[GRASS-SVN] r71526 - in grass-addons/grass7/vector: v.gsflow.gravres v.gsflow.grid v.gsflow.hruparams v.gsflow.segments v.stream.network

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Mon Oct 2 15:41:40 PDT 2017

Author: awickert
Date: 2017-10-02 15:41:40 -0700 (Mon, 02 Oct 2017)
New Revision: 71526

multiple fixes from https://github.com/awickert/GRASS-fluvial-profiler

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.gravres/v.gsflow.gravres.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.gravres/v.gsflow.gravres.py	2017-10-02 20:27:52 UTC (rev 71525)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.gravres/v.gsflow.gravres.py	2017-10-02 22:41:40 UTC (rev 71526)
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
     # Create gravity reservoirs -- overlay cells=grid and HRUs
-    v.overlay(ainput=HRUs, binput=grid, operator='and', output=gravity_reservoirs, overwrite=gscript.overwrite())
+    v.overlay(ainput=HRUs, binput=grid, atype='area', btype='area', operator='and', output=gravity_reservoirs, overwrite=gscript.overwrite())
     v.db_dropcolumn(map=gravity_reservoirs, columns='a_cat,a_label,b_cat', quiet=True)
     # Cell and HRU ID's
     v.db_renamecolumn(map=gravity_reservoirs, column=('a_id', 'gvr_hru_id'), quiet=True)
@@ -120,6 +120,8 @@
     v.db_addcolumn(map=gravity_reservoirs, columns='gvr_cell_pct double precision, gvr_hru_pct double precision', quiet=True)
     v.db_update(map=gravity_reservoirs, column='gvr_cell_pct', query_column='100*area_m2/cell_area_m2', quiet=True)
     v.db_update(map=gravity_reservoirs, column='gvr_hru_pct', query_column='100*area_m2/hru_area_m2', quiet=True)
+    v.extract(input=gravity_reservoirs, output='_tmp', where="gvr_cell_pct > 0.001", overwrite=True, quiet=True)
+    g.rename(vector='_tmp,'+gravity_reservoirs, overwrite=True, quiet=True)
 if __name__ == "__main__":

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.grid/v.gsflow.grid.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.grid/v.gsflow.grid.py	2017-10-02 20:27:52 UTC (rev 71525)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.grid/v.gsflow.grid.py	2017-10-02 22:41:40 UTC (rev 71526)
@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@
 #%  key: dx
-#%  label: Cell size (x / E / zonal), in map units
+#%  label: Cell size suggestion (x / E / zonal), map units: rounds to DEM
 #%  required: yes
 #%  key: dy
-#%  label: Cell size (y / N / meridional), in map units
+#%  label: Cell size suggestion (y / N / meridional), map units: rounds to DEM
 #%  required: yes
@@ -104,9 +104,35 @@
     mask = options['mask_output']
     pp = options['pour_point']
-    # Create grid
+    # Create grid -- overlaps DEM, one cell of padding
+    reg = gscript.region()
+    reg_grid_edges_sn = np.linspace(reg['s'], reg['n'], reg['rows'])
+    reg_grid_edges_we = np.linspace(reg['w'], reg['e'], reg['cols'])
     g.region(vector=basin, ewres=dx, nsres=dy)
+    regnew = gscript.region()
+    # Use a grid ratio -- don't match exactly the desired MODFLOW resolution
+    grid_ratio_ns = np.round(regnew['nsres']/reg['nsres'])
+    grid_ratio_ew = np.round(regnew['ewres']/reg['ewres'])
+    # Get S, W, and then move the unit number of grid cells over to get N and E
+    # and include 1 (new) cell of padding around the whole watershed
+    _s_dist = np.abs(reg_grid_edges_sn - (regnew['s'] - 2.*regnew['nsres']) )
+    _s_idx = np.where(_s_dist == np.min(_s_dist))[0][0]
+    _s = float(reg_grid_edges_sn[_s_idx])
+    _n_grid = np.arange(_s, reg['n'] + 2*grid_ratio_ns*reg['nsres'], grid_ratio_ns*reg['nsres'])
+    _n_dist = np.abs(_n_grid - (regnew['n'] + 2.*regnew['nsres']))
+    _n_idx = np.where(_n_dist == np.min(_n_dist))[0][0]
+    _n = float(_n_grid[_n_idx])
+    _w_dist = np.abs(reg_grid_edges_we - (regnew['w'] - 2.*regnew['ewres']))
+    _w_idx = np.where(_w_dist == np.min(_w_dist))[0][0]
+    _w = float(reg_grid_edges_we[_w_idx])
+    _e_grid = np.arange(_w, reg['e'] + 2*grid_ratio_ew*reg['ewres'], grid_ratio_ew*reg['ewres'])
+    _e_dist = np.abs(_e_grid - (regnew['e'] + 2.*regnew['ewres']))
+    _e_idx = np.where(_e_dist == np.min(_e_dist))[0][0]
+    _e = float(_e_grid[_e_idx])
+    # Finally make the region
+    g.region(w=str(_w), e=str(_e), s=str(_s), n=str(_n), nsres=str(grid_ratio_ns*reg['nsres']), ewres=str(grid_ratio_ew*reg['ewres']))
+    # And then make the grid
     v.mkgrid(map=grid, overwrite=gscript.overwrite())
     # Cell numbers (row, column, continuous ID)
@@ -145,6 +171,8 @@
         v.what_vect(map=pp, query_map=grid, column='row', query_column='row', quiet=True)
         v.what_vect(map=pp, query_map=grid, column='col', query_column='col', quiet=True)
+    g.region(n=reg['n'], s=reg['s'], w=reg['w'], e=reg['e'], nsres=reg['nsres'], ewres=reg['ewres'])
 if __name__ == "__main__":

