[GRASS-SVN] r64337 - grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.in.proj
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Tue Jan 27 12:08:58 PST 2015
Author: mmetz
Date: 2015-01-27 12:08:58 -0800 (Tue, 27 Jan 2015)
New Revision: 64337
r.in.proj: import reproject at once
Added: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.in.proj/Makefile
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.in.proj/Makefile (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.in.proj/Makefile 2015-01-27 20:08:58 UTC (rev 64337)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+PGM = r.in.proj
+include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Script.make
+default: script
Property changes on: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.in.proj/Makefile
Added: svn:mime-type
+ text/x-sh
Added: svn:keywords
+ Id
Added: svn:eol-style
+ native
Added: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.in.proj/r.in.proj.html
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.in.proj/r.in.proj.html (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.in.proj/r.in.proj.html 2015-01-27 20:08:58 UTC (rev 64337)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<em>r.in.proj</em> imports selected bands froma GDAL raster datasouce
+into the current location and mapset. If the projection of the input
+does not match the projection of the location, the input is reprojected
+into the current location. If the projection of the input does match
+the projection of the location, the input is imported directly with <a
+<em>r.in.proj</em> reports the estimated target resolution for each
+input band. The estimated resolution will usually be some floating
+point number, e.g. 271.301. The target resolution should be the rounded
+estimated resolution, e.g. 250 or 300 instead of 271.301. For latlong
+locations, the resolution might be set to arc seconds, e.g. 1, 3, 7.5,
+15, and 30 arc seconds are commonly used resolutions.
+<h4>Resampling methods</h4>
+<b>nearest</b> is the simplest method and the only possible method for
+categorical data.
+<b>bilinear</b> does linear interpolation and provides smoother output
+than <b>nearest</b>. <b>bilinear</b> is recommended when reprojecting a
+DEM for hydrological analysis or for surfaces where overshoots must be
+avoided, e.g. precipitation should not become negative.
+<b>bicubic</b> produces smoother output than <b>bilinear</b>, at
+the cost of overshoots.
+<b>lanczos</b> produces the smoothest output of all methods and
+preserves contrast best. <b>lanczos</b> is recommended for imagery.
+Both <b>bicubic</b> and <b>lanczos</b> preserve linear features. With
+<b>nearest</b> or <b>bilinear</b>, linear features can become zigzag
+features after reprojection.
+<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+<a href="r.in.gdal.html">r.in.gdal</a>,<br>
+<a href="r.proj.html">r.proj</a>
+Markus Metz<br>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date: 2015-01-20 20:52:27 +0100 (Tue, 20 Jan 2015) $</i>
Property changes on: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.in.proj/r.in.proj.html
Added: svn:mime-type
+ text/html
Added: svn:keywords
+ Id
Added: svn:eol-style
+ native
Added: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.in.proj/r.in.proj.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.in.proj/r.in.proj.py (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.in.proj/r.in.proj.py 2015-01-27 20:08:58 UTC (rev 64337)
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# MODULE: r.in.proj
+# AUTHOR(S): Markus Metz
+# PURPOSE: Import and reproject on the fly
+# COPYRIGHT: (C) 2015 GRASS development team
+# This program is free software under the GNU General
+# Public License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that
+# comes with GRASS for details.
+#% description: Import raster data using GDAL library and reproject on the fly.
