[GRASS-SVN] r59367 - grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/rlisetup

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Wed Mar 26 08:11:32 PDT 2014

Author: lucadelu
Date: 2014-03-26 08:11:32 -0700 (Wed, 26 Mar 2014)
New Revision: 59367

g.gui.rlisetup: several improvements; change order of wizard functions to have a more clear situation

Modified: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/rlisetup/functions.py
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/rlisetup/functions.py	2014-03-26 14:56:46 UTC (rev 59366)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/rlisetup/functions.py	2014-03-26 15:11:32 UTC (rev 59367)
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
 class SamplingType:
-    KMWINC = samplingtype=moving, regionbox=keyboard, shape=circle
-    KMWINR = samplingtype moving, regionbox=keyboard, shape=rectangle
-    MMWINC = samplingtype=moving, regionbox=mouse, shape=circle
-    MMWINR = samplingtype moving, regionbox=mouse, shape=rectangle
+    KMVWINC = samplingtype=moving, regionbox=keyboard, shape=circle
+    KMVWINR = samplingtype moving, regionbox=keyboard, shape=rectangle
+    MMVWINC = samplingtype=moving, regionbox=mouse, shape=circle
+    MMVWINR = samplingtype moving, regionbox=mouse, shape=rectangle
     KUNITSC = samplingtype=units, regionbox=keyboard, shape=cirlce
     KUNITSR = samplingtype=units, regionbox=keyboard, shape=rectangle

Modified: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/rlisetup/sampling_frame.py
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/rlisetup/sampling_frame.py	2014-03-26 14:56:46 UTC (rev 59366)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/rlisetup/sampling_frame.py	2014-03-26 15:11:32 UTC (rev 59367)
@@ -65,27 +65,23 @@
 class MaskedArea(object):
-    def __init__(self, region, raster):
+    def __init__(self, region, raster, radius):
         self.region = region
         self.raster = raster
+        self.radius = radius
 class RLiSetupMapPanel(wx.Panel):
     """!Panel with mapwindow used in r.li.setup"""
-    def __init__(self, parent, samplingType, graphicsType="rect", icon=None,
-                 map_=None):
+    def __init__(self, parent, samplingType, icon=None, map_=None):
         wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent=parent)
         self.mapWindowProperties = MapWindowProperties()
         giface = StandaloneGrassInterface()
         self.samplingtype = samplingType
-        self.gtype = graphicsType
         self.parent = parent
-        ##print self.gtype
-        ##print samplingType
         if map_:
             self.map_ = map_
@@ -114,16 +110,13 @@
-        #print self.samplingtype
         if self.samplingtype == SamplingType.REGIONS:
             self.afterRegionDrawn = Signal('RLiSetupMapPanel.afterRegionDrawn')
             self._registeredGraphics = self.mapWindow.RegisterGraphicsToDraw(graphicsType='line')
-        elif self.samplingtype in [SamplingType.MUNITSR, SamplingType.KUNITSR,
-                                   SamplingType.KMVWINR, SamplingType.MMVWINR]:
+        elif self.samplingtype in [SamplingType.MUNITSR, SamplingType.MMVWINR]:
             self.sampleFrameChanged = Signal('RLiSetupMapPanel.sampleFrameChanged')
             self._registeredGraphics = self.mapWindow.RegisterGraphicsToDraw(graphicsType='rectangle')
-        elif self.samplingtype in [SamplingType.MUNITSC, SamplingType.KUNITSC,
-                                   SamplingType.KMVWINC, SamplingType.MMVWINC]:
+        elif self.samplingtype in [SamplingType.MUNITSC, SamplingType.MMVWINC]:
             self.afterCircleDrawn = Signal('RLiSetupMapPanel.afterCircleDrawn')
             self._registeredGraphics = self.mapWindow.RegisterGraphicsToDraw(graphicsType='line')
@@ -305,13 +298,13 @@
     def createCricle(self, c):
-        dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(None, 'Name of sample region',
-                                 'Create region', 'region' + str(self.catId))
+        dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(None, 'Name of sample circle region',
+                                 'Create circle region', 'circle' + str(self.catId))
         ret = dlg.ShowModal()
         if ret == wx.ID_OK:
             raster = dlg.GetValue()
             circle = self.writeCircle(c, raster)
-            self.nextCircle(next=True, circle=c)
+            self.nextCircle(next=True, circle=circle)
@@ -323,48 +316,19 @@
         layers = self.map_.GetListOfLayers()
         self.mapWindow.ZoomToMap(layers=layers, ignoreNulls=False, render=True)
         if next is True:
-            self.afterCircleDrawn.emit(mcircle=circle)
+            self.afterCircleDrawn.emit(region=circle)
                           message=_("Raster map not created. redraw region again."))
