[GRASS-SVN] r55468 - grass-addons/grass6/raster/r.fidimo

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Wed Mar 20 08:18:22 PDT 2013

Author: jradinger
Date: 2013-03-20 08:18:22 -0700 (Wed, 20 Mar 2013)
New Revision: 55468

Intial version, still under development

Added: grass-addons/grass6/raster/r.fidimo/r.fidimo.py
--- grass-addons/grass6/raster/r.fidimo/r.fidimo.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass6/raster/r.fidimo/r.fidimo.py	2013-03-20 15:18:22 UTC (rev 55468)
@@ -0,0 +1,872 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# MODULE:		FIDIMO Fish Dispersal Model for River Networks
+# AUTHOR(S):		Johannes Radinger
+# VERSION:		V0.1 Beta
+# DATE:			2011-10-02
+#% description: Calculating fish dispersal in a river network from source populations with species specific dispersal parameters
+#% keywords: Fish Dispersal Model
+#% key: river
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
+#% description: River network (raster-file, e.g. output from r.stream.extract or fidimo.river)
+#% required: no
+#% guisection: Stream parameters
+#% key: coors
+#% type: string
+#% required: no
+#% multiple: no
+#% key_desc: x,y
+#% description: River networks' outlet coordinates: E,N
+#% guisection: Stream parameters
+#% key: barriers
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt:old,file,input
+#% description: Barrier point file
+#% required: no
+#% guisection: Stream parameters
+#% key: s
+#% description: Remove small river segments
+#% key: n_source
+#% type: string
+#% key_desc: number[%]
+#% description: Either: Number of random cells with source populations
+#% required: no
+#% guisection: Source populations
+#% key: source_populations
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
+#% description: Or: Source population raster, e.g output from SDM
+#% required: no
+#% guisection: Source populations
+#% key: species
+#% type: string
+#% required: no
+#% multiple: no
+#% options:Custom species,Catostomus commersoni,Moxostoma duquesnii,Moxostoma erythrurum,Ambloplites rupestris,Lepomis auritus,Lepomis cyanellus,Lepomis macrochirus,Lepomis megalotis,Micropterus dolomieui,Micropterus punctulatus,Micropterus salmoides,Pomoxis annularis,Cottus bairdii,Cottus gobio,Abramis brama,Barbus barbus,Cyprinus carpio carpio,Gobio gobio,Leuciscus idus,Rutilus rutilus,Squalius cephalus,Tinca tinca,Esox lucius,Fundulus heteroclitus heteroclitus,Ameiurus natalis,Ictalurus punctatus,Morone americana,Etheostoma flabellare,Etheostoma nigrum,Perca fluviatilis,Percina nigrofasciata,Sander lucioperca,Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus gilae,Salmo salar,Salmo trutta fario,Salvelinus fontinalis,Salvelinus malma malma,Thymallus thymallus,Aplodinotus grunniens,Salmo trutta,Gobio gobio,Rutilus rutilus
+#% description: Select fish species
+#% guisection: Dispersal parameters
+#% key: L
+#% type: integer
+#% required: no
+#% multiple: no
+#% description: Fish Length (If no species is given)
+#% guisection: Dispersal parameters
+#% options: 39-810
+#% key: AR
+#% type: double
+#% required: no
+#% multiple: no
+#% description: Aspect Ratio of Caudal Fin (If no species is given) (valid range 0.51 - 2.29)
+#% guisection: Dispersal parameters
+#% key: T
+#% type: integer
+#% required: no
+#% multiple: no
+#% description: Time interval for model step in days
+#% guisection: Dispersal parameters
+#% options: 1-3285
+#% answer: 30
+#% key: p
+#% type: double
+#% required: no
+#% multiple: no
+#% description: Share of the stationary component (valid range 0 - 1)
+#% answer:0.67 
+#% guisection: Dispersal parameters
+#% key: b
+#% description: Don't keep basic vector maps (source_points, barriers)
+#% key: a
+#% description: Keep all temporal vector and raster maps
+#% key: truncation
+#% type: string
+#% required: no
+#% multiple: no
+#% options: 0.9,0.95,0.99,0.995,0.999,0.99999,0.999999999,inf
+#% description: kernel truncation criterion (precision)
+#% answer: 0.99
+#% guisection: Optional
+#% key: output
+#% type: string
+#% required: no
+#% multiple: no
+#% key_desc: name
+#% description: Base name for output raster
+#% guisection: Output
+#% answer: fidimo_out
+#% key: statistical_interval
