[GRASS-SVN] r66994 - in grass/trunk/scripts: . g.search.modules g.search.modules/testsuite
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Tue Dec 1 00:49:42 PST 2015
Author: jachym
Date: 2015-12-01 00:49:42 -0800 (Tue, 01 Dec 2015)
New Revision: 66994
renaming g.search.module -> g.search.modules
Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/Makefile
--- grass/trunk/scripts/Makefile 2015-11-30 23:46:18 UTC (rev 66993)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/Makefile 2015-12-01 08:49:42 UTC (rev 66994)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
g.extension \
g.extension.all \
g.manual \
- g.search.module \
+ g.search.modules \
i.colors.enhance \
i.image.mosaic \
i.in.spotvgt \
Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/g.search.modules/Makefile
--- grass/trunk/scripts/g.search.module/Makefile 2015-11-30 23:46:18 UTC (rev 66993)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/g.search.modules/Makefile 2015-12-01 08:49:42 UTC (rev 66994)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-PGM = g.search.module
+PGM = g.search.modules
include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Script.make
Deleted: grass/trunk/scripts/g.search.modules/g.search.module.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/g.search.module/g.search.module.html 2015-11-30 23:46:18 UTC (rev 66993)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/g.search.modules/g.search.module.html 2015-12-01 08:49:42 UTC (rev 66994)
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-<em>r.search.module</em> searches for given keyword in GRASS modules name,
-description, keywords and optionally manpages too.
-There can be more keywords, <em>g.search.module</em> will search for each of them
-Search all modules, where keywords <em>buffer</em> OR <em>clip</em> can be found
-<div class="code"><pre>
-g.search.module keyword=buffer,clip
- keywords: raster,buffer,geometry,circle
- description: Creates a raster map containing concentric rings around a
- given point.
- keywords: raster,buffer
- description: Creates a raster map showing buffer zones surrounding cells
- that contain non-NULL category values. This is the low-
- memory alternative to the classic r.buffer module.
- keywords: raster,buffer
- description: Creates a raster map showing buffer zones surrounding cells
- that contain non-NULL category values.
-Search all modules, where keywords <em>overlay</em> AND <em>clip</em> can be
-found with some fancy terminal output
-<div class="code"><pre>
-g.search.module keyword=clip,overlay -a -c
- keywords: vector,geometry,spatial query,intersection,union,clip
- description: Overlays two vector maps.;
-Search in manual pages too
-<div class="code"><pre>
-g.search.module -m keyword=kapri
- keywords: database,attribute table,SQL
- description: Executes any SQL statement. For SELECT statements use
- 'db.select'.
- keywords: database,attribute table,SQL
- description: Selects data from attribute table. Performs SQL query
- statement(s).
-<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
- <a href="g.manual.html">g.manual</a>
- <!-- <a href="g.search.map.html">g.search.map</a>, -->
-Jachym Cepicky, OpenGeoLabs s.r.o., Czech Republic
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
Deleted: grass/trunk/scripts/g.search.modules/g.search.module.py
--- grass/trunk/scripts/g.search.module/g.search.module.py 2015-11-30 23:46:18 UTC (rev 66993)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/g.search.modules/g.search.module.py 2015-12-01 08:49:42 UTC (rev 66994)
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# MODULE: g.search.module
-# AUTHOR(S): Jachym Cepicky <jachym.cepicky gmail.com>
-# PURPOSE: g.search.module in grass modules using keywords
-# COPYRIGHT: (C) 2015-2016 by the GRASS Development Team
-# This program is free software under the GNU General
-# Public License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that
-# comes with GRASS for details.
