[GRASS-git] [OSGeo/grass-website] 5de479: Learn landing page and subsections (#125)

Veronica Andreo noreply at github.com
Sat May 2 17:17:53 PDT 2020

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/OSGeo/grass-website
  Commit: 5de479842eb12f135b75382e2bddeadd6f504e82
  Author: Veronica Andreo <veroandreo at gmail.com>
  Date:   2020-05-03 (Sun, 03 May 2020)

  Changed paths:
    M content/learn/_index.en.md
    M content/learn/books.md
    M content/learn/newcomers.md
    M content/learn/overview.md
    M content/learn/tryonline.md
    M content/learn/tutorials.md
    A static/images/gallery/books/book_auda_2018_sig_french.jpeg
    A static/images/gallery/books/book_petrasova_2015_tangible.jpg
    A static/images/gallery/temporal/tgrass_flowchart.png
    A static/images/other/actinia_grass_green.png
    A static/images/other/actinia_grey.png
    A static/images/other/actinia_light_green.png
    A static/images/other/actinia_logo.svg
    R static/images/other/www.svg
    A static/images/other/www_grass_green.svg
    A static/images/other/www_grey.png
    A static/images/other/www_light_green.png
    M themes/grass/layouts/learn/list.html

  Log Message:
  Learn landing page and subsections (#125)

* Learn landing page + minor fixes in subsections

* add missing books and covers - homogenize formatting

* tutorials page: add some missing tutorial to the list, add Spanish tutorials, change featured videos to those of FOSS4G 2019

* tutorials page: add space back in div container

* all logos in light green

* add actinia and www images in grey and grass green for further CSS tweaking + add a new row in learn landing page with more cool grass stuff

* add other links and a couple of pics to newcomers page

* add screenshots to tutorials page

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