[GRASS-SVN] r66100 - grass/trunk/lib/btree2

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Fri Sep 4 13:00:26 PDT 2015

Author: wenzeslaus
Date: 2015-09-04 13:00:26 -0700 (Fri, 04 Sep 2015)
New Revision: 66100

dox: basic Doxygenization of btree2/kdtree docs

Include text provided by mmetz in:

Deleted: grass/trunk/lib/btree2/README
--- grass/trunk/lib/btree2/README	2015-09-04 19:40:31 UTC (rev 66099)
+++ grass/trunk/lib/btree2/README	2015-09-04 20:00:26 UTC (rev 66100)
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-Red-Black tree
-#include <grass/rbtree.h>
-and link to BTREE2LIB
-to make use of the binary balanced (Red-Black) search tree
-NOTE: duplicates are not supported
-see also grass/rbtree.h for instructions on how to use it
-/* custom compare function */
-int my_compare_fn(const void *a, const void *b)
-    if ((mydatastruct *) a < (mydatastruct *) b)
-        return -1;
-    else if ((mydatastruct *) a > (mydatastruct *) b)
-        return 1;
-    else if ((mydatastruct *) a == (mydatastruct *) b)
-        return 0;
-/* create and initialize tree: */
-struct RB_TREE *mytree = rbtree_create(my_compare_fn, item_size);
-/* insert items to tree: */
-    struct mydatastruct data = <some data>;
-    if (rbtree_insert(mytree, &data) == 0)
-        G_warning("could not insert data");
-/* find item in tree: */
-    struct mydatastruct data = <some data>;
-    if (rbtree_find(mytree, &data) == 0)
-        G_message("data not found");
-/* delete item from tree: */
-    struct mydatastruct data = <some data>;
-    if (rbtree_remove(mytree, &data) == 0)
-        G_warning("could not find data in tree");
-/* traverse tree (get all items in tree in ascending order): */
-    struct RB_TRAV trav;
-    rbtree_init_trav(&trav, tree);
-    while ((data = rbtree_traverse(&trav)) != NULL) {
-        if (my_compare_fn(data, threshold_data) == 0) break;
-  	    /* do something with data */
-    }
-/* get a selection of items: all data > data1 and < data2
- * start in tree where data is last smaller or first larger compared to data1 */
-    struct RB_TRAV trav;
-    rbtree_init_trav(&trav, tree);
-    data = rbtree_traverse_start(&trav, &data1);
-  	    /* do something with data */
-    while ((data = rbtree_traverse(&trav)) != NULL) {
-       if (data > data2) break;
-  	    /* do something with data */
-    }
-/* destroy tree: */
-    rbtree_destroy(mytree);
-/* debug the whole tree with */
-    rbtree_debug(mytree, mytree->root);
-k-d tree
-#include <grass/kdtree.h>
-and link to BTREE2LIB
-/* create a new k-d tree, here 3D */
-struct kdtree *t = kdtree_create(3, NULL);
-/* insert items */
-for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
-    kdtree_insert(t, c, i, 1);
-/* find nearest neighbor for each point */
-for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
-    int found = kdtree_knn(t, c, &uid, &dist, 1, i);
-/* destroy the tree */
-    kdtree_destroy(t);