-#% description: Search in GRASS modules using keywords
-#% keyword: general
-#% keyword: modules
-#% keyword: search
-#% key: keyword
-#% multiple: yes
-#% type: string
-#% description: Keyword to be searched
-#% required : yes
-#% key: a
-#% description: Display only modules where all keywords are available (AND), default: OR
-#% guisection: Output
-#% key: m
-#% description: Search in manual pages too (can be slow)
-#% guisection: Output
-#% key: c
-#% description: Use colorized (more readable) output to terminal
-#% guisection: Output
-#% key: g
-#% description: Shell script format
-#% guisection: Output
-#% key: j
-#% description: JSON format
-#% guisection: Output
-import os
-import sys
-from grass.script.utils import diff_files, try_rmdir
-from grass.script import core as grass
- import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
-except ImportError:
- import elementtree.ElementTree as etree # Python <= 2.4
-def main():
- global COLORIZE
- keywords = options['keyword'].lower().split(',')
- AND = flags['a']
- manpages = flags['m']
- out_format = None
- if flags['g']:
- out_format = 'shell'
- elif flags['j']:
- out_format = 'json'
- else:
- COLORIZE = flags['c']
- modules = _search_module(keywords, AND, manpages)
- print_results(modules, out_format)
-def print_results(data, out_format=None):
- """
- Print result of the searching method
- each data item should have
- {
- 'name': name of the item,
- 'attributes': {
- # list of attributes to be shown too
- }
- }
- :param list.<dict> data: input list of found data items
- :param str out_format: output format 'shell', 'json', None
- """
- if not out_format:
- _print_results(data)
- elif out_format == 'shell':
- _print_results_shell(data)
- elif out_format == 'json':
- _print_results_json(data)
-def _print_results_shell(data):
- """Print just the name attribute"""
- for item in data:
- print item['name']
-def _print_results_json(data):
- """Print JSON output"""
- import json
- print json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
-def _print_results(data):
- import textwrap
- for item in data:
- print '\n{}'.format(colorize(item['name'], attrs=['bold']))
- for attr in item['attributes']:
- out = '{}: {}'.format(attr, item['attributes'][attr])
- out = textwrap.wrap(out, width=79, initial_indent=4*' ',
- subsequent_indent=4*' '+len(attr)*' '+' ')
- for line in out:
- print line
-def colorize(text, attrs=None, pattern=None):
- """Colorize given text input
- :param string text: input text to be colored
- :param list.<string> attrs: list of attributes as defined in termcolor package
- :param string pattern: text to be highlighted in input text
- :return: colored string
- """
- from termcolor import colored
- else:
- def colored(pattern, attrs):
- return pattern
- if pattern:
- return text.replace(pattern, colored(pattern, attrs=attrs))
- else:
- return colored(text, attrs=attrs)
-def _search_module(keywords, logical_and=False, manpages=False):
- """Search modules by given keywords
- :param list.<str> keywords: list of keywords
- :param boolean logical_and: use AND (default OR)
- :param boolean manpages: search in manpages too
- :return dict: modules
- """
- WXGUIDIR = os.path.join(os.getenv("GISBASE"), "gui", "wxpython")
- filename = os.path.join(WXGUIDIR, 'xml', 'module_items.xml')
- menudata_file = open(filename, 'r')
- menudata = etree.parse(menudata_file)
- menudata_file.close()
- items = menudata.findall('module-item')
- found_modules = []
- for item in items:
- name = item.attrib['name']
- description = item.find('description').text
- module_keywords = item.find('keywords').text
- found = [False]
- if logical_and:
- found = [False] * len(keywords)
- for idx in range(len(keywords)):
- keyword = keywords[idx]
- keyword_found = False
- keyword_found = _basic_search(keyword, name, description, module_keywords)
- if not keyword_found and manpages:
- keyword_found = _manpage_search(keyword, name)
- if keyword_found:
- if logical_and:
- found[idx] = True
- else:
- found = [True]
- description = colorize(description,
- attrs=['underline'],
- pattern=keyword)
- module_keywords = colorize(module_keywords,
- attrs=['underline'],
- pattern=keyword)
- if False not in found:
- found_modules.append({
- 'name': name,
- 'attributes': {
- 'keywords': module_keywords,
- 'description': description
- }
- })
- return found_modules
-def _basic_search(pattern, name, description, module_keywords):
- if name.lower().find(pattern) > -1 or\
- description.lower().find(pattern) > -1 or\
- module_keywords.lower().find(pattern) > -1:
- return True
- else:
- return False
-def _manpage_search(pattern, name):
- manpage = grass.read_command('g.manual', flags='m', entry=name)
- return manpage.lower().find(pattern) > -1
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- options, flags = grass.parser()
- sys.exit(main())
Copied: grass/trunk/scripts/g.search.modules/g.search.modules.html (from rev 66993, grass/trunk/scripts/g.search.module/g.search.module.html)
--- grass/trunk/scripts/g.search.modules/g.search.modules.html (rev 0)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/g.search.modules/g.search.modules.html 2015-12-01 08:49:42 UTC (rev 66994)
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+<em>r.search.module</em> searches for given keyword in GRASS modules name,
+description, keywords and optionally manpages too.
