[GRASS-git] [OSGeo/grass] 5e0dc9: CI(deps): Update dependency pylint to v3 (#3820)

renovate[bot] noreply at github.com
Thu Dec 26 16:21:55 PST 2024

  Branch: refs/heads/main
  Home:   https://github.com/OSGeo/grass
  Commit: 5e0dc977128cd0098f8a1bced4e10d7a34545abb
  Author: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
  Date:   2024-12-26 (Thu, 26 Dec 2024)

  Changed paths:
    M .github/workflows/python-code-quality.yml
    R .pylintrc
    R gui/wxpython/.pylintrc
    M gui/wxpython/Makefile
    M gui/wxpython/core/giface.py
    M gui/wxpython/datacatalog/tree.py
    M gui/wxpython/mapdisp/frame.py
    M gui/wxpython/mapdisp/test_mapdisp.py
    M gui/wxpython/mapwin/decorations.py
    M pyproject.toml
    R python/.pylintrc
    M python/grass/imaging/images2gif.py
    M python/grass/jupyter/utils.py
    M python/grass/pygrass/rpc/__init__.py
    M python/grass/pygrass/vector/testsuite/test_geometry.py
    M python/grass/script/array.py
    M python/grass/script/core.py
    M python/grass/script/db.py
    M python/grass/script/utils.py
    M temporal/t.unregister/t.unregister.py
    M utils/generate_release_notes.py
    R utils/pylintrc.txt

  Log Message:
  CI(deps): Update dependency pylint to v3 (#3820)

* Format pyproject.toml

* Checks: Add note on MIN_PYTHON_VERSION

* Configure Pyright type checker

* CQ: Create default pylint config in pyproject.toml

* CQ: Port root pylint config to pyproject.toml

* CI(pylint): Update versions in workflow

* CI: Run Pylint on all project with source-roots configuration and ignore-paths

* CI(pylint): Do not use star glob for wxGUI pylint call

* Clear pylint config and reset to defaults

Set GRASS-specific overrides and comment out defaults

* CQ: Enable pylint plugins

* Set pylint's output-format to colorized

* CQ: Set pylint source-roots and ignore-paths

CQ: Set pylint ignore-paths to ignore libgrass_interface_generator and OBJ.* folders, and ignore Makefiles

* Checks: Rename pylint rules that were renamed

* Checks: Adjust outdated inline pylint exclusions

* Checks: Change pylint folder ignores

Checks: Also ignore .pytest_cache folder for pylint

* Checks: Disable all failing pylint rules

* CI(pylint): Remove rcfile argument from pytest pylint call

CI(pylint): Comment out pylint ignore arguments from pytest pylint call

* CI(pylint): Do not change into subdirectory for grass and gui

* CI(pylint): Run pylint on other files before slower wxGUI

* CI(pylint): Only run pylint once for all code

* checks: Remove non-modified pylint config

* style: Change misplaced docstring to comment in pygrass/rpc/__init__.py

* grass.script: Ignore signature-differs pylint warning in array.py

* grass.imaging.images2gif: Fix Pylint using-constant-test

* grass.jupyter.utils: Fix pylint redefined-variable-type (R0204) of output variable

Pylint 3.2.6 error: R0204: Redefinition of output type from bytes to grass.script.utils.KeyValue (redefined-variable-type)

Adds typing to the function analyzed, and also to the return type of the gs.parse_key_val() used.

* grass.script.db: Close opened file in db_connection

* t.unregister: Open file with context handler (SIM115)

* Typing improvement

* Fix typo of BufferedMapWindow in gui/wxpython/mapdisp/test_mapdisp.py

* pylint: Add pylint skip-file directive in generated file wxpython/menustrings.py
pylint: Ignore generated file wxpython/menustrings.py

* utils: Add timeout to requests.get

* grass.script.core: Fix E0606: Possibly using variable 'ps' before assignment (possibly-used-before-assignment)

Co-authored-by: Edouard Choinière <27212526+echoix at users.noreply.github.com>

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