[GRASS-SVN] r70073 - grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.cva

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Mon Dec 12 13:04:42 PST 2016

Author: ciupava
Date: 2016-12-12 13:04:41 -0800 (Mon, 12 Dec 2016)
New Revision: 70073

Fixed Python conventions

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.cva/i.cva.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.cva/i.cva.py	2016-12-12 20:16:39 UTC (rev 70072)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.cva/i.cva.py	2016-12-12 21:04:41 UTC (rev 70073)
@@ -47,138 +47,131 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
 import atexit, sys
-import math
 import grass.script as grass
 from grass import script
-import subprocess
-from subprocess import PIPE
-import grass.temporal as tgis
 def delta_calculation(delta, second_band, first_band):
-	"""
-	Calculating the Delta as difference between the second band and the first band
-	"""
-	equation = ('$delta = $second_band - $first_band')
-	grass.mapcalc(equation, delta=delta, second_band=second_band, first_band=first_band)
+    """
+    Calculates the Delta as difference between the second band and the first band
+    """
+    equation = ('$delta = $second_band - $first_band')
+    grass.mapcalc(equation, delta=delta, second_band=second_band, first_band=first_band)
 def angle_calculation(anglemap, deltaX, deltaY):
-	equation = ('$anglemap = atan($deltaX,$deltaY)')
-	grass.mapcalc(equation, anglemap=anglemap, deltaX=deltaX, deltaY=deltaY)
+    """
+    Calculates the vector angle as the arctg of deltaY/deltaX
+    """
+    equation = ('$anglemap = atan($deltaX,$deltaY)')
+    grass.mapcalc(equation, anglemap=anglemap, deltaX=deltaX, deltaY=deltaY)
 def magnitude_calculation(magnitudemap, deltaX, deltaY):
-	equation = ('$magnitudemap = sqrt((($deltaX)^2)+(($deltaY)^2))')
-	grass.mapcalc(equation, magnitudemap=magnitudemap, deltaX=deltaX, deltaY=deltaY)
+    """
+    Calculates the vector length (magnitude) as sqrt((deltaX)^2+(deltaY)^2)
+    """
+    equation = ('$magnitudemap = sqrt((($deltaX)^2)+(($deltaY)^2))')
+    grass.mapcalc(equation, magnitudemap=magnitudemap, deltaX=deltaX, deltaY=deltaY)
 def change_map_calculation(change_map, magnitude_map, threshold, angle_map_class):
-	equation = ('$change_map = if($magnitude_map>$threshold,$angle_map_class,null())')
-	grass.mapcalc(equation, change_map=change_map, magnitude_map=magnitude_map, threshold=threshold, angle_map_class=angle_map_class)
+    """
+    Generates the change map as the values of the classified angle map whose magnitude follows the criterion (values higher than the threshold)
+    """
+    equation = ('$change_map = if($magnitude_map>$threshold,$angle_map_class,null())')
+    grass.mapcalc(equation, change_map=change_map, magnitude_map=magnitude_map, threshold=threshold, angle_map_class=angle_map_class)
 def main():
-	options, flags = grass.parser()
-	xAmap = options['xaraster']
-	xBmap = options['xbraster']
-	yAmap = options['yaraster']
-	yBmap = options['ybraster']
-	output_basename = options['output']
-	custom_threshold = options['custom_threshold']
-	stat_threshold = options['stat_threshold']
-	Xdelta_name = 'deltaX'
-	Ydelta_name = 'deltaY'
-	anglemap_name = output_basename + '_angle'
-	anglemap_class = anglemap_name + '_class'
-	magnitudemap_name = output_basename + '_magnitude'
-	changemap_name = output_basename + '_change'
+    options, flags = grass.parser()
+    xAmap = options['xaraster']
+    xBmap = options['xbraster']
+    yAmap = options['yaraster']
+    yBmap = options['ybraster']
