[GRASS-SVN] r62287 - in sandbox/krejcmat/src: . mw2 mw2/test_suite
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sat Oct 18 12:29:34 PDT 2014
Author: krejcmat
Date: 2014-10-18 12:29:34 -0700 (Sat, 18 Oct 2014)
New Revision: 62287
mw2 o-o version
Added: sandbox/krejcmat/src/mw2/db.sh
--- sandbox/krejcmat/src/mw2/db.sh (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/krejcmat/src/mw2/db.sh 2014-10-18 19:29:34 UTC (rev 62287)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+sudo service postgresql restart
+dropdb new_mw
+createdb new_mw
+psql new_mw < /home/matt/Dropbox/BC/bp-krejci/data/ne15.09.2013.backup
Property changes on: sandbox/krejcmat/src/mw2/db.sh
Added: svn:executable
+ *
Added: sandbox/krejcmat/src/mw2/mv2.py
--- sandbox/krejcmat/src/mw2/mv2.py (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/krejcmat/src/mw2/mv2.py 2014-10-18 19:29:34 UTC (rev 62287)
@@ -0,0 +1,1034 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8
+# __author__ = 'matt'
+from pgwrapper import pgwrapper as pg
+from math import sin, cos, atan2, degrees, radians, tan, sqrt, fabs
+import sys, os, shutil
+import psycopg2
+import string, random
+import time
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+import math
+import re
+import csv
+ from grass.script import core as grass
+except ImportError:
+ sys.exit("Cannot find 'grass' Python module. Python is supported by GRASS from version >= 6.4")
+class LinkTemporalItem():
+ def __init__(self, time):
+ self.time = None
+ self.txpower = None
+ self.rxpower = None
+ self.freq = None
+ self.polariz = None
+ self.recordid = None
+ self.linkid = None
+ self.precip = None
+ self.timeSum = None
+class RGaugeTemporalItem():
+ def __init__(self, time):
+ self.time = None
+ self.recordid = None
+ self.gaugeid = None
+ self.precip = None
+ self.timeSum = None
+class VectorLoader():
+ def __init__(self, database):
+ self.database = database
+ def selectNodes(self):
+ sql = 'SELECT nodeid, lat, long FROM %s.node;' % self.database.dataScheme
+ return self.database.connection.executeSql(sql, True, True)
+ def getASCIInodes(self, selectedPoints):
+ newline = '\n'
+ pointsASCI = 'VERTI:\n'
+ for point in selectedPoints:
+ pointsASCI += 'P 1 1' + newline # primitive P(point), num of coordinates,num of categories
+ pointsASCI += str(point[2]) + ' ' + str(point[1]) + newline # coordination of point
+ pointsASCI += '1' + ' ' + str(point[0]) + newline # first layer, cat=id of point(nodeid)
+ return pointsASCI
+ def selectLinks(self):
+ sql = 'SELECT l.linkid, n1.lat, n1.long ,n2.lat, n2.long \
+ FROM %s.node as n1\
+ JOIN %s.link as l \
+ ON n1.nodeid=fromnodeid\
+ JOIN %s.node as n2 \
+ ON n2.nodeid= tonodeid;' % (self.database.dataScheme, self.database.dataScheme, self.database.dataScheme)
+ return self.database.connection.executeSql(sql, True, True)
+ def getASCIIlinks(self, selectedLinks):
+ newline = '\n'
+ linksASCII = 'VERTI:\n'
+ for link in selectedLinks:
+ linksASCII += 'L 2 1' + newline # primitive L(line), num of coordinates,num of categories
+ linksASCII += str(link[2]) + ' ' + str(link[1]) + newline
+ linksASCII += str(link[4]) + ' ' + str(link[3]) + newline
+ linksASCII += '1' + ' ' + str(link[0]) + newline # first layer, cat=id of point(nodeid)
+ return linksASCII
+ def grass_vinASCII(self, asciiStr, outMapName):
+ currDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+ tmpFile = os.path.join(currDir, 'tmp')
+ f = open(tmpFile, 'w')
+ f.write(asciiStr)
+ f.close()
+ grass.run_command('v.in.ascii',
+ input=tmpFile,
+ format='standard',
+ output=outMapName,
+ quiet=True,
+ overwrite=True)
+ os.remove(tmpFile)
+class Baseline():
+ def __init__(self, type, statFce=None, quantile=None, roundMode=None, aw=0, pathToFile=None):
+ self.quentile = quantile
+ self.roundMode = roundMode
+ self.aw = aw
+ self.pathToFile = pathToFile
+ self.type = type
+ self.statFce = statFce
+ if statFce == 'mode':
+ if self.roundMode is None:
+ grass.fatal('Value "round" is missing.')
+ if statFce == 'quantile':
+ if self.quentile is None:
+ grass.fatal('Value "quentile" is missing.')
+ if self.type == 'fromDryWin':
+ if self.pathToFile is None:
+ grass.fatal('Dry interval is not defined.')
+ if self.type == 'values':
+ if self.pathToFile is None:
+ grass.fatal('Baseline values are not defined.')