+#% type: string
+#% required: no
+#% multiple: no
+#% key_desc: name
+#% description: Statistical Intervals
+#% guisection: Output
+#% options:no,Confidence Interval,Predicition Interval
+#% answer:no
+# import required base modules
+import sys
+import os
+import atexit
+import time
+import sqlite3
+import math #for function sqrt()
+# import required grass modules
+import grass.script as grass
+import grass.script.setup as gsetup
+import grass.script.array as garray
+#import random
+# import required numpy/scipy modules
+import numpy
+from scipy import stats
+from scipy import optimize
+#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+#import matplotlib as mpl
+tmp_map_rast = None
+tmp_map_vect = None
+def cleanup():
+	if (tmp_map_rast or tmp_map_vect) and not flags['a']:
+		grass.run_command("g.remove", 
+				rast = [f + str(os.getpid()) for f in tmp_map_rast],
+				vect = [f + str(os.getpid()) for f in tmp_map_vect],
+				quiet = True)
+def main():
+	############ DEFINITION CLEANUP TEMPORARY FILES ##############
+	#global variables for cleanup
+	global tmp_map_rast
+	global tmp_map_vect
+	tmp_map_rast = ['density_final_','density_final_corrected_','density_from_point_tmp_', 'density_from_point_unmasked_tmp_', 'distance_from_point_tmp_', 'distance_raster_tmp_', 'division_overlay_tmp_', 'downstream_drain_tmp_', 'flow_direction_tmp_', 'lower_distance_tmp_', 'rel_upstream_shreve_tmp_', 'river_raster_cat_tmp_', 'river_raster_tmp_', 'shreve_tmp_', 'source_populations_scalar_', 'strahler_tmp_', 'stream_segments_tmp_', 'upper_distance_tmp_', 'upstream_part_tmp_', 'upstream_shreve_tmp_']
+	tmp_map_vect = ['river_points_tmp_', 'river_vector_tmp_', 'river_vector_nocat_tmp_','source_points_']
+	if options['barriers']:
+		tmp_map_rast = tmp_map_rast + ['density_below_barrier_tmp_','distance_barrier_tmp_', 'distance_barrier_downstream_tmp','distance_from_point_within_segment_tmp_', 'distance_upstream_point_within_segment_tmp_', 'lower_distance_barrier_tmp_', 'upper_distance_barrier_tmp_', 'upstream_barrier_tmp_',  'upstream_density_tmp_', 'upstream_segment_tmp_']
+		tmp_map_vect = tmp_map_vect + ["barriers_",'barriers_tmp_', 'point_within_segment_tmp_']
+	############ PARAMETER INPUT ##############
+	#Stream parameters input
+	river = options['river']
+	coors = options['coors']
+	if options['barriers']:
+		input_barriers = options['barriers']
+	#Source population input
+	if (options['source_populations'] and options['n_source']) or (str(options['source_populations']) == '' and str(options['n_source']) == ''):
+		grass.fatal(_("Provide either fixed or random source population"))
+	n_source = options['n_source'] #number of random source points
+	source_populations = options['source_populations']
+	# multiplication value as workaround for very small FLOAT values
+	#imporatant for transformation of source population raster into point vector
+	scalar = 10**200
+	# Statistical interval
+	if (str(options['statistical_interval']) == 'Prediction Interval'):
+		interval = "prediction"
+	else:
+		interval = "confidence"
+	#Options and Output
+	output = options['output']
+	############ FISHMOVE ##############
+	# import required rpy2 module
+	import rpy2.robjects as robjects
+	from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr
+	fm = importr('fishmove')
+	#Dispersal parameter input
+	if str(options['species']!="Custom species") and (options['L'] or options['AR']):
+		grass.message(_("Species settings will be overwritten with L and AR"))
+	species = str(options['species'])
+	if options['L']:
+		L = float(options['L'])
+	if options['AR']:
+		AR = float(options['AR'])
+	T = float(options['T'])
+	# Setting Stream order to a vector of 1:9 and calculate fishmove for all streamorders at once
+	SO = robjects.IntVector((1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9))
+	m = 0 # m-parameter in dispersal function
+	if (float(options['p']) >= 0 and float(options['p']) < 1):
+		p =float(options['p'])
+	else:
+		grass.fatal(_("Valid range for p: 0 - 1"))
+	##### Calculating 'fishmove' depending on species or L & AR
+	if species == "Custom species":
+		fishmove = fm.fishmove(L=L,AR=AR,SO=SO,T=T,interval=interval)
+	else:
