[GRASS-SVN] r71511 - in grass-addons/grass7/vector: . v.gsflow.export v.gsflow.gravres v.gsflow.grid v.gsflow.hruparams v.gsflow.reaches v.gsflow.segments v.stream.inbasin v.stream.network

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Wed Sep 27 23:08:49 PDT 2017

Author: awickert
Date: 2017-09-27 23:08:49 -0700 (Wed, 27 Sep 2017)
New Revision: 71511

Stream networks and GSFLOW

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.export/Makefile
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.export/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.export/Makefile	2017-09-28 06:08:49 UTC (rev 71511)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+PGM = v.gsflow.export
+include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Script.make
+default: script

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.export/v.gsflow.export.html
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.export/v.gsflow.export.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.export/v.gsflow.export.html	2017-09-28 06:08:49 UTC (rev 71511)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<em>v.gsflow.export</em> produces output tables and maps that are used for the USGS combined groundwater (MODFLOW) and surface-water (PRMS) model GSFLOW. These are read in through a sequence of <a href=https://github.com/UMN-Hydro/GSFLOW_pre-processor>"GSFLOW pre-processor" scripts available at the University of Minnesota's Hydro GitHub page</a>.
+Ng, G.-H. C., A. D. Wickert, R. L. McLaughlin, J. La Frenierre, S. Liess, and L. Sabeeri (2016),
+Modeling the role of groundwater and vegetation in the hydrological response of tropical
+glaciated watersheds to climate change, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, H13L–1590, San
+Francisco, CA.
+<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+<a href="v.gsflow.gravres">v.gsflow.gravres</a>
+<a href="v.gsflow.grid">v.gsflow.grid</a>
+<a href="v.gsflow.hruparams">v.gsflow.hruparams</a>
+<a href="v.gsflow.reaches">v.gsflow.reaches</a>
+<a href="v.gsflow.segments">v.gsflow.segments</a>
+<a href="v.stream.inbasin">v.stream.inbasin</a>
+<a href="v.stream.network">v.stream.network</a>
+Andrew D. Wickert<br>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date 2016-09-27$</i>

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.export/v.gsflow.export.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.export/v.gsflow.export.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.export/v.gsflow.export.py	2017-09-28 06:08:49 UTC (rev 71511)
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# MODULE:       v.gsflow.export
+# AUTHOR(S):    Andrew Wickert
+# PURPOSE:      Export database tables and pour point for GSFLOW input and control files
+# COPYRIGHT:    (c) 2016-2017 Andrew Wickert
+#               This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+#               License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+#               for details.
+#      -  uses inputs from the v.gsflow series
+# More information
+# Started December 2016
+#% description: Export databse tables and pour point for GSFLOW input and control files
+#% keyword: vector
+#% keyword: stream network
+#% keyword: hydrology
+#% keyword: GSFLOW
+#%option G_OPT_V_INPUT
+#%  key: reaches_input
+#%  label: Reaches where stream segments overlap MODFLOW grid cells
+#%  required: no
+#%  guidependency: layer,column
+#%option G_OPT_V_INPUT
+#%  key: segments_input
+#%  label: Stream segments, coincident with HRUs
+#%  required: no
+#%  guidependency: layer,column
+#%option G_OPT_V_INPUT
+#%  key: gravres_input
+#%  label: Union of MODFLOW grid and HRUs
+#%  required: no
+#%  guidependency: layer,column
+#%option G_OPT_V_INPUT
+#%  key: hru_input
+#%  label: PRMS-style hydrologic response units
+#%  required: no
+#%  guidependency: layer,column
+#%option G_OPT_V_INPUT
+#%  key: pour_point_input
+#%  label: Pour point at the outlet of the basin
+#%  required: no
+#%  guidependency: layer,column
+#%option G_OPT_V_OUTPUT
+#%  key: reaches_output
+#%  label: Reaches table, no file ext
+#%  required: no
+#%  guidependency: layer,column
+#%option G_OPT_V_OUTPUT
+#%  key: segments_output
+#%  label: Segments table, no file ext
+#%  required: no
+#%  guidependency: layer,column
+#%option G_OPT_V_OUTPUT
+#%  key: gravres_output
+#%  label: Gravity Reservoir output table for GSFLOW input, no file ext
+#%  required: no
+#%  guidependency: layer,column
+#%option G_OPT_V_OUTPUT
+#%  key: hru_output
+#%  label: HRU table, no file ext
+#%  required: no
+#%  guidependency: layer,column
+#%option G_OPT_V_OUTPUT
+#%  key: pour_point_output
+#%  label: Pour point coordinates for GSFLOW input, no file ext
+#%  required: no
+#%  guidependency: layer,column
+import numpy as np
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+import sys
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import general as g
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import raster as r
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import vector as v
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import miscellaneous as m
+from grass.pygrass.gis import region
+from grass.pygrass import vector # Change to "v"?
+from grass.script import vector_db_select
+from grass.pygrass.vector import Vector, VectorTopo
+from grass.pygrass.raster import RasterRow
+from grass.pygrass import utils
+from grass import script as gscript
+def get_columns_in_order(vect, cols, nodata_value=-999):
+    colNames = np.array(gscript.vector_db_select(vect, layer=1)['columns'])
+    colValues = np.array(gscript.vector_db_select(vect, layer=1)\
+                ['values'].values())
+    outlist = []
+    for col in cols:
+        newcol = colValues[:,colNames == col].squeeze()
+        # If column does not exist, populate with nodata value
+        # Strangely, has shape (nrows, 0)
+        if np.prod(newcol.shape) == 0:
+            newcol = (-999*np.ones(colValues.shape[0])).astype(int).astype(str)
+        outlist.append(newcol)
+    return outlist
+def main():
+    """
+    Build gravity reservoirs in GSFLOW: combines MODFLOW grid and HRU sub-basins
+    These define the PRMS soil zone that connects to MODFLOW cells
+    """
+    ##################
+    ##################
+    # Parser
+    options, flags = gscript.parser()
+    # Input
+    reaches = options['reaches_input']
+    segments = options['segments_input']
+    gravity_reservoirs = options['gravres_input']
+    HRUs = options['hru_input']
+    pour_point = options['pour_point_input']
+    # Output
+    out_reaches = options['reaches_output']
+    out_segments = options['segments_output']
+    out_gravity_reservoirs = options['gravres_output']
+    out_HRUs = options['hru_output']
+    out_pour_point = options['pour_point_output']
+    ##############
+    ##############
+    # Reaches
+    ##########
+    if (len(reaches) > 0) and (len(out_reaches) > 0):
+        columns_in_order = ['KRCH', 'IRCH', 'JRCH', 'ISEG', 'IREACH', 'RCHLEN',
+                            'STRTOP', 'SLOPE', 'STRTHICK', 'STRHC1', 'THTS', 
+                            'THTI', 'EPS', 'UHC']
+        outcols = get_columns_in_order(reaches, columns_in_order)
+        outarray = np.array(outcols).transpose()
+        outtable = np.vstack((columns_in_order, outarray))
+        np.savetxt(out_reaches+'.txt', outtable, fmt='%s', delimiter=',')
+    elif (len(reaches) > 0) or (len(out_reaches) > 0):
+        grass.fatal(_("You must inlcude both input and output reaches"))
+    # Segments
+    ###########
+    if (len(segments) > 0) and (len(out_segments) > 0):
+        columns_in_order = ['NSEG', 'ICALC', 'OUTSEG', 'IUPSEG', 'IPRIOR', 
+                            'NSTRPTS', 'FLOW', 'RUNOFF', 'ETSW', 'PPTSW', 
+                            'ROUGHCH', 'ROUGHBK', 'CDPTH', 'FDPTH', 'AWDTH', 
+                            'BWDTH']
+        outcols = get_columns_in_order(segments, columns_in_order)
+        outarray = np.array(outcols).transpose()
+        outtable = np.vstack((columns_in_order, outarray))
+        np.savetxt(out_segments+'_4A_INFORMATION.txt', outtable, fmt='%s', 
+                   delimiter=',')
+        columns_in_order = ['HCOND1', 'THICKM1', 'ELEVUP', 'WIDTH1', 'DEPTH1', 
+                            'THTS1', 'THTI1', 'EPS1', 'UHC1']
+        outcols = get_columns_in_order(segments, columns_in_order)
+        outarray = np.array(outcols).transpose()
+        outtable = np.vstack((columns_in_order, outarray))
+        np.savetxt(out_segments+'_4B_UPSTREAM.txt', outtable, fmt='%s', 
+                   delimiter=',')
+        columns_in_order = ['HCOND2', 'THICKM2', 'ELEVDN', 'WIDTH2', 'DEPTH2', 
+                            'THTS2', 'THTI2', 'EPS2', 'UHC2']
+        outcols = get_columns_in_order(segments, columns_in_order)
+        outarray = np.array(outcols).transpose()
+        outtable = np.vstack((columns_in_order, outarray))
+        np.savetxt(out_segments+'_4C_DOWNSTREAM.txt', outtable, fmt='%s', 
+                   delimiter=',')
+    elif (len(segments) > 0) or (len(out_segments) > 0):
+        grass.fatal(_("You must inlcude both input and output segments"))
+    # Gravity reservoirs
+    #####################
+    if (len(gravity_reservoirs) > 0) and (len(out_gravity_reservoirs) > 0):
+        columns_in_order = ['gvr_hru_id', 'gvr_hru_pct', 'gvr_cell_id', 
+                            'gvr_cell_pct']
+        outcols = get_columns_in_order(gravity_reservoirs, columns_in_order)
+        outarray = np.array(outcols).transpose()
+        outtable = np.vstack((columns_in_order, outarray))
+        np.savetxt(out_gravity_reservoirs+'.txt', outtable, fmt='%s', 
+                   delimiter=',')
+    elif (len(gravity_reservoirs) > 0) or (len(out_gravity_reservoirs) > 0):
+        grass.fatal(_("You must inlcude both input and output \
+                      gravity reservoirs"))
+    # HRUs 
+    #######
+    if (len(HRUs) > 0) and (len(out_HRUs) > 0):
+        columns_in_order = ['hru_area', 'hru_aspect', 'hru_elev', 'hru_lat', 
+                            'hru_slope', 'hru_segment', 'hru_strmseg_down_id']
+        outcols = get_columns_in_order(HRUs, columns_in_order)
+        outarray = np.array(outcols).transpose()
+        outtable = np.vstack((columns_in_order, outarray))
+        np.savetxt(HRUs+'.txt', outtable, fmt='%s', delimiter=',')
+    elif (len(HRUs) > 0) or (len(out_HRUs) > 0):
+        grass.fatal(_("You must inlcude both input and output HRUs"))
+    # Pour Point
+    #############
+    if (len(pour_point) > 0) and (len(out_pour_point) > 0):
+        _y, _x = np.squeeze(gscript.db_select(sql='SELECT row,col FROM '+
+                            pour_point))
+        outstr = 'discharge_pt: row_i '+_y+' col_i '+_x
+        outfile = file(out_pour_point+'.txt', 'w')
+        outfile.write(outstr)
+        outfile.close()
+    elif (len(pour_point) > 0) or (len(out_pour_point) > 0):
+        grass.fatal(_("You must inlcude both input and output pour points"))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

