[GRASS-SVN] r61015 - grass/branches/releasebranch_7_0

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Fri Jun 27 08:11:15 PDT 2014

Author: martinl
Date: 2014-06-27 08:11:14 -0700 (Fri, 27 Jun 2014)
New Revision: 61015

SUBMITTING files moved to Trac http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/Submitting

Modified: grass/branches/releasebranch_7_0/SUBMITTING
--- grass/branches/releasebranch_7_0/SUBMITTING	2014-06-27 15:08:33 UTC (rev 61014)
+++ grass/branches/releasebranch_7_0/SUBMITTING	2014-06-27 15:11:14 UTC (rev 61015)
@@ -1,496 +1 @@
-NOTE: Please improve this list!
-Dear (new) GRASS developer,
-when submitting C code to GRASS SVN repository, please take care of
-following rules:
-[ see SUBMITTING_PYTHON for Python code hints ]
-[ see SUBMITTING_WXGUI for wxPython GUI code hints ]
-[ see SUBMITTING_DOCS for documentation ]
-1.  Get and read the GRASS Programmer's Manual here:
-    http://grass.osgeo.org/programming7/
-    or generate it from this source code (the programmer's manual is
-    integrated in the source code in doxygen style):
-      make htmldocs
-      make pdfdocs
-2.  Use the directory structure to place your module appropriately into
-    the source tree
-    	- libes go into lib/
-    	- raster modules go into raster/
-    	- vector modules go into vector/
-    	- ...
-    Consider to take a look at "GNU Coding Standards"
-    http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards.html
-3.  Add a header section to each file you submit and make sure you
-    include the copyright. The purpose section is meant to contain a
-    general overview of the code in the file to assist other
-    programmers that will need to make changes to your code. If you
-    are modifying an existing file you may under no circumstances
-    remove prior copyright or licensing text that is not your own,
-    even for a major rewrite. If any original code or code that is in
-    part derived from another's original work remains, it must be
-    properly cited.
-    Example (ficticious header for a file called color.c) :
- *
- * MODULE:       g.foo
- * AUTHOR(S):    John Doe <jdoe at somewhere org>
- * PURPOSE:      Provide short description of module here...
- * COPYRIGHT:    (C) 2010 by John Doe, and the GRASS Development Team
- *
- *               This program is free software under the GNU General Public
- *               License (>=v2). Read the COPYING file that comes with GRASS
- *               for details.
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-    The copyright protects your rights according to GNU General Public
-    License (www.gnu.org).
-4.  We don't want the $ID$ in source code any more as it causes problems
-    for the SVN branches.
-5.  To ensure that the software system continues to work, please include
-	#include <grass/config.h>
-    in your files and make use of the various system dependencies
-    contained therein.  As one example of this, see lib/gmath/fft.c.
-    Please refrain from declaring system functions within the
-    software; include the proper header files (conditionally dependent
-    on config.h macros if necessary) instead.
-6. Order of include headers
-    In general, headers should be included in the order:
-    1. Core system headers (stdio.h, ctype.h, ...)
-    2. Headers for non-core system components (X11, libraries).
-    3. Headers for core systems of the package being compiled (grass/gis.h, grass/glocale.h, ...)
-    4. Headers for the specific library/program being compiled (geodesic.h, ...)
-    Each class of header has an obligation to be compatible with those
-    above it in the list, but not those below it.
-7.  Always specify the return type for ALL functions including those that
-    return type "void", and insert return statements for any function
-    which returns a value.
-    Also, use ANSI C prototypes to declare your functions. 
-    For module return values, see "Exit status" below.
-    Examples:
-    void G_something(void);
-    int G_something_else(int, int);
-    void G_something(void)
-    {
-    	/* Snipped out code */
-	return;
-    }
-    int G_something_else(int x, int y)
-    {
-    	/* Snipped out code */
-	return 0;
-    }
-8.  Module exit status is defined as EXIT_SUCCESS or EXIT_FAILURE
-    (declared in stdlib.h), e.g.
-    {
-      ...
-      if (G_parser (argc, argv))
-          exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-      ...
-      exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
-    }
-9.  Use fprintf() instead of printf()
-    For errors and warnings please use the G_fatal_error() and
-    G_warning() functions. General messages for the user should use
-    G_message() while debug messages should use G_debug() whenever
-    possible. There are two variants to G_message(): G_verbose_message()
-    which will only display the message if in --verbose mode, and
-    G_important_message() which will always show the message unless
-    the module is running in --quiet mode. G_fatal_error() and
-    G_warning() will always be displayed regardless of verbosity setting.