     def writeCircle(self, circle, rasterName):
-        polyfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
-        polyfile.write("AREA\n")
-        for coor in coords:
-            east, north = coor
-            point = " %s %s\n" % (east, north)
-            polyfile.write(point)
-        catbuf = "=%d a\n" % self.catId
-        polyfile.write(catbuf)
-        self.catId = self.catId + 1
-        polyfile.close()
-        region_settings = grass.parse_command('g.region', flags='p',
-                                              delimiter=':')
-        pname = polyfile.name.split('/')[-1]
-        tmpraster = "rast_" + pname
-        tmpvector = "vect_" + pname
-        RunCommand('r.in.poly', input=polyfile.name, output=tmpraster,
-                   rows=region_settings['rows'], overwrite=True)
-        RunCommand('r.to.vect', input=tmpraster, output=tmpvector,
-                   type='area', overwrite=True)
-        RunCommand('v.to.rast', input=tmpvector, output=rasterName,
-                   value=1, use='val', overwrite=True)
+        coords = self.mapWindow.Pixel2Cell(circle.point)
+        RunCommand('r.circle', output=rasterName, max=circle.radius,
+                   coordinate=coords, flags="b")
-        grass.run_command('g.region', vect=tmpvector)
+        grass.run_command('g.region', zoom=rasterName)
         region = grass.region()
-        marea = MaskedArea(region, rasterName)
-        RunCommand('g.remove', rast=tmpraster)
-        RunCommand('g.remove', vect=tmpvector)
-        os.unlink(polyfile.name)
+        marea = MaskedArea(region, rasterName, circle.radius)
         return marea
     def _rectangleDrawn(self):
@@ -381,8 +345,7 @@
         item.SetPropertyVal('hide', False)
-        if self.samplingtype == SamplingType.MUNITSR:
+        if self.samplingtype in [SamplingType.MUNITSR, SamplingType.MMVWINR]:
             dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, "Is this area ok?",
                                    "select sampling unit",
                                    wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_QUESTION)
@@ -433,22 +396,13 @@
-        """
         if self.parent.samplingtype == SamplingType.REGIONS:
             self._default = self.digitizeregion
-            self.toolSwitcher.AddToolToGroup(group='mouseUse', toolbar=self, tool=self.digitizeregion)
-        elif self.parent.samplingtype == SamplingType.MUNITSR:
+        elif self.parent.samplingtype in [SamplingType.MUNITSR,
+                                          SamplingType.MMVWINR]:
             self._default = self.digitizeunit
-            self.toolSwitcher.AddToolToGroup(group='mouseUse', toolbar=self, tool=self.digitizeunit)        
-        else:
-            self._default = self.draw
-            self.toolSwitcher.AddToolToGroup(group='mouseUse', toolbar=self, tool=self.draw)
-        """
-        if self.parent.samplingtype == SamplingType.REGIONS:
-            self._default = self.digitizeregion
-        elif self.parent.samplingtype == SamplingType.MUNITSR:
-            self._default = self.digitizeunit
-        elif self.parent.samplingtype == SamplingType.MUNITSC:
+        elif self.parent.samplingtype in [SamplingType.MUNITSC,
+                                          SamplingType.MMVWINC]:
             self._default = self.digitizeunitc
         elif self.parent.samplingtype == SamplingType.VECT:
             self._default = None
@@ -467,43 +421,35 @@
         """!Toolbar data"""
         if self.parent.samplingtype == SamplingType.REGIONS:
             drawTool = ('digitizeregion', icons['digitizeregion'],
-                                     self.parent.OnDigitizeRegion,
-                                     wx.ITEM_CHECK)
-        elif self.parent.samplingtype == SamplingType.MUNITSR:
+                        self.parent.OnDigitizeRegion, wx.ITEM_CHECK)
+        elif self.parent.samplingtype in [SamplingType.MUNITSR,
+                                          SamplingType.MMVWINR]:
             drawTool = ('digitizeunit', icons['digitizeunit'],
-                                     self.parent.OnDraw,
-                                     wx.ITEM_CHECK)
-        elif self.parent.samplingtype == SamplingType.MUNITSC:
+                        self.parent.OnDraw, wx.ITEM_CHECK)
+        elif self.parent.samplingtype in [SamplingType.MUNITSC,
+                                          SamplingType.MMVWINC]:
             drawTool = ('digitizeunitc', icons['digitizeunitc'],
-                                     self.parent.OnDrawRadius,
-                                     wx.ITEM_CHECK)
+                        self.parent.OnDrawRadius, wx.ITEM_CHECK)
-            drawTool = ('draw', icons['draw'],
-                         self.parent.OnDraw,
-                         wx.ITEM_CHECK)
+            drawTool = ('draw', icons['draw'], self.parent.OnDraw,
+                        wx.ITEM_CHECK)
         if self.parent.samplingtype == SamplingType.VECT:
             return self._getToolbarData((
-                       ('pan', BaseIcons['pan'],
-                                      self.parent.OnPan,
-                                      wx.ITEM_CHECK),
-                       ('zoomIn', BaseIcons['zoomIn'],
-                                      self.parent.OnZoomIn,
-                                      wx.ITEM_CHECK),
-                       ('zoomOut', BaseIcons['zoomOut'],
-                                      self.parent.OnZoomOut,
-                                      wx.ITEM_CHECK),
+                       ('pan', BaseIcons['pan'], self.parent.OnPan,
+                        wx.ITEM_CHECK),
+                       ('zoomIn', BaseIcons['zoomIn'], self.parent.OnZoomIn,
+                        wx.ITEM_CHECK),
+                       ('zoomOut', BaseIcons['zoomOut'], self.parent.OnZoomOut,
+                        wx.ITEM_CHECK),
                        ('zoomExtent', BaseIcons['zoomExtent'],
-                                      self.parent.OnZoomToMap),))
+                        self.parent.OnZoomToMap),))
             return self._getToolbarData((drawTool, (None, ),
-                       ('pan', BaseIcons['pan'],
-                                      self.parent.OnPan,
-                                      wx.ITEM_CHECK),
-                       ('zoomIn', BaseIcons['zoomIn'],
-                                      self.parent.OnZoomIn,
-                                      wx.ITEM_CHECK),
-                       ('zoomOut', BaseIcons['zoomOut'],
-                                      self.parent.OnZoomOut,
-                                      wx.ITEM_CHECK),
+                       ('pan', BaseIcons['pan'], self.parent.OnPan,
+                        wx.ITEM_CHECK),
+                       ('zoomIn', BaseIcons['zoomIn'], self.parent.OnZoomIn,
+                        wx.ITEM_CHECK),
+                       ('zoomOut', BaseIcons['zoomOut'], self.parent.OnZoomOut,
