[GRASS-SVN] r60224 - grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.mess

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Tue May 13 03:48:23 PDT 2014

Author: pvanbosgeo
Date: 2014-05-13 03:48:23 -0700 (Tue, 13 May 2014)
New Revision: 60224


Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.mess/r.mess
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.mess/r.mess	2014-05-13 10:19:21 UTC (rev 60223)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.mess/r.mess	2014-05-13 10:48:23 UTC (rev 60224)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 #               improvements. Suggestions for improvements are most
 #               welcome. In the meantime, use it at your own risk
-# COPYRIGHT: (C) 2013 Paulo van Breugel
+# COPYRIGHT: (C) 2014 Paulo van Breugel
 #            http://ecodiv.org
 #            http://pvanb.wordpress.com/
@@ -89,10 +89,10 @@
 #% key: digits
-#% type: string
+#% type: integer
 #% description: Precision of your input layers values
 #% key_desc: string
-#% answer: 0.0001
+#% answer: 1
 #% required: yes
@@ -201,25 +201,22 @@
 # Create vectors with names output maps [arrOUT]
-# Create vector with names temporary layers [tmpLY]
-# Create vector with names input layers without mapset name [arrIN1 and arrIN1]
+# Create vector with names input layers without mapset name [arrIN1]
 # The 'removeThis' elements are to initiate the vector. How can I avoid this?
 for nvar in ${INMAPS1} ; do
     export arrOUT="$arrOUT;${OUTMAPS}_`echo $nvar | awk 'BEGIN{FS="@"}{print $1}'`"
     counter=`expr $counter + 1`
-    export tmpLY="${tmpLY};tmp_mess_$$_$counter"
     export arrIN="${arrIN};`echo $nvar | awk 'BEGIN{FS="@"}{print $1}'`"
 if [ -z "$GIS_OPT_REF_VECT" -a -z "$GIS_OPT_REF_RAST" ]; 
-	g.message -e message='Missing input: map with the reference distribution (point vector layer -or- a raster layer)'
+    g.message -e message='Missing input: map with the reference distribution (point vector layer -or- a raster layer)'
     exit 1
     if [ -n "$GIS_OPT_REF_VECT" -a -n "$GIS_OPT_REF_RAST" ]; then
@@ -311,6 +308,14 @@
         require(spgrass6, lib.loc=libLocs)
 }else{require(spgrass6, lib.loc=libLocs)}
+outputGRASS <- function (x, separator = ",", h = FALSE) 
+    con <- textConnection(x)
+    MyVar <- read.table(con, header = h, sep = separator, comment.char = "")
+    close(con)
+    return(MyVar)
 # Check grass version
 grassversion <- as.numeric(system("g.version | cut -c7", intern=T))
@@ -331,8 +336,6 @@
 opl	<- unlist(strsplit(opl,";"))
 opi	<- opl[-1]						# base name individual layers
 opc	<- opl[1]						# name of MESS layer
-tml	<- Sys.getenv("tmpLY")			# temporary layers
-tml	<- unlist(strsplit(tml,";"))[-1] 
 vtl <- Sys.getenv("REF_LAY")    	# reference distribution raster layer
 rtl <- Sys.getenv("REF_TYPE")		# raster or vector layer
 flm	<- Sys.getenv("GIS_FLAG_M")
@@ -340,10 +343,9 @@
 fll	<- Sys.getenv("GIS_FLAG_L")
 fln	<- Sys.getenv("GIS_FLAG_N")
 digits	<- as.numeric(Sys.getenv("GIS_OPT_DIGITS"))	# Precision
-rdigits <- nchar((1/digits)-1)
-options(echo=TRUE, digits=rdigits+1, scipen=rdigits+1)
+digits2 <- 10^digits
+options(echo=TRUE, digits=digits+4, scipen=digits+4)
 # Create the r.mapcalc expressions to calculate the mess for the 
 # individual layers. The main step is to define the recode rules to 
@@ -354,81 +356,82 @@
     # Reference distribution layer is raster 
-    flnm1 <- tempfile(pattern = "file", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".txt")
-    flnm2 <- tempfile(pattern = "file", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".txt")
     for(i in 1:length(ipl)){
-        # Get the environmental data for the reference points in R. I could use r.stats to 
-        # get frequency table rather then raw data. But I first need to find 
-        # out how to deal with floating data in r.stats, as counts of each 
-        # unique value is needed. Other option is to use freq() function in raster package
-        # One option is to convert the floating layers to integer layers after
-        # multiplying first with a number equal to the reciprocal of the value
-        # given under the digits option. This may deal better with rounding errors too.