Property changes on: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.export/v.gsflow.export.py
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/x-python
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.gravres/Makefile
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.gravres/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.gravres/Makefile	2017-09-28 06:08:49 UTC (rev 71511)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+PGM = v.gsflow.gravres
+include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Script.make
+default: script

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.gravres/v.gsflow.gravres.html
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.gravres/v.gsflow.gravres.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.gravres/v.gsflow.gravres.html	2017-09-28 06:08:49 UTC (rev 71511)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<em>v.gsflow.gravres</em> produces "gravity reservoirs" that are used for the USGS combined groundwater (MODFLOW) and surface-water (PRMS) model GSFLOW. Each "gravity reservoir" is the union between a hydrologic response unit (HRU) and part or all of a co-located MODFLOW grid cell. These link surface-water and groundwater flow.
+Ng, G.-H. C., A. D. Wickert, R. L. McLaughlin, J. La Frenierre, S. Liess, and L. Sabeeri (2016),
+Modeling the role of groundwater and vegetation in the hydrological response of tropical
+glaciated watersheds to climate change, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, H13L–1590, San
+Francisco, CA.
+<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+<a href="v.gsflow.export">v.gsflow.export</a>
+<a href="v.gsflow.grid">v.gsflow.grid</a>
+<a href="v.gsflow.hruparams">v.gsflow.hruparams</a>
+<a href="v.gsflow.reaches">v.gsflow.reaches</a>
+<a href="v.gsflow.segments">v.gsflow.segments</a>
+<a href="v.stream.inbasin">v.stream.inbasin</a>
+<a href="v.stream.network">v.stream.network</a>
+Andrew D. Wickert<br>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date 2016-09-27$</i>

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.gravres/v.gsflow.gravres.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.gravres/v.gsflow.gravres.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.gravres/v.gsflow.gravres.py	2017-09-28 06:08:49 UTC (rev 71511)
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# MODULE:       v.gsflow.gravres
+# AUTHOR(S):    Andrew Wickert
+# PURPOSE:      Build gravity reservoirs -- intersections of HRU sub-basins and
+#               MODFLOW grid cells -- for GSFLOW
+# COPYRIGHT:    (c) 2016-2017 Andrew Wickert
+#               This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+#               License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+#               for details.
+#      -  uses inputs from r.stream.basins & r.to.vect
+#      -  uses inputs from v.gsflow.grid
+# More information
+# Started December 2016
+#% description: Set parameters for GSFLOW Hydrologic Response Units (HRUs)
+#% keyword: vector
+#% keyword: stream network
+#% keyword: hydrology
+#% keyword: GSFLOW
+#%option G_OPT_V_INPUT
+#%  key: hru_input
+#%  label: Sub-basins
+#%  required: yes
+#%  guidependency: layer,column
+#%option G_OPT_V_INPUT
+#%  key: grid_input
+#%  label: MODFLOW grid
+#%  required: yes
+#%  guidependency: layer,column
+#%option G_OPT_V_OUTPUT
+#%  key: output
+#%  label: Gravity reservoirs: union (AND) of sub-basins and MODFLOW grid
+#%  required: yes
+#%  guidependency: layer,column
+import numpy as np
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+import sys
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import general as g
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import raster as r
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import vector as v
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import miscellaneous as m
+from grass.pygrass.gis import region
+from grass.pygrass import vector # Change to "v"?
+from grass.script import vector_db_select
+from grass.pygrass.vector import Vector, VectorTopo
+from grass.pygrass.raster import RasterRow
+from grass.pygrass import utils
+from grass import script as gscript
+def main():
+    """
+    Build gravity reservoirs in GSFLOW: combines MODFLOW grid and HRU sub-basins
+    These define the PRMS soil zone that connects to MODFLOW cells
+    """
+    ##################
+    ##################
+    # I/O
+    options, flags = gscript.parser()
+    # I/O
+    HRUs = options['hru_input']
+    grid = options['grid_input']
+    segments = options['output']
+    #col = options['col']
+    gravity_reservoirs = options['output']
+    ############
+    # ANALYSIS #
+    ############
+    """
+    # Basin areas
+    v.db_addcolumn(map=basins, columns=col)
+    v.to_db(map=basins, option='area', units='meters', columns=col)
+    """
+    # Create gravity reservoirs -- overlay cells=grid and HRUs
+    v.overlay(ainput=HRUs, binput=grid, operator='and', output=gravity_reservoirs, overwrite=gscript.overwrite())
+    v.db_dropcolumn(map=gravity_reservoirs, columns='a_cat,a_label,b_cat', quiet=True)
+    # Cell and HRU ID's
+    v.db_renamecolumn(map=gravity_reservoirs, column=('a_id', 'gvr_hru_id'), quiet=True)
+    v.db_renamecolumn(map=gravity_reservoirs, column=('b_id', 'gvr_cell_id'), quiet=True)
+    # Percent areas
+    v.db_renamecolumn(map=gravity_reservoirs, column=('a_hru_area_m2', 'hru_area_m2'), quiet=True)
+    v.db_renamecolumn(map=gravity_reservoirs, column=('b_area_m2', 'cell_area_m2'), quiet=True)
+    v.db_addcolumn(map=gravity_reservoirs, columns='area_m2', quiet=True)
+    v.to_db(map=gravity_reservoirs, option='area', units='meters', columns='area_m2', quiet=True)
+    v.db_addcolumn(map=gravity_reservoirs, columns='gvr_cell_pct double precision, gvr_hru_pct double precision', quiet=True)
+    v.db_update(map=gravity_reservoirs, column='gvr_cell_pct', query_column='100*area_m2/cell_area_m2', quiet=True)
+    v.db_update(map=gravity_reservoirs, column='gvr_hru_pct', query_column='100*area_m2/hru_area_m2', quiet=True)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.grid/Makefile
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.grid/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.grid/Makefile	2017-09-28 06:08:49 UTC (rev 71511)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+PGM = v.gsflow.grid
+include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Script.make
+default: script

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.grid/v.gsflow.grid.html
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.grid/v.gsflow.grid.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.grid/v.gsflow.grid.html	2017-09-28 06:08:49 UTC (rev 71511)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<em>v.gsflow.grid</em> generates the MODFLOW grid and associated supporting basin mask and topography files that are used for the USGS combined groundwater (MODFLOW) and surface-water (PRMS) model GSFLOW.
+Ng, G.-H. C., A. D. Wickert, R. L. McLaughlin, J. La Frenierre, S. Liess, and L. Sabeeri (2016),
+Modeling the role of groundwater and vegetation in the hydrological response of tropical
+glaciated watersheds to climate change, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, H13L–1590, San
+Francisco, CA.
+Andrew D. Wickert<br>LSO</h2>
+<a href="v.gsflow.export">v.gsflow.export</a>
+<a href="v.gsflow.gravres">v.gsflow.gravres</a>
+<a href="v.gsflow.hruparams">v.gsflow.hruparams</a>
+<a href="v.gsflow.reaches">v.gsflow.reaches</a>
+<a href="v.gsflow.segments">v.gsflow.segments</a>
+<a href="v.stream.inbasin">v.stream.inbasin</a>
+<a href="v.stream.network">v.stream.network</a>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date 2016-09-27$</i>

