[GRASS-SVN] r57091 - in grass-addons/grass7/raster: . r.basin

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sat Jul 13 10:32:22 PDT 2013

Author: madi
Date: 2013-07-13 10:32:22 -0700 (Sat, 13 Jul 2013)
New Revision: 57091

r.basin ported on G7

Added: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.basin/Makefile
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.basin/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.basin/Makefile	2013-07-13 17:32:22 UTC (rev 57091)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+PGM = r.basin
+include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Script.make
+default: script

Added: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.basin/r.basin.html
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.basin/r.basin.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.basin/r.basin.html	2013-07-13 17:32:22 UTC (rev 57091)
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+<em>r.basin</em> generates the main 
+morphometric parameters of the basin starting from the digital 
+elevation model and the coordinates of the basin's closing section. 
+<h3>Important:</h3> <p>The closing section's coordinates must belong 
+to the river network generated by <a href="r.stream.extract.html">
+r.stream.extract</a>. It is suggested to run it beforehand.</p>  
+Morphometric parameters of basin</h3> 
+<p>The main parameters are: 
+<ul> <li>The coordinates of the vertices of the rectangle containing 
+the basin.</li> 
+<li>The center of gravity of the basin: the 
+coordinates of the pixel nearest to the center of gravity of the 
+geometric figure resulting from the projection of the basin on the 
+horizontal plane.</li> 
+<li>The area of the basin: is the area of a 
+single cell multiplied by the number of cells belonging to the basin.
+<li>The perimeter: is the length of the contour of the figure 
+resulting by the projection of the basin on the horizontal plane.
+<li>Characteristic values of elevation: the highest and the 
+lowest altitude, the difference between them and the mean elevation 
+calculated as the sum of the values of the cells divided by the 
+number of the cells.</li> 
+<li>The mean slope, calculated averaging 
+the slope map.</li> 
+<li>The length of the directing vector: the 
+length of the vector linking the outlet to the center of gravity of 
+the basin.</li> 
+<li>The prevalent orientation: in Grass GIS the 
+aspect categories represent the number degrees of east and they 
+increase counterclockwise: (90deg is North, 180 is West, 270 is 
+South 360 is East). The aspect value 0 is used to indicate undefined 
+aspect in flat areas with slope=0. We instead calculate the 
+orientation as the number of degree from north, increasing 
+<li>The length of main channel: is the length 
+of the longest succession of segments that connect a source to the 
+outlet of the basin.</li> 
+<li>The mean slope of main channel: it is 
+calculated as follows
+<br> <center> <img src="r.basin1.gif" border="0"
+alt="mean slope"> </center> 
+<br> where N is the topological 
+diameter, i.e. the number of links in which the main channel can be 
+divided on the basis of the junctions.</li> 
+<li>The circularity 
+ratio: is the ratio between the area of the basin and the area of 
+the circle having the same perimeter of the basin.</li> 
+elongation ratio: is the ratio between the diameter of the circle 
+having the same area of the basin and the length of the main channel.
+<li>The compactness coefficient: is the ratio between the 
+perimeter of the basin and the diameter of the circle having the 
+same area of the basin.</li> 
+<li>The shape factor: is the ratio 
+between the area of the basin and the square of the length of the 
+main channel.</li> 
+<li>The concentration time (Giandotti, 1934):
+<center> <img src="r.basin2.gif" border="0" alt="concentration time">
+<br> Where A is the area, L the length of the main 
+channel and H the difference between the highest and the lowest 
+elevation of the basin.</li> 
+<li>The mean hillslope length: is the 
+mean of the distances calculated along the flow direction of each 
+point non belonging to the river network from the point in which 
+flows into the network.</li> 
+<li>The magnitudo: is the number of the 
+branches of order 1 following the Strahler hierarchy.</li> 
+max order: is the order of the basin, following the Strahler 
+<li>The number of streams: is the number of the 
+branches of the river network.</li> 
+<li>The total stream length: is 
+the sum of the length of every branches.</li> 
+<li>The first order 
+stream frequency: is the ratio between the magnitudo and the area of 
+the basin.</li> 
+<li>The drainage density: is the ratio between the 
+total length of the river network and the area.</li> 
+<li>The Horton 
+ratios (Horton, 1945; Strahler, 1957).</li> </ul>  
+<ul> <li>The distance-area function, also known as Width Function: 
+in x axis is the length and in y axis is the area.</li> 
+hypsographic curve provides the distribution of the areas at 
+different altitudes. Each point on the hypsographic curve has on the 
+y-axis the altitude and on the x-axis the percentage of basin 
+surface placed above that altitude.</li> 
+<li>The ipsometric curve 
+has the same shape but is dimensionless.</li> </ul>  
+<ul> <li>Matplotlib</li> 
+<li>r.ipso</li> </ul>  
+<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>  
+<em> <a href="r.stream.basins.html">
+r.stream.basins</a>, <a href="r.stream.distance.html">
+r.stream.distance</a>, <a href="r.stream.extract.html">