+                        wx.ITEM_CHECK),
                        ('zoomExtent', BaseIcons['zoomExtent'],
-                                      self.parent.OnZoomToMap),))
+                        self.parent.OnZoomToMap),))

Modified: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/rlisetup/wizard.py
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/rlisetup/wizard.py	2014-03-26 14:56:46 UTC (rev 59366)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/rlisetup/wizard.py	2014-03-26 15:11:32 UTC (rev 59367)
@@ -66,10 +66,10 @@
         self.samplingareapage = SamplingAreasPage(self.wizard, self)
         self.summarypage = SummaryPage(self.wizard, self)
         self.units = SampleUnitsKeyPage(self.wizard, self)
-        self.drawunits = SampleUnitsMousePage(self.wizard, self)
+        self.drawunits = UnitsMousePage(self.wizard, self)
         self.drawsampleunitspage = DrawSampleUnitsPage(self.wizard, self)
         self.vectorareas = VectorAreasPage(self.wizard, self)
-        self.moving = MovingWindows(self.wizard, self)
+        self.moving = MovingKeyPage(self.wizard, self)
         self.regions = DrawRegionsPage(self.wizard, self)
         #order of pages
@@ -221,14 +221,18 @@
             fil.write("SAMPLINGFRAME %r|%r|%r|%r\n" % (self.per_x, self.per_y,
                                                        self.per_rl, self.per_cl))
-    def _circle(self, radius, mask):
-        """!Create a circle mask"""
+    def _value_for_circle(self, radius):
         self.CIR_RL = round((2 * float(radius)) / float(self.rasterinfo['ewres']))
         self.CIR_CL = round((2 * float(radius)) / float(self.rasterinfo['nsres']))
         if not self.CIR_RL % 2:
             self.CIR_RL += 1
         if not self.CIR_CL % 2:
             self.CIR_CL += 1
+        return
+    def _circle(self, radius, mask):
+        """!Create a circle mask"""
+        self._value_for_circle(radius)
         eastEdge = float(self.SF_W + (self.CIR_RL * self.SF_EWRES))
         southEdge = float(self.SF_N - (self.CIR_CL * self.SF_NSRES))
@@ -277,6 +281,8 @@
             samtype = SamplingType.REGIONS
         elif samplingtype == SamplingType.VECT:
             samtype = SamplingType.VECT
+        else:
+            samtype = samplingtype
         return samtype
     def _write_area(self, fil):
@@ -292,7 +298,6 @@
             y = float(self.SF_Y) / float(self.rasterinfo['rows'])
             fil.write("SAMPLEAREA %r|%r|%r|%r\n" % (self.per_x, self.per_y,
                                                     rl, cl))
         ##KMWINC = samplingtype=moving, regionbox=keyboard, shape=circle
         elif samtype == SamplingType.KMVWINC:
             self._circle(self.moving.width, self.moving.height)
@@ -301,14 +306,26 @@
             fil.write("SAMPLEAREA -1|-1|%r|%r" % (rl, cl))
             fil.write("|%s" % self.moving.height)
         ##KMWINR = samplingtype moving, regionbox=keyboard, shape=rectangle
         elif samtype == SamplingType.KMVWINR:
             cl = float(self.moving.width) / float(self.rasterinfo['cols'])
             rl = float(self.moving.height) / float(self.rasterinfo['rows'])
             fil.write("SAMPLEAREA -1|-1|%r|%r" % (rl, cl))
+        ##MMVWINR = samplingtype moving, regionbox=mouse, shape=rectangle
+        elif samtype == SamplingType.MMVWINR:
+            cl = float(self.msAreaList[0]['cols']) / float(self.rasterinfo['cols'])
+            rl = float(self.msAreaList[0]['rows']) / float(self.rasterinfo['rows'])
+            fil.write("SAMPLEAREA -1|-1|%r|%r" % (rl, cl))
+            fil.write("\nMOVINGWINDOW\n")
+        ##MMVWINR = samplingtype moving, regionbox=mouse, shape=circle
+        elif samtype == SamplingType.MMVWINC:
+            self._value_for_circle(self.msAreaList[0].radius)
+            cl = float(self.CIR_CL) / float(self.rasterinfo['cols'])
+            rl = float(self.CIR_RL) / float(self.rasterinfo['rows'])
+            fil.write("SAMPLEAREA -1|-1|%r|%r" % (rl, cl))
+            fil.write("|%s" % self.msAreaList[0].raster)
+            fil.write("\nMOVINGWINDOW\n")
         ##KUNITSC = samplingtype=units, regionbox=keyboard, shape=cirlce
         ##KUNITSR = samplingtype=units, regionbox=keyboard, shape=rectangle
         elif samtype == SamplingType.KUNITSC or samtype == SamplingType.KUNITSR:
@@ -704,317 +721,10 @@
-class SampleUnitsMousePage(TitledPage):
-    """!Choose the sampling area setting the values using the mouse"""
-    def __init__(self, wizard, parent):
-        TitledPage.__init__(self, wizard, _("Draw sampling units"))
-        self.parent = parent
-        self.numregions = ''
-        self.mapPanel = None
-        # type of shape
-        self.typeBox = wx.RadioBox(parent=self, id=wx.ID_ANY,
-                                   majorDimension=1, style=wx.RA_SPECIFY_COLS,
-                                   label=" %s " % _("Select type of shape"),
-                                   choices=[_('Rectangle'), _('Circle')])
-        self.sizer.Add(self.typeBox, flag=wx.ALIGN_LEFT, pos=(0, 0),
-                            span=(1, 2))
-        self.regionPanelSizer = wx.GridBagSizer(1, 2)
-        self.regionNumPanel = wx.Panel(parent=self, id=wx.ID_ANY)
-        self.regionNumLabel = wx.StaticText(parent=self.regionNumPanel,
-                                            id=wx.ID_ANY,
-                                            label=_('Number of sampling area to draw:'))
-        self.regionNumTxt = wx.TextCtrl(parent=self.regionNumPanel,
-                                        id=wx.ID_ANY, size=(50, -1))
-        self.regionPanelSizer.Add(self.regionNumLabel, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER,
-                                  pos=(0, 0))
-        self.regionPanelSizer.Add(self.regionNumTxt, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER,
-                                  pos=(0, 1))
-        self.regionNumPanel.SetSizer(self.regionPanelSizer)
-        self.sizer.Add(self.regionNumPanel, flag=wx.ALIGN_LEFT, pos=(1, 0),
-                            span=(1, 2))
-        self.typeBox.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBOX, self.OnType)
-        self.regionNumTxt.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnNumRegions)
-        self.Bind(wiz.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGED, self.OnEnterPage)
-        self.sizer.AddGrowableCol(0)
-        self.OnType(None)
-        self.regionNumTxt.SetValue('')
-    def OnEnterPage(self, event):
-        """!Function during entering"""
-        if self.numregions:
-            wx.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable(True)
-        else:
-            wx.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable(False)
-    def OnType(self, event):
-        chosen = self.typeBox.GetSelection()
-        if chosen == 0:
-            self.drawtype = 'rectangle'
-        else:
-            self.drawtype = 'circle'
-    def OnNumRegions(self, event):