+		fishmove = fm.fishmove(species=species,SO=SO,T=T,interval=interval)
+	# using only part of fishmove results (only regression coeffients)
+	fishmove = fishmove[1]
+	nrun = ['fit','lwr','upr']
+	############ REGION, DB-CONNECTION ##############
+	#Setting region to extent of input River
+	grass.run_command("g.region",
+					  flags = "a",
+					  rast = river,
+					  overwrite = True,
+					  save = "region_Fidimo")
+	#Getting resultion, res=cellsize
+	res = int(grass.read_command("g.region",
+					  flags = "m").strip().split('\n')[4].split('=')[1])
+	#database-connection
+	env = grass.gisenv()
+	gisdbase = env['GISDBASE']
+	location = env['LOCATION_NAME']
+	mapset = env['MAPSET']
+	grass.run_command("db.connect",
+					  driver = "sqlite",
+					  database = "$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/sqlite.db")	 
+	database = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(gisdbase, location, mapset, 'sqlite.db'))
+	db = database.cursor()
+	#############################################
+	############################################# 
+	################ Preparation River Raster (Distance-Raster) ################
+	# Populate input-river (raster) with value of resolution
+	# *1.0 to get float raster instead of integer
+	grass.mapcalc("$river_raster = if($river,$res*1.0)",
+					  river_raster = "river_raster_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  river = river,
+					  res = res)
+	# Converting river_raster to river_vector
+	grass.run_command("r.to.vect",
+					  overwrite = True,
+					  input="river_raster_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  output="river_vector_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  feature="line")
+	# Converting river_raster to river_point
+	grass.run_command("r.to.vect",
+					  overwrite = True,
+					  input="river_raster_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  output="river_points_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  feature="point")	
+	#Prepare Barriers/Snap barriers to river_vector
+	if options['barriers']:
+		grass.run_command("v.in.ascii",
+						  flags = "n",
+						  overwrite = True,
+						  input=input_barriers,
+						  output="barriers_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+						  columns="x DOUBLE, y DOUBLE, clearance DOUBLE")
+		grass.run_command("v.db.addcol",
+						  map ="barriers_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+						  columns="new_X DOUBLE, new_Y DOUBLE")					
+		grass.run_command("v.distance",
+						  overwrite = True,
+						  _from="barriers_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+						  to="river_vector_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+						  upload="to_x,to_y",
+						  column="new_X,new_Y")
+		grass.run_command("v.in.db",
+						  overwrite = True,
+						  table="barriers_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+						  x="new_X",
+						  y="new_Y",
+						  key="cat",
+						  output="barriers_%d" % os.getpid())
+		grass.run_command("v.db.addcol",
+						  map ="barriers_%d" % os.getpid(),
+						  columns="dist DOUBLE, affected_barriers DOUBLE") # dist = distance of barrier to segment, affected_barriers = all barriers which are considered to be the scope of a segement
+		#Breaking river_vector at position of barriers to get segments
+		for new_X,new_Y in db.execute('SELECT new_X, new_Y FROM barriers_%d'% os.getpid()):
+			barrier_coors = str(new_X)+","+str(new_Y)
+			grass.run_command("v.edit",
+						  map="river_vector_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+						  tool="break",
+						  thresh="1,0,0",
+						  coords=barrier_coors)
+	#Getting category values (ASC) for river_network segements
+	grass.run_command("v.category",
+					overwrite=True,
+					input="river_vector_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					option="del",
+					output="river_vector_nocat_tmp_%d" % os.getpid())
+	grass.run_command("v.category",
+					overwrite=True,
+					input="river_vector_nocat_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					option="add",
+					output="river_vector_tmp_%d" % os.getpid()) 
+	#Check if outflow coors are on river
+	# !!!!!!