+r.stream.extract</a>, <a href="r.stream.order.html">r.stream.order
+</a>, <a href="r.stream.stats.html">r.stream.stats</a>, <a href=
+"r.wf.html">r.wf</a>, <a href="r.ipso.html">r.ipso</a>, <a href=
+"r.watershed.html">r.watershed</a> </em>   
+<p><em>Rodriguez-Iturbe I., Rinaldo A. — Fractal River Basins, 
+Chance and Self-Organization. Cambridge Press (2001)</em> 
+Italian: Di Leo M., Di Stefano M., Claps P., Sole A. — 
+Caratterizzazione morfometrica del bacino idrografico in GRASS GIS 
+(Morphometric characterization of the catchment in GRASS GIS 
+environment), <a href= "http://geomatica.como.polimi.it/workbooks/">
+Geomatics Workbooks</a> , n. 9 (2010)</em></a>  
+Margherita Di Leo (dileomargherita AT gmail DOT com), Massimo Di 
+<i>Last changed: $Date: 2013-03-27 10:03:58 +0100 (Wed, 
+27 Mar 2013) $</i>

Added: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.basin/r.basin.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.basin/r.basin.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.basin/r.basin.py	2013-07-13 17:32:22 UTC (rev 57091)
@@ -0,0 +1,748 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# MODULE:      r.basin
+# AUTHOR(S):   Margherita Di Leo, Massimo Di Stefano
+# PURPOSE:     Morphometric characterization of river basins
+# COPYRIGHT:   (C) 2010 by Margherita Di Leo & Massimo Di Stefano
+#              dileomargherita at gmail.com
+#              This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+#              License (>=v3.0) and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
+#              See the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+#              for details.
+#% description: Morphometric characterization of river basins
+#% keywords: raster
+#% key: map
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: old,raster,raster
+#% key_desc: name
+#% description: Name of elevation raster map 
+#% required: yes
+#% key: prefix
+#% type: string
+#% key_desc: output prefix
+#% description: output prefix (must start with a letter)
+#% required: yes
+#% key: easting
+#% type: double
+#% key_desc: easting
+#% description: east coordinate of outlet point (must belong to river network) 
+#% required : yes
+#% key: northing
+#% type: double
+#% key_desc: northing
+#% description: north coordinate of outlet point (must belong to river network)
+#% required : yes
+#% key: threshold
+#% type: double
+#% key_desc: threshold
+#% description: threshold
+#% required : no
+#% key: a
+#% description: Use default threshold (1km^2)
+#% key: c
+#% description: No maps output
+import sys
+import os
+import grass.script as grass
+import math
+from numpy import array
+from numpy import zeros
+import csv
+if not os.environ.has_key("GISBASE"):
+    grass.message( "You must be in GRASS GIS to run this program." )
+    sys.exit(1)
+def main():
+    r_elevation = options['map'].split('@')[0] 
+    mapname = options['map'].replace("@"," ")
+    mapname = mapname.split()
+    mapname[0] = mapname[0].replace(".","_")
+    east = float(options['easting']) 
+    north = float(options['northing'])
+    autothreshold = flags['a']
+    nomap = flags['c']
+    prefix = options['prefix']+'_'+mapname[0]
+    r_accumulation = prefix+'_accumulation'
+    r_drainage = prefix+'_drainage'
+    r_stream = prefix+'_stream'
+    r_slope = prefix+'_slope'
+    r_aspect = prefix+'_aspect'
+    r_basin = prefix+'_basin'
+    r_strahler = prefix+'_strahler'
+    r_shreve = prefix+'_shreve'
+    r_horton = prefix+'_horton'
+    r_hack = prefix+'_hack'
+    r_distance = prefix+'_dist2out'
+    r_hillslope_distance = prefix+'_hillslope_distance'
+    r_height_average = prefix+'_height_average'
+    r_aspect_mod = prefix+'_aspect_mod'
+    r_dtm_basin = prefix+'_dtm_basin'
+    r_mainchannel = prefix+'_mainchannel'
+    r_stream_e = prefix+'_stream_e'
+    r_drainage_e = prefix+'_drainage_e'
+    r_mask = prefix+'_mask'
+    r_ord_1 = prefix+'_ord_1'
+    r_average_hillslope = prefix+'_average_hillslope'
+    r_mainchannel_dim = prefix+'_mainchannel_dim'
+    r_outlet = prefix+'_r_outlet'
+    v_outlet = prefix+'_outlet'
+    v_basin = prefix+'_basin'
+    v_centroid1 = prefix+'_centroid1'
+    v_mainchannel = prefix+'_mainchannel'
+    v_mainchannel_dim = prefix+'_mainchannel_dim'
+    v_network = prefix+'_network'
+    v_ord_1 = prefix+'_ord_1'
+    global tmp
+    # Save current region
+    grass.read_command('g.region', flags = 'p', save = 'original', overwrite = True)
+    # Watershed SFD
+    grass.run_command('r.watershed', elevation = r_elevation, 
+                                     accumulation = r_accumulation, 
+                                     drainage = r_drainage,  
+                                     convergence = 5, 
+                                     flags = 'am',
+                                     overwrite = True)
+    # Managing flag
+    if autothreshold :
+        # info_region = grass.read_command('g.region', flags = 'p', rast = '%s' % (r_elevation))
+        # dict_region = grass.parse_key_val(info_region, ':')
+        # resolution = float(dict_region['nsres'])
+        resolution = grass.region()['nsres']
+        th = 1000000 / (resolution**2)
+        grass.message( "threshold : %s" % th ) 
+    else :
+        th = options['threshold']
+    # Stream extraction
+    #### check if we have the r.stream.extract addon
+    if not grass.find_program('r.stream.extract', '--help'):
+        grass.fatal(_("The 'r.stream.extract' module was not found, install it first:") +