-        """!Set the number of region"""
-        if event.GetString():
-            self.SetNext(self.parent.drawsampleunitspage)
-            wx.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable(True)
-            self.numregions = event.GetString()
-        else:
-            wx.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable(False)
-    def OnExitPage(self, event=None):
-        """!Function during exiting"""
-        if event.GetDirection():
-            self.SetNext(self.drawsampleunitspage)
-            self.SetPrev(self.samplingareapage)
-class DrawSampleUnitsPage(TitledPage):
-    """!Choose the sampling area drawing them"""
-    def __init__(self, wizard, parent):
-        TitledPage.__init__(self, wizard, _("Draw sampling units"))
-        self.parent = parent
-        self.regioncount = 0
-        self.mapPanel = None
-        self.Bind(wiz.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGED, self.OnEnterPage)
-        #self.Bind(wiz.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGING, self.OnExitPage)
-    def SampleFrameChanged(self, region):
-        #region = self.GetSampleUnitRegion()
-        if region:
-            self.parent.msAreaList.append(region)
-        self.regioncount = self.regioncount + 1
-        numregions = int(self.parent.drawunits.numregions)
-        drawtype = self.parent.drawunits.drawtype
-        if self.regioncount > numregions:
-            wx.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable(True)
-        else:
-            self.title.SetLabel(_('Draw Sampling ' + drawtype  + ' ' \
-                                  + str(self.regioncount) + ' of ' \
-                                  + str(numregions) ))
-            wx.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable(False)
-    def afterCircleDrawn(self):
-        if region:
-            self.parent.msAreaList.append(region)
-        self.regioncount = self.regioncount + 1
-        numregions = int(self.parent.drawunits.numregions)
-        drawtype = self.parent.drawunits.drawtype
-        if self.regioncount > numregions:
-            wx.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable(True)
-        else:
-            self.title.SetLabel(_('Draw Sampling ' + drawtype  + ' ' \
-                                  + str(self.regioncount) + ' of ' \
-                                  + str(numregions) ))
-            wx.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable(False)        
-    def OnEnterPage(self, event):
-        """!Function during entering"""
-        if self.mapPanel is None:
-            gtype = self.parent.drawunits.drawtype
-            self.mapPanel = RLiSetupMapPanel(self, samplingType=self.parent.samplingareapage.samplingtype, 
-                                             graphicsType=gtype)
-            if gtype == 'circle':
-                self.mapPanel.afterCircleDrawn.connect(self.afterCircleDrawn)
-            else:
-                self.mapPanel.sampleFrameChanged.connect(self.SampleFrameChanged)
-            self.sizer.Add(item=self.mapPanel, flag=wx.EXPAND, pos=(1, 0))
-            self.sizer.AddGrowableCol(0)
-            self.sizer.AddGrowableRow(1)
-            self._raster = None
-        self.SampleFrameChanged(region=None)
-        rast = self.parent.startpage.rast
-        if self._raster != rast:
-            map_ = self.mapPanel.GetMap()
-            map_.DeleteAllLayers()
-            cmdlist = ['d.rast', 'map=%s' % rast]
-            map_.AddLayer(ltype='raster', command=cmdlist, active=True,
-                              name=rast, hidden=False, opacity=1.0,
-                              render=True)
-    def OnExitPage(self, event=None):
-        #!Function during exiting
-        print event.GetDirection()
-        #if event.GetDirection():
-        #    self.SetNext(self.parent.samplingareapage)
-        #    self.parent.samplingareapage.SetPrev(self)
-class DrawRegionsPage(TitledPage):
-    def __init__(self, wizard, parent):
-        TitledPage.__init__(self, wizard, _("Draw sampling region"))
-        self.parent = parent
-        self.regioncount = 0
-        self.mapPanel = None
-        self.Bind(wiz.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGED, self.OnEnterPage)
-        #self.Bind(wiz.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGING, self.OnExitPage)
-    def afterRegionDrawn(self, marea):
-        if marea:
-            self.parent.msAreaList.append(marea)
-        self.regioncount = self.regioncount + 1
-        numregions = int(self.parent.samplingareapage.numregions)
-        if self.regioncount > numregions:
-            wx.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable(True)
-        else:
-            self.title.SetLabel(_('Draw sample region ' + str(self.regioncount) + ' of ' + str(numregions) ))
-            wx.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable(False)
-    def OnEnterPage(self, event):
-        """!Function during entering"""
-        if self.mapPanel is None:
-            #print self.parent.samplingareapage.samplingtype
-            self.mapPanel = RLiSetupMapPanel(self, samplingType=self.parent.samplingareapage.samplingtype, graphicsType="line")
-            self.mapPanel.afterRegionDrawn.connect(self.afterRegionDrawn)
-            self.sizer.Add(item=self.mapPanel, flag=wx.EXPAND, pos=(1, 0))
-            self.sizer.AddGrowableCol(0)
-            self.sizer.AddGrowableRow(1)
-            self._raster = None
-        rast = self.parent.startpage.rast
-        self.afterRegionDrawn(marea=None)
-        if self._raster != rast:
-            map_ = self.mapPanel.GetMap()
-            map_.DeleteAllLayers()
-            cmdlist = ['d.rast', 'map=%s' % rast]
-            map_.AddLayer(ltype='raster', command=cmdlist, active=True,
-                              name=rast, hidden=False, opacity=1.0,
-                              render=True)
-    #def OnExitPage(self, event=None):
-        #!Function during exiting
-        #print event.GetDirection()
-        #if event.GetDirection():
-        #    self.SetNext(self.parent.samplingareapage)
-        #    self.parent.samplingareapage.SetPrev(self)
-class VectorAreasPage(TitledPage):
-    """!Choose the sampling area using the vector features"""
-    def __init__(self, wizard, parent):
-        TitledPage.__init__(self, wizard, _("Select sampling areas"))
-        self.parent = parent
-        self.areascount = 0
-        self.mapPanel = None
-        self.Bind(wiz.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGED, self.OnEnterPage)
-        self.Bind(wiz.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGING, self.OnExitPage)
-        self.areaPanelSizer = wx.GridBagSizer(1, 3)
-        self.areaPanel = wx.Panel(parent=self, id=wx.ID_ANY)
-        self.areaText = wx.StaticText(parent=self.areaPanel, id=wx.ID_ANY,
-                                     label=_('Is this area ok?'))
