[GRASS-SVN] r73723 - in grass-promo/grassposter: . 2018_AGU_Software_Citation 2018_AGU_Software_Citation/code 2018_AGU_Software_Citation/images 2018_AGU_Software_Citation/logos

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Thu Nov 29 07:08:36 PST 2018

Author: wenzeslaus
Date: 2018-11-29 07:08:36 -0800 (Thu, 29 Nov 2018)
New Revision: 73723

poster: Software Citation with Fine Granularity: The g.citation Module for GRASS GIS

Added: grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/Makefile
--- grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/Makefile	2018-11-29 15:08:36 UTC (rev 73723)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+TEXDIR = code
+TEXFILES = $(shell ls $(TEXDIR)/*.tex)
+TEXPDF = $(patsubst %.tex, %.pdf, $(TEXFILES))
+all: $(FILE).pdf
+$(FILE).pdf: *.tex Makefile poster.bib
+	make pdf
+	make pdf
+	@while grep ''Rerun to get' to get' $(FILE).log >/dev/null 2>&1 ; do \
+		make pdf; \
+	done
+	# using - to ignore error from the first latex
+	# the error is caused by something related to hyperref and
+	# second compilation gets through (this is an workaround)
+	-pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode $(FILE).tex
+	pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode $(FILE).tex
+fig: $(TEXPDF)
+$(TEXPDF): %.pdf: %.tex
+	pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode -shell-escape -output-directory=$(TEXDIR) $<
+	rm -f *~ *.aux *.log *.out *.toc *.bbl *.blg *-blx.bib *.ps *.pyg
+	rm -f $(TEXPDF) $(TEXDIR)/*.aux $(TEXDIR)/*.log
+	make clean
+	rm -f $(FILE).pdf
+	gs -sDEVICE=png16m -r400 -o poster.png poster.pdf
+	convert poster.png -rotate 90 poster_rasterized.pdf

Added: grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/README.txt
--- grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/README.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/README.txt	2018-11-29 15:08:36 UTC (rev 73723)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Poster instructions
+## Dependencies
+This poster requires pdflatex been installed.
+In addition, some styles are needed.
+    dnf install texlive texlive-a0poster texlive-wrapfig \
+        texlive-standalone texlive-tikzposter texlive-xstring
+    sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-extra texlive-pictures pgf
+## Rasterization
+To create a rasterized version (some plotters have trouble with the PDF)
+    make rasterize
+You can use this file to create a small PNG of the poster. It is best
+rescaled in Gimp using Sinc (Lanczos3) method.
+To create a minimum size image which will be still readable (although
+not necessarily nice) use:
+    # renders fonts with low quality
+    gs -sDEVICE=png16m -dDownScaleFactor=2 -r50 \
+        -o poster.png poster.pdf
+    # optimizes compression
+    optipng -o9 poster.png
+    # simplify colors (destroys some colors, esp. gradients)
+    pngnq -n 128 -s 3 poster.png
+    # overwrite the original file
+    mv poster-nq8.png poster.png

Added: grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/code/cff.tex
--- grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/code/cff.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/code/cff.tex	2018-11-29 15:08:36 UTC (rev 73723)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+% grass --tmp-location XY --exec g.citation v.select format=cff
+cff-version: 1.0.3
+message: "If you use this software, please cite it as below."
+  - family-names: Blazek
+    given-names: Radim
+  - family-names: Landa
+    given-names: Martin
+  - family-names: Garzon-Lopez
+    given-names: Carol X.
+title: "GRASS GIS: v.select module"
+version: 7.7.svn
+date-released: 2018-11-24
+license: GPL-2.0-or-later

Added: grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/images/module_author.png
(Binary files differ)

Index: grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/images/module_author.png
--- grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/images/module_author.png	2018-11-29 15:02:24 UTC (rev 73722)
+++ grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/images/module_author.png	2018-11-29 15:08:36 UTC (rev 73723)

Property changes on: grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/images/module_author.png
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/images/module_references.png
(Binary files differ)

Index: grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/images/module_references.png
--- grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/images/module_references.png	2018-11-29 15:02:24 UTC (rev 73722)
+++ grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/images/module_references.png	2018-11-29 15:08:36 UTC (rev 73723)

Property changes on: grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/images/module_references.png
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/images/screenshot_bibtex_chicago.png
(Binary files differ)

Index: grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/images/screenshot_bibtex_chicago.png
--- grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/images/screenshot_bibtex_chicago.png	2018-11-29 15:02:24 UTC (rev 73722)
+++ grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/images/screenshot_bibtex_chicago.png	2018-11-29 15:08:36 UTC (rev 73723)