+                    "\n" +
+                    "g.extension r.stream.extract")
+    grass.run_command('r.stream.extract', elevation = r_elevation, 
+                                          accumulation = r_accumulation, 
+                                          threshold = th, 
+                                          d8cut = 'infinity', 
+                                          mexp = 0, 
+                                          stream_rast = r_stream_e,  
+                                          direction = r_drainage_e, 
+                                          overwrite = True)
+    try:
+        # Delineation of basin 
+        #### check if we have the r.stream.basins addon
+        if not grass.find_program('r.stream.basins', '--help'):
+            grass.fatal(_("The 'r.stream.basins' module was not found, install it first:") +
+                        "\n" +
+                        "g.extension r.stream.basins")
+        grass.run_command('r.stream.basins', dir = r_drainage, 
+                                             basins = r_basin, 
+                                             coors = '%s,%s' % (east , north),
+                                             overwrite = True)                                  
+        grass.message( "Delineation of basin done" )
+        # Mask and cropping
+        elevation_name = r_elevation = r_elevation.split('@')[0]
+        grass.mapcalc("$r_mask = $r_basin / $r_basin",
+                       r_mask = r_mask,
+                       r_basin = r_basin)
+        grass.mapcalc("tmp = $r_accumulation / $r_mask",
+                       r_accumulation = r_accumulation,
+                       r_mask = r_mask)
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = r_accumulation, quiet = True)
+        grass.run_command('g.rename', rast = ('tmp',r_accumulation))
+        grass.mapcalc("tmp = $r_drainage / $r_mask",
+                       r_drainage = r_drainage,
+                       r_mask = r_mask)
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = r_drainage, quiet = True)
+        grass.run_command('g.rename', rast = ('tmp', r_drainage))
+        grass.mapcalc("$r_elevation_crop = $r_elevation * $r_mask",
+                       r_mask = r_mask,
+                       r_elevation = r_elevation,
+                       r_elevation_crop = 'r_elevation_crop')
+        grass.mapcalc("tmp = $r_drainage_e * $r_mask",
+                       r_mask = r_mask,
+                       r_drainage_e = r_drainage_e)
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = r_drainage_e, quiet = True)
+        grass.run_command('g.rename', rast = ('tmp',r_drainage_e))
+        grass.mapcalc("tmp = $r_stream_e * $r_mask",
+                       r_mask = r_mask,
+                       r_stream_e = r_stream_e)
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = r_stream_e, quiet = True)
+        grass.run_command('g.rename', rast = ('tmp',r_stream_e))
+        grass.run_command('r.thin', input = r_stream_e, 
+                                    output = r_stream_e+'_thin',
+                                    overwrite = True)
+        grass.run_command('r.to.vect', input = r_stream_e+'_thin', 
+                                       output = v_network, 
+                                       type = 'line',
+                                       overwrite = True)
+        # Creation of slope and aspect maps
+        grass.run_command('r.slope.aspect', elevation = 'r_elevation_crop', 
+                                            slope = r_slope, 
+                                            aspect = r_aspect,
+                                            overwrite = True)
+        # Basin mask (vector)
+        # Raster to vector
+        grass.run_command('r.to.vect', input = r_basin, 
+                                       output = v_basin, 
+                                       type = 'area',
+                                       flags = 'sv',
+                                       overwrite = True)
+        # Add two columns to the table: area and perimeter                               
+        grass.run_command('v.db.addcolumn', map = v_basin,
+                                         columns = 'area double precision')
+        grass.run_command('v.db.addcolumn', map = v_basin,
+                                         columns = 'perimeter double precision')
+        # Populate perimeter column                                 
+        grass.run_command('v.to.db', map = v_basin, 
+                                 type = 'line,boundary', 
+                                 layer = 1, 
+                                 qlayer = 1, 
+                                 option = 'perimeter', 
+                                 units = 'kilometers', 
+                                 columns = 'perimeter', 
+                                 overwrite = True)
+        # Read perimeter
+        tmp = grass.read_command('v.to.db', map = v_basin, 
+                                 type = 'line,boundary', 
+                                 layer = 1, 
+                                 qlayer = 1, 
+                                 option = 'perimeter', 
+                                 units = 'kilometers', 
+                                 qcolumn = 'perimeter',
+                                 flags = 'p')                         
+        perimeter_basin = float(tmp.split('\n')[1].split('|')[1]) 
+        # Populate area column                                 
+        grass.run_command('v.to.db', map = v_basin, 