-    Messages sent to any of these functions will be printed to stderr.
-    G_message() output is not expected to be sent to pipe or file.
-    Always use the gettext macros with _("") for user messages,
-    example:
-      G_fatal_error(_("Vector map <%s> not found"), name); 
-    It is suggested to add a comment line before translatable user message
-    to give a hint to translators about meaning or use of 
-    cumbersome or obscure message. First word in the comment must be GTC
-    - GRASS translation comment,
-    example:
-        /* GTC A name of a projection */
-        G_message(_("State Plane"));
-    Any message with a noun in plural form has to pass _n() macro,
-    even if for the English language it is not required!
-        G_message(_n("One map", "%d maps", number), number);
-    See locale/README for details.
-    Pipe/file data output:
-    For data output redirected to pipe or file, please use fprintf() and 
-    specify the stdout stream as follows:
-      fprintf(stdout, ...);
-      fflush(stdout);
-      fflush(stdout) always required when using fprintf(stdout, ...).
-10. Use the GRASS library function G_asprintf() instead of the
-    standard C functions asprintf(), vsnprintf() and snprintf(). These
-    functions are not portable or have other issues.  Example:
-    char *msg;
-    G_asprintf(&msg, "%s", parameters);
-    do_something_with_msg();
-    G_free(msg);
-    Note that you should free memory when G_asprintf() is used.
-11. Use the following GRASS library functions instead of the standard C
-    functions. The reason for this is that the following functions ensure
-    good programming practice (e.g. always checking if memory was allocated)
-    and/or improves portability. PLEASE refer to the programmers manual
-    for the proper use (e.g. determining if any casts are needed for arguments
-    or return values) of these library functions. They may perform a task
-    slightly different from their corresponding C library function, and thus,
-    their use may not be the same.
-    	G_malloc() instead of malloc()
-	G_calloc() instead of calloc()
-	G_realloc() instead of realloc()
-	G_free() instead of free()
-	G_getenv() instead of getenv()
-	G_setenv() instead of setenv()
-	G_unsetenv() instead of unsetenv()
-	G_sleep() instead of sleep()
-	Could somebody please add others (please verify that they are
-	useful and safe first)
-12. Use function names which fulfill the official GNU naming convention.
-    http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/html_node/Names.html#Names
-    Instead of naming a function like: MyNewFunction() use underscores
-    for seperation and lower case letters: my_new_function().
-13. Don't use the C++ comment style! This confuses several compilers.
-    Use instead:
-       /* C-comments */
-    If you want to comment code portions, use
-       #ifdef notdef 
-            portion_to_be_commented;
-       #endif
-    This is safe comparing to nested /* comments */
-    Functions in the library must be documented in doxygen style to
-    get them into the programmer's manual (generate with 
-      make pdfdocs  or
-      make htmldocs
-    ). See lib/gis/*.c for examples.
-14. PLEASE take the time to add comments throughout your code explaining what
-    the code is doing. It will save a HUGE amount of time and frustration for
-    other programmers that may have to change your code in the future.
-15. To promote a consistent coding style, please use the "indent" program
-    on all new C modules using the following switches:
-     $ indent -bad -bap -bbb -br -bli0 -bls -cli0 -ncs -fc1 -hnl -i4 \
-      -nbbo -nbc -nbfda -nbfde -ncdb -ncdw -nce -nfca -npcs -nprs \
-      -npsl -nsc -nsob -saf -sai -saw -sbi0 -ss -ts8 -ut main.c
-    Existing code should not be re-indented except in extreme cases, as this
-    will make "diff" comparisons with older versions impossible. If indent is 
-    needed, do not check in any changes other than the indentation in the same 
-    commit! Do add the indent switches and any indent warning messages to the 
-    SVN log. Any change or fix mixed in with an indent is very hard to track 
-    making it hard for others to follow the change or fix any new bugs.
-    For your convenience use the tools/grass_indent.sh script.
-16. Platform dependent code:
-    Do not remove #ifdef __CYGWIN__ and/or #ifndef __CYGWIN__ lines and 
-    their encapsulated lines from source code (one example was that someone
-    removed drand48 definition.)