Property changes on: grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/images/screenshot_bibtex_chicago.png
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/logos/cga.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Index: grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/logos/cga.pdf
--- grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/logos/cga.pdf	2018-11-29 15:02:24 UTC (rev 73722)
+++ grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/logos/cga.pdf	2018-11-29 15:08:36 UTC (rev 73723)

Property changes on: grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/logos/cga.pdf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/logos/diw_berlin.jpg
(Binary files differ)

Index: grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/logos/diw_berlin.jpg
--- grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/logos/diw_berlin.jpg	2018-11-29 15:02:24 UTC (rev 73722)
+++ grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/logos/diw_berlin.jpg	2018-11-29 15:08:36 UTC (rev 73723)

Property changes on: grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/logos/diw_berlin.jpg
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/logos/grass.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Index: grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/logos/grass.pdf
--- grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/logos/grass.pdf	2018-11-29 15:02:24 UTC (rev 73722)
+++ grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/logos/grass.pdf	2018-11-29 15:08:36 UTC (rev 73723)

Property changes on: grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/logos/grass.pdf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/logos/mundialis.pdf
--- grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/logos/mundialis.pdf	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/logos/mundialis.pdf	2018-11-29 15:08:36 UTC (rev 73723)
@@ -0,0 +1,1544 @@
+3 0 obj
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+63 0 obj
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+   161
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+   /ExtGState <<
+      /a0 << /CA 1 /ca 1 >>
+   >>
+12 0 obj
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+   /Filter /FlateDecode
+   /Type /XObject
+   /Subtype /Form
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+   162
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+   /ExtGState <<
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+   >>
+13 0 obj
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+   /Subtype /Form
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+77 0 obj
+   165
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+   /ExtGState <<
+      /a0 << /CA 1 /ca 1 >>
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+14 0 obj
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+   /BBox [ 91 116 103 126 ]
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+   170
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+   /ExtGState <<
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+   >>
+15 0 obj
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+81 0 obj
+   154
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+      /a0 << /CA 1 /ca 1 >>
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+16 0 obj
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+   /ExtGState <<
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+   170
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+   /ExtGState <<
+      /a0 << /CA 1 /ca 1 >>
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+87 0 obj
+   161
+86 0 obj
+   /ExtGState <<
+      /a0 << /CA 1 /ca 1 >>
+   >>
+19 0 obj
+<< /Length 89 0 R
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+   /Subtype /Form
+   /BBox [ 141 108 149 115 ]
+   /Resources 88 0 R
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+89 0 obj
+   164
+88 0 obj
+   /ExtGState <<
+      /a0 << /CA 1 /ca 1 >>
+   >>
+20 0 obj
+<< /Length 91 0 R
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+91 0 obj
+   167
+90 0 obj
+   /ExtGState <<
+      /a0 << /CA 1 /ca 1 >>
+   >>
+21 0 obj
+<< /Length 93 0 R
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+   /Type /XObject
+   /Subtype /Form
+   /BBox [ 66 108 75 120 ]
+   /Resources 92 0 R
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+93 0 obj
+   170
+92 0 obj
+   /ExtGState <<
+      /a0 << /CA 1 /ca 1 >>
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+95 0 obj
+   169
+94 0 obj
+   /ExtGState <<
+      /a0 << /CA 1 /ca 1 >>
+   >>
+23 0 obj
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## -0,0 +1 ##
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Added: grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/poster.bib
--- grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/poster.bib	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-promo/grassposter/2018_AGU_Software_Citation/poster.bib	2018-11-29 15:08:36 UTC (rev 73723)
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+ at comment{x-kbibtex-personnameformatting=<%l><, %f>}
+ at article{baker1992r,
+	author = "Baker, W. L. and Cai, Y.",
+	journal = "Landscape Ecology",
+	number = "4",
+	pages = "291--302",
+	publisher = "Springer",
+	title = "{The r. le programs for multiscale analysis of landscape structure using the {GRASS} geographical information system}",
+	volume = "7",
+	year = "1992"
+ at article{rocchini2013calculating,
+	author = "Rocchini, D. and Delucchi, L. and Bacaro, G. and Cavallini, P. and Feilhauer, H. and Foody, G. M. and He, K. S. and Nagendra, H. and Porta, C. and Ricotta, C. and others",
+	journal = "Ecological informatics",
+	pages = "82--93",
+	publisher = "Elsevier",
+	title = "{Calculating landscape diversity with information-theory based indices: A {GRASS GIS} solution}",
+	volume = "17",
+	year = "2013"
+ at article{cannata2012two,
+	author = "Cannata, M. and Marzocchi, R.",
+	journal = "Natural hazards",
+	number = "3",
+	pages = "1143--1159",
+	publisher = "Springer",
+	title = "{Two-dimensional dam break flooding simulation: a {GIS}-embedded approach}",
+	volume = "61",
+	year = "2012"
+ at book{chemin2012distributed,
+	author = "Chemin, Y.",
+	publisher = "INTECH Open Access Publisher",
+	title = "{A Distributed Benchmarking Framework for Actual {ET} Models}",
+	year = "2012"
+ at book{chemin2014remote,
+	author = "Chemin, Y.",
+	publisher = "Lulu",
+	title = "{Remote Sensing Raster Programming}",
+	year = "2014"
+ at article{rodriguez2013data,
+	author = "Rodriguez-Aseretto, D. and de Rigo, D. and {Di Leo}, M. and Cort{\'e}s, A. and San-Miguel-Ayanz, J.",
+	citeulike-article-id = "13387794",
+	citeulike-linkout-0 = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2013.05.355",
+	doi = "10.1016/j.procs.2013.05.355",
+	issn = "18770509",
+	journal = "Procedia Computer Science",
+	month = jan,
+	pages = "1861--1870",
+	posted-at = "2014-10-10 13:47:37",
+	priority = "0",
+	title = "{A Data-driven Model for Large Wildfire Behaviour Prediction in {Europe}}",
+	url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2013.05.355",
+	volume = "18",
+	year = "2013"
+ at incollection{derigo2013architecture,
+	author = "de Rigo, D. and Rodriguez-Aseretto, D. and Bosco, C. and {Di Leo}, M. and San-Miguel-Ayanz, J.",
+	booktitle = "{Environmental Software Systems. Fostering Information Sharing}",
+	citeulike-article-id = "13387795",
+	citeulike-linkout-0 = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-41151-9\_35",
+	citeulike-linkout-1 = "http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-41151-9\_35",
+	doi = "10.1007/978-3-642-41151-9_35",
+	editor = "H\v{r}eb{\'i}\v{c}ek, Ji\v{r}{\'i} and Schimak, Gerald and Kub{\'a}sek, Miroslav and Rizzoli, Andrea",
+	pages = "367--380",
+	posted-at = "2014-10-10 13:51:37",
+	priority = "0",
+	publisher = "Springer Berlin Heidelberg",
+	series = "{IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology}",
+	title = "{An Architecture for Adaptive Robust Modelling of Wildfire Behaviour under Deep Uncertainty}",
+	url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-41151-9\_35",
+	volume = "413",
+	year = "2013"
+ at incollection{ashtekar2014digital,
+	author = "Ashtekar, J. M. and Owens, P. R. and Brown, R. A. and Winzeler, H. E. and Dorantes, M. and Libohova, Z. and Dasilva, M. and Castro, A.",
+	booktitle = "{GlobalSoilMap: Basis of the global spatial soil information system}",
+	pages = "367",
+	publisher = "CRC Press",
+	title = "{Digital mapping of soil properties and associated uncertainties in the Llanos Orientales, South America}",
+	year = "2014"
+ at article{jasiewicz2013geomorphons,
+	author = "Jasiewicz, J. and Stepinski, T. F.",
+	journal = "Geomorphology",
+	pages = "147--156",
+	publisher = "Elsevier",
+	title = "{Geomorphons -- a pattern recognition approach to classification and mapping of landforms}",
+	volume = "182",
+	year = "2013"
+ at article{garcia2007comparison,
+	author = "Garc{\'i}a, M. and Villagarc{\'i}a, L. and Contreras, S. and Domingo, F. and Puigdef{\'a}bregas, J.",
+	journal = "Sensors",
+	number = "6",
+	pages = "860--883",
+	publisher = "Molecular Diversity Preservation International",
+	title = "{Comparison of three operative models for estimating the surface water deficit using {ASTER} reflective and thermal data}",
+	volume = "7",
+	year = "2007"
+ at article{gao2008intercomparison,
+	author = "Gao, Y. and Long, D.",
+	journal = "Hydrological processes",
+	number = "25",
