[GRASS-SVN] r61020 - sandbox/annakrat/r3.flow

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Fri Jun 27 14:18:37 PDT 2014

Author: annakrat
Date: 2014-06-27 14:18:37 -0700 (Fri, 27 Jun 2014)
New Revision: 61020

r3.flow: compute gradient on the fly, currently doesn't yet produce identical results when gradient is precomputed

Modified: sandbox/annakrat/r3.flow/gradient.py
--- sandbox/annakrat/r3.flow/gradient.py	2014-06-27 20:50:02 UTC (rev 61019)
+++ sandbox/annakrat/r3.flow/gradient.py	2014-06-27 21:18:37 UTC (rev 61020)
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
                 gradient_array_z[depth, row, col] = (depth_array[depth + 1] -
                                                      depth_array[depth - 1]) / (2 * step[2])
-    return gradient_array_x, gradient_array_y, gradient_array_z
+    return gradient_array_x, -gradient_array_y, gradient_array_z
 class TestGradient(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
         gradient_x, gradient_y, gradient_z = gradient(array, step)
         self.assertEqual(True, np.allclose(gradient_z, numpy_gradient_z, atol=1e-8))
-        self.assertEqual(True, np.allclose(gradient_y, numpy_gradient_y, atol=1e-8))
+        self.assertEqual(True, np.allclose(gradient_y, -numpy_gradient_y, atol=1e-8))
         self.assertEqual(True, np.allclose(gradient_x, numpy_gradient_x, atol=1e-8))

Modified: sandbox/annakrat/r3.flow/integrate.py
--- sandbox/annakrat/r3.flow/integrate.py	2014-06-27 20:50:02 UTC (rev 61019)
+++ sandbox/annakrat/r3.flow/integrate.py	2014-06-27 21:18:37 UTC (rev 61020)
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
 # nice explanation of runge-kutta with picture:
 # http://www.marekfiser.com/Projects/Vector-field-visualization-on-GPU-using-CUDA/
-def rk4_integrate_next(rast3d_region, arrays, point, next_point, delta_t):
+def rk4_integrate_next(rast3d_region, velocity_obj, point, next_point, delta_t):
     """Integrates new point of a flowline using 4th order Runge-Kutta method.
     :param dict rast3d_region: information about region
-    :param arrays: 3D arrays of velocity components
+    :param velocity_obj: velocity class to handle different sources of velocity field
     :param list point: list of x, y, z coordinates from where to integrate
     :param list next_point: list of x, y, z coordinates of the integrated point
     (computed here and the list is modified)
@@ -35,27 +35,27 @@
     k4 = [None] * 3
     x, y, z = point[0], point[1], point[2]
     # first
-    velocity = get_velocity(rast3d_region, arrays, point)
+    velocity = get_velocity(rast3d_region, velocity_obj, point)
     if velocity is None:
         return False
     for i in range(3):
         k1[i] = delta_t * velocity[i]
     # second
-    velocity = get_velocity(rast3d_region, arrays,
+    velocity = get_velocity(rast3d_region, velocity_obj,
                             (x + k1[0] / 2, y + k1[1] / 2, z + k1[2] / 2))
     if velocity is None:
         return False
     for i in range(3):
         k2[i] = delta_t * velocity[i]
     # third
-    velocity = get_velocity(rast3d_region, arrays,
+    velocity = get_velocity(rast3d_region, velocity_obj,
                             (x + k2[0] / 2, y + k2[1] / 2, z + k2[2] / 2))
     if velocity is None:
         return False
     for i in range(3):
         k3[i] = delta_t * velocity[i]
     # fourth
-    velocity = get_velocity(rast3d_region, arrays, (x + k3[0], y + k3[1], z + k3[2]))
+    velocity = get_velocity(rast3d_region, velocity_obj, (x + k3[0], y + k3[1], z + k3[2]))
     if velocity is None:
         return False
     for i in range(3):
@@ -87,12 +87,12 @@
       -277. / 14336, 512. / 1771 - 1. / 4]
-def rk45_integrate_next(rast3d_region, arrays, point, next_point, delta_t, min_step, max_step):
+def rk45_integrate_next(rast3d_region, velocity_obj, point, next_point, delta_t, min_step, max_step):
     """Integrates new point of a flowline using Runge-Kutta method with adaptive step size.
