[GRASS-SVN] r64957 - grass-promo/grassposter/2015_EGU_G7_PeerReview_SciPlatform

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Mon Mar 30 20:04:46 PDT 2015

Author: wenzeslaus
Date: 2015-03-30 20:04:46 -0700 (Mon, 30 Mar 2015)
New Revision: 64957


Modified: grass-promo/grassposter/2015_EGU_G7_PeerReview_SciPlatform/poster.tex
--- grass-promo/grassposter/2015_EGU_G7_PeerReview_SciPlatform/poster.tex	2015-03-31 02:55:11 UTC (rev 64956)
+++ grass-promo/grassposter/2015_EGU_G7_PeerReview_SciPlatform/poster.tex	2015-03-31 03:04:46 UTC (rev 64957)
@@ -147,15 +147,34 @@
-Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are widely used for the management of both natural ressources and in more general terms all kind of information with a spatial dimension associated to it. Over the last decades, GIS has become a key driver in geospatial science, research and application.
-GIS software which is licensed under a free and open source software (FOSS) licence is more than just a mere tool for spatial analysis. FOSS GIS projects are maintained and continuously extended by international communities of volunteers, based on freely publicly available code base. Immediate access to this software repository enables instant quality checking of the current software version both by continuous automated tests, and code review by human experts. FOSS GIS project communities include members from many fields of Science and Industry, which leads to a many-faceted review process for incoming software submissions to the project code-base. Submitted code is evaluated in different software environments beyond the one originally used for development, in different fields of application beyond the field of expertise of the original authors, and different scales of magnitude for the data to be processed. This exceeds the established review process for scientific writing 
 in a given journal or a data publication in a defined field of Science. FOSS GIS projects can serve as collaborative peer-reviewed environments to conduct verifiable science in a trusted and transparent environment.
+Over the last decades, GIS has become a key driver in geospatial science, research and application.
+GIS software which is licensed under a free and open source software (FOSS) licence
+is more than just a mere tool for spatial analysis.
-GRASS GIS (Neteler et al., 2012 \cite{neteler2012grass}), a free and open source GIS, is used by many scientists directly or as a backend in other projects such as R or QGIS to perform geoprocessing tasks. Thus, a large number of current scientific geospatial computations already rely on quality and correct functionality of the software, as a means to assure the replicability of the scientific results. In addition, GRASS GIS provides added-value for new and ongoing research as a stable and reliable platform: New scientific algorithms can be developed against the reviewed functionalities already provided by the GRASS GIS codebase. This avoids unnecessary overhead by re-implementation, ensures quality by use of trusted components and allows reuse and long term preservation within the project software repository:   Integrating scientific algorithms into GRASS GIS helps to preserve reproducibility of scientific results over time as the original author designed it (Rocchini & Net
 eler, 2012 \cite{rocchini2012let}).
+GRASS GIS (Neteler et al., 2012 \cite{neteler2012grass}), a free and open source GIS,
+is used by many scientists directly or as a backend in other projects
+such as R or QGIS to perform geoprocessing tasks.
-Moreover, subsequent improvements are tracked in the source code versioning system and are immediately available to the public (Petras, 2014 \cite{Petras2014}). Thus, GRASS GIS acts as a repository of scientific peer-reviewed code and algorithm/knowledge hub for future generation of scientists.
+Thanks to the user and developer community, submitted code is evaluated
+in different fields of application beyond
+the field of expertise of the original authors, and different scales of magnitude
+for the data to be processed.
+This exceeds the established review process for scientific writing in a given journal
+or a data publication in a defined field of science.
+Immediate access to software repository enables instant quality checking
+of the current software version both by continuous automated tests (Petras, 2014 \cite{Petras2014}),
+and code review by human experts.
+New scientific algorithms can be developed against the reviewed functionalities
+already provided by the GRASS GIS codebase.
+This avoids unnecessary overhead by re-implementation,
+ensures quality by use of trusted components and allows reuse and long term preservation
+within the project software repository:
+Integrating scientific algorithms into GRASS GIS helps to preserve reproducibility
+of scientific results over time as the original author designed it
+(Rocchini \& Neteler, 2012 \cite{rocchini2012let}).
@@ -277,19 +296,21 @@
 \block{\blocktitlewrap{Spatial interpolation}}{
-The module v.surf.rst for spatial interpolation was developed approximately 12 years 
-ago, since then it was improved several times (Trac2, 2014). It is now an important part 
+The module \gmodule{v.surf.rst} for spatial interpolation was developed approximately 20 years
+ago, since then it was improved several times (Trac2, 2014). It is now an important part
 of GRASS GIS and is even taught at geospatial modeling courses, for example at North Carolina State University
-Precipitation interpolated from meteorological stations in 3D space using \gmodule{v.vol.rst} in the area of North Carolina mountains (USA)
+Precipitation interpolated from meteorological stations in 3D space
+using \gmodule{v.vol.rst} in the area of North Carolina mountains (USA)
-Digital elevation model interpolated from LiDAR point clouds using \gmodule{v.surf.rst}. Data are showing tillage in an agricultural field near Raleigh (North Carolina, USA)
+Digital elevation model interpolated from LiDAR point clouds
+using \gmodule{v.surf.rst}. Data are showing tillage in an agricultural field near Raleigh (North Carolina, USA)

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