+	pages = "4850--4869",
+	publisher = "Wiley Online Library",
+	title = "{Intercomparison of remote sensing-based models for estimation of evapotranspiration and accuracy assessment based on {SWAT}}",
+	volume = "22",
+	year = "2008"
+ at article{Gebbert20141,
+	abstract = "Abstract Time in geographic information systems has been a research theme for more than two decades, resulting in comprehensive theoretical work, many research prototypes and several working solutions. However, none of the available solutions provides the ability to manage, analyze, process and visualize large environmental spatio-temporal datasets and the investigation and assessment of temporal relationships between them. We present in this paper a freely available field based temporal GIS (TGRASS) that fulfills these requirements. Our approach is based on the integration of time in the open source Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS). We introduce the concept of a space time dataset that is defined as a collection of time stamped raster, voxel or vector data. A dedicated set of spatio-temporal tools was implemented to manage, process and analyze space time datasets and their temporal and spatial relationships. We demonstrate the temporal GIS and envir
 onmental modeling capabilities of TGRASS by analyzing a multi-decadal European climate dataset.",
+	author = "Gebbert, S. and Pebesma, E.",
+	doi = "10.1016/j.envsoft.2013.11.001",
+	issn = "1364-8152",
+	journal = "Environmental Modelling \& Software",
+	keywords = "Temporal {GIS}; Spatio-temporal modeling; {GRASS GIS}; {TGRASS}",
+	note = "",
+	pages = "1--12",
+	title = "{A temporal {GIS} for field based environmental modeling}",
+	url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S136481521300282X",
+	volume = "53",
+	year = "2014"
+ at article{Haylock2008_climate_series,
+	abstract = "{We present a European land-only daily high-resolution gridded data set for precipitation and minimum, maximum, and mean surface temperature for the period 1950--2006. This data set improves on previous products in its spatial resolution and extent, time period, number of contributing stations, and attention to finding the most appropriate method for spatial interpolation of daily climate observations. The gridded data are delivered on four spatial resolutions to match the grids used in previous products as well as many of the rotated pole Regional Climate Models (RCMs) currently in use. Each data set has been designed to provide the best estimate of grid box averages rather than point values to enable direct comparison with RCMs. We employ a three-step process of interpolation, by first interpolating the monthly precipitation totals and monthly mean temperature using three-dimensional thin-plate splines, then interpolating the daily anomalies using indicator and univer
 sal kriging for precipitation and kriging with an external drift for temperature, then combining the monthly and daily estimates. Interpolation uncertainty is quantified by the provision of daily standard errors for every grid square. The daily uncertainty averaged across the entire region is shown to be largely dependent on the season and number of contributing observations. We examine the effect that interpolation has on the magnitude of the extremes in the observations by calculating areal reduction factors for daily maximum temperature and precipitation events with return periods up to 10 years. }",
+	author = "Haylock, M. R. and Hofstra, N. and Tank, A. M. G. K. and Klok, E. J. and Jones, P. D. and New, M.",
+	day = "30",
+	doi = "10.1029/2008JD010201",
+	issn = "0148-0227",
+	journal = "Journal of Geophysical Research",
+	keywords = "climate; data; kriging; meteorology; precipitation; splines; temperature",
+	month = oct,
+	number = "D20",
+	posted-at = "2009-08-12 00:09:46",
+	priority = "2",
+	title = "{A European daily high-resolution gridded data set of surface temperature and precipitation for {1950 - 2006}}",
+	volume = "113",
+	year = "2008"
+ at techreport{mcgarigal1995fragstats,
+	author = "McGarigal, K. and Marks, B. J.",
+	group = "Forest Services",
+	institution = "USDA",
+	number = "PNW-351",
+	title = "{FRAGSTATS: spatial pattern analysis program for quantifying landscape structure}",
+	year = "1995"
+ at inproceedings{raghavan2014deploying,
+	author = "Raghavan, V. and Choosumrong, S. and Yoshida, D. and Vinayaraj, P.",
+	booktitle = "{In Proceedings of FOSS4G Europe, Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany}",
+	month = "July",
+	title = "{Deploying Dynamic Routing Service for Emergency Scenarios using {pgRouting, GRASS and ZOO}}",
+	year = "2014"
+ at article{rocchini2012let,
+	author = "Rocchini, D. and Neteler, M.",