+                                 type = 'line,boundary', 
+                                 layer = 1, 
+                                 qlayer = 1, 
+                                 option = 'area', 
+                                 units = 'kilometers', 
+                                 columns = 'area', 
+                                 overwrite = True)  
+        # Read area
+        tmp = grass.read_command('v.to.db', map = v_basin, 
+                                 type = 'line,boundary', 
+                                 layer = 1, 
+                                 qlayer = 1, 
+                                 option = 'area', 
+                                 units = 'kilometers', 
+                                 qcolumn = 'area',
+                                 flags = 'p')                         
+        area_basin = float(tmp.split('\n')[1].split('|')[1])                 
+        # Creation of order maps: strahler, horton, hack, shreeve
+        grass.message( "Creating %s" % r_hack ) 
+        #### check if we have the r.stream.order addon
+        if not grass.find_program('r.stream.order', '--help'):
+            grass.fatal(_("The 'r.stream.order' module was not found, install it first:") +
+                    "\n" +
+                    "g.extension r.stream.order")
+        grass.run_command('r.stream.order', stream = r_stream_e, 
+                                        dir = r_drainage_e, 
+                                        strahler = r_strahler, 
+                                        shreve = r_shreve, 
+                                        horton = r_horton, 
+                                        hack = r_hack,
+                                        overwrite = True)
+        # Distance to outlet
+        grass.write_command('v.in.ascii', output = v_outlet, 
+                                      input = "-",
+                                      stdin = "%s|%s|9999"  % (east, north),
+                                      overwrite = True)
+        grass.run_command('v.to.rast', input = v_outlet, 
+                                   output = r_outlet, 
+                                   use = 'cat', 
+                                   type = 'point', 
+                                   layer = 1, 
+                                   value = 1, 
+                                   rows = 4096,
+                                   overwrite = True)
+        #### check if we have the r.stream.distance addon
+        if not grass.find_program('r.stream.distance', '--help'):
+            grass.fatal(_("The 'r.stream.distance' module was not found, install it first:") +
+                    "\n" +
+                    "g.extension r.stream.distance")
+        grass.run_command('r.stream.distance', stream = r_outlet, 
+                                           dir = r_drainage, 
+                                           flags = 'o', 
+                                           distance = r_distance,
+                                           overwrite = True)
+        # Ipsographic curve
+        grass.message( "##################################" )
+        #### check if we have the r.ipso addon
+        if not grass.find_program('r.ipso', '--help'):
+            grass.fatal(_("The 'r.ipso' module was not found, install it first:") +
+                    "\n" +
+                    "g.extension r.ipso")
+        grass.run_command('r.ipso', map = 'r_elevation_crop',
+                                  image = prefix, flags = 'ab')
+        grass.message( "##################################" )
+        # Width Function
+        grass.message( "##################################" )
+        #### check if we have the r.wf addon
+        if not grass.find_program('r.wf', '--help'):
+            grass.fatal(_("The 'r.wf' module was not found, install it first:") +
+                    "\n" +
+                    "g.extension r.wf")
+        grass.run_command('r.wf', map = r_distance,
+                                  image = prefix)
+        grass.message( "##################################" )
+        # Creation of map of hillslope distance to river network
+        grass.run_command("r.stream.distance", stream = r_stream_e, 
+                                           dir = r_drainage, 
+                                           elevation = 'r_elevation_crop' , 
+                                           distance = r_hillslope_distance,
+                                           overwrite = True)
+        # Mean elevation
+        grass.run_command("r.statistics2", base = r_basin, 
+                                    cover = "r_elevation_crop", 
+                                    method = "average",
+                                    output = r_height_average,
+                                    overwrite = True)
+        grass.message("r.statistics2 done")
+        mean_elev = float(grass.read_command('r.info', flags = 'r', 
+                                                   map = r_height_average).split('\n')[0].split('=')[1])
+        grass.message("r.info done")                                          
+        # In Grass, aspect categories represent the number degrees of east and they increase 
+        # counterclockwise: 90deg is North, 180 is West, 270 is South 360 is East. 
+        # The aspect value 0 is used to indicate undefined aspect in flat areas with slope=0.
+        # We calculate the number of degree from north, increasing counterclockwise.