+        # Get the environmental frequency distributions for the reference points in R. 
-		fft <- system("g.findfile --quiet element=cell file=MASK", ignore.stdout = TRUE)
-        if(fft==0){
+        tmpf0 <- "rmess_tmp_fr9876543210a"
+        execGRASS("r.mapcalc", flags="overwrite", expression=paste(tmpf0, "=", vtl, "* 1"))
+		citiam <- system("g.findfile --quiet element=cell file=MASK", ignore.stdout = TRUE)
+        if(citiam==0){
            rname <- paste("MASK",paste(sample(c(0:9, letters, LETTERS), 12, replace=TRUE), collapse=""), sep="_")
            execGRASS("g.copy", rast=paste("MASK", rname, sep=","))
            system("g.remove -f rast=MASK")
-        # make compatible for both v6.4 and 7
+        # Create mask based on combined MASK/input layer
+        # Make compatible for both v6.4 and 7
-            execGRASS("r.mask", raster=vtl)
+            execGRASS("r.mask", raster=tmpf0)
-            execGRASS("r.mask", input=vtl)
+            execGRASS("r.mask", input=tmpf0)
+        # Calculate the frequency distribution 
+        tmpf1 <- "rmess_tmp_fr987654321a"
+        execGRASS("r.mapcalc", flags="overwrite", expression=paste(tmpf1, " = int(", digits2, "*", ipl[i], ")"))
+        frtab <- execGRASS("r.stats", flags=c("c", "n"), input=tmpf1, separator=",", sort="asc", intern=TRUE)
+        a <- outputGRASS(frtab, separator=",")
+        a <- a[order(a[,1]),]
+        b <- cumsum(as.numeric(a[,2]))/sum(a[,2])*100
-        execGRASS("r.out.xyz", input=ipl[i], output=flnm1, separator=",", flags="overwrite")
-        system(paste("awk -F \",\" '{print $3}' ", flnm1, " > ", flnm2, sep=""))
+        tmpf2 <- "rmess_tmp_fr987654321b"
+        execGRASS("r.mapcalc", flags="overwrite", expression=paste(tmpf2, " = int(", digits2, "*", ipl2[i], ")"))
+        d <- execGRASS("r.univar", map=tmpf2, flags="g", intern=TRUE)
+        d <- outputGRASS(d, separator="=")        
-        # Todo: see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1727772/quickly-reading-very-large-tables-as-dataframes-in-r
-        # for alternative ways to import tables
-        spld <- scan(file=flnm2)
-        unlink(c(flnm1, flnm2))
-        spld <- round(spld, rdigits)
-        # Make sure numbers < 2^31 (need better solution!!)