Copied: grass/trunk/lib/btree2/btree2.dox (from rev 66075, grass/trunk/lib/btree2/README)
--- grass/trunk/lib/btree2/btree2.dox	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass/trunk/lib/btree2/btree2.dox	2015-09-04 20:00:26 UTC (rev 66100)
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+/*! \page btree2 btree2 library
+Red-Black tree
+Include and linking
+To make use of the binary balanced (Red-Black) search tree include:
+    #include <grass/rbtree.h>
+and link to `BTREE2LIB` in a Makefile.
+    Duplicates are not supported.
+Define custom compare function:
+    int my_compare_fn(const void *a, const void *b)
+    {
+        if ((mydatastruct *) a < (mydatastruct *) b)
+            return -1;
+        else if ((mydatastruct *) a > (mydatastruct *) b)
+            return 1;
+        else if ((mydatastruct *) a == (mydatastruct *) b)
+            return 0;
+    }
+Create and initialize tree:
+    struct RB_TREE *mytree = rbtree_create(my_compare_fn, item_size);
+Insert items to tree:
+    struct mydatastruct data = <some data>;
+    if (rbtree_insert(mytree, &data) == 0)
+        G_warning("could not insert data");
+Find item in tree:
+    struct mydatastruct data = <some data>;
+    if (rbtree_find(mytree, &data) == 0)
+        G_message("data not found");
+Delete item from tree:
+    struct mydatastruct data = <some data>;
+    if (rbtree_remove(mytree, &data) == 0)
+        G_warning("could not find data in tree");
+Traverse tree (get all items in tree in ascending order):
+    struct RB_TRAV trav;
+    rbtree_init_trav(&trav, tree);
+    while ((data = rbtree_traverse(&trav)) != NULL) {
+        if (my_compare_fn(data, threshold_data) == 0) break;
+            // do something with data (using C++ comments because of Doxygen)
+    }
+Get a selection of items: all data > data1 and < data2.
+Start in tree where data is last smaller or first larger compared to data1:
+    struct RB_TRAV trav;
+    rbtree_init_trav(&trav, tree);
+    data = rbtree_traverse_start(&trav, &data1);
+    // do something with data
+    while ((data = rbtree_traverse(&trav)) != NULL) {
+        if (data > data2) break;
+            // do something with data
+    }
+Destroy tree:
+    rbtree_destroy(mytree);
+Debug the whole tree with:
+    rbtree_debug(mytree, mytree->root);
+See also \ref rbtree.h for more instructions on how to use it.
+k-d tree
+k-d tree is a multidimensional (k-dimensional) binary search tree for
+nearest neighbor search.
+This k-d tree finds the exact nearest neighbor(s), not some
+approximation. It supports up to 255 dimensions. It is dynamic, i.e.
+points can be inserted and removed at any time. It is balanced to
+improve search performance. It provides k nearest neighbor search
+(find k neighbors to a given coordinate) as well as radius or distance
+search (find all neighbors within radius, i.e. not farther away than
+radius to a given coordinate).
+Include and linking
+    #include <grass/kdtree.h>
+and link to `BTREE2LIB` in a Makefile.
+Create a new k-d tree (here 3D):
+    struct kdtree *t = kdtree_create(3, NULL);
+Insert items:
+    for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
+        kdtree_insert(t, c, i, 1);
+Find nearest neighbor for each point:
+    for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
+        int found = kdtree_knn(t, c, &uid, &dist, 1, i);
+Destroy the tree:
+    kdtree_destroy(t);
+Example usages
+- Nearest neighbor statistics: test if points are randomly
+  distributed. For example, an older version of GRASS addon `v.nnstat`
+  used an external k-d tree from PCL (which in turn uses flann)
+  which finds the approximate, not the exact nearest neighbor.
+  The GRASS-native k-d tree always finds the real nearest neighbor.
+- Spatial cluster analysis: a point cloud can be partitioned into
+  separate clusters where points within each cluster are closer to each
+  other than to points of another cluster. For example, as used in
+  \gmod{v.cluster}.
+- %Point cloud thinning: a sample can be generated from a large point
+  cloud by specifying a minimum distance between sample points.
+- This k-d tree is used by \gmod{v.clean} `tool=snap` (Vect_snap_lines()),
+  reducing both memory consumption and processing time.
+See also
+- \ref rbtree.h
+- \ref kdtree.h
+- \ref rtree.h
+- \ref btree.h
+- [Wikipedia article on Red-black_tree](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red-black_tree)
+- [Wikipedia article on k-d tree](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-d_tree)