-        self.areaOK = wx.Button(self.areaPanel, wx.ID_ANY, 'Yes', (50, 80))
-        self.areaNO = wx.Button(self.areaPanel, wx.ID_ANY, 'No', (50, 80))
-        self.areaOK.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnYes)
-        self.areaNO.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnNo)
-        self.areaPanelSizer.Add(self.areaText, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER,
-                                  pos=(0, 0))
-        self.areaPanelSizer.Add(self.areaOK, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER,
-                                  pos=(0, 1))
-        self.areaPanelSizer.Add(self.areaNO, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER,
-                                  pos=(0, 2))
-        self.areaPanel.SetSizer(self.areaPanelSizer)
-        self.sizer.Add(self.areaPanel, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER, pos=(2, 0))
-    def afterRegionDrawn(self):
-        """!Function to update the title and the number of selected area"""
-        self.areascount = self.areascount + 1
-        if self.areascount == self.areanum:
-            wx.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable(True)
-            return True
-        else:
-            self.title.SetLabel(_('Select sample area ' + str(self.areascount + 1) \
-                                  + ' of ' + str(self.areanum)))
-            wx.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable(False)
-            return False
-    def OnYes(self, event):
-        """!Function to create the string for the conf file if the area
-        is selected"""
-        self.parent.msAreaList.append(obtainAreaVector(self.outname))
-        if not self.afterRegionDrawn():
-            self.newCat()
-    def OnNo(self, event):
-        """!Function to pass to the next feature if it is not selected"""
-        if not self.afterRegionDrawn():
-            self.newCat()
-    def newCat(self):
-        """!Convert to raster and draw the new feature"""
-        cat = self.vect_cats[self.areascount]
-        self.outname = "{name}_{cat}".format(name=self.vect.split('@')[0],
-                                             cat=cat)
-        convertFeature(self.vect, self.outname, cat, self.rast)
-        cmdlistcat = ['d.rast', 'map=%s' % self.outname]
-        self.map_.AddLayer(ltype='raster', command=cmdlistcat, active=True,
-                      name=self.outname, hidden=False, opacity=1.0,
-                      render=True)
-        for l in self.map_.GetListOfLayers():
-            if l.name == self.outname:
-                self.mapPanel.mapWindow.ZoomToMap(layers=[l], render=True,
-                                                  ignoreNulls=True)
-            elif l.name != self.rast:
-                self.map_.DeleteLayer(l)
-        self.areaText.SetLabel("Is this area (cat={n}) ok?".format(n=cat))
-    def OnEnterPage(self, event):
-        """!Function during entering: draw the raster map and the first vector
-        feature"""
-        if self.mapPanel is None:
-            #print self.parent.samplingareapage.samplingtype
-            self.mapPanel = RLiSetupMapPanel(self, samplingType=self.parent.samplingareapage.samplingtype,
-                                             graphicsType="line")
-            self.sizer.Add(item=self.mapPanel, flag=wx.EXPAND, pos=(1, 0))
-            self.sizer.AddGrowableCol(0)
-            self.sizer.AddGrowableRow(1)
-            self._raster = None
-        self.rast = self.parent.startpage.rast
-        self.vect = self.parent.startpage.vect
-        self.vect_cats = sorted(set(grass.parse_command('v.category',
-                                                        input=self.vect,
-                                                        type='centroid',
-                                                        option='print').keys()))
-        self.areanum = len(self.vect_cats)
-        if self.areanum == 0:
-            GError(parent=self, message=_("The polygon seems to have 0 areas"))
-            self.parent.wizard.ShowPage(self.parent.samplingareapage)
-            return
-        self.title.SetLabel(_('Select sample area 1 of ' + str(self.areanum)))
-        grass.use_temp_region()
-        if self._raster != self.rast:
-            self.map_ = self.mapPanel.GetMap()
-            self.map_.DeleteAllLayers()
-            cmdlist = ['d.rast', 'map=%s' % self.rast]
-            self.map_.AddLayer(ltype='raster', command=cmdlist, active=True,
-                              name=self.rast, hidden=False, opacity=1.0,
-                              render=True)
-        self.newCat()
-    def OnExitPage(self, event=None):
-        """!Function during exiting"""
-        grass.del_temp_region()
-#        if event.GetDirection():
-#            self.SetNext(self.parent.samplingareapage)
-#            self.parent.samplingareapage.SetPrev(self)
 class SamplingAreasPage(TitledPage):
-    Set name of configuration file, choose raster and optionally vector/sites
+    Set name of configuration file, choose raster and optionally vector/sites.