-17. Suggested compiler flags:
-    We suggest to use very strict compiler flags to capture errors
-    at the very beginning. Here our list of flags, please use them
-    to configure you development version of GRASS:
-    GNU/Linux:
-       MYCFLAGS="-g -Wall -Werror-implicit-function-declaration -fno-common"
-       MYCXXFLAGS="-g -Wall"
-       CFLAGS="$MYCFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$MYCXXFLAGS" ./configure ... 
-    MacOSX:     [to be suggested]
-    MS-Windows: [to be suggested]
-18. Make sure a new line is at the end of each file and UNIX style newlines
-    are used (\n).
-19. When writing Makefiles, use the current standard.
-    If you have to use commands, please check for:
-            avoid     | use instead
-    ------------------+---------------
-    make target       | $(MAKE) target
-    mkdir target      | $(MKDIR) target
-    cp  (executable)  | $(INSTALL) -m 755 file target
-    cp  (normal file) | $(INSTALL) -m 644 file target
-    ar                | $(AR)
-    rm: be VERY careful with recursive remove. Also beware of
-    removing $(FOO)* if $(FOO) has any chance of being empty.
-    Examples: see below examples or others
-              raster/r.info/Makefile
-              vector/v.edit/Makefile
-    If you are unsure, please ask on the GRASS Developers list.
-20. Have a look at ./INSTALL
-21. Have a function included in your module which writes to the history
-    file of the map (e.g. command line, parameters etc.). See e.g.
-    raster/r.patch/main.c
-    (the same applies to vector and g3d modules!)
-22. Standard parser options: use G_define_standard_option() whenever possible
-    to define standard module command line options. This will save you time,
-    create fewer bugs, and make things easier on the translators.
-    See lib/gis/parser.c for details of the function definition.
-23. Add/update, if required the related GUI menus:
-     gui/wxpython/xml/menudata.xml
-24. For consistency, use README rather than README.txt for any README files.
-25. GRASS/Environment variables:
-    If you add a new variable, please follow the naming convention.
-    All variables are described in
-    lib/init/variables.html
-26. Be sure to develop on top of the LATEST GRASS code (which is in our SVN
-    repository). You can re-check before submission with 'svn diff':
-    Be sure to create unified ("diff -u") format. "Plain" diffs (the default
-    format) are risky, because they will apply without warning to code which
-    has been substantially changed; they are also harder to read than unified.
-    Such diffs should be made from the top-level directory, e.g.
-    "svn diff display/d.vect/main.c"; that way, the diff will
-    include the pathname rather than just an ambiguous "main.c".
-27. Try to use module names which describe shortly the intended purpose of the module.
-    The first letters for module name should be:
-	d. 	- display commands
-	db. 	- database commands
-	g. 	- general GIS management commands
-	i. 	- imagery commands
-	m.	- miscellaneous tool commands
-	ps. 	- postscript commands
-	r. 	- raster commands
-	r3. 	- raster3D commands
-	v. 	- vector commands
-    Some additional naming conventions
-    * export modules:     (type).out.(format) eg: r.out.arc, v.out.ascii
-    * import module:      (type).in.(format)  eg: r.in.arc, v.in.ascii
-    * conversion modules: (type).to.(type)    eg: r.to.vect, v.to.rast, r3.to.rast
-    Avoid module names with more than two dots in the name. 
-    Example:
-       instead of r.to.rast3.elev use r.to.rast3elev    
-28. Use the grass test suite to test your modules.
-    http://www-pool.math.tu-berlin.de/~soeren/grass/GRASS_TestSuite
-    You can easily write specific tests for your modules.
-    If your module is part of GRASS and you created some standard test
-    cases, please contact the developers to add your tests to the
-    default test suite.  This will automatize complex test scenarios
-    and assure to find bugs much faster, if changes were made to your
-    modules or to the grass library.
