[GRASS-SVN] r56525 - grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.crater

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sat Jun 1 05:53:41 PDT 2013

Author: ychemin
Date: 2013-06-01 05:53:41 -0700 (Sat, 01 Jun 2013)
New Revision: 56525

removed computation code for Copyright issue, in reimplementation from book Chapter 7 of Melosh

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.crater/crater.c
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.crater/crater.c	2013-06-01 09:23:27 UTC (rev 56524)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.crater/crater.c	2013-06-01 12:53:41 UTC (rev 56525)
@@ -1,171 +1,2 @@
-//program crater
-//Short program to evaluate the scaling equations to determine
-//the diameter of a transient crater given details on the nature
-//of the projectile, conditions of impact, and state of the
-//target.  The diameter is evaluated by three independent methods,
-//yield scaling, pi-scaling and Gault's semi-empirical relations
-//supplemented by rules on how crater size depends on gravity and
-//angle of impact.
-//Updated Nov. 1997 to compute projectile size from a given
-//transient crater diameter.  Projectile and crater diameter
-//computation functions merged into a single program April 1998.
-//See Melosh, Impact Cratering, chapter 7 for more details
-//Updated Oct. 1999 to take final crater diameters as well as 
-//transient crater diameters into account.
-//Copyright 1996, 1997 and 1998 by H. J. Melosh
-The original code was translated to Python @EGU2013 (20130410),
-then to C version @TRENTO GRASS meeting (20130414),
-into GRASS GIS @TRENTO GRASS meeting (20130416).
-Public domain - Yann Chemin
-int crater(double v, double theta, double rhotarget, double g, int targtype, double rhoproj, double L, double Dt, double Dfinal, int scaling_law, int return_time, int comptype){
-	double pi=3.1415926535897932384626433;
-	double third=1./3.;
-	/*constants for the Schmidt-Holsapple pi scaling & gravity conversion factors*/
-	double Cd[3]={1.88,1.54,1.6};
-	double beta[3]={0.22,0.165,0.22};
-	double gearth=9.8;
-	double gmoon=1.67;
-	double rhomoon=2700.;
-	double Dstarmoon=1.8*pow(10,4);
-	double Dprmoon=1.4*pow(10,5);
-	//convert units to SI and compute some auxiliary quantites
-	v=1000.*v;					/*km/sec to m/sec*/
-	theta=theta*(pi/180.);				/*degrees to radians*/
-	double anglefac=pow((sin(theta)),third);	/*impact angle factor*/
-	double densfac=pow(rhoproj,0.16667)/sqrt(rhotarget);
-	double pifac=(1.61*g)/(v*v);			/*inverse froude length factor*/
-	double Ct=0.80;					/*coefficient for formation time*/
-	if(targtype == 1){
-		Ct=1.3;
-	}
-	double Dstar=(gmoon*rhomoon*Dstarmoon)/(g*rhotarget);	/*transition crater diameter*/
-	double Dpr  =(gmoon*rhomoon*Dprmoon  )/(g*rhotarget);	/*peak-ring crater diameter*/
-	double Dstd, Lpiscale, Lyield, Lgault; /*Default mode*/
-	/***************************************************/
-	/*    computation for specified projectile diameter*/
-	/***************************************************/
-	double m, W, pitwo, dscale, Dpiscale, Dyield, gsmall, Dgault, Tform, Dsimple, size;
-	char *cratertype;
-	if(comptype == 1){
-		m=(pi/6.)*rhoproj*pow(L,3);		/*projectile mass*/
-		W=0.5*m*v*v;				/*projectile kinetic energy*/
-		pitwo=pifac*L;				/*inverse froude number*/
-		dscale=pow((m/rhotarget),third);	/*scale for crater diameter*/
-		if(scaling_law==0){
-			//Pi Scaling (Schmidt and Holsapple 1987)
-			Dpiscale=dscale*Cd[targtype-1]*pow(pitwo,(-beta[targtype-1]));
-			Dpiscale=Dpiscale*anglefac;
-			size=Dpiscale;
-		} else if(scaling_law==2){
-			//Yield Scaling (Nordyke 1962) with small correction for depth of projectile penetration
-			Dyield=0.0133*pow(W,(1/3.4))+1.51*sqrt(rhoproj/rhotarget)*L;
-			Dyield=Dyield*anglefac*pow((gearth/g),0.165);
-			size=Dyield;
-		} else {
-			//Gault (1974) Semi-Empirical scaling