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.grid/v.gsflow.grid.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.grid/v.gsflow.grid.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.grid/v.gsflow.grid.py	2017-09-28 06:08:49 UTC (rev 71511)
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# MODULE:       v.gsflow.reaches
+# AUTHOR(S):    Andrew Wickert
+# PURPOSE:      Builds grid for the MODFLOW component of GSFLOW
+# COPYRIGHT:    (c) 2016-2017 Andrew Wickert
+#               This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+#               License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+#               for details.
+#      -  uses inputs from r.stream.extract
+# More information
+# Started December 2016
+#% description: Builds grid for the MODFLOW component of GSFLOW
+#% keyword: vector
+#% keyword: stream network
+#% keyword: hydrology
+#% keyword: GSFLOW
+#%option G_OPT_V_INPUT
+#%  key: basin
+#%  label: Study basin, over which to build a MODFLOW grid
+#%  required: yes
+#%option G_OPT_V_INPUT
+#%  key: pour_point
+#%  label: Pour point, to which row and col (MODFLOW) will be added
+#%  required: yes
+#%  key: dx
+#%  label: Cell size (x / E / zonal), in map units
+#%  required: yes
+#%  key: dy
+#%  label: Cell size (y / N / meridional), in map units
+#%  required: yes
+#%option G_OPT_V_OUTPUT
+#%  key: output
+#%  label: MODFLOW grid
+#%  required: yes
+#%option G_OPT_R_OUTPUT
+#%  key: mask_output
+#%  label: Basin mask: inside (1) or outside (0) the watershed?
+#%  required: no
+import numpy as np
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+import sys
+import warnings
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import general as g
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import raster as r
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import vector as v
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import miscellaneous as m
+from grass.pygrass.gis import region
+from grass.pygrass import vector # Change to "v"?
+from grass.script import vector_db_select
+from grass.pygrass.vector import Vector, VectorTopo
+from grass.pygrass.raster import RasterRow
+from grass.pygrass import utils
+from grass import script as gscript
+def main():
+    """
+    Builds a grid for the MODFLOW component of the USGS hydrologic model,
+    GSFLOW.
+    """
+    options, flags = gscript.parser()
+    basin = options['basin']
+    dx = options['dx']
+    dy = options['dy']
+    grid = options['output']
+    mask = options['mask_output']
+    pp = options['pour_point']
+    # Create grid
+    gscript.use_temp_region()
+    g.region(vector=basin, ewres=dx, nsres=dy)
+    v.mkgrid(map=grid, overwrite=gscript.overwrite())
+    # Cell numbers (row, column, continuous ID)
+    v.db_addcolumn(map=grid, columns='id int', quiet=True)
+    colNames = np.array(gscript.vector_db_select(grid, layer=1)['columns'])
+    colValues = np.array(gscript.vector_db_select(grid, layer=1)['values'].values())
+    cats = colValues[:,colNames == 'cat'].astype(int).squeeze()
+    rows = colValues[:,colNames == 'row'].astype(int).squeeze()
+    cols = colValues[:,colNames == 'col'].astype(int).squeeze()
+    nrows = np.max(rows)
+    ncols = np.max(cols)
+    cats = np.ravel([cats])
+    _id = np.ravel([ncols * (rows - 1) + cols])
+    _id_cat = []
+    for i in range(len(_id)):
+        _id_cat.append( (_id[i], cats[i]) )
+    gridTopo = VectorTopo(grid)
+    gridTopo.open('rw')
+    cur = gridTopo.table.conn.cursor()
+    cur.executemany("update "+grid+" set id=? where cat=?", _id_cat)
+    gridTopo.table.conn.commit()
+    gridTopo.close()
+    # Cell area
+    v.db_addcolumn(map=grid, columns='area_m2', quiet=True)
+    v.to_db(map=grid, option='area', units='meters', columns='area_m2', quiet=True)
+    # Basin mask
+    if len(mask) > 0:
+        v.to_rast(input=basin, output=mask, use='val', value=1, quiet=True)
+    # Pour point
+    if len(pp) > 0:
+        v.db_addcolumn(map=pp, columns=('row integer','col integer'), quiet=True)
+        v.build(map=pp, quiet=True)
+        v.what_vect(map=pp, query_map=grid, column='row', query_column='row', quiet=True)
+        v.what_vect(map=pp, query_map=grid, column='col', query_column='col', quiet=True)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.hruparams/Makefile
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.hruparams/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.hruparams/Makefile	2017-09-28 06:08:49 UTC (rev 71511)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+PGM = v.gsflow.hruparams
+include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Script.make
+default: script

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.hruparams/v.gsflow.hruparams.html
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.hruparams/v.gsflow.hruparams.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.hruparams/v.gsflow.hruparams.html	2017-09-28 06:08:49 UTC (rev 71511)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<em>v.gsflow.hruparameters</em> uploads required parameters to run the USGS combined groundwater (MODFLOW) and surface-water (PRMS) model GSFLOW to each of the hydrologic response units (HRU) in the study watershed.
+Ng, G.-H. C., A. D. Wickert, R. L. McLaughlin, J. La Frenierre, S. Liess, and L. Sabeeri (2016),
+Modeling the role of groundwater and vegetation in the hydrological response of tropical
+glaciated watersheds to climate change, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, H13L–1590, San
+Francisco, CA.
+<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+<a href="v.gsflow.export">v.gsflow.export</a>
+<a href="v.gsflow.gravres">v.gsflow.gravres</a>
+<a href="v.gsflow.grid">v.gsflow.grid</a>
+<a href="v.gsflow.reaches">v.gsflow.reaches</a>
+<a href="v.gsflow.segments">v.gsflow.segments</a>
+<a href="v.stream.inbasin">v.stream.inbasin</a>
+<a href="v.stream.network">v.stream.network</a>
+Andrew D. Wickert<br>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date 2016-09-27$</i>