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.hruparams/v.gsflow.hruparams.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.hruparams/v.gsflow.hruparams.py	2017-10-02 20:27:52 UTC (rev 71525)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.hruparams/v.gsflow.hruparams.py	2017-10-02 22:41:40 UTC (rev 71526)
@@ -81,14 +81,26 @@
 from grass.pygrass import vector # Change to "v"?
 from grass.script import vector_db_select
 from grass.pygrass.vector import Vector, VectorTopo
+from grass.pygrass.vector.geometry import Point
 from grass.pygrass.raster import RasterRow
 from grass.pygrass import utils
 from grass import script as gscript
+def create_iterator(vect):
+    colNames = np.array(gscript.vector_db_select(vect, layer=1)['columns'])
+    colValues = np.array(gscript.vector_db_select(vect, layer=1)['values'].values())
+    cats = colValues[:,colNames == 'cat'].astype(int).squeeze()
+    _n = np.arange(1, len(cats)+1)
+    _n_cats = []
+    for i in range(len(cats)):
+        _n_cats.append( (_n[i], cats[i]) )
+    return _n_cats
 def main():
     Adds GSFLOW parameters to a set of HRU sub-basins
@@ -125,6 +137,8 @@
     hru_columns.append('hru_aspect double precision') # Mean aspect [degrees]
     hru_columns.append('hru_elev double precision') # Mean elevation
     hru_columns.append('hru_lat double precision') # Latitude of centroid
+    hru_columns.append('hru_lon double precision') # Longitude of centroid
+                                                   # unnecessary but why not?
     hru_columns.append('hru_slope double precision') # Mean slope [percent]
     # Basic Physical Attributes (Other)
     #hru_columns.append('hru_type integer') # 0=inactive; 1=land; 2=lake; 3=swale; almost all will be 1
@@ -249,7 +263,7 @@
     v.db_update(map=HRU, column='hru_elev', query_column='tmp_average', quiet=True)
     v.db_dropcolumn(map=HRU, columns='tmp_average', quiet=True)
-    # CENTROIDS -- NEED FIXING FOR TRUE CENTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     # get x,y of centroid -- but have areas not in database table, that do have
@@ -260,51 +274,99 @@
     # From looking at map, lots of extra centroids on area boundaries, and removing
     # small areas (though threshold hard to guess) gets rid of these
-    v.db_addcolumn(map=HRU, columns='centroid_x double precision, centroid_y double precision', quiet=True)
-    v.to_db(map=HRU, type='centroid', columns='centroid_x, centroid_y', option='coor', units='meters', quiet=True)
+    hru = VectorTopo(HRU)
+    hru.open('rw')
+    hru_cats = []
+    hru_coords = []
+    for hru_i in hru:
+        if type(hru_i) is vector.geometry.Centroid:
+            hru_cats.append(hru_i.cat)
+            hru_coords.append(hru_i.coords())
+    hru_cats = np.array(hru_cats)
+    hru_coords = np.array(hru_coords)
+    hru.rewind()
+    hru_area_ids = []
+    for coor in hru_coords:
+        _area = hru.find_by_point.area(Point(coor[0], coor[1]))
+        hru_area_ids.append(_area)
+    hru_area_ids = np.array(hru_area_ids)
+    hru.rewind()
-    # hru_columns.append('hru_lat double precision') # Latitude of centroid
-    colNames = np.array(gscript.vector_db_select(HRU, layer=1)['columns'])
-    colValues = np.array(gscript.vector_db_select(HRU, layer=1)['values'].values())
-    xy = colValues[:,(colNames=='centroid_x') + (colNames=='centroid_y')]
-    np.savetxt('_xy.txt', xy, delimiter='|', fmt='%s')
-    m.proj(flags='od', input='_xy.txt', output='_lonlat.txt', overwrite=True, quiet=True)
-    lonlat = np.genfromtxt('_lonlat.txt', delimiter='|',)[:,:2]
-    lonlat_cat = np.concatenate((lonlat, np.expand_dims(_cat, 2)), axis=1)
+    hru_areas = []
+    for _area_id in hru_area_ids:
+        hru_areas.append(_area_id.area())
+    hru_areas = np.array(hru_areas)
+    hru.rewind()
+    allcats = sorted(list(set(list(hru_cats))))
+    # Now create weighted mean