+class TimeWindows():
+ def __init__(self, database, IDtype, sumStep, startTime=None, endTime=None, ignoredID=None):
+ self.startTime = startTime
+ self.endTime = endTime
+ self.sumStep = sumStep
+ self.database = database
+ self.db = database.connection
+ self.path = database.pathWorkSchemeDir
+ self.schema = database.schema
+ self.typeID = IDtype
+ self.viewStatement = database.viewStatement
+ self.tbName = database.computedPrecip
+ self.ignoredIDpath = ignoredID
+ self.viewDB = None
+ self.intervalStr = None
+ self.timestamp_max = None
+ self.timestamp_min = None
+ self.temporalRegPath = None
+ def createWin(self):
+ self.sumValues()
+ # self.setTimestamp()
+ if self.ignoredIDpath is not None:
+ self.removeLinks()
+ self.crateTimeWin()
+ def sumValues(self):
+ if self.sumStep == "minute":
+ self.intervalStr = 60
+ elif self.sumStep == "hour":
+ self.intervalStr = 3600
+ else:
+ self.intervalStr = 86400
+ # #summing values per (->user)timestep interval
+ self.viewDB = 'computed_precip_summed'
+ sql = "CREATE %s %s.%s as \
+ SELECT %s ,round(avg(precip)::numeric,3) as precip_mm_h, date_trunc('%s',time)as time \
+ FROM %s.%s \
+ GROUP BY %s, date_trunc('%s',time)\
+ ORDER BY time" % (self.viewStatement, self.schema, self.viewDB, self.typeID, \
+ self.sumStep, self.schema, self.tbName, self.typeID, self.sumStep)
+ self.database.connection.executeSql(sql, False, True)
+ def setTimestamp(self):
+ # num of rows
+ record_num = self.database.connection.count("%s.%s" % (self.database.dataScheme, self.database.recordTableName))
+ # get first timestamp
+ sql = "SELECT time FROM %s.%s LIMIT 1" % (self.database.dataScheme, self.database.recordTableName)
+ self.timestamp_min = self.database.connection.executeSql(sql)[0][0]
+ # get last timestep
+ sql = "SELECT time FROM %s.%s OFFSET %s" % (
+ self.database.dataScheme, self.database.recordTableName, record_num - 1)
+ self.timestamp_max = self.database.connection.executeSql(sql)[0][0]
+ # check if set time by user is in dataset time interval
+ if self.startTime is not None:
+ self.startTime = datetime.strptime(str(self.startTime), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ if self.timestamp_min > self.startTime:
+ grass.message("'startTime' value is not in dataset time interval")
+ else:
+ self.timestamp_min = self.startTime
+ if self.endTime is not None:
+ self.endTime = datetime.strptime(str(self.endTime), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ if self.timestamp_max < self.endTime:
+ grass.message("'endTime' value is not in dataset time interval")
+ else:
+ self.timestamp_max = self.endTime
+ def removeLinks(self):
+ '''Remove ignored links'''
+ try:
+ with open(self.ignoredIDpath, 'r') as f:
+ for link in f.read().splitlines():
+ sql = "DELETE FROM %s.%s WHERE %s=%s " % (self.schema, self.viewDB, self.typeID, link)
+ self.database.connection.executeSql(sql, False, True)
+ except IOError as (errno, strerror):
+ print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+ def crateTimeWin(self):
+ grass.message('creating time win')
+ time_const = 0
+ i = 0
+ nameList = []
+ tgrass_vector = []
+ cur_timestamp = self.timestamp_min
+ prefix = 'l'
+ if self.typeID == 'gaugeid':
+ prefix = 'g'
+ grass.message("from " + str(self.timestamp_min) + " to " + str(self.timestamp_max) + " per " + self.sumStep)
+ # make timewindows from time interval
+ while cur_timestamp < self.timestamp_max:
+ # create name of view
+ a = time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M", time.strptime(str(cur_timestamp), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
+ view_name = "%s%s%s" % (prefix, self.database.viewStatement, a)
+ vw = view_name + "\n"
+ nameList.append(vw)
+ # text format for t.register ( temporal grass)
+ if self.typeID == 'linkid':
+ tgrass = view_name + '|' + str(cur_timestamp) + "\n"
+ tgrass_vector.append(tgrass)
+ else:
+ tgrass = view_name + '|' + str(cur_timestamp) + "\n"
+ tgrass_vector.append(tgrass)
+ sql = "CREATE TABLE %s.%s as\
+ SELECT * from %s.%s \
+ WHERE time=(timestamp'%s'+ %s * interval '1 second')" % \
+ ( self.schema, view_name,
+ self.schema, self.viewDB,
+ self.timestamp_min,
+ time_const)
+ data = self.database.connection.executeSql(sql, False, True)
+ #compute current timestamp (need for loop)
+ sql = "SELECT (timestamp'%s')+ %s* interval '1 second'" % (cur_timestamp, self.intervalStr)
+ cur_timestamp = self.database.connection.executeSql(sql)[0][0]
+ #go to next time interval
+ time_const += self.intervalStr
+ # write values to flat file
+ if self.typeID == 'linkid':
+ try:
+ io2 = open(os.path.join(self.path, "l_timewindow"), "wr")
+ io2.writelines(nameList)
+ io2.close()
+ except IOError as (errno, strerror):
+ print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+ else:
+ try:
+ io2 = open(os.path.join(self.path, "g_timewindow"), "wr")
+ io2.writelines(nameList)
+ io2.close()
+ except IOError as (errno, strerror):
+ print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+ # creating textfile for t.register input
+ filename = "timewin_%s" % prefix + "vec_" + str(self.timestamp_min).replace(' ', '_') + "|" + str(