+        grass.mapcalc("$r_aspect_mod = if($r_aspect > 90, 450 - $r_aspect, 90 - $r_aspect)",
+                  r_aspect = r_aspect,
+                  r_aspect_mod = r_aspect_mod)
+        grass.message("r.mapcalc done")
+        # Centroid and mean slope
+        baricenter_slope_baricenter = grass.read_command("r.volume", input = r_slope, 
+                                                                 clump = r_basin, 
+                                                                 centroids = v_centroid1,
+                                                                 overwrite = True)
+        grass.message("r.volume done")                                                         
+        baricenter_slope_baricenter = baricenter_slope_baricenter.split()
+        mean_slope = baricenter_slope_baricenter[28]
+        # Rectangle containing basin
+        basin_east = baricenter_slope_baricenter[31]
+        basin_north = baricenter_slope_baricenter[32]
+        info_region_basin = grass.read_command("g.region", 
+                                            vect = options['prefix']+'_'+mapname[0]+'_basin', 
+                                            flags = 'm')
+        grass.message("g.region done")                                     
+        dict_region_basin = dict(x.split('=', 1) for x in info_region_basin.split('\n') if '=' in x)
+        basin_resolution = float(dict_region_basin['nsres'])
+        x_massimo = float(dict_region_basin['n']) + (basin_resolution * 10)
+        x_minimo = float(dict_region_basin['w']) - (basin_resolution * 10)
+        y_massimo = float(dict_region_basin['e']) + (basin_resolution * 10)
+        y_minimo = float(dict_region_basin['s']) - (basin_resolution * 10)
+        nw = dict_region_basin['w'], dict_region_basin['n'] 
+        se = dict_region_basin['e'], dict_region_basin['s'] 
+        grass.message("Rectangle containing basin done")
+        # Directing vector 
+        delta_x = abs(float(basin_east) - east)
+        delta_y = abs(float(basin_north) - north)
+        L_orienting_vect = math.sqrt((delta_x**2)+(delta_y**2)) / 1000
+        grass.message("Directing vector done")
+        # Prevalent orientation 
+        prevalent_orientation = math.atan(delta_y/delta_x)
+        grass.message("Prevalent orientation done")
+        # Compactness coefficient 
+        C_comp = perimeter_basin / ( 2 * math.sqrt( area_basin / math.pi))
+        grass.message("Compactness coefficient done")
+        # Circularity ratio 
+        R_c = ( 4 * math.pi * area_basin ) / (perimeter_basin **2)
+        grass.message("Circularity ratio done")
+        # Mainchannel
+        grass.mapcalc("$r_mainchannel = if($r_hack==1,1,null())",
+                  r_hack = r_hack,
+                  r_mainchannel = r_mainchannel)
+        grass.message("doing r.thin")
+        grass.run_command("r.thin", input = r_mainchannel, 
+                                output = r_mainchannel+'_thin',
+                                overwrite = True)
+        grass.run_command('r.to.vect', input = r_mainchannel+'_thin', 
+                                   output = v_mainchannel, 
+                                   type = 'line', 
+                                   verbose = True,
+                                   overwrite = True)
+        grass.message("doing v.what")                           
+        param_mainchannel = grass.read_command('v.what', map = v_mainchannel, 
+                                                     coordinates = '%s,%s' % (east,north),
+                                                     distance = 5 )
+        tmp = param_mainchannel.split('\n')[8]
+        mainchannel = float(tmp.split()[1]) / 1000   # km
+        # Topological Diameter
+        grass.mapcalc("$r_mainchannel_dim = -($r_mainchannel - $r_shreve) + 1",
+                  r_mainchannel_dim = r_mainchannel_dim,
+                  r_shreve = r_shreve,
+                  r_mainchannel = r_mainchannel)
+        grass.run_command('r.thin', input = r_mainchannel_dim, 
+                                output = r_mainchannel_dim + '_thin',
+                                overwrite = True)
+        grass.run_command('r.to.vect', input = r_mainchannel_dim + '_thin', 
+                                   output = v_mainchannel_dim, 
+                                   type = 'line', 
+                                   verbose = True,
+                                   overwrite = True)
+        try:
+            D_topo1 = grass.read_command('v.info', map = v_mainchannel_dim, 
+                                               layer = 1, 
+                                               flags = 't')
+            D_topo = float(D_topo1.split('\n')[2].split('=')[1])
+        except:
+            D_topo = 1
+            grass.message( "Topological Diameter = WARNING" )
+        # Mean slope of mainchannel
+        grass.message("doing v.to.points")
+        grass.run_command('v.to.points',
+                                     input = v_mainchannel_dim, 
+                                     output = v_mainchannel_dim+'_point', 
+                                     type = 'line',
+                                     overwrite = True)
+        vertex = grass.read_command('v.out.ascii', verbose = True, 
+                                               input = v_mainchannel_dim+'_point').strip().split('\n')
+        nodi = zeros((len(vertex),4),float)
+        pendenze = []