     Uses Cash-Karp coefficients. Tries to decrease the estimated error below max error.
     :param dict rast3d_region: information about region
-    :param arrays: 3D arrays of velocity components
+    :param velocity_obj: velocity class to handle different sources of velocity field
     :param list point: list of x, y, z coordinates from where to integrate
     :param list next_point: list of x, y, z coordinates of the integrated point
     (computed here and the list is modified)
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
     # try to iteratively decrease error to less than max error
     while estimated_error > MAX_ERROR:
         # compute next point and get estimated error
-        if rk45_next(rast3d_region, arrays, point, next_point, delta_t, error):
+        if rk45_next(rast3d_region, velocity_obj, point, next_point, delta_t, error):
             estimated_error = norm(error)
             return False
@@ -135,19 +135,19 @@
             delta_t = tmp
         # break when the adjustment was needed (not sure why)
         if do_break:
-            if not rk45_next(rast3d_region, arrays, point, next_point, delta_t, error):
+            if not rk45_next(rast3d_region, velocity_obj, point, next_point, delta_t, error):
                 return False
     return True
-def rk45_next(rast3d_region, arrays, point, next_point, delta_t, error):
+def rk45_next(rast3d_region, velocity_obj, point, next_point, delta_t, error):
     """The actual method which integrates new point of a flowline
     using Runge-Kutta method with Cash-Karp coefficients. Provides error estimate.
     :param dict rast3d_region: information about region
-    :param arrays: 3D arrays of velocity components
+    :param velocity_obj: velocity class to handle different sources of velocity field
     :param list point: list of x, y, z coordinates from where to integrate
     :param list next_point: list of x, y, z coordinates of the integrated point
     (computed here and the list is modified)
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
     # 3 is 3 dimensions, 6 is the number of k's
     tmp1 = [[0] * 3] * 6
     tmp_point = [0] * 3
-    velocity = get_velocity(rast3d_region, arrays, point)
+    velocity = get_velocity(rast3d_region, velocity_obj, point)
     if velocity is None:
         return False
     tmp1[0] = velocity
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
             tmp_point[j] = point[j] + delta_t * sum_tmp
-        velocity = get_velocity(rast3d_region, arrays, tmp_point)
+        velocity = get_velocity(rast3d_region, velocity_obj, tmp_point)
         if velocity is None:
             return False
         tmp1[i] = velocity

Modified: sandbox/annakrat/r3.flow/r3.flow.py
--- sandbox/annakrat/r3.flow/r3.flow.py	2014-06-27 20:50:02 UTC (rev 61019)
+++ sandbox/annakrat/r3.flow/r3.flow.py	2014-06-27 21:18:37 UTC (rev 61020)
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
 from grass.pygrass.vector.geometry import Line, Point
 from integrate import rk4_integrate_next, rk45_integrate_next, get_time_step, MIN_STEP, MAX_STEP
-from rast3d_functions import get_velocity, norm, compute_gradient, rast3d_location2coord
+from rast3d_functions import get_velocity, norm, rast3d_location2coord
 from voxel_traversal import traverse
 EPSILON = 1e-8
@@ -115,27 +115,40 @@
         self.flowaccum = flowaccum
+class Velocity:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.compute_gradient = False
+        self.vector_arrays = None
+        self.scalar_array = None
+        self.last_neighbors_values = None
+        self.last_neighbors_extent = None
+        self.last_shift = None
 def main():
     options, flags = gcore.parser()
+    velocity_obj = Velocity()
     if options['vector_field']:
             v_x, v_y, v_z = options['vector_field'].split(',')
         except ValueError:
             gcore.fatal(_("Please provide 3 input 3D raster maps representing components of vector field."))
