[GRASS-SVN] r74480 - in grass/trunk: gui/wxpython/core lib/python/script lib/python/script/testsuite

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Wed May 15 09:56:34 PDT 2019

Author: annakrat
Date: 2019-05-15 09:56:34 -0700 (Wed, 15 May 2019)
New Revision: 74480

pythonlib: cleanup decoding/encoding in scripting library

Modified: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/core/gcmd.py
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/core/gcmd.py	2019-05-14 20:18:15 UTC (rev 74479)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/core/gcmd.py	2019-05-15 16:56:34 UTC (rev 74480)
@@ -693,8 +693,8 @@
     :return: returncode, stdout, messages (read == True and getErrorMsg == True)
     :return: stdout, stderr
-    cmdString = b' '.join(grass.make_command(prog, flags, overwrite,
-                                             quiet, verbose, **kwargs))
+    cmdString = ' '.join(grass.make_command(prog, flags, overwrite,
+                                            quiet, verbose, **kwargs))
     Debug.msg(1, "gcmd.RunCommand(): %s" % cmdString)

Modified: grass/trunk/lib/python/script/core.py
--- grass/trunk/lib/python/script/core.py	2019-05-14 20:18:15 UTC (rev 74479)
+++ grass/trunk/lib/python/script/core.py	2019-05-15 16:56:34 UTC (rev 74480)
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@
             if ext.lower() not in self._builtin_exts:
                 kwargs['shell'] = True
                 args = [self._escape_for_shell(arg) for arg in args]
-            args = [decode(arg) for arg in args]
         subprocess.Popen.__init__(self, args, **kwargs)
 PIPE = subprocess.PIPE
@@ -82,18 +81,16 @@
 def _make_val(val):
-    """Convert value to bytes"""
-    if isinstance(val, bytes):
-        return val
-    if isinstance(val, (str, unicode)):
-        return encode(val)
+    """Convert value to unicode"""
+    if isinstance(val, (bytes, str, unicode)):
+        return decode(val)
     if isinstance(val, (int, float)):
-        return encode(str(val))
+        return unicode(val)
-        return b",".join(map(_make_val, iter(val)))
+        return ",".join(map(_make_val, iter(val)))
     except TypeError:
-    return bytes(val)
+    return unicode(val)
 def _make_unicode(val, enc):
@@ -198,11 +195,11 @@
             path.insert(0, os.curdir)
         # PATHEXT is necessary to check on Windows (force lowercase)
-        pathext = list(map(lambda x: encode(x.lower()),
+        pathext = list(map(lambda x: x.lower(),
                            os.environ.get("PATHEXT", "").split(os.pathsep)))
-        if b'.py' not in pathext:
+        if '.py' not in pathext:
             # we assume that PATHEXT contains always '.py'
-            pathext.insert(0, b'.py')
+            pathext.insert(0, '.py')
         # See if the given file matches any of the expected path extensions.
         # This will allow us to short circuit when given "python.exe".
         # If it does match, only test that one, otherwise we have to try
@@ -222,7 +219,7 @@
         if not normdir in seen:
             for thefile in files:
-                name = os.path.join(encode(dir), thefile)
+                name = os.path.join(dir, thefile)
                 if _access_check(name, mode):
                     return name
     return None
@@ -264,7 +261,7 @@
         # so, lets remove extension
         if os.path.splitext(cmd)[1] == '.py':
             cmd = cmd[:-3]
-        full_path = shutil_which(encode(cmd) + b'.py')
+        full_path = shutil_which(cmd + '.py')
         if full_path:
             return full_path
@@ -271,7 +268,7 @@
     return cmd
-def make_command(prog, flags=b"", overwrite=False, quiet=False, verbose=False,
+def make_command(prog, flags="", overwrite=False, quiet=False, verbose=False,
                  superquiet=False, errors=None, **options):
     """Return a list of strings suitable for use as the args parameter to
     Popen() or call(). Example:
@@ -292,26 +289,24 @@
     args = [_make_val(prog)]
     if overwrite:
-        args.append(b"--o")
+        args.append("--o")
     if quiet:
-        args.append(b"--q")
+        args.append("--q")
     if verbose:
-        args.append(b"--v")
+        args.append("--v")
     if superquiet:
-        args.append(b"--qq")
+        args.append("--qq")
     if flags:
         flags = _make_val(flags)
-        if b'-' in flags:
+        if '-' in flags:
             raise ScriptError("'-' is not a valid flag")
-        args.append(b"-" + bytes(flags))
+        args.append("-" + flags)
     for opt, val in options.items():
         if opt in _popen_args:
         # convert string to bytes
-        opt = encode(opt)
-        prog = encode(prog)
         if val is not None:
-            if opt.startswith(b'_'):
+            if opt.startswith('_'):
                 opt = opt[1:]
                 warning(_("To run the module <%s> add underscore at the end"
                     " of the option <%s> to avoid conflict with Python"
@@ -318,9 +313,9 @@
                     " keywords. Underscore at the beginning is"
                     " depreciated in GRASS GIS 7.0 and will be removed"
                     " in version 7.1.") % (prog, opt))
-            elif opt.endswith(b'_'):
+            elif opt.endswith('_'):
                 opt = opt[:-1]
-            args.append(opt + b'=' + _make_val(val))
+            args.append(opt + '=' + _make_val(val))
     return args
@@ -337,11 +332,11 @@
         # TODO: construction of the whole command is far from perfect
         args = make_command(*args, **kwargs)
-        code = ' '.join([decode(each) for each in args])
+        code = ' '.join(args)
         raise CalledModuleError(module=None, code=code,
-def start_command(prog, flags=b"", overwrite=False, quiet=False,
+def start_command(prog, flags="", overwrite=False, quiet=False,
                   verbose=False, superquiet=False, **kwargs):
     """Returns a Popen object with the command created by make_command.
     Accepts any of the arguments which Popen() accepts apart from "args"
@@ -379,8 +374,6 @@
         if opt in _popen_args:
             popts[opt] = val
-            if isinstance(val, unicode):
-                val = encode(val)
             options[opt] = val
     args = make_command(prog, flags, overwrite, quiet, verbose, **options)
@@ -388,11 +381,12 @@
     if debug_level() > 0:
         sys.stderr.write("D1/{}: {}.start_command(): {}\n".format(
             debug_level(), __name__,
-            ' '.join([decode(arg) for arg in args]))
+            ' '.join(args))
     return Popen(args, **popts)
 def run_command(*args, **kwargs):
     """Execute a module synchronously