Modified: grass/trunk/lib/btree2/kdtree.h
--- grass/trunk/lib/btree2/kdtree.h	2015-09-04 19:40:31 UTC (rev 66099)
+++ grass/trunk/lib/btree2/kdtree.h	2015-09-04 20:00:26 UTC (rev 66100)
@@ -1,152 +1,173 @@
- * \file kdtree.c
+ * \file kdtree.h
- * \brief binary search tree 
+ * \brief Dynamic balanced k-d tree implementation
- * Dynamic balanced k-d tree implementation
+ * k-d tree is a multidimensional (k-dimensional) binary search tree for
+ * nearest neighbor search and is part of \ref btree2.
+ * Copyright and license:
+ *
  * (C) 2014 by the GRASS Development Team
  * This program is free software under the GNU General Public License
  * (>=v2).  Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS for details.
  * \author Markus Metz
- */
- * k-d tree: 
- * multidimensional binary search tree for nearest neighbor search
- * 
+ *
+ * \par References
  * Bentley, J. L. (1975). "Multidimensional binary search trees used for 
  * associative searching". Communications of the ACM 18 (9): 509.
  * doi:10.1145/361002.361007
+ *
+ * \par Features
+ * - This k-d tree is a dynamic tree:
+ *   elements can be inserted and removed any time.
+ * - This k-d tree is balanced:
+ *   subtrees have a similar depth (the difference in subtrees' depths is 
+ *   not allowed to be larger than the balancing tolerance).
+ *
+ * Here is a structure of basic usage:
+ *
+ * Create a new k-d tree:
+ *
+ *     kdtree_create(...);
+ *
+ * Insert points into the tree:
+ *
+ *     kdtree_insert(...);
+ *
+ * Optionally optimize the tree:
- * This k-d tree is a dynamic tree:
- * elements can be inserted and removed any time
- * 
- * this k-d tree is balanced:
- * subtrees have a similar depth (the difference in subtrees' depths is 
- * not allowed to be larger than the balancing tolerance)
- * 
- * USAGE:
- * create a new k-d tree
- * kdtree_create();
- * 
- * insert points into the tree
- * kdtree_insert();
- * 
- * optionally optimize the tree:
- * kdtre_optimize
- * 
- * search k nearest neighbours
- * kdtree_knn();
- * 
- * search all neighbors in radius
- * kdtree_dnn();
- * 
- * destroy the tree:
- * kdtree_destroy();
- * 
- ***********************************************************************/
+ *     kdtree_optimize(...);
+ *
+ * Search k nearest neighbors:
+ *
+ *     kdtree_knn(...);
+ *
+ * Search all neighbors in radius:
+ *
+ *     kdtree_dnn(...);
+ *
+ * Destroy the tree:
+ *
+ *     kdtree_destroy(...);
+ *
+ * \todo
+ * Doxygen ignores comment for last parameter after `);`.
+ * The parameter description now goes to the end of function description.
+ *
+ * \todo
+ * Include formatting to function descriptions.
+ */
+ * \brief Node for k-d tree
+ */
 struct kdnode
-    unsigned char dim;		/* split dimension of this node */
-    unsigned char depth;	/* depth at this node */
-    double *c;			/* coordinates */
-    int uid;			/* unique id of this node */
-    struct kdnode *child[2];	/* link to children: link[0] for smaller, link[1] for larger */
+    unsigned char dim;          /*!< split dimension of this node */
+    unsigned char depth;        /*!< depth at this node */
+    double *c;                  /*!< coordinates */
+    int uid;                    /*!< unique id of this node */
+    struct kdnode *child[2];    /*!< link to children: `[0]` for smaller, `[1]` for larger */
+ * \brief k-d tree
+ */
 struct kdtree
-    unsigned char ndims;	/* number of dimensions */
-    unsigned char *nextdim;	/* split dimension of child nodes */
-    int csize;			/* size of coordinates in bytes */
-    int btol;			/* balancing tolerance */
-    size_t count;		/* number of items in the tree */
-    struct kdnode *root;	/* tree root */
+    unsigned char ndims;        /*!< number of dimensions */
+    unsigned char *nextdim;     /*!< split dimension of child nodes */
+    int csize;                  /*!< size of coordinates in bytes */
+    int btol;                   /*!< balancing tolerance */
+    size_t count;               /*!< number of items in the tree */
+    struct kdnode *root;        /*!< tree root */
+ * \brief k-d tree traversal
+ */
 struct kdtrav
-    struct kdtree *tree;	/* tree being traversed */
-    struct kdnode *curr_node;	/* current node */
-    struct kdnode *up[256];	/* stack of parent nodes */
-    int top;			/* index for stack */
-    int first;			/* little helper flag */
+    struct kdtree *tree;        /*!< tree being traversed */
+    struct kdnode *curr_node;   /*!< current node */
+    struct kdnode *up[256];     /*!< stack of parent nodes */
+    int top;                    /*!< index for stack */
+    int first;                  /*!< little helper flag */
-/* creae a new k-d tree */
-struct kdtree *kdtree_create(char ndims,	/* number of dimensions */
-                             int *btol);	/* optional balancing tolerance */
+/*! creae a new k-d tree */
+struct kdtree *kdtree_create(char ndims,        /*!< number of dimensions */
+                             int *btol);        /*!< optional balancing tolerance */