         # read input 3D maps
-        velocity = [garray.array3d(), garray.array3d(), garray.array3d()]
-        for inp, vel in zip((v_x, v_y, v_z), velocity):
+        velocity_arrays = [garray.array3d(), garray.array3d(), garray.array3d()]
+        for inp, vel in zip((v_x, v_y, v_z), velocity_arrays):
             if vel.read(mapname=inp) != 0:
                 gcore.fatal(_("Error when reading input 3D raster maps"))
         map_info = grast3d.raster3d_info(v_x)
+        velocity_obj.vector_arrays = velocity_arrays
+        velocity_obj.compute_gradient = False
     elif options['input']:
-        gcore.info(_("Computing gradient field..."))
-        array = garray.array3d()
-        array.read(mapname=options['input'])
-        velocity = compute_gradient(array)
+        scalar_array = garray.array3d()
+        scalar_array.read(mapname=options['input'])
         map_info = grast3d.raster3d_info(options['input'])
+        velocity_obj.compute_gradient = True
+        velocity_obj.scalar_array = scalar_array
         # this should be handled by parser (in the future)
         gcore.fatal("Either input or vector_field options must be specified.")
@@ -181,7 +194,7 @@
             for c in range(0, map_info['cols']):
                 for d in range(0, map_info['depths']):
                     x = map_info['west'] + c * map_info['ewres'] + map_info['ewres'] / 2
-                    y = map_info['south'] + r * map_info['nsres'] + map_info['nsres'] / 2
+                    y = map_info['south'] + r * map_info['nsres'] - map_info['nsres'] / 2
                     z = map_info['bottom'] + d * map_info['tbres'] + map_info['tbres'] / 2
                     seed = Seed(x, y, z, False, False)
@@ -208,7 +221,6 @@
         if flowline_vector.exist() and not gcore.overwrite:
             gcore.fatal(_("Vector map <{flowline}> already exists.").format(flowline=flowline_vector))
         flowline_vector.open(mode='w', with_z=True)
     # create the flowaccumulation 3D raster
     if options['flowaccumulation']:
         flowacc = garray.array3d()
@@ -228,7 +240,7 @@
         last_coords = (None, None, None)
         new_point = [None, None, None]
         while count <= limit:
-            velocity_vector = get_velocity(map_info, velocity, point)
+            velocity_vector = get_velocity(map_info, velocity_obj, point)
             if velocity_vector is None:
                 break  # outside region
             velocity_norm = norm(velocity_vector)
@@ -239,12 +251,12 @@
             delta_T = get_time_step(unit, step, velocity_norm, cell_size)
             # decide which integration method to choose
             if not RK45:
-                ret = rk4_integrate_next(map_info, velocity, point, new_point,
+                ret = rk4_integrate_next(map_info, velocity_obj, point, new_point,
                                          delta_T * direction)
                 min_step = get_time_step('cell', MIN_STEP, velocity_norm, cell_size)
                 max_step = get_time_step('cell', MAX_STEP, velocity_norm, cell_size)
-                ret = rk45_integrate_next(map_info, velocity, point, new_point,
+                ret = rk45_integrate_next(map_info, velocity_obj, point, new_point,
                                           delta_T * direction, min_step, max_step)
             if not ret:

Modified: sandbox/annakrat/r3.flow/rast3d_functions.py
--- sandbox/annakrat/r3.flow/rast3d_functions.py	2014-06-27 20:50:02 UTC (rev 61019)
+++ sandbox/annakrat/r3.flow/rast3d_functions.py	2014-06-27 21:18:37 UTC (rev 61020)
@@ -5,16 +5,97 @@
 import math
 import numpy
+from gradient import gradient
 #from grass.script import raster3d as grast3d
-def get_velocity(rast3d_region, velocity_arrays, point):
-    """Returns tuple of interpolated velocity values