+    output_basename = options['output']
+    custom_threshold = options['custom_threshold']
+    stat_threshold = options['stat_threshold']
+    Xdelta_name = 'deltaX'
+    Ydelta_name = 'deltaY'
+    anglemap_name = output_basename + '_angle'
+    anglemap_class = anglemap_name + '_class'
+    magnitudemap_name = output_basename + '_magnitude'
+    changemap_name = output_basename + '_change'
-	if not grass.find_file(name=xAmap, element='cell')['file']:
-		grass.fatal("xaraster map <%s> not found" % xAmap)
-	if not grass.find_file(name=xBmap, element='cell')['file']:
-		grass.fatal("xbraster map <%s> not found" % xBmap)
-	if not grass.find_file(name=yAmap, element='cell')['file']:
-		grass.fatal("yaraster map <%s> not found" % yAmap)
-	if not grass.find_file(name=xBmap, element='cell')['file']:
-		grass.fatal("ybraster map <%s> not found" % yBmap)
+    # Checking that the input maps exist
+    if not grass.find_file(name=xAmap, element='cell')['file']:
+        grass.fatal("xaraster map <%s> not found" % xAmap)
+    if not grass.find_file(name=xBmap, element='cell')['file']:
+        grass.fatal("xbraster map <%s> not found" % xBmap)
+    if not grass.find_file(name=yAmap, element='cell')['file']:
+        grass.fatal("yaraster map <%s> not found" % yAmap)
+    if not grass.find_file(name=xBmap, element='cell')['file']:
+        grass.fatal("ybraster map <%s> not found" % yBmap)
-	TMPRAST.append(Xdelta_name)
-	TMPRAST.append(Ydelta_name)
+    TMPRAST.append(Xdelta_name)
+    TMPRAST.append(Ydelta_name)
-	"""
-	Calculating Delta for X and Y bands
-	"""
-	grass.message(_("Calculating DeltaX and DeltaY"))
-	delta_calculation(Xdelta_name, xBmap, xAmap)
-	delta_calculation(Ydelta_name, yBmap, yAmap)
+    # Calculating delta for X and Y bands
+    grass.message(_("Calculating DeltaX and DeltaY"))
+    delta_calculation(Xdelta_name, xBmap, xAmap)
+    delta_calculation(Ydelta_name, yBmap, yAmap)
-	"""
-	Calculating angle and magnitude maps
-	"""
-	grass.message(_("Writing angle map %s") % anglemap_name)
-	angle_calculation(anglemap_name, Xdelta_name, Ydelta_name)
+    #Calculating angle and magnitude maps
+    grass.message(_("Writing angle map %s") % anglemap_name)
+    angle_calculation(anglemap_name, Xdelta_name, Ydelta_name)
-	grass.message(_("Writing magnitude map %s") % magnitudemap_name)
-	magnitude_calculation(magnitudemap_name, Xdelta_name, Ydelta_name)
+    grass.message(_("Writing magnitude map %s") % magnitudemap_name)
+    magnitude_calculation(magnitudemap_name, Xdelta_name, Ydelta_name)
-	"""
-	Reclassifing angle map to get a map with the four quadrants
-	"""
-	keys = ['1', '2', '3', '4']
-	vals = [0, 90, 180, 270, 360]
-	rvals = [(int(vals[i-1]), int(vals[i]), keys[i-1], vals[i-1], vals[i]) for i in range(1, len(vals))]
-	rules = '\n'.join(['%3d thru %3d = %s	%s-%s' % v for v in rvals])
-	script.write_command('r.reclass', input=anglemap_name, output=anglemap_class, rules='-', overwrite=True, stdin=rules.encode())
+    # Reclassifing angle map to get a map with the four quadrants
+    keys = ['1', '2', '3', '4']
+    vals = [0, 90, 180, 270, 360]
+    rvals = [(int(vals[i-1]), int(vals[i]), keys[i-1], vals[i-1], vals[i]) for i in range(1, len(vals))]
+    rules = '\n'.join(['%3d thru %3d = %s   %s-%s' % v for v in rvals])
+    script.write_command('r.reclass', input=anglemap_name, output=anglemap_class, rules='-', overwrite=True, stdin=rules.encode())
-	"""
-	Going to generate the change detection map using the given threshold
-	"""
-	if custom_threshold:
-		threshold = custom_threshold