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.hruparams/v.gsflow.hruparams.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.hruparams/v.gsflow.hruparams.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.hruparams/v.gsflow.hruparams.py	2017-09-28 06:08:49 UTC (rev 71511)
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# MODULE:       v.gsflow.hruparams
+# AUTHOR(S):    Andrew Wickert
+# PURPOSE:      Set parameters for GSFLOW Hydrologic Response Units (HRUs)
+# COPYRIGHT:    (c) 2016-2017 Andrew Wickert
+#               This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+#               License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+#               for details.
+#      -  uses inputs from v.stream.network
+#      -  uses inputs from r.slope.aspect
+# More information
+# Started December 2016
+#%  description: Set parameters for GSFLOW Hydrologic Response Units (HRUs)
+#%  keyword: vector
+#%  keyword: stream network
+#%  keyword: hydrology
+#%  keyword: GSFLOW
+#%option G_OPT_R_INPUT
+#%  key: elevation
+#%  label: Elevation raster
+#%  required: yes
+#%  guidependency: layer,column
+#%option G_OPT_V_INPUT
+#%  key: input
+#%  label: Sub-basins to become HRUs
+#%  required: yes
+#%  guidependency: layer,column
+#%option G_OPT_V_OUTPUT
+#%  key: output
+#%  label: HRUs
+#%  required: yes
+#%  guidependency: layer,column
+#%  key: slope
+#%  type: string
+#%  description: Slope [unitless]: r.slope.aspect format=percent zscale=0.01
+#%  required: yes
+#%  key: aspect
+#%  type: string
+#%  description: Aspect from r.slope.aspect
+#%  required: yes
+import numpy as np
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+import sys
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import general as g
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import raster as r
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import vector as v
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import miscellaneous as m
+from grass.pygrass.gis import region
+from grass.pygrass import vector # Change to "v"?
+from grass.script import vector_db_select
+from grass.pygrass.vector import Vector, VectorTopo
+from grass.pygrass.raster import RasterRow
+from grass.pygrass import utils
+from grass import script as gscript
+def main():
+    """
+    Adds GSFLOW parameters to a set of HRU sub-basins
+    """
+    ##################
+    ##################
+    options, flags = gscript.parser()
+    basins = options['input']
+    HRU = options['output']
+    slope = options['slope']
+    aspect = options['aspect']
+    elevation = options['elevation']
+    ################################
+    ################################
+    g.copy(vector=(basins,HRU), overwrite=gscript.overwrite())
+    ############################################
+    ############################################
+    # HRU
+    hru_columns = []
+    # Self ID
+    hru_columns.append('id integer') # nhru
+    # Basic Physical Attributes (Geometry)
+    hru_columns.append('hru_area double precision') # acres (!!!!)
+    hru_columns.append('hru_area_m2 double precision') # [not for GSFLOW: for me!]
+    hru_columns.append('hru_aspect double precision') # Mean aspect [degrees]
+    hru_columns.append('hru_elev double precision') # Mean elevation
+    hru_columns.append('hru_lat double precision') # Latitude of centroid
+    hru_columns.append('hru_slope double precision') # Mean slope [percent]
+    # Basic Physical Attributes (Other)
+    #hru_columns.append('hru_type integer') # 0=inactive; 1=land; 2=lake; 3=swale; almost all will be 1
+    #hru_columns.append('elev_units integer') # 0=feet; 1=meters. 0=default. I think I will set this to 1 by default.
+    # Measured input
+    hru_columns.append('outlet_sta integer') # Index of streamflow station at basin outlet:
+                                             # station number if it has one, 0 if not
+    # Note that the below specify projections and note lat/lon; they really seem
+    # to work for any projected coordinates, with _x, _y, in meters, and _xlong, 
+    # _ylat, in feet (i.e. they are just northing and easting). The meters and feet
+    # are not just simple conversions, but actually are required for different
+    # modules in the code, and are hence redundant but intentional.
+    hru_columns.append('hru_x double precision') # Easting [m]
+    hru_columns.append('hru_xlong double precision') # Easting [feet]
+    hru_columns.append('hru_y double precision') # Northing [m]
+    hru_columns.append('hru_ylat double precision') # Northing [feet]
+    # Streamflow and lake routing
+    hru_columns.append('K_coef double precision') # Travel time of flood wave to next downstream segment;
+                                                  # this is the Muskingum storage coefficient
+                                                  # 1.0 for reservoirs, diversions, and segments flowing
+                                                  # out of the basin
+    hru_columns.append('x_coef double precision') # Amount of attenuation of flow wave;
+                                                  # this is the Muskingum routing weighting factor
+                                                  # range: 0.0--0.5; default 0.2
+                                                  # 0 for all segments flowing out of the basin
+    hru_columns.append('hru_segment integer') # ID of stream segment to which flow will be routed
+                                              # this is for non-cascade routing (flow goes directly
+                                              # from HRU to stream segment)
+    hru_columns.append('obsin_segment integer') # Index of measured streamflow station that replaces
+                                                # inflow to a segment
+    # Create strings
+    hru_columns = ",".join(hru_columns)
+    # Add columns to tables
+    v.db_addcolumn(map=HRU, columns=hru_columns, quiet=True)
+    ###########################
+    ###########################
+    colNames = np.array(gscript.vector_db_select(HRU, layer=1)['columns'])
+    colValues = np.array(gscript.vector_db_select(HRU, layer=1)['values'].values())
+    number_of_hrus = colValues.shape[0]
+    cats = colValues[:,colNames == 'cat'].astype(int).squeeze()
+    rnums = colValues[:,colNames == 'rnum'].astype(int).squeeze()
+    nhru = np.arange(1, number_of_hrus + 1)
+    nhrut = []
+    for i in range(len(nhru)):
+      nhrut.append( (nhru[i], cats[i]) )
+    # Access the HRUs 
+    hru = VectorTopo(HRU)
+    # Open the map with topology:
+    hru.open('rw')
+    # Create a cursor
+    cur = hru.table.conn.cursor()
+    # Use it to loop across the table
+    cur.executemany("update "+HRU+" set id=? where cat=?", nhrut)
+    # Commit changes to the table
+    hru.table.conn.commit()
+    # Close the table
+    hru.close()
+    """
+    v.db_addcolumn(map=basins, columns='id int', quiet=True)
+    basins = VectorTopo(basins)
+    basins.open('rw')
+    cur = basins.table.conn.cursor()
+    cur.executemany("update basins set id=? where cat=?", nhrut)
+    basins.table.conn.commit()
+    basins.close()
+    """
+    # if you want to append to table
+    # cur.executemany("update HRU(id) values(?)", nhrut) # "insert into" will add rows
+    #hru_columns.append('hru_area double precision')
+    # Acres b/c USGS
+    v.to_db(map=HRU, option='area', columns='hru_area', units='acres', quiet=True)
+    v.to_db(map=HRU, option='area', columns='hru_area_m2', units='meters', quiet=True)
+    # SLOPE (and aspect) 
+    #####################
+    v.rast_stats(map=HRU, raster=slope, method='average', column_prefix='tmp', flags='c', quiet=True)
+    v.db_update(map=HRU, column='hru_slope', query_column='tmp_average', quiet=True)
+    # ASPECT
+    #########
+    v.db_dropcolumn(map=HRU, columns='tmp_average', quiet=True)
+    # Dealing with conversion from degrees (no good average) to something I can
+    # average -- x- and y-vectors
+    # Geographic coordinates, so sin=x, cos=y.... not that it matters so long 
+    # as I am consistent in how I return to degrees
+    r.mapcalc('aspect_x = sin(' + aspect + ')', overwrite=gscript.overwrite(), quiet=True)
+    r.mapcalc('aspect_y = cos(' + aspect + ')', overwrite=gscript.overwrite(), quiet=True)
+    #grass.run_command('v.db.addcolumn', map=HRU, columns='aspect_x_sum double precision, aspect_y_sum double precision, ncells_in_hru integer')
+    v.rast_stats(map=HRU, raster='aspect_x', method='sum', column_prefix='aspect_x', flags='c', quiet=True)
+    v.rast_stats(map=HRU, raster='aspect_y', method='sum', column_prefix='aspect_y', flags='c', quiet=True)
+    hru = VectorTopo(HRU)
+    hru.open('rw')
+    cur = hru.table.conn.cursor()
+    cur.execute("SELECT cat,aspect_x_sum,aspect_y_sum FROM %s" %hru.name)
+    _arr = np.array(cur.fetchall()).astype(float)
+    _cat = _arr[:,0]
+    _aspect_x_sum = _arr[:,1]
+    _aspect_y_sum = _arr[:,2]
+    aspect_angle = np.arctan2(_aspect_y_sum, _aspect_x_sum) * 180. / np.pi
+    aspect_angle[aspect_angle < 0] += 360 # all positive
+    aspect_angle_cat = np.vstack((aspect_angle, _cat)).transpose()
+    cur.executemany("update "+ HRU +" set hru_aspect=? where cat=?", aspect_angle_cat)
+    hru.table.conn.commit()
+    hru.close()
+    ############
+    v.rast_stats(map=HRU, raster=elevation, method='average', column_prefix='tmp', flags='c', quiet=True)
+    v.db_update(map=HRU, column='hru_elev', query_column='tmp_average', quiet=True)
+    v.db_dropcolumn(map=HRU, columns='tmp_average', quiet=True)
+    # CENTROIDS -- NEED FIXING FOR TRUE CENTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+    ############
+    # get x,y of centroid -- but have areas not in database table, that do have
+    # centroids, and having a hard time finding a good way to get rid of them!
+    # They have duplicate category values!
+    # Perhaps these are little dangles on the edges of the vectorization where
+    # the raster value was the same but pinched out into 1-a few cells?
+    # From looking at map, lots of extra centroids on area boundaries, and removing
+    # small areas (though threshold hard to guess) gets rid of these
+    v.db_addcolumn(map=HRU, columns='centroid_x double precision, centroid_y double precision', quiet=True)
+    v.to_db(map=HRU, type='centroid', columns='centroid_x, centroid_y', option='coor', units='meters', quiet=True)
+    # hru_columns.append('hru_lat double precision') # Latitude of centroid
+    colNames = np.array(gscript.vector_db_select(HRU, layer=1)['columns'])
+    colValues = np.array(gscript.vector_db_select(HRU, layer=1)['values'].values())
+    xy = colValues[:,(colNames=='centroid_x') + (colNames=='centroid_y')]
+    np.savetxt('_xy.txt', xy, delimiter='|', fmt='%s')
+    m.proj(flags='od', input='_xy.txt', output='_lonlat.txt', overwrite=True, quiet=True)
+    lonlat = np.genfromtxt('_lonlat.txt', delimiter='|',)[:,:2]
+    lonlat_cat = np.concatenate((lonlat, np.expand_dims(_cat, 2)), axis=1)
+    # why not just get lon too?
+    v.db_addcolumn(map=HRU, columns='hru_lon double precision')
+    hru = VectorTopo(HRU)
+    hru.open('rw')
+    cur = hru.table.conn.cursor()
+    cur.executemany("update "+ HRU +" set hru_lon=?, hru_lat=? where cat=?", lonlat_cat)
+    hru.table.conn.commit()
+    hru.close()
+    # FIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+    # AREAS
+    # Pygrass to find area edges / cells, and get the center?
+    # https://grass.osgeo.org/grass70/manuals/libpython/pygrass.vector.html
+    # Easting and Northing for other columns
+    v.db_update(map=HRU, column='hru_x', query_column='centroid_x', quiet=True)
+    v.db_update(map=HRU, column='hru_xlong', query_column='centroid_x*3.28084', quiet=True) # feet
+    v.db_update(map=HRU, column='hru_y', query_column='centroid_y', quiet=True)
+    v.db_update(map=HRU, column='hru_ylat', query_column='centroid_y*3.28084', quiet=True) # feet
+    # ID NUMBER
+    ############
+    """
+    hru = VectorTopo(HRU)
+    hru.open('rw')
+    cur = hru.table.conn.cursor()
+    cur.executemany("update "+HRU+" set hru_segment=? where id=?", hru_segmentt)
+    hru.table.conn.commit()
+    hru.close()
+    """
+    # Segment number = HRU ID number
+    v.db_update(map=HRU, column='hru_segment', query_column='id', quiet=True)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.reaches/Makefile
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.reaches/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.reaches/Makefile	2017-09-28 06:08:49 UTC (rev 71511)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+PGM = v.gsflow.reaches
+include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Script.make
+default: script

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.reaches/v.gsflow.reaches.html
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.reaches/v.gsflow.reaches.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.reaches/v.gsflow.reaches.html	2017-09-28 06:08:49 UTC (rev 71511)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<em>v.gsflow.reaches</em> produces channel "reaches", which are the intersection between PRMS stream segments and MODFLOW grid cells, for the USGS combined groundwater and surface-water model GSFLOW.
+Ng, G.-H. C., A. D. Wickert, R. L. McLaughlin, J. La Frenierre, S. Liess, and L. Sabeeri (2016),
+Modeling the role of groundwater and vegetation in the hydrological response of tropical
+glaciated watersheds to climate change, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, H13L–1590, San
+Francisco, CA.
+<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+<a href="v.gsflow.export">v.gsflow.export</a>
+<a href="v.gsflow.gravres">v.gsflow.gravres</a>
+<a href="v.gsflow.grid">v.gsflow.grid</a>
+<a href="v.gsflow.hruparams">v.gsflow.hruparams</a>
+<a href="v.gsflow.segments">v.gsflow.segments</a>
+<a href="v.stream.inbasin">v.stream.inbasin</a>
+<a href="v.stream.network">v.stream.network</a>
+Andrew D. Wickert<br>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date 2016-09-27$</i>