+	#Calculation of distance from outflow and flow direction for total river
+	grass.run_command("r.cost",
+					  flags = 'n',
+					  overwrite = True,
+					  input = "river_raster_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  output = "distance_raster_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  coordinate = coors)
+	grass.run_command("r.watershed",
+					  flags = 'm', #depends on memory!!
+					  elevation = "distance_raster_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  drainage = "flow_direction_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  stream = "stream_segments_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  threshold = "2",
+					  overwrite = True)
+	#!!!! Here Problem when 1 cell river section is in mainstem: gap in the middle of the river!
+	# Maybe solve with flag to choose either leave or remove small river sections!
+	#Removing small (1 cell) river sections and re-calculate distance raster and flow direction
+	if flags['s']:
+		grass.mapcalc("$river_raster = if($stream_segments>=0, $river_raster, null())",
+					 	 river_raster = "river_raster_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+						 stream_segments = "stream_segments_tmp_%d" % os.getpid())
+		grass.run_command("r.cost",
+					  	flags = 'n',
+					  	overwrite = True,
+					  	input = "river_raster_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  	output = "distance_raster_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  	coordinate = coors)
+		grass.run_command("r.watershed",
+					  	flags = 'm', #depends on memory!!
+					  	elevation = "distance_raster_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  	drainage = "flow_direction_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  	overwrite = True)
+	#Calculation of stream order (Shreve/Strahler)
+	grass.run_command("r.stream.order",
+					  stream = "stream_segments_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  dir = "flow_direction_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  shreve = "shreve_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  strahler = "strahler_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  overwrite = True)
+	################ Preparation Source Populations ################
+	#Defining source points either as random points in river or from input raster
+	if options['n_source']:
+		grass.run_command("r.random",
+						  overwrite=True,
+						  input = "river_raster_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+						  n = n_source,
+						  vector_output="source_points_%d" % os.getpid())
+		grass.run_command("v.db.addcol",
+					  map = "source_points_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  columns = "prob DOUBLE")
+		# Set starting propability of occurence to 1 for all random source_points	
+		grass.write_command("db.execute",
+					stdin = 'UPDATE source_points_%d SET prob=1' % os.getpid())
+	#if source population raster is provided, then use it, transform raster in vector points
+	#create an attribute column "prob" and update it with the values from the raster map
+	#due to precision float storage problems (very small numbers cause problems) multiply the
+	#raster beforehand by a large scalar.
+	if options['source_populations']:
+		#Multiplying source probability with very large scalar to avoid problems 
+		#with very small floating points (problem: precision of FLOAT); needs retransforamtion in the end
+		grass.mapcalc("$source_populations_large = $source_populations*$scalar",
+							source_populations = source_populations,
+							source_populations_large = "source_populations_scalar_%d" % os.getpid(),
+							scalar = scalar)
+		grass.run_command("r.to.vect",
+							overwrite = True,
+							input = "source_populations_scalar_%d" % os.getpid(),
+							output = "source_points_%d" % os.getpid(),
+							feature = "point")
+		grass.run_command("v.db.addcol",
+					  map = "source_points_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  columns = "prob DOUBLE")
+		#populate sample prob from input prob-raster (multiplied by scalar)
+		grass.run_command("v.what.rast",
+						vector = "source_points_%d" % os.getpid(),
+						raster = "source_populations_scalar_%d" % os.getpid(),
+						column = "prob")
+	#Adding columns and coordinates to source points
+	grass.run_command("v.db.addcol",
+					  map = "source_points_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  columns = "X DOUBLE, Y DOUBLE, Segment INT, Strahler INT")					
+	grass.run_command("v.to.db",