+ self.timestamp_max).replace(' ', '_')
+ try:
+ self.temporalRegPath = os.path.join(self.path, filename)
+ io4 = open(self.temporalRegPath, "wr")
+ io4.writelines(tgrass_vector)
+ io4.close()
+ except IOError as (errno, strerror):
+ print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+ #drop temp table
+ sql = "drop table %s.%s" % (self.schema, self.database.recordTableName)
+class Computor():
+ def __init__(self, baseline, timeWin, database):
+ self.awConst = baseline.aw
+ self.database = database
+ self.baselineConf = baseline
+ self.timeWin = timeWin
+ self.baselineDict = None
+ self.prepareDatabase()
+ self.computePrecip()
+ self.timeWin.createWin()
+ def prepareDatabase(self):
+ sql = "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS %s CASCADE" % self.database.schema
+ shutil.rmtree(self.database.pathWorkSchemeDir)
+ os.makedirs(self.database.pathWorkSchemeDir)
+ self.database.connection.executeSql(sql, False, True)
+ sql = "CREATE SCHEMA %s" % self.database.schema
+ self.database.connection.executeSql(sql, False, True)
+ def getBaselDict(self):
+ '''@note returns key:linkid'''
+ def computeBaselinFromMode(recordTable):
+ sql = "SELECT linkid from %s group by 1" % recordTable
+ linksid = self.database.connection.executeSql(sql, True, True)
+ tmp = []
+ # round value
+ sql = "CREATE TABLE %s.tempround as SELECT round(a::numeric,%s) as a, linkid FROM %s" % (
+ self.database.schema, self.baselineConf.roundMode, recordTable)
+ self.database.connection.executeSql(sql, False, True)
+ # compute mode for current link
+ for linkid in linksid:
+ linkid = linkid[0]
+ sql = "SELECT mode(a) AS modal_value FROM %s.tempround where linkid=%s;" % (
+ self.database.schema, linkid)
+ resu = self.database.connection.executeSql(sql, True, True)[0][0]
+ tmp.append(str(linkid) + ',' + str(resu) + '\n')
+ sql = "DROP TABLE %s.tempround" % self.database.schema
+ self.database.connection.executeSql(sql, False, True)
+ try:
+ io0 = open(os.path.join(self.database.pathWorkSchemeDir, "baseline"), "wr")
+ io0.writelines(tmp)
+ io0.close()
+ except IOError as (errno, strerror):
+ print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+ try:
+ io1 = open(os.path.join(self.database.pathWorkSchemeDir, "compute_precip_info"), "wr")
+ io1.write('mode|' + str(self.baselineConf.aw))
+ io1.close
+ except IOError as (errno, strerror):
+ print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+ def computeBaselineFromTime():
+ # ################################
+ # @function for reading file of intervals or just one moments when dont raining.#
+ # @format of input file(with key interval):
+ # interval
+ # 2013-09-10 04:00:00
+ # 2013-09-11 04:00:00
+ #
+ #@just one moment or moments
+ # 2013-09-11 04:00:00
+ # 2013-09-11 04:00:00
+ ################################
+ #@typestr choose statistical method for baseline computing.
+ # typestr='avg'
+ # typestr='mode'
+ # typestr='quantile'
+ ################################
+ tmp = []
+ st = ''
+ #print self.baselineConf.statFce
+ ######## AVG ##########
+ if self.baselineConf.statFce == 'avg':
+ try:
+ f = open(self.baselineConf.pathTofile, 'r')
+ #parse input file
+ for line in f:
+ st += line.replace("\n", "")
+ if 'i' in line.split("\n")[0]: #get baseline form interval
+ fromt = f.next()
+ st += fromt.replace("\n", "")
+ tot = f.next()
+ #validate input data
+ if not isTimeValid(fromt) or not isTimeValid(tot):
+ grass.fatal("Input data is not valid. Parameter 'baselitime'")
+ st += tot.replace("\n", "")
+ sql = "SELECT linkid, avg(txpower-rxpower)as a from record where time >='%s' and time<='%s' group by linkid order by 1" % (
+ fromt, tot)
+ resu = self.database.connection.executeSql(sql, True, True)
+ tmp.append(resu)
+ else: #get baseline one moment
+ time = line.split("\n")[0]
+ #validate input data
+ if not isTimeValid(time):
+ grass.fatal("Input data is not valid. Parameter 'baselitime'")
+ time = datetime.strptime(time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ st += str(time).replace("\n", "")
+ fromt = time + timedelta(seconds=-60)
+ tot = time + timedelta(seconds=+60)
+ sql = "SELECT linkid, avg(txpower-rxpower)as a from record where time >='%s' and time<='%s' group by linkid order by 1" % (
+ fromt, tot)
+ resu = self.database.connection.executeSql(sql, True, True)
+ tmp.append(resu)
+ continue
+ except IOError as (errno, strerror):
+ print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+ mydict = {}
+ mydict1 = {}
+ i = True
+ # sum all baseline per every linkid from get baseline dataset(next step avg)
+ for dataset in tmp:
+ mydict = {int(rows[0]): float(rows[1]) for rows in dataset}
+ if i is True:
+ mydict1 = mydict
+ i = False
+ continue
+ for link, a in dataset:
+ mydict1[link] += mydict[link]
+ length = len(tmp)
+ links = len(tmp[0])
+ i = 0
+ #compute avg(divide sum by num of datasets)
+ for dataset in tmp:
+ for link, a in dataset:
+ i += 1
+ mydict1[link] /= length
+ if i == links:
+ break
+ break
+ #write values to baseline file