-    in xyz components for a given point, or None if outside of region"""
-    return rast3d_trilinear_interpolation(rast3d_region, velocity_arrays,
-                                          point[1], point[0], point[2])
+def get_velocity(rast3d_region, velocity_obj, point):
+    if velocity_obj.compute_gradient:
+        return get_gradient(rast3d_region, velocity_obj, point)
+    else:
+        return rast3d_trilinear_interpolation(rast3d_region, velocity_obj.vector_arrays,
+                                              point[1], point[0], point[2])
+#def get_velocity(rast3d_region, velocity_arrays, point):
+#    """Returns tuple of interpolated velocity values
+#    in xyz components for a given point, or None if outside of region"""
+#    return rast3d_trilinear_interpolation(rast3d_region, velocity_arrays,
+#                                          point[1], point[0], point[2])
+def get_gradient(rast3d_region, velocity_obj, point):
+    nearest = find_nearest_voxels(rast3d_region, point[1], point[0], point[2])
+    minx, maxx = nearest[0][0], nearest[7][0]
+    miny, maxy = nearest[7][1], nearest[0][1]
+    minz, maxz = nearest[0][2], nearest[7][2]
+    # min, max of x, y, z neighboring voxels
+    neighbors_extent = [minx, maxx,
+                        miny, maxy,
+                        minz, maxz]
+    if not velocity_obj.last_neighbors_extent or neighbors_extent != velocity_obj.last_neighbors_extent:
+        velocity_obj.last_neighbors_extent = neighbors_extent
+        if minx < 0 or maxx >= rast3d_region['cols'] or \
+           miny < 0 or maxy >= rast3d_region['rows'] or \
+           minz < 0 or maxz >= rast3d_region['depths']:
+            return None
+        if minx == 0:
+            maxx = minx + 3
+            xshift = 0
+        elif maxx == rast3d_region['cols'] - 1:
+            minx = maxx - 3
+            xshift = 1
+        else:
+            minx -= 1
+            maxx += 1
+            xshift = 2
+        if miny == 0:
+            maxy = miny + 3
+            yshift = 0
+        elif maxy == rast3d_region['rows'] - 1:
+            miny = maxy - 3
+            yshift = 1
+        else:
+            miny -= 1
+            maxy += 1
+            yshift = 2
+        if minz == 0:
+            maxz = minz + 3
+            zshift = 0
+        elif maxz == rast3d_region['depths'] - 1:
+            minz = maxz - 3
+            zshift = 1
+        else:
+            minz -= 1
+            maxz += 1
+            zshift = 2
+        array = velocity_obj.scalar_array[minz:maxz + 1, miny:maxy + 1, minx:maxx + 1]
+#        print (minx, maxx), (miny, maxy), (minz, maxz)
+        xyz_gradients = gradient(array, step=[rast3d_region['ewres'], rast3d_region['nsres'],
+                                              rast3d_region['tbres']])
+        array_values = [[] for i in range(3)]
+        for i in range(3):
+            for z in range(2):
+                for y in range(2):
+                    for x in range(2):
+                        array_values[i].append(xyz_gradients[i][z + zshift][y + yshift][x + xshift])
+        velocity_obj.last_neighbors_values = array_values
+    else:
+        array_values = velocity_obj.last_neighbors_values
+    x, y, z = get_relative_coords_for_interp(rast3d_region, point[1], point[0], point[2])
+    return trilinear_interpolation(array_values, x, y, z)
 def norm(vector):
     return math.sqrt(vector[0] * vector[0] + vector[1] * vector[1] + vector[2] * vector[2])
@@ -59,6 +140,27 @@
     return array[depth][row][col]
+def find_nearest_voxels(rast3d_region, north, east, top):
+    """Finds 8 nearest voxel to given point and returns their indices."""
+    reg = rast3d_region
+    n_minus, n_plus = north - reg['nsres'] / 2., north + reg['nsres'] / 2.
+    e_minus, e_plus = east - reg['ewres'] / 2., east + reg['ewres'] / 2.