-		grass.message(_("Threshold is %s") % threshold)
-		grass.message(_("Writing change detection map %s") % changemap_name)
-		"""
-		Creating final map of the change, using a custom threshold
-		"""
-		change_map_calculation(changemap_name, magnitudemap_name, threshold, anglemap_class)
-	elif stat_threshold:
-		"""
-		Getting values of mean and standard dev of magnitude to calculate the change detection criteria (> mean + N*stdev)
-		"""
-		univar = grass.read_command('r.univar', map=magnitudemap_name, flags='g')
+    # Generating the change detection map using the given threshold
+    if custom_threshold:
+        threshold = custom_threshold
+        grass.message(_("Threshold is %s") % threshold)
+        grass.message(_("Writing change detection map %s") % changemap_name)
+        # Creating the final map of the change, using a custom threshold
+        change_map_calculation(changemap_name, magnitudemap_name, threshold, anglemap_class)
+    elif stat_threshold:
+        #Getting values of mean and standard dev of magnitude to calculate the change detection criteria (> mean + N*stdev)
+        univar = grass.read_command('r.univar', map=magnitudemap_name, flags='g')
-		found = 0
-		for line in univar.splitlines():
-			name,val = line.split('=')
-			if name == 'mean':
-				grass.message(_("Mean of magnitude values is: %s") % val)
-				mean = val
-				found += 1
-			if name == 'stddev':
-				grass.message(_("Standard deviation of magnitude values is: %s") % val)
-				stddev = val
-				found += 1
-		if found != 2:
-			grass.fatal("Couldn\'t find mean or stddev!")
+        found = 0
+        for line in univar.splitlines():
+            name,val = line.split('=')
+            if name == 'mean':
+                grass.message(_("Mean of magnitude values is: %s") % val)
+                mean = val
+                found += 1
+            if name == 'stddev':
+                grass.message(_("Standard deviation of magnitude values is: %s") % val)
+                stddev = val
+                found += 1
+        if found != 2:
+            grass.fatal("Couldn\'t find mean or stddev!")
-		adding_value = float(stat_threshold) * float(stddev)
-		threshold = float(mean) + float(adding_value)
-		grass.message(_("Threshold is %s") % threshold)
-		"""
-		Creating final map of the change, using a statistical threshold
-		"""
-		change_map_calculation(changemap_name, magnitudemap_name, threshold, anglemap_class)
-	else:
-		grass.message(_("No threshold given, only angle and magnitude maps have been created"))
+        adding_value = float(stat_threshold) * float(stddev)
+        threshold = float(mean) + float(adding_value)
+        grass.message(_("Threshold is %s") % threshold)
+        #Creating the final map of the change, using a statistical threshold
+        change_map_calculation(changemap_name, magnitudemap_name, threshold, anglemap_class)
+    else:
+        grass.message(_("No threshold given, only angle and magnitude maps have been created"))
-	return 0
+    return 0
 def cleanup():
-	"""!Delete temporary maps"""
-	TMPRAST.reverse()
-	for i in TMPRAST:
-		script.run_command("g.remove", flags='f', type='raster', name=i, quiet=True)
+    # !Delete temporary maps
+    TMPRAST.reverse()
+    for i in TMPRAST:
+        script.run_command("g.remove", flags='f', type='raster', name=i, quiet=True)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	atexit.register(cleanup)
-	sys.exit(main())
+    atexit.register(cleanup)
+    sys.exit(main())

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