+ writer = csv.writer(open(os.path.join(self.database.pathWorkSchemeDir, 'baseline'), 'wr'))
+ for key, value in mydict1.items():
+ writer.writerow([key, value])
+ ######## MODE or QUANTILE ##########
+ elif self.baselineConf.statFce == 'mode' or self.baselineConf.statFce == 'quantile':
+ #print 'mode***'
+ try:
+ f = open(self.baselineConf.pathToFile, 'r')
+ # print 'open PathTOfile'
+ #parse input file
+ for line in f:
+ st += line.replace("\n", "")
+ if 'i' in line.split("\n")[0]: #get baseline form interval
+ fromt = f.next()
+ st += fromt.replace("\n", "")
+ tot = f.next()
+ #validate input data
+ if not isTimeValid(fromt) or not isTimeValid(tot):
+ grass.fatal("Input data is not valid. Parameter 'baselitime'")
+ st += tot.replace("\n", "")
+ sql = "SELECT linkid, txpower-rxpower as a from record WHERE time >='%s' and time<='%s'" % (
+ fromt, tot)
+ resu = self.database.connection.executeSql(sql, True, True)
+ resu += resu
+ else: #get baseline one moment
+ time = line.split("\n")[0]
+ if not isTimeValid(time):
+ grass.fatal("Input data is not valid. Parameter 'baselitime'")
+ time = datetime.strptime(time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ st += str(time).replace("\n", "")
+ fromt = time + timedelta(seconds=-60)
+ tot = time + timedelta(seconds=+60)
+ sql = "SELECT linkid, txpower-rxpower as a from record WHERE time >='%s' and time<='%s'" % (
+ fromt, tot)
+ resu = self.database.connection.executeSql(sql, True, True)
+ resu += resu
+ continue
+ except IOError as (errno, strerror):
+ print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+ tmp.append(resu)
+ table_mode_tmp = "mode_tmp"
+ sql = "CREATE TABLE %s.%s ( linkid integer,a real);" % (self.database.schema, table_mode_tmp)
+ self.database.connection.executeSql(sql, False, True)
+ c = 0
+ #write values to flat file
+ try:
+ io = open(os.path.join(self.database.pathWorkSchemeDir, "mode_tmp"), "wr")
+ c = 0
+ for it in tmp:
+ for i in it:
+ a = str(i[0]) + "|" + str(i[1]) + "\n"
+ io.write(a)
+ c += 1
+ io.close()
+ except IOError as (errno, strerror):
+ print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+ #update table
+ try:
+ io1 = open(os.path.join(self.database.pathWorkSchemeDir, "mode_tmp"), "r")
+ self.database.connection.copyfrom(io1, "%s.%s" % (self.database.schema, table_mode_tmp))
+ io1.close()
+ os.remove(os.path.join(self.database.pathWorkSchemeDir, "mode_tmp"))
+ except IOError as (errno, strerror):
+ print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+ recname = self.database.schema + '.' + table_mode_tmp
+ if self.baselineConf.statFce == 'mode':
+ computeBaselinFromMode(recname)
+ if self.baselineConf.statFce == 'quantile':
+ computeBaselineFromQuentile(recname)
+ sql = "DROP TABLE %s.%s" % (self.database.schema, table_mode_tmp)
+ self.database.connection.executeSql(sql, False, True)
+ #write unique mark to file
+ try:
+ io1 = open(os.path.join(self.database.pathWorkSchemeDir, "compute_precip_info"), "wr")
+ st = st + '|' + str(self.baselineConf.aw)
+ io1.write(st)
+ io1.close
+ except IOError as (errno, strerror):
+ print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+ def computeBaselineFromQuentile(recordTable):
+ link_num = self.database.connection.count("link")
+ sql = "SELECT linkid from %s group by linkid" % self.database.recordTable
+ linksid = self.database.connection.executeSql(sql, True, True)
+ tmp = []
+ # for each link compute baseline
+ for linkid in linksid:
+ linkid = linkid[0]
+ sql = "Select\
+ max(a) as maxAmount,\
+ avg(a) as avgAmount,\
+ quartile\
+ FROM (SELECT a, ntile(%s) OVER (order by a) as quartile\
+ FROM %s where linkid=%s ) x\
+ GROUP BY quartile\
+ ORDER BY quartile\
+ limit 1" % (self.baselineConf.quantile, recordTable, linkid)
+ resu = self.database.connection.executeSql(sql, True, True)[0][0]
+ tmp.append(str(linkid) + ',' + str(resu) + '\n')
+ try:
+ io0 = open(os.path.join(self.database.pathWorkSchemeDir, "baseline"), "wr")
+ io0.writelines(tmp)
+ io0.close()
+ except IOError as (errno, strerror):
+ print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+ try:
+ io1 = open(os.path.join(self.database.pathWorkSchemeDir, "compute_precip_info"), "wr")
+ io1.write('quantile' + self.baselineConf.quantile + '|' + self.baselineConf.aw)
+ io1.close
+ except IOError as (errno, strerror):
+ print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+ def readBaselineFromText(path):
+ with open(path, mode='r') as infile:
+ reader = csv.reader(infile, delimiter=',')
+ mydict = {float(rows[0]): float(rows[1]) for rows in reader}
+ return mydict
+ if self.baselineConf.type == 'values':
+ # print 'valuesDirectly'
+ self.baselineDict = readBaselineFromText(self.baselineConf.pathTofile)
+ elif self.baselineConf.type == 'fromDryWin':
+ grass.message('Computing baselines "time interval" "%s"...' % self.baselineConf.statFce)
+ # print 'fromDryWin'
+ computeBaselineFromTime()
+ self.baselineDict = readBaselineFromText(os.path.join(self.database.pathWorkSchemeDir, 'baseline'))
+ def computePrecip(self):
+ grass.message("Preparing database for computing precipitation...")