+	journal = "Trends in Ecology \& Evolution",
+	number = "6",
+	pages = "310--311",
+	publisher = "Elsevier Current Trends",
+	title = "{Let the four freedoms paradigm apply to ecology}",
+	volume = "27",
+	year = "2012"
+ at techreport{Rothermel1983how,
+	author = "Rothermel, R. C.",
+	institution = "US Forest Services",
+	number = "INT-143",
+	title = "{How to predict the spread and intensity of forest and range fires}",
+	year = "1983"
+ at article{suleiman2008intercomparison,
+	author = "Suleiman, A. and Al-Bakri, J. and Duqqah, M. and Crago, R.",
+	journal = "Journal of Hydrometeorology",
+	number = "5",
+	pages = "903--919",
+	title = "{Intercomparison of evapotranspiration estimates at the different ecological zones in {Jordan}}",
+	volume = "9",
+	year = "2008"
+ at article{timmermans2007intercomparison,
+	author = "Timmermans, W. J. and Kustas, W. P. and Anderson, M. C. and French, A. N.",
+	journal = "Remote Sensing of Environment",
+	number = "4",
+	pages = "369--384",
+	publisher = "Elsevier",
+	title = "{An intercomparison of the surface energy balance algorithm for land {(SEBAL)} and the two-source energy balance {(TSEB)} modeling schemes}",
+	volume = "108",
+	year = "2007"
+ at phdthesis{xu1994simulating,
+	author = "Xu, J.",
+	school = "Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey",
+	title = "{Simulating the spread of wildfires using a geographic information system and remote sensing}",
+	year = "1994"
+ at article{2013_DiLeo_etAl,
+	author = "{Di Leo}, M. and de Rigo, D. and Rodriguez-Aseretto, D. and Bosco, C. and Petroliagkis, T. and Camia, A. and San-Miguel-Ayanz, J.",
+	booktitle = "{Environmental Software Systems. Fostering Information Sharing}",
+	citeulike-article-id = "12612201",
+	citeulike-linkout-0 = "http://scholar.google.it/scholar?cluster=1214896257622472922",
+	citeulike-linkout-1 = "http://mastrave.org/bib/Di\_Leo\_etal\_ISESS2013.pdf",
+	citeulike-linkout-2 = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-41151-9\_2",
+	citeulike-linkout-3 = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-41151-9\_2",
+	citeulike-linkout-4 = "http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-41151-9\_2",
+	doi = "10.1007/978-3-642-41151-9_2",
+	editor = "H\v{r}eb{\'i}\v{c}ek, Ji\v{r}{\'i} and Schimak, Gerald and Kub{\'a}sek, Miroslav and Rizzoli, Andrea E.",
+	issn = "1868-4238",
+	journal = {IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology ISSN:1868-4238. Special issue: "Environmental Software Systems. Fostering sharing information"},
+	pages = "11--22",
+	posted-at = "2014-10-10 13:24:52",
+	priority = "0",
+	publisher = "Springer Berlin Heidelberg",
+	series = "{IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology}",
+	title = "{Dynamic Data Driven Ensemble for Wildfire Behaviour Assessment: A Case Study}",
+	url = "http://scholar.google.it/scholar?cluster=1214896257622472922",
+	volume = "413",
+	year = "2013"
+ at inproceedings{Petrasova2014,
+	address = "San Diego, California, USA",
+	author = "Petrasova, A. and Harmon, B. and Petras, V. and Mitasova, H.",
+	booktitle = "{7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software}",
+	editor = "{Ames, D.P., Quinn, N.W.T., Rizzoli}, A.E. (Eds.)",
+	isbn = "978-88-9035-744-2",
+	month = "jun",
+	title = "{GIS-based environmental modeling with tangible interaction and dynamic visualization}",
+	url = "http://www.iemss.org/society/index.php/iemss-2014-proceedings",
+	year = "2014"
+ at article{Mitas1988a,
+	author = "Mitas, L. and Mitasova, H.",
+	doi = "10.1016/0898-1221(88)90255-6",
+	issn = "0898-1221",
+	journal = "Computers \& Mathematics with Applications",
+	number = "12",
+	pages = "983--992",
+	title = "{General variational approach to the interpolation problem}",
+	volume = "16",
+	year = "1988"
+ at article{Mitas1998b,
+	author = "Mitas, L. and Mitasova, H.",
+	doi = "10.1029/97WR03347",
+	issn = "1944-7973",
+	journal = "Water Resources Research",
+	number = "3",
+	pages = "505--516",
+	title = "{Distributed soil erosion simulation for effective erosion prevention}",
+	volume = "34",
+	year = "1998"
+ at article{Mitas1993,
+	author = "Mitas, L. and Mitasova, H.",
+	doi = "10.1007/BF00893171",
+	issn = "0882-8121",
+	journal = "Mathematical Geology",
+	number = "6",
+	pages = "641--655",
+	title = "{Interpolation by regularized spline with tension: I. Theory and implementation}",
+	volume = "25",
+	year = "1993"
+ at misc{Petras2014,
+	author = "Petras, V. and Gebbert, S.",
+	note = "Poster presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 14-18 Dec",
+	title = "{Testing framework for GRASS GIS: ensuring reproducibility of scientific geospatial computing}",
+	year = "2014"
+ at article{mea582,