+There can be more keywords, <em>g.search.modules</em> will search for each of them
+Search all modules, where keywords <em>buffer</em> OR <em>clip</em> can be found
+<div class="code"><pre>
+g.search.modules keyword=buffer,clip
+ keywords: raster,buffer,geometry,circle
+ description: Creates a raster map containing concentric rings around a
+ given point.
+ keywords: raster,buffer
+ description: Creates a raster map showing buffer zones surrounding cells
+ that contain non-NULL category values. This is the low-
+ memory alternative to the classic r.buffer module.
+ keywords: raster,buffer
+ description: Creates a raster map showing buffer zones surrounding cells
+ that contain non-NULL category values.
+Search all modules, where keywords <em>overlay</em> AND <em>clip</em> can be
+found with some fancy terminal output
+<div class="code"><pre>
+g.search.modules keyword=clip,overlay -a -c
+ keywords: vector,geometry,spatial query,intersection,union,clip
+ description: Overlays two vector maps.;
+Search in manual pages too
+<div class="code"><pre>
+g.search.modules -m keyword=kapri
+ keywords: database,attribute table,SQL
+ description: Executes any SQL statement. For SELECT statements use
+ 'db.select'.
+ keywords: database,attribute table,SQL
+ description: Selects data from attribute table. Performs SQL query
+ statement(s).
+<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+ <a href="g.manual.html">g.manual</a>
+ <!-- <a href="g.search.map.html">g.search.map</a>, -->
+Jachym Cepicky, OpenGeoLabs s.r.o., Czech Republic
+<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
Copied: grass/trunk/scripts/g.search.modules/g.search.modules.py (from rev 66993, grass/trunk/scripts/g.search.module/g.search.module.py)
--- grass/trunk/scripts/g.search.modules/g.search.modules.py (rev 0)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/g.search.modules/g.search.modules.py 2015-12-01 08:49:42 UTC (rev 66994)
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# MODULE: g.search.modules
+# AUTHOR(S): Jachym Cepicky <jachym.cepicky gmail.com>
+# PURPOSE: g.search.modules in grass modules using keywords
+# COPYRIGHT: (C) 2015-2016 by the GRASS Development Team
+# This program is free software under the GNU General
+# Public License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that
+# comes with GRASS for details.
+#% description: Search in GRASS modules using keywords
+#% keyword: general
+#% keyword: modules
+#% keyword: search
+#% key: keyword
+#% multiple: yes
+#% type: string
+#% description: Keyword to be searched
+#% required : yes
+#% key: a
+#% description: Display only modules where all keywords are available (AND), default: OR
+#% guisection: Output
+#% key: m
+#% description: Search in manual pages too (can be slow)
+#% guisection: Output
+#% key: c
+#% description: Use colorized (more readable) output to terminal
+#% guisection: Output
+#% key: g
+#% description: Shell script format
+#% guisection: Output
+#% key: j
+#% description: JSON format
+#% guisection: Output
+import os
+import sys
+from grass.script.utils import diff_files, try_rmdir
+from grass.script import core as grass
+ import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
+except ImportError:
+ import elementtree.ElementTree as etree # Python <= 2.4
+def main():
+ global COLORIZE
+ keywords = options['keyword'].lower().split(',')
+ AND = flags['a']
+ manpages = flags['m']
+ out_format = None
+ if flags['g']:
+ out_format = 'shell'
+ elif flags['j']:
+ out_format = 'json'
+ else:
+ COLORIZE = flags['c']
+ modules = _search_module(keywords, AND, manpages)
+ print_results(modules, out_format)
+def print_results(data, out_format=None):
+ """
+ Print result of the searching method
+ each data item should have
+ {
+ 'name': name of the item,
+ 'attributes': {
+ # list of attributes to be shown too
+ }
+ }
+ :param list.<dict> data: input list of found data items
+ :param str out_format: output format 'shell', 'json', None