+ Aw = float(self.baselineConf.aw)
+ link_num = self.database.connection.count("link")
+ # self.timeWin.sumValues()
+ self.timeWin.setTimestamp()
+ sql = "SELECT n2.time, n2.txpower-n2.rxpower as a,n1.lenght,n1.polarization,n1.frequency,n1.linkid\
+ FROM %s.link AS n1 \
+ JOIN %s.record AS n2 ON n1.linkid = n2.linkid \
+ WHERE n2.linkid = n1.linkid AND\
+ time >= '%s' AND\
+ time <= '%s' \
+ ORDER by n2.recordid;" % \
+ (self.database.dataScheme,
+ self.database.dataScheme,
+ self.timeWin.timestamp_min,
+ self.timeWin.timestamp_max)
+ resu = self.database.connection.executeSql(sql, True, True)
+ sql = "CREATE TABLE %s.%s ( linkid integer,time timestamp, precip real);" % \
+ (self.database.schema,
+ self.database.computedPrecip)
+ self.database.connection.executeSql(sql, False, True)
+ # optimalization of commits
+ self.database.connection.setIsoLvl(0)
+ #choose baseline source (quantile, user values, ) get dict linkid, baseline
+ self.getBaselDict()
+ #check if baseline from text is correct
+ if len(self.baselineDict) < link_num:
+ sql = "SELECT linkid FROM link"
+ links = self.database.connection.executeSql(sql, True, True)
+ for link in links:
+ #grass.message(type(link))
+ if not link[0] in self.baselineDict:
+ grass.message("Linkid= %s is missing in txtfile" % str(link[0]))
+ grass.message("Link not included in computation")
+ grass.message(
+ 'HINT-> Missing values "linkid,baseline," in text file. Link probably getting ERROR "-99.9" in SELECTed time interval\n or you omitted values in input text. You can add value manualy into the file and use method "read baseline from file"')
+ recordid = 1
+ temp = []
+ for record in resu:
+ #if missing baseline. Link will be skip
+ if record[5] in self.baselineDict and (record[4] / 1000000) > 10:
+ #coef_a_k[alpha, k]
+ coef_a_k = self.computeAlphaK(record[4], record[3])
+ #read value from dictionary
+ baseline_decibel = (self.baselineDict[record[5]])
+ #final precipiatation is R1
+ Ar = record[1] - baseline_decibel - Aw
+ #TODO check this condition
+ if Ar > 0:
+ yr = Ar / record[2]
+ R1 = (yr / coef_a_k[1]) ** (1 / coef_a_k[0])
+ else:
+ R1 = 0
+ #string for output flatfile
+ out = str(record[5]) + "|" + str(record[0]) + "|" + str(R1) + "\n"
+ temp.append(out)
+ recordid += 1
+ #write values to flat file
+ try:
+ io = open(os.path.join(self.database.pathWorkSchemeDir, "precip"), "wr")
+ io.writelines(temp)
+ io.close()
+ except IOError as (errno, strerror):
+ print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+ grass.message("Writing computed precipitation to database...")
+ io1 = open(os.path.join(self.database.pathWorkSchemeDir, "precip"), "r")
+ self.database.connection.copyfrom(io1, "%s.%s" % (self.database.schema, self.database.computedPrecip))
+ io1.close()
+ os.remove(os.path.join(self.database.pathWorkSchemeDir, "precip"))
+ def computeAlphaK(self, freq, polarization):
+ Specific attenuation model for rain for use in prediction methods
+ γR = kR^α
+ return kv and αv (vertical polarization)
+ return kh and αh (horizontal polarization)
+ """
+ freq /= 1000000
+ if polarization == "h":
+ # Coefficients for kH 1
+ aj_kh = (-5.33980, -0.35351, -0.23789, -0.94158)
+ bj_kh = (-0.10008, 1.26970, 0.86036, 0.64552)
+ cj_kh = (1.13098, 0.45400, 0.15354, 0.16817)
+ mk_kh = -0.18961
+ ck_kh = 0.71147
+ # Coefficients for αH 3
+ aj_ah = (-0.14318, 0.29591, 0.32177, -5.37610, 16.1721)
+ bj_ah = (1.82442, 0.77564, 0.63773, -0.96230, -3.29980)
+ cj_ah = (-0.55187, 0.19822, 0.13164, 1.47828, 3.43990)
+ ma_ah = 0.67849
+ ca_ah = -1.95537
+ kh = 0
+ ah = 0
+ # kh.. coefficient k of horizontal polarization
+ for j in range(0, len(aj_kh)):
+ frac_kh = -math.pow(((math.log10(freq) - bj_kh[j]) / cj_kh[j]), 2)
+ kh += aj_kh[j] * math.exp(frac_kh)
+ kh = 10 ** (kh + mk_kh * math.log10(freq) + ck_kh)
+ # ah.. coefficient α of horizontal polarization
+ for j in range(0, len(aj_ah)):
+ frac_ah = -math.pow(((math.log10(freq) - bj_ah[j]) / cj_ah[j]), 2)
+ ah += aj_ah[j] * math.exp(frac_ah)
+ ah = ah + ma_ah * math.log10(freq) + ca_ah
+ return ah, kh
+ else:
+ # Coefficients for kV 2
+ aj_kv = [-3.80595, -3.44965, -0.39902, 0.50167]
+ bj_kv = [0.56934, -0.22911, 0.73042, 1.07319]
+ cj_kv = [0.81061, 0.51059, 0.11899, 0.27195]
+ mk_kv = -0.16398
+ ck_kv = 0.63297
+ # Coefficients for αV 4
+ aj_av = [-0.07771, 0.56727, -0.20238, -48.2991, 48.5833]