-/* destroy a tree */
+/*! destroy a tree */
 void kdtree_destroy(struct kdtree *t);
-/* clear a tree, removing all entries */
+/*! clear a tree, removing all entries */
 void kdtree_clear(struct kdtree *t);
-/* insert an item (coordinates c and uid) into the k-d tree */
-int kdtree_insert(struct kdtree *t,		/* k-d tree */
-                  double *c,			/* coordinates */
-		  int uid,			/* the point's unique id */
-		  int dc);			/* allow duplicate coordinates */
+/*! insert an item (coordinates c and uid) into the k-d tree */
+int kdtree_insert(struct kdtree *t,     /*!< k-d tree */
+                  double *c,    /*!< coordinates */
+                  int uid,      /*!< the point's unique id */
+                  int dc);      /*!< allow duplicate coordinates */
-/* remove an item from the k-d tree
+/*! remove an item from the k-d tree
  * coordinates c and uid must match */
-int kdtree_remove(struct kdtree *t,		/* k-d tree */
-                  double *c,			/* coordinates */
-		  int uid);			/* the point's unique id */
+int kdtree_remove(struct kdtree *t,     /*!< k-d tree */
+                  double *c,    /*!< coordinates */
+                  int uid);     /*!< the point's unique id */
-/* find k nearest neighbors 
+/*! find k nearest neighbors 
  * results are stored in uid (uids) and d (squared distances)
  * optionally an uid to be skipped can be given
  * useful when searching for the nearest neighbors of an item 
  * that is also in the tree */
-int kdtree_knn(struct kdtree *t,		/* k-d tree */
-               double *c,			/* coordinates */
-	       int *uid,			/* unique ids of the neighbors */
-	       double *d,			/* squared distances to the neighbors */
-	       int k,				/* number of neighbors to find */
-	       int *skip);			/* unique id to skip */
+int kdtree_knn(struct kdtree *t,        /*!< k-d tree */
+               double *c,       /*!< coordinates */
+               int *uid,        /*!< unique ids of the neighbors */
+               double *d,       /*!< squared distances to the neighbors */
+               int k,           /*!< number of neighbors to find */
+               int *skip);      /*!< unique id to skip */
-/* find all nearest neighbors within distance aka radius search
+/*! find all nearest neighbors within distance aka radius search
  * results are stored in puid (uids) and pd (squared distances)
  * memory is allocated as needed, the calling fn must free the memory
  * optionally an uid to be skipped can be given */
-int kdtree_dnn(struct kdtree *t,		/* k-d tree */
-               double *c,			/* coordinates */
-	       int **puid,			/* unique ids of the neighbors */
-	       double **pd,			/* squared distances to the neighbors */
-	       double maxdist,			/* radius to search around the given coordinates */
-	       int *skip);			/* unique id to skip */
+int kdtree_dnn(struct kdtree *t,        /*!< k-d tree */
+               double *c,       /*!< coordinates */
+               int **puid,      /*!< unique ids of the neighbors */
+               double **pd,     /*!< squared distances to the neighbors */
+               double maxdist,  /*!< radius to search around the given coordinates */
+               int *skip);      /*!< unique id to skip */
-/* find all nearest neighbors within range aka box search
+/*! find all nearest neighbors within range aka box search
  * the range is specified with min and max for each dimension as
  * (min1, min2, ..., minn, max1, max2, ..., maxn)
  * results are stored in puid (uids) and pd (squared distances)
  * memory is allocated as needed, the calling fn must free the memory
  * optionally an uid to be skipped can be given */
-int kdtree_rnn(struct kdtree *t,		/* k-d tree */
-               double *c,			/* coordinates for range */
-	       int **puid,			/* unique ids of the neighbors */
-	       int *skip);			/* unique id to skip */
+int kdtree_rnn(struct kdtree *t,        /*!< k-d tree */
+               double *c,       /*!< coordinates for range */
+               int **puid,      /*!< unique ids of the neighbors */
+               int *skip);      /*!< unique id to skip */
-/* k-d tree optimization, only useful if the tree will be heavily used
+/*! k-d tree optimization, only useful if the tree will be heavily used
  * (more searches than items in the tree)
  * level 0 = a bit, 1 = more, 2 = a lot */
-void kdtree_optimize(struct kdtree *t,		/* k-d tree */
-                     int level);		/* optimization level */
+void kdtree_optimize(struct kdtree *t,  /*!< k-d tree */
+                     int level);        /*!< optimization level */
-/* initialize tree traversal
+/*! initialize tree traversal
  * (re-)sets trav structure
  * returns 0
 int kdtree_init_trav(struct kdtrav *trav, struct kdtree *tree);
-/* traverse the tree
+/*! traverse the tree
  * useful to get all items in the tree non-recursively
  * struct kdtrav *trav needs to be initialized first
  * returns 1, 0 when finished

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