Modified: grass/trunk/lib/python/script/testsuite/test_core_make_val.py
--- grass/trunk/lib/python/script/testsuite/test_core_make_val.py	2019-05-14 20:18:15 UTC (rev 74479)
+++ grass/trunk/lib/python/script/testsuite/test_core_make_val.py	2019-05-15 16:56:34 UTC (rev 74480)
@@ -7,23 +7,23 @@
 class TestCoreMakeVal(TestCase):
-    """Tests function `_make_val` that convert value to bytes."""
+    """Tests function `_make_val` that convert value to unicode."""
     def test_bytes(self):
-        self.assertEqual(b'text', _make_val(b'text'))
+        self.assertEqual(u'text', _make_val(b'text'))
     def test_unicode(self):
-        self.assertEqual(b'text', _make_val(u'text'))
+        self.assertEqual(u'text', _make_val(u'text'))
     def test_int(self):
-        self.assertEqual(b'123', _make_val(123))
+        self.assertEqual(u'123', _make_val(123))
     def test_float(self):
-        self.assertEqual(b'1.23', _make_val(1.23))
+        self.assertEqual(u'1.23', _make_val(1.23))
     def test_iterable(self):
-        test = b'text', u'text', 123, 1.23
-        solution = b'text,text,123,1.23'
+        test = u'text', u'text', 123, 1.23
+        solution = u'text,text,123,1.23'
         self.assertEqual(solution, _make_val(test))

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