+    hru_centroid_locations = []
+    for cat in allcats:
+        hrus_with_cat = hru_cats[hru_cats == cat]
+        if len(hrus_with_cat) == 1:
+            hru_centroid_locations.append((hru_coords[hru_cats == cat]).squeeze())
+        else:
+            _centroids = hru_coords[hru_cats == cat]
+            #print _centroids
+            _areas = hru_areas[hru_cats == cat]
+            #print _areas
+            _x = np.average(_centroids[:,0], weights=_areas)
+            _y = np.average(_centroids[:,1], weights=_areas)
+            #print _x, _y
+            hru_centroid_locations.append(np.array([_x, _y]))
+    # Now upload weighted mean to database table
+    # allcats and hru_centroid_locations are co-indexed
+    index__cats = create_iterator(HRU)
+    cur = hru.table.conn.cursor()
+    for i in range(len(allcats)):
+        # meters
+        cur.execute('update '+HRU
+                    +' set hru_x='+str(hru_centroid_locations[i][0])
+                    +' where cat='+str(allcats[i]))
+        cur.execute('update '+HRU
+                    +' set hru_y='+str(hru_centroid_locations[i][1])
+                    +' where cat='+str(allcats[i]))
+        # feet
+        cur.execute('update '+HRU
+                    +' set hru_xlong='+str(hru_centroid_locations[i][0]*3.28084)
+                    +' where cat='+str(allcats[i]))
+        cur.execute('update '+HRU
+                    +' set hru_ylat='+str(hru_centroid_locations[i][1]*3.28084)
+                    +' where cat='+str(allcats[i]))
+        # (un)Project to lat/lon
+        _centroid_ll = gscript.parse_command('m.proj',
+                                             coordinates=
+                                             list(hru_centroid_locations[i]),
+                                             flags='od').keys()[0]
+        _lon, _lat, _z = _centroid_ll.split('|')
+        cur.execute('update '+HRU
+                    +' set hru_lon='+_lon
+                    +' where cat='+str(allcats[i]))
+        cur.execute('update '+HRU
+                    +' set hru_lat='+_lat
+                    +' where cat='+str(allcats[i]))
-    # why not just get lon too?
-    v.db_addcolumn(map=HRU, columns='hru_lon double precision')
+    # feet -- not working.
+    # Probably an issue with index__cats -- maybe fix later, if needed
+    # But currently not a major speed issue
+    """
+    cur.executemany("update "+HRU+" set hru_xlong=?*3.28084 where hru_x=?", 
+                    index__cats)
+    cur.executemany("update "+HRU+" set hru_ylat=?*3.28084 where hru_y=?", 
+                    index__cats)
+    """                    
-    hru = VectorTopo(HRU)
-    hru.open('rw')
-    cur = hru.table.conn.cursor()
-    cur.executemany("update "+ HRU +" set hru_lon=?, hru_lat=? where cat=?", lonlat_cat)
+    cur.close()
-    # FIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-    # AREAS
-    # Pygrass to find area edges / cells, and get the center?
-    # https://grass.osgeo.org/grass70/manuals/libpython/pygrass.vector.html
-    # Easting and Northing for other columns
-    v.db_update(map=HRU, column='hru_x', query_column='centroid_x', quiet=True)
-    v.db_update(map=HRU, column='hru_xlong', query_column='centroid_x*3.28084', quiet=True) # feet
-    v.db_update(map=HRU, column='hru_y', query_column='centroid_y', quiet=True)
-    v.db_update(map=HRU, column='hru_ylat', query_column='centroid_y*3.28084', quiet=True) # feet
     # ID NUMBER
-    """
-    hru = VectorTopo(HRU)
-    hru.open('rw')
-    cur = hru.table.conn.cursor()
-    cur.executemany("update "+HRU+" set hru_segment=? where id=?", hru_segmentt)
-    hru.table.conn.commit()
-    hru.close()
-    """
+    #cur.executemany("update "+HRU+" set hru_segment=? where id=?", 
+    #                index__cats)
     # Segment number = HRU ID number
     v.db_update(map=HRU, column='hru_segment', query_column='id', quiet=True)