+    This is coming after choose the region
     def __init__(self, wizard, parent):
         TitledPage.__init__(self, wizard, _("Insert sampling areas"))
@@ -1041,7 +751,7 @@
                         _('Use mouse to draw sampling area')],
-        self.regionBox.EnableItem(1, False)
+        #self.regionBox.EnableItem(1, False)
         self.regionBox.SetItemToolTip(1, _("This option is not supported yet"))
         self.sizer.Add(self.regionBox, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER, pos=(1, 0))
@@ -1127,10 +837,10 @@
             self.samplingtype = SamplingType.UNITS
             regtype = self.regionBox.GetSelection()
         elif radio == 3:
             self.samplingtype = SamplingType.MVWIN
-            self.SetNext(self.parent.moving)
+            regtype = self.regionBox.GetSelection()
+            self.RegionDraw(regtype)
         elif radio == 4:
             self.samplingtype = SamplingType.VECT
@@ -1143,7 +853,7 @@
-        elif samtype == SamplingType.UNITS or  samtype == SamplingType.MVWIN:
+        elif samtype == SamplingType.UNITS or samtype == SamplingType.MVWIN:
@@ -1201,9 +911,15 @@
     def RegionDraw(self, regtype):
         """!Set the next page to units or drawunits"""
+        #TODO add only to commit the last changes, remove after more testing
+        if self.radioBox.GetSelection() == 2:
+            self.regionBox.EnableItem(1, False)
         if regtype == 0:
             self.regionbox = 'keyboard'
-            self.SetNext(self.parent.units)
+            if self.samplingtype == SamplingType.UNITS:
+                self.SetNext(self.parent.units)
+            elif self.samplingtype == SamplingType.MVWIN:
+                self.SetNext(self.parent.moving)
         elif regtype == 1:
             self.regionbox = 'mouse'
@@ -1220,11 +936,72 @@
+class DrawRegionsPage(TitledPage):
+    def __init__(self, wizard, parent):
+        self.parent = parent
+        TitledPage.__init__(self, wizard, _("Draw sampling regions"))
+        self.regioncount = 0
+        self.mapPanel = None
+        self.Bind(wiz.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGED, self.OnEnterPage)
+        #self.Bind(wiz.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGING, self.OnExitPage)
+    def afterRegionDrawn(self, marea):
+        if marea:
+            self.parent.msAreaList.append(marea)
+        self.regioncount = self.regioncount + 1
+        numregions = int(self.parent.samplingareapage.numregions)
+        if self.regioncount > numregions:
+            wx.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable(True)
+        else:
+            self.title.SetLabel(_('Draw sample region ' + str(self.regioncount) + ' of ' + str(numregions) ))
+            wx.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable(False)
+    def OnEnterPage(self, event):
+        """!Function during entering"""
+        if self.parent.samplingareapage.samplingtype == SamplingType.WHOLE:
+            self.title.SetLabel(_("Draw moving windows region"))
+        elif self.parent.samplingareapage.samplingtype == SamplingType.UNITS:
+            self.title.SetLabel(_("Draw sampling region"))
+        if self.mapPanel is None:
+            self.mapPanel = RLiSetupMapPanel(self,
+                                             samplingType=self.parent.samplingareapage.samplingtype,
+                                             )
+            self.mapPanel.afterRegionDrawn.connect(self.afterRegionDrawn)
+            self.sizer.Add(item=self.mapPanel, flag=wx.EXPAND, pos=(1, 0))
+            self.sizer.AddGrowableCol(0)
+            self.sizer.AddGrowableRow(1)
+            self._raster = None
+        rast = self.parent.startpage.rast
+        self.afterRegionDrawn(marea=None)
+        if self._raster != rast:
+            map_ = self.mapPanel.GetMap()
+            map_.DeleteAllLayers()
+            cmdlist = ['d.rast', 'map=%s' % rast]
+            map_.AddLayer(ltype='raster', command=cmdlist, active=True,
+                              name=rast, hidden=False, opacity=1.0,
+                              render=True)
+    #def OnExitPage(self, event=None):
+        #!Function during exiting
+        #print event.GetDirection()
+        #if event.GetDirection():
+        #    self.SetNext(self.parent.samplingareapage)
+        #    self.parent.samplingareapage.SetPrev(self)
 class SampleUnitsKeyPage(TitledPage):
-    """!Set values from keyboard for sample units"""
+    """!Set values from keyboard for sample units
+       It is used if you choose keyboard from Sampling Units or Moving windows
+       in sampling areas page
+    """
     def __init__(self, wizard, parent):
-        TitledPage.__init__(self, wizard, _("Units"))
+        TitledPage.__init__(self, wizard, _("Select sample units from keyboard"))
         self.parent = parent
         self.scrollPanel = scrolled.ScrolledPanel(parent=self, id=wx.ID_ANY)
@@ -1305,7 +1082,7 @@
         self.heightTxt.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnHeight)
         self.distr1Txt.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnDistr1)
         self.distr2Txt.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnDistr2)
-        #self.Bind(wiz.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGED, self.OnEnterPage)
+        self.Bind(wiz.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGED, self.OnEnterPage)
         self.sizer.Add(item=self.scrollPanel, pos=(0, 0), flag=wx.EXPAND)
@@ -1313,6 +1090,10 @@
         #self.Bind(wiz.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGING, self.OnExitPage)
+    def OnEnterPage(self, event=None):
+        """!Function during entering"""
+        self.panelSizer.Layout()
     def OnExitPage(self, event=None):
         """!Function during exiting"""
         if event.GetDirection():
@@ -1320,6 +1101,7 @@
     def OnType(self, event):
+        """!Set if rectangle or circle will be used"""
         chosen = self.typeBox.GetSelection()
@@ -1380,11 +1162,11 @@
         self.distr2 = event.GetString()
-class MovingWindows(TitledPage):
+class MovingKeyPage(TitledPage):
     """!Set values from keyboard for sample units"""
     def __init__(self, wizard, parent):
-        TitledPage.__init__(self, wizard, _("Units"))
+        TitledPage.__init__(self, wizard, _("Set sample units"))
         self.parent = parent
@@ -1427,6 +1209,8 @@
         self.heightTxt.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnHeight)
     def OnEnterPage(self, event):
+        if self.parent.samplingareapage.samplingtype == SamplingType.MVWIN:
+            self.title.SetLabel(_("Set moving windows"))
     def OnType(self, event):
@@ -1435,8 +1219,16 @@
         if chosen == 0:
+            if self.parent.samplingareapage.samplingtype == SamplingType.MVWIN:
+                self.parent.samplingareapage.samplingtype = SamplingType.KMVWINR
+            else:
+                self.parent.samplingareapage.samplingtype = SamplingType.KUNITSR
             self.boxtype = 'rectangle'
+            if self.parent.samplingareapage.samplingtype == SamplingType.MVWIN:
+                self.parent.samplingareapage.samplingtype = SamplingType.KMVWINC
+            else:
+                self.parent.samplingareapage.samplingtype = SamplingType.KUNITSC
             self.boxtype = 'circle'
     def OnWidth(self, event):
@@ -1446,6 +1238,284 @@
         self.height = event.GetString()
+class UnitsMousePage(TitledPage):
+    """!Choose the sampling area setting the values using the mouse drawing the
+       areas with rectangle or circle. It is used both from 'Moving windows'
+       and 'Sample units'.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, wizard, parent):
+        self.parent = parent
+        self.wizard = wizard
+        TitledPage.__init__(self, self.wizard, _("Draw sampling units"))
+        self.numregions = ''
+        self.mapPanel = None
+        # type of shape
+        self.typeBox = wx.RadioBox(parent=self, id=wx.ID_ANY,
+                                   majorDimension=1, style=wx.RA_SPECIFY_COLS,
+                                   label=" %s " % _("Select type of shape"),