+	author = "Petras, V. and Petrasova, A. and Harmon, B. and Meentemeyer, R. and Mitasova, H.",
+	note = "Manuscript submitted for publication",
+	title = "{Integrating open source solutions into geospatial science education}",
+	year = "2015"
+ at article{neteler2012grass,
+	author = "Neteler, M. and Bowman, M.H. and Landa, M. and Metz, M.",
+	doi = "10.1016/j.envsoft.2011.11.014",
+	journal = "Environmental Modelling \& Software",
+	pages = "124--130",
+	publisher = "Elsevier",
+	title = "{GRASS GIS: a multi-purpose Open Source GIS}",
+	volume = "31",
+	year = "2012"
+ at misc{ncsugis582,
+	author = "{NCSU}",
+	note = "\url{http://courses.ncsu.edu/gis582/common/grass/interpolation\_2.html}",
+	title = "{{GIS/MEA582}: Geospatial Modeling and Analysis}",
+	urldate = "2015-03-30",
+	year = 2015
+ at misc{tracvsurfrst,
+	author = "{GRASS GIS Development Team}",
+	note = "\url{http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/log/grass/trunk/vector/v.surf.rst?rev=63988\&limit=999}",
+	title = "{GRASS GIS Trac: Revision log for v.surf.rst}",
+	urldate = "2015-03-31",
+	year = 2015
+ at misc{tracrli,
+	author = "{GRASS GIS Development Team}",
+	note = "\url{http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/log/grass/trunk/raster/r.li?rev=63988\&limit=999}",
+	title = "{GRASS GIS Trac: Revision log for r.li}",
+	urldate = "2015-03-31",
+	year = 2015
+ at article{achanta2012slic,
+	author = "Achanta, Radhakrishna and Shaji, Appu and Smith, Kevin and Lucchi, Aurelien and Fua, Pascal and S{\"u}sstrunk, Sabine",
+	journal = "IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence",
+	number = "11",
+	pages = "2274--2282",
+	publisher = "IEEE",
+	title = "{SLIC superpixels compared to state-of-the-art superpixel methods}",
+	volume = "34",
+	year = "2012"
+ at misc{achanta2010epfl,
+	author = "Achanta, Radhakrishna",
+	publisher = "June",
+	title = "{{SLIC} Superpixels, {EPFL} Technical Report No. 149300}",
+	year = "2010"
+ at phdthesis{vitti2008free,
+	author = "Vitti, A",
+	school = "PhD thesis in Environmental Engineering, Universit{\`a} di Trento, Italy",
+	title = "{Free discontinuity problems in image and signal segmentation}",
+	year = "2008"
+ at article{mumford1989optimal,
+	author = "Mumford, David and Shah, Jayant",
+	journal = "Communications on pure and applied mathematics",
+	number = "5",
+	pages = "577--685",
+	publisher = "Wiley Online Library",
+	title = "{Optimal approximations by piecewise smooth functions and associated variational problems}",
+	volume = "42",
+	year = "1989"
+ at article{march1997variational,
+	author = "March, Riccardo and Dozio, Marziano",
+	journal = "Image and Vision Computing",
+	number = "9",
+	pages = "705--712",
+	publisher = "Elsevier",
+	title = "{A variational method for the recovery of smooth boundaries}",
+	volume = "15",
+	year = "1997"
+ at article{vitti2012mumford,
+	author = "Vitti, Alfonso",
+	journal = "ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing",
+	pages = "50--64",
+	publisher = "Elsevier",
+	title = "{The Mumford--Shah variational model for image segmentation: An overview of the theory, implementation and use}",
+	volume = "69",
+	year = "2012"
+ at misc{zhuang1992image,
+	author = "Zhuang, Hong C.",
+	issn = "0899-7853",
+	journal = "GRASSClIPPINGS",
+	number = "2",
+	pages = "10-11",
+	title = "{Image processing in GRASS}",
+	volume = "6",
+	year = "1992"
+ at article{roerink2000reconstructing,
+	author = "Roerink, GJ and Menenti, M and Verhoef, W",
+	journal = "International Journal of Remote Sensing",
+	number = "9",
+	pages = "1911--1917",
+	publisher = "Taylor \& Francis",
+	title = "{Reconstructing cloudfree NDVI composites using Fourier analysis of time series}",
+	volume = "21",
+	year = "2000"
+ at inproceedings{chemin2015grass,
+	author = "Chemin, Yann and Petras, Vaclav and Petrasova, Anna and Landa, Martin and Gebbert, S{\"o}ren and Zambelli, Pietro and Neteler, Markus and L{\"o}we, Peter and {Di Leo}, Margherita",
+	booktitle = "{Geophysical Research Abstracts}",
+	pages = "8314",
+	title = "{{GRASS GIS}: a peer-reviewed scientific platform and future research repository}",
+	volume = "17",
+	year = "2015"
+ at inproceedings{leppelt2015grass,
+	author = "Leppelt, Thomas and Gebbert, S{\"o}ren",
+	booktitle = "{EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts}",
+	pages = "11672",
+	title = "{A GRASS GIS based Spatio-Temporal Algebra for Raster-, 3D Raster-and Vector Time Series Data}",
+	volume = "17",
+	year = "2015"
+ at inproceedings{gebbert2015grass,
+	author = "Gebbert, S{\"o}ren and Leppelt, Thomas",
+	booktitle = "{EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts}",
+	pages = "7296",
+	title = "{GRASS GIS: The first Open Source Temporal GIS}",
+	volume = "17",
+	year = "2015"