+					  map = "source_points_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  type = "point",
+					  option = "coor",
+					  columns = "X,Y")
+	#Convert river from vector to raster format and get cat-value
+	grass.run_command("v.to.rast",
+					  input = "river_vector_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  overwrite = True,
+					  output = "river_raster_cat_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  use = "cat")
+	#Adding information of segment to source points					 
+	grass.run_command("v.what.rast",
+					  vector = "source_points_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  raster = "river_raster_cat_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  column = "Segment")
+	#Adding information of Strahler stream order to source points					 
+	grass.run_command("v.what.rast",
+					  vector = "source_points_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  raster = "strahler_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+					  column = "Strahler") 
+	########### Looping over nrun, over segements, over source points ##########
+	if str(options['statistical_interval']) == "no":
+		nrun = ['fit']
+	else:
+		nrun = ['fit','lwr','upr']
+	for i in nrun:
+		database = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(gisdbase, location, mapset, 'sqlite.db'))
+		#update database-connection
+		db = database.cursor()
+		mapcalc_list_B = []
+		# Loop over Segments
+		for Segment in sorted(list(set(db.execute('SELECT Segment FROM source_points_%d ORDER BY Segment ASC' % os.getpid())))):
+			grass.message("this is Segement Nr.: " +str(Segment))
+			mapcalc_list_A = []
+			# Loop over Source points		  
+			for cat,X,Y,prob,Strahler in db.execute('SELECT cat, X, Y, prob, Strahler FROM source_points_%d WHERE Segment=?' % os.getpid(), (str(Segment[0]),)):
+				coors = str(X)+","+str(Y)
+				segment_cat = str(Segment[0])
+				#Select dispersal parameters
+				SO = 'SO='+str(Strahler)
+				sigma_stat = fishmove.rx(i,'sigma_stat',1,1,SO,1)
+				sigma_mob = fishmove.rx(i,'sigma_mob',1,1,SO,1)
+				# Getting maximum distance (cutting distance) based on truncation criterion	  
+				def func(x,sigma_stat,sigma_mob,m,truncation,p):
+					return p * stats.norm.cdf(x, loc=m, scale=sigma_stat) + (1-p) * stats.norm.cdf(x, loc=m, scale=sigma_mob) - truncation
+				if options['truncation'] == "inf":
+					max_dist = 0
+				else:
+					truncation = float(options['truncation'])
+					max_dist = int(optimize.zeros.newton(func, 1., args=(sigma_stat,sigma_mob,m,truncation,p)))
+				grass.message("The maximum spread distance for this source point is: "+str(max_dist))
+				grass.run_command("r.cost",
+							  flags = 'n',
+							  overwrite = True,
+							  input = "river_raster_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+							  output = "distance_from_point_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+							  coordinate = coors,
+							  max_cost = max_dist)
+				# Getting upper and lower distance (cell boundaries) based on the fact that there are different flow lenghts through a cell depending on the direction (diagonal-orthogonal)		  
+				grass.mapcalc("$upper_distance = if($flow_direction==2||$flow_direction==4||$flow_direction==6||$flow_direction==8||$flow_direction==-2||$flow_direction==-4||$flow_direction==-6||$flow_direction==-8, $distance_from_point+($ds/2.0), $distance_from_point+($dd/2.0))",
+							upper_distance = "upper_distance_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+							flow_direction = "flow_direction_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+							distance_from_point = "distance_from_point_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(), 
+							ds = res,
+							dd = math.sqrt(2)*res)
+				grass.mapcalc("$lower_distance = if($flow_direction==2||$flow_direction==4||$flow_direction==6||$flow_direction==8||$flow_direction==-2||$flow_direction==-4||$flow_direction==-6||$flow_direction==-8, $distance_from_point-($ds/2.0), $distance_from_point-($dd/2.0))",
+							lower_distance = "lower_distance_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+							flow_direction = "flow_direction_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+							distance_from_point = "distance_from_point_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(), 
+							ds = res,
+							dd = math.sqrt(2)*res)
+				# MAIN PART: leptokurtic probability density kernel based on fishmove
+				def cdf(x):