+                                   choices=[_('Rectangle'), _('Circle')])
+        self.sizer.Add(self.typeBox, flag=wx.ALIGN_LEFT, pos=(0, 0),
+                            span=(1, 2))
+        self.regionPanelSizer = wx.GridBagSizer(1, 2)
+        self.regionNumPanel = wx.Panel(parent=self, id=wx.ID_ANY)
+        self.regionNumLabel = wx.StaticText(parent=self.regionNumPanel,
+                                            id=wx.ID_ANY,
+                                            label=_('Number of sampling area to draw:'))
+        self.regionNumTxt = wx.TextCtrl(parent=self.regionNumPanel,
+                                        id=wx.ID_ANY, size=(50, -1))
+        self.regionPanelSizer.Add(self.regionNumLabel, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER,
+                                  pos=(0, 0))
+        self.regionPanelSizer.Add(self.regionNumTxt, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER,
+                                  pos=(0, 1))
+        self.regionNumPanel.SetSizer(self.regionPanelSizer)
+        self.sizer.Add(self.regionNumPanel, flag=wx.ALIGN_LEFT, pos=(1, 0),
+                            span=(1, 2))
+        self.typeBox.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBOX, self.OnType)
+        self.regionNumTxt.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnNumRegions)
+        self.Bind(wiz.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGED, self.OnEnterPage)
+        self.sizer.AddGrowableCol(0)
+        self.OnType(None)
+        self.regionNumTxt.SetValue('')
+    def OnEnterPage(self, event):
+        """!Function during entering"""
+        if self.numregions:
+            wx.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable(True)
+        else:
+            wx.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable(False)
+        if self.parent.samplingareapage.samplingtype in [SamplingType.MVWIN,
+                                                         SamplingType.MMVWINR,
+                                                         SamplingType.MMVWINC]:
+            self.title.SetLabel(_("Draw moving windows region"))
+            self.sizer.Hide(self.regionNumPanel)
+            wx.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable(True)
+        elif self.parent.samplingareapage.samplingtype in [SamplingType.UNITS,
+                                                           SamplingType.MUNITSR,
+                                                           SamplingType.MUNITSC]:
+            self.title.SetLabel(_("Draw sampling region"))
+            self.sizer.Show(self.regionNumPanel)
+        self.sizer.Layout()
+    def OnType(self, event):
+        chosen = self.typeBox.GetSelection()
+        if chosen == 0:
+            if self.parent.samplingareapage.samplingtype in [SamplingType.MVWIN,
+                                                             SamplingType.MMVWINR,
+                                                             SamplingType.MMVWINC]:
+                self.parent.samplingareapage.samplingtype = SamplingType.MMVWINR
+            else:
+                self.parent.samplingareapage.samplingtype = SamplingType.MUNITSR
+            self.drawtype = 'rectangle'
+        else:
+            if self.parent.samplingareapage.samplingtype in [SamplingType.MVWIN,
+                                                             SamplingType.MMVWINR,
+                                                             SamplingType.MMVWINC]:
+                self.parent.samplingareapage.samplingtype = SamplingType.MMVWINC
+            else:
+                self.parent.samplingareapage.samplingtype = SamplingType.MUNITSC
+            self.drawtype = 'circle'
+    def OnNumRegions(self, event):
+        """!Set the number of region"""
+        if event.GetString():
+            self.SetNext(self.parent.drawsampleunitspage)
+            wx.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable(True)
+            self.numregions = event.GetString()
+        else:
+            wx.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable(False)
+    def OnExitPage(self, event=None):
+        """!Function during exiting"""
+        if event.GetDirection():
+            self.SetNext(self.drawsampleunitspage)
+            self.SetPrev(self.samplingareapage)
+class DrawSampleUnitsPage(TitledPage):
+    """!Choose the sampling area drawing them"""
+    def __init__(self, wizard, parent):
+        TitledPage.__init__(self, wizard, _("Draw sampling units"))
+        self.parent = parent
+        self.mapPanel = None
+        self.Bind(wiz.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGED, self.OnEnterPage)
+        #self.Bind(wiz.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGING, self.OnExitPage)
+    def SampleFrameChanged(self, region):
+        #region = self.GetSampleUnitRegion()
+        if region:
+            self.parent.msAreaList.append(region)
+        self.regioncount = self.regioncount + 1
+        drawtype = self.parent.drawunits.drawtype
+        if self.regioncount > self.numregions:
+            wx.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable(True)
+        else:
+            self.title.SetLabel(_('Draw Sampling ' + drawtype  + ' ' \
+                                  + str(self.regioncount) + ' of ' \
+                                  + str(self.numregions) ))
+            wx.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable(False)      
+    def OnEnterPage(self, event):
+        """!Function during entering"""
+        if self.parent.samplingareapage.samplingtype in [SamplingType.MVWIN,
+                                                         SamplingType.MMVWINC,
+                                                         SamplingType.MMVWINR]:
+            self.numregions = 1
+        else:
+            self.numregions = int(self.parent.drawunits.numregions)        
+        self.regioncount = 0
+        if self.mapPanel:
+            self.sizer.Remove(self.mapPanel)
+        gtype = self.parent.drawunits.drawtype
+        self.mapPanel = RLiSetupMapPanel(self,
+                                         samplingType=self.parent.samplingareapage.samplingtype, 
+                                         )
+        if gtype == 'circle':
+            self.mapPanel.afterCircleDrawn.connect(self.SampleFrameChanged)
+        else:
+            self.mapPanel.sampleFrameChanged.connect(self.SampleFrameChanged)
+        self.sizer.Add(item=self.mapPanel, flag=wx.EXPAND, pos=(1, 0))
+        self.sizer.AddGrowableCol(0)
+        self.sizer.AddGrowableRow(1)
+        self._raster = None
+        self.SampleFrameChanged(region=None)
+        rast = self.parent.startpage.rast
+        if self._raster != rast:
+            map_ = self.mapPanel.GetMap()
+            map_.DeleteAllLayers()
+            cmdlist = ['d.rast', 'map=%s' % rast]
+            map_.AddLayer(ltype='raster', command=cmdlist, active=True,
+                              name=rast, hidden=False, opacity=1.0,
+                              render=True)
+    def OnExitPage(self, event=None):
+        #!Function during exiting
+        print event.GetDirection()
+        #if event.GetDirection():
+        #    self.SetNext(self.parent.samplingareapage)
+        #    self.parent.samplingareapage.SetPrev(self)
+class VectorAreasPage(TitledPage):
+    """!Choose the sampling area using the vector features"""
+    def __init__(self, wizard, parent):
+        TitledPage.__init__(self, wizard, _("Select sampling areas"))
+        self.parent = parent
+        self.areascount = 0
+        self.mapPanel = None
+        self.Bind(wiz.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGED, self.OnEnterPage)
+        self.Bind(wiz.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGING, self.OnExitPage)
+        self.areaPanelSizer = wx.GridBagSizer(1, 3)
+        self.areaPanel = wx.Panel(parent=self, id=wx.ID_ANY)
+        self.areaText = wx.StaticText(parent=self.areaPanel, id=wx.ID_ANY,
+                                     label=_('Is this area ok?'))
