geostatistics in GRASS request

Jim Westervelt westerve at
Wed Feb 5 11:21:11 EST 1992

Darrell McCauley posted this in GIS-L; I am reposting it in the grass 
programmer listserver ... Jim Westervelt

You might want to respond directly to him.

#From: Darrell McCauley <jdm5548 at DIAMOND.TAMU.EDU>
#Subject:      geostatistics in GRASS
#To: Multiple recipients of list GIS-L <GIS-L%UBVM at>
#Status: R
#Is anyone working on adding geostatistical capabilities for
#GRASS?   I've tried over the past two years to find code for
#this (in C, no FORTRAN or BASIC, please!!), but have failed.
#I'm just about ready to take on the task myself (I would have
#done it sooner, but my knowledge of geostatistics is weak - my
#interest is just high, especially after recent postings).
#Please stop me from starting from scratch if you know of any
#C code that would help me.  I guess the first easy projects
#would be Moran's I and the Geary ratio.  I may be able to grab
#some C++ code from a friend for block and punctual kriging.
#Semivariogram fitting for different models would be a pain (so
#I'll just stick to the linear case).  Talk is cheap - so I may
#even add detrending (guess I should buy Cressie's book).
#Don't ask me next week for this stuff, because this won't
#happen overnight.   I'll let the GRASS world know if I come
#up with something useful. BUT PLEASE, don't let me re-invent
#the wheel if C code is already available.
#James Darrell McCauley, Grad Res Asst, Spatial Analysis Lab
#Dept of Ag Engr, Texas A&M Univ, College Station, TX 77843-2117, USA
#(Darrell.McCauley at, jdm5548 at tamagen.bitnet)

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