[GRASS-git] [OSGeo/grass] 37d45f: tests: Add timeout to pytest (#2499)

Vaclav Petras noreply at github.com
Tue Jul 26 09:34:38 PDT 2022

  Branch: refs/heads/main
  Home:   https://github.com/OSGeo/grass
  Commit: 37d45fb4ec9c713889dcbe0072f21ee395bae0f7
  Author: Vaclav Petras <wenzeslaus at gmail.com>
  Date:   2022-07-26 (Tue, 26 Jul 2022)

  Changed paths:
    M .github/workflows/pytest.yml
    M pyproject.toml

  Log Message:
  tests: Add timeout to pytest (#2499)

Now the individual pytest tests are terminated after 300 seconds just like the gunittest ones. New dependency pytest-timeout is needed for testing to use the timeout (or avoid the warning about unused configuration). In the future, individual tests can change the time if needed using the pytest.mark.timeout decorator.

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