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.reaches/v.gsflow.reaches.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.reaches/v.gsflow.reaches.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.reaches/v.gsflow.reaches.py	2017-09-28 06:08:49 UTC (rev 71511)
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# MODULE:       v.gsflow.reaches
+# AUTHOR(S):    Andrew Wickert
+# PURPOSE:      Build reaches (intersection of PRMS Segments and MODFLOW
+#               grid cells) for the GSFLOW (all USGS models)
+# COPYRIGHT:    (c) 2016-2017 Andrew Wickert
+#               This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+#               License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+#               for details.
+#      -  uses inputs from r.stream.extract
+# More information
+# Started December 2016
+#% description: Build stream "reaches" that link PRMS segments to MODFLOW cells
+#% keyword: vector
+#% keyword: stream network
+#% keyword: hydrology
+#% keyword: GSFLOW
+#%option G_OPT_V_INPUT
+#%  key: segment_input
+#%  label: PRMS stream segments
+#%  required: yes
+#%  guidependency: layer,column
+#%option G_OPT_V_INPUT
+#%  key: grid_input
+#%  label: MODFLOW grid
+#%  required: yes
+#%  guidependency: layer,column
+#%option G_OPT_R_INPUT
+#%  key: elevation
+#%  label: DEM for slope along reaches
+#%  required: yes
+#%  guidependency: layer,column
+#%option G_OPT_V_OUTPUT
+#%  key: output
+#%  label: Reaches for GSFLOW
+#%  required: yes
+#%  guidependency: layer,column
+#%  key: s_min
+#%  type: double
+#%  description: Minimum reach slope
+#%  answer: 0.0001
+#%  required: no
+#%  key: h_stream
+#%  type: double
+#%  description: Stream channel depth (bank height) [m]
+#%  answer: 1
+#%  required: no
+#%  key: upstream_easting_column_seg
+#%  type: string
+#%  description: Upstream easting (or x or lon) column name
+#%  answer: x1
+#%  required : no
+#%  key: upstream_northing_column_seg
+#%  type: string
+#%  description: Upstream northing (or y or lat) column name
+#%  answer: y1
+#%  required : no
+#%  key: downstream_easting_column_seg
+#%  type: string
+#%  description: Downstream easting (or x or lon) column name
+#%  answer: x2
+#%  required : no
+#%  key: downstream_northing_column_seg
+#%  type: string
+#%  description: Downstream northing (or y or lat) column name
+#%  answer: y2
+#%  required : no
+#%  key: tostream_cat_column_seg
+#%  type: string
+#%  description: Adjacent downstream segment cat (0 = offmap)
+#%  answer: tostream
+#%  required : no
+import numpy as np
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+import sys
+import warnings
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import general as g
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import raster as r
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import vector as v
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import miscellaneous as m
+from grass.pygrass.gis import region
+from grass.pygrass import vector # Change to "v"?
+from grass.script import vector_db_select
+from grass.pygrass.vector import Vector, VectorTopo
+from grass.pygrass.raster import RasterRow
+from grass.pygrass import utils
+from grass import script as gscript
+def main():
+    """
+    Builds river reaches for input to the USGS hydrologic model, GSFLOW.
+    These reaches link the PRMS stream segments to the MODFLOW grid cells.
+    """
+    options, flags = gscript.parser()
+    segments = options['segment_input']
+    grid = options['grid_input']
+    reaches = options['output']
+    elevation = options['elevation']
+    Smin = options['s_min']
+    h_stream = options['h_stream']
+    x1 = options['upstream_easting_column_seg']
+    y1 = options['upstream_northing_column_seg']
+    x2 = options['downstream_easting_column_seg']
+    y2 = options['downstream_northing_column_seg']
+    tostream = options['tostream_cat_column_seg']
+    # Build reach maps by overlaying segments on grid
+    if len(gscript.find_file(segments, element='vector')['name']) > 0:
+        v.extract(input=segments, output='GSFLOW_TEMP__', type='line', quiet=True, overwrite=True)
+        v.overlay(ainput='GSFLOW_TEMP__', atype='line', binput=grid, output=reaches, operator='and', overwrite=gscript.overwrite(), quiet=True)
+        g.remove(type='vector', name='GSFLOW_TEMP__', quiet=True, flags='f')
+    else:
+        gscript.fatal('No vector file "'+segments+'" found.')
+    # Start editing database table
+    reachesTopo = VectorTopo(reaches)
+    reachesTopo.open('rw')
+    # Rename a,b columns
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.rename('a_'+x1, 'x1')
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.rename('a_'+x2, 'x2')
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.rename('a_'+y1, 'y1')
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.rename('a_'+y2, 'y2')
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.rename('a_NSEG', 'NSEG')
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.rename('a_ISEG', 'ISEG')
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.rename('a_stream_type', 'stream_type')
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.rename('a_type_code', 'type_code')
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.rename('a_cat', 'rnum_cat')
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.rename('a_'+tostream, 'tostream')
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.rename('a_id', 'segment_id')
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.rename('a_OUTSEG', 'OUTSEG')
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.rename('b_row', 'row')
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.rename('b_col', 'col')
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.rename('b_id', 'cell_id')
+    # Drop unnecessary columns
+    cols = reachesTopo.table.columns.names()
+    for col in cols:
+        if (col[:2] == 'a_') or (col[:2] == 'b_'):
+            reachesTopo.table.columns.drop(col)
+    # Add new columns to 'reaches'
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.add('KRCH', 'integer')
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.add('IRCH', 'integer')
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.add('JRCH', 'integer')
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.add('IREACH', 'integer')
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.add('RCHLEN', 'integer')
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.add('STRTOP', 'double precision')
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.add('SLOPE', 'double precision')
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.add('STRTHICK', 'double precision')
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.add('xr1', 'double precision')
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.add('xr2', 'double precision')
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.add('yr1', 'double precision')
+    reachesTopo.table.columns.add('yr2', 'double precision')
+    # Commit columns before editing (necessary?)
+    reachesTopo.table.conn.commit()
+    reachesTopo.close()
+    # Update some columns that can be done now
+    reachesTopo.open('rw')
+    colNames = np.array(gscript.vector_db_select(reaches, layer=1)['columns'])
+    colValues = np.array(gscript.vector_db_select(reaches, layer=1)['values'].values())
+    cats = colValues[:,colNames == 'cat'].astype(int).squeeze()
+    nseg = np.arange(1, len(cats)+1)
+    nseg_cats = []
+    for i in range(len(cats)):
+        nseg_cats.append( (nseg[i], cats[i]) )
+    cur = reachesTopo.table.conn.cursor()
+    cur.execute("update "+reaches+" set KRCH=1") # MAKE A VARIABLE LATER???
+    cur.execute("update "+reaches+" set STRTHICK=0.1") # 10 cm, prescribed -- MAKE A VARIABLE LATER!!!!!
+    cur.executemany("update "+reaches+" set IRCH=? where row=?", nseg_cats)
+    cur.executemany("update "+reaches+" set JRCH=? where col=?", nseg_cats)
+    reachesTopo.table.conn.commit()
+    reachesTopo.close()
+    v.to_db(map=reaches, columns='RCHLEN', option='length', quiet=True)
+    # Still to go after these:
+    # STRTOP (added with slope)
+    # IREACH (whole next section dedicated to this)
+    # SLOPE (need z_start and z_end)
+    # Now, the light stuff is over: time to build the reach order
+    v.to_db(map=reaches, option='start', columns='xr1,yr1')
+    v.to_db(map=reaches, option='end', columns='xr2,yr2')
+    # Now just sort by category, find which stream has the same xr1 and yr1 as
+    # x1 and y1 (or a_x1, a_y1) and then find where its endpoint matches another 
+    # starting point and move down the line.
+    # v.db.select reaches col=cat,a_id,xr1,xr2 where="a_x1 = xr1"
+    # First, get the starting coordinates of each stream segment
+    # and a set of river ID's (ordered from 1...N)
+    colNames = np.array(gscript.vector_db_select(segments, layer=1)['columns'])
+    colValues = np.array(gscript.vector_db_select(segments, layer=1)['values'].values())
+    number_of_segments = colValues.shape[0]
+    segment_x1s = colValues[:,colNames == 'x1'].astype(float).squeeze()
+    segment_y1s = colValues[:,colNames == 'y1'].astype(float).squeeze()
+    segment_ids = colValues[:,colNames == 'id'].astype(float).squeeze()
+    # Then move back to the reaches map to produce the ordering
+    colNames = np.array(gscript.vector_db_select(reaches, layer=1)['columns'])
+    colValues = np.array(gscript.vector_db_select(reaches, layer=1)['values'].values())
+    reach_cats = colValues[:,colNames == 'cat'].astype(int).squeeze()
+    reach_x1s = colValues[:,colNames == 'xr1'].astype(float).squeeze()
+    reach_y1s = colValues[:,colNames == 'yr1'].astype(float).squeeze()
+    reach_x2s = colValues[:,colNames == 'xr2'].astype(float).squeeze()
+    reach_y2s = colValues[:,colNames == 'yr2'].astype(float).squeeze()
+    segment_ids__reach = colValues[:,colNames == 'segment_id'].astype(float).squeeze()
+    for segment_id in segment_ids:
+        reach_order_cats = []
+        downstream_directed = []
+        ssel = segment_ids == segment_id
+        rsel = segment_ids__reach == segment_id # selector
+        # Find first segment: x1y1 first here, but not necessarily later
+        downstream_directed.append(1)
+        _x_match = reach_x1s[rsel] == segment_x1s[ssel]
+        _y_match = reach_y1s[rsel] == segment_y1s[ssel]
+        _i_match = _x_match * _y_match
+        x1y1 = True # false if x2y2
+        # Find cat
+        _cat = int(reach_cats[rsel][_x_match * _y_match])
+        reach_order_cats.append(_cat)
+        # Get end of reach = start of next one
+        reach_x_end = float(reach_x2s[reach_cats == _cat])
+        reach_y_end = float(reach_y2s[reach_cats == _cat])
+        while _i_match.any():
+            _x_match = reach_x1s[rsel] == reach_x_end
+            _y_match = reach_y1s[rsel] == reach_y_end
+            _i_match = _x_match * _y_match
+            if _i_match.any():
+                _cat = int(reach_cats[rsel][_x_match * _y_match])
+                reach_x_end = float(reach_x2s[reach_cats == _cat])
+                reach_y_end = float(reach_y2s[reach_cats == _cat])
+                reach_order_cats.append(_cat)
+        print len(reach_order_cats), len(reach_cats[rsel])
+        # Reach order to database table
+        reach_number__reach_order_cats = []
+        for i in range(len(reach_order_cats)):
+            reach_number__reach_order_cats.append( (i+1, reach_order_cats[i]) )
+        reachesTopo = VectorTopo(reaches)
+        reachesTopo.open('rw')
+        cur = reachesTopo.table.conn.cursor()
+        cur.executemany("update "+reaches+" set IREACH=? where cat=?", 
+                        reach_number__reach_order_cats)
+        reachesTopo.table.conn.commit()
+        reachesTopo.close()
+    # Compute slope and starting elevations from the elevations at the start and 
+    # end of the reaches and the length of each reach]
+    gscript.message('Obtaining elevation values from raster: may take time.')
+    v.db_addcolumn(map=reaches, columns='zr1 double precision, zr2 double precision')
+    zr1 = []
+    zr2 = []
+    for i in range(len(reach_cats)):
+        _x = reach_x1s[i]
+        _y = reach_y1s[i]
+        _z = float(gscript.parse_command('r.what', map=elevation, coordinates=str(_x)+','+str(_y)).keys()[0].split('|')[-1])
+        zr1.append(_z)
+        _x = reach_x2s[i]
+        _y = reach_y2s[i]
+        _z = float(gscript.parse_command('r.what', map=elevation, coordinates=str(_x)+','+str(_y)).keys()[0].split('|')[-1])
+        zr2.append(_z)
+    zr1_cats = []
+    zr2_cats = []
+    for i in range(len(reach_cats)):
+        zr1_cats.append( (zr1[i], reach_cats[i]) )
+        zr2_cats.append( (zr2[i], reach_cats[i]) )
+    reachesTopo = VectorTopo(reaches)
+    reachesTopo.open('rw')
+    cur = reachesTopo.table.conn.cursor()
+    cur.executemany("update "+reaches+" set zr1=? where cat=?", zr1_cats)
+    cur.executemany("update "+reaches+" set zr2=? where cat=?", zr2_cats)
+    reachesTopo.table.conn.commit()
+    reachesTopo.close()
+    # Use these to create slope -- backwards possible on DEM!
+    v.db_update(map=reaches, column='SLOPE', value='(zr1 - zr2)/RCHLEN')
+    v.db_update(map=reaches, column='SLOPE', value=Smin, where='SLOPE <= '+str(Smin))
+    ## srtm_local_filled_grid = srtm_local_filled @ 200m (i.e. current grid)
+    ##  resolution
+    ## r.to.vect in=srtm_local_filled_grid out=srtm_local_filled_grid col=z type=area --o#
+    #v.db_addcolumn(map=reaches, columns='z_topo_mean double precision')
+    #v.what_vect(map=reaches, query_map='srtm_local_filled_grid', column='z_topo_mean', query_column='z')
+    #v.db_update(map=reaches, column='STRTOP', value='z_topo_mean -'+str(h_stream))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.segments/Makefile
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.segments/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.segments/Makefile	2017-09-28 06:08:49 UTC (rev 71511)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+PGM = v.gsflow.segments
+include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Script.make
+default: script