+        for i in range(len(vertex)):
+            x, y = float(vertex[i].split('|')[0]) , float(vertex[i].split('|')[1])
+            vertice1 = grass.read_command('r.what', verbose = True, 
+                                               map = 'r_elevation_crop', 
+                                               coordinates = '%s,%s' % (x,y))
+            vertice = vertice1.replace('\n','').replace('||','|').split('|')
+            nodi[i,0],nodi[i,1], nodi[i,2] = float(vertice[0]), float(vertice[1]), float(vertice[2])
+        for i in range(0,len(vertex)-1,2):
+            dist = math.sqrt(math.fabs((nodi[i,0] - nodi[i+1,0]))**2 + math.fabs((nodi[i,1] - nodi[i+1,1]))**2)
+            deltaz = math.fabs(nodi[i,2] - nodi[i+1,2])
+            # Control to prevent float division by zero (dist=0)
+            try: 
+                pendenza = deltaz / dist 
+                pendenze.append(pendenza)
+                mainchannel_slope = sum(pendenze) / len(pendenze) * 100
+            except :
+	    	    pass
+        # Elongation Ratio
+        R_al = (2 * math.sqrt( area_basin / math.pi) ) / mainchannel
+        # Shape factor
+        S_f = area_basin / mainchannel
+        # Characteristic altitudes 
+             # Characteristic altitudes 
+        height_basin_average = grass.read_command('r.what', map = r_height_average , 
+                                                        cache = 500 , 
+                                                        coordinates = '%s,%s' % (east , north ))
+        height_basin_average = height_basin_average.replace('\n','')
+        height_basin_average = float(height_basin_average.split('|')[-1])
+        minmax_height_basin = grass.read_command('r.info', flags = 'r', 
+                                                       map = 'r_elevation_crop')
+        minmax_height_basin = minmax_height_basin.strip().split('\n')
+        min_height_basin, max_height_basin = float(minmax_height_basin[0].split('=')[-1]), float(minmax_height_basin[1].split('=')[-1])
+        H1 = max_height_basin 
+        H2 = min_height_basin
+        HM = H1 - H2
+        # Concentration time (Giandotti, 1934)
+        t_c = ((4 * math.sqrt(area_basin)) + (1.5 * mainchannel)) / (0.8 * math.sqrt(HM))
+        # Mean hillslope length
+        grass.run_command("r.statistics2", cover = r_stream_e, 
+                                   base = r_mask, 
+                                   method = "average",
+                                   output = r_average_hillslope,
+                                   overwrite = True)
+        mean_hillslope_length = float(grass.read_command('r.info', flags = 'r', 
+                                                               map = r_average_hillslope).split('\n')[0].split('=')[1])
+        # Magnitudo
+        grass.mapcalc("$r_ord_1 = if($r_strahler==1,1,null())",
+                  r_ord_1 = r_ord_1,
+                  r_strahler = r_strahler)
+        grass.run_command('r.thin', input = r_ord_1, 
+                                output = r_ord_1+'_thin', 
+                                iterations = 200,
+                                overwrite = True)
+        grass.run_command('r.to.vect', input = r_ord_1+'_thin', 
+                                   output = v_ord_1, 
+                                   type = 'line', 
+                                   flags = 'v',
+                                   overwrite = True)
+        magnitudo = float(grass.read_command('v.info', map = v_ord_1, 
+                                                   layer = 1, 
+                                                   flags = 't').split('\n')[2].split('=')[1])
+        # First order stream frequency 
+        FSF = magnitudo / area_basin
+        # Statistics
+        #### check if we have the r.stream.stats addon
+        if not grass.find_program('r.stream.stats', '--help'):
+            grass.fatal(_("The 'r.stream.stats' module was not found, install it first:") +
+                    "\n" +
+                    "g.extension r.stream.stats")
+        stream_stats = grass.read_command('r.stream.stats', stream = r_strahler, 
+                                                        dir = r_drainage_e, 
+                                                        elevation = 'r_elevation_crop' )
+        print "##################################"         
+        print "Output of r.stream.stats: "
+        print  stream_stats
+        stream_stats_summary = stream_stats.split('\n')[4].split('|')
+        stream_stats_mom = stream_stats.split('\n')[8].split('|')
+        Max_order , Num_streams , Len_streams , Stream_freq = stream_stats_summary[0] , stream_stats_summary[1] , stream_stats_summary[2] , stream_stats_summary[5] 
+        Bif_ratio , Len_ratio , Area_ratio , Slope_ratio = stream_stats_mom[0] , stream_stats_mom[1] , stream_stats_mom[2] , stream_stats_mom[3]
+        drainage_density = float(Len_streams) / float(area_basin)
+        # Cleaning up
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = 'r_elevation_crop', quiet = True)
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = r_height_average, quiet = True)
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = r_aspect_mod, quiet = True)
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = r_mainchannel, quiet = True)
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = r_stream_e, quiet = True)
