Building xgen for AIX

J H Mintz ubac1eb at
Mon Jul 6 16:37:05 EDT 1992

I am attempting to build XGEN to run under AIX whcih is using X-windows version 3.
On running make after the setup procedure, the follwoing message was displayed:
        cc -O -DSYSV  -I.  -c addnode.c
Processing include file /usr/include/sys/signal.h
 63    83 | #define SIGCHLD   20    /* (+) sent to parent on child stop or exit 
    1506-236: (W) Macro name SIGCHLD has been redefined.
Processing include file ./xgen.h
    1501-106: (S) Include file Xm/MwmUtil.h not found.
Processing include file ./xgen.h
    1501-106: (S) Include file Xm/Protocols.h not found.
Processing include file ./Matrix.h
147   328 |     XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct *verify;
a - 1506-046: (S) Syntax error.
1254-004  The error code from the last failed command is 1.

Make Quitting.

It appeared that on our system the 2 include filed mentioned were
in X11 rather than Xm so I changed the source of Xgen.h to reflect
this.Unfortunately, on re-executing make, I still got the syntax error-17 % make
        cc -O -DSYSV  -I. -I/usr/local/X11R4/include  -c addnode.c
Processing include file /usr/include/sys/signal.h
 63    83 | #define SIGCHLD   20    /* (+) sent to parent on child stop or exit 
    1506-236: (W) Macro name SIGCHLD has been redefined.
Processing include file ./Matrix.h
148   328 |     XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct *verify;
a - 1506-046: (S) Syntax error.
make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 1.

Make Quitting.

Does anyone have any experience of setting up Xgen under AIX and 
any help with the above problem?

Joe Mintz, Dept Computer Science, Birkbeck College

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