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.segments/v.gsflow.segments.html
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.segments/v.gsflow.segments.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.segments/v.gsflow.segments.html	2017-09-28 06:08:49 UTC (rev 71511)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<em>v.gsflow.segments</em> produces channel segments that are each one link in the full drainage network. Each segment also corresponds to a hydrologic response unit (HRU) in this formulation. These are used for the USGS combined groundwater (MODFLOW) and surface-water (PRMS) model GSFLOW.
+Ng, G.-H. C., A. D. Wickert, R. L. McLaughlin, J. La Frenierre, S. Liess, and L. Sabeeri (2016),
+Modeling the role of groundwater and vegetation in the hydrological response of tropical
+glaciated watersheds to climate change, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, H13L–1590, San
+Francisco, CA.
+<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+<a href="v.gsflow.export">v.gsflow.export</a>
+<a href="v.gsflow.gravres">v.gsflow.gravres</a>
+<a href="v.gsflow.grid">v.gsflow.grid</a>
+<a href="v.gsflow.hruparams">v.gsflow.hruparams</a>
+<a href="v.gsflow.reaches">v.gsflow.reaches</a>
+<a href="v.gsflow.segments">v.gsflow.segments</a>
+<a href="v.stream.inbasin">v.stream.inbasin</a>
+<a href="v.stream.network">v.stream.network</a>
+Andrew D. Wickert<br>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date 2016-09-27$</i>

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.segments/v.gsflow.segments.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.segments/v.gsflow.segments.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.gsflow.segments/v.gsflow.segments.py	2017-09-28 06:08:49 UTC (rev 71511)
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# MODULE:       v.gsflow.segments
+# AUTHOR(S):    Andrew Wickert
+# PURPOSE:      Build stream segments for the USGS models MODFLOW or GSFLOW.
+# COPYRIGHT:    (c) 2016-2017 Andrew Wickert
+#               This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+#               License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+#               for details.
+#      -  uses inputs from v.stream.network
+# More information
+# Started December 2016
+#% description: Prepares stream segments for PRMS and GSFLOW
+#% keyword: vector
+#% keyword: stream network
+#% keyword: hydrology
+#% keyword: GSFLOW
+#%option G_OPT_V_INPUT
+#%  key: input
+#%  label: Vector stream network from r.stream.extract
+#%  required: yes
+#%  guidependency: layer,column
+#%option G_OPT_V_OUTPUT
+#%  key: output
+#%  label: Segments: stream segments for GSFLOW / PRMS
+#%  required: yes
+#%  guidependency: layer,column
+#%  key: ICALC
+#%  type: integer
+#%  description: Stream depth option: 0-const; 1,2-Manning; 3-aQ^b
+#%  answer: 3
+#%  required: no
+#%  key: CDPTH
+#%  type: double
+#%  description: Flow depth coefficient; used if ICALC=3
+#%  answer: 0.25
+#%  required: no
+#%  key: FDPTH
+#%  type: double
+#%  description: Flow depth exponent; used if ICALC=3
+#%  answer: 0.4
+#%  required: no
+#%  key: AWDTH
+#%  type: double
+#%  description: Flow width coefficient; used if ICALC=3
+#%  answer: 8
+#%  required: no
+#%  key: BWDTH
+#%  type: double
+#%  description: Flow width exponent; used if ICALC=3
+#%  answer: 0.5
+#%  required: no
+#%  key: IUPSEG
+#%  type: string
+#%  description: Category of upstream diversion segment (from_cat,to_cat,...)
+#%  answer: 0,0
+#%  required: no
+#%  key: FLOW
+#%  type: string
+#%  description: Streamflow entering the upstream-most segments (cat,Q,cat,Q,...)
+#%  answer: 0,0
+#%  required: no
+#%  key: RUNOFF
+#%  type: string
+#%  description: Diffuse runoff entering each segment (cat,Q,cat,Q,...)
+#%  answer: 0,0
+#%  required: no
+#%  key: ETSW
+#%  type: string
+#%  description: Direct removal of in-channel water by ET (cat,Q,cat,Q)
+#%  answer: 0,0
+#%  required: no
+#%  key: PPTSW
+#%  type: string
+#%  description: Direct precipitation on the stream
+#%  answer: 0,0
+#%  required: no
+#%  key: PPTSW
+#%  type: string
+#%  description: Direct precipitation on the stream
+#%  answer: 0,0
+#%  required: no
+#%  key: ROUGHCH
+#%  type: double
+#%  description: In-channel Manning's n for ICALC=1,2
+#%  answer: 0.035
+#%  required: no
+#%  key: ROUGHBK
+#%  type: double
+#%  description: Overbank Manning's n for ICALC=2
+#%  answer: 0.06
+#%  required: no
+#%  key: WIDTH1
+#%  type: double
+#%  description: Upstream width in segment, assumed constant through watershed
+#%  answer: 5
+#%  required: no
+#%  key: WIDTH2
+#%  type: double
+#%  description: Downstream width in segment, assumed constant through watershed
+#%  answer: 5
+#%  required: no
+import numpy as np
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+import sys
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import general as g
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import raster as r
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import vector as v
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import miscellaneous as m
+from grass.pygrass.gis import region
+from grass.pygrass import vector # Change to "v"?
+from grass.script import vector_db_select
+from grass.pygrass.vector import Vector, VectorTopo
+from grass.pygrass.raster import RasterRow
+from grass.pygrass import utils
+from grass import script as gscript
+def main():
+    """
+    Builds river segments for input to the USGS hydrologic models
+    PRMS and GSFLOW.
+    """
+    ##################
+    ##################
+    options, flags = gscript.parser()
+    # I/O
+    streams = options['input']
+    segments = options['output']
+    # Hydraulic geometry
+    ICALC = options['ICALC']
+    # ICALC=0: Constant depth
+    WIDTH1 = options['WIDTH1']
+    WIDTH2 = options['WIDTH2']
+    # ICALC=1: Manning
+    ROUGHCH = options['ROUGHCH']
+    # ICALC=2: Manning
+    ROUGHBK = options['ROUGHBK']
+    # ICALC=3: Power-law relationships (following Leopold and others)
+    CDPTH = options['CDPTH']
+    FDPTH = options['FDPTH']
+    AWDTH = options['AWDTH']
+    BWDTH = options['BWDTH']
+    ##################################################
+    ##################################################
+    if ICALC == 3:
+        if CDPTH and FDPTH and AWDTH and BWDTH:
+            pass
+        else:
+            grass.fatal('Missing CDPTH, FDPTH, AWDTH, and/or BWDTH. \
+                         These are required when ICALC = 3.')
+    ###########
+    # RUNNING #
+    ###########
+    # New Columns for Segments
+    segment_columns = []
+    # Self ID
+    segment_columns.append('id integer') # segment number
+    segment_columns.append('ISEG integer') # segment number
+    segment_columns.append('NSEG integer') # segment number
+    # for GSFLOW
+    segment_columns.append('ICALC integer') # 3 for power function
+    segment_columns.append('OUTSEG integer') # downstream segment -- tostream, renumbered
+    segment_columns.append('ROUGHCH double precision') # overbank roughness
+    segment_columns.append('ROUGHBK double precision') # in-channel roughness
+    segment_columns.append('WIDTH1 double precision') # overbank roughness
+    segment_columns.append('WIDTH2 double precision') # in-channel roughness
+    segment_columns.append('CDPTH double precision') # depth coeff
+    segment_columns.append('FDPTH double precision') # depth exp
+    segment_columns.append('AWDTH double precision') # width coeff
+    segment_columns.append('BWDTH double precision') # width exp
+    # The below will be all 0
+    segment_columns.append('IUPSEG integer') # upstream segment ID number, for diversions
+    segment_columns.append('FLOW integer')
+    segment_columns.append('RUNOFF integer')
+    segment_columns.append('ETSW integer')
+    segment_columns.append('PPTSW integer')
+    segment_columns = ",".join(segment_columns)
+    # Create a map to work with
+    g.copy(vector=(streams, segments), overwrite=gscript.overwrite())
+    # and add its columns
+    v.db_addcolumn(map=segments, columns=segment_columns)
+    # Produce the data table entries
+    ##################################
+    colNames = np.array(gscript.vector_db_select(segments, layer=1)['columns'])
+    colValues = np.array(gscript.vector_db_select(segments, layer=1)['values'].values())
+    number_of_segments = colValues.shape[0]
+    cats = colValues[:,colNames == 'cat'].astype(int).squeeze()
+    nseg = np.arange(1, len(cats)+1)
+    nseg_cats = []
+    for i in range(len(cats)):
+        nseg_cats.append( (nseg[i], cats[i]) )
+    segmentsTopo = VectorTopo(segments)
+    segmentsTopo.open('rw')
+    cur = segmentsTopo.table.conn.cursor()
+    # id = cat (as does ISEG and NSEG)
+    cur.executemany("update "+segments+" set id=? where cat=?", nseg_cats)
+    cur.executemany("update "+segments+" set ISEG=? where cat=?", nseg_cats)
+    cur.executemany("update "+segments+" set NSEG=? where cat=?", nseg_cats)
+    # outseg = tostream
+    cur.executemany("update "+segments+" set OUTSEG=? where tostream=?", nseg_cats)
+    # Discharge and hydraulic geometry
+    cur.execute("update "+segments+" set WIDTH1="+str(WIDTH1))
+    cur.execute("update "+segments+" set WIDTH2="+str(WIDTH2))
+    cur.execute("update "+segments+" set ROUGHCH="+str(ROUGHCH))
+    cur.execute("update "+segments+" set ROUGHBK="+str(ROUGHBK))
+    cur.execute("update "+segments+" set ICALC="+str(ICALC))
+    cur.execute("update "+segments+" set CDPTH="+str(CDPTH))
+    cur.execute("update "+segments+" set FDPTH="+str(FDPTH))
+    cur.execute("update "+segments+" set AWDTH="+str(AWDTH))
+    cur.execute("update "+segments+" set BWDTH="+str(BWDTH))
+    gscript.message('')
+    gscript.message('NOTICE: not currently used:')
+    gscript.message('IUPSEG, FLOW, RUNOFF, ETSW, and PPTSW.')
+    gscript.message('All set to 0.')
+    gscript.message('')
+    # values that are 0
+    cur.execute("update "+segments+" set IUPSEG="+str(0))
+    cur.execute("update "+segments+" set FLOW="+str(0))
+    cur.execute("update "+segments+" set RUNOFF="+str(0))
+    cur.execute("update "+segments+" set ETSW="+str(0))
+    cur.execute("update "+segments+" set PPTSW="+str(0))
+    segmentsTopo.table.conn.commit()
+    segmentsTopo.close()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.stream.inbasin/Makefile
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.stream.inbasin/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.stream.inbasin/Makefile	2017-09-28 06:08:49 UTC (rev 71511)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+PGM = v.stream.inbasin
+include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Script.make
+default: script