-		envmin <- min(spld)
-		envmax <- max(spld)
-		ch <- max(abs(envmin), abs(envmax))
-		a <- (2^31/10) - ch/digits
-		b <- nchar(floor(2^31/(ch*10)))
-		rdigits2 <- ifelse(a<=0, b ,rdigits)
-		digits2 <- 10^(-rdigits2)
-        # Calculate the frequency distribution 
-        a  <- table(spld)
-        Drange <- execGRASS("r.info", flags=c("r", "verbose"), map=ipl[i], intern=T)
-        Dmin <- as.numeric(sub("min=", "", Drange[1]))
-        Dmax <- as.numeric(sub("max=", "", Drange[2]))
-        system("g.remove -f rast=MASK")
         # Create recode rules
-        x1 <- c(Dmin, as.numeric(rownames(a)))#+digits)
-        x2 <- c(envmin, as.numeric(rownames(a))[-1],Dmax)
-        y1 <- c(0,cumsum(as.numeric(a))/sum(a)*100)
-        xy1 <- format(cbind(x1,x2,y1), scientific=F, trim=T, nsmall=rdigits)
-        xy2 <- apply(xy1, 1, function(x){paste(x, collapse=":")})
+        minv <- as.numeric(subset(d, select=V2, V1=="min"))
+        maxv <- as.numeric(subset(d, select=V2, V1=="max"))
+        e1 <- ifelse(minv < min(a[,1]), minv, min(a[,1])-1)
+        e2 <- ifelse(maxv > max(a[,1]), maxv, max(a[,1])+1)
+        a1 <- c(e1, a[1,1], a[,1]+1)
+        a2 <- c(a[1,1], a[,1], e2)
+        b1 <- c(0, b, 101)
+        b1 <- round(b1*digits2)
+        c1 <- cbind(a1,a2, b1)
+        xy2 <- apply(c1, 1, function(x){paste(format(x, scientific=FALSE, trim=TRUE), collapse=":")})
         tmp.rule <- tempfile(pattern = "file", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".rules")
         write.table(xy2, file=tmp.rule, quote=F, row.names=F, col.names=F)
         # Restore mask
-        if(fft==0){
-          execGRASS("g.rename", rast=paste(rname,"MASK", sep=","), intern=TRUE)
+        if(citiam==0){
+            execGRASS("r.mask", flags="overwrite", raster=rname)
+            execGRASS("g.remove", rast=rname)
+        }else{
+            execGRASS("r.mask", flags="r")
         # Create the recode layer and calculate the IES
-        execGRASS("r.recode", input=ipl2[i], output=tml[i], rules=tmp.rule)
-        calcc <- paste(opi[i], " = if(", tml[i], "==0, (round(", ipl[i], "/",digits2,")*1.0-", round(envmin/digits2), ")/(", round(envmax/digits2)*1.0, "-", round(envmin/digits2)*1.0, ") *100.0, if(", tml[i], "<=50, 2.0 * ", tml[i], ", if(", tml[i], "<100, 2.0 * (100.0- ", tml[i], "), (", round(envmax/digits2)*1.0, "- round(", ipl[i], "/", digits2, ")*1.0)/(", round(envmax/digits2)*1.0, "-", round(envmin/digits2)*1.0, ") * 100.0)))", sep="")
-        execGRASS("r.mapcalc", expression=calcc, flags="overwrite") 
-        execGRASS("g.remove", rast=tml[i])
+        execGRASS("r.mapcalc", flags="overwrite", expression=paste(tmpf2, " = int(", digits2, "*", ipl2[i], ")"))
+        tmpf3 <- "rmess_tmp_fr987654321c"
+        execGRASS("r.recode", input=tmpf2, output=tmpf3, rules=tmp.rule, flags="overwrite")
+        min1 <- min(a[,1])
+        max1 <- max(a[,1])
+        thr1 <- format(50*digits2, scientific=FALSE)
+        thr2 <- format(100*digits2, scientific=FALSE)
+        z1 <- paste("if(", tmpf3, "==0, ", digits2, "* 100.0 * (", tmpf2, "-", min1, ")/(", max1, "-", min1, ")", sep="")
+        z2 <- paste(", if(", tmpf3, "<=", thr1, ", 2*", tmpf3, sep="")
+        z3 <- paste(", if(", tmpf3, "<=", thr2, ", 2*(", thr2, "-", tmpf3, ")", sep="")
+        z4 <- paste(",", digits2, " * 100.0 * (", max1, "- ", tmpf2, ")/(", max1, "-", min1, "))))", sep="")
+        calcc <- paste(z1, z2, z3, z4, sep="")
+        execGRASS("r.mapcalc", expression=paste(opi[i], " = ", calcc, sep=""), flags="overwrite") 
+        execGRASS("r.mapcalc", expression=paste(opi[i], " = ", opi[i], "/", digits2, ".0", sep=""), flags="overwrite")
+        execGRASS("g.remove", flags="f", rast=paste(tmpf0, tmpf1, tmpf2, tmpf3, sep=","))