+    t_minus, t_plus = top - reg['tbres'] / 2., top + reg['tbres'] / 2.
+    # find nearest cells
+    points = [(n_minus, e_minus, t_minus),
+              (n_minus, e_plus, t_minus),
+              (n_plus, e_minus, t_minus),
+              (n_plus, e_plus, t_minus),
+              (n_minus, e_minus, t_plus),
+              (n_minus, e_plus, t_plus),
+              (n_plus, e_minus, t_plus),
+              (n_plus, e_plus, t_plus)]
+    coordinates = []
+    for point in points:
+        coordinates.append(rast3d_location2coord(reg, *point))
+    return coordinates
 #def rast3d_get_window_value(rast3d_region, array, north, east, top):
 #    """Returns interpolated value in a point defined by geogr. coordinates"""
 #    return rast3d_trilinear_interpolation(rast3d_region, array, north, east, top)
@@ -68,20 +170,10 @@
     """Linearly interpolates value of multiple 3D maps in a given point from the 8 closest cells
     based on the centers of cells."""
     reg = rast3d_region
-    # find nearest cells
-    points = [(north - reg['nsres'] / 2., east - reg['ewres'] / 2., top - reg['tbres'] / 2.),
-              (north - reg['nsres'] / 2., east + reg['ewres'] / 2., top - reg['tbres'] / 2.),
-              (north + reg['nsres'] / 2., east - reg['ewres'] / 2., top - reg['tbres'] / 2.),
-              (north + reg['nsres'] / 2., east + reg['ewres'] / 2., top - reg['tbres'] / 2.),
-              (north - reg['nsres'] / 2., east - reg['ewres'] / 2., top + reg['tbres'] / 2.),
-              (north - reg['nsres'] / 2., east + reg['ewres'] / 2., top + reg['tbres'] / 2.),
-              (north + reg['nsres'] / 2., east - reg['ewres'] / 2., top + reg['tbres'] / 2.),
-              (north + reg['nsres'] / 2., east + reg['ewres'] / 2., top + reg['tbres'] / 2.)]
     # get values of the nearest cells
     array_values = [[] for i in range(len(arrays))]
-    for point in points:
-        col, row, depth = rast3d_location2coord(reg, *point)
+    for col, row, depth in find_nearest_voxels(reg, north, east, top):
         for i in range(len(arrays)):
             value = rast3d_get_value_region(reg, arrays[i], col, row, depth)
             if value is None:
@@ -95,18 +187,29 @@
     if rast3d_get_value_region(reg, arrays[0], col, row, depth) is None:
         return None
-    # hm, is there some more elegant way?
-    # x
+    x, y, z = get_relative_coords_for_interp(rast3d_region, north, east, top)
+    return trilinear_interpolation(array_values, x, y, z)
+def get_relative_coords_for_interp(rast3d_region, north, east, top):
+    reg = rast3d_region
+    col, row, depth = rast3d_location2coord(rast3d_region, north, east, top)
+     # x
     temp = east - reg['west'] - col * reg['ewres']
     x = (temp - reg['ewres'] / 2. if temp > reg['ewres'] / 2. else temp + reg['ewres'] / 2.) / reg['ewres']
-    rx = 1 - x
     # y
     temp = north - reg['south'] - (reg['rows'] - row - 1) * reg['nsres']
     y = (temp - reg['nsres'] / 2. if temp > reg['nsres'] / 2. else temp + reg['nsres'] / 2.) / reg['nsres']
-    ry = 1 - y
     # z
     temp = top - reg['bottom'] - depth * reg['tbres']
     z = (temp - reg['tbres'] / 2. if temp > reg['tbres'] / 2. else temp + reg['tbres'] / 2.) / reg['tbres']
+    return x, y, z
+def trilinear_interpolation(array_values, x, y, z):
+    rx = 1 - x
+    ry = 1 - y
     rz = 1 - z
     weights = [rx * ry * rz,
                x * ry * rz,

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