
Michael Shapiro shapiro at zorro.cecer.army.mil
Mon Aug 24 12:54:23 EDT 1992

I just put a  brand  new  program  on  moon.cecer.army.mil  under
grass4.0.updates/src.alpha/raster/r.median  that (hopefully) does
what you describe. I would hope that you will test  this  program
and  give feedback. If this program works properly it will become
part of the 4.1 release.

|>  I'm wondering if anyone has a program/script/method to 
|> compute the median of all pixels in a certain area, similar to
|> the r.average module in GRASS?
|> Thanks in advance
|> - Katarina
|> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
|> Katarina Johnsson			e-mail: kjohnsso at alder.pfc.forestry.ca
|> Advanced Forest Technology Lab		phone:  (604) 363-6017
|> Pacific Forestry Centre			fax:    (604) 363-0775
|> Forestry Canada
|> Victoria, BC


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