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+% License: CC BY-SA
+% Authors: See the authors below and see also acknowledgement for authors of some images or research
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+% note that EB Garamond does not have bold
+% might be needed for both font packages
+% uncomment for all sans serif
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+% For bibliography styling
+%% TODO: all names should be abbreviated
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+% \textbf{
+Software Citation with Fine Granularity:
+The \textnormal{\textsf{\textit{g.citation}}} Module for \textbf{GRASS}\,{\firalight GIS}
+% }
+% \setlength{\blocktitleheight}{0.02\textheight}
+% style for institute numbers
+Vaclav Petras\inst{1}\,*\hspace{-7pt},
+Peter Loewe\inst{2},
+Markus Neteler\inst{3},
+Helena Mitasova\inst{1}
+\instlist{1}Center for Geospatial Analytics, North Carolina State University, USA;
+\instlist{2}DIW Berlin Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung e.V., Germany;
+\instlist{3}mundialis GmbH \& Co. KG, Germany;
+*Corresponding author: wenzeslaus at gmail.com, vpetras at ncsu.edu
+% \author{
+% % Vaclav Petras\inst{1}\,*,
+% % Peter Loewe\inst{2},
+% % Markus Neteler\inst{3},
+% % \&
+% % Helena Mitasova\inst{1},
+% }
+% \institute{
+% \large
+% % \instlist{1}Center for Geospatial Analytics, North Carolina State University, USA;
+% % \instlist{2}DIW Berlin Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung e.V., Germany;
+% % \instlist{3}mundialis GmbH \& Co. KG, Germany;
+% *Corresponding author: wenzeslaus at gmail.com, vpetras at ncsu.edu;
+% **Over 10 other members of the core team and numerous other contributors
+% \\[1.7cm]
+% \includegraphics[height=3cm]{ncstate}%
+% \hspace{1cm}%
+% \includegraphics[height=3cm]{cga}%
+% \hspace{3cm}%
+% \includegraphics[height=3.4cm]{mundialis}%
+% \hspace{3cm}%
+% \includegraphics[height=3cm]{diw_berlin}%
+% }
+    pdfauthor={H. Mitasova, V. Petras, A. Petrasova, M. Neteler},
+    pdfsubject={AGU Fall Meeting 2018 Poster},
+    pdftitle={Software Citation with Fine Granularity: The g.citation Module for GRASS GIS},
+    pdfkeywords={GIS, algorithms, methods, preservation, science, reproducibility}
+% \usetemplate{1}
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+% it is not possible (?) to change block title in the class, using wrapper
+% the command introduced using:
+%   sed -i 's/\\block{\([^}]*\)}/\\block{\\blocktitlewrap{\1}}/g' main.tex
+% bullet point style
+% GRASS module
+\node[above left,opacity=0.99,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=4cm] at (bottomleft -| topright)%
+  {\includegraphics[width=0.3\paperwidth]{grass}};
+% \maketitle
+% \addlogo[north west]{(2,-1)}{9cm}{images/Grass_GIS}
+%Please insert your institution logo here
+% \addlogo[north east]{(-2,-2.5)}{4cm}{images/logo_FEM_CRI}
+% \addlogo[north east]{(-2,-5.5)}{4cm}{images/NC_State_Seal}
+% \addlogo[north east]{(-8,-2.5)}{4cm}{images/Logo_cvut}
+% \addlogo[north east]{(-8,-6.5)}{4cm}{images/IWMI_logo}
+% \addlogo[north east]{(-2,-10.5)}{4cm}{images/logo_ec-jrc}
+% Abstract
+% GRASS GIS (grass.osgeo.org) is a community-driven geospatial software project
+% with a record of being used in scientific publications and research projects
+% over three decades. Authors of scientific publications, when using and citing
+% GRASS GIS, so far opted for citing either the entire software package, citing
+% the most recent review publication associated with GRASS GIS, or citing a
+% publication associated with a specific module.
+% GRASS GIS provides over 500 modules, each with a unique functionality and
+% purpose, many with associated scientific publications. In addition to these core
+% modules in the GRASS GIS distribution there is a growing number of additional
+% add-on modules are being developed, often as part of research work. Until now,