+ """
+ if not out_format:
+ _print_results(data)
+ elif out_format == 'shell':
+ _print_results_shell(data)
+ elif out_format == 'json':
+ _print_results_json(data)
+def _print_results_shell(data):
+ """Print just the name attribute"""
+ for item in data:
+ print item['name']
+def _print_results_json(data):
+ """Print JSON output"""
+ import json
+ print json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
+def _print_results(data):
+ import textwrap
+ for item in data:
+ print '\n{}'.format(colorize(item['name'], attrs=['bold']))
+ for attr in item['attributes']:
+ out = '{}: {}'.format(attr, item['attributes'][attr])
+ out = textwrap.wrap(out, width=79, initial_indent=4*' ',
+ subsequent_indent=4*' '+len(attr)*' '+' ')
+ for line in out:
+ print line
+def colorize(text, attrs=None, pattern=None):
+ """Colorize given text input
+ :param string text: input text to be colored
+ :param list.<string> attrs: list of attributes as defined in termcolor package
+ :param string pattern: text to be highlighted in input text
+ :return: colored string
+ """
+ from termcolor import colored
+ else:
+ def colored(pattern, attrs):
+ return pattern
+ if pattern:
+ return text.replace(pattern, colored(pattern, attrs=attrs))
+ else:
+ return colored(text, attrs=attrs)
+def _search_module(keywords, logical_and=False, manpages=False):
+ """Search modules by given keywords
+ :param list.<str> keywords: list of keywords
+ :param boolean logical_and: use AND (default OR)
+ :param boolean manpages: search in manpages too
+ :return dict: modules
+ """
+ WXGUIDIR = os.path.join(os.getenv("GISBASE"), "gui", "wxpython")
+ filename = os.path.join(WXGUIDIR, 'xml', 'module_items.xml')
+ menudata_file = open(filename, 'r')
+ menudata = etree.parse(menudata_file)
+ menudata_file.close()
+ items = menudata.findall('module-item')
+ found_modules = []
+ for item in items:
+ name = item.attrib['name']
+ description = item.find('description').text
+ module_keywords = item.find('keywords').text
+ found = [False]
+ if logical_and:
+ found = [False] * len(keywords)
+ for idx in range(len(keywords)):
+ keyword = keywords[idx]
+ keyword_found = False
+ keyword_found = _basic_search(keyword, name, description, module_keywords)
+ if not keyword_found and manpages:
+ keyword_found = _manpage_search(keyword, name)
+ if keyword_found:
+ if logical_and:
+ found[idx] = True
+ else:
+ found = [True]
+ description = colorize(description,
+ attrs=['underline'],
+ pattern=keyword)
+ module_keywords = colorize(module_keywords,
+ attrs=['underline'],
+ pattern=keyword)
+ if False not in found:
+ found_modules.append({
+ 'name': name,
+ 'attributes': {
+ 'keywords': module_keywords,
+ 'description': description
+ }
+ })
+ return found_modules
+def _basic_search(pattern, name, description, module_keywords):
+ if name.lower().find(pattern) > -1 or\
+ description.lower().find(pattern) > -1 or\
+ module_keywords.lower().find(pattern) > -1:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+def _manpage_search(pattern, name):
+ manpage = grass.read_command('g.manual', flags='m', entry=name)
+ return manpage.lower().find(pattern) > -1
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ options, flags = grass.parser()
+ sys.exit(main())
Deleted: grass/trunk/scripts/g.search.modules/testsuite/test_g_search_module.py
--- grass/trunk/scripts/g.search.module/testsuite/test_g_search_module.py 2015-11-30 23:46:18 UTC (rev 66993)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/g.search.modules/testsuite/test_g_search_module.py 2015-12-01 08:49:42 UTC (rev 66994)
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-TEST: test_g_search_module.py
-AUTHOR(S): Jachym Cepicky <jachym.cepicky gmail com>
-PURPOSE: Test g.search.module script outputs
-COPYRIGHT: (C) 2015 Jachym Ceppicky, and by the GRASS Development Team
- This program is free software under the GNU General Public
- License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
- for details.
