
Kenneth R Brownfield brownfld at zorro.cecer.army.mil
Tue Jul 14 16:27:23 EDT 1992

|From: wagener at gown.das.bnl.gov (Richard Wagener)
|I'd like to make a suggestion to those of you who are responsible for
|putting updates to GRASS 4.0 on the moon.  I just went through the
|rather painful exercise of downloading all the *.cpio.Z files from the
|moon, and installing those updates.  The problem/nuisance is that the
|directory hierarchy is not consistently saved in the cpio files, which
|makes it very labor intensive to install updates (one must first
|check the cpio table of contents to see where it should be extracted
|My suggestion is therefore to uniformly use relative pathnames to the
|installed GRASS 4.0 root src directory.  
|Similarly for src.{alpha,contrib,related}.  

     Very good suggestion.  It's something I'm working on right now.  It may
take a while to resave all the cpio files, but it should only be a couple more
     The paths will start at src{.alpha,.conrtib,.related}

|Tschuess ...rick...
|Richard Wagener				| 
|Bldg. 426, rm. 43			| IP: wagener at bnl.gov
|Environmental Chemistry Division	| DEC: 44048::rwagener
|Brookhaven National Laboratory		| phone: 1-516-282-5886
|Upton, New York 11973, U.S.A.		| fax:   1-516-282-2887
                                           brownfld at zorro.cecer.army.mil
                                               Kenneth R. Brownfield

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