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.segments/v.gsflow.segments.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.segments/v.gsflow.segments.py	2017-10-02 20:27:52 UTC (rev 71525)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.segments/v.gsflow.segments.py	2017-10-02 22:41:40 UTC (rev 71526)
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
 #%  key: cdpth
 #%  type: double
-#%  description: Flow depth coefficient; used if ICALC=3
-#%  answer: 0.25
+#%  description: Flow depth coefficient [meters]; used if ICALC=3
+#%  answer: 1
 #%  required: no
@@ -63,15 +63,15 @@
 #%  key: fdpth
 #%  type: double
 #%  description: Flow depth exponent; used if ICALC=3
-#%  answer: 0.4
+#%  answer: 0.42
 #%  required: no
 #%  key: awdth
 #%  type: double
-#%  description: Flow width coefficient; used if ICALC=3
-#%  answer: 8
+#%  description: Flow width coefficient [meters]; used if ICALC=3
+#%  answer: 20
 #%  required: no
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
 #%  key: bwdth
 #%  type: double
 #%  description: Flow width exponent; used if ICALC=3
-#%  answer: 0.5
+#%  answer: 0.23
 #%  required: no
@@ -209,9 +209,10 @@
     ROUGHBK = options['roughbk']
     # ICALC=3: Power-law relationships (following Leopold and others)
-    CDPTH = options['cdpth']
+    # The at-a-station default exponents are from Rhodes (1977)
+    CDPTH = str(float(options['cdpth']) / 35.3146667) # cfs to m^3/s
     FDPTH = options['fdpth']
-    AWDTH = options['awdth']
+    AWDTH = str(float(options['awdth']) / 35.3146667) # cfs to m^3/s
     BWDTH = options['bwdth']

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.stream.network/v.stream.network.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.stream.network/v.stream.network.py	2017-10-02 20:27:52 UTC (rev 71525)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.stream.network/v.stream.network.py	2017-10-02 22:41:40 UTC (rev 71526)
@@ -194,8 +194,6 @@
     cur = streamsTopo.table.conn.cursor()
     # Default to 0 if no stream flows to it
     cur.execute("update "+streams+" set tostream=0")
-    # use "executemany" ????????????????????????????????????????????????????
-    # see v.gsflow.segments.py
     for i in range(len(tocat)):
         cur.execute("update "+streams+" set tostream="+str(tocat[i])+" where cat="+str(cats[i]))

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