[GRASS-git] [OSGeo/grass] 90d0db: cmake: add custom FindCBLAS FindLAPACKE (#5376)

Nicklas Larsson noreply at github.com
Thu Mar 13 16:31:25 PDT 2025

  Branch: refs/heads/main
  Home:   https://github.com/OSGeo/grass
  Commit: 90d0dbac99cd165acc82accc99b7c679a1acf3be
  Author: Nicklas Larsson <n_larsson at yahoo.com>
  Date:   2025-03-13 (Thu, 13 Mar 2025)

  Changed paths:
    R cmake/find_scripts/FindBLAS.cmake
    A cmake/find_scripts/FindCBLAS.cmake
    R cmake/find_scripts/FindLAPACK.cmake
    A cmake/find_scripts/FindLAPACKE.cmake
    M cmake/modules/CheckDependentLibraries.cmake
    M cmake/modules/Configure.cmake
    M include/config.h.cmake.in
    M lib/CMakeLists.txt

  Log Message:
  cmake: add custom FindCBLAS FindLAPACKE (#5376)

This implementation makes use of pkg-config to find the CBLAS and
LAPACKE libraries.

It depends on CBLAS_PREFER_PKGCONFIG:BOOL=ON, which currently
is the default (and practically the only option).

- The CBLAS_PKGCONFIG may be set to the package name for finding
  CBLAS, e.g., -DCBLAS_PKGCONFIG=openblas.
- The LAPACKE_PKGCONFIG may be set to the package name for finding
  CBLAS, e.g., -DLAPACKE_PKGCONFIG=openblas.

By default the following pkg-config modules are searched for (in given order):

- CBLAS_PKGCONFIG: cblas, blas-netlib, openblas and blas-atlas
- LAPACKE_PKGCONFIG: lapacke and openblas

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