > 0.6 and pf - pff > 0
+# (5) interior for which pf = 1.0
+# (6) undetermined pf > 0.6 and pf = pff
+r.mapcalc file=- << EOF
+${tmpl}pf2 = ${tmpl}pf - ${tmpl}pff
+${tmpl}f1 = if(${tmpl}pf<0.4,1,0)
+${tmpl}f2 = if(${tmpl}pf>=0.4 && ${tmpl}pf<0.6,2,0)
+${tmpl}f3 = if(${tmpl}pf>=0.6 && ${tmpl}pf2<0,3,0)
+${tmpl}f4 = if(${tmpl}pf>0.6 && ${tmpl}pf2>0,4,0)
+${tmpl}f5 = if(${tmpl}pf==1 && ${tmpl}pff==1,5,0)
+${tmpl}f6 = if(${tmpl}pf>0.6 && ${tmpl}pf<1 && ${tmpl}pf2==0,6,0)
+${tmpl}index = ${tmpl}f1+${tmpl}f2+${tmpl}f3+${tmpl}f4+${tmpl}f5+${tmpl}f6
+${tmpl}indexfin2 = ( ${tmpl}A * ${tmpl}index )
+#create categories
+echo "creating colors and categories ... "
+r.reclass ${tmpl}indexfin2 out=${tmpl}indexfin3 title="frag index" rules=- <<EOF
+0 = 0 nonforest
+1 = 1 patch
+2 = 2 transitional
+3 = 3 edge
+4 = 4 perforated
+5 = 5 interior
+6 = 6 undef
+# Shrink the region
+g.region save=rforestfrag987654321 --overwrite
+if [ $GIS_FLAG_A -eq 1 ];
+ NSRES=`g.region -p -g | grep nsres= | cut -f2 -d"="`
+ EWRES=`g.region -p -g | grep ewres= | cut -f2 -d"="`
+ NSCOR=$(echo "$SW*$NSRES*0.5" | bc)
+ EWCOR=$(echo "$SW*$EWRES*0.5" | bc)
+ g.region n=n-$NSCOR s=s+$NSCOR e=e-$EWCOR w=w+$EWCOR
+r.mapcalc "${GIS_OPT_OUTPUT} = ${tmpl}indexfin3"
+r.null ${GIS_OPT_OUTPUT} null=0
+#create color codes
+r.colors ${GIS_OPT_OUTPUT} --quiet rules=- << EOF
+0 255:255:0
+1 215:48:39
+2 252:141:89
+3 254:224:139
+4 217:239:139
+5 26:152:80
+6 145:207:96
+# Clean up (user option: copy pf, pff, pf2 first)
+if [ $GIS_FLAG_T -eq 1 ];
+ g.copy rast=${tmpl}pf,${GIS_OPT_OUTPUT}_pf
+ g.copy rast=${tmpl}pff,${GIS_OPT_OUTPUT}_pff
+ g.copy rast=${tmpl}pf2,${GIS_OPT_OUTPUT}_pf2
+echo "Deleting temporary files ...."
+g.mremove -f -b --quiet rast=${tmpl}*
+# computing fragmentation index
+if [ $GIS_FLAG_S -eq 1 ];
+ g.copy rast=${GIS_OPT_OUTPUT},${tmpl}_REPORT
+ # Shrink the region if output map was not trimmed
+ if [ $GIS_FLAG_A -eq 0 ];
+ then
+ NSRES=`g.region -p -g | grep nsres= | cut -f2 -d"="`
+ EWRES=`g.region -p -g | grep ewres= | cut -f2 -d"="`
+ NSCOR=$(echo "$SW*$NSRES*0.5" | bc)
+ EWCOR=$(echo "$SW*$EWRES*0.5" | bc)
+ g.region save=rforestfrag987654321
+ g.region n=n-$NSCOR s=s+$NSCOR e=e-$EWCOR w=w+$EWCOR
+ fi
+ echo "generate map reports ..."
+ r.report map=${tmpl}_REPORT units=h,p -n
+ echo " "
+ echo "------------------------------------------------------"
+ echo "Please note in order to avoid edge effects, the region"
+ echo "is reduced / shrinked with a number of raster cells"
+ echo "equal to 1/2 the moving window size before running"
+ echo "r.report, unless the user has already selected the "
+ echo "option to trim the output map with number of cells equal"
+ echo "to 1/2 the moving window size (default)."
+ echo "------------------------------------------------------"
+ echo " "
+g.remove rast=${tmpl}_REPORT --quiet
+g.region region=rforestfrag987654321
+g.remove --quiet region=rforestfrag987654321
Property changes on: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.forestfrag/r.forestfrag
Added: svn:executable
+ *
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