RISC6000s, GRASS4.1 ?

imager at ccwf.cc.utexas.edu imager at ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
Thu Aug 20 16:20:16 EDT 1992

Great news about the vector fixes, Thanks!

The only image processing functions I have been having problems with are:

1) "i.pca" gives me a G_malloc erros whenever I use it on an image subscene 
   > than 900*900 pixels i.e. less than 1 Mb in GRASS compressed raster format?
   ...I don't understand why this is so as we have a 320 H with 32Mb RAM 
   & 64 Mb swap space (running AIX 3.2.1).

2) "r.mfilter" (and I think i.fft?) is very selfish with disk space...
   I tried running a 3 * 3 Laplacian edge enhancement filter on 
   a 1/4 SPOT scene (13Mb approx) and the program needed 8 times this amount
   of disk space to successfully write out the processed image to the
   $GISBASE/$Location/$Mapset/.tmp directory. I would like to edge enhance
   the full scene but can't afford the disk space. I suppose I could use 
   "r.patch" and accept a couple of erroneous pixels at the  "stitch" boundary
   between four quarter scenes...

|The G_malloc() problems are different for vectors and imagery. The
|vector fixes are on moon.cecer.army.mil. The imagery problems are
|probablyu not bugs as much as lack of memory on your machine. Can you describe
|the problems with imagery? Which program(s) run out of memory?
||Does anyone know if the problems with the vector and image processing
||functions of the GRASS4.0 port to IBM RISC6000s (particularly the 
||G_malloc errors) have been solved?
||Also, does anyone know if RISC6000s will be supported by GRASS4.1?
||Thanks in advance, 
||Tony Gale
||Research Specialist
||City of Austin Electric, Tx.
|    Michael


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