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.stream.inbasin/v.stream.inbasin.html
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.stream.inbasin/v.stream.inbasin.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.stream.inbasin/v.stream.inbasin.html	2017-09-28 06:08:49 UTC (rev 71511)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<em>v.stream.inbasin</em> uses the output of v.stream.network to select only those streams (and sub-basins) that are upstream of (and inclusive of) a selected link in the network. It is used as a step to develop GSFLOW model inputs for a watershed, but need not be exclusively used for that purpose.
+Ng, G.-H. C., A. D. Wickert, R. L. McLaughlin, J. La Frenierre, S. Liess, and L. Sabeeri (2016),
+Modeling the role of groundwater and vegetation in the hydrological response of tropical
+glaciated watersheds to climate change, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, H13L–1590, San
+Francisco, CA.
+<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+<a href="v.gsflow.hruparams">v.gsflow.hruparams</a>
+<a href="v.gsflow.segments">v.gsflow.segments</a>
+<a href="v.stream.network">v.stream.network</a>
+Andrew D. Wickert<br>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date 2016-09-27$</i>

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.stream.inbasin/v.stream.inbasin.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.stream.inbasin/v.stream.inbasin.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.stream.inbasin/v.stream.inbasin.py	2017-09-28 06:08:49 UTC (rev 71511)
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# MODULE:       v.stream.inbasin
+# AUTHOR(S):    Andrew Wickert
+# PURPOSE:      Build a drainage basin from the subwatersheds of a river  
+#               network, based on the structure of the network.
+# COPYRIGHT:    (c) 2016 Andrew Wickert
+#               This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+#               License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+#               for details.
+#      -  uses inputs from v.stream.network
+# More information
+# Started 14 October 2016
+#% description: Subset a stream network into just one of its basins
+#% keyword: vector
+#% keyword: stream network
+#% keyword: basins
+#% keyword: hydrology
+#% keyword: geomorphology
+#%option G_OPT_V_INPUT
+#%  key: input_streams
+#%  label: Stream network
+#%  required: yes
+#%option G_OPT_V_INPUT
+#%  key: input_basins
+#%  label: Subbasins built alongside stream network
+#%  required: no
+#%  key: cat
+#%  label: Farthest downstream segment category
+#%  required: yes
+#%  guidependency: layer,column
+#%option G_OPT_V_OUTPUT
+#%  key: output_basin
+#%  label: Vector output drainage basin
+#%  required: no
+#%option G_OPT_V_OUTPUT
+#%  key: output_streams
+#%  label: Streams within vector output drainage basin
+#%  required: no
+#%option G_OPT_V_OUTPUT
+#%  key: output_pour_point
+#%  label: Basin outlet
+#%  required: no
+import numpy as np
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+import sys
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import general as g
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import raster as r
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import vector as v
+from grass.pygrass.gis import region
+from grass.pygrass import vector # Change to "v"?
+from grass.script import vector_db_select
+from grass.pygrass.vector import Vector, VectorTopo
+from grass.pygrass.raster import RasterRow
+from grass.pygrass import utils
+from grass import script as gscript
+from grass.pygrass.vector.geometry import Point
+def find_upstream_segments(cats, tostream, cat):
+    """
+    Find segments immediately upstream of the given one
+    """
+    pass
+def main():
+    """
+    Links each river segment to the next downstream segment in a tributary 
+    network by referencing its category (cat) number in a new column. "0"
+    means that the river exits the map.
+    """
+    options, flags = gscript.parser()
+    streams = options['input_streams']
+    basins = options['input_basins']
+    cat = options['cat']
+    output_basins = options['output_basin']
+    output_streams = options['output_streams']
+    output_pour_point = options['output_pour_point']
+    #print options
+    #print flags
+    # Attributes of streams
+    colNames = np.array(vector_db_select(streams)['columns'])
+    colValues = np.array(vector_db_select(streams)['values'].values())
+    tostream = colValues[:,colNames == 'tostream'].astype(int).squeeze()
+    cats = colValues[:,colNames == 'cat'].astype(int).squeeze() # = "fromstream"
+    # Find network
+    basincats = [cat] # start here
+    most_upstream_cats = [cat] # all of those for which new cats must be sought
+    while True:
+        if len(most_upstream_cats) == 0:
+            break
+        tmp = list(most_upstream_cats) # copy to a temp file: old values
+        most_upstream_cats = [] # Ready to accept new values
+        for ucat in tmp:
+            most_upstream_cats += list(cats[tostream == int(ucat)])
+            basincats += most_upstream_cats
+    basincats = list(set(list(basincats)))
+    basincats_str = ','.join(map(str, basincats))
+    # Many basins out -- need to use overwrite flag in future!
+    #SQL_OR = 'rnum = ' + ' OR rnum = '.join(map(str, basincats))
+    SQL_OR = 'cat = ' + ' OR cat = '.join(map(str, basincats))
+    if len(basins) > 0:
+        v.extract(input=basins, output=output_basins, where=SQL_OR, overwrite=gscript.overwrite(), quiet=True)
+    if len(streams) > 0:
+        v.extract(input=streams, output=output_streams, cats=basincats_str, overwrite=gscript.overwrite(), quiet=True)
+    if len(output_pour_point) > 0:
+        _pp = gscript.vector_db_select(map=streams, columns='x2,y2', where='cat='+str(cat))
+        _xy = np.squeeze(_pp['values'].values())
+        _x = float(_xy[0])
+        _y = float(_xy[1])
+        try:
+            v.db_droptable(table=output_pour_point, flags='f')
+        except:
+            pass
+        pptmp = vector.Vector(output_pour_point)
+        _cols = [(u'cat',       'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'),
+                 (u'x',         'DOUBLE PRECISION'),
+                 (u'y',         'DOUBLE PRECISION')]
+        pptmp.open('w', tab_name=output_pour_point, tab_cols=_cols)
+        point0 = Point(_x,_y)
+        pptmp.write(point0, cat=1, attrs=(str(_x), str(_y)), )
+        pptmp.table.conn.commit()
+        pptmp.build()
+        pptmp.close()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.stream.network/Makefile
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.stream.network/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.stream.network/Makefile	2017-09-28 06:08:49 UTC (rev 71511)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+PGM = v.stream.network
+include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Script.make
+default: script