+#% keyword: raster
+#% keyword: import
+#% keyword: projection
+#%option G_OPT_F_INPUT
+#% key: input_file
+#% required: no
+#% multiple: no
+#% description: Name of GDAL dataset (file) to be imported
+#% guisection: Input
+#%option G_OPT_M_DIR
+#% key: input_directory
+#% required: no
+#% multiple: no
+#% description: Name of GDAL dataset (directory) to be imported
+#% guisection: Input
+#% key: band
+#% type: integer
+#% required: no
+#% multiple: yes
+#% description: Input band(s) to select (default is all bands)
+#% guisection: Input
+#% key: memory
+#% type: integer
+#% required: no
+#% multiple: no
+#% options: 0-2047
+#% label: Maximum memory to be used (in MB)
+#% description: Cache size for raster rows
+#% answer: 300
+#%option G_OPT_R_OUTPUT
+#% required: no
+#% multiple: no
+#% key_desc: name
+#% description: Name for output raster map (default: same as 'input')
+#% guisection: Output
+#% key: resample
+#% type: string
+#% required: yes
+#% multiple: no
+#% options: nearest,bilinear,bicubic,lanczos,bilinear_f,bicubic_f,lanczos_f
+#% description: Resampling method to use for reprojection
+#% descriptions: nearest;nearest neighbor;bilinear;bilinear interpolation;bicubic;bicubic interpolation;lanczos;lanczos filter;bilinear_f;bilinear interpolation with fallback;bicubic_f;bicubic interpolation with fallback;lanczos_f;lanczos filter with fallback
+#% guisection: Output
+#% key: extents
+#% type: string
+#% required: yes
+#% multiple: no
+#% options: region,input
+#% description: Ouput raster map extents
+#% descriptions: region;extents of current region;input;extents of input map
+#% guisection: Output
+#% key: resolution
+#% type: double
+#% required: no
+#% multiple: no
+#% description: Resolution of output raster map (default: current region)
+#% guisection: Output
+#% key: i
+#% description: Import and reproject (default: estimate resolution only)
+#% guisection: Output
+import sys
+import os
+import shutil
+import atexit
+import math
+import grass.script as grass
+def cleanup():
+ # remove temp location
+ if tmploc:
+ path = os.path.join(gisdbase, tmploc)
+ grass.try_rmdir(path)
+ if srcgisrc:
+ grass.try_remove(srcgisrc)
+def main():
+ global tmploc, srcgisrc, gisdbase
+ output = options['output']
+ method = options['resample']
+ memory = options['memory']
+ do_import = flags['i']
+ bands = None
+ if options['band']:
+ bands = options['band']
+ tgtres = None
+ if options['resolution']:
+ tgtres = options['resolution']
+ # initialize global vars
+ tmploc = None
+ srcgisrc = None
+ gisdbase = None
+ # make sure current location is not xy
+ if grass.parse_command('g.proj', flags = 'g')['name'] == 'xy_location_unprojected':
+ grass.fatal(_("The current location is a XY location (unprojected)"))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ GDALdatasource = None
+ if options['input_file']:
+ GDALdatasource = options['input_file']
+ if not GDALdatasource:
+ GDALdatasource = options['input_directory']
+ if not GDALdatasource:
+ grass.fatal(_("Either option 'input_file' or option 'input_directory' must be given"))
+ # TODO: check if input is a dataset recognized by GDAL */
+ # compare output of g.proj -j and g.proj -j georef=GDALdatasource
+ insrs = grass.read_command('g.proj', flags = 'j', georef = GDALdatasource, quiet = True)
+ tgtsrs = grass.read_command('g.proj', flags = 'j', quiet = True)
+ if insrs == tgtsrs:
+ # try r.in.gdal directly
+ grass.message(_("Trying direct import of <%s>...") % GDALdatasource)
+ ps = grass.start_command('r.in.gdal', input = GDALdatasource,
+ band = bands, output = output,
+ memory = memory, flags = 'k')
+ returncode = ps.wait()
+ # if it succeeds, return
+ if returncode == 0:
+ grass.message(_("Input <%s> successfully imported without reprojection") % GDALdatasource)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ grassenv = grass.gisenv()
+ tgtloc = grassenv['LOCATION_NAME']
+ tgtmapset = grassenv['MAPSET']
+ gisdbase = grassenv['GISDBASE']
+ tgtgisrc = os.environ['GISRC']
+ srcgisrc = grass.tempfile()
+ tmploc = 'temp_import_location_' + str(os.getpid())
+ # r.in.gdal with location=temp location
+ grass.message(_("Importing <%s> ...") % GDALdatasource)
+ ps = grass.start_command('r.in.gdal', input = GDALdatasource,
+ band = bands, output = output,
+ memory = memory, flags = 'k',
+ location = tmploc)
+ returncode = ps.wait()
+ # if it fails, return
+ if returncode != 0:
+ grass.fatal(_("Unable to import GDAL dataset <%s>") % GDALdatasource)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ f = open(srcgisrc, 'w')
+ f.write('DEBUG: 0\n')
+ f.write('MAPSET: PERMANENT\n')
+ f.write('GISDBASE: %s\n' % gisdbase)
+ f.write('LOCATION_NAME: %s\n' % tmploc);
+ f.write('GUI: text\n')
+ f.close()
+ # switch to temp location
+ os.environ['GISRC'] = str(srcgisrc)
+ outfiles = grass.list_grouped('rast')['PERMANENT']
+ # make sure input is not xy
+ if grass.parse_command('g.proj', flags = 'g')['name'] == 'xy_location_unprojected':
+ grass.fatal(_("Coordinate reference system not available for input <%s>") % GDALdatasource)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # is output a group?
