[GRASS-SVN] r70287 - grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.learn.ml

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Fri Jan 6 12:16:19 PST 2017

Author: spawley
Date: 2017-01-06 12:16:19 -0800 (Fri, 06 Jan 2017)
New Revision: 70287

'added option to perform onehot-encoding on-the-fly on categorical raster grids'

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.learn.ml/r.learn.ml.html
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.learn.ml/r.learn.ml.html	2017-01-06 19:41:24 UTC (rev 70286)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.learn.ml/r.learn.ml.html	2017-01-06 20:16:19 UTC (rev 70287)
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 <p>Cross validation can be performed by setting the <em>cv</em> parameters to &gt 1. Cross-validation is performed using stratified kfolds, and multiple global and per-class accuracy measures are produced. Also note that this cross-validation is performed on a pixel basis. If there is a strong autocorrelation between pixels (i.e. the pixels represent polygons) then the training/test splits will not represent independent samples and will overestimate the accuracy. In this case, the <em>cvtype</em> parameter can be changed from 'non-spatial' to either 'clumped' or 'kmeans' to perform spatial cross-validation. Clumped spatial cross-validation is used if the training pixels represent polygons, and then cross-validation will be effectively performed on a polygon basis. Kmeans spatial cross-validation will partition the training pixels into groups by kmeans clustering of the pixel coordinates. These partitions will then be used for cross-validation, which should provide more realistic per
 formance measures if the data are spatially correlated. If these partioning schemes are not sufficient then a raster containing the group_ids of the partitions can be supplied using the <em>group_raster</em> option.</p>
-<p>Although tree-based classifiers are insensitive to the scaling of the input data, other classifiers such as LogisticRegression and SVC may not perform optimally if some predictors have variances that are orders of magnitude larger than others, and will therefore dominate the objective function. The <em>-s</em> flag can be used to add a standardization preprocessing step to the classification and prediction, which will standardize each predictor relative to its standard deviation.</p>
+<p>Although tree-based classifiers are insensitive to the scaling of the input data, other classifiers such as LogisticRegression and SVC may not perform optimally if some predictors have variances that are orders of magnitude larger than others, and will therefore dominate the objective function. The <em>-s</em> flag can be used to add a standardization preprocessing step to the classification and prediction, which will standardize each predictor relative to its standard deviation. Non-ordinal, categorical predictors are also not specifically recognized by scikit-learn. Some classifiers are not very sensitive to this (i.e. decision trees) but generally, categorical predictors need to be converted to a suite of binary using onehot encoding (i.e. where each value in a categorical raster is parsed into a separate binary grid). Entering the indices of the categorical rasters as they are listed in the imagery group as 0...n in the <em>categorymaps</em> option will cause onehot encoding 
 to be performed on the fly during training and prediction. The feature importances are returned as per the original imagery group and represent the sum of the feature importances of the onehot-encoded variables.</p>
 <p>The module also offers the ability to save and load a classification or regression model. Saving and loading a model allows a model to be fitted on one imagery group, with the prediction applied to additional imagery groups. This approach is commonly employed in species distribution or landslide susceptibility modelling whereby a classification or regression model is built with one set of predictors (e.g. present-day climatic variables) and then predictions can be performed on other imagery groups containing forecasted climatic variables.</p>

