[GRASS-SVN] r60970 - grass/trunk/lib/python/pygrass/vector/testsuite

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Wed Jun 25 07:35:45 PDT 2014

Author: zarch
Date: 2014-06-25 07:35:45 -0700 (Wed, 25 Jun 2014)
New Revision: 60970

Add tests for Table and Columns classes

Added: grass/trunk/lib/python/pygrass/vector/testsuite/test_table.py
--- grass/trunk/lib/python/pygrass/vector/testsuite/test_table.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass/trunk/lib/python/pygrass/vector/testsuite/test_table.py	2014-06-25 14:35:45 UTC (rev 60970)
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Created on Wed Jun 25 11:08:22 2014
+ at author: pietro
+import os
+import unittest
+import sqlite3
+import tempfile as tmp
+from string import ascii_letters, digits
+from random import choice
+import numpy as np
+from grass.pygrass.vector.table import Table, get_path
+# dictionary that generate random data
+COL2VALS = {'INT': lambda n:     np.random.randint(9, size=n),
+            'INTEGER': lambda n: np.random.randint(9, size=n),
+            'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY': lambda n: np.arange(1, n+1, dtype=long),
+            'REAL': lambda n: np.random.rand(n),
+            'TEXT': lambda n: np.array([randstr() for _ in range(n)])}
+def randstr(prefix='', suffix='', size=6, chars=ascii_letters + digits):
+    """Return a random string of characters.
+    :param prefix: string prefix, default: ''
+    :type prefix: str
+    :param suffix: string suffix, default: ''
+    :type suffix: str
+    :param size: number of random characters
+    :type size: int
+    :param chars: string containing the characters that will be used
+    :type chars: str
+    :returns: string
+    """
+    return prefix + ''.join(choice(chars) for _ in range(size)) + suffix
+def get_table_random_values(nrows, columns):
+    """Generate a random recarray respecting the columns definition.
+    :param nrows: number of rows of the generated array
+    :type nrows: int
+    :param columns: list of tuple containing column name and type.
+    :type columns: list of tuple
+    :returns: numpy recarray
+    """
+    vals, dtype = [], []
+    for cname, ctype in columns:
+        if ctype not in COL2VALS:
+            raise TypeError("Unkown column type %s for: %s" % (ctype, cname))
+        vals.append(COL2VALS[ctype](nrows))
+        dtype.append((cname, vals[-1].dtype.str))
+    return np.array([v for v in zip(*vals)], dtype=dtype)
+class DBconnection(object):
+    """Define a class to share common methods between TestCase."""
+    path = os.path.join(tmp.gettempdir(), randstr(prefix='temp', suffix='.db'))
+    connection = sqlite3.connect(get_path(path))
+    columns = [('cat', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'),
+               ('cint', 'INT'),
+               ('creal', 'REAL'),
+               ('ctxt', 'TEXT')]
+    def create_table_instance(self, **kw):
+        """Return a Table class instance
+        :param **kw: keyword arguments of Table class
+                     without name and connection.
+        :type **kw: key-word arguments
+        :returns: Table instance
+        """
+        self.tname = randstr(prefix='temp')
+        return Table(name=self.tname,
+                     connection=self.connection, **kw)
+    def create_empty_table(self, columns=None, **kw):
+        """Create an empty table in the database and return Table class
+        instance.
+        :param columns: list of tuple containing the column names and types.
+        :type columns: list of tuple
+        :param **kw: keyword arguments of Table class
+                     without name and connection.
+        :type **kw: key-word arguments
+        :returns: Table instance
+        """
+        columns = self.columns if columns is None else columns
+        table = self.create_table_instance(**kw)
+        table.create(columns)
+        return table
+    def create_not_empty_table(self, nrows=None, values=None,
+                               columns=None, **kw):
+        """Create a not empty table in the database and return Table class
+        instance.
+        :param nrows: number of rows.
+        :type nrows: list of tuple
+        :param values: list of tuple containing the values for each row.
+        :type values: list of tuple
+        :param columns: list of tuple containing the column names and types.
+        :type columns: list of tuple
+        :param **kw: keyword arguments of Table class
+                     without name and connection.
+        :type **kw: key-word arguments
+        :returns: Table instance
+        """
+        if nrows is None and values is None:
+            msg = "Both parameters ``nrows`` ``values`` are empty"
+            raise RuntimeError(msg)
+        columns = self.columns if columns is None else columns
+        values = (get_table_random_values(nrows, columns) if values is None
+                  else values)
+        table = self.create_empty_table(columns=columns, **kw)
+        table.insert(values, many=True)
+        return table
+    def setUp(self):
+        """Create a not empty table instance"""
+        self.table = self.create_not_empty_table(10)
+        self.cols = self.table.columns
+    def tearDown(self):
+        """Remove the generated vector map, if exist"""
+        self.table.drop(force=True)
+        self.table = None
+        self.cols = None
+class ColumnsTestCase(DBconnection, unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_check_insert_update_str(self):
+        """Check insert_str and update_str attribute of Columns are correct"""
+        insert = 'INSERT INTO %s VALUES (?,?,?,?)'
+        self.assertEqual(self.cols.insert_str, insert % self.tname)
+        update = 'UPDATE %s SET cint=?,creal=?,ctxt=? WHERE cat=?;'
+        self.assertEqual(self.cols.update_str, update % self.tname)
+class TableInsertTestCase(DBconnection, unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        """Create a not empty table instance"""
+        self.table = self.create_empty_table()
+        self.cols = self.table.columns
+    def tearDown(self):
+        """Remove the generated vector map, if exist"""
+        self.table.drop(force=True)
+        self.table = None
+        self.cols = None
+    def test_insert(self):
+        """Test Table.insert method"""
+        cat = 1
+        vals = (cat, 1111, 0.1111, 'test')
+        cur = self.connection.cursor()
+        self.table.insert(vals, cursor=cur)
+        sqlquery = "SELECT cat, cint, creal, ctxt FROM %s WHERE cat=%d"
+        cur.execute(sqlquery % (self.tname, cat))
+        self.assertTupleEqual(vals, cur.fetchone())
+    def test_insert_many(self):
+        """Test Table.insert method using many==True"""
+        vals = [(1, 1111, 0.1111, 'test1'),
+                (2, 2222, 0.2222, 'test2'),
+                (3, 3333, 0.3333, 'test3')]
+        cur = self.connection.cursor()
+        self.table.insert(vals, cursor=cur, many=True)
+        sqlquery = "SELECT cat, cint, creal, ctxt FROM %s"
+        cur.execute(sqlquery % self.tname)
+        self.assertListEqual(vals, cur.fetchall())
+class TableUpdateTestCase(DBconnection, unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_update(self):
+        """Test Table.update method"""
+        vals = (1111, 0.1111, 'test')
+        cat = 1
+        cur = self.connection.cursor()
+        self.table.update(cat, list(vals), cursor=cur)
+        sqlquery = "SELECT cint, creal, ctxt FROM %s WHERE cat=%d"
+        cur.execute(sqlquery % (self.tname, cat))
+        self.assertTupleEqual(vals, cur.fetchone())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main()

Property changes on: grass/trunk/lib/python/pygrass/vector/testsuite/test_table.py
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/x-python
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

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