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = r_drainage_e, quiet = True)
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = r_mask, quiet = True)
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = r_ord_1, quiet = True)
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = r_average_hillslope, quiet = True)
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = r_mainchannel_dim, quiet = True)
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = r_outlet, quiet = True)               
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = r_basin, quiet = True)
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = prefix+'_mainchannel_thin', quiet = True)
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = prefix+'_mainchannel_dim_thin', quiet = True)
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = prefix+'_ord_1_thin', quiet = True)
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = prefix+'_stream_e_thin', quiet = True)   
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', vect = v_mainchannel_dim+'_point', quiet = True)
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', vect = v_centroid1, quiet = True)
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', vect = v_mainchannel_dim, quiet = True)
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', vect = v_ord_1, quiet = True)
+        if nomap :
+            grass.run_command('g.remove', vect = v_outlet, quiet = True)
+            grass.run_command('g.remove', vect = v_basin, quiet = True)
+            grass.run_command('g.remove', vect = v_mainchannel, quiet = True)
+            grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = r_accumulation, quiet = True)
+            grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = r_drainage, quiet = True)
+            grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = r_aspect, quiet = True)
+            grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = r_strahler, quiet = True)
+            grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = r_shreve, quiet = True)
+            grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = r_horton, quiet = True)
+            grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = r_hack, quiet = True)
+            grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = r_distance, quiet = True)
+            grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = r_hillslope_distance, quiet = True)
+            grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = r_slope, quiet = True)
+        ####################################################
+        parametri_bacino = {}
+        parametri_bacino["mean_slope"] = float(mean_slope)
+        parametri_bacino["mean_elev"] = float(mean_elev)
+        parametri_bacino["basin_east"] = float(basin_east)
+        parametri_bacino["basin_north"] = float(basin_north)
+        parametri_bacino["basin_resolution"] = float(basin_resolution)
+        parametri_bacino["nw"] = nw
+        parametri_bacino["se"] = se
+        parametri_bacino["area_basin"] = float(area_basin)
+        parametri_bacino["perimeter_basin"] = float(perimeter_basin)
+        parametri_bacino["L_orienting_vect"] = float(L_orienting_vect)
+        parametri_bacino["prevalent_orientation"] = float(prevalent_orientation)
+        parametri_bacino["C_comp"] = float(C_comp)
+        parametri_bacino["R_c"] = float(R_c)
+        parametri_bacino["mainchannel"] = float(mainchannel)
+        parametri_bacino["D_topo"] = float(D_topo)
+        parametri_bacino["mainchannel_slope" ] = float(mainchannel_slope)
+        parametri_bacino["R_al"] = float(R_al)
+        parametri_bacino["S_f"] = float(S_f)
+        parametri_bacino["H1"] = float(H1)
+        parametri_bacino["H2"] = float(H2)
+        parametri_bacino["HM"] = float(HM)
+        parametri_bacino["t_c"] = float(t_c)
+        parametri_bacino["mean_hillslope_length"] = float(mean_hillslope_length)
+        parametri_bacino["magnitudo"] = float(magnitudo)
+        parametri_bacino["Max_order"] = float(Max_order)
+        parametri_bacino["Num_streams"] = float(Num_streams)
+        parametri_bacino["Len_streams"] = float(Len_streams)
+        parametri_bacino["Stream_freq"] = float(Stream_freq)
+        parametri_bacino["Bif_ratio"] = float(Bif_ratio)
+        parametri_bacino["Len_ratio"] = float(Len_ratio)
+        parametri_bacino["Area_ratio"] = float(Area_ratio)
+        parametri_bacino["Slope_ratio"] = float(Slope_ratio)
+        parametri_bacino["drainage_density"] = float(drainage_density)
+        parametri_bacino["FSF"] = float(FSF) 
+        # create .csv file
+        with open(prefix+'_parameters.csv', 'w') as f:
+    	    writer = csv.writer(f)
+    	    writer.writerow(['Morphometric parameters of basin :'])
+    	    writer.writerow([' '])
+            writer.writerow(['Easting Centroid of basin'] + [basin_east])
+            writer.writerow(['Northing Centroid of basin'] + [basin_north])
+            writer.writerow(['Rectangle containing basin N-W'] + [nw])
+            writer.writerow(['Rectangle containing basin S-E'] + [se])
+            writer.writerow(['Area of basin [km^2]'] + [area_basin])
+            writer.writerow(['Perimeter of basin [km]'] + [perimeter_basin])
+            writer.writerow(['Max Elevation [m s.l.m.]'] + [H1])
+            writer.writerow(['Min Elevation [m s.l.m.]'] + [H2])
+            writer.writerow(['Elevation Difference [m]'] + [HM])
