Output from i.cluster

Michael Shapiro shapiro at zorro.cecer.army.mil
Mon Aug 24 16:12:51 EDT 1992

Yes, they are in order.
|I just need to be 100 % certain on the order of the means in the
|output from i.cluster. 
|If my subgroup is defined as:
|subgroup: segment_test
| tm3 at PERMANENT
| tm4 at PERMANENT
| tm5 at PERMANENT
|Will the means from left to right correspond to        
|tm3 tm4 tm5 ?
|( if not, I have problems with my data)
|- Katarina
|Katarina Johnsson			e-mail: kjohnsso at alder.pfc.forestry.ca
|Advanced Forest Technology Lab		phone:  (604) 363-6017
|Pacific Forestry Centre			fax:    (604) 363-0775
|Forestry Canada
|Victoria, BC


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