+ group = False
+ path = os.path.join(gisdbase, tmploc, 'group', output)
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ group = True
+ path = os.path.join(gisdbase, tmploc, 'group', output, 'POINTS')
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ grass.fatal(_("Input contains GCPs, rectification is required"))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # switch to target location
+ os.environ['GISRC'] = str(tgtgisrc)
+ if tgtres is not None and float(tgtres) <= 0:
+ tgtres = None
+ region = grass.region()
+ if tgtres is not None:
+ outres = tgtres
+ else:
+ outres = (region['ewres'] + region['nsres']) / 2.0
+ rflags = None
+ if options['extents'] == 'input':
+ rflags = 'n'
+ for outfile in outfiles:
+ n = region['n']
+ s = region['s']
+ e = region['e']
+ w = region['w']
+ if options['extents'] == 'input':
+ # r.proj -g
+ try:
+ tgtextents = grass.read_command('r.proj', location = tmploc,
+ mapset = 'PERMANENT',
+ input = outfile, flags = 'g',
+ memory = memory)
+ except:
+ grass.fatal(_("Unable to get reprojected map extents"))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ srcregion = grass.parse_key_val(tgtextents, vsep = ' ')
+ n = srcregion['n']
+ s = srcregion['s']
+ e = srcregion['e']
+ w = srcregion['w']
+ grass.use_temp_region()
+ grass.run_command('g.region', n = n, s = s, e = e, w = w)
+ # v.in.region in tgt
+ vreg = 'vreg_' + str(os.getpid())
+ grass.run_command('v.in.region', output = vreg, quiet = True)
+ grass.del_temp_region()
+ # reproject to src
+ # switch to temp location
+ os.environ['GISRC'] = str(srcgisrc)
+ ps = grass.start_command('v.proj', input = vreg, output = vreg,
+ location = tgtloc, mapset = tgtmapset, quiet = True)
+ returncode = ps.wait()
+ if returncode != 0:
+ grass.fatal(_("Unable to to reproject to source location"))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # set region from region vector
+ grass.run_command('g.region', raster = outfile)
+ grass.run_command('g.region', vector = vreg)
+ # align to fist band
+ grass.run_command('g.region', align = outfile)
+ # get number of cells
+ cells = grass.region()['cells']
+ # resolution = sqrt((n - s) * (e - w) / cells)
+ estres = math.sqrt((n - s) * (e - w) / cells)
+ os.environ['GISRC'] = str(tgtgisrc)
+ grass.run_command('g.remove', type = 'vector', name = vreg,
+ flags = 'f', quiet = True)
+ grass.message(_("Estimated target resolution for input band <%s>: %g") % (outfile, estres))
+ grass.message(_("Specified target resolution: %g") % outres)
+ if do_import:
+ # r.proj
+ grass.message(_("Reprojecting <%s>...") % outfile)
+ ps = grass.start_command('r.proj', location = tmploc,
+ mapset = 'PERMANENT', input = outfile,
+ method = method, resolution = tgtres,
+ memory = memory, flags = rflags, quiet = True)
+ returncode = ps.wait()
+ if returncode != 0:
+ grass.fatal(_("Unable to to reproject raster <%s>") % outfile)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if grass.raster_info(outfile)['min'] is None:
+ grass.fatal(_("The reprojected raster <%s> is empty") % outfile)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if do_import:
+ if group:
+ grass.run_command('i.group', group = output, input = ','.join(outfiles))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ options, flags = grass.parser()
+ atexit.register(cleanup)
+ main()
Property changes on: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.in.proj/r.in.proj.py
Added: svn:executable
+ *
Added: svn:mime-type
+ text/x-python
Added: svn:keywords
+ Id
Added: svn:eol-style
+ native
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