+					return (p * stats.norm.cdf(x, loc=m, scale=sigma_stat) + (1-p) * stats.norm.cdf(x, loc=m, scale=sigma_mob)) * prob
+				#Calculation Kernel Density from Distance Raster
+				#only for m=0 because of cdf-function
+				if grass.find_file(name = "density_from_point_unmasked_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(), element = 'cell')['file']:
+					grass.run_command("g.remove", rast = "density_from_point_unmasked_tmp_%d" % os.getpid())
+				x1 = garray.array()
+				x1.read("lower_distance_tmp_%d" % os.getpid())
+				x2 = garray.array()
+				x2.read("upper_distance_tmp_%d" % os.getpid())
+				Density = garray.array()
+				Density[...] = cdf(x2) - cdf(x1)
+				Density.write("density_from_point_unmasked_tmp_%d" % os.getpid())
+				# Mask density output because Density.write doesn't provide nulls()
+				grass.mapcalc("$density_from_point = if($distance_from_point>=0, $density_from_point_unmasked, null())",
+							density_from_point = "density_from_point_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(), 
+							distance_from_point = "distance_from_point_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(), 
+							density_from_point_unmasked = "density_from_point_unmasked_tmp_%d" % os.getpid())
+				# Defining area upstream source point
+				grass.run_command("r.stream.basins",
+							  overwrite = True,
+							  dir = "flow_direction_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+							  coors = coors,
+							  basins = "upstream_part_tmp_%d" % os.getpid())
+				# Defining area downstream source point
+				grass.run_command("r.drain",
+								input = "distance_raster_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+								output = "downstream_drain_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+								overwrite = True,
+								coordinate = coors)
+				# Applying upstream split at network nodes based on inverse shreve stream order	 
+				grass.mapcalc("$upstream_shreve = if($upstream_part, $shreve)",
+							upstream_shreve = "upstream_shreve_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(), 
+							upstream_part = "upstream_part_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(), 
+							shreve = "shreve_tmp_%d" % os.getpid())	  
+				max_shreve = grass.raster_info("upstream_shreve_tmp_%d" % os.getpid())['max']
+				grass.mapcalc("$rel_upstream_shreve = $upstream_shreve / $max_shreve", 
+							rel_upstream_shreve = "rel_upstream_shreve_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(), 
+							upstream_shreve = "upstream_shreve_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(), 
+							max_shreve = max_shreve)
+				grass.mapcalc("$division_overlay = if(isnull($downstream_drain), $rel_upstream_shreve, $downstream_drain)", 
+							division_overlay = "division_overlay_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(), 
+							downstream_drain = "downstream_drain_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(), 
+							rel_upstream_shreve = "rel_upstream_shreve_tmp_%d" % os.getpid())
+				grass.mapcalc("$density = if($density_from_point, $density_from_point*$division_overlay, null())",
+							density = "density_"+str(cat),
+							density_from_point = "density_from_point_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+							division_overlay = "division_overlay_tmp_%d" % os.getpid())
+				grass.run_command("r.null", map="density_"+str(cat), null="0")
+				mapcalc_list_A.append("density_"+str(cat))	
+			mapcalc_string_A1 = "+".join(mapcalc_list_A)
+			mapcalc_string_A2 = ",".join(mapcalc_list_A)
+			grass.mapcalc("$density_segment = $mapcalc_string_A1",
+							density_segment = "density_segment_"+segment_cat,
+							mapcalc_string_A1 = mapcalc_string_A1)
+			grass.run_command("r.null", map="density_segment_"+segment_cat, setnull="0") # Final density map per segment without barriers
+			grass.run_command("g.remove", rast = mapcalc_string_A2, flags ="f")
+			################### Barriers ########################
+			if options['barriers']:
+				grass.run_command("r.mask",
+							flags="o",
+							input = "river_raster_cat_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+							maskcats = segment_cat)
+				#Create one single random point within analyzed segment
+				grass.run_command("r.random",
+							overwrite=True,
+							input = "river_raster_cat_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+							n = 1,
+							cover="MASK",
+							vector_output="point_within_segment_tmp_%d" % os.getpid())
+				#Important to remove mask after calculation
