[GRASS-SVN] r71737 - in grass-addons/grass7/vector: v.gsflow.export v.gsflow.grid
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Wed Nov 15 10:40:52 PST 2017
Author: awickert
Date: 2017-11-15 10:40:51 -0800 (Wed, 15 Nov 2017)
New Revision: 71737
v.gsflow.grid and v.gsflow.export
If b.c. cell is diagonal from outlet cell, need to add cell(s) that are
N, S, W, and/or E of outlet, for FD solution
Modified: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.export/v.gsflow.export.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.export/v.gsflow.export.py 2017-11-14 22:17:46 UTC (rev 71736)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.export/v.gsflow.export.py 2017-11-15 18:40:51 UTC (rev 71737)
@@ -259,11 +259,15 @@
# Bounadry condition
if (len(bc_cell) > 0):
- _y, _x = np.squeeze(gscript.db_select(sql='SELECT row,col FROM '+
+ outfile = file(out_pour_point_boundary+'.txt', 'a')
+ _xys = np.squeeze(gscript.db_select(sql='SELECT row,col FROM '+
- outstr = 'boundary_condition_pt: row_i '+_y+' col_i '+_x
- outfile = file(out_pour_point_boundary+'.txt', 'a')
- outfile.write(outstr)
+ for _cell_coords in _xys:
+ _y, _x = _cell_coords
+ outstr = 'boundary_condition_pt: row_i '+_y+' col_i '+_x
+ if not (_xys == _cell_coords[-1]).all():
+ outstr += '\n'
+ outfile.write(outstr)
if (len(pour_point) == 0) and (len(bc_cell) == 0):
grass.fatal(_("You must inlcude input and output pp's and/or bc's"))
Modified: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.grid/v.gsflow.grid.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.grid/v.gsflow.grid.py 2017-11-14 22:17:46 UTC (rev 71736)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.grid/v.gsflow.grid.py 2017-11-15 18:40:51 UTC (rev 71737)
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
from grass.pygrass.raster import RasterRow
from grass.pygrass import utils
from grass import script as gscript
+from grass.pygrass.vector.geometry import Point
@@ -123,8 +124,13 @@
if _lena0 + _lenb0 == 1:
grass.fatal("You must set both raster input and output, or neither.")
+ # Fatal if bc_cell set but mask and grid are false
+ if bc_cell != '':
+ if (mask == '') or (pp == ''):
+ grass.fatal('Mask and pour point must be set to define b.c. cell')
- # Create grid -- overlaps DEM, one cell of padding
+ # Create grid -- overlaps DEM, three cells of padding
reg = gscript.region()
reg_grid_edges_sn = np.linspace(reg['s'], reg['n'], reg['rows'])
@@ -190,6 +196,10 @@
g.region(w=str(_w), e=str(_e), s=str(_s), n=str(_n), nsres=str(grid_ratio_ns*reg['nsres']), ewres=str(grid_ratio_ew*reg['ewres']))
r.resamp_stats(input=mask, output=mask, method='sum', overwrite=True, quiet=True)
r.mapcalc(mask+' = '+mask+' > 0', overwrite=True, quiet=True)
+ r.null(map=mask, null=0, quiet=True)
+ # Add mask location (1 vs 0) in the MODFLOW grid
+ v.db_addcolumn(map=grid, columns='basinmask double precision', quiet=True)
+ v.what_rast(map=grid, type='centroid', raster=mask, column='basinmask')
# Resampled raster
@@ -205,6 +215,8 @@
v.what_vect(map=pp, query_map=grid, column='col', query_column='col', quiet=True)
# Next point downstream of the pour point
+ # Requires pp (always) and mask (sometimes)
+ # Dependency set above w/ grass.fatal
if len(bc_cell) > 0:
########## NEED TO USE TRUE TEMPORARY FILE ##########
# May not work with dx != dy!
@@ -219,13 +231,72 @@
r.null(map='tmp', setnull=0)
r.to_vect(input='tmp', output=bc_cell, type='point', column='z',
overwrite=gscript.overwrite(), quiet=True)
- v.db_addcolumn(map=bc_cell, columns=('row integer','col integer'), quiet=True)
+ v.db_addcolumn(map=bc_cell, columns=('row integer','col integer','x double precision','y double precision'), quiet=True)
v.build(map=bc_cell, quiet=True)
v.what_vect(map=bc_cell, query_map=grid, column='row', \
query_column='row', quiet=True)
v.what_vect(map=bc_cell, query_map=grid, column='col', \
query_column='col', quiet=True)
+ v.to_db(map=bc_cell, option='coor', columns=('x,y'))
+ # Find out if this is diagonal: finite difference works only N-S, W-E
+ colNames = np.array(gscript.vector_db_select(pp, layer=1)['columns'])
+ colValues = np.array(gscript.vector_db_select(pp, layer=1)['values'].values())
+ pp_row = int(colValues[:,colNames == 'row'].astype(int).squeeze())
+ pp_col = int(colValues[:,colNames == 'col'].astype(int).squeeze())
+ colNames = np.array(gscript.vector_db_select(bc_cell, layer=1)['columns'])
+ colValues = np.array(gscript.vector_db_select(bc_cell, layer=1)['values'].values())
+ bc_row = int(colValues[:,colNames == 'row'].astype(int).squeeze())
+ bc_col = int(colValues[:,colNames == 'col'].astype(int).squeeze())
+ # Also get x and y while we are at it: may be needed later
+ bc_x = float(colValues[:,colNames == 'x'].astype(float).squeeze())
+ bc_y = float(colValues[:,colNames == 'y'].astype(float).squeeze())
+ if (bc_row != pp_row) and (bc_col != pp_col):
+ # If not diagonal, two possible locations that are adjacent
+ # to the pour point
+ _col1, _row1 = str(bc_col), str(pp_row)
+ _col2, _row2 = str(pp_col), str(bc_row)
+ # Check if either of these is covered by the basin mask
+ _ismask_1 = gscript.vector_db_select(grid, layer=1, where='(row == '+_row1+') AND (col =='+_col1+')', columns='basinmask')
+ _ismask_1 = int(_ismask_1['values'].values()[0][0])
+ _ismask_2 = gscript.vector_db_select(grid, layer=1, where='(row == '+_row2+') AND (col =='+_col2+')', columns='basinmask')
+ _ismask_2 = int(_ismask_2['values'].values()[0][0])
+ # If both covered by mask, error
+ if _ismask_1 and _ismask_2:
+ grass.fatal('All possible b.c. cells covered by basin mask.\n\
+ Contact the developer: awickert (at) umn(.)edu')
+ # Otherwise, those that keep those that are not covered by basin
+ # mask and set ...
+ # ... wait, do we want the point that touches as few interior
+ # cells as possible?
+ # maybe just try setting both and seeing what happens for now!
+ else:
+ # Get dx and dy
+ dx = gscript.region()['ewres']
+ dy = gscript.region()['nsres']
+ # Build tool to handle multiple b.c. cells?
+ bcvect = vector.Vector(bc_cell)
+ bcvect.open('rw')
+ _cat_i = 2
+ if not _ismask_1:
+ # _x should always be bc_x, but writing generalized code
+ _x = bc_x + dx * (int(_col1) - bc_col) # col 1 at w edge
+ _y = bc_y - dy * (int(_row1) - bc_row) # row 1 at n edge
+ point0 = Point(_x,_y)
+ bcvect.write(point0, cat=_cat_i, attrs=(None, None, _row1, _col1, _x, _y), )
+ bcvect.table.conn.commit()
+ _cat_i += 1
+ if not _ismask_2:
+ # _y should always be bc_y, but writing generalized code
+ _x = bc_x + dx * (int(_col2) - bc_col) # col 1 at w edge
+ _y = bc_y - dy * (int(_row2) - bc_row) # row 1 at n edge
+ point0 = Point(_x,_y)
+ bcvect.write(point0, cat=_cat_i, attrs=(None, None, _row2, _col2, _x, _y), )
+ bcvect.table.conn.commit()
+ # Build database table and vector geometry
+ bcvect.build()
+ bcvect.close()
g.region(n=reg['n'], s=reg['s'], w=reg['w'], e=reg['e'], nsres=reg['nsres'], ewres=reg['ewres'])
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