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.stream.network/v.stream.network.html
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.stream.network/v.stream.network.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.stream.network/v.stream.network.html	2017-09-28 06:08:49 UTC (rev 71511)
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+<em>v.stream.network</em> populates the attribute table of a river network built by <a href="r.stream.extract"><em>r.stream.extract</em></a> with five new columns that define the nodes and links within a river network. These are (default names given):
+  <li><em>x1</em>, <em>y1</em>: upstream coordinates</li>
+  <li><em>x2</em>, <em>y2</em>: downstream coordinates</li>
+  <li><em>tostream</em>: category number of the next stream; is equal to 0 if the stream flows off of the map</li>
+<b>streams</b> is a set of vector lines that is generated by r.stream.extract. It is recommended to be built as follows (Python code):
+<div class="code"><pre>
+# Choose elevation map and threshold
+elevation = srtm
+threshold = 1E6 # [m**2], minimum catchment size = 1 km**2
+# Build a map of cell areas: pick one of these
+# km2 is more intuitive, but 1 km2 is the threshold for the smallest
+# threshold catchment size
+r.mapcalc('cellArea_meters2 = '+str(reg.nsres)+' * '+str(reg.ewres), overwrite=True)
+r.mapcalc("cellArea_km2 = cellArea_meters2 / 10^6", overwrite=True)
+# Use r.watershed to build a drainage basin with units of length**2
+# instead of arbitrary units (cells)
+r.watershed(elevation=elevation, flow='cellArea_meters2', accumulation='drainageArea_m2', drainage='drainageDirection', stream='streams', threshold=thresh, flags='s', overwrite=True)
+# Note that this will include areas of negative (i.e. offmap) flow accumulation
+# Build watershed network using r.stream.extract: single-flow-direction (SFD)
+print "Building drainage network"
+r.stream_extract(elevation=elevation, accumulation='drainageArea_m2', threshold=thresh, d8cut=0, mexp=0, stream_raster='streams', stream_vector='streams', direction='draindir', overwrite=True)
+<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+<a href="r.stream.extract">r.stream.extract</a>
+<a href="v.stream.order">v.stream.order</a>
+None (yet)
+Andrew D. Wickert<br>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date 2016-09-27$</i>

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.stream.network/v.stream.network.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.stream.network/v.stream.network.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.stream.network/v.stream.network.py	2017-09-28 06:08:49 UTC (rev 71511)
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# MODULE:       v.stream.network
+# AUTHOR(S):    Andrew Wickert
+# PURPOSE:      Attach IDs of upstream and downstream nodes as well as the
+#               category value of the next downstream stream segment
+#               (0 if the stream exits the map)
+# COPYRIGHT:    (c) 2016-2017 Andrew Wickert
+#               This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+#               License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+#               for details.
+#      -  uses inputs from r.stream.extract
+# More information
+# Started 14 October 2016
+#% description: Build a linked stream network: each link knows its downstream link
+#% keyword: vector
+#% keyword: stream network
+#% keyword: hydrology
+#% keyword: geomorphology
+#%option G_OPT_V_INPUT
+#%  key: map
+#%  label: Vector stream network from r.stream.extract
+#%  required: yes
+#%  guidependency: layer,column
+#%  key: upstream_easting_column
+#%  type: string
+#%  description: Upstream easting (or x or lon) column name
+#%  answer: x1
+#%  required : no
+#%  key: upstream_northing_column
+#%  type: string
+#%  description: Upstream northing (or y or lat) column name
+#%  answer: y1
+#%  required : no
+#%  key: downstream_easting_column
+#%  type: string
+#%  description: Downstream easting (or x or lon) column name
+#%  answer: x2
+#%  required : no
+#%  key: downstream_northing_column
+#%  type: string
+#%  description: Downstream northing (or y or lat) column name
+#%  answer: y2
+#%  required : no
+#%  key: tostream_cat_column
+#%  type: string
+#%  description: Adjacent downstream segment cat (0 = offmap flow)
+#%  answer: tostream
+#%  required : no
+import numpy as np
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+import sys
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import general as g
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import raster as r
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import vector as v
+from grass.pygrass.gis import region
+from grass.pygrass import vector # Change to "v"?
+from grass.script import vector_db_select
+from grass.pygrass.vector import Vector, VectorTopo
+from grass.pygrass.raster import RasterRow
+from grass.pygrass import utils
+from grass import script as gscript
+def main():
+    """
+    Links each river segment to the next downstream segment in a tributary 
+    network by referencing its category (cat) number in a new column. "0"
+    means that the river exits the map.
+    """
+    options, flags = gscript.parser()
+    streams = options['map']
+    x1 = options['upstream_easting_column']
+    y1 = options['upstream_northing_column']
+    x2 = options['downstream_easting_column']
+    y2 = options['downstream_northing_column']
+    streamsTopo = VectorTopo(streams)
+    #streamsTopo.build()
+    # 1. Get vectorTopo
+    streamsTopo.open(mode='rw')
+    """
+    points_in_streams = []
+    cat_of_line_segment = []
+    # 2. Get coordinates
+    for row in streamsTopo:
+        cat_of_line_segment.append(row.cat)
+        if type(row) == vector.geometry.Line:
+            points_in_streams.append(row)
+    """
+    # 3. Coordinates of points: 1 = start, 2 = end
+    try:
+        streamsTopo.table.columns.add(x1,'double precision')
+    except:
+        pass
+    try:
+        streamsTopo.table.columns.add(y1,'double precision')
+    except:
+        pass
+    try:
+        streamsTopo.table.columns.add(x2,'double precision')
+    except:
+        pass
+    try:
+        streamsTopo.table.columns.add(y2,'double precision')
+    except:
+        pass
+    try:
+        streamsTopo.table.columns.add('tostream','int')
+    except:
+        pass
+    streamsTopo.table.conn.commit()
+    # Is this faster than v.to.db?
+    """
+    cur = streamsTopo.table.conn.cursor()
+    for i in range(len(points_in_streams)):
+        cur.execute("update streams set x1="+str(points_in_streams[i][0].x)+" where cat="+str(cat_of_line_segment[i]))
+        cur.execute("update streams set y1="+str(points_in_streams[i][0].y)+" where cat="+str(cat_of_line_segment[i]))
+        cur.execute("update streams set x2="+str(points_in_streams[i][-1].x)+" where cat="+str(cat_of_line_segment[i]))
+        cur.execute("update streams set y2="+str(points_in_streams[i][-1].y)+" where cat="+str(cat_of_line_segment[i]))
+    streamsTopo.table.conn.commit()
+    streamsTopo.build()
+    """
+    # v.to.db Works more consistently, at least
+    streamsTopo.close()
+    v.to_db(map=streams, option='start', columns=x1+','+y1)
+    v.to_db(map=streams, option='end', columns=x2+','+y2)
+    # 4. Read in and save the start and end coordinate points
+    colNames = np.array(vector_db_select(streams)['columns'])
+    colValues = np.array(vector_db_select(streams)['values'].values())
+    cats = colValues[:,colNames == 'cat'].astype(int).squeeze() # river number
+    xy1 = colValues[:,(colNames == 'x1') + (colNames == 'y1')].astype(float) # upstream
+    xy2 = colValues[:,(colNames == 'x2') + (colNames == 'y2')].astype(float) # downstream
+    # 5. Build river network
+    tocat = []
+    for i in range(len(cats)):
+        tosegment_mask = np.prod(xy1 == xy2[i], axis=1)
+        if np.sum(tosegment_mask) == 0:
+            tocat.append(0)
+        else:
+            tocat.append(cats[tosegment_mask.nonzero()[0][0]])
+    tocat = np.asarray(tocat).astype(int)
+    # This gives us a set of downstream-facing adjacencies.
+    # We will update the database with it.
+    streamsTopo.build()
+    streamsTopo.open('rw')
+    cur = streamsTopo.table.conn.cursor()\
+    # use "executemany" ????????????????????????????????????????????????????
+    # see v.gsflow.segments.py
+    for i in range(len(tocat)):
+        cur.execute("update "+streams+" set tostream="+str(tocat[i])+" where cat="+str(cats[i]))
+    streamsTopo.table.conn.commit()
+    #streamsTopo.build()
+    streamsTopo.close()
+    gscript.message('')
+    gscript.message('Drainage topology built. Check "tostream" column for the downstream cat.')
+    gscript.message('A cat value of 0 indicates the downstream-most segment.')
+    gscript.message('')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

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