     # Reference distribution layer is vector 
@@ -462,39 +465,37 @@
     system("g.remove vect=tmpMESS976543210")
     for(i in 1:length(ipl)){
         # Calculate the frequency distribution 
         a  <- table(spl[i])
         envmin <- min(spl[i])
         envmax <- max(spl[i])
-        Drange <- system(paste("r.info -r --verbose map=", ipl[i], sep=""), intern=T)
+        Drange <- system(paste("r.info -r --verbose map=", ipl2[i], sep=""), intern=T)
         Dmin <- as.numeric(sub("min=", "", Drange[1]))
         Dmax <- as.numeric(sub("max=", "", Drange[2]))
         # Create recode rules
-        x1 <- c(Dmin, as.numeric(rownames(a)))#+digits)
+        x1 <- c(Dmin, as.numeric(rownames(a)))
         x2 <- c(envmin, as.numeric(rownames(a))[-1],Dmax)
         y1 <- c(0,cumsum(as.numeric(a))/sum(a)*100)
-        xy1 <- format(cbind(x1,x2,y1), scientific=F, trim=T, nsmall=rdigits)
+        xy1 <- format(cbind(x1,x2,y1), scientific=F, trim=T, nsmall=digits)
         xy2 <- apply(xy1, 1, function(x){paste(x, collapse=":")})
         tmp.rule <- tempfile(pattern = "file", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".rules")
         write.table(xy2, file=tmp.rule, quote=F, row.names=F, col.names=F)
-        # Make sure numbers < 2^31 (need better solution!!)
-		ch <- max(abs(envmin), abs(envmax))
-		a <- (2^31/10) - ch/digits
-		b <- nchar(floor(2^31/(ch*10)))
-		rdigits2 <- ifelse(a<=0, b ,rdigits)
-		digits2 <- 10^(-rdigits2)
         # Create the recode layer and calculate the IES
-        execGRASS("r.recode", input=ipl2[i], output=tml[i], rules=tmp.rule)
-        calcc <- paste(opi[i], " = if(", tml[i], "==0, (round(", ipl[i], "/",digits2,")*1.0-", round(envmin/digits2), ")/(", round(envmax/digits2)*1.0, "-", round(envmin/digits2)*1.0, ") *100.0, if(", tml[i], "<=50, 2.0 * ", tml[i], ", if(", tml[i], "<100, 2.0 * (100.0- ", tml[i], "), (", round(envmax/digits2)*1.0, "- round(", ipl[i], "/", digits2, ")*1.0)/(", round(envmax/digits2)*1.0, "-", round(envmin/digits2)*1.0, ") * 100.0)))", sep="")
-        execGRASS("r.mapcalc", expression=calcc, flags="overwrite") 
-        execGRASS("g.remove", rast=tml[i])
+        tmpv1 <- "rmess_tmp_fr987654321v1"
+        execGRASS("r.recode", flags="overwrite", input=ipl2[i], output=tmpv1, rules=tmp.rule)
+        z1 <- paste("if(", tmpv1, "==0, (double(", ipl2[i], ")-", envmin, ".0)/(", envmax, ".0-", envmin, ".0) *100.0", sep="")
+        z2 <- paste(", if(", tmpv1, "<=50, 2.0 * ", tmpv1)
+        z3 <- paste(", if(", tmpv1, "<100, 2.0 * (100.0- ", tmpv1, ")")
+        z4 <- paste(", (", envmax, ".0- double(",  ipl2[i], "))/(", envmax, ".0-", envmin, ".0) * 100.0)))", sep="")
+        calcc <- paste(z1, z2, z3, z4, sep="")
+        execGRASS("r.mapcalc", expression=paste(opi[i], "=", calcc), flags="overwrite") 
+        execGRASS("g.remove", rast=tmpv1)
 # Calculate MESS
@@ -533,6 +534,7 @@
 # RGrass script generation
 # --------------------------
 RGRASSSCRIPT="`g.tempfile pid=$$`"
@@ -562,4 +564,3 @@

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.mess/r.mess.html
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.mess/r.mess.html	2014-05-13 10:19:21 UTC (rev 60223)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.mess/r.mess.html	2014-05-13 10:48:23 UTC (rev 60224)
@@ -4,15 +4,12 @@
 <p>This module will compute the individual environmental similarity surfaces (IES), which represents how similar each raster cell in a raster layer is to a set of reference points for each of the input variable. MES is then simply calculated as the minimum of its similarity with respect to each variable. Note that if a given raster cell has a negative IES value, it means that that value falls outside the range of values found in the reference set. A negative MESS thus represents sites where at least one variable has a value that is outside the range of environments over the reference set.