+        self.areaOK = wx.Button(self.areaPanel, wx.ID_ANY, 'Yes', (50, 80))
+        self.areaNO = wx.Button(self.areaPanel, wx.ID_ANY, 'No', (50, 80))
+        self.areaOK.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnYes)
+        self.areaNO.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnNo)
+        self.areaPanelSizer.Add(self.areaText, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER,
+                                  pos=(0, 0))
+        self.areaPanelSizer.Add(self.areaOK, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER,
+                                  pos=(0, 1))
+        self.areaPanelSizer.Add(self.areaNO, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER,
+                                  pos=(0, 2))
+        self.areaPanel.SetSizer(self.areaPanelSizer)
+        self.sizer.Add(self.areaPanel, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER, pos=(2, 0))
+    def afterRegionDrawn(self):
+        """!Function to update the title and the number of selected area"""
+        self.areascount = self.areascount + 1
+        if self.areascount == self.areanum:
+            wx.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable(True)
+            return True
+        else:
+            self.title.SetLabel(_('Select sample area ' + str(self.areascount + 1) \
+                                  + ' of ' + str(self.areanum)))
+            wx.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable(False)
+            return False
+    def OnYes(self, event):
+        """!Function to create the string for the conf file if the area
+        is selected"""
+        self.parent.msAreaList.append(obtainAreaVector(self.outname))
+        if not self.afterRegionDrawn():
+            self.newCat()
+    def OnNo(self, event):
+        """!Function to pass to the next feature if it is not selected"""
+        if not self.afterRegionDrawn():
+            self.newCat()
+    def newCat(self):
+        """!Convert to raster and draw the new feature"""
+        cat = self.vect_cats[self.areascount]
+        self.outname = "{name}_{cat}".format(name=self.vect.split('@')[0],
+                                             cat=cat)
+        convertFeature(self.vect, self.outname, cat, self.rast)
+        cmdlistcat = ['d.rast', 'map=%s' % self.outname]
+        self.map_.AddLayer(ltype='raster', command=cmdlistcat, active=True,
+                      name=self.outname, hidden=False, opacity=1.0,
+                      render=True)
+        for l in self.map_.GetListOfLayers():
+            if l.name == self.outname:
+                self.mapPanel.mapWindow.ZoomToMap(layers=[l], render=True,
+                                                  ignoreNulls=True)
+            elif l.name != self.rast:
+                self.map_.DeleteLayer(l)
+        self.areaText.SetLabel("Is this area (cat={n}) ok?".format(n=cat))
+    def OnEnterPage(self, event):
+        """!Function during entering: draw the raster map and the first vector
+        feature"""
+        if self.mapPanel is None:
+            self.mapPanel = RLiSetupMapPanel(self, samplingType=self.parent.samplingareapage.samplingtype,
+                                             graphicsType="line")
+            self.sizer.Add(item=self.mapPanel, flag=wx.EXPAND, pos=(1, 0))
+            self.sizer.AddGrowableCol(0)
+            self.sizer.AddGrowableRow(1)
+            self._raster = None
+        self.rast = self.parent.startpage.rast
+        self.vect = self.parent.startpage.vect
+        self.vect_cats = sorted(set(grass.parse_command('v.category',
+                                                        input=self.vect,
+                                                        type='centroid',
+                                                        option='print').keys()))
+        self.areanum = len(self.vect_cats)
+        if self.areanum == 0:
+            GError(parent=self, message=_("The polygon seems to have 0 areas"))
+            self.parent.wizard.ShowPage(self.parent.samplingareapage)
+            return
+        self.title.SetLabel(_('Select sample area 1 of ' + str(self.areanum)))
+        grass.use_temp_region()
+        if self._raster != self.rast:
+            self.map_ = self.mapPanel.GetMap()
+            self.map_.DeleteAllLayers()
+            cmdlist = ['d.rast', 'map=%s' % self.rast]
+            self.map_.AddLayer(ltype='raster', command=cmdlist, active=True,
+                              name=self.rast, hidden=False, opacity=1.0,
+                              render=True)
+        self.newCat()
+    def OnExitPage(self, event=None):
+        """!Function during exiting"""
+        grass.del_temp_region()
+#        if event.GetDirection():
+#            self.SetNext(self.parent.samplingareapage)
+#            self.parent.samplingareapage.SetPrev(self)
 class SummaryPage(TitledPage):
     """!Shows summary result of choosing data"""
     def __init__(self, wizard, parent):

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