+ bj_av = [2.33840, 0.95545, 1.14520, 0.791669, 0.791459]
+ cj_av = [-0.76284, 0.54039, 0.26809, 0.116226, 0.116479]
+ ma_av = -0.053739
+ ca_av = 0.83433
+ kv = 0
+ av = 0
+ # kv.. coefficient k of vertical polarization
+ for j in range(0, len(aj_kv)):
+ frac_kv = -math.pow(((math.log10(freq) - bj_kv[j]) / cj_kv[j]), 2)
+ kv += aj_kv[j] * math.exp(frac_kv)
+ kv = 10 ** (kv + mk_kv * math.log10(freq) + ck_kv)
+ # av.. coefficient α of vertical polarization
+ for j in range(0, len(aj_av)):
+ frac_av = -math.pow(((math.log10(freq) - bj_av[j]) / cj_av[j]), 2)
+ av += aj_av[j] * math.exp(frac_av)
+ av = (av + ma_av * math.log10(freq) + ca_av)
+ return av, kv
+class GrassLayerManager():
+ def __init__(self, database):
+ self.database = database
+ self.connectDBaLayers()
+ def connectDBaLayers(self):
+ layerNum = 0
+ try:
+ with open(os.path.join(self.database.pathWorkSchemeDir, "l_timewindow"), 'r') as f:
+ for win in f.read().splitlines():
+ layerNum += 1
+ win = self.database.schema + '.' + win
+ grass.run_command('v.db.connect',
+ driver='pg',
+ database=self.database.dbName,
+ map=self.database.linkVecMapName,
+ table=win,
+ key='linkid',
+ layer=layerNum,
+ quiet=True)
+ except:
+ print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
+ grass.fatal('Cannot connect tables(time-windows) to vector layer')
+class GrassTemporalManagement():
+ def __init__(self,database,timeWinConf):
+ self.database=database
+ self.datasetName=database.schema
+ self.datasetTitle='MW time dataset'
+ self.datasetTdescription=" IDtype=%s,\
+ sumStep=%s,\
+ startTime=%s,\
+ endTime='%s" %(timeWinConf.typeID,
+ timeWinConf.sumStep,
+ timeWinConf.startTime,
+ timeWinConf.endTime)
+ self.createTimedataset()
+ def createTimedataset(self,datasetName=None,datasetTitle=None,
+ datasetTdescription=None,temporalType='absolute',
+ semanticType='mean'):
+ if datasetName is None:
+ self.datasetName=self.datasetName
+ if datasetTitle is None:
+ self.datasetTitle=self.datasetTitle
+ if datasetTdescription is None:
+ self.datasetTdescription=self.datasetTdescription
+ grass.run_command('t.create',
+ type='stvds',
+ output=self.datasetName,
+ title=self.datasetTitle,
+ description=self.datasetTdescription,
+ temporaltype=temporalType,
+ semantictype=semanticType)
+ def registerMaps(self):
+ grass.run_command('t.register',
+ input=self.datasetName,
+ map=self.database.linkVecMapName,
+ type='vect',
+ )
+class Database():
+ def __init__(self, name=None, user=None, password=None,
+ host=None, nodeVecMapName='node', linkVecMapName='link',
+ workScheme='tmp5', dataScheme='public'):
+ self.dbName = name
+ self.user=user
+ self.password=password
+ self.host=host
+ self.schema = workScheme
+ self.dataScheme = dataScheme
+ self.connection = None
+ self.viewStatement = 'table'
+ self.recordTableName = 'record'
+ self.computedPrecip = 'computed_precip'
+ self.computedPrecipGauge = 'rgage_precip'
+ self.nodeVecMapName = nodeVecMapName
+ self.linkVecMapName = linkVecMapName
+ self.pathWorkSchemeDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "tmp_%s" % self.schema)
+ self.pyConnection()
+ self.grassConnection()
+ self.grassTemporalConnection()
+ self.firstPreparation()
+ self.prepareDB()
+ self.prepareDir()
+ def grassTemporalConnection(self):
+ conninfo = 'dbname= ' +self.dbName
+ if self.user:
+ conninfo+=' user= '+ self.user
+ if self.password:
+ conninfo+=' passwd= ' + self.password
+ if self.host:
+ conninfo+=' host=' + self.host
+ grass.run_command('t.connect',
+ driver='pg',
+ database=conninfo)
+ def grassConnection(self):
+ grass.message("Connecting to db-GRASS...")
+ # Unfortunately we cannot test untill user/password is set
+ if self.user or self.password:
+ if grass.run_command('db.login',
+ driver="pg",
+ database=self.dbName,
+ user=self.user,
+ password=self.password) != 0:
+ grass.fatal("Cannot login")
+ # Try to connect
+ if grass.run_command('db.select',
+ quiet=True,
+ flags='c',
+ driver="pg",
+ database=self.dbName,
+ sql="select version()") != 0:
+ if self.user or self.password:
+ grass.message("Deleting login (db.login) ...")
+ if grass.run_command('db.login',
+ quiet=True,
+ driver="pg",
+ database=self.dbName,
+ user="", password="") != 0:
+ grass.message("Cannot delete login.")
+ grass.fatal("Cannot connect to database.")
+ if grass.run_command('db.connect', driver="pg", database=self.dbName) != 0:
+ grass.fatal("Cannot connect to database.")