-    Consider to subscribe to the GRASS Quality Assessment System to
-    get immediate notification about the code quality:
-    http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/grass-qa
-29. When submitting new files to the repository set SVN properties,
-    usually for directory
-      svn:ignore : *.tmp.html
-      		   *OBJ*
-    or e.g. for C-file
-      svn:mime-type : text/x-csrc
-      svn:keywords : Author Date Id
-      svn:eol-style : native
-    See
-    http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.advanced.props.html
-    To set a property:
-      svn propset svn:keywords 'Author Date Id' <file>
-      svn propset svn:mime-type text/x-sh grass_shellscript.sh
-    To edit the svn:ignore property using your default text editor:
-      svn propedit svn:ignore <directory>
-    To set the svn:ignore property non-interactively, first create a
-    file containing the value:
-      echo "*.tmp.html" > ignore.txt
-      echo "*OBJ*" >> ignore.txt
-    then use:
-      svn propset -F ignore.txt svn:ignore <directory>
-    List of mime-type:
-      C++ files (.cpp): text/x-c++src
-      C files (.c): text/x-csrc
-      DTD files (.dtd): text/xml-dtd
-      GIF files (.gif): image/gif
-      Header files (.h): text/x-chdr
-      HTML files (.html): text/html
-      JPEG files (.jpg): image/jpeg
-      Makefiles: text/x-makefile
-      PNG files (.png): image/png
-      Python files (.py): text/x-python
-      Shell scripts (.sh): text/x-sh
-      Text files (.txt): text/plain
-      XML files (.xml): text/xml
-      (please update the list...)
-    For your convenience use the tools/module_svn_propset.sh script.
-30. Use doxygen style for source code documentation. It is required
-    for GRASS libraries, but also recommended for GRASS modules.
-    Do not use structural command inside documentation block since it
-    leads to some duplication of information (e.g. do not use \fn
-    command in comment blocks). The exception is \file command for
-    documenting a file, in this case structural command is required.
-    For files
-    /*!
-       \file snap.c
-       \brief Vector library - Clean vector map (snap lines)
-       (C) 2001-2008 by the GRASS Development Team
-       This program is free software under the GNU General Public
-       License (>=v2).  Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
-       for details.
-       \author Radim Blazek
-    */
-    For functions
-    /*!
-       \brief Snap lines in vector map to existing vertex in threshold
-       For details see Vect_snap_lines_list()
-       \param Map pointer to input vector map 
-       \param type filter features of given type to be snap
-       \param thresh threshold value for snapping
-       \param[out] Err pointer to vector map where lines representing snap are written or NULL
-       \param[out] msgout file pointer where messages will be written or NULL
-       \return 1	   
-    */
-31. If you need to add support for a different library in the 'configure' script,
-    you should first seek consent in the grass-dev mailing list (see below), then
-    you need to expand 'configure.in' and run subsequently autoconf-2.13 (later
-    versions will not work) to re-generate 'configure'.
-32. Tell the other developers about the new code using the following e-mail:
-    grass-dev at lists.osgeo.org
-    To subscribe to this mailing list, see
-    http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/grass-dev
-33. In case of questions feel free to contact the developers at the above
-    mailing list.
-    http://grass.osgeo.org/development/
-[please add further hints if required]
-"Your attention to detail is appreciated."
+See http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/Submitting

Deleted: grass/branches/releasebranch_7_0/SUBMITTING_DOCS
--- grass/branches/releasebranch_7_0/SUBMITTING_DOCS	2014-06-27 15:08:33 UTC (rev 61014)
+++ grass/branches/releasebranch_7_0/SUBMITTING_DOCS	2014-06-27 15:11:14 UTC (rev 61015)
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-NOTE: Please improve this list!
-Dear (new) GRASS GIS Developer,
-When submitting documentation to GRASS SVN repository, please take
-care of following rules:
-[ see SUBMITTING for C hints ]
-[ see SUBMITTING_WXGUI for wxPython GUI code hints ]
-[ see SUBMITTING_PYTHON for Python code hints ]
-0. Introduction
-   There are two types of documentation
-   - Libraries programmers docs: we use doxygen and document the functions 
-      directly in the source code. See lib/gis/*.c and lib/gis/gislib.dox for examples
-   - User manual: we write it in simple HTML, storing the manual in a 
-      file '<module>.html' within the subdirectory of the module.
-      The file contains no header nor footer. The complete HTML file is
-      autogenerated during the compilation process (indeed, it is generated
-      in a virtual session directly after compilation of the module).
-      In this virtual session the module is called internally with
-      --html-description which generates the parameters/flags list in
-      HTML format, along with '<module>.html', HTML header and footer
-      the final HTML manual page is created and stored in the target
-      binaries directory. In a separate process the MAN format is 
-      generated from the complete HTML files.
-1. Editing of HTML pages
-   To avoid insertion of too complicated HTML tags (see also below),
-   we strongly suggest to use a plain text editor rather than a
-   HTML editor for editing.