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.learn.ml/r.learn.ml.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.learn.ml/r.learn.ml.py	2017-01-06 19:41:24 UTC (rev 70286)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.learn.ml/r.learn.ml.py	2017-01-06 20:16:19 UTC (rev 70287)
@@ -144,6 +144,13 @@
 #%option string
+#% key: categorymaps
+#% required: no
+#% label: Indices of categorical rasters within the imagery group (0..n)
+#% description: Indices of categorical rasters within the imagery group (0..n)
+#%option string
 #% key: cvtype
 #% required: no
 #% label: Non-spatial or spatial cross-validation
@@ -293,7 +300,7 @@
 class train():
-    def __init__(self, estimator, X, y, groups=None):
+    def __init__(self, estimator, X, y, groups=None, categorical_var=None):
         Train class to perform preprocessing, fitting, parameter search and
         cross-validation in a single step
@@ -303,6 +310,7 @@
         estimator: Scikit-learn compatible estimator object
         X, y: training data and labels as numpy arrays
         groups: groups to be used for cross-validation
+        categorical_var: 1D list containing indices of categorical predictors
         self.estimator = estimator
@@ -310,13 +318,43 @@
         self.y = y
         self.groups = groups
+        # for onehot-encoding
+        self.enc = None
+        self.categorical_var = categorical_var
+        self.category_values = None
+        if self.categorical_var:
+            self.onehotencode()
+        # for standardization
         self.scaler = None
+        # for cross-validation scores
         self.scores = None
         self.scores_cm = None
         self.fimp = None
+    def onehotencode(self):
+        """
+        Method to convert a list of categorical arrays in X into a suite of
+        binary predictors which are added to the left of the array
+        """
+        from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
+        # store original range of values
+        self.category_values = [0] * len(self.categorical_var)
+        for i, cat in enumerate(self.categorical_var):
+            self.category_values[i] = np.unique(self.X[:, cat])
+        # fit and transform categorical grids to a suite of binary features
+        self.enc = OneHotEncoder(categorical_features=self.categorical_var,
+                                 sparse=False)
+        self.enc.fit(self.X)
+        self.X = self.enc.transform(self.X)    
     def fit(self, param_distribution=None, n_iter=3, scorers='multiclass',
             cv=3, feature_importances=False, n_permutations=1,
@@ -492,11 +530,6 @@
         # dictionary of lists to store metrics
-        if scorers == 'accuracy':
-            self.scores = {
-                'accuracy': []
-            }
         if scorers == 'binary':
             self.scores = {
                 'accuracy': [],
@@ -549,24 +582,16 @@
             labels = np.unique(y_pred)
             # calculate metrics
-            if scorers == 'accuracy':
-                                self.scores['accuracy'] = np.append(
-                    self.scores['accuracy'],
-                    metrics.accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred))
             if scorers == 'binary':
                 self.scores['accuracy'] = np.append(
                     metrics.accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred))
-                if len(np.unique(self.y)) == 2 and \
-                    all([0, 1] == np.unique(self.y)):
+                y_pred_proba = fit.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1]
+                self.scores['auc'] = np.append(
+                    self.scores['auc'],
+                    metrics.roc_auc_score(y_test, y_pred_proba))
-                    y_pred_proba = fit.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1]
-                    self.scores['auc'] = np.append(
-                        self.scores['auc'],
-                        metrics.roc_auc_score(y_test, y_pred_proba))
                 self.scores['precision'] = np.append(
                     self.scores['precision'], metrics.precision_score(
                         y_test, y_pred, labels, average='binary'))
@@ -597,10 +622,6 @@
                     metrics.cohen_kappa_score(y_test, y_pred))
-                self.scores['f1'] = np.append(
-                    self.scores['f1'], metrics.f1_score(
-                        y_test, y_pred, labels, average='weighted'))
             elif scorers == 'regression':
                 self.scores['r2'] = np.append(
                     self.scores['r2'], metrics.r2_score(y_test, y_pred))
@@ -619,7 +640,32 @@
         self.scores_cm = metrics.classification_report(y_test_agg, y_pred_agg)
+        # convert onehot-encoded feature importances back to original vars