+ def pyConnection(self):
+ try:
+ conninfo = {'dbname': self.dbName}
+ if self.user:
+ conninfo['user'] = self.user
+ if self.password:
+ conninfo['passwd'] = self.password
+ if self.host:
+ conninfo['host'] = self.host
+ self.connection = pg(**conninfo)
+ except psycopg2.OperationalError, e:
+ grass.fatal("Unable to connect to the database <%s>. %s" % (self.dbName, e))
+ def firstPreparation(self):
+ if not self.isAttributExist('public', 'link', 'frequency'):
+ grass.message("Add colum lenght")
+ sql = "ALTER TABLE link ADD COLUMN lenght real; "
+ self.connection.executeSql(sql, False, True)
+ grass.message("Add colum frequency")
+ sql = "ALTER TABLE link ADD COLUMN frequency real; "
+ self.connection.executeSql(sql, False, True)
+ grass.message("Optimalization of frequency attribute")
+ sql = "UPDATE link\
+ SET frequency = record.frequency\
+ FROM record\
+ WHERE record.linkid = link.linkid;"
+ self.connection.executeSql(sql, False, True)
+ sql = "ALTER TABLE record DROP COLUMN frequency;"
+ self.connection.executeSql(sql, False, True)
+ # TODO
+ '''
+ grass.message("Add function for computing distance ")
+ sql="CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_earth_distance1 \
+ (lon1 Float, lat1 Float, lon2 Float, lat2 Float, Radius Float DEFAULT 6387.7)\
+ -- Convert degrees to radians\
+ DECLARE K FLOAT := 57.29577951; v_dist FLOAT;\
+ -- calculate\
+ v_dist := (Radius * ACOS((SIN(Lat1 / K) * SIN(Lat2 / K)) \
+ + (COS(Lat1 / K) * COS(Lat2 / K) * COS(Lon2 / K - Lon1 / K))));\
+ -- Return distance in Km\
+ RETURN round(CAST (v_dist AS Numeric),3);\
+ END;\
+ ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';"
+ self.connection.executeSql(sql, False, True)
+ '''
+ grass.message("Computing column lenght")
+ sql = "UPDATE link SET lenght = get_earth_distance1(n1.long,n1.lat,n2.long,n2.lat) \
+ FROM node AS n1 JOIN \
+ link AS l ON n1.nodeid = fromnodeid \
+ JOIN node AS n2 ON n2.nodeid = tonodeid \
+ WHERE link.linkid = l.linkid; "
+ self.connection.executeSql(sql, False, True)
+ grass.message("Add column precip")
+ sql = "ALTER TABLE record ADD COLUMN precip real; "
+ self.connection.executeSql(sql, False, True)
+ grass.message("Create sequence")
+ sql = "CREATE SEQUENCE serial START 1; "
+ self.connection.executeSql(sql, False, True)
+ grass.message("Add column recordid")
+ sql = "ALTER TABLE record add column recordid integer default nextval('serial'); "
+ self.connection.executeSql(sql, False, True)
+ grass.message("Create index on recordid")
+ sql = "CREATE INDEX idindex ON record USING btree(recordid); "
+ self.connection.executeSql(sql, False, True)
+ sql = "CREATE INDEX timeindex ON record USING btree (time); "
+ self.connection.executeSql(sql, False, True)
+ grass.message("Add mode function")
+ sql = "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _final_mode(anyarray)\
+ RETURNS anyelement AS $BODY$ SELECT a FROM unnest($1)\
+ self.connection.executeSql(sql, False, True)
+ sql = "CREATE AGGREGATE mode(anyelement) (\
+ SFUNC=array_append, \
+ STYPE=anyarray,\
+ FINALFUNC=_final_mode, \
+ INITCOND='{}');"
+ self.connection.executeSql(sql, False, True)
+ def prepareDB(self):
+ sql = "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS %s CASCADE" % self.schema
+ try:
+ shutil.rmtree(self.pathWorkSchemeDir)
+ except:
+ os.makedirs(self.pathWorkSchemeDir)
+ self.connection.executeSql(sql, False, True)
+ sql = "CREATE SCHEMA %s" % self.schema
+ self.connection.executeSql(sql, False, True)
+ def prepareDir(self):
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(self.pathWorkSchemeDir)
+ except OSError:
+ if not os.path.isdir(self.pathWorkSchemeDir):
+ raise
+ def isAttributExist(self, schema, table, columns):
+ sql = "SELECT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE \
+ table_schema = '%s' AND \
+ table_name = '%s' AND\
+ column_name='%s');" % (schema, table, columns)
+ return self.connection.executeSql(sql, True, True)[0][0]
+ def isTableExist(self, schema, table):
+ FROM information_schema.tables \
+ WHERE table_schema = '%s' AND \
+ table_name = '%s');" % (schema, table)
+ return self.connection.executeSql(sql, True, True)[0][0]
+def randomWord(length):
+ return ''.join(random.choice(string.lowercase) for i in range(length))
+def isTimeValid(time):
+ RE = re.compile(r'^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}[ T]\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$')
+ return bool(RE.search(time))
+def main():
+ db = Database(name='new_mw')
+ convertor = VectorLoader(db)
+ #create native vector map(nodes)
+ pointsSQL = convertor.selectNodes()
+ pointsASCII = convertor.getASCIInodes(pointsSQL)
+ convertor.grass_vinASCII(pointsASCII, db.nodeVecMapName)
+ #create native vector map(links)
+ linksSQL = convertor.selectLinks()
+ linksASCII = convertor.getASCIIlinks(linksSQL)
+ convertor.grass_vinASCII(linksASCII, db.linkVecMapName)
+ twin = TimeWindows(IDtype='linkid',
+ sumStep='minute',
+ startTime='2013-09-10 04:00:00',
+ endTime='2013-09-10 05:00:00',
+ database=db)
+ baseline = Baseline(type='fromDryWin',
+ statFce='mode',
+ pathToFile='/home/matt/Dropbox/gsoc/sandbox/krejcmat/src/test_suite/baseltime.ref',
+ roundMode=3)
+ Computor(baseline, twin, db)
+ GrassLayerManager(db)
+ GrassTemporalManagement(db,twin)
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: sandbox/krejcmat/src/mw2/mv2.py
Added: svn:executable
+ *
Added: sandbox/krejcmat/src/mw2/pgwrapper.py
--- sandbox/krejcmat/src/mw2/pgwrapper.py (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/krejcmat/src/mw2/pgwrapper.py 2014-10-18 19:29:34 UTC (rev 62287)
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8
+import sys, os, argparse
+import psycopg2 as ppg
+import psycopg2.extensions
+class pgwrapper:
+ def __init__(self, dbname, host='', user='', passwd=''):
+ self.dbname = dbname # Database name which connect to.