+% no automated, software-enabled citation mechanism to cite individual GRASS GIS
+% modules, or functions in general was provided due to the lack of a reference
+% citation standard for GRASS GIS modules defined within the GRASS GIS community.
+% We present a new GRASS GIS module g.citation with the aim to provide a
+% convenient, concise, and standardized way of citing GRASS GIS and its individual
+% modules. The current version of g.citation extracts the relevant information
+% from a respective manual page of any given GRASS GIS module and turns this
+% semi-structured record into a proper citation in a variety of styles and formats
+% with the machine-readable Citation File Format (CFF) currently promising most
+% efficiency and expressiveness in storing the information and Citation Style
+% Language (CSL) used for formatting citations. The module is now in a prototype
+% stage and it is available in the GRASS GIS Addons repository. Future directions
+% include using standardized format for storing the citation information together
+% with the code and incorporating persistent scientific identifiers such as DOI.
+% We are now seeking collaborators and feedback from authors of geospatial
+% algorithms who want to share their code and be cited at the same time.
+\block{\blocktitlewrap{GRASS GIS Overview}}{
+% Basic Topics
+ \item Community-driven project
+ \item 35 years of continuous software development
+ \item long-term releases, stable APIs, and emphasis on science
+ \item single integrated environment for 2D and 3D raster analysis, image processing, vector data analysis, and spatio-temporal data processing
+\block{\blocktitlewrap{Current Approaches}}{
+Authors of scientific publications, when using and citing
+GRASS GIS, so far opted for citing either the entire software package, citing
+the most recent review publication associated with GRASS GIS, or citing a
+publication associated with a specific module.
+Creating a synchronized animation of monthly total precipitation and mean temperature for NC, USA
+Creating a synchronized animation of monthly total precipitation and mean temperature for NC, USA
+GRASS GIS provides over 500 modules, each with a unique functionality and
+purpose, many with associated scientific publications. In addition to these core
+modules in the GRASS GIS distribution there is a growing number of additional
+add-on modules are being developed, often as part of research work. Until now,
+no automated, software-enabled citation mechanism to cite individual GRASS GIS
+modules, or functions in general was provided due to the lack of a reference
+citation standard for GRASS GIS modules defined within the GRASS GIS community.
+\block{\blocktitlewrap{GRASS GIS Documentation}}{
+\block{\blocktitlewrap{GRASS GIS Metadata for Modules}}{
+\block{\blocktitlewrap{\textnormal{\textsf{\textit{g.citation}}} Module}}{
+Creating a synchronized animation of monthly total precipitation and mean temperature for NC, USA
+\block{\blocktitlewrap{Citation File Format (CFF)}}{
+ \item YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language) text file
+ \item human- and machine- readable
+ \item \texttt{CITATION.cff} file
+Creating a synchronized animation of monthly total precipitation and mean temperature for NC, USA
+\block{\blocktitlewrap{Citation Style Language (CSL)}}{
+ \item style language for citations
+ \item citeproc-py CSL processor
+ \item metadata $\rightarrow$ CSL + citeproc JSON $\rightarrow$ journal citation
+\block{\blocktitlewrap{Discussion and Future Work}}{
+% \newcommand{\blocksectiontitle}[1]{\subsubsection*{\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{#1}}}}
+% \bibliography{poster}
+ \item
+ \item
+ \item
+ \item
+\node[above left,opacity=0.5,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=4cm] at (bottomleft -| topright)%
+  {\includegraphics[width=0.3\paperwidth]{grass}};

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