r.thin error

Olga Fishman olga at zorro.cecer.army.mil
Tue Apr 20 01:16:51 EDT 1993

In info.grass.programmer you write:

>When I try to thin a 1280 * 1280 rasterized map of
>contour lines, I get the following error message:

>: open_file: error writing temporary file

>Does anyone know why this occurs? It can't possibly
>be my filelimit...

I was the last person who changed r.thin.
I changed it for 4.1beta release which had a bug
in the algorithm, and it is corrected for final 4.1 release.

However the problem you are having seems to be related to
input/output part of r.thin which I did not change.

What version are you using, 4.0 or 4.1beta?
In any case I am familiar with the code and will look for a problem.
please put your data on incoming directory on moon
and email me.

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