+ self.host = host # Host name (default is "localhost")
+ self.user = user # User name for login to the database.
+ self.password = passwd # Password for login to the database.
+ self.connection = self.setConnect() # Set a connection to the database
+ self.cursor = self.setCursor() # Generate cursor.
+ def setConnect(self):
+ conn_string = "dbname='%s'" % self.dbname
+ if self.user:
+ conn_string += " user='%s'" % self.user
+ if self.host:
+ conn_string += " host='%s'" % self.host
+ if self.password:
+ conn_string += " passwd='%s'" % self.password
+ conn = ppg.connect(conn_string)
+ return conn
+ def setCursor(self):
+ return self.connection.cursor()
+ def setIsoLvl(self, lvl='0'):
+ if lvl == 0:
+ self.connection.set_session('read committed')
+ elif lvl == 1:
+ self.connection.set_session(readonly=True, autocommit=False)
+ def copyfrom(self, afile, table, sep='|'):
+ try:
+ self.cursor.copy_from(afile, table, sep=sep)
+ self.connection.commit()
+ except Exception, err:
+ self.connection.rollback()
+ self.print_message(" Catched error (as expected):\n")
+ self.print_message(err)
+ pass
+ def copyexpert(self, sql, data):
+ try:
+ self.cursor.copy_expert(sql, data)
+ except Exception:
+ self.connection.rollback()
+ pass
+ def executeSql(self, sql, results=True, commit=False):
+ # Excute the SQL statement.
+ # self.print_message (sql)
+ #print '*'*50
+ #print sql
+ #print '*'*50
+ try:
+ self.cursor.execute(sql)
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.connection.rollback()
+ print e.pgerror
+ pass
+ if commit:
+ self.connection.commit()
+ if results:
+ # Get the results.
+ results = self.cursor.fetchall()
+ # Return the results.1
+ return results
+ def count(self, table):
+ """!Count the number of rows.
+ @param table : Name of the table to count row"""
+ sql_count = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' + table
+ self.cursor.execute(sql_count)
+ n = self.cursor.fetchall()[0][0]
+ return n
+ def updatecol(self, table, columns, where=''):
+ """!Update the values of columns.
+ @param table : Name of the table to parse.
+ @param columns : Keys values pair of column names and values to update.
+ @param where : Advanced search option for 'where' statement.
+ """
+ # Make a SQL statement.
+ parse = ''
+ for i in range(len(columns)):
+ parse = parse + '"' + str(dict.keys(columns)[i]) + '"=' + str(dict.values(columns)[i]) + ','
+ parse = parse.rstrip(',')
+ if where == '':
+ sql_update_col = 'UPDATE "' + table + '" SET ' + parse
+ else:
+ sql_update_col = 'UPDATE "' + table + '" SET ' + parse + ' WHERE ' + where
+ print "upcol %s" % sql_update_col
+ # Excute the SQL statement.
+ self.cursor.execute(sql_update_col)
+ def print_message(self, msg):
+ print '-' * 80
+ print msg
+ print '-' * 80
+ print
+ sys.stdout.flush()
Property changes on: sandbox/krejcmat/src/mw2/pgwrapper.py
Added: svn:executable
+ *
Added: sandbox/krejcmat/src/mw2/test_suite/baseltime.ref
--- sandbox/krejcmat/src/mw2/test_suite/baseltime.ref (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/krejcmat/src/mw2/test_suite/baseltime.ref 2014-10-18 19:29:34 UTC (rev 62287)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+2013-09-09 00:00:00
+2013-09-09 02:00:00
+2013-09-10 06:15:00
+2013-09-10 07:30:00
Added: sandbox/krejcmat/src/mw2/test_suite/color.ref
--- sandbox/krejcmat/src/mw2/test_suite/color.ref (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/krejcmat/src/mw2/test_suite/color.ref 2014-10-18 19:29:34 UTC (rev 62287)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+0.2 240:240:240
+0.5 230:230:230
+1 220:220:255
+2 190:190:255
+3 150:150:255
+4 100:100:240
+5 70:70:200
+6 40:40:150
+7 0:120:0
+8 0:160:0
+9 0:210:0
+10 0:240:0
+13 255:250:0
+16 255:200:0
+19 255:150:0
+22 255:70:0
+35 180:0:0
+30 90:0:0
+35 40:0:0
Added: sandbox/krejcmat/src/mw2/test_suite/test.r.mvprecip.sh
--- sandbox/krejcmat/src/mw2/test_suite/test.r.mvprecip.sh (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/krejcmat/src/mw2/test_suite/test.r.mvprecip.sh 2014-10-18 19:29:34 UTC (rev 62287)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#../r.mvprecip.py -r database=$DB baseltime=baseltime.ref
+../r.mvprecip.py -g database=$DB \
+ fromtime="2013-09-09 06:00:00" totime="2013-09-09 06:03:00" \
+ baseltime=baseltime.ref color=radarcolor.ref lignore=ignore.ref
+exit 0
Property changes on: sandbox/krejcmat/src/mw2/test_suite/test.r.mvprecip.sh
Added: svn:executable
+ *
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