+            writer.writerow(['Mean Elevation'] + [mean_elev])
+            writer.writerow(['Mean Slope'] + [mean_slope])
+            writer.writerow(['Length of Directing Vector [km]'] + [L_orienting_vect])
+            writer.writerow(['Prevalent Orientation [degree from north, counterclockwise]'] + [prevalent_orientation])
+            writer.writerow(['Compactness Coefficient'] + [C_comp])
+            writer.writerow(['Circularity Ratio'] + [R_c])
+            writer.writerow(['Topological Diameter'] + [D_topo])
+            writer.writerow(['Elongation Ratio'] + [R_al])
+            writer.writerow(['Shape Factor'] + [S_f])
+            writer.writerow(['Concentration Time (Giandotti, 1934) [hr]'] + [t_c])
+            writer.writerow(['Length of Mainchannel [km]'] + [mainchannel])
+            writer.writerow(['Mean slope of mainchannel [percent]'] + [mainchannel_slope])
+            writer.writerow(['Mean hillslope length [m]'] + [mean_hillslope_length])
+            writer.writerow(['Magnitudo '] + [magnitudo])
+            writer.writerow(['Max order (Strahler) '] + [Max_order])
+            writer.writerow(['Number of streams '] + [Num_streams])
+            writer.writerow(['Total Stream Length [km] '] + [Len_streams])
+            writer.writerow(['First order stream frequency '] + [FSF])
+            writer.writerow(['Drainage Density [km/km^2] '] + [drainage_density])
+            writer.writerow(['Bifurcation Ratio (Horton) '] + [Bif_ratio])
+            writer.writerow(['Length Ratio (Horton) '] + [Len_ratio])
+            writer.writerow(['Area ratio (Horton) '] + [Area_ratio])
+            writer.writerow(['Slope ratio (Horton) '] + [Slope_ratio])
+        grass.message( "\n" ) 
+        grass.message( "##################################" )
+        grass.message( "Morphometric parameters of basin :" )
+        grass.message( "##################################\n" )	
+        grass.message( "Easting Centroid of basin : %s " % basin_east )
+        grass.message( "Northing Centroid of Basin : %s " % basin_north )
+        grass.message( "Rectangle containing basin N-W : %s , %s " % nw ) 
+        grass.message( "Rectangle containing basin S-E : %s , %s " % se )
+        grass.message( "Area of basin [km^2] : %s " % area_basin )
+        grass.message( "Perimeter of basin [km] : %s " % perimeter_basin )
+        grass.message( "Max Elevation [m s.l.m.] : %s " % H1 )
+        grass.message( "Min Elevation [m s.l.m.]: %s " % H2 )
+        grass.message( "Elevation Difference [m]: %s " % HM )
+        grass.message( "Mean Elevation [m s.l.m.]: %s " % mean_elev )       
+        grass.message( "Mean Slope : %s " % mean_slope )
+        grass.message( "Length of Directing Vector [km] : %s " % L_orienting_vect )
+        grass.message( "Prevalent Orientation [degree from north, counterclockwise] : %s " % prevalent_orientation )
+        grass.message( "Compactness Coefficient : %s " % C_comp )
+        grass.message( "Circularity Ratio : %s " % R_c )      
+        grass.message( "Topological Diameter : %s " % D_topo )
+        grass.message( "Elongation Ratio : %s " % R_al )
+        grass.message( "Shape Factor : %s " % S_f )
+        grass.message( "Concentration Time (Giandotti, 1934) [hr] : %s " % t_c )
+        grass.message( "Length of Mainchannel [km] : %s " % mainchannel )
+        grass.message( "Mean slope of mainchannel [percent] : %f " % mainchannel_slope )
+        grass.message( "Mean hillslope length [m] : %s " % mean_hillslope_length )
+        grass.message( "Magnitudo : %s " % magnitudo )
+        grass.message( "Max order (Strahler) : %s " % Max_order )
+        grass.message( "Number of streams : %s " % Num_streams )
+        grass.message( "Total Stream Length [km] : %s " % Len_streams )
+        grass.message( "First order stream frequency : %s " % FSF )
+        grass.message( "Drainage Density [km/km^2] : %s " % drainage_density )
+        grass.message( "Bifurcation Ratio (Horton) : %s " % Bif_ratio )
+        grass.message( "Length Ratio (Horton) : %s " % Len_ratio )
+        grass.message( "Area ratio (Horton) : %s " % Area_ratio )
+        grass.message( "Slope ratio (Horton): %s " % Slope_ratio )
+        grass.message( "##################################" ) 
+        grass.message( "\n" )
+        grass.message( "Done!")
+    except:
+	    grass.message( "\n" )
+	    grass.message( "##################################" ) 
+	    grass.message( "\n" ) 
+	    grass.message( "An error occurred with the parameters calculation." )
+	    grass.message( "Please note that outlet coordinates must belong to the river network." )
+	    grass.message( "You might want to run r.stream.extract and choose coordinates matching with the extracted stream map." )
+	    grass.message( "Please report to the authors any other problem not related with coordinates outlet." )
+    # Set region to original 
+    grass.read_command('g.region', flags = 'p', region = 'original')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    options, flags = grass.parser()
+    sys.exit(main())

Added: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.basin/r.basin1.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.basin/r.basin1.gif
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.basin/r.basin2.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.basin/r.basin2.gif
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

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