[GRASS-SVN] r61143 - sandbox/annakrat/r3.flow

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Thu Jul 3 15:48:19 PDT 2014

Author: annakrat
Date: 2014-07-03 15:48:19 -0700 (Thu, 03 Jul 2014)
New Revision: 61143

r3.flow: reorganize main to avoid creating array of seed points

Modified: sandbox/annakrat/r3.flow/r3.flow.py
--- sandbox/annakrat/r3.flow/r3.flow.py	2014-07-03 15:02:22 UTC (rev 61142)
+++ sandbox/annakrat/r3.flow/r3.flow.py	2014-07-03 22:48:19 UTC (rev 61143)
@@ -94,7 +94,6 @@
 from grass.script import core as gcore
 from grass.script import array as garray
-from grass.script import raster3d as grast3d
 from grass.pygrass.vector import VectorTopo
 from grass.pygrass.vector.geometry import Line, Point
@@ -124,10 +123,69 @@
         self.neighbors_pos = None
+class Integrate:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.direction = None
+        self.unit = None
+        self.step = None
+        self.cell_size = None
+        self.limit = None
+def compute_flowline(map_info, seed, velocity_obj, integration, flowline_vector, flowacc):
+    count = 0
+    point = seed.x, seed.y, seed.z
+    if seed.flowline:
+        line = Line([Point(seed.x, seed.y, seed.z)])
+    last_coords = (None, None, None)
+    new_point = [None, None, None]
+    while count <= integration.limit:
+        velocity_vector = get_velocity(map_info, velocity_obj, point)
+        if velocity_vector is None:
+            break  # outside region
+        velocity_norm = norm(velocity_vector)
+        if velocity_norm <= EPSILON:
+            break  # zero velocity means end of propagation
+        # convert to time
+        delta_T = get_time_step(integration.unit, integration.step, velocity_norm, integration.cell_size)
+        # decide which integration method to choose
+        if not RK45:
+            ret = rk4_integrate_next(map_info, velocity_obj, point, new_point,
+                                     delta_T * integration.direction)
+        else:
+            min_step = get_time_step('cell', MIN_STEP, velocity_norm, integration.cell_size)
+            max_step = get_time_step('cell', MAX_STEP, velocity_norm, integration.cell_size)
+            ret = rk45_integrate_next(map_info, velocity_obj, point, new_point,
+                                      delta_T * integration.direction, min_step, max_step)
+        if not ret:
+            break
+        if seed.flowline:
+            line.append(Point(new_point[0], new_point[1], new_point[2]))
+        if seed.flowaccum:
+            col, row, depth = rast3d_location2coord(map_info, new_point[1], new_point[0], new_point[2])
+            if last_coords != (col, row, depth):
+                flowacc[depth][row][col] += 1
+                if last_coords[0] is not None and \
+                   sum([abs(coord[0] - coord[1]) for coord in zip(last_coords, (col, row, depth))]) > 1:
+                    additional = traverse(point, new_point, map_info)
+                    for p in additional:
+                        flowacc[p[2]][p[1]][p[0]] += 1
+                last_coords = (col, row, depth)
+        point = new_point
+        count += 1
+    if seed.flowline and len(line) > 1:
+        flowline_vector.write(line)
+        gcore.verbose(_("Flowline ended after %s steps") % (count - 1))
 def main():
     options, flags = gcore.parser()
     velocity_obj = Velocity()
+    integration = Integrate()
     if options['vector_field']:
             v_x, v_y, v_z = options['vector_field'].split(',')
@@ -154,132 +212,109 @@
         gcore.fatal("At least one of output options flowline or flowaccumulation must be specified.")
     map_info = get_region_info()
+    if options['skip']:
+        try:
+            skipx, skipy, skipz = [int(each) for each in options['skip'].split(',')]
+        except ValueError:
+            gcore.fatal(_("Please provide 3 values for skip option"))
+    else:
+        skipx = max(1, int(map_info['cols'] / 10))
+        skipy = max(1, int(map_info['rows'] / 10))
+        skipz = max(1, int(map_info['depths'] / 10))
+    # initialize integration variables
     # integrating forward means upstream, backward means downstream
     if flags['u']:
-        direction = 1
+        integration.direction = 1