-<p>The IES/MES compares the similarity between all raster cells in the current region and a subset of the raster cells in the region (the reference points). Any sample of interest can be used for the reference set. For example, it can be occurrence records for the species or a random sample of a region. The input layer representing the reference distribution can be a vector point layer or a raster layer.
+<p>The IES/MES compares the similarity between all raster cells in the current region and a subset of the raster cells in the region (the reference points). Any sample of interest can be used for the reference set. For example, it can be occurrence records for the species or a random sample of a region. It could also be the whole region/study area, e.g., if you want to compare current and future environmental conditions (see next point). The input layer representing the reference distribution can be a vector point layer or a raster layer.
-<p>Besides the obligatory set of environmental variables used to calculate the IES/MES, the user can define a second set of environmental variables (env1). This allows the user to compute how similar current conditions in given area are to those under e.g., future climates. This is for example useful to identify areas with novel future climates.
+<p>Besides the reference set of environmental variables used to calculate the IES/MES, the user can define a second set of environmental variables (env1). This allows the user to compute how similar current conditions in given area are to those under e.g., future climates. This is for example useful to identify areas in your study area with novel future climates. 
-<p>In addition to the MES, which is the minimum IES, the r.mess function also allows to compute mean and median of the IES layers and a MoD layer, which identifies for each raster cells the IESS with the lowest value. Note that the mean and median of the IES should be used with care as negative and positive IES values have different meanings.
+<p>In addition to the MES, which is the minimum IES, the r.mess function also allows to compute mean and median of the IES layers and a MoD layer, which identifies for each raster cells the IESS with the lowest value. Note that the mean and median of the IES should be used with care as negative and positive IES values have different meanings. In many cases it is probably more useful to calculate mean (or sum) over all negative. That would help to distinguish areas where only one or few of the variables have values outside the range of the reference set and areas where many variables have values outside the range of the reference set. Intuitively, one can see that conditions in the latter area are more dissimilar than in the former. I will probably add this option later, but the user can of course create such a layer by using the individual IES layers.
-Digits should reflect the level of precision of the input layers. I.e., if values of the input layers are recorded with three digits behind the comma, Digits should be set to 0.001 or smaller.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
 There is also a similar function implemented for R using the R package <em>raster</em>, and which is part of the dismo package in R now. See <a href="http://rossijeanpierre.wordpress.com/2012/08/13/computing-the-multivariate-environmental-similarity-surfaces-mess-index-in-r/">here</a> for more information and the script.

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