[GRASS-git] [OSGeo/grass] 120f19: v.db.univar: Add JSON output (#2386)

Vaclav Petras noreply at github.com
Thu Jun 9 09:03:29 PDT 2022

  Branch: refs/heads/main
  Home:   https://github.com/OSGeo/grass
  Commit: 120f198fca22a564334d7721fabbe8c6e299bf6b
  Author: Vaclav Petras <wenzeslaus at gmail.com>
  Date:   2022-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2022)

  Changed paths:
    M scripts/db.univar/db.univar.py
    M scripts/db.univar/testsuite/test_db_univar.py
    A scripts/v.db.univar/tests/conftest.py
    A scripts/v.db.univar/tests/v_db_univar_test.py
    M scripts/v.db.univar/testsuite/test_v_db_univar.py
    M scripts/v.db.univar/v.db.univar.html
    M scripts/v.db.univar/v.db.univar.py

  Log Message:
  v.db.univar: Add JSON output (#2386)

* Add JSON output to db.univar.
* Add JSON from db.univar to v.db.univar.
* All formats now handled through the format option.
* Output percentiles as two lists, not a mapping.


* Old tests fixed.
* New tests are using pytest.
* Fixed values for test obtained from the plain output, so the new JSON output is checked to fit with the original.
* The tests with computation using NumPy would fail with different tests data, i.e., using n other than 10, fails the tests.

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