-			gsmall=0.25*densfac*pow(W,0.29)*anglefac;
-			if(targtype == 3){
-				gsmall=0.015*densfac*pow(W,0.37)*pow(anglefac,2);
-			}
-			if(gsmall < 100.){
-				Dgault=gsmall;
-			}else{
-				Dgault=0.27*densfac*pow(W,0.28)*anglefac;
-			}
-			Dgault=Dgault*pow((gmoon/g),0.165);
-			size=Dgault;
-		}
-		if(return_time){
-			/*Compute crater formation time from Schmidt and Housen*/
-			Tform=(Ct*L/v)*pow(pitwo,-0.61);
-		}
-		/*Compute final crater type and diameter from pi-scaled transient dia.*/
-		Dsimple=1.56*Dpiscale;
-		/* TODO: Return category */
-		if (Dsimple < Dstar){
-			Dfinal=Dsimple;
-			cratertype="Simple";
-		}else{
-			Dfinal=pow(Dsimple,1.18)/pow(Dstar,0.18);
-			cratertype="Complex";
-		}
-		if((Dsimple < Dstar*1.4) && (Dsimple > Dstar*0.71)){
-			cratertype="Simple/Complex";
-		}
-		if(Dfinal > Dpr){
-			cratertype="Peak-ring";
-		}
-		/*Print out results*/
-// 		printf("Three scaling laws yield the following *transient*', crater diameters:\n");
-// 		printf("(note that diameters are measured at the pre-impact surface.\n");
-// 		printf("Rim-to-rim diameters are about 1.25X larger!)\n");
-// 		printf("Yield Scaling                       Dyield   =%f m\n", Dyield);
-// 		printf("Pi Scaling    (Preferred method!)   Dpiscale =%f m\n", Dpiscale);
-// 		printf("Gault Scaling                       Dgault   =%f m\n", Dgault);
-// 		printf("Crater Formation Time               Tform    =%f sec\n", Tform);
-// 		printf("Using the Pi-scaled transient crater, the *final* crater has\n");
-// 		printf("rim-to-rim diameter =%f km, and is of type %s\n",Dfinal/1000.,cratertype);
-	}
-	/***************************************************************/
-	/* Default Mode: Estimate projectile size from crater diameter */
-	/***************************************************************/
-	else{
-		/*convert input crater rim-to-rim diameter to transient crater diameter*/
-		if(Dt == 0.){
-			if(Dfinal < Dstar){
-				Dt=0.64*Dfinal;
-			}else{
-				Dt=0.64*pow((Dfinal*pow(Dstar,0.18)),0.8475);
-			}
-		dscale=pow(((6.*rhotarget)/(pi*rhoproj)),third);
-		}
-		if(scaling_law==0){
-			/*Pi Scaling (Schmidt and Holsapple 1987)*/
-			Dstd=Dt/anglefac;
-			Lpiscale=(Dstd*dscale*pow(pifac,beta[targtype-1]))/Cd[targtype-1];
-			Lpiscale=pow(Lpiscale,(1./(1.-beta[targtype-1])));
-			size=Lpiscale;
-		} else if(scaling_law==2){
-			/*Yield Scaling (Nordyke 1962) without correction for projectile penetration depth.*/
-			Dstd=(Dt*pow((g/gearth),0.165))/anglefac;
-			W=pow((Dstd/0.0133),3.4);
-			Lyield=pow(((12.*W)/(pi*rhoproj*v*v)),third);
-			size=Lyield;
-		} else {
-			/*Gault (1974) Semi-Empirical scaling*/
-			Dstd=Dt*pow((g/gmoon),0.165);
-			if((Dstd <= 10.) && (targtype == 3)){
-				W=pow(((Dstd/0.015)/(densfac*pow(anglefac,2))),2.70);
-			}else if(Dstd < 300.){
-				W=pow(((Dstd/0.25)/(densfac*anglefac)),3.45);
-			}else{
-				W=pow(((Dstd/0.27)/(densfac*anglefac)),3.57);
-			}
-			Lgault=pow(((12.*W)/(pi*rhoproj*pow(v,2))),third);
-			size=Lgault;
-		}
-		if(return_time){
-			/*Compute crater formation time for Pi-scaled diameter*/
-			Tform=(Ct*Lpiscale/v)*pow((pifac*Lpiscale),-0.61);
-		}
-		/*Print out results*/
-// 		printf("Three scaling laws yield the following projectile diameters:\n");
-// 		printf("(note that diameters assume a spherical projectile)\n");
-// 		printf("Yield Scaling                       Lyield   =%f m\n",Lyield);
-// 		printf("Pi Scaling    (Preferred method!)   Lpiscale =%f m\n",Lpiscale);
-// 		printf("Gault Scaling                       Lgault   =%f m\n",Lgault);
-// 		printf("Crater Formation Time               Tform    =%f sec\n",Tform);
-	}
-	if(return_time) return (Tform);
-	else return (size);
+/* Removed because of copyright */
+/* in reimplementation from the Chapter 7: Scaling of crater dimensions, from Melosh*/

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