+        if self.fimp is not None and self.enc is not None:
+            from copy import deepcopy
+            # get start,end positions of each suite of onehot-encoded vars
+            feature_ranges = deepcopy(self.enc.feature_indices_)
+            for i in range(0, len(self.enc.feature_indices_)-1):
+                feature_ranges[i+1] = feature_ranges[i] + len(self.category_values[i])
+            # take sum of each onehot-encoded feature
+            ohe_feature = [0] * len(self.categorical_var)
+            ohe_sum = [0] * len(self.categorical_var)
+            for i in range(len(self.categorical_var)):
+                ohe_feature[i] = self.fimp[:, feature_ranges[i]:feature_ranges[i+1]]
+                ohe_sum[i] = ohe_feature[i].sum(axis=1)
+            # remove onehot-encoded features from the importances array
+            features_for_removal = np.array(range(feature_ranges[-1]))
+            self.fimp = np.delete(self.fimp, features_for_removal, axis=1)      
+            # insert summed importances into original positions
+            for index in self.categorical_var:
+                self.fimp = np.insert(self.fimp, np.array(index), ohe_sum[0], axis=1)
     def predict(self, predictors, output, class_probabilities=False,
@@ -714,7 +760,7 @@
             mask_np_row[mask_np_row == -2147483648] = np.nan
             nanmask = np.isnan(mask_np_row)  # True in mask means invalid data
             # reshape each row-band matrix into a n*m array
             nsamples = rowincr * current.cols
             flat_pixels = img_np_row.reshape((nsamples, n_features))
@@ -722,6 +768,10 @@
             # remove NaN values
             flat_pixels = np.nan_to_num(flat_pixels)
+            # onehot-encoding
+            if self.enc is not None:
+                flat_pixels = self.enc.transform(flat_pixels)
             # rescale
             if self.scaler is not None:
                 flat_pixels = self.scaler.transform(flat_pixels)
@@ -877,6 +927,7 @@
+                                       min_samples_leaf=min_samples_leaf,
@@ -884,6 +935,7 @@
+                                      min_samples_leaf=min_samples_leaf,
@@ -1254,6 +1306,7 @@
     norm_data = flags['s']
     cv = int(options['cv'])
     group_raster = options['group_raster']
+    categorymaps = options['categorymaps']    
     cvtype = options['cvtype']
     modelonly = flags['m']
     probability = flags['p']
@@ -1274,6 +1327,13 @@
         class_weight = 'balanced'
         class_weight = None
+    # convert comma-delimited string into int list
+    if categorymaps != '':
+        categorymaps = categorymaps.split(',')
+        for i in range(len(categorymaps)): categorymaps[i] = int(categorymaps[i])
+    else:
+        categorymaps = None
     # classifier options
     max_degree = int(options['max_degree'])
@@ -1369,8 +1429,8 @@
                 'Class probabilities only valid for classifications...ignoring')
             probability = False
-        # create training object
-        learn_m = train(clf, X, y, group_id)
+        # create training object - onehot-encoded on-the-fly
+        learn_m = train(clf, X, y, group_id, categorical_var=categorymaps)
         # preprocessing
         if norm_data is True:
@@ -1435,10 +1495,6 @@
-                        "F1      :\t%0.2f\t+/-SD\t%0.2f" %
-                        (learn_m.scores['f1'].mean(),
-                         learn_m.scores['f1'].std()))
-                    grass.message(
                         "Kappa   :\t%0.2f\t+/-SD\t%0.2f" %
@@ -1464,24 +1520,17 @@
             # feature importances
             if importances is True:
-                import pandas as pd
                 grass.message("Feature importances")
                 grass.message("id" + "\t" + "Raster" + "\t" + "Importance")
-                for i in range(len(learn_m.fimp)):
-                    # mean of cross-validation feature importances
+                # mean of cross-validation feature importances
+                for i in range(len(learn_m.fimp.mean(axis=0))):
                         str(i) + "\t" + maplist[i] +
-                        "\t" + str(round(learn_m.fimp[i].mean(axis=0), 4)))
+                        "\t" + str(round(learn_m.fimp.mean(axis=0)[i], 4)))
                 if fimp_file != '':
-#                    fimp_output = pd.DataFrame(
-#                        {'grass raster': maplist, 'importance': learn_m.fimp})
-#                    fimp_output = pd.DataFrame(learn_m.fimp)
-#                    fimp_output.to_csv(
-#                        path_or_buf=fimp_file,
-#                        header=['grass raster', 'importance'])
                     np.savetxt(fname=fimp_file, X=learn_m.fimp, delimiter=',',
                                header=','.join(maplist), comments='')

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