-        direction = -1
+        integration.direction = -1
-    limit = int(options['limit'])
+    integration.limit = int(options['limit'])
     # see which units to use
     step = options['step']
     if step:
-        step = float(step)
-        unit = options['unit']
+        integration.step = float(step)
+        integration.unit = options['unit']
-        unit = 'cell'
-        step = 0.25
+        integration.unit = 'cell'
+        integration.step = 0.25
     # cell size is the diagonal
-    cell_size = math.sqrt(map_info['nsres'] ** 2 + map_info['ewres'] ** 2 + map_info['tbres'] ** 2)
+    integration.cell_size = math.sqrt(map_info['nsres'] ** 2 + map_info['ewres'] ** 2 +
+                                      map_info['tbres'] ** 2)
     if options['seed_points'] and options['skip']:
         gcore.warning(_("Option skip is ignored because seed point map was provided."))
-    # read or create seed points
-    seeds = []
+    # create new vector map to store flow lines
+    if options['flowline']:
+        flowline_vector = VectorTopo(options['flowline'])
+        if flowline_vector.exist() and not gcore.overwrite:
+            gcore.fatal(_("Vector map <{flowline}> already exists.").format(flowline=flowline_vector))
+        flowline_vector.open(mode='w', with_z=True)
+    # create the flowaccumulation 3D raster
+    if options['flowaccumulation']:
+        flowacc = garray.array3d()
+        for depth in range(map_info['depths']):
+            flowacc[depth] = np.zeros((map_info['rows'], map_info['cols']))
+    # try open seed points map and get number of points
+    if options['seed_points']:
+        inp_seeds = VectorTopo(options['seed_points'])
+        inp_seeds.open()
+        if not inp_seeds.is_3D():
+            inp_seeds.close()
+            gcore.fatal(_("Input vector map of seed points must be 3D."))
+        num_points = inp_seeds.num_primitive_of('point')
+        if num_points <= 0:
+            inp_seeds.close()
+            gcore.fatal(_("No points found in seed vector map."))
+    # compute number of total seeds to show percent
+    num_seeds = 0
+    if options['seed_points']:
+        num_seeds += num_points
     if options['flowaccumulation'] or (options['flowline'] and not options['seed_points']):
-        if options['skip']:
-            try:
-                skipx, skipy, skipz = [int(each) for each in options['skip'].split(',')]
-            except ValueError:
-                gcore.fatal(_("Please provide 3 values for skip option"))
+        if options['flowaccumulation']:
+            num_seeds += map_info['cols'] * map_info['rows'] * map_info['depths']
-            skipx = max(1, int(map_info['cols'] / 10))
-            skipy = max(1, int(map_info['rows'] / 10))
-            skipz = max(1, int(map_info['depths'] / 10))
+            num_seeds += (math.ceil(map_info['cols'] / float(skipx)) *
+                          math.ceil(map_info['rows'] / float(skipy)) *
+                          math.ceil(map_info['depths'] / float(skipz)))
+    gcore.info(_("Flow lines for {count} seed points will be computed.").format(count=num_seeds))
+    # compute flowlines from vector seed points
+    seed_count = 0
+    if options['seed_points']:
+        for point in inp_seeds:
+            gcore.percent(seed_count, num_seeds, 1)
+            seed = Seed(point.x, point.y, point.z, flowaccum=False, flowline=True)
+            compute_flowline(map_info, seed, velocity_obj, integration, flowline_vector, flowacc)
+            seed_count += 1
+        inp_seeds.close()
+    # compute flowlines from seeds created on grid
+    if options['flowaccumulation'] or (options['flowline'] and not options['seed_points']):
         for r in range(map_info['rows'], 0, -1):
             for c in range(0, map_info['cols']):
                 for d in range(0, map_info['depths']):
                     x = map_info['west'] + c * map_info['ewres'] + map_info['ewres'] / 2
                     y = map_info['south'] + r * map_info['nsres'] - map_info['nsres'] / 2
                     z = map_info['bottom'] + d * map_info['tbres'] + map_info['tbres'] / 2
                     seed = Seed(x, y, z, False, False)
                     if options['flowaccumulation']:
                         seed.flowaccum = True
                     if options['flowline'] and c % skipx == 0 and r % skipy == 0 and d % skipz == 0:
                         seed.flowline = True
                     if seed.flowaccum or seed.flowline:
-                        seeds.append(seed)
+                        gcore.percent(seed_count, num_seeds, 1)
+                        compute_flowline(map_info, seed, velocity_obj, integration, flowline_vector, flowacc)
+                        seed_count += 1
-    else:
-        # read seed points
-        inp_seeds = VectorTopo(options['seed_points'])
-        inp_seeds.open()
-        if not inp_seeds.is_3D():
-            gcore.fatal(_("Input vector map of seed points must be 3D."))
-        for point in inp_seeds:
-            seeds.append(Seed(point.x, point.y, point.z, flowaccum=False, flowline=True))
-        inp_seeds.close()
-    # create new vector map to store flow lines
     if options['flowline']:
-        flowline_vector = VectorTopo(options['flowline'])
-        if flowline_vector.exist() and not gcore.overwrite:
-            gcore.fatal(_("Vector map <{flowline}> already exists.").format(flowline=flowline_vector))
-        flowline_vector.open(mode='w', with_z=True)
-    # create the flowaccumulation 3D raster
-    if options['flowaccumulation']:
-        flowacc = garray.array3d()
-        for depth in range(map_info['depths']):
-            flowacc[depth] = np.zeros((map_info['rows'], map_info['cols']))
-    # go through all points and integrate flowline for each
-    seed_count = 0
-    gcore.info(_("Flow lines for {count} seed points will be computed.").format(count=len(seeds)))
-    for seed in seeds:
-        count = 0
-        gcore.percent(seed_count, len(seeds), 1)
-        seed_count += 1
-        point = seed.x, seed.y, seed.z
-        if seed.flowline:
-            line = Line([Point(point[0], point[1], point[2])])
-        last_coords = (None, None, None)
-        new_point = [None, None, None]
-        while count <= limit:
-            velocity_vector = get_velocity(map_info, velocity_obj, point)
-            if velocity_vector is None:
-                break  # outside region
-            velocity_norm = norm(velocity_vector)
-            if velocity_norm <= EPSILON:
-                break  # zero velocity means end of propagation
-            # convert to time
-            delta_T = get_time_step(unit, step, velocity_norm, cell_size)
-            # decide which integration method to choose
-            if not RK45:
-                ret = rk4_integrate_next(map_info, velocity_obj, point, new_point,
-                                         delta_T * direction)
-            else:
-                min_step = get_time_step('cell', MIN_STEP, velocity_norm, cell_size)
-                max_step = get_time_step('cell', MAX_STEP, velocity_norm, cell_size)
-                ret = rk45_integrate_next(map_info, velocity_obj, point, new_point,
-                                          delta_T * direction, min_step, max_step)
-            if not ret:
-                break
-            if seed.flowline:
-                line.append(Point(new_point[0], new_point[1], new_point[2]))
-            if seed.flowaccum:
-                col, row, depth = rast3d_location2coord(map_info, new_point[1], new_point[0], new_point[2])
-                if last_coords != (col, row, depth):
-                    flowacc[depth][row][col] += 1
-                    if last_coords[0] is not None and \
-                       sum([abs(coord[0] - coord[1]) for coord in zip(last_coords, (col, row, depth))]) > 1:
-                        additional = traverse(point, new_point, map_info)
-                        for p in additional:
-                            flowacc[p[2]][p[1]][p[0]] += 1
-                    last_coords = (col, row, depth)
-            point = new_point
-            count += 1
-        if seed.flowline and len(line) > 1:
-            # workaround for pygrass bug
-            flowline_vector.write(line)
-            gcore.verbose(_("Flowline ended after %s steps") % (count - 1))
-    if options['flowline']:
     if options['flowaccumulation']:

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