+				grass.run_command("g.remove", rast = "MASK")   
+				# Getting pseudo-flowdirection for defining upstream area
+				grass.run_command("r.stream.basins",
+								  overwrite = True,
+								  dir = "flow_direction_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+								  points = "point_within_segment_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+								  basins = "upstream_segment_tmp_%d" % os.getpid())
+				#Defining area upstream analyzed segment
+				grass.run_command("r.cost",
+							  flags = 'n',
+							  overwrite = True,
+							  input = "river_raster_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+							  output = "distance_from_point_within_segment_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+							  start_points = "point_within_segment_tmp_%d" % os.getpid())			   
+				grass.mapcalc("$distance_upstream_point_within_segment = if($upstream_segment, $distance_from_point_within_segment, null())",
+								distance_upstream_point_within_segment = "distance_upstream_point_within_segment_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+								upstream_segment ="upstream_segment_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+								distance_from_point_within_segment = "distance_from_point_within_segment_tmp_%d" % os.getpid())
+				#Getting distance of barriers from segment and information if barrier is involved/affected
+				grass.run_command("v.what.rast",
+								vector = "barriers_%d" % os.getpid(),
+								raster = "distance_upstream_point_within_segment_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+								column = "dist")
+				grass.run_command("v.what.rast",
+								vector = "barriers_%d" % os.getpid(),
+								raster = "density_segment_"+segment_cat,
+								column = "affected_barriers")
+				#To find out if a loop over the affected barriers is the last loop (find the upstream most barrier)
+				db.execute('SELECT MAX(dist) FROM barriers_%d WHERE affected_barriers > 0 AND dist > 0 ORDER BY dist' % os.getpid())
+				last_barrier = db.fetchone()[0]
+				# Loop over the affected barriers (from most downstream barrier to most upstream barrier)
+				for cat,X,Y,dist,clearance in db.execute('SELECT cat, X, Y, dist, clearance FROM barriers_%d WHERE affected_barriers > 0 AND dist > 0 ORDER BY dist' % os.getpid()):
+					coors_barriers = str(X)+","+str(Y)
+					#Defining upstream the barrier
+					grass.run_command("r.stream.basins",
+								  overwrite = True,
+								  dir = "flow_direction_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+								  coors = coors_barriers,
+								  basins = "upstream_barrier_tmp_%d" % os.getpid())
+					#Getting density upstream barrier only
+					grass.mapcalc("$upstream_density = if($upstream_barrier, $density_segment, null())",
+								upstream_density = "upstream_density_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(), 
+								upstream_barrier = "upstream_barrier_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(), 
+								density_segment = "density_segment_"+str(Segment[0]))
+					#Getting sum of upstream density and density to relocate downstream
+					d = {'n':5, 'min': 6, 'max': 7, 'mean': 9, 'sum': 14, 'median':16, 'range':8}
+					univar = grass.read_command("r.univar", map = "upstream_density_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(), flags = 'e')
+					upstream_density = float(univar.split('\n')[d['sum']].split(':')[1])
+					density_for_downstream = upstream_density*(1-clearance)
+					# barrier_effect = Length of Effect of barriers (linear decrease up to max (barrier_effect)
+					barrier_effect=200 #units as in mapset (m)
+					# Calculating distance from barriers (up- and downstream)
+					grass.run_command("r.cost",
+								  overwrite = True,
+								  input = "river_raster_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+								  output = "distance_barrier_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+								  coordinate = coors_barriers,
+								  max_cost=barrier_effect)
+					# Getting distance map for downstream of barrier only
+					grass.mapcalc("$distance_barrier_downstream = if(isnull($upstream_barrier) && $distance_barrier < $barrier_effect, $distance_barrier, null())",
+								distance_barrier_downstream = "distance_barrier_downstream_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+								upstream_barrier = "upstream_barrier_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(), 
+								distance_barrier = "distance_barrier_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+								barrier_effect = barrier_effect)