-2. Module manual page:
-   Place the documentation in HTML format into '<module>.html', where
-   <module> is the name of the module. E.g. if the module is named
-   r.example, the documentation file should be named r.example.html.
-   The easiest way to do this is to study an existing HTML page
-   (to get the page style, e.g. vector/v.to.db/v.to.db.html).
-   With a few exceptions, header and footer are NOT allowed.
-   You can add figures (PNG format); the figure name prefix should be the 
-   module name. See raster/r.terraflow/r.terraflow.html for an example.
-   A number of major sections should be present in each help page.
-   * = Required
-   ! = Suggested
-   . = Optional
-   In recommended order
-   --------------------
-   * <h2>DESCRIPTION</h2>
-   ! <h2>NOTE</H2>, <h2>NOTES</h2>
-   ! <h2>EXAMPLE</h2>, <h2>EXAMPLES</h2>
-   . <h2>TODO</h2>
-   . <h2>BUGS</h2>
-   . <h2>REFERENCE</h2>, <h2>REFERENCES</h2>
-   * <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-   * <h2>AUTHOR</h2>, <h2>AUTHORS</h2>
-   Note that the parameter information is auto-generated upon
-   compilation. This is done by running the module in a virtual session
-   after compilation (see the output of 'make'). To subsequently
-   verify the final HTML page, check the resulting HTML pages which
-   will be stored with the name of the module.
-   Examples (please add some) should be coded like this:
-   <div class="code"><pre>
-   v.to.db map=soils type=area option=area column=area_size unit=h
-   </pre></div>
-   The online WWW man pages is updated every Saturday (from SVN
-   repository).
-3. Usage of limited HTML tags
-   Since the MAN conversion of g.html2man is limited, please use
-   no other HTML tags than:
-   <a> <b> <body> <br> <code> <dd> <dl> <dt> <em>
-   <h2> <h3> <h4> <head> <hr> <i> <img> <li> <ol> <p>
-   <pre> <sup> <table> <td> <th> <title> <tr> <ul>
-   Note that all tags has a closing tag except for <hr/>, <br/> and <p>.
-   Use lower case forms.
-   (The MAN converter is here: tools/g.html2man/)
-4. Suggested HTML markup protocol:
-   Module names (i.e., v.category) should be emphsized with <em>,
-   and boldface <b> for flags and parameter names. Shell commands, 
-   names, values, etc. should use <tt>. Empahsized phrases should use 
-   italics <i>. The SEE ALSO section of each page should also be 
-   alphabetized. 	  		
-5. When submitting new files to the repository set SVN properties,
-   e.g. for HTML file
-       svn:mime-type : text/html
-       svn:keywords : Author Date Id
-       svn:eol-style : native
-   See
-   http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.advanced.props.html
-   You can also simply use this script:
-   http://svn.osgeo.org/grass/grass-addons/tools/module_svn_propset.sh
-6. Compress PNG images with
-       optipng -o5 file.png
-7. See also
-   http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/Updating_GRASS_Documentation
-[please add further hints if required]
-"Your attention to detail is appreciated."

Deleted: grass/branches/releasebranch_7_0/SUBMITTING_PYTHON
--- grass/branches/releasebranch_7_0/SUBMITTING_PYTHON	2014-06-27 15:08:33 UTC (rev 61014)
+++ grass/branches/releasebranch_7_0/SUBMITTING_PYTHON	2014-06-27 15:11:14 UTC (rev 61015)
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-NOTE: Please improve this list!
-Dear (new) GRASS developer,
-when submitting Python code to GRASS SVN repository, please take
-care of following rules:
-[ see SUBMITTING for C hints ]
-[ see SUBMITTING_WXGUI for wxPython GUI code hints ]
-[ see SUBMITTING_DOCS for documentation ]
-See also http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/
-0.  Indentation
-    As Python determines nesting based upon indentation, it isn't just
-    a stylistic issue.
-    Please use 4-space indentation (GNU Emacs python-mode default).
-    See also "Python Style Guide" by Guido van Rossum
-    http://www.python.org/doc/essays/styleguide.html
-1.  Instructions for the GRASS script parser can be found in the g.parser 
-    module's help page.
-    http://grass.osgeo.org/grass70/manuals/g.parser.html
-2.  Use the directory structure to place your script appropriately into
-    the source tree
-    	- scripts go into scripts/
-    Also add a Makefile and a <module>.html file into this directory.
