RISC6000s, GRASS4.1 ?

Michael Shapiro shapiro at zorro.cecer.army.mil
Thu Aug 20 13:14:36 EDT 1992

The G_malloc() problems are different for vectors and imagery. The
vector fixes are on moon.cecer.army.mil. The imagery problems are
probablyu not bugs as much as lack of memory on your machine. Can you describe
the problems with imagery? Which program(s) run out of memory?
|Does anyone know if the problems with the vector and image processing
|functions of the GRASS4.0 port to IBM RISC6000s (particularly the 
|G_malloc errors) have been solved?
|Also, does anyone know if RISC6000s will be supported by GRASS4.1?
|Thanks in advance, 
|Tony Gale
|Research Specialist
|City of Austin Electric, Tx.


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