+					# Getting parameters for distance weighted relocation of densities below the barrier (linear decrease)
+					univar = grass.read_command("r.univar", map = "distance_barrier_downstream_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(), flags = 'e')
+					sum_distance_downstream_barrier = float(univar.split('\n')[d['sum']].split(':')[1])
+					number_distance_downstream_barrier = float(univar.split('\n')[d['n']].split(':')[1])
+					max_distance_downstream_barrier = float(univar.split('\n')[d['max']].split(':')[1])
+					a = density_for_downstream/(number_distance_downstream_barrier-sum_distance_downstream_barrier/max_distance_downstream_barrier)	
+					#Remove any old density_below_barrier map	 
+					grass.run_command("g.remove", rast = "density_below_barrier_tmp_%d" % os.getpid())
+					#Calculation Kernel Density downstream the barrier	
+					grass.mapcalc("$density_below_barrier = $a-($a/$distance_max)*$distance_barrier_downstream",
+								density_below_barrier = "density_below_barrier_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+								a = a, 
+								distance_max = max_distance_downstream_barrier,
+								distance_barrier_downstream = "distance_barrier_downstream_tmp_%d" % os.getpid())				
+					# Combination upstream and downstream density from barrier
+					grass.run_command("r.null", map="density_segment_"+str(Segment[0]), null="0")
+					grass.run_command("r.null", map="density_below_barrier_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(), null="0")
+					grass.mapcalc("$density_segment = if(isnull($upstream_barrier), $density_below_barrier+$density_segment, $upstream_density*$clearance)",
+								density_segment = "density_segment_"+str(Segment[0]), 
+								upstream_barrier = "upstream_barrier_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(), 
+								density_below_barrier = "density_below_barrier_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+								upstream_density = "upstream_density_tmp_%d" % os.getpid(),
+								clearance=clearance)
+					if dist == last_barrier :
+						grass.run_command("r.null", map="density_segment_"+str(Segment[0]), null="0")
+					else:
+						grass.run_command("r.null", map="density_segment_"+str(Segment[0]), setnull="0")
+			grass.run_command("r.null", map="density_segment_"+str(Segment[0]), null="0") # Final density map per segment without barriers
+			mapcalc_list_B.append("density_segment_"+str(Segment[0]))
+		mapcalc_string_B1 = "+".join(mapcalc_list_B)
+		mapcalc_string_B2 = ",".join(mapcalc_list_B)
+		# Final raster map, Final map is sum of all 
+		# density maps (for each segement), All contirbuting maps (string_B2) are deleted
+		# in the end.
+		grass.mapcalc("$density_final = $mapcalc_string_B1",
+						density_final = "density_final_%d" % os.getpid(),
+						mapcalc_string_B1 = mapcalc_string_B1)
+		# if the source populations raster is used as input, then the final raster
+		# needs backtransformation (divide by scalar which was defined before)
+		if options['source_populations']:
+			grass.mapcalc("$density_final_corrected = $density_final/$scalar",
+							density_final_corrected = "density_final_corrected_%d" % os.getpid(),
+							density_final = "density_final_%d" % os.getpid(),
+							scalar = scalar)
+			grass.run_command("g.copy", 
+			rast = "density_final_corrected_%d" % os.getpid() + "," + output+"_"+i)
+		else:
+			grass.run_command("g.copy", 
+			rast = "density_final_%d" % os.getpid() + "," + output+"_"+i)
+		# Set all 0-values to NULL, Backgroundvalues			
+		grass.run_command("r.null", map=output+"_"+i, setnull="0")
+		grass.run_command("g.remove", rast = mapcalc_string_B2, flags ="f")
+	# Make source_points and barriers permanent	 
+	grass.run_command("g.copy", 
+		vect = "source_points_%d" % os.getpid() + "," + output + "_source_points")
+	if options['barriers']:
+		grass.run_command("g.copy", 
+			vect = "barriers_%d" % os.getpid() + "," + output + "_barriers")
+	if flags['b']:
+		grass.run_command("g.remove", vect = output + "_source_points", flags ="f")
+		if options['barriers']:
+			grass.run_command("g.remove", vect = output + "_barriers", flags ="f")
+	return 0
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+	options, flags = grass.parser()
+	atexit.register(cleanup)
+	sys.exit(main())

Property changes on: grass-addons/grass6/raster/r.fidimo/r.fidimo.py
Added: svn:executable
   + *

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