-from grass.gunittest.case import TestCase
-from grass.gunittest.main import test
-from grass.gunittest.gmodules import SimpleModule
-import termcolor
-import os
-class TestSearchModule(TestCase):
- def test_terminal_output(self):
- """ """
- module = SimpleModule('g.search.module', keyword="water")
- self.assertModule(module)
- stdout = module.outputs.stdout
- self.assertEqual(stdout.split()[0], 'r.watershed')
- def test_json_output(self):
- import json
- module = SimpleModule('g.search.module', keyword="water", flags="j")
- self.assertModule(module)
- stdout = json.loads(module.outputs.stdout)
- self.assertEqual(len(stdout), 6, 'Six modules found')
- self.assertEqual(stdout[3]['name'], 'r.basins.fill', 'r.basins.fill')
- self.assertTrue('keywords' in stdout[3]['attributes'])
- def test_shell_outout(self):
- module = SimpleModule('g.search.module', keyword="water", flags="g")
- self.assertModule(module)
- stdout = module.outputs.stdout.split()
- self.assertEqual(len(stdout), 6)
- self.assertEqual(stdout[3], 'r.basins.fill')
- def test_colored_terminal(self):
- module = SimpleModule('g.search.module', keyword="water", flags="c")
- self.assertModule(module)
- stdout = module.outputs.stdout.split()
- self.assertEqual(stdout[0],
- termcolor.colored('r.watershed',
- attrs=['bold']))
- def test_manual_pages(self):
- module = SimpleModule('g.search.module', keyword="kapri", flags="gm")
- self.assertModule(module)
- stdout = module.outputs.stdout.split()
- self.assertEqual(len(stdout), 2)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- test()
Copied: grass/trunk/scripts/g.search.modules/testsuite/test_g_search_modules.py (from rev 66993, grass/trunk/scripts/g.search.module/testsuite/test_g_search_module.py)
--- grass/trunk/scripts/g.search.modules/testsuite/test_g_search_modules.py (rev 0)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/g.search.modules/testsuite/test_g_search_modules.py 2015-12-01 08:49:42 UTC (rev 66994)
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+TEST: test_g.search.modules.py
+AUTHOR(S): Jachym Cepicky <jachym.cepicky gmail com>
+PURPOSE: Test g.search.modules script outputs
+COPYRIGHT: (C) 2015 Jachym Ceppicky, and by the GRASS Development Team
+ This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+ License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+ for details.
+from grass.gunittest.case import TestCase
+from grass.gunittest.main import test
+from grass.gunittest.gmodules import SimpleModule
+import termcolor
+import os
+class TestSearchModule(TestCase):
+ def test_terminal_output(self):
+ """ """
+ module = SimpleModule('g.search.modules', keyword="water")
+ self.assertModule(module)
+ stdout = module.outputs.stdout
+ self.assertEqual(stdout.split()[0], 'r.watershed')
+ def test_json_output(self):
+ import json
+ module = SimpleModule('g.search.modules', keyword="water", flags="j")
+ self.assertModule(module)
+ stdout = json.loads(module.outputs.stdout)
+ self.assertEqual(len(stdout), 6, 'Six modules found')
+ self.assertEqual(stdout[3]['name'], 'r.basins.fill', 'r.basins.fill')
+ self.assertTrue('keywords' in stdout[3]['attributes'])
+ def test_shell_outout(self):
+ module = SimpleModule('g.search.modules', keyword="water", flags="g")
+ self.assertModule(module)
+ stdout = module.outputs.stdout.split()
+ self.assertEqual(len(stdout), 6)
+ self.assertEqual(stdout[3], 'r.basins.fill')
+ def test_colored_terminal(self):
+ module = SimpleModule('g.search.modules', keyword="water", flags="c")
+ self.assertModule(module)
+ stdout = module.outputs.stdout.split()
+ self.assertEqual(stdout[0],
+ termcolor.colored('r.watershed',
+ attrs=['bold']))
+ def test_manual_pages(self):
+ module = SimpleModule('g.search.modules', keyword="kapri", flags="gm")
+ self.assertModule(module)
+ stdout = module.outputs.stdout.split()
+ self.assertEqual(len(stdout), 2)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ test()
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