-    See existing Python scripts for examples.
-3.  Add a header section to the script you submit and make sure you
-    include the copyright. The purpose section is meant to contain a
-    general over view of the code in the file to assist other
-    programmers that will need to make changes to your code. For this
-    purpose use Python Docstring, see
-    http://epydoc.sourceforge.net/docstrings.html
-    Example (fictitious header for a script called g.myscript):
-MODULE:    g.myscript
-AUTHOR(S): John Doe <email AT some domain>
-PURPOSE:   Describe your script here...
-COPYRIGHT: (C) 2007 John Doe, and by the GRASS Development Team
-           This program is free software under the GNU General Public
-           License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
-           for details.
-    The copyright protects your rights according to GNU General Public
-    License (www.gnu.org).
-    You can easily autogenerate the header and parameters from an existing
-    module using the --script flag. Example:
-     d.rast --script
-    Just select an existing module which is close to your application to save
-    efforts.
-4.  We don't want the $ ID $ in source code any more as it causes problems
-    for the branches.
-5.  Create and use secure temporary files and directories. Use the
-    grass.tempfile() or grass.tempdir() functions to do this. e.g.
-	# setup temporary file
-	TMP = grass.tempfile()
-	if TMP is None:
-	    grass.fatal("Unable to create temporary files")
-6.  Use grass.findfile() when there is a need to test if a map exists.
-	# test for input raster map
-	result = grass.find_file(name = map_name, element = 'cell', quiet = True)
-	if not result['file']
-	  grass.fatal("Raster map <%s> not found" % map_name)
-	# test for input vector map
-	result = grass.find_file(name = map_name, element = 'vector', quiet = True)
-	if not result['file']
-	  grass.fatal("Vector map <%s> not found" % map_name)
-     ... and so forth. See 'g.manual g.findfile' for details.
-7.  For any informational output, use the grass.message()
-    function. For error messages should be used grass.fatal_error() or
-    grass.error() and for warnings grass.warning(). For debugging
-    purposes grass.debug().
-	#normal message:
-	grass.message("Done")
-	# warning:
-        grass.warning("No input values found, using default values")
-	# error:
-        grass.error("No map found")
-	# fatal error:
-	grass.fatal_error("No map found, exiting")
-	# debug output (use g.gisenv to enable/disable)
-        grass.debug("Our calculated value is: %d" % value)
-    Try to omit any usage of the 'print' command for informational output.
-8.  PLEASE take the time to add comments throughout your code explaining what
-    the code is doing. It will save a HUGE amount of time and frustration for
-    other programmers that may have to change your code in the future.
-9.  Make sure a new line is at the end of each file.
-10. For consistency, use README rather than README.txt for any README files.
-11. Be sure to develop on top of the LATEST GRASS code (which is in SVN repository).
-    You can re-check before submission with 'svn diff':
-    Be sure to create unified ("diff -u") format. "Plain" diffs (the default
-    format) are risky, because they will apply without warning to code which
-    has been substantially changed; they are also harder to read than unified.
-    Such diffs should be made from the top-level directory, e.g.
-    "svn diff gui/wxpython/wxgui.py"; that way, the diff will
-    include the pathname rather than just "wxgui.py".
-12. When submitting new files to the repository set SVN properties,
-    usually for directory
-      svn:ignore : *.pyc
-    or e.g. for Python file
-      svn:mime-type : text/python
-      svn:keywords : Author Date Id
-      svn:eol-style : native
-      svn propset svn:mime-type text/python new/file.py
-      svn propset svn:keywords "Author Date Id" new/file.py
-      svn propset svn:eol-style native new/file.py
-    See
-    http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.advanced.props.html
-13. Tell the other developers about the new code using the following e-mail:
-    grass-dev at lists.osgeo.org
-    To subscribe to this mailing list, see
-    http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/grass-dev
-14. In case of questions feel free to contact the developers at the above
-    mailing list.
-    http://grass.osgeo.org/development/
-[please add further hints if required]
-"Your attention to detail is appreciated."

Deleted: grass/branches/releasebranch_7_0/SUBMITTING_WXGUI
--- grass/branches/releasebranch_7_0/SUBMITTING_WXGUI	2014-06-27 15:08:33 UTC (rev 61014)
+++ grass/branches/releasebranch_7_0/SUBMITTING_WXGUI	2014-06-27 15:11:14 UTC (rev 61015)
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-NOTE: Please improve this list!
-Dear (new) GRASS developer,
-when submitting Python code to GRASS SVN repository, please take
-care of following rules:
-[ see SUBMITTING for C hints ]
-[ see SUBMITTING_PYTHON for Python code hints ]
-[ see SUBMITTING_DOCS for documentation ]
-0.  Introduction
-    For general GRASS, svn and Python issues and module related issues see
-    GUI is divided into components. One component is usually placed in one
-    directory.
-1.  GRASS documentation
-    GRASS Programming manual for API and existing classes
-    http://grass.osgeo.org/programming7/wxpythonlib.html
-    GRASS wiki has pages about how to develop wxGUI
-    http://grasswiki.osgeo.org
-    GRASS Trac wiki has pages about the state of wxGUI development
-    http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/wxGUIDevelopment
-2.  External documentation
-    Style Guide for Python Code
-    http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/
-    Python Style Guide by Guido van Rossum
-    http://www.python.org/doc/essays/styleguide.html
-    wxPython Style Guide
-    http://wiki.wxpython.org/wxPython_Style_Guide
-    Additional info on Python docstrings
-    http://epydoc.sourceforge.net/docstrings.html
-3.  Remember that functionality such as generating plots should be primarily
-    provided by modules not GUI.
-4.  Try to create create also g.gui.* module for the new GUI component. It helps
-    advanced users to access functionality and developers to test it. Moreover,
-    it helps to keep components separated and thus, supports re-usability.
-5.  Add a header section to each file you submit and make sure you
-    include the copyright. The purpose section is meant to contain a
-    general over view of the code in the file to assist other
-    programmers that will need to make changes to your code. For this
-    purpose use Python docstring.
-    The copyright protects your rights according to GNU General Public
-    License (www.gnu.org).
-    Please use the following docstring template:
-    """!
-    @package dir.example
-    @brief Short example package description
-    Classes:
-     - example::ExampleClass
-    (C) 2012 by the GRASS Development Team
-    This program is free software under the GNU General Public License
-    (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS for details.
-    @author First Author <first somewhere.com>
-    @author Second Author <second somewhere.com>
-    @author Some Other <third somewhere.com> (some particular change)
-    """
-6.  Comment your classes and functions with docstrings. Use Doxygen syntax,
-    particularly, use commands which begins with @
-    (www.doxygen.org/manual/commands.html).
-    Comment also the code itself such as the meaning of variables,
-    conditions etc.
-7.  Make sure a new line is at the end of each file. Non empty line breaks the
-    build process.
-8.  Basic rules
-    Do not use print command unless you know what are you doing.
-    Use named parameters in functions (without space around '='), e.g.
-    dlg = wx.FileDialog(parent=self, message=_("Choose file to save current workspace"),
-                        wildcard=_("GRASS Workspace File (*.gxw)|*.gxw"), style=wx.FD_SAVE)
-    instead of
-    dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, _("Choose file to save current workspace"),
-                        _("GRASS Workspace File (*.gxw)|*.gxw"), wx.FD_SAVE)
-    Use wx.ID_ANY instead of `-1`.
-    Use GError, GWarning and GMessage instead of wx.MessageBox()
-    Do not use grass.run_command() or grass.read_command(). Use functions and
-    classes which uses threads such as RunCommand.
-    Use full strings, e.g.
-      if ...:
-          win.SetLabel(_('Name for new 3D raster map to create'))
-      else:
-          win.SetLabel(_('Name for new raster map to create'))
-      instead of
-      _('Name for new %s to create') % maplabel
-      where `maplabel` can be 'raster map' or '3D raster map'
-      When using AddGrowableCol/AddGrowableRow with sizers, put it after
-      adding widgets into the sizer, not just after creating of the sizer
-      (needed for wxPython >= 2.9).
-9.  Use tools such as pylint and pep8 to check your code (both style and
-    correctness). Just note that default settings of these tools is not fully
-    compatible with wxGUI/wxPython style and that some of the reported errors
-    may not apply to your code.
-14. Tell the other developers about the new code using the following e-mail:
-    grass-dev at lists.osgeo.org
-    To subscribe to this mailing list, see
-    http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/grass-dev
-15. In case of questions feel free to contact the other developers at the above
-    mailing list.
-    http://grass.osgeo.org/development/
-[please add